Mm^S ROAR Seven Persons Were Appointed to the Faculty This Year, It Was SAVANNAH STATE COLLEGE Announced Recently by President W
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— ^ Seven Appointed To SSC Facultv: Stndent Personnel AssignnuMUs Told mm^S ROAR Seven persons were appointed to the faculty this year, it was SAVANNAH STATE COLLEGE announced recently by President W. K. Payne. Other staff assign- SAVANNAH. GEORGIA ments were also announced. Miss Barbara Jean Cobb serves as instructor in the department of fine arts- Having received the B.S. (Vtolu-r. l').'i and M.S. degrees in music SAVANNAH, GEORGIA Vol. U, No. 1 education from Illinois University. Miss Cobb taught at Bethune- Cookman College for one year. A native of Bartow, Florida. t;) CittMl In Spring nita Gilbert. Ira Jones, new instructor in 3,00; Mildred Glov- er, biology, received the B.S. degree 2,70; William Greene, 2.68; Nettye A, Handy. 2.66; from Benedict College and tlie Thv l)4'<nrs Yvonne Hooks, M.S. degree from Atlanta Uni- 3.00; Ceola Hubbard, 2.75; Julia versity. During the 1956-57 term, List iuuounrvd Jaudon, 2.72; Evans Jemlson, 3.00; Clcvon Johnson, Mr. Jones was research assist- With the launching of the 2,66. ant in the area of parasitology first satellite, we cun readily Janies E. Johnson, 2.56; Wil- at Spelman College. He is co- sec the need for brllllunt minds lie C. Jones, 2.66; Louise Mal- author of an abstract which is -minds capable of competing lard, 3.00: Shirley C. McAllister, to be published in the Novem- with even grciUer minds, 2.06: Johnnie L, D, Mitchell, ber issue of the Journal of Para- In order for our country to 2,57; Joseph C. Mitchell. 2,66; sitology. Mr. Jones is a member survive, we need you, us college Anna Belle Moore, 2,50; Richard of the American Society of Para- students, to prepare yourselves A, Moore, 2.60; Helen M, Moton, sitologists and Beta Kappa Chi lor the nice ahead with seholurs 2.06; Johnny M. Moton, 2,06, Scientific Society, all over the world, Annie B. Owens, 2,62; Irish Dr. Raymond W. Hopson was Today, mueh omphusls Is bc- Lee Purrlsh, 2,5fi; Louis II. Pratt, born in Englewood, New Jersey hig placed on extra-curricular 2,50; Wllhelmlna Quarterman, and was educated in the public activities and less on tlio Im- 2,60; Sara Reynolds. 2,58; Rogev schools of that city. He received portance of becoming iv great Scott, 2.66; EfforL J. Scruggs, the B.S. degree from Hampton .scholar, Colleges are turning out 3,001 Rosalyn Scurdy, ^77; Fred- Institute in 1938. the NKVV INSTRUCTORS GKT AC(H'AINTKI) WITH MACAZINI': some of M.A. from the greatest athletes of die Slngletun, Alfred shelf in the College Library. 2.00; Smith, Ohio State in 1947, and the Left to right: Ini Jones, instructor our Lime, but few scientists, en- in biology; 2.60. Ph.D. from Ohio State Univer- Miss Mareelle E. Rhodriquez, instructor in business gineers, and chemists. John L. Smith, 3.00; Pender sity in 1951, administration; Miss Barbara J. Cobb, instructor in fine arts; and Scholastic abilities deserve u Steele, 3,00; Lilly Mae Taylor Mrs. Gwendolyn B. Glover, instructor in education. form of recognition that will Dr. Hopson taught in the pub- 2,70; David E. Thouuis. 3.00; challenge all students lie school system of Columbia, to .set-up Lee Westly, 2,57; Julia Washing- as one of their South Carolina; at North Caro- quarterly goals, ton, 2.66; Bettye Ann West, the Honor Roll. lina A and T College at Greens- 2.08; Yvonne C. Williams, 3.00; boro; and at North Carolina For those sludenls wlio excel Llllle B, Wright, 2.00; College at Durham. He served in Iheir courses anil coini'lt'tc The following students made three years in the United States any quarter with an average of the Dean's List for the SUM- Army. 2.50 or better, the colleKe has MliIR QUARTER: Carrie Ander- Howard M. Jason, associate set aside a list oi distlnclton son, 2,50; Dclores Atterbuiy, the Dean's professor in the department of List. 2.75; Frances Carter, 2,50; Irene Languages and Literature, According to Dean Timothy E. Davis, a.OO; Barbara R. Flip- served as translator in the Of- C. Meyers, the following stu- per, 3.00; Ernestine Hill, 2,06; fice of Censorship, Washington. dents made the Dean's List fur liosle Lee Holmes, 2.50; Rose the Spring D. C, and in the U. S, Army for Quarter: Dolores At- Mailc Manlgault, 2.67; Virginia three years. Mr. Jason has terberry, 2,50; Margaret Blng. V. Mayl'lekl, 2,07. taught classes in modern lan- a.OO; Gladys Brown, 2,55; Arnctt Johnnie Lee D. Mitchell, 2.67; guages at Mary Allen Seminary, B. Carroll, 2.B4; Comniodoii' Angela Singleton, 2.07; Carolyn Conyers, West Kentucky Industrial Col- 3.00; Evelyn Irene J, Stafford, 2.07; Gwendolyn lege, and Kentucky State Col- uavls, 2.94; Juanita L. Davis, Strickland, 2,67; Llllle Mae Tay- Nathaniel Davis, lor, lege. Having received the B.S. 2M; 2.52; Em- 3.00; Justine Thomas, 2.87; degree from Lincoln University mctt Denerson, iJ.Ofl; Arthur UelorcH Washington, 2.67; Bet- and the M.A. degree from Co- I'lucllen, 3,00. tye Ann West, 2,50; Catherine Y. Alexander Gardner, 2,70; Jua- Wllllam.s, 2.75, lumbia University, Mr. Jason is completing his work toward the doctorate degree at Columbia. SSC Sets Plans l\n' lllintieroiniiig^ Mrs. Gwendolyn B. Glover, in- Gridiron Classic November 23 structor in the Department of Accui-dlng Information re- ilie public Education, received the A.B. de- U) during a special half- ceived from Frank Tharpc, Gen- time ceremony. "Miss Claflln" gree in psychology - education MISS ALBERTHA E. BOSTON, recently promoted (o the rank eral State her attendants, visiting from Northwestern University, Chairman, Savannah and as of assistant professor in business administration, checks some College Commit- royalty, will be presented along Evanston. IHinois, and the M. Homecoming shorthand papers in her office. A. degree from the University tee, Homecoming will be cele- with "MIhh General Alumni" and brated on Saturday, November her attendants. The half-time of Michigan, She has done ad- Boston, Leflwicli 23, with the gridiron classic be- activities will Include music and vanced work at the University Nelson R. Freeman has been appointed dean of men and co- tween Savannah State and Claf- band formations by the College of Michigan and at Oklahoma Elevated in Rank lln University, of the band. State University, ordinator of student personnel Features Alberta E. Boston and day will Include a parade, alum- Immediately following the Mrs. Glover has taught at the services. Walter Leftwich were recently ni meeting and dance. game, the alumni are scheduled Christianburg Industrial Insti- Mrs. Louise Lester is assigned promoted to the ranks of As- The dl,splay of "Costumes to meet In the College Center, tute, Cambria, Virginia; North as resident director of Camilla sistant Professor of Business Through The Ages" (theme of Leonard Law, president of the CaroUna State College at Dur- Hubert Hall, and Marion Men- Education and Assistant Profes- this year's paradej Is expected Savannah State College General ham; and Langston University- denhall, instructor of chemistry, is of Wright sor of Mathematics respective- to be one of the most elaborate Alumni Association will preside. Miss Mareelle E, Rhodriquez director Hall. ly, it was announced by Presi- the College has staged in recent The Savannah Alumni Chapter has been appointed instructor Richard K. Washington has football dent W. K. Payne. years. Floats and cars of class will serve as the traditional host in the Department of Business been named head coach. groups, student organizations Chapter. Administration. She received the Mrs. Bernie Hail has been trans- Miss Boston received her B.S. ferred from buildings and and alumni chapters will form The Homecoming Dance in B.S. degree from Florida A: & degree from Savannah State the main body of the parade. Wilcox Gymnasium will mark M. College, and the M.S. degree grounds to the comptroller's of- College and her A.B. degree from will depict some mode of the close of the festivities. from Indiana University. fice, where she serves as secre- Howard University. Among her Each dress through the ages. Prominent Savannahi ans, Miss Rhodriquez served as tary to the comptroller. other degrees are; the M.A. de- Highlights of the parade will qualified by virtue of their oc- personnel secretary at Jackson gree, with specialization in be the float bearing "Miss Sa- cupations or their semi-profes- College, Jackson, Mississippi, YearbookStaff Is shorthand, and the MBA. De- vannah State" and her attend- sional interests in art and mu- 1949-56. y~. • 1 Ti -n\r€t Sree in Accounting from New ants. Reigning over this year's sic, will be asked to serve as Added to the faculty of the Ur ojaniZed r or 195o York university. During the summer of 1957, Miss Boston did festivities will be Dorothy D. parade judges. Trophies will be Powell Laboratory School is Mrs. For the second consecutive advanced work in business or- Davis, senior. Savannah; with awarded for the three best Sadie Davis Steele. Teacher of year. Maisie B. Nichols has been ganization and management at Shirley Thomas, senior. Savan- floats, cars and bands. Each first and second grades. Mrs. selected editor of the Tiger, Col- the University of Nebraska. nah and Rose M Manlgault, float will be judged for appro- Steele received her B.S, degree lege yearbook. senior. Savannah as attendants. priateness of theme, uniqueness from Savannah State College, Other staff officers include Mr.