H5488 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 10, 2001

191. Also,a memorial of the Legislature of H.R. 1669: Mr. FRANK. H.R. 2663: Mr. MCGOVERN. the State of Louisiana, relative to House H.R. 1671: Mr. WYNN. H.R. 2675: Mr. FLETCHER. Concurrent Resolution No. 164 memorializing H.R. 1672: Mr. LEACH and Mrs. MORELLA. H.R. 2688: Ms. LOFGREN. the United States Congress and the governor H.R. 1690: Mrs. CHRISTENSEN. H.R. 2690: Mr. SMITH of New Jersey, Mr. of Louisana and the Texas Legislature to ac- H.R. 1700: Mrs. DAVIS of California and Mr. UNDERWOOD, Mr. LUTHER, Mr. TAYLOR of tively support routing I–69 through west SCHIFF. North Carolina, Mr. PITTS, Mr. BONIOR, Mr. DeSoto Parish, Louisana and Shelby County, H.R. 1703: Mr. WATKINS, Mr. LARSON of Con- SABO, Mr. PETERSON of Minnesota, and Ms. Texas; to the Committee on Transportation necticut, Mr. RUSH, Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Ms. BROWN of Florida. and Infrastructure. BERKLEY, Mr. KUCINICH, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. H.R. 2718: Mr. HOLT and Mr. NADLER. 192. Also,a memorial of the Senate of the CAPUANO, Mr. HOEFFEL, Mr. CROWLEY, Mr. H.R. 2725: Mr. LARSEN of Washington, Mr. State of Rhode Island, relative to Senate HONDA, Mr. HINCHEY, Mr. PHELPS, Mrs. DAVIS TIERNEY, Mr. PASTOR, Mr. CRENSHAW, Mr. Resolution 01–S 0855 memorializing the of California, Mr. UDALL of New Mexico, Ms. OLVER, Mr. WATTS of Oklahoma, Mr. SAND- United States Congress to amend title ten, MCKINNEY, and Mr. FILNER. ERS, Mr. BERMAN, Mr. SCHAFFER, Ms. United States Code relating to the com- H.R. 1713: Mr. WEINER and Mr. INSLEE. SCHAKOWSKY, Mr. HOSTETTLER, Mr. NADLER, pensation of retired , permitting H.R. 1723: Mr. BACA and Mr. MCINTYRE. and Mr. MASCARA. concurrent receipt of military retired pay H.R. 1749: Mr. FORBES. H.R. 2765: Mrs. CLAYTON, Ms. MCCOLLUM, and Veterans’ Administration compensation, H.R. 1770: Mr. FLETCHER. Mr. PASCRELL, and Mr. MEEKS of New York. H.R. 2779: Ms. LOFGREN, Mrs. DAVIS of Cali- including dependents allowances; jointly to H.R. 1786: Mr. STUPAK, Mr. MOLLOHAN, Mr. fornia, Ms. NORTON, Mr. FRANK, and Mr. the Committees on Armed Services and Vet- BONIOR, Mr. QUINN, Mr. DEFAZIO, and Mr. CAPUANO. erans’ Affairs. EHLERS. H.R. 1795: Mr. MANZULLO, Mr. FLETCHER, H.R. 2787: Mr. FROST, Mr. LANGEVIN, and f Mr. LAMPSON, Mr. BACHUS, and Mr. WATTS of Ms. BROWN of Florida. ADDITIONAL SPONSORS Oklahoma. H.R. 2795: Mr. BERRY. H.R. 1810: Mr. ISRAEL. H.R. 2805: Mr. BARTLETT of Maryland, Mrs. Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors H.R. 1896: Ms. SOLIS. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia, and Mr. ENGLISH. were added to public bills and resolu- H.R. 1900: Mr. CASTLE. H.R. 2806: Mr. ENGLISH. tions as follows: H.R. 1935: Mr. LEVIN, Mr. TRAFICANT, Mr. H.R. 2812: Mr. SABO. H.R. 2817: Mr. LUCAS of Kentucky, Mrs. EFLEY FRANK, and Mr. GILLMOR. H.R. 36: Mr. H . KELLY, Mr. SCHROCK, and Mr. LAMPSON. H.R. 75: Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. H.R. 1948: Mr. PASTOR. H.R. 1956: Mr. PALLONE, Mr. SCHAFFER, and H. Con. Res. 30: Mr. PENCE and Mr. H.R. 190: Mr. BARR of Georgia. HAYS LOBIONDO. H.R. 218: Mr. LEWIS of California and Mr. Mr. S . H.R. 1979: Mr. SKELTON. H. Con. Res. 33: Mr. FORBES. MATHESON. H.R. 1983: Mr. TOM DAVIS of Virginia. H. Con. Res. 46: Mr. GOODLATTE, Mr. H.R. 239: Mr. WEXLER, Mr. EHRLICH, and H.R. 2081: Ms. BERKLEY. PLATTS, Mr. SMITH of New Jersey, Mr. ABER- Mr. SMITH of new Jersey. H.R. 2082: Mr. ABERCROMBIE. CROMBIE, Mr. ISAKSON, Mr. CANTOR, Ms. H.R. 303: Mr. MEEKS of New York and Mr. H.R. 2087: Ms. BALDWIN. VELAZQUEZ, Mr. INSLEE, and Mr. GREEN of TAUZIN. H.R. 2088: Mr. RYUN of Kansas. Texas. H.R. 325: Mr. SANDLIN. H.R. 2125: Mr. WALSH, Mr. WELDON of Penn- H. Con. Res. 102: Mr. GORDON and Mrs. H.R. 326: Mr. TOM DAVIS of Virginia. sylvania, Mr. FLETCHER, Mrs. CHRISTENSEN, NORTHUP. H.R. 394: Mr. WATTS of Oklahoma and Mr. Mr. SNYDER, and Mr. CLEMENT. H. Con. Res. 177: Mrs. EMERSON. GORDON. H.R. 2135: Mrs. THURMAN, Mr. LIPINSKI, and H. Con. Res. 180: Mr. BALDACCI, Mr. DOYLE, H.R. 458: Mr. BAKER. Ms. MCKINNEY. and Mrs. JOHNSON of Connecticut. H.R. 536: Mr. KELLER and Mr. FOLEY. H.R. 2136: Mrs. THURMAN, Ms. WOOLSEY, H. Con. Res. 188: Mr. LANGEVIN, Mr. KEN- H.R. 638: Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mrs. MALONEY of New York, and Ms. MCKIN- NEDY of Rhode Island, Mr. DEUTSCH, Ms. H.R. 656: Mr. CALVERT. NEY. LOFGREN, Mrs. MINK of Hawaii, Mr. TIERNEY, H.R. 668: Mr. HASTINGS of Washington and H.R. 2145: Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. NADLER, and Mr. OLVER, Mrs. ROUKEMA, Mrs. NORTHUP, Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Mr. ENGLISH. Mr. HALL of Ohio, Mr. LUCAS of Kentucky, SHOO H.R. 689: Ms. E . H.R. 2166: Mr. FILNER and Ms. DELAURO. Mr. TRAFICANT, Mr. BLUMENAUER, Mr. PRICE H.R. 699: Mr. DEAL of Georgia. H.R. 2167: Mr. BLUMENAUER and Mr. of North Carolina, Mr. FERGUSON, Mr. ISSA, H.R. 709: Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. PASCRELL. Mr. ETHERIDGE, Ms. SLAUGHTER, and Mr. H.R. 746: Mr. CANTOR and Mr. WOLF. H.R. 2173: Mr. WOLF, Mr. MICA, Mr. MCNUL- BARR of Georgia. H.R. 751: Mr. CALVERT and Mr. ENGLISH. TY, Mr. HINCHEY, and Mr. CARSON of Okla- H. Con. Res. 191: Mr. LEWIS of Georgia, Mr. H.R. 803: Mr. KILDEE. homa. MCGOVERN, and Mr. FROST. H.R. 808: Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. H.R. 2227: Mr. JONES of North Carolina. H. Con. Res. 220: Mr. DEAL of Georgia. H.R. 826: Mr. HERGER and Mr. MANZULLO. H.R. 2265: Mr. SCHAFFER. H. Res. 128: Mr. STRICKLAND and Mr. GOR- H.R. 876: Ms. LOFGREN. H.R. 2276: Mr. FILNER. DON. H.R. 978: Ms. RIVERS, Mr. MCNULTY, Ms. H.R. 2294: Mr. COYNE, Mr. TIERNEY, and Mr. f LEE, and Mr. BOUCHER. FRANK. H.R. 1032: Mr. BLUMENAUER and Mr. H.R. 2341: Mr. BARR of Georgia, Mr. BRADY DELETIONS OF SPONSORS FROM PASCRELL. of Texas, Mr. EHRLICH, and Mr. LEWIS of Ken- PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS H.R. 1073: Mr. LAFALCE, Mr. SOUDER, Mr. tucky. Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors SHOWS, and Mr. BENTSEN. H.R. 2352: Ms. MCKINNEY, Mr. KUCINICH, and H.R. 1109: Mr. FORBES, Mr. WELDON of Flor- were deleted from public bills and reso- Mr. HINCHEY. lutions as follows: ida, Mr. WAMP, Mr. CRANE, and Mr. ROYCE. H.R. 2354: Mr. NETHERCUTT and Mr. REY- H.R. 1136: Mr. GREENWOOD. NOLDS. H.R. 1983: Mr. SCHROCK. H.R. 1187: Mr. DEUTSCH and Ms. PELOSI. H.R. 2357: Mr. WOLF, Mr. ENGLISH and Mr. H.R. 2269: Mr. PASCRELL. H.R. 1198: Mr. LUCAS of Kentucky, Mr. PE- SCHAFFER. f TERSON of Minnesota, Mr. HERGER, and Mr. H.R. 2390: Mr. BARR of Georgia and Mr. DISCHARGE PETITIONS— ROGERS of Kentucky. WICKER. H.R. 1254: Ms. LOFGREN. H.R. 2487: Mr. RUSH. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS H.R. 1265: Mr. ABERCROMBIE and Mr. LAN- H.R. 2521: Mr. MCGOVERN, Ms. MCKINNEY, The following Members added their TOS. Mr. LATOURETTE, Mr. JENKINS, Mr. CALVERT, names to the following discharge peti- H.R. 1296: Mrs. CUBIN, Mr. COMBEST, and and Mr. FROST. tions: Mr. FORBES. H.R. 2531: Ms. KAPTUR. H.R. 1318: Ms. BERKLEY. H.R. 2588: Mr. BOEHLERT and Mr. BONIOR. Petition 3 by Mr. TURNER on House Reso- H.R. 1377: Mr. KERNS. H.R. 2604: Mr. FRANK. lution 203: Wayne T. Gilchrest and Maxine H.R. 1436: Mr. LEWIS of Georgia, Mr. MAR- H.R. 2609: Mr. REYNOLDS. Waters. KEY, Mr. LAHOOD, Mr. STUPAK, Mr. BISHOP, H.R. 2610: Mr. CROWLEY. f Mr. BACA, Mr. HINOJOSA, and Mr. SMITH of H.R. 2612: Mr. SABO and Mr. EDWARDS. Washington. H.R. 2619: Mr. SCHIFF. AMENDMENTS H.R. 1506: Mr. REYNOLDS. H.R. 2622: Ms. WOOLSEY and Mr. DOYLE. Under clause 8 of rule XVIII, pro- H.R. 1522: Mr. GONZALEZ. H.R. 2638: Mr. FARR of California, Mr. posed amendments were submitted as H.R. 1555: Mr. COOKSEY. BROWN of Ohio, Mr. DOOLEY of California, Mr. follows: H.R. 1556: Mr. CHAMBLISS, Mr. SHERWOOD, CUNNINGHAM, Ms. MILLENDER-MCDONALD, Mr. H.R. 2586 and Mr. HALL of Ohio. WELLER, Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Mr. TURNER, Mr. H.R. 1602: Mr. CULBERSON and Mr. BEREU- MCGOVERN, Mr. CALVERT, and Mr. HONDA. OFFERED BY MR. BEREUTER TER. H.R. 2641: Mr. FILNER and Mr. HINCHEY. AMENDMENT NO. 2: At the end of subtitle B H.R. 1605: Mr. BOYD, Ms. HOOLEY of Oregon, H.R. 2659: Mr. MCGOVERN and Mr. of title V (page ll, after line ll), insert and Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. RODRIGUEZ. the following new :

VerDate 31-AUG-2001 03:42 Sep 11, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L10SE7.001 pfrm02 PsN: H10PT1 September 10, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5489 SEC. 520. PREPARATION FOR, PARTICIPATION IN, H.R. 2586 in , was founded by Nelson Cromwell AND CONDUCT OF ATHLETIC COM- OFFERED BY MR. STEARNS in 1930 and endowed with a $1,500,000 trust for PETITIONS BY THE NATIONAL AMENDMENT NO. 3: At the end of subtitle E the maintenance and upkeep of the Lafay- GUARD AND MEMBERS OF THE NA- ette Escadrille Memorial. TIONAL GUARD. of title X (page 307, after line 20), insert the (9) Environmental conditions have contrib- (a) EXPANSION OF EXISTING AUTHORITY.— following new section: Subsection (a) of section 504 of title 32, SEC. ll. SENSE OF CONGRESS ON IMPLEMENTA- uted to structural damage to, and the overall United States Code, is amended by striking TION OF FUEL EFFICIENCY RE- degradation of, the Lafayette Escadrille Me- paragraph (3) and inserting the following FORMS IN DEPARTMENT OF DE- morial, preventing the holding of memorial FENSE. new paragraph: services inside the crypt. (a) FINDINGS.—Congress finds the fol- ‘‘(3) prepare for and participate in a quali- (10) The French Government has pledged lowing: fying athletic competition or a small arms funds to support a restoration of the Lafay- (1) The Federal Government is the largest ette Escadrille Memorial. competition.’’. single energy user in the United States, and (b) COMPETITIONS IN CONJUNCTION WITH (11) The United States should continue to the Department of Defense is the largest en- TRAINING.—Such section is further amended honor the sacrifices made by all Americans ergy user among all Federal agencies. by adding at the end the following new sub- who have served our Nation and our allies. (2) The Department of Defense consumed section: (b) AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS.—Of the total 595,000,000,000,000 BTUs of petroleum in fiscal ‘‘(c) CONDUCT OF AND PARTICIPATION IN COM- amount authorized to be appropriated under year 1999, while all other Federal agencies PETITIONS IN CONJUNCTION WITH TRAINING.— section 301(5) for operation and maintenance combined consumed 56,000,000,000,000 BTUs of (1) Members and units of the for Defense-wide activities, $2,000,000 shall be petroleum. may conduct and compete in a qualifying available to the Secretary of the (3) The total cost of petroleum to the De- athletic competition or a small arms com- only for the purpose of making a grant to partment of Defense amounted to petition in conjunction with training re- the Lafayette Escadrille Memorial Founda- $3,600,000,000 in fiscal year 2000. quired under this chapter in any case in tion, Inc., to be used solely to perform the (4) Increased fuel efficiency would reduce which— repair, restoration, and preservation of the the cost of delivering fuel to military units ‘‘(A) the conduct of or participation in the structure, plaza, and surrounding grounds of during operations and training and allow a the Lafayette Escadrille Memorial in Marnes competition does not adversely affect the corresponding percentage of defense dollars quality of that training or otherwise inter- La-Coguette, France. The grant funds shall to be reallocated to logistic shortages and be used solely for costs associated with such fere with the ability of a member or unit of other readiness needs. the National Guard to perform the military repair, restoration, and preservation, and (5) Increased fuel efficiency would decrease none of the funds may be used for remunera- functions of the member or unit; the time needed to assemble military units, ‘‘(B) National Guard personnel will en- tion of any entity or individual associated would increase unit flexibility, and would with fund raising for the project. hance their military skills as a result of con- allow units to remain in the field for a H.R. 2586 ducting or participating in the competition; longer period of time. and (b) SENSE OF CONGRESS.—It is the sense of OFFERED BY MR. STEARNS ‘‘(C) the conduct of or participation in the Congress that the Secretary of Defense AMENDMENT NO. 5: At the end of subtitle A competition will not result in a significant should work to implement fuel efficiency re- of title III (page 46, after line 23), insert the increase in the cost of the training. forms, as recommended by the Defense following new section: ‘‘(2) Facilities and equipment of the Na- Science Board report, which allow for invest- SEC. 305. REPAIR, RESTORATION, AND PRESER- tional Guard, including military property ment decisions based on the true cost of de- VATION OF LAFAYETTE ESCADRILLE and vehicles described in section 508(c) of livered fuel, strengthen the linkage between MEMORIAL, MARNES LA-COGUETTE, this title, may be used in connection with warfighting capability and fuel logistics re- FRANCE. the conduct of or participation in a quali- quirements, provide high-level leadership en- (a) FINDINGS.—Congress finds the fol- fying athletic competition or a small arms couraging fuel efficiency, target fuel effi- lowing: competition under paragraph (1).’’. ciency improvements through science and (1) The Lafayette Escadrille, an aviation (c) OTHER MATTERS.—Such section is fur- technology investment, and include fuel effi- within the French Lafayette Fly- ther amended by adding after subsection (c), ciency in requirements and acquisition proc- ing Corps, was formed April 16, 1916. as added by subsection (b) of this section, the esses. (2) The Lafayette Escadrille consisted of following new subsections: H.R. 2586 aviators from the United States who volun- ‘‘(d) AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS.—Subject to OFFERED BY MR. STEARNS teered to fight for the people of France dur- such limitations as may be enacted in appro- ing . AMENDMENT NO. 4: At the end of subtitle A priations Acts, amounts appropriated for the (3) 265 volunteers from the United States National Guard may be used to cover— of title III (page 46, after line 23), insert the following new section: served in the , com- ‘‘(1) the costs of conducting or partici- pleting 3,000 combat sorties and amassing SEC. 305. REPAIR, RESTORATION, AND PRESER- pating in a qualifying athletic competition nearly 200 victories. or a small arms competition under sub- VATION OF LAFAYETTE ESCADRILLE MEMORIAL, MARNES LA-COGUETTE, (4) The Lafayette Escadrille won 4 Legions section (c); and FRANCE. of Honor, 7 Medailles Militaires, and 31 cita- ‘‘(2) the expenses of members of the Na- (a) FINDINGS.—Congress finds the fol- tions, each with a . tional Guard under subsection (a)(3), includ- lowing: (5) In 1918, command of the Lafayette Esca- ing expenses of attendance and participation (1) The Lafayette Escadrille, an aviation drille was transferred to the United States, fees, travel, per diem, clothing, equipment, squadron within the French Lafayette Fly- where the Lafayette Escadrille became the and related expenses. ing Corps, was formed April 16, 1916. combat air force of the United States. ‘‘(e) QUALIFYING ATHLETIC COMPETITION DE- (2) The Lafayette Escadrille consisted of (6) In 1921, a Franco-American committee FINED.—In this section, the term ‘qualifying aviators from the United States who volun- was organized to locate a final resting place athletic competition’ means a competition teered to fight for the people of France dur- for the 68 United States aviators who lost in athletic events that require skills rel- ing World War I. their lives flying for France during World evant to military duties or involve aspects of (3) 265 volunteers from the United States War I. physical fitness that are evaluated by the served in the Lafayette Flying Corps, com- (7) The Lafayette Escadrille Memorial was armed forces in determining whether a mem- pleting 3,000 combat sorties and amassing dedicated on July 4, 1928, in honor of all ber of the National Guard is fit for military nearly 200 victories. United States aviators who flew for France duty.’’. (4) The Lafayette Escadrille won 4 Legions during World War I. (d) STYLISTIC AMENDMENTS.—Such section of Honor, 7 Medailles Militaires, and 31 cita- (8) The Lafayette Escadrille Memorial is further amended— tions, each with a Croix de Guerre. Foundation, located in the United States and (1) in subsection (a), by inserting ‘‘AUTHOR- (5) In 1918, command of the Lafayette Esca- in France, was founded by Nelson Cromwell IZED ACTIVITIES.—’’ after ‘‘(a)’’; and drille was transferred to the United States, in 1930 and endowed with a $1,500,000 trust for (2) in subsection (b), by inserting ‘‘AUTHOR- where the Lafayette Escadrille became the the maintenance and upkeep of the Lafay- IZED LOCATIONS.—’’ after ‘‘(b)’’. combat air force of the United States. ette Escadrille Memorial. (e) CONFORMING AND CLERICAL AMEND- (6) In 1921, a Franco-American committee (9) Environmental conditions have contrib- MENTS.—(1) The heading of such section is was organized to locate a final resting place uted to structural damage to, and the overall amended to read as follows: for the 68 United States aviators who lost degradation of, the Lafayette Escadrille Me- ‘‘§ 504. National Guard schools; small arms their lives flying for France during World morial, preventing the holding of memorial competitions; athletic competitions’’. War I. services inside the crypt. (2) The item relating to section 504 in the (7) The Lafayette Escadrille Memorial was (10) The French Government has pledged table of sections at the beginning of chapter dedicated on July 4, 1928, in honor of all funds to support a restoration of the Lafay- 5 of that title is amended to read as follows: United States aviators who flew for France ette Escadrille Memorial. ‘‘504. National Guard schools; small arms during World War I. (11) The United States should continue to competitions; athletic competi- (8) The Lafayette Escadrille Memorial honor the sacrifices made by all Americans tions.’’. Foundation, located in the United States and who have served our Nation and our allies.

VerDate 31-AUG-2001 03:42 Sep 11, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10SE7.026 pfrm02 PsN: H10PT1 H5490 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 10, 2001

(b) AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS.—Of the total (7) The Lafayette Escadrille Memorial was (2) The Lafayette Escadrille consisted of amount authorized to be appropriated under dedicated on July 4, 1928, in honor of all aviators from the United States who volun- section 301(5) for operation and maintenance United States aviators who flew for France teered to fight for the people of France dur- for Defense-wide activities, $2,000,000 shall be during World War I. ing World War I. available to the Secretary of the Air Force (8) The Lafayette Escadrille Memorial (3) 265 volunteers from the United States only for the purpose of making a grant to Foundation, located in the United States and served in the Lafayette Flying Corps, com- the Lafayette Escadrille Memorial Founda- in France, was founded by Nelson Cromwell pleting 3,000 combat sorties and amassing tion, Inc., to be used solely to perform the in 1930 and endowed with a $1,500,000 trust for nearly 200 victories. the maintenance and upkeep of the Lafay- repair, restoration, and preservation of the (4) The Lafayette Escadrille won 4 Legions structure, plaza, and surrounding grounds of ette Escadrille Memorial. of Honor, 7 Medailles Militaires, and 31 cita- the Lafayette Escadrille Memorial in Marnes (9) Environmental conditions have contrib- tions, each with a Croix de Guerre. La-Coguette, France. The grant funds shall uted to structural damage to, and the overall (5) In 1918, command of the Lafayette Esca- be used solely for costs associated with such degradation of, the Lafayette Escadrille Me- repair, restoration, and preservation, and morial, preventing the holding of memorial drille was transferred to the United States, none of the funds may be used for remunera- services inside the crypt. where the Lafayette Escadrille became the tion of any entity or individual associated (10) The French Government has pledged combat air force of the United States. with fund raising for the project. funds to support a restoration of the Lafay- (6) In 1921, a Franco-American committee (c) CORRESPONDING REDUCTION IN FUNDS.— ette Escadrille Memorial. was organized to locate a final resting place The amount provided in section 301(5) for (11) The United States should continue to for the 68 United States aviators who lost funding the Office of the Secretary of De- honor the sacrifices made by all Americans their lives flying for France during World fense is hereby reduced by $2,000,000. who have served our Nation and our allies. War I. (b) AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS.—Of the total H.R. 2586 (7) The Lafayette Escadrille Memorial was amount authorized to be appropriated under dedicated on July 4, 1928, in honor of all OFFERED BY MR. STEARNS section 301(5) for operation and maintenance United States aviators who flew for France for Defense-wide activities, $2,000,000 shall be AMENDMENT NO. 6: At the end of subtitle A during World War I. available to the Secretary of the Air Force of title III (page 46, after line 23), insert the (8) The Lafayette Escadrille Memorial following new section: only for the purpose of making a grant to the Lafayette Escadrille Memorial Founda- Foundation, located in the United States and SEC. 305. REPAIR, RESTORATION, AND PRESER- tion, Inc., to be used solely to perform the in France, was founded by Nelson Cromwell VATION OF LAFAYETTE ESCADRILLE repair, restoration, and preservation of the in 1930 and endowed with a $1,500,000 trust for MEMORIAL, MARNES LA-COGUETTE, the maintenance and upkeep of the Lafay- FRANCE. structure, plaza, and surrounding grounds of the Lafayette Escadrille Memorial in Marnes ette Escadrille Memorial. (a) FINDINGS.—Congress finds the fol- La-Coguette, France. The grant funds shall (9) Environmental conditions have contrib- lowing: be used solely for costs associated with such uted to structural damage to, and the overall (1) The Lafayette Escadrille, an aviation repair, restoration, and preservation, and degradation of, the Lafayette Escadrille Me- squadron within the French Lafayette Fly- none of the funds may be used for remunera- morial, preventing the holding of memorial ing Corps, was formed April 16, 1916. tion of any entity or individual associated services inside the crypt. (2) The Lafayette Escadrille consisted of with fund raising for the project. (10) The French Government has pledged aviators from the United States who volun- (c) CORRESPONDING REDUCTION IN FUNDS.— teered to fight for the people of France dur- funds to support a restoration of the Lafay- The amount provided in section 301(5) for ette Escadrille Memorial. ing World War I. funding the Washington Headquarters Serv- (11) The Lafayette Escadrille Memorial (3) 265 volunteers from the United States ices is hereby reduced by $2,000,000. should be restored to its original beauty to served in the Lafayette Flying Corps, com- H.R. 2586 pleting 3,000 combat sorties and amassing honor all the United States aviators who OFFERED BY MR. STEARNS nearly 200 victories. flew for France during World War I and to (4) The Lafayette Escadrille won 4 Legions AMENDMENT NO. 7: At the end of subtitle E demonstrate the respect of the United States of Honor, 7 Medailles Militaires, and 31 cita- of title X (page 307, after line 20), insert the for the sacrifices made by all Americans who following new section: tions, each with a Croix de Guerre. have served our Nation and our allies. (5) In 1918, command of the Lafayette Esca- SEC. ll. SENSE OF CONGRESS REGARDING CON- TINUED UNITED STATES COMMIT- (b) SENSE OF CONGRESS.—It is the sense of drille was transferred to the United States, MENT TO RESTORING LAFAYETTE Congress that the United States should con- where the Lafayette Escadrille became the ESCADRILLE MEMORIAL, MARNES tinue to honor its commitment to the United combat air force of the United States. LA-COGUETTE, FRANCE. States aviators who lost their lives flying for (6) In 1921, a Franco-American committee (a) FINDINGS.—Congress finds the fol- was organized to locate a final resting place lowing: France during World War I by appropriating for the 68 United States aviators who lost (1) The Lafayette Escadrille, an aviation sufficient funds to restore the Lafayette Es- their lives flying for France during World squadron within the French Lafayette Fly- cadrille Memorial in Marnes La-Coguette, War I. ing Corps, was formed April 16, 1916. France.

VerDate 31-AUG-2001 03:42 Sep 11, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10SE7.028 pfrm02 PsN: H10PT1