Local Government and Rural Development
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Local Government and Rural development LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT: "'., ' AN APPRAISAL,OEBARUTEN AND·ILORIN WEST LOCAL GOVERNMENTS ". , ;'/... bY Bello, Matthew Funsho Abstract Local governments in Nigeria are to provide services aimed at improving the welfare of people liVing', ~1flMir jurisdictions. We investigated on the reason(s) why Baruten and Ilorin West Local Governments' Perf01't1l/:lflUJelJr1!e/tlw expectations from the populace despite the funds they received from the Federation Account and the KwalJl...4.Wfe Government over the years. The scope of the study covered the period of 1999 - 2007. Data for the study were ger.eTated from both primary. andsecondary sources.' The instruments used for primary data include; interview and questionnaire ~liile secondary source includes; books, articles, published materials-and so on. The research used two hypotheses whicli'state that, "the amount of statutory allocation received by Baruten and Ilorin-West Local Government, does not affecttkeir Developmental Performance" and also. "that interference of Kwara state government in the activities of Baruten and, llt;JriTJ West local governments has positive effect on their performance ". The generated data were analysed using. tables,si1lJP.le percentage and chi-square statistical tool in testing the hypotheses jormulated. The study revealed that. the amount of statutory allocation received by Baruten and Ilorin West local governments affected their developmental peifdmfilrrces; it also revealed that. interference of Kwara State government in the activities of Baruten and Ilorin West local governments has negatively affected their constitutional roles to the localpopulace. The study recommended that. the tax base and financial allocation of-BarutenandIlorin West local governments from-the higher governments slwfdd be i~d.'8ilt4n their present level of junctions and also, both local governments should judiciously make use of the available /rtn48;1P.~~ their constitutional functions. Besides. Baruten and Ilorin- West local governments should be given freedom in C:DrryU;f.g; (Jut their constitutional functions by the higher goVernments especiallythe Kwara State government. , . Introduction It is difficult for any state to administer successfully all the functions of governmenttlu-otigl) the central organs of the state. It follows that there must be sub-national governments.espedall~a local body of officials conversant with local needs and problems operating as administrative units, created to bring government closer to the people. In the words of Yahaya (1980), a development- oriented local government system is expected to be a vehicle for the provision of services .wtUcbae . '\. the necessary prerequisite for sustainable development. Local government is a body created by law to provide a specified range of services to the local people by means of elected councils served by professional officials (Hashim, 2(01). How.ever, local government in Nigeria can be traced to the colonial period, the first local :adminiwa.~on. ordinance No.4 of1916 which was designed to evolve from Nigeria's old institutions as the best All Interdisciplinary Journal of Communication Studies - Local Government and Rural development 65 suited form of 1lJ1~,bASF'\9n1tbe~ple' s ;habit of thought, prestige and custom (Bello, 1990). These local administrations were used in the eastern and western parts of the country while the indirect rule was introdueed .in J:~.<~t of,;tt\D,l1Orth~.for example, in 1926,a-centtaJiscid'blidget system was introduced. Following the creation of n.OiVtem,westem and eastern regions in 1946, a decentralised public revenue structure began to emerge, and the first revenue commission was also set up in 1946. Before the end of colonial era in Nigeria, four revenue commissions were created (Ekpo, 1994). Whatever is the mode of government in operation, local governments have been essentially regarded as the path to, and guarantor of national integration administration and development (Dare, 2(08). They provide services that directly affect the living conditions and the general well-being of the local populace. Local governments in Nigeria provide services aimed at improving the general standard of living of the local 'people by the provision of such services as: improvements in water and electricity supply the-construction arid ntaintenance of local and other access rural roads,bridge and culverts to furthetimprove the mobility of the.local people in terms of facilitating the provision of improved ~ealthand ¥ucat~opalservices at the lcx:allevel. The~ are some .ofthe ~ives behind the creation of local governments, .The above services, unless m exceptional circumstances are the sole responsibilities·oflocalgovemments. The performance of local government in providing services in transforming the lives' of the local populace to justify their existence is becoming illusive. The pro~I~IJ:t.S'fac~ng.•Jocal governments. in Kwara state are peculiar to those problems affecting ..the performanceof Nigerian Iocal governments generally. " After.decadesofthecreation of local governments in Nigeria and the reforms they have undergone, the development profile of our local communities remains woeful (Bello, 2009). The big question here is: why is itthat this tier of government seems not to have fulfilled the reasons for which it 'waSestablished in spite of,the funds they received from both federal and state governments over the years? However, in 2004 the local governments were to receive 20.60% from the federal account and 10% from state internally-generated revenue. The local governments also generate revenue internally from various sources such as tenement rate, marriage, birth and death registration fees. The questions begging for answers now are: Is it that Baruten Local Government and Ilorin West LocalGovernment are not adequately funded to enable them perform the functions assigned to them? Are't~(~nds'ailocated to'Baruten Local Government and Borin West Local Government judiciously ". ~ f -;' ',;~~,,:- '., -:!. - ~ utilised iJ(~!lsurmgdevelopment at the grass-roots level? Are there other factors militating against the •. , : 0_ ; .'.' ~ ~ .•. - !,: _ -.._.r -. '._ .:. '.' ."0 ~ development of Baruten Local Government and IlorinWest Local Government? "'<' . - ., ; Objectives of the~dY·· The centr~l'dbiective of,~his research is to assess the local government administration as it affects development ih~~ten"lbcal government and IIorin West local government in Kwara state. , FOllOWingthis, t~ Study'a~eihptsthe'following specific objectives:To· determine whether or not the sfuttitOry'allOCationtif Barut~n Local 'Government and IIorin West Local Government is adequate for , . \\ r ' . , lntemational Journal of Communication Local Government and Rural development 66 the development of the area; to find out whether or not the funds allocated are utilisedin-ensuring development of Baruten Local Government and Ilorin West Local Government areas; a~d.toJird-out whether or not there are other factors militating against development of both Baruten Local Government and Ilorin West Local Government areas in Kwara state. Hypotheses In order to achieve the objectives of the study as raised above, the following hypotheses were hereby developed for testing. L Ho: That, the amount of statutory allocation received by Baruten Local Government and Ilorin West Local Government does not affect their developmental performances; Hi: That, the amount of statutory allocation received by Baruten Local Governmentand Ilorin West Local Government affected the developmental performances. 2. Ho: That, the interference of Kwara State government in the activities of Baruten and Ilorin West Local Governments has positively affected their performances; r: HI: That, the interference of Kwara State government in the activities of Baruten and Ilorin West Local Governments has negatively affected their performance. Research Methodology For the purpose of this study, the researcher adopted the survey and documentary research method. This has to do with processes of gathering information for the purpose of verification of hypotheses formulated. The collection of appropriate data in any research work involves deliberate and planned effort. Research of this type requires the use of both primary and secondary sources of data in order to make the study more reliable. The researcher made use of both the oral interview and questionnaire in gathering information needed for this study. Besides, the secondary source of data which the researcher made use of includes: the use of textbooks, internet, journals, and other published and unpublished materials. In order for the researcher to analyse data collected, the use of qualitati~e; and quantitative method was explored using chi-square (X2) statistical tool to test the hypotheses. The qualitative method has to do with assigning statement to data while quantitative method has to do with assigning numerical values or symbols to data . .. The population size of the research work cover the entire population size of Baruten' and Ilorin West local Governments Areas in Kwara state. Baruten has an approximate population of 209,459 as at December 2009, when the figure was released while Ilorin West Local Government has an approximate population of 346,666 as at December, 2009 when the figure was released. Th~' eiitif~ population for this study is 556,125. ',. i :;~ n f . " In selecting the sample size for this study, the Yamane's formula was employedrThe: