Epidemiology Bulletin
VIRGINIA EPIDEMIOLOGY BULLETIN Robert B. Stroube, M.D., M.P.H., Health Commissioner Christopher Novak, M.D., M.P.H., Editor Suzanne R. Jenkins, V.M.D., M.P.H., Acting State Epidemiologist Vickie L. O’Dell, Layout Editor January 2005 Volume 105, No. 1 Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs) A little over one year ago, on Decem- of diseases known as transmissible ber 25, 2003, the US Department of Agri- spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs). This a b culture (USDA) confirmed the diagnosis article is part of the Virginia Department of bovine spongiform encephalopathy of Health’s efforts to improve surveillance (BSE, or “mad cow disease”) in a single for TSEs in Virginia to better understand 1 dairy cow in Washington state. As a re- the disease as well as to detect any conversion sult, the USDA expanded and intensified changes in disease patterns. its national testing program for BSE. From June 1, 2004, to January 2, 2005, 167,476 Overview of TSEs alpha-helices beta-sheets cattle were tested. Not a single positive TSEs are a group of relatively rare pro- 2 animal was found. gressive neurodegenerative disorders that In May 2004, the New Jersey Depart- affect both humans and animals. They are Figure 1. (a) A healthy cellular ment of Health and Senior Services distinguished by long incubation periods, prion protein contains only alpha- (NJDHSS) and the Centers for Disease characteristic spongiform changes of the helices. (b) The pathogenic isoform Control and Prevention (CDC) reported brain associated with neuronal loss, and with alpha-helical structures on a suspected cluster of Creutzfeldt- the lack of a detectable immune or inflam- converted to beta-sheets.6 Jakob disease (CJD) cases (including one matory response.
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