Hydrogeology of the Canmore Corridor and Northwestern Kananaskis Country, Alberta
Hydrogeology of the Canmore Corridor and Northwestern Kananaskis Country, Alberta . Hydrogeology of the Canmore Corridor and Northwestern Kananaskis Country, Alberta © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Alberta, 2002 ISBN 0-7785-2294-6 (print version) ISBN 0-7785-2295-4 (electronic version) Alberta Environment, its employees and contractors make no warranty, guarantee or representation, express or implied, or assume any legal liability regarding the correctness, accuracy, completeness, or reliability of this publication. Any digital data and software supplied with this publication are subject to the licence conditions (specified in “Licence Agreement for Digital Products”). The data are supplied on the understanding that they are for the sole use of the licensee, and will not be redistributed in any form, in whole or in part, to third parties. Any references to proprietary software in the documentation and/or any use of proprietary data formats in this release does not constitute endorsement by Alberta Environment of any manufacturer’s product, nor does the use of any particular contractor or service. When using information from this publication in other publications or presentations, due acknowledgment should be given to Alberta Environment. The following reference format is recommended: Toop, D.C. and N.N. de la Cruz, 2002. Hydrogeology of the Canmore Corridor and Northwestern Kananaskis Country, Alberta; Alberta Environment, Hydrogeology Section, Edmonton, Alberta; Report to Western Economic Partnership Agreement, Western Economic Diversification Canada. Published by: Alberta Environment Hydrogeology Section 10th Floor, Oxbridge Place 9820 – 106 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2J6 Telephone: (780) 427-5883 Fax: (780) 422-4192 Website: www3.gov.ab.ca/env/info/infocentre/publist.cfm The project team acknowledges the significant funding to this project by the Federal Ministry of Western Economic Diversification through the Western Economic Partnership Agreement with the Province of Alberta.
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