call for artists

TEMPORARY PUBLIC ART: Celebrate ’s 150th Look Back/Look Forward Call for artists

This temporary Public Art call, themed Celebrate Canada’s 150th: Look Back/Look Forward, is open to all professional artists that reside in Southern , (South of Red Deer) and is held in accordance with the Town of Canmore Public Art Policy. Celebrate Canada’s 150th Temporary Public Art will feature up to 8 locations along the Three Sisters Pathway in Canmore, Alberta, up to 8 artists will be selected. Their proposed temporary art installations will be exhibited from August 4 to October 16, 2017.

The Canmore Public Art Committee seeks to include, and encourages participation from senior, mid-career and emerging artists from across Alberta, as well as from Multi-Cultural and Indigenous artists. This temporary environmental public art installation is a unique public art opportunity is also for craftspeople, artisans and post-secondary students. One of the goals of temporary public art is to provide an entry point for artists who have had little opportunity to participate in public art projects.

Budget: $1,000 CAD + GST (maximum, all inclusive) for each selected artist or art location

Information Session: Monday May 1, 2017 from 5:30-7:00pm Civic Center Council Chambers 902-7 Avenue

Deadline for Submissions: 4:00 pm on Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Installation: July 31 to August 4, 2017 Dismantle: October 16, 2017

Artist Led Walk dates: During Alberta Culture Days September 29, 30 and October 1, 2017 Wild Festival – October 14 to15, 2017

For more information, contact Town of Canmore Arts and Events: Dawn Saunders Dahl, Arts and Events Coordinator Phone:(403)678-1546 Email: [email protected] Town of Canmore Arts & Events 907B - 7 Avenue, Canmore, AB T1W 3K1 Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm MST

We thank all artists for contributing their time to submit an application for this public art call.


call for artists

About Canmore Located in the Bow Valley within Alberta's Rockies, near the southeast boundary of , approximately 81 km west of the City of Calgary. The town shares a border with to the west and south and the Municipal District of Bighorn No. 8 to the north and east. Mountains located adjacent to and visible from the town site are: , , Mount Lady Macdonald, , Rundle Range and the Three Sisters. The Town of Canmore lies within Treaty 7 territory, and honours the tradition and spirit of the area. For centuries this area has been a place of hunting, gathering, harmony, balance, and commerce for many peoples. Established in 1884, Canmore was one of the most important coal mining centers in southern Alberta. Canmore's moniker originates from its namesake town on the northwest shore of Scotland. It is a Celtic word meaning "Big Head" and was titled in honor of King Malcolm III of Canmore who, in 1057, killed Macbeth the usurper in a fight for the Scottish throne. The present Alberta Rocky Mountain location was named Canmore in 1884 by Donald A. Smith, a pioneer. Canmore played host to the Nordic events during the 1988 Winter Olympics and developed into the recreational tourist destination it is today. The Town of Canmore has a permanent population of 13,000 and 5,000 part time residents, and is home to people from more than 50 countries. This deep history, and the subsequent migration of settlers and many new Canadians to the area, imbues Canmore with a rich cultural heritage. This diversity contributes to a dynamic urban landscape alive with arts, culture, sport, business and development. Visit the websites below for more information about the History of Canmore:

Town of Canmore Public Art Background Public art is essential to the healthy growth of a community. It creates a vibrant sense of place and contributes to a community’s reputation and identity for both residents and visitors. Over the past few years, the Canmore Public Art Program has pursued and nurtured a creative Canmore, and has acquired a notable and eclectic collection of public art. The goal is to inspire, to engage, and to promote creative dialogue. Proposals should consider the purposes of the Community Public Art Policy:

• To enrich the public environment and promote awareness, understanding, access, and enjoyment of art as part of life for Canmore locals and visitors; • To identify and enhance the sense of community identity unique to Canmore, and to encourage artworks that reflect community and regional diversity, values, history, nature, and culture; • To create opportunities, challenges, and encouragement for all types of artists and artistic expression, and for the creation of site specific works that promote relationships between the artwork and the public.


Temporary Art Program Goals: Short-term public art installations are important in changing the face of a community, increasing its livability and creativity for both citizens and visitors. The short-term nature of these projects helps to develop a greater understanding of public art as well as acceptance and demand for permanent public artworks.

TEMPORARY PUBLIC ART: Celebrate Canada’s 150th Look Back/Look Forward Call for artists will stimulate dialogue and new ways of thinking about art in the public realm, inspire local artists, and cultivate future public artists and audiences. This temporary public art program focuses on the potential to shift perspectives of public spaces in Canmore and offer mentorship and training resources for Canmore -based artists. Permanent public art is a complex art field, temporary art projects provide a dynamic venue for artists that are emerging within their genres, within public art practice in Canmore.

Artwork Opportunity: Artists will produce environmental art installations located along the walk, which will be exhibited from July 1 to October 2, 2017. The Artists will be expected to meet with the Project Coordinator as necessary throughout the design and installation of the project. This is an exterior, temporary public art commission, which can be discrete or integrated with the project site, with a total budget of $1000+GST (inclusive) for each selected artist or art location. Artists will be responsible to maintain artwork for the duration of the exhibit.

Site Location: Installations can be located in up to 8 separate sites within West Canmore Park, along the Three Sisters Pathway. The artwork location is suitable for three-dimensional integrated artwork.

Medium: The medium is to be decided by the artist and approved by the Town of Canmore. Staff will advise using materials that do not pose a risk to the safety and security of the public. Materials must not negatively affect the environment or wildlife. The majority of the materials could be recycled or natural and found within the location. Artwork proposals could address use of natural materials found within the environment and contemporary art practices. Artists could incorporate temporary public art interactions that can include but are not limited to sculpture, performance, light installations, etc. Examples of temporary art include the use of yarn bombing, land art, light, color, etc. Materials can be available through the Canmore Recycling Program could include: plastic or metal containers, aluminum pie plates, bike tires, electronic waste and palettes.

Artwork Design Parameters - The artwork must adhere to the following design parameters:

• Artwork must be an original piece; However, previous works may be adapted in a new and unique way. • Ensure artwork does not pose a risk of injury to the public (example: sharp points, slip hazards, etc.) Artwork must be vandal resistant, and designed to be as safe as possible for presentation in the public realm; • Selected Artists must restore land to clean/ tidy condition when vacating park area. • Artists are encourages to use natural or reused materials;

Art installation(s) may not: • Be a wildlife attractant (IE: no food types (natural or otherwise) are permitted; • Present an obstacle/impediment to wildlife movement or present a hazard to wildlife; • Result in artificial sound or light at the site as this may impact both birds and mammals; • Not block the pathway(s).


Project conditions Commission: The total artist fee budget for the commission is $1,000 CAD (+GST inclusive) for each artist or art location. The cost of accommodation, per diem and travel for out of town is included in the artist commission. Artist led art walks: Each selected artist will lead a min. of 1 Art Walk during Alberta Culture Days or Wild. Original Work: The artist(s) must guarantee that the artwork is original and does not violate the copyright of any other person. However, previous works created by the applicant may be adapted in a new and unique way. Contract: The artist(s) will enter into a contract with the Town of Canmore. Copyright: The artist(s) must be prepared to assign License to Copyright for the exhibition of the artwork to The Town of Canmore. Reproduction rights may be negotiated. The artist may retain the right to be identified as the creator of the artwork. Maintenance: The artwork is temporary (non-permanent) and will not be permanently maintained by the Town of Canmore for the duration of the exhibit, the selected artist will maintain work while on exhibit.

Criteria for Selection: The Selection Committee will consider applications that demonstrate • A developing practice in visual art or craft, as is relevant to the call; • Quality of past artworks as demonstrated in visual documentation. • Appropriateness of proposal for the context.

Selection Process: Artists will be chosen through a one-stage jury process. Up to 8 artists will be selected. The Selection Committee: Will include the public, artists and community members from the Bow Valley. The Selection Committee is under no obligation to choose any finalists. All decisions of the Selection Committee are final. The Town of Canmore reserve the rights to revoke the public art call and/or public art project. Communication with the Selection Committee: The Town of Canmore will be responsible for all communication, either verbal or in writing, between artists making submissions and members of the Selection Committee. Any communication between applicants and Selection Committee members regarding submissions or the competition may result in disqualification.

Submission Requirements: Please read carefully. Send all materials as separate files on a CD or memory stick. Applications will not be accepted by fax or email. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Do not bind, staple applications, or use plastic cover sheets. Each section should be on a separate sheet, one sided. Additional materials will not be reviewed. Artists must submit the following, prepared as described below, in order to qualify for consideration in the competition:

1. SUBMISSION FORM Complete and signed with contact information 2. EXPRESSION OF INTEREST One page maximum: • Describe and explain your interest in this project. • Describe your preliminary approach for an artwork, including how your concept may relate to the site(s) • Which site you would like to use. 3. BUDGET - see example on page 6. 4. ARTIST STATEMENT & BIO One page maximum:


• Describe what inspires your artwork processes, the materials and methods you use, your background, and other information that pertains to your art practice

5. RESUME/CURRICULUM VITAE Three page maximum: • Detail your experience as an artist, prior public art experience and / or other relevant information; 6. VISUAL DOCUMENTATION Maximum of 10 images: • Images of previous public artworks or artworks which best illustrate a body of artwork related to the project (not less than 150 dpi – 1MB jpeg max.) 7. DOCUMENTATION LIST • Clearly list each jpeg image to correspond with the order of the image list. • Include title, date, medium, size, and a brief description of the work. • For public artworks include the commissioning agent and budget 8. REFERENCES Minimum of two from: • Public art commissioning agents, clients and/or consultants, OR curators, and/or other artists who can attest to the quality of your artwork. • Please provide references’ current contact information only. Reference letters will not be reviewed. 9. RETURN POSTAGE • Enclose a self-addressed and stamped envelope with adequate postage if you do not want your application retained as part of the Canmore Arts and Events Department database. Loss or Damage: While every precaution will be taken to prevent loss or damage to the submissions, the jury, the Town of Canmore shall not be liable for any loss or damage, however caused.

Sample Budget NOTE: not all categories may be applicable to your proposal Expenditures Details Cost Administration costs: documentation, studio costs, storage, etc. Artist Fees: concept design, design development, coordination and artist project management, etc. Other specialist consultant fees: as required to develop proposal Fabrication: all costs associated to materials, fabricators and fabrication costs Transportation: installation and removal of artwork, all delivery and travel costs. GST Contingency: sufficient to cover unexpected costs that are the artists responsibility. TOTAL (not to exceed $1000.00 CAD)


SITE LOCATION –West Canmore Park


MAP – West Canmore Park, Mine Side Trail


entry form

TEMPORARY PUBLIC ART: Celebrate Canada’s 150th Look Back/Look Forward Call for artists



______City/Province: Postal Code:

______Email address: Website:

I, ______(PRINT NAME) hereby make a submission to the TEMPORARY PUBLIC ART: Celebrate Canada’s 150th Look Back/Look Forward Call for artists and have a clear understanding of the competition requirements and I am in agreement with the Terms of the Competition in the Call to Enter.

Applicant Signature Date

Enclosures Please ensure that your submission follows the entry requirements, incomplete applications will not be accepted. Do not bind, staple and part of the application, or use plastic covers. Each section should be on a separate sheet, one sided. Failure to comply may result in your application being rejected. Check List – Include all of the following (see page 5): 1. SUBMISSION FORM 6. VISUAL DOCUMENTATION OF PREVIOUS WORK (10 images max) 2. EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (1 page max) 7. VISUAL DOCUMENTATION LIST 3. BUDGET 8. References (2 contacts) 4. ARTIST STATEMENT & BIO (1page max) 9. RETURN POSTAGE 5. CV/ Resume (3 pages max)

Please indicate if you would like your portfolio returned? Yes ○ No ○ (See page 5 regarding return postage)

Are you interested in more than one location? Yes ○ No ○ Are you interested in using materials from the Canmore Recycle program? If so, please list materials here: ______Note: Emailed, faxed or incomplete submissions will not be accepted. Deliver to: Town of Canmore Arts & Events 907B - 7 Avenue, Canmore, AB T1W 3K1 Deadline: Received no later than 4:00 pm on May 23, 2017 Direct your inquiries to: Dawn Saunders Dahl, Arts and Events Coordinator, P (403) 678.1546 E: [email protected]

The information on this application is being collected under the authority of Section 33(c) of the FOIP Act and will be used by the Town of Canmore to determine eligibility for the Town of Canmore Public Art programs. The aggregate data may be used for program planning and evaluation. All information collected by the Town of Canmore is protected by the provisions of the FOIP Act. You may direct questions about the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information by this program to the Town of Canmore at (403)678.1546