Truth, Testimony, and Epistemic Injustice in International Criminal Law
Emiliano J. Buis (editors) Emiliano J. Morten Bergsmo and Publication Series No. 35 (2019): Editors of this volume: Philosophical Foundations of International Criminal Law: Morten Bergsmo is Director of the Cen- Foundational Concepts tre for International Law Research and Policy Morten Bergsmo and Emiliano J. Buis (editors) (CILRAP). Emiliano J. Buis is Professor at the Facul- This second volume in the series ‘Philosophical Foundations of International Crimi- tad de Derecho and the Facultad de Filosofía nal Law’ zooms in on some of the foundational concepts or principles of the disci- y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, and pline of international criminal law, with a view to exploring their Hinterland beyond holds several teaching and research positions the traditional doctrinal discourse. It contains eight chapters on concepts such as at other academic institutions in Argentina. sovereignty, global criminal justice, international criminal responsibility for individu- als, punishment, impunity and truth. Among the authors in this book are Christoph The Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher Concepts Foundational of International Criminal Law: Philosophical Foundations (TOAEP) furthers the objective of excellence Burchard, Christopher B. Mahony, Milinda Banerjee, CHAO Yi, Javier Dondé-Matute, in research, scholarship and education by pub- Barrie Sander, Max Pensky and Shannon E. Fyfe. lishing worldwide in print and through the Internet. As a non-profit publisher, it is firmly The first volume in the series – Philosophical Foundations of International Criminal committed to open access publishing. Law: Correlating Thinkers – correlates the writings of leading philosophers with inter- national criminal law, including chapters on Plato, Cicero, Ulpian, Aquinas, Grotius, TOAEP is named after late Professor Torkel Opsahl (1931–1993), a leading interna- Hobbes, Locke, Vattel, Kant, Bentham, Hegel, Durkheim, Gandhi, Kelsen, Wittgenstein, tional and constitutional law expert in Europe Lemkin, Arendt and Foucault.
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