GO161 Categorization 2017.Pdf

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GO161 Categorization 2017.Pdf ABSTRACT GROUND WATER - Dynamic Ground Water Resources Assessment for Tamil Nadu as on March, 2Ot7 Categorr"zation of Firkas as Over Explo.ited, Critical, Semi-Critical, Safe and ' Saline / Poor rQuality based on the Assessment in Tamil Nadu - Approved - Orders - Issued. Publiq Works(R2) Department G.O. (Ms) No.161 Dated 23.10.2019 oflomfl, r-lrur-n#|6 plgocirqgorf ggrmr@ 2050 Read : 1. G.O.(Ms).No.326, Public Works Department, Dated 23.Lt.1993. 2. G.O.(fvls):No,51, Public Works De,partment, Dated 11.02.2004. ? G.O.(Ms).No.52; Public Works Department, Dated O2.O3.2Ot2 4. G.O.(F4s):No. 142, Public Wor:ks Department, Dated 23 -O7 .2OI4 5. G.O.(Ms).No.113, Public Works Department, Dated 09.06.2016 6. G.O.fMs).No.257 Dated-01.10.2018 7. From the Chief and Surface Water Resources Data /8474/ AsSessment/ 2Ot7, Dated 22.8.24t9. ololo ORDER: Based on the development of the ground water resources, the panchayat Union Blocks in Tamil Nadu were categorized as Dark and Grey areas as on January L992 and January L997 (Projected development at year 5) in the Government Order Lst read above. The Blocks with ground water development between 85o/o to 100o/o were categorized as "Dark Blocks" and the Blocks with ground water development between 55olo to 85% were categorized as "Grey Blocks'!. The Government.directed that no Scheme should be formulate.d in the Dark Blocks and that in the Grey Blocks, Schemes should be,formulated in consultation with the, Ground .Water Wing of the Public Works Department only. The above categorisation was done in accordance with the then prevailing Ground Water Estimation Committee 1984 (GEC-1984) Norms. Thereafter, the Committee constituted by the Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India, has 2 recommended to adopt the GEC- Igg7,,N"rt. for estimation of the ground water resources in all the States. 2. In the Government Order Second read above, the Government approved the categorization of thg.' Over-Exploited, Critical, Semi-Cr:itical d,evelopment as ,on . January, 20O3, Schemes should be formulated in th,e in the Semi-Critical and Safe Blocks;, in consultation with,the State Ground and Surface Water Resources Data Centre of the Water Resources Organ:isation,in the Public Works Departrnent, It was also ordered therein that the term.llS-6hemsq excludes energisation of agricultural pump sets by the Tarnil Nadu Electricity Board. The Goveqnment further directed that appropriate rain water haruestinE and artificial recharge schemes be carried out in all the categories of Blocks and while carrying out the above Schemes, priority should be glven to the Over Exploited and Critical Blocks so as to avoid further deterioration. 3. In the Governm,ent Or'-d,e,r,,.third, read above, the Governrnent approved the ca at Union as Over- Exploited, Critical, ,based on ssment of the State Ground 2009. All'' ,Exploited and Critical Btocks were notified as A Category Blocks (where thq stage of ground water extfaction is 90o/o,and above) and all the Semi Critical and Blocks", all the Schemes should be for Surface Water Resources Data Centre of the Water Resources Department and the Chief Engineer, State Ground and Surface Water Resources Data Centre, would issue "No Objection Certificate'for ground water clearance. The Government further directed to exclude th'e g'round water drawal for domestic purpose by individual household; dornestic'Inftastt'ucture Froject (Housing); Government's :Drinking, Wa,ter.Su'pply Schemes and'Non Water based Industries (i,e., the industries which do not'require and use'water, either as, raw material or for other processing). The Chief Engineer, State Ground and Surface Water Resources Data Centre, would per:mit domestic use of water by these Non'Water ,based'Industries,b,y',issuing' 'l;16 Objecti'on Certificate'f based on the ',hyd'ro-g'sol'ogical ,conditions, 'The Governrnent further. directed .that appropriate: Rain Water :Hantesting and Artiffcial Recharge Schemes should be carrrled out' in the;, categories 'viz, Over exploit6d, Critical, Semi Grritical and Safe Blocks of.'Tamit''Nadu and while cairying out the above Schernes, prio :ity,should be given to marginsl qualit! and bad quality areas'so ,as,to avoid' Further deterioration. The Government further directed that 'all the Schemes' and' Proposals,based,, on ground' water would have to adhere to the Governm,ent Orders and Conditions detailed in 3 the Annexure-Il to the .above mentioned Goverriment Order. This Government Order had been upheld by,the Hon'ble Bench of Madras High court, in its common Judgement dated 19.09.,2013, in wA Nos. g23 to g16 of 2oo9, wP Nos 23116 of 2006, 23896 to 23900 of 2o16, 47tL of zOo4 and t2375 of 2008. The Hon'ble High Court had made it clear that even with !!" repealing of the Tamil Na?u' Ground water (oevetofme"i ;;d Management) Act, 2OO3, this G.O, would govern the interest ol the pafties and the State in the matter of regulating the business of the Writ Appellants. 4. In furtherance of the Orders' and Instructions issued in the Government Order third read above, the Regulations for management of ground water and issue of No Objection'Certificate / License for extraction of groundwater in the State were approved in the Government Order fourth read above. 5. subsequently, in the Government order flfth read above, the Dynamic Groundwater resources in the State were estimated taking a Revenue Firka as an unit of assessment by the State Level Technical Co- ordination Committee as on March had approved categorization.of the Safe and Saline Firkas based on t Government, in the G.O sixth read a of the Firkas in the State as Over-Ex - Saline I Poor Quality Firkas based on lhe Ground Water Resources Assessment as on March 2013. 6. In the letter seventh read above, the Chief Engineer (State Ground and Surface Water Resources Data Centre) has sent a proposal to the Government for approval of Estimation of the Dynamic Groundwater Resources in Tamil Nadu'as on March 2OL7 and Categorisation of Firkas and requested for approval of the Ground Water Assessrnent 2OI7 and notification of the Categorization of the Firkas of Tamil Nadu based on the above assessment. 7. The Government have decided to approve the categorization of the Revenue Firkas in the State based on the Estimation of the Dynamic Ground water Resources as on March, 2ot7. Accordingly, the Government approve the categorisation of the Revenue Firkas in the State as Over-Exploited, Critical, Semi-Critical, Safe and Saline/Poor Quality as detailed in the Annexure of this Order, based Dynamic 'Assessment on the Ground Water Resources as on March, 2Ot7 which shall be notified in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette. 8. The Chief Engineer(State Ground and Surface Water'Resources Data Centre),Water Resources Department is further directed that appropriate rain water harvesting and nrilRcial recharge schernes shall be carried out in the categories viz, Over exploited, Critical, Semi Critical, Safe and saline/Poor quality Firkas of Tamil Nadu. While carrying out the above Schemes, priority shall be given !9 m,a,r,ginal q,ual{ty and bad quality areas so as avoid to fufther dete,rioration . i ,,, , : :,.;. (BY ORDER oF,THE GOV-ERNOR) K. MANIVASAN PRINCTPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT E The Works Manager, Government Central Press, Chennai-79. The Chief Engineer, State Ground and Surface Water Resources Data Centre, Water Resources Departrnent, .Taramani, Chennai-l13, : The Engineer:in-Chief, rWater ,Resources Depa,ftment and Chief Engineer (General), Public Works Department, Ghennai,,S. : All the Regional and'. 'Functional Chief Eng,ineers, Water ,Resources Department. The Additional Chief Segretary and Commissioner of Land Administration, Chennai-5. ennai=l5. l r: .Agricultu're and Ru,ral Development, i Chennai:. ee.ring), Chennai-35. 5. '=The Director of Horticulture, Chennai-S. ': The Commissioner / Managing .Director, Sugar Co n, Chennai-35. The: Managing Dir.ectoir.'',Tam,il Nadu Water Su d Drainag,e Board, Chennai-5. The Engineering DireCtor,: Tarnil NadU 'Water Supply''sn6 Drainage Board, Chennai-5. The Managing'Director, Chennai Metro:politan Water'Supply and Sewerage Board, Chennai-2. , The Chairman, Tamil Nadu Electricity Board, Chennai-2. The Regional Director,,Central.Ground.Water Board, Rajaji,Bhavan, Chennai-90, Coov to The Agriculture Department, Chennai'9 The Revenue & Disaster,Management Dep€rtment, Chennai:9. The Environment and Forest Departrlent; Chennai-9, p The Mun icipal : Adm i nistration and Wate r Su ply Depa ftment, Chen na i=9. The Rural Development and Panchayat,Raj Department, Che:nnai-9. The Energy Department, Chennai-9. The Industries Department, Chennai-9. StockFile/Spare'Copy:,,, Forwarded | | b,yOrderll , .( n\9 , ,Qr{J*si,K"r* Section Officer k"\*o #\\' ANN ZO1p in Tamil Nadu as on EXPLOTED OVER CRITICAL SEMICRITICAL SAFE SALINE (Gteater than toO.A) (Bstreen 90 6nd 100%) (Betmon 70 and 900/61 (Lers than 70%) Pq)RQUALITY' qRYALUR Ootal Flr*as-l 5) {RIYALUR TALUK 1 {RIYALUR 2 EI.AKURICHI 3 (EEIIPALUR 4 5 THRUMANUR SEIIDURAI TALUK o SENOURAI 7 VIATHUR I )ONPAR/qPP| JDAYARPALAYAf,I Taluk s AM 10 JAYANKONDAM 11 KUNDAVELI 12 KUVAGAM 13 T. PATUR 14 JDAYARPALAYAM t5 SUTHAMALLI ;HENI,|A| fIotal Fir*is-All TALUK =GMORE+IUNGAMBAKKAT :GMORE.NUNGAMBAKI(AM -I 2 :GMORE+IUNGAMBAKKAM-I I 3 =GMORE-NUNGAMBAKKAM-III 1 :GMORE+.IU NGAMBAKKAJVFry KOTTAI - THONDIARPET TALUK 5 KOTTAI- THONDIARPET-I 6 KOTTAI - THONOI,ARPET-II KOTTAI- THONDIARPET.III (OTTAI. 8 THONDIARPET-IV IIAMBALAJTI . GUINDY TALUK I WAIMFAI4M - GUINDYI t0 \|I,AMBAIAM . GUINDY-II IIAMBALAM - 11 GUINDY.III 12 {AMBAI.AM. GUINDY.{V IIYI-APORE . IRUVALUKENI TALT'K . 1?t fYLAPORE TIRWALLIKENFI . 14 IYLAPORE TIRWAIIIKENI-II .
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