
Utah State University

Genetic Engineering This is a project resulting from the “ Workshop for Teachers” to provide in Agriculture teaching materials for genetic engineering topics.

Please direct any feedback to ASTE graduate student Olivia Horning at [email protected]


1 Lesson 5: Gavrilescu, M. (2010). Environmental : achievements, opportunities and challenges. Dynamic biochemistry, process biotechnology and molecular , 4(1), 1-36.

2 Genetic Engineering in Bioethics Agriculture

Lesson 1 Objectives

Lesson 2 1. Distinguish between the pros and cons of vaccine producing food. Lesson 3 2. Define bioethics and relate the field of study to vaccine producing food.

Lesson 4 3. Explain why lab safety is important in genetic engineering. 4. Sketch the three spheres of sustainability and define each part. Lesson 5 5. List the three components of agricultural ethics and summarize each part. Lesson 6 6. Develop an argument for GMO crops and against GMO crops.

Lesson 7 7. Give an example of a concern related to the following categories: ecologic, economic

3 Genetic Engineering in Bioethics Agriculture

Lesson 1 Vaccine Producing Food

Lesson 2 • Foods can be genetically engineered to contain vaccines, also Lesson 3 known as “edible vaccines”, which could be easier to deliver Lesson 4 vaccines to children.

Lesson 5 • Do you think this is a good idea? Why or why not? Create a pros and cons list to share with the class. Lesson 6

Lesson 7

4 Genetic Engineering in Bioethics Agriculture

Lesson 1 What is Bioethics?

Lesson 2 • The origin of the term is in the article “Bioethics, the Science Lesson 3 of Survival” where Van Rensselaer Potter defines the term as: Lesson 4 • “A science of survival must be more than science alone, and I

Lesson 5 therefore propose the term ‘bioethics’ in order to emphasize the two most important ingredients in achieving the new Lesson 6 wisdom that is so desperately needed: biological knowledge Lesson 7 and human values.” • Biology + ethics = bioethics

5 Genetic Engineering in Bioethics Agriculture

Lesson 1 What is Bioethics?

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Lesson 6

Lesson 7

6 Genetic Engineering in Bioethics Agriculture

Lesson 1 Safety and Ethics

Lesson 2 • Because of the dangers associated with genetic engineering, Lesson 3 laboratory procedures such as researcher protection from Lesson 4 infection and keeping all microbes in the lab.

Lesson 5 • Genetic crippling is when microbe strains used in experiments involving recombinant DNA are unable to survive outside the Lesson 6 lab, but dangerous experiments can be banned. Lesson 7

7 Genetic Engineering in Bioethics Agriculture

Lesson 1 Safety and Ethics

Lesson 2 • Should humans have the ability to create new organisms or Lesson 3 alter an existing organism’s genes? Lesson 4 • Is it unethical, or has it been done through artificial selection

Lesson 5 for centuries? (Pearson Education, 2016)

Lesson 6

Lesson 7

8 Genetic Engineering in Bioethics Agriculture

Lesson 1 3 Spheres of Sustainability

Lesson 2 • Draw the following Lesson 3 diagram and write in the definitions for each circle Lesson 4 part. Lesson 5 • Discuss as a class. Additional information Lesson 6 found here:

Lesson 7 – https://www.e- me807/node/575

9 Genetic Engineering in Bioethics Agriculture

Lesson 1 3 Legged Milking Stool

Lesson 2 • “Agricultural ethics is like a three-legged milking stool. One appendage Lesson 3 rests in health, another in environment, and the third is planted firmly in the social, cultural and historical meanings of rural life. Medically-based Lesson 4 dietary advice may be grounded in a concern for human health, but it has Lesson 5 the potential for both cultural and environmental reverberations. Agricultural and food issues have a natural place in the bioethics Lesson 6 spectrum, even when bioethics is conceived narrowly in terms of human health. But a complete understanding of these issues will require insight Lesson 7 from all three legs of the agricultural ethics stool.” – Paul B. Thompson, Michigan State University

10 Genetic Engineering in Bioethics Agriculture

Lesson 1 3 Legged Milking Stool

Lesson 2 • Draw the following diagram Lesson 3 and write in the definition for each leg. Lesson 4 • Discuss as a class. Additional Lesson 5 information found here: Agriculture and Food Issues in Lesson 6 the Bioethics Spectrum, by

Lesson 7 Paul B. – mages/stories/file/MHR/mhr_25_ 3.pdf

11 Genetic Engineering in Bioethics Agriculture

Lesson 1 2015 Acres

Lesson 2 • 444 million acres of GMOS grown in 2015, 1% decrease from Lesson 3 2014. Lesson 4 • 457 million acres grown in 2016 around the world Lesson 5 • Grown in 28 countries, developing countries, >18millin

Lesson 6 farmers • Global cultivated crop land = 9% Lesson 7 • 5 countries growing 90% of gmo crops in 2015, 91% in 2016: USA, Brazil, Argentina, India, Canada


13 14 15 16 Genetic Engineering in Bioethics Agriculture

Lesson 1 Benefits/Supporters

Lesson 2 • Environmental, Health, Economic, world problem solving Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Lesson 6

Lesson 7

17 Genetic Engineering in Bioethics Agriculture

Lesson 1 Benefits/Supporters

Lesson 2 • Supporters say the technology will be better for the environment Lesson 3 • Fewer chemicals are used with herbicide resistance compared to

Lesson 4 conventional crops • Herbicide resistant crops, like roundup ready corn or soybeans Lesson 5 • Insect resistant crops, like bt corn and bt

Lesson 6

Lesson 7

18 Genetic Engineering in Bioethics Agriculture

Lesson 1 Benefits/Supporters

Lesson 2 • Supporters say there are health benefits Lesson 3 • Higher quality and nutritional value, shelf life longer, beets with

Lesson 4 lower calories, lower saturated fat oils, benefitting world’s poor, added vitamins and minerals, , mass producing substances like Lesson 5 pharmaceuticals

Lesson 6

Lesson 7

19 Genetic Engineering in Bioethics Agriculture

Lesson 1 Benefits/Supporters

Lesson 2 • Supporters say farmers will benefit Lesson 3 • Avoiding losses, single broad-spectrum herbicide reducing land

Lesson 4 degradation, losses reduced from sudden frosts, GM crop yields increasing 5 to 8 percent (corn, cotton, soybeans) Lesson 5

Lesson 6

Lesson 7

20 Genetic Engineering in Bioethics Agriculture

Lesson 1 Benefits/Supporters

Lesson 2 • Supporters say that GM Seeds will aid in feeding the growing world Lesson 3 population

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Lesson 6

Lesson 7

21 Genetic Engineering in Bioethics Agriculture

Lesson 1 Concerns

Lesson 2 • Ecological, health, genetic, contamination, patent, Lesson 3 geopolitical Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Lesson 6

Lesson 7

22 Genetic Engineering in Bioethics Agriculture

Lesson 1 Concerns

Lesson 2 • Opponents say that wildlife could be harmed by GM crops, Lesson 3 resistant ‘Superbugs’ and ‘Superweeds’ (Refugee area is now needed for Bt crops to slow resistant insect development. Bt is a soil bacterium that Lesson 4 organic growers spray on crops as a pesticide, and resistant insects would Lesson 5 nullify this practice. • Super weeds are herbicide resistant due to uncontrollable cross Lesson 6 pollination by wind, birds, insects.

Lesson 7 • “Natural” species competition, creating a loss of diversity. • Non-target species includes harming birds, non pest insects, and animals. Specifically, transgenic Bt corn harming monarch butterfly, known through a Cornell University study. 23 Genetic Engineering in Bioethics Agriculture

Lesson 1 Concerns

Lesson 2 • Opponents say that GM foods could cause health problems Lesson 3 • Animal experiments include: the liver, heart, and brain being smaller, with

Lesson 4 a reduced immune system, in rats fed potatoes with GMO protein. (reword). Antibiotic gut resistance found in mice were the trans-genes Lesson 5 were not degraded in digestion. • Allergies due to proteins, 90% of food allergies are due to proteins. For Lesson 6 example, though, the brazil nut protein in soybean was never on the Lesson 7 market.

24 Genetic Engineering in Bioethics Agriculture

Lesson 1 Concerns

Lesson 2 • Lack of control over location of insertion, which could disrupt other genes. Lesson 3 The role of the gene may be unknown, or have different functions based on the organism. For example, the genet in rats for sense of smell, in Lesson 4 Zebra finches for song learning, and humans for Parkinson’s disease are Lesson 5 the same gene. • Concerns with cross pollination and segregation. Because corn is the most Lesson 6 highly used biopharma crop, there are concerns with cross-pollination

Lesson 7 with plants engineered to contain human antibodies, like contraceptive corn (epicyte gene) and herpes-fighting antibody (human gene). Proposing that there may be inadequate segregation of crops, such as crops for human vs. animal feed with the StarLink corn recall.

25 Genetic Engineering in Bioethics Agriculture

Lesson 1 Concerns

Lesson 2 • Starlink corn is a GMO product FDA approved for animal feed but not Lesson 3 human feed, and found in September of 2000 in human food. $1 billion was lost. Companies affected included Kraft, taco Bell, Mission, and Lesson 4 Kellog’s Lesson 5

Lesson 6

Lesson 7

26 Genetic Engineering in Bioethics Agriculture

Lesson 1 Economics

Lesson 2 • Opponents say small farmers will be affected negatively by GM crop Lesson 3 technology, making them dependent on big firms.

Lesson 4 • Biotech crops could be too expensive in developing countries. • Increased reliance on monocultures, with 90 % of food being grown from Lesson 5 15 crops.

Lesson 6 • Monoculture crops predisposition for disease and pests due to lack of diversity. Lesson 7

27 Genetic Engineering in Bioethics Agriculture

Lesson 1 Economics

Lesson 2 • Opponents also say that profit driven biotech companies are not Lesson 3 concerned with risk to nature or people.

Lesson 4 • Money invested in research and development needs to be recuperated. • High volume crops are the focus, such as soybeans, corn and cotton, Lesson 5 rather than food crops to help those in poor countries.

Lesson 6

Lesson 7

28 Genetic Engineering in Bioethics Agriculture

Lesson 1 Patents – Food Inc.

Lesson 2 • Growing and selling patented crops Lesson 3 • Biosurfdom, means that the farmers cannot choose what they grow. GMO

Lesson 4 seed cost being higher in developing countries. The plant variety protection act says that farmers cannot cross pollinate seeds, protecting Lesson 5 GMO crop investors such as .

Lesson 6

Lesson 7

29 Genetic Engineering in Bioethics Agriculture

Lesson 1 Geopolitical - Pearson

Lesson 2 • Biosafety Protocol was negotiated by 130 countries, but the united states Lesson 3 declined. This requires GM organisms in bulk food shipments to be labeled by exporters, and if a health/environmental risk is imposed Lesson 4 importing courtiers can decline shipments. Lesson 5 • What health/environmental risk are they referring to? • This can cause trade disputes, and European countries have occasionally Lesson 6 refused united states crops. Lesson 7

30 Genetic Engineering in Content Source Agriculture

Lesson 1 • Pearson Education

Lesson 2 • Campbell Essential Biology (6th Ed.) by Simon, Reece, & Dickey. Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Lesson 6

Lesson 7