NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018 United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Registration Form

This form is for use in nominating or requesting determinations for individual properties and districts. See instructions in National Register Bulletin, How to Complete the National Register of Historic Places Registration Form. If any item does not apply to the property being documented, enter "NIA" for "not applicable." For functions, architectural classification, materials, and areas of significance, enter only categories and subcategories from the instructions. 1. Name of Property Historic name: Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Increase Other names/site number: _V_D_HR_#____1___38 __ -__0_04_2 ______Name of related multiple property listing: NIA (Enter "NIA" if property is not part of a multiple property listing

2. Location Street & number: Amherst, Boscawen, Gerrard, Pall Mall, Stewart, and other streets City or town: Winchester State: Virginia County: Independent City Not For Publication: EJ Vicinity: ~ 3. State/Federal Agency Certification As the designated authority under the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended, I hereby certify that this ....L nomination _ request for determination of eligibility meets the documentation standards for registering properties in the National Register of Historic Places and meets the procedural and professional requirements set forth in 36 CFR Part 60. In my opinion, the property ~ meets _ does not meet the National Register Criteria. I recommend that this property be considered significant at the following level(s) of significance: _national _statewide ..!..,local Applicable National Register Criteria: _!_A ..!..,B _!_C _D

Date Virginia Department of Historic Resources State or Federal agency/bureau or Tribal Government

In my opinion, the property _meets_ does not meet the National Register criteria.

Signature of commenting official: Date

Title: State or Federal agency/bureau or Tribal Government

1 United States Department of the Interior National Park Service / National Register of Historic Places Registration Form NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018

Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Winchester, VA Increase Name of Property County and State

______4. National Park Service Certification I hereby certify that this property is: entered in the National Register determined eligible for the National Register determined not eligible for the National Register removed from the National Register other (explain:) ______

______Signature of the Keeper Date of Action ______5. Classification Ownership of Property (Check as many boxes as apply.) Private: x

Public – Local x

Public – State

Public – Federal

Category of Property (Check only one box.)


District x




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United States Department of the Interior National Park Service / National Register of Historic Places Registration Form NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018

Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Winchester, VA Increase Name of Property County and State

Number of Resources within Property (Do not include previously listed resources in the count) Contributing Noncontributing ______385______89_ buildings

______0______0_ sites

______5______8_ structures

______0______0_ objects

______390______97_ Total

Number of contributing resources previously listed in the National Register 7 ______6. Function or Use Historic Functions (Enter categories from instructions.) DOMESTIC: Single Dwelling DOMESTIC: Multiple Dwelling DOMESTIC: Secondary Structure COMMERCE: Specialty Store GOVERNMENT: Public Works LANDSCAPE: Garden TRANSPORTATION: Rail-related

Current Functions (Enter categories from instructions.) DOMESTIC: Single Dwelling DOMESTIC: Multiple Dwelling DOMESTIC: Secondary Structure COMMERCE: Specialty Store COMMERCE: Restaurant RECREATION AND CULTURE: Museum HEALTH CARE: Hospital RECREATION AND CULTURE: theater LANDSCAPE: Garden

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United States Department of the Interior National Park Service / National Register of Historic Places Registration Form NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018

Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Winchester, VA Increase Name of Property County and State

______7. Description

Architectural Classification (Enter categories from instructions.) COLONIAL: Georgian EARLY REPUBLIC: Federal MID-19th CENTURY: Octagon Mode LATE VICTORIAN: Italianate; Second Empire; Queen Anne LATE 19th CENTURY AND 20th CENTURY REVIVALS: Colonial Revival; Tudor Revival Mission/Spanish Colonial Revival LATE 19th CENTURY AND EARLY 20th CENTURY AMERICAN MOVEMENTS: Bungalow/Craftsman MODERN MOVEMENT

Materials: (enter categories from instructions.) Principal exterior materials of the property: BRICK; WOOD: Weatherboard, Shingle; STONE: Limestone, Slate; CONCRETE; STUCCO; METAL; ASPHALT; SYTHETICS: Vinyl

Narrative Description (Describe the historic and current physical appearance and condition of the property. Describe contributing and noncontributing resources if applicable. Begin with a summary paragraph that briefly describes the general characteristics of the property, such as its location, type, style, method of construction, setting, size, and significant features. Indicate whether the property has historic integrity.) ______Summary Paragraph

The Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Increase is composed of two historic areas adjacent to the Winchester Historic District in Winchester, Virginia. The two areas together cover approximately 170 acres and include 487 resources, of which 390 are classified as contributing and 97 noncontributing. The western portion of the Boundary Increase Area has two basic components: the residential neighborhood along Stewart Street and adjacent blocks, and the Amherst Street corridor which is more mixed in character with large eighteenth- and nineteenth-century houses and later commercial and transportation-related buildings. The southern portion of the Boundary Increase Area along Gerrard and Pall Mall streets is also mixed with residential and commercial buildings. Construction is typically small-scale—primarily one- and two-story houses—with the exception of the eight-story Winchester Memorial Hospital (a non-contributing resource). Styles run the gamut from Georgian (Glen Burnie, a 1790s house that is the oldest identified resource in the area) through Queen Anne and early twentieth century

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United States Department of the Interior National Park Service / National Register of Historic Places Registration Form NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018

Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Winchester, VA Increase Name of Property County and State eclectic styles like Craftsman, Colonial Revival, and Tudor Revival, to Modern Movement beginning around 1950. Frame, stone, and brick are the most common building materials and techniques. Secondary resources are common; many houses from the first half of the twentieth century are accompanied by garages. The historic district includes three individual properties already listed in the National Register: Glen Burnie (NRHP 1979; counted as 1 contributing resource in 1979); Hawthorne and Old Town Spring (NRHP 2013; counted as 4 contributing resources in 2013); and Hexagon House (NRHP 1987; counted as one contributing resource in 1987). ______Narrative Description

The Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Increase is composed of two historic areas adjacent to the Winchester Historic District. The original Winchester Historic District, defined in a 1979 nomination (which was updated in 2014) and minimally enlarged on two occasions (2003 and 2008), covers an approximately forty-five-block area at the historic heart of the City of Winchester. The 1979 district included the original town plat of 1744 and areas associated with the additions of 1752, 1758, and 1759. The 2015 Boundary Increase Area also includes lots from the 1758 and 1759 additions as well as areas to the west of Stewart Street which were in farm use until ca. 1890 and lots along Morgan Street and West Piccadilly Street which were created from out-lots platted in 1752.

The two areas that compose the Boundary Increase Area are discontiguous, separated by the 700 and 800 blocks of South Washington Street, which are part of the existing district. The south Boundary Increase Area is composed of lots laid out in the Wood Addition of 1758 and the Fairfax Addition of 1759 between Germain and Gerrard streets, plus a small area on the east side of South Kent Street which was developed beginning by 1874. This south area is similar in character to adjacent areas of the existing district with dense residential development that was underway by 1874. The development, however, is generally later and is modified by commercial development dating largely to the second half of the twentieth century. The focus of commercial development was the Loudoun/Gerrard intersection where major thoroughfares to the south of the area funnel into the historic core area.

The west Boundary Increase Area is larger and more varied in character. Stewart Street, laid out in 1758 but only lightly developed until the early twentieth century, forms one stem of the roughly L-shaped area; it and adjacent lots on cross streets like Cecil, Clifford, Cork, and Leicester streets hug the southwest edge of the existing district. These cross streets rise up the high ground on the west side of Winchester known historically as Bower’s or Academy Hill. The other stem of the L projects westward from the middle of the existing district along Amherst Street to the Glen Burnie tract about a third of a mile west of the existing district boundary. Amherst Street was Winchester’s principal link to the communities and counties to the west and in the nineteenth century was designated the Northwestern Turnpike. The street parallels Town Run, an important early water source for the town which issues from Town Spring and sources on the Glen Burnie tract. During the nineteenth century the elevated, hillocky north side of the

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United States Department of the Interior National Park Service / National Register of Historic Places Registration Form NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018

Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Winchester, VA Increase Name of Property County and State street saw the construction of large suburban residences such as Hawthorne, the Hexagon House, and Selma. West Boscawen Street (formerly Water Street) branches off of Amherst Street to form a triangular area at the edge of the existing district that was the location of a mill in the mid-nineteenth century and, in 1889, was chosen as the terminus of the Cumberland Valley Railroad line connecting Winchester to Martinsburg, West Virginia. Train stations and warehouses were constructed in and around the triangle, giving it a more utilitarian feel than other parts of the Boundary Increase Area. Amherst Street, as the in-town segment of US Route 50, also attracted commercial development in the early and mid-twentieth century.

As the Boundary Increase Area’s varied origins would suggest, its buildings are varied in date, materials, and function. The 1790s Georgian-style house Glen Burnie at the Boundary Increase Area’s western tip is the area’s oldest identified resource. Large suburban villas were constructed between it and town in the nineteenth century with more modest but still large frame houses in the Queen Anne and other Victorian styles constructed on the 300 block of Amherst in the decades around 1900. Scattered residential development also occurred during the nineteenth century in the Gerrard/Pall Mall area at the south end of the Boundary Increase Area. Most residential development in the Boundary Increase Area occurred along Stewart Street and adjacent cross streets beginning around 1920 and continuing to around 1950. Whole blocks of frame, brick, and stuccoed houses in the styles popular during the era—the Craftsman, Colonial Revival, and Tudor Revival styles—were constructed, many accompanied by rear garages, the most common secondary resource type in the Boundary Increase Area. Residential construction was usually in the form of single-family dwellings although a few duplexes and (in the Gerrard/Pall Mall area) apartment blocks were erected. The Boundary Increase Area was largely built out by the mid-twentieth century and subsequent development was more in the nature of infill on remaining lots or replacement of earlier buildings. Later construction consisted of such resources as Ranch houses and cinder block commercial buildings of typically car-related function such as diners and repair garages. Sporadic construction continues to the present; witness the construction of the Neo-Georgian Revival medical office building at 120 South Stewart in 2014.

The Boundary Increase Area’s largest single building, Winchester Memorial Hospital, is a 1964 and later building that replaced a hospital campus dating to the first half of the twentieth century. The hospital functioned as a development magnet in the first half of the twentieth century but staffing needs resulted in parking pressures that have led to the creation of surrounding parking lots, the most visually intrusive factor in the historic character of the Boundary Increase Area, although Sanborn maps suggest several of these hospital-related lots may already have been in existence by the end of the district’s period of significance. The Gerrard/Pall Mall area has also seen erosion from the demolition of resources to clear space for parking and non-contributing commercial development. Despite these intrusions, the Boundary Increase Area retains good overall integrity in both its historic building stock and the character of its streets and blocks. Streets are typically tree-lined, as they have been since at least the 1930s as shown in historic photographs. Houses are typically surrounded by yards with gardens and shade and ornamental trees, although house lots in the Gerrard/Pall Mall area are often sparsely landscaped in part

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United States Department of the Interior National Park Service / National Register of Historic Places Registration Form NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018

Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Winchester, VA Increase Name of Property County and State owing to the density of development in the area. Limestone retaining walls are common along sidewalks and occasionally along lot lines. Brick and concrete are less often used for walls. Wrought iron fencing is present with or without brick or limestone walls along some residential front yards.

Overall, the Boundary Increase Area retains the historic character it had attained by the end of the period of significance in 1964. Little demolition has occurred in the Amherst/Stewart area since 1964, except potentially in the blocks surrounding the Winchester Memorial Hospital which are now occupied by parking lots. These lots were not present ca. 1937, as shown in an aerial photography from that period, although some or all of the lots may have been created by the end of the historic period. Several historic houses on Amherst Street have had large rear additions that, although they dwarf the size of the houses to their front, have left the historic fabric relatively unchanged on the exterior. The additions to 320 and 324 Amherst are two-story apartment blocks of vinyl-sided frame construction. The addition to 812 Amherst is a three-story office block of brick-veneered block construction. The Gerrard/Pall Mall area has seen more extensive recent development although it too retains the basic character it had achieved by the end of the period of significance.


The inventory is organized alphabetically by street and includes the primary resources (houses, commercial buildings, etc.) and secondary resources (typically garages, sheds, and other outbuildings) at each address. The DHR identification number (138- prefix) is provided for each primary resource; occasionally other DHR ID numbers are provided. The function and resource type (building, structure, site, or object) of the resources are provided and their status as contributing or non-contributing to the district. Contributing resources were built or in existence during the period of significance (ca. 1794-1964) and retain sufficient integrity to convey their historic association. Non-contributing resources postdate the period of significance or are historic age but have lost their integrity. The height, style (usually), and date of primary resources is given. Dates are typically preceded by the abbreviation “Ca” standing for circa meaning the date is approximate or conjectural. The inventory was generated from the Virginia Department of Historic Resources’ V-CRIS database and contains information gathered principally during a 2011-2012 survey and field-checked in April-May 2015. Contributing/non-contributing status was assigned during the 2011-2012 survey and updated for certain properties in 2015. The inventory includes six previously listed contributing resources located in three existing individual National Register designations: Glen Burnie (multiple resources counted as one contributing resource), Hawthorne and Old Town Spring (four contributing resources: house, garage, stone walls, and springhouse), and the Hexagon House (one contributing house).

Amherst Street

302 Amherst Street 138-0042-0009 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Victorian, Queen Anne, Ca 1900

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United States Department of the Interior National Park Service / National Register of Historic Places Registration Form NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018

Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Winchester, VA Increase Name of Property County and State

Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 2

304 Amherst Street 138-0052 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Italianate, Ca 1880 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1162 Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

305 Amherst Street 138-0053 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1935 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1163 Total: 1

307 Amherst Street 138-0054 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1935 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1164 Total: 1

309 Amherst Street 138-0055 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1930 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1165 Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

310 Amherst Street 138-0056 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Italianate, Ca 1886 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1166 Total: 1

311 Amherst Street 138-0057 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Victorian, Queen Anne, Ca 1910 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1167 Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

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Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Winchester, VA Increase Name of Property County and State

312 Amherst Street 138-0058 Double House (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Victorian, Queen Anne, Ca 1900 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1168 Total: 1

315 Amherst Street 138-0059 Multiple Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1927 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1169 Total: 1

316 Amherst Street 138-0042-1170 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Victorian, Queen Anne, Ca 1890 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

319 Amherst Street 138-0060 Multiple Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Craftsman, Ca 1935 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1171 Total: 1

320 Amherst Street 138-0061 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Italianate, Ca 1890 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1172 Total: 1

321 Amherst Street 138-0062 Multiple Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1930 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1173 Total: 1

324 Amherst Street 138-0063 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Victorian, Queen Anne, Ca 1905 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1174 Total: 1

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Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Winchester, VA Increase Name of Property County and State

326 Amherst Street 138-0042-1488 Commercial Building (Building), Stories 1, Style: Modernist, Ca 2010 Non-contributing Total: 1

330 Amherst Street 138-0067 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Federal/Adamesque, Ca 1846 Non-contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1482 Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Office/Office Building (Building) Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Office/Office Building (Building) Contributing Total: 1

330 Amherst Street 138-0067 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Federal/Adamesque, Ca 1846 Non-contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1482 Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Office/Office Building (Building) Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Office/Office Building (Building) Contributing Total: 1

332 Amherst Street 138-0042-1482 Office/Office Building (Building), Stories 2, Style: No discernible style, Ca 1900 Contributing Total: 1

334 Amherst Street 138-0071 Restaurant (Building), Stories 1, Style: Other, Ca 1958 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1175 Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Sign (Structure) Contributing Total: 1

338 Amherst Street 138-0064 Service Station (Building), Stories 1, Style: Other, Ca 1961 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1176 Total: 1

447 Amherst Street 138-0042-1177 Commercial Building (Building), Stories 1, Style: Commercial Style, Ca 1964 Contributing Total: 1

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Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Winchester, VA Increase Name of Property County and State

Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

514 Amherst Street 138-0050 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 3, Style: Second Empire, Ca 1872 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1178 Total: 1

522 Amherst Street 138-0068 Commercial Building (Building), Stories 1, Style: Other, Ca 1968 Non-contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1179 Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Sign (Structure) Non-contributing Total: 1

530 Amherst Street 138-0034 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Italianate, Ca 1871 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1180 Total: 1 (Note: individually listed in the National Register)

800 Amherst Street 138-0042-1181 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1891 Contributing Total: 1

801 Amherst Street 138-0008 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Georgian, Ca 1794 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1188 Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Barn (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Carriage House (Building) Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Cemetery (Site) Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garden (Site) Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Gatehouse/Guard House (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Greenhouse/Conservatory (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Office/Office Building. (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Outbuilding,Domestic (Building) Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Spring/Spring House (Building) Contributing Total: 1 (Note: property is individually listed in the National Register)

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Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Winchester, VA Increase Name of Property County and State

804 Amherst Street 138-0042-1182 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1840 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Sign (Structure) Non-contributing Total: 2

810 Amherst Street 138-0042-1184 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Victorian, Queen Anne, Ca 1895 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

812 Amherst Street 138-0042-1185 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1880 Non-contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Dumpster (Structure) Non-contributing Total: 1

830 Amherst Street 138-0042-1186 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Gothic Revival, Ca 1900 Contributing Total: 1

Boscawen Street

West 315 Boscawen Street 138-0078 Depot (Building), Stories 1, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1895 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1371 Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Boxcar (Structure) Contributing Total: 1

West 334 Boscawen Street 138-0082 Service Station (Building), Stories 1, Style: Craftsman, Ca 1935 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1378 Total: 1

Boscawen Street, West

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Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Winchester, VA Increase Name of Property County and State

303 Boscawen Street, West 138-0077 Service Station (Building), Stories 1, Style: Commercial Style, Ca 1963 Non-contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1367 Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Pavilion (Structure) Non-contributing Total: 2 Secondary Resource: Sign (Structure) Non-contributing Total: 1

308 Boscawen Street, West 138-0088 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Italianate, Ca 1880 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1368 Total: 1

312 Boscawen Street, West 138-0079 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1891 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1369 Total: 1

314 Boscawen Street, West 138-0086 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Italianate, Ca 1891 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1370 Total: 1

316 Boscawen Street, West 138-0080 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Federal/Adamesque, Ca 1830 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1372 Total: 1

320 Boscawen Street, West 138-0085 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Other, Ca 1940 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1373 Total: 1

324 Boscawen Street, West 138-0081 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Federal/Adamesque, Ca 1845 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1374 Total: 1

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Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Winchester, VA Increase Name of Property County and State

Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

325-331 Boscawen Street, West 138-0087 Commercial Building (Building), Stories 1, Style: Commercial Style, Ca 1930 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1375 Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Store (Building) Contributing Total: 1

328 Boscawen Street, West 138-0084 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Victorian, Queen Anne, Ca 1905 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1376 Total: 1

330-332 Boscawen Street, West 138-0083 Commercial Building (Building), Stories 2, Style: Commercial Style, Ca 1930 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1377 Total: 1

Braddock Street, South

712 Braddock Street, South 138-0042-0204 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1900 Contributing Total: 1

715 Braddock Street, South 138-0042-1251 Commercial Building (Building), Stories 1, Style: Commercial Style, Ca 1975 Non-contributing Total: 1

720 Braddock Street, South 138-0042-1252 Commercial Building (Building), Stories 1, Style: Commercial Style, Ca 1950 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Sign (Structure) Non-contributing Total: 1

801 Braddock Street, South 138-0042-1253 Double House (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1850 Contributing

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Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Winchester, VA Increase Name of Property County and State

Total: 1

802 Braddock Street, South 138-0042-1254 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Victorian, Queen Anne, Ca 1900 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

805 Braddock Street, South 138-0042-1255 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1900 Contributing Total: 1

806 Braddock Street, South 138-0042-1256 Apartment Building (Building), Stories 3, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1977 Non-contributing Total: 1

808 Braddock Street, South 138-0042-1257 Multiple Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1910 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

811 Braddock Street, South 138-0042-1258 Apartment Building (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1939 Contributing Total: 1

812 Braddock Street, South 138-0042-1259 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1880 Contributing Total: 1

819 Braddock Street, South 138-0042-1260 Restaurant (Building), Stories 1, Style: Commercial Style, Ca 1950 Contributing Total: 1

820 Braddock Street, South 138-0042-1261 Service Station (Building), Stories 1, Style: Craftsman, Ca 1932 Contributing Total: 1

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Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Winchester, VA Increase Name of Property County and State

Cameron Street, South

706 Cameron Street, South 138-0042-1262 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1866 Contributing Total: 1

710 Cameron Street, South 138-0042-1263 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1875 Contributing Total: 1

711 Cameron Street, South 138-0042-1264 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1

712 Cameron Street, South 138-0042-1265 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1950 Contributing Total: 1

713 Cameron Street, South 138-0042-1266 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1912 Contributing Total: 1

714 Cameron Street, South 138-0042-1267 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1870 Contributing Total: 1

715 Cameron Street, South 138-0042-1268 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1890 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

717 Cameron Street, South 138-0042-1269 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Gothic Revival, Ca 1870 Contributing

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Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Winchester, VA Increase Name of Property County and State

Total: 1

718 Cameron Street, South 138-0042-1270 Commercial Building (Building), Stories 1, Style: Commercial Style, Ca 1950 Contributing Total: 1

721 Cameron Street, South 138-0042-1271 Double House (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1900 Contributing Total: 1

801 Cameron Street, South 138-0042-1272 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1

803 Cameron Street, South 138-0042-1273 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1, Style: Craftsman, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

806 Cameron Street, South 138-0042-1274 Commercial Building (Building), Stories 1, Style: Other, Ca 1961 Non-contributing Total: 1

814 Cameron Street, South 138-0042-1275 Restaurant (Building), Stories 1, Style: No Discernable Style, Ca 1992 Non-contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

Cecil Street, West

222 Cecil Street, West 138-0042-1379 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1940 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

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Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Winchester, VA Increase Name of Property County and State

310 Cecil Street, West 138-0042-1380 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Victorian, Queen Anne, Ca 1915 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

312 Cecil Street, West 138-0042-1381 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Craftsman, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

314 Cecil Street, West 138-0042-1382 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1938 Contributing Total: 1

317 Cecil Street, West 138-0042-1383 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1

318 Cecil Street, West 138-0042-1384 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1940 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

319 Cecil Street, West 138-0042-1385 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Craftsman, Ca 1915 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

322 Cecil Street, West 138-0042-1386 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1940 Contributing Total: 1

323 Cecil Street, West 138-0042-1387 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1948 Contributing Total: 1

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Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

326 Cecil Street, West 138-0042-1388 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1946 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

327 Cecil Street, West 138-0042-1389 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1955 Contributing Total: 1

330 Cecil Street, West 138-0042-1390 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1940 Contributing Total: 1

334 Cecil Street, West 138-0042-1391 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1940 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

403 Cecil Street, West 138-0042-1392 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Craftsman, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

407 Cecil Street, West 138-0042-1393 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1926 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

411 Cecil Street, West 138-0042-1394 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1

412 Cecil Street, West 138-0042-1395 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1945

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Contributing Total: 1

415 Cecil Street, West 138-0042-1396 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1932 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

416 Cecil Street, West 138-0042-1397 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1

419 Cecil Street, West 138-0042-1398 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1

420 Cecil Street, West 138-0042-1399 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Dutch, Ca 1940 Contributing Total: 1

421 Cecil Street, West 138-0042-1400 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1935 Contributing Total: 1

423 Cecil Street, West 138-0042-1401 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1

424 Cecil Street, West 138-0042-1402 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1935 Contributing Total: 1

428 Cecil Street, West 138-0042-1403 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Cape Cod, Ca 1946 Contributing Total: 1

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Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

432 Cecil Street, West 138-0042-1404 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Cape Cod, Ca 1940 Contributing Total: 1

Clifford Street, East

213 Clifford Street, East 138-0042-0353 Double House (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1915 Contributing Total: 1

Clifford Street, West

215 Clifford Street, West 138-0042-1405 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1940 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

216 Clifford Street, West 138-0098 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Cape Cod, Ca 1941 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1406 Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

309 Clifford Street, West 138-0042-1407 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Victorian, Queen Anne, Ca 1895 Contributing Total: 1

311 Clifford Street, West 138-0042-1408 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Victorian, Queen Anne, Ca 1910 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

315 Clifford Street, West 138-0042-1409

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Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Victorian, Queen Anne, Ca 1895 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

403 Clifford Street, West 138-0042-1410 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1926 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

411 Clifford Street, West 138-0042-1411 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1

415 Clifford Street, West 138-0042-1412 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1905 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

419 Clifford Street, West 138-0042-1413 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

421 Clifford Street, West 138-0042-1414 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Victorian, Queen Anne, Ca 1895 Contributing Total: 1

422 Clifford Street, West 138-0042-1415 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1

423 Clifford Street, West 138-0042-1416 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Victorian, Queen Anne, Ca 1894 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

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426 Clifford Street, West 138-0042-1417 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1, Style: Craftsman, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1

506 Clifford Street, West 138-0042-1418 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1

510 Clifford Street, West 138-0042-1419 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1, Style: Minimal Traditional, Ca 1927 Contributing Total: 1

516 Clifford Street, West 138-0042-1420 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1, Style: Craftsman, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1

520 Clifford Street, West 138-0042-1421 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1, Style: Craftsman, Ca 1923 Contributing Total: 1

Cork Street, West

312 Cork Street, West 138-0042-1422 Office/Office Building (Building), Stories 1, Style: Other, Ca 1962 Contributing Total: 1

318 Cork Street, West 138-0042-1423 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1

333 Cork Street, West 138-0042-1424 Office/Office Building (Building), Stories 2, Style: Other, Ca 1956 Non-contributing Total: 1

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420 Cork Street, West 138-0042-1425 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Dutch, Ca 1932 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

423 Cork Street, West 138-0042-1426 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Craftsman, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1

427 Cork Street, West 138-0042-1427 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1936 Contributing Total: 1

501 Cork Street, West 138-0042-1428 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1951 Contributing Total: 1

505 Cork Street, West 138-0042-1429 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1, Style: Minimal Traditional, Ca 1950 Contributing Total: 1

509 Cork Street, West 138-0042-1430 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1, Style: Other, Ca 1955 Contributing Total: 1

513 Cork Street, West 138-0042-1431 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1, Style: Minimal Traditional, Ca 1955 Contributing Total: 1

517 Cork Street, West 138-0042-1432 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1950 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

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Gerrard Street

East 120 Gerrard Street 138-0042-1485 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 2006 Non-contributing Total: 1

Gerrard Street, East

108 Gerrard Street, East 138-0042-1193 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1

110 Gerrard Street, East 138-0042-1194 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Pre 1950 Contributing Total: 1

116 Gerrard Street, East 138-0042-1195 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1943 Contributing Total: 1

122 Gerrard Street, East 138-0042-1196 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Craftsman, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1

14 Gerrard Street, East 138-0042-1192 Commercial Building (Building), Stories 1, Style: Commercial Style, Ca 1999 Non-contributing Total: 1

Gerrard Street, West 108 Gerrard Street, West 138-0042-1217 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Dutch, Ca 1935 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

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110 Gerrard Street, West 138-0042-1218 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1935 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

112 Gerrard Street, West 138-0042-1219 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1940 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

12 Gerrard Street, West 138-0042-1433 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Victorian, Queen Anne, Ca 1890 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

16 Gerrard Street, West 138-0042-1434 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1900 Contributing Total: 1

18 Gerrard Street, West 138-0042-1435 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1900 Contributing Total: 1

20 Gerrard Street, West 138-0042-1436 Store (Building), Stories 1, Style: Commercial Style, Ca 1935 Contributing Total: 1

Handley Avenue

318 Handley Avenue 138-0042-1223 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Tudor Revival, Ca 1950 Contributing Total: 1

400 Handley Avenue 138-0042-1224 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1925

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Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

434 Handley Avenue 138-0042-1225 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1966 Non-contributing Total: 1

Handley Boulevard

220 Handley Boulevard 138-0042-1221 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1

222 Handley Boulevard 138-0042-1222 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Tudor Revival, Ca 1933 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

Joist Hite Place

413 Joist Hite Place 138-0042-1226 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Other, Ca 1968 Non-contributing Total: 1

Kent Street

South 720 Kent Street 138-0042-0591 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

South 802 Kent Street 138-0042-1486 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Folk Victorian, Ca 1880

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Contributing Total: 1

Kent Street, South

715 Kent Street, South 138-0042-1276 Commercial Building (Building), Stories 1, Style: Commercial Style, Ca 1956 Non-contributing Total: 1

722 Kent Street, South 138-0042-1278 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1

723 Kent Street, South 138-0042-1279 Multiple Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1

724 Kent Street, South 138-0042-1280 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1

726 Kent Street, South 138-0042-1281 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1

728 Kent Street, South 138-0042-1282 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1

729 Kent Street, South 138-0042-1284 Multiple Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1

730 Kent Street, South 138-0042-1283 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1926

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Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

803 Kent Street, South 138-0042-1285 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1920 Contributing Total: 1

805 Kent Street, South 138-0042-1286 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

809 Kent Street, South 138-0042-1287 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1985 Non-contributing Total: 1

811 Kent Street, South 138-0042-1288 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1

813 Kent Street, South 138-0042-1289 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1

815 Kent Street, South 138-0042-1290 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Craftsman, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1

817 Kent Street, South 138-0042-1291 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1, Style: Craftsman, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1

Latane Street

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112 Latane Street 138-0042-1227 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Cape Cod, Ca 1950 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

116 Latane Street 138-0042-1228 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1948 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

Lee Street

101 Lee Street 138-0042-1233 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Spanish/Mission, Ca 1 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

105 Lee Street 138-0042-1234 Double House (Building), Stories 2, Style: Victorian, Queen Anne, Ca 1910 Contributing Total: 1

89 Lee Street 138-0042-1229 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1961 Non-contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

91 Lee Street 138-0042-1230 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Cape Cod, Ca 1940 Contributing Total: 1

93 Lee Street 138-0042-1231 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Craftsman, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1

95 Lee Street 138-0042-1232

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Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Tudor Revival, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

Leicester Street, West

211 Leicester Street, West 138-0042-1437 Apartment Building (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1

308 Leicester Street, West 138-0042-1438 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

312 Leicester Street, West 138-0042-1439 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1920 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

314 Leicester Street, West 138-0042-1440 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Dutch, Ca 1920 Contributing Total: 1

316 Leicester Street, West 138-0042-1441 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1915 Contributing Total: 1

318 Leicester Street, West 138-0042-1442 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1931 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

324 Leicester Street, West 138-0042-1443 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Craftsman, Ca 1932

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Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

428 Leicester Street, West 138-0042-1444 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Dutch, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

432 Leicester Street, West 138-0042-1445 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

434 Leicester Street, West 138-0042-1446 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1920 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

436 Leicester Street, West 138-0042-1447 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

438 Leicester Street, West 138-0042-1448 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Craftsman, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

448 Leicester Street, West 138-0042-1449 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

Loudoun Street

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South 715 Loudoun Street 138-0042-1295 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Italianate, Ca 1900 Non-contributing Total: 1

Loudoun Street, South

706 Loudoun Street, South 138-0042-1292 Commercial Building (Building), Stories 2, Style: Other, Ca 1960 Contributing Total: 1

707-711 Loudoun Street, South 138-0042-1293 Double House (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1880 Contributing Total: 1

714 Loudoun Street, South 138-0042-1294 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Victorian, Queen Anne, Ca 1900 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Contributing Total: 1

719 Loudoun Street, South 138-0042-1296 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1, Style: Italianate, Ca 1900 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Contributing Total: 1

721 Loudoun Street, South 138-0042-1298 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1880 Contributing Total: 1

725 Loudoun Street, South 138-0042-1299 Commercial Building (Building), Stories 1, Style: Other, Ca 1965 Non-contributing Total: 1

727 Loudoun Street, South 138-0042-1300 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1860 Contributing

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Total: 1

728 Loudoun Street, South 138-0042-1297 Commercial Building (Building), Stories 1, Style: Other, Ca 1962 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

801 Loudoun Street, South 138-0042-1301 Commercial Building (Building), Stories 1, Style: Other, Ca 1930 Non-contributing Total: 1

811 Loudoun Street, South 138-0042-1302 Commercial Building (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1

814 Loudoun Street, South 138-0042-1303 Commercial Building (Building), Stories 1, Style: Other, Ca 1960 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Sign (Structure) Contributing Total: 1

815 Loudoun Street, South 138-0042-1304 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1900 Contributing Total: 1

823 Loudoun Street, South 138-0042-1306 Bank (Building), Stories 1, Style: Other, Ca 1965 Non-contributing Total: 1

824 Loudoun Street, South 138-0042-1307 Service Station (Building), Stories 1, Style: Other, Ca 1950 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Sign (Structure) Contributing Total: 1

Monmouth Street, West

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217 Monmouth Street, West 138-0042-1450 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Craftsman, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Workshop (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

219 Monmouth Street, West 138-0042-1451 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

Morgan Street

101 Morgan Street 138-0130 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1956 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1235 Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

103 Morgan Street 138-0131 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1945 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1236 Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

105 Morgan Street 138-0132 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Dutch, Ca 1940 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1237 Total: 1

107 Morgan Street 138-0133 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1931 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1238 Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

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108 Morgan Street 138-0134 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1930 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1239 Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

109 Morgan Street 138-0135 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1932 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1240 Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

111 Morgan Street 138-0136 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Craftsman, Ca 1931 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1241 Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

112 Morgan Street 138-0137 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1925 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1242 Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

113 Morgan Street 138-0138 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Tudor Revival, Ca 1930 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1243 Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

115 Morgan Street 138-0139 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1930 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1244 Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Contributing Total: 1

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117 Morgan Street 138-0140 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1930 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1245 Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

121 Morgan Street 138-0141 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1953 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1246 Total: 1

125 Morgan Street 138-0142 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Cape Cod, Ca 1955 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1247 Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

Pall Mall Street

East 116 Pall Mall Street 138-0042-1484 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 2006 Non-contributing Total: 1

West 205 Pall Mall Street 138-0042-1466 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Craftsman, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

Pall Mall Street, East

103 Pall Mall Street, East 138-0042-1207 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1

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105 Pall Mall Street, East 138-0042-1208 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1

107 Pall Mall Street, East 138-0042-1209 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

109 Pall Mall Street, East 138-0042-1210 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

112 Pall Mall Street, East 138-0042-1211 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1900 Contributing Total: 1

117 Pall Mall Street, East 138-0042-1212 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

119 Pall Mall Street, East 138-0042-1213 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1920 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

120 Pall Mall Street, East 138-0042-1214 Double House (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1840 Contributing Total: 1

124 Pall Mall Street, East 138-0042-1215 Double House (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1992 Non-contributing Total: 1

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Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

128 Pall Mall Street, East 138-0042-1216 Double House (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1

13 Pall Mall Street, East 138-0042-1199 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1910 Contributing Total: 1

15 Pall Mall Street, East 138-0042-1200 Double House (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1900 Contributing Total: 1

20 Pall Mall Street, East 138-0042-1202 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1900 Contributing Total: 1

24 Pall Mall Street, East 138-0042-1203 Double House (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1

25 Pall Mall Street, East 138-0042-1204 Double House (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1910 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

28 Pall Mall Street, East 138-0042-1206 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1948 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

29 Pall Mall Street, East 138-0042-1205 Double House (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1

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5-7 Pall Mall Street, East 138-0042-1197 Double House (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1910 Contributing Total: 1

9 Pall Mall Street, East 138-0042-1198 Double House (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1900 Contributing Total: 1

Pall Mall Street, West

107 Pall Mall Street, West 138-0042-1452 Commercial Building (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1925 Non-contributing Total: 1

109 Pall Mall Street, West 138-0042-1453 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1890 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

110 Pall Mall Street, West 138-0042-1454 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1931 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

111 Pall Mall Street, West 138-0042-1455 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1935 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

112 Pall Mall Street, West 138-0042-1456 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1

113 Pall Mall Street, West 138-0042-1457

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Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1920 Contributing Total: 1

119 Pall Mall Street, West 138-0042-1458 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1920 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

13 Pall Mall Street, West 138-0042-1459 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1

15 Pall Mall Street, West 138-0042-1460 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

16 Pall Mall Street, West 138-0042-1461 Commercial Building (Building), Stories 1, Style: Commercial Style, Ca 1972 Non-contributing Total: 1

17 Pall Mall Street, West 138-0042-1462 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

19 Pall Mall Street, West 138-0042-1463 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1

21 Pall Mall Street, West 138-0042-1464 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

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216 Pall Mall Street, West 138-0123 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1925 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1467 Total: 1

51 Pall Mall Street, West 138-0042-1465 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Vernacular, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1

Piccadilly Street, West

301 Piccadilly Street, West 138-0042-1468 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Tudor Revival, Ca 1934 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

307 Piccadilly Street, West 138-0124 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Cape Cod, Ca 1936 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1469 Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

310 Piccadilly Street, West 138-0042-1470 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Tudor Revival, Ca 1933 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

314 Piccadilly Street, West 138-0125 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1932 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1471 Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

315 Piccadilly Street, West 138-0126 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1936

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Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1472 Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

316 Piccadilly Street, West 138-0042-1473 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Dutch, Ca 1940 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

317 Piccadilly Street, West 138-0042-1474 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1936 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

319 Piccadilly Street, West 138-0127 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Tudor Revival, Ca 1941 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1475 Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

322 Piccadilly Street, West 138-0042-1476 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Tudor Revival, Ca 1931 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

326 Piccadilly Street, West 138-0128 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1931 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1477 Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

327 Piccadilly Street, West 138-0129 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1937 Contributing Other DHR ID#: 138-0042-1478 Total: 1

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328 Piccadilly Street, West 138-0042-1479 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Tudor Revival, Ca 1936 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

331 Piccadilly Street, West 138-0042-1480 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Dutch, Ca 1941 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

Stewart Street

South 11 Stewart Street 138-0042-1309 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Cape Cod, Ca 1955 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

South 120 Stewart Street 138-0042-1487 Office/Office Building (Building), Stories 2, Style: Georgian Revival, Ca 2014 Non-contributing Total: 1

South 23 Stewart Street 138-0042-1312 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1

South 620 Stewart Street 138-0042-1341 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Spanish/Mission, Ca 1 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Pool House (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Pool/Swimming Pool (Structure) Non-contributing Total: 1

Stewart Street, South

102 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1313 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1900

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Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

110 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1314 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Dutch, Ca 1905 Contributing Total: 1

116 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1315 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Italianate, Ca 1900 Contributing Total: 1

15 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1310 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Dutch, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

20 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1311 Office/Office Building. (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1970 Non-contributing Total: 1

304 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1316 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1950 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

309 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1317 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1918 Contributing Total: 1

311 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1318 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1910 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

315 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1319

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Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1903 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

316 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1320 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1938 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

321 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1321 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1910 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

401 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1322 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1932 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

402 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1323 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1, Style: Ranch, Ca 1950 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

407 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1324 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

409 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1325 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1910 Contributing Total: 1

412 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1326 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1940 Contributing

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Total: 1

416 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1327 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Tudor Revival, Ca 1955 Contributing Total: 1

419 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1328 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Contributing Total: 1

421 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1329 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Cape Cod, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1

500 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1330 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1910 Contributing Total: 1

503 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1331 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Craftsman, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

507 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1332 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Cape Cod, Ca 1951 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

511 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1333 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1953 Contributing Total: 1

515 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1334 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1, Style: Ranch, Ca 1964

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Contributing Total: 1

516 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1335 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1932 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

520 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1336 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

604 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1337 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Carport (Structure) Contributing Total: 1

605 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1338 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 2

608 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1339 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

612 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1340 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1

621 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1342 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

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623 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1343 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1955 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

625 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1344 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1923 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

700 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1345 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1920 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

701 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1346 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

703 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1347 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1943 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Secondary Dwelling (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

704 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1348 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Tudor Revival, Ca 1935 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

705 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1349 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1984 Non-contributing Total: 1

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709 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1350 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1929 Contributing Total: 1

710 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1351 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

713 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1352 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1992 Non-contributing Total: 1

714 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1353 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1931 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

717 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1354 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Dutch, Ca 1941 Contributing Total: 1

800 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1355 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1936 Contributing Total: 1

803 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1356 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Tudor Revival, Ca 1932 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

806 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1357 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Dutch, Ca 1926 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Garage (Building) Contributing Total: 1

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809 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1358 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1

818 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1359 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Dutch, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1

9 Stewart Street, South 138-0042-1308 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1, Style: Minimal Traditional, Ca 1950 Contributing Total: 1

Stonewall Avenue

311 Stonewall Avenue 138-0042-1360 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1925 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Carport (Structure) Non-contributing Total: 1

417 Stonewall Avenue 138-0042-1361 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1940 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

418 Stonewall Avenue 138-0042-1362 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Dutch, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1

420 Stonewall Avenue 138-0042-1363 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

422 Stonewall Avenue 138-0042-1364

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Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Tudor Revival, Ca 1928 Contributing Total: 1 Secondary Resource: Shed (Building) Non-contributing Total: 1

425 Stonewall Avenue 138-0042-1365 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 2, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1930 Contributing Total: 1

426 Stonewall Avenue 138-0042-1366 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Tudor Revival, Ca 1937 Contributing Total: 1

Wolfe Street

228 Wolfe Street 138-0042-1183 Single Dwelling (Building), Stories 1.5, Style: Colonial Revival, Ca 1931 Contributing Total: 1

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______8. Statement of Significance

Applicable National Register Criteria (Mark "x" in one or more boxes for the criteria qualifying the property for National Register listing.)

x A. Property is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history.

x B. Property is associated with the lives of persons significant in our past.

x C. Property embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction or represents the work of a master, or possesses high artistic values, or represents a significant and distinguishable entity whose components lack individual distinction.

D. Property has yielded, or is likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history.

Criteria Considerations (Mark “x” in all the boxes that apply.)

A. Owned by a religious institution or used for religious purposes

B. Removed from its original location

C. A birthplace or grave

D. A cemetery

E. A reconstructed building, object, or structure

F. A commemorative property

G. Less than 50 years old or achieving significance within the past 50 years

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Period of Significance Ca. 1794-1964 ______

Significant Dates 1889 ______

Significant Person (Complete only if Criterion B is marked above.) McDonald, Cornelia Peake ______

Cultural Affiliation N/A ______

Architect/Builder Barnett, Lewis Cooper, Clarke T., Jr. Denson, James F. Leathers, B.

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Statement of Significance Summary Paragraph (Provide a summary paragraph that includes level of significance, applicable criteria, justification for the period of significance, and any applicable criteria considerations.)

The Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Increase adds approximately 170 acres to the Winchester Historic District, the historic core of Winchester, Virginia. The district was originally listed in the state and national registers in 1979-1980 and has been enlarged or updated on several occasions, most recently by this boundary increase which enlarges the approximately 240-acre existing district to approximately 410 acres. The Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Increase is locally significant under Criterion A in the Community Planning and Development area of significance for its inclusion of historic downtown neighborhoods associated with the development of Winchester, principally the Amherst and Stewart street corridors and adjacent residential blocks and areas of the colonial town at the south end of the existing historic district. The district also is significant under Criterion A in the area of Exploration/Settlement for its inclusion of the individually NRHP-listed Glen Burnie and the area of Government/Politics for the individually NRHP-listed Hawthorne and Old Town Spring, which is the site of a historic spring and springhouse often cited in Winchester’s history and land conveyances and that represent an unusually well-documented early municipal water distribution system purchased by the City in 1840. The Boundary Increase Area is locally significant under Criterion B in the area of Social History for Hawthorne and Old Town Spring’s for association with Cornelia Peake McDonald. The Boundary Increase Area is locally significant under Criterion C in the area of Architecture for the diversity and quality of its buildings which span Winchester’s architectural development from the Georgian style through the Modern Movement and embody distinctive characteristics of types, periods, and methods of construction. The period of significance extends from ca. 1794, the date of construction for the oldest surviving section of Glen Burnie cited in the National Register nomination for the house, to 1964 in keeping with the end date of the existing historic district’s period of significance as recently updated and a date that roughly coincides with a drop off in residential construction in Winchester’s historic core area. The year 1889 is noted as a significant date because the construction of a rail line marked a watershed event in the development of the Boundary Increase Area. ______Narrative Statement of Significance (Provide at least one paragraph for each area of significance.)

The two sections of the Boundary Increase Area are located to the west and south, respectively, of the existing district and are primarily residential in character with some commercial development. The boundary increase includes the Stewart Street corridor, part of a 1758 addition to the town but developed as a residential neighborhood only after the arrival of the Cumberland Valley Railroad in 1889. The railroad built its passenger and freight stations at the north end of the street, establishing it as a principal city thoroughfare and precipitating the construction of blocks of Colonial Revival, Tudor Revival, and Craftsman houses during the period ca. 1920 to ca. 1950, with a scattering of earlier Queen Anne houses and later Ranch houses. A westward

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Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Winchester, VA Increase Name of Property County and State extension of the Boundary Increase Area follows the Amherst Street corridor, Winchester’s historic western entry and the location of important individually NRHP-listed resources including Glen Burnie, a 1790s Georgian brick house that is now part of the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley campus; Hawthorne and Old Town Spring, a ca. 1811 Federal house and ca. 1816 spring house used as a water supply for the town; and the 1870s Hexagon House with its unusual hexagonal form. Non-residential development in or near the Amherst Street corridor includes the ca. 1890s Cumberland Valley Railroad Winchester Freight Station, the ca. 1900 Slonaker Coal Yard Office, and the 1958 Amherst Diner. The southern portion of the Boundary Increase Area, platted in the 1750s, is mixed in character with modest nineteenth- and twentieth- century residences and apartment buildings and scattered mid-twentieth century commercial buildings.

Early Development of the Boundary Increase Area

Winchester developed on the lands of early area settler Col. James Wood. According to a personal account of Wood’s and corroborating historical evidence, about 1735 he obtained approximately 1,300 acres on the branches of Opequon Creek in what would become Frederick County. Wood is believed to have lived in a log and stone house on the tract that became known as Glen Burnie, the historic core of which is included in the Boundary Increase Area. In 1744 Wood, then Clerk of Court of Frederick County, which was created in 1738 out of Orange County, requested permission to lay off lots for the establishment of a town on his lands. The result was the courthouse village variously known as Opeckon, Frederick Town, or Fredericktown. The village was officially established as the town of Winchester by act of the Virginia General Assembly in 1752, at which time Wood and Lord Fairfax, the powerful northern Virginia grandee, expanded the 1744 town. The largest part of the 1752 addition was an area of eighty out-lots on the north side of town. For each building lot purchased in Lord Fairfax’s portion of the 1752 addition, a purchaser was required to purchase a five-acre out-lot. The northernmost part of the Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Increase, the twentieth-century lots along Morgan and West Piccadilly streets, was laid out in the southwest corner of the 1752 out-lots.1

Winchester prospered and in 1758-1759, Wood and Fairfax made further additions that substantially increased the number of building lots. Stewart Street was established as the westernmost street of the 1758 Wood Addition, though very little development occurred along it until the twentieth century. Pall Mall and Gerrard streets were created at the south end of Wood’s addition and extended eastward in the 1759 Fairfax Addition. The 1750s lots in the Pall Mall/Gerrard area, located a quarter-mile and more south of the historic town core, appear to have developed slowly. The 1874 Gray map, one of the first to systematically indicate buildings, depicts maybe two dozen primary resources in the Pall Mall/Gerrard area whereas development was much denser just to the north along Cameron and Loudoun streets.2

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Amherst Street, by virtue of its status as Winchester’s main route to the west, developed as an early focus of residential construction. The route was presumably already in existence by the end of the 1740s as a connection between James Wood’s residence at the NRHP-listed Glen Burnie and his newly laid-out town to the east. In the 1790s, Wood’s son Robert Wood built a Georgian- style brick house at Glen Burnie, the core of the existing house at the location. Associated with the house is a stone springhouse that is thought to date to the same period. Another son, James Wood Jr., in 1765 acquired a 570-acre portion of the Glen Burnie tract on which was situated a bold spring, the current Town Spring. James Jr. apparently lived on the acreage, which became known as Hawthorne, and the foundation of the extant, NRHP-listed Hawthorne house may date to his ownership. Alfred Harrison Powell acquired the property in 1811 and shortly thereafter is believed to have had the present Federal-style brick Hawthorne house built by local builder Lewis Barnett. The adjacent spring was used as a town water supply by the early nineteenth century when wooden pipes were laid to convey the water to town, one of Virginia’s earliest public water delivery systems. The Federal-style brick spring enclosure has a brick carved with the date 1816, which presumably indicates the building’s date of construction. The spring continued as one of the town’s primary water sources until 1890.3

Three large residences were built between Hawthorne and the town limits in the nineteenth century. One is the NRHP-listed Hexagon House (ca. 1873), which as its name implies has a hexagonal form. The unusual form was inspired by the writings of architectural theorist Orson S. Fowler who promoted non-rectangular (specifically octagonal) house plans in his book, A Home for All, or the Gravel Wall and Octagon Mode of Building (1848). The house, constructed of brick and detailed in the Italianate style, was erected for Winchester furniture dealer James W. Burgess by a builder named B. Leathers. It now houses the offices of Preservation of Historic Winchester, Inc. (PHW). Near the Hexagon House stands Selma (1872), a large Second Empire- style house of brick, and beyond Selma near the intersection of Amherst and Boscawen is the Robert Steele House, an antebellum brick residence. The Steele House was incorporated into a new medical facility in recent years, a modification that has compromised its integrity and resulted in its exclusion from the Boundary Increase Area.4

The Amherst Street area is depicted in the foreground scenery of Edward Beyer’s 1856 painting View of Winchester. In addition to the Steele House and an earlier Selma (burned during the Civil War), Beyer’s painting shows two extant houses on West Boscawen Street, the ca. 1830 residence at 316 W. Boscawen and the ca. 1845 residence at 324 W. Boscawen, and it provides detailed information on land use and outbuildings in the north end of the Boundary Increase Area during the period. Much of the area, because it was not yet developed into town lots, was in agricultural use. The north side of the 300 block of Amherst Street, for example, was planted in crops or plowed in anticipation of planting. Fields in the general vicinity were bordered by stone walls and what appears to be a garden plot on the south side of the 300 block of West Boscawen Street was shown enclosed by a white fence, presumably a whitewashed picket or paling fence. A white building near the intersection of West Boscawen and Stewart streets may have represented the mill of J. Stackhouse, documented in later sources. Secondary resources included a log barn or stable near Morgan Street (with shed lean-tos on its two gable ends) and a cluster of

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Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Winchester, VA Increase Name of Property County and State outbuildings near 324 W. Boscawen including one of brick, one of whitewashed or white-painted wood, and another of log or wood painted brown (perhaps whitewash mixed with ocher). None of the outbuildings shown in the painting survives.5

As noted in the original nomination for the Winchester Historic District, with the onset of the Civil War, Winchester found itself in a militarily strategic location at the junction of nine major roads and a secondary rail line. During the war’s early years, Confederate forces under the leadership of General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson occupied the city. His headquarters at 415 N. Braddock Street is within the original Winchester Historic District. Confederate and Union forces battled for control of the city over the course of three separate battles. On September 19, 1864, the Union victory in the third Battle of Winchester placed the city in Federal hands for the remainder of the war. A local newspaper described extensive damage in the city’s core, including razing of mills, stores, and private dwellings. In 1862-1863, Cornelia Peake McDonald, who resided at the aforementioned Hawthorne, recorded in her diary the serious practical challenges with which Winchester civilian populace were confronted during the war years. Later published by her grandson, McDonald’s diary and recollections represent a particularly significant source for first-hand information about the impact of the war on Winchester’s women.

Postwar recovery required several decades, during which Winchester managed to become a regional manufacturing and industrial center. Comparison of historic maps illustrates the evolution of principal streets within the Boundary Increase Area across the latter half of the nineteenth century. Stewart Street appears as a developed street in the 1857 Blythe and 1874 Gray maps of Winchester though the latter map, which shows buildings systematically, portrays only one principal resource on the street, what appears to be a small dwelling next to Town Run near the location of the existing house at 9 South Stewart. A number of large residences occupied whole blocks on the east side of the street although these appear to have faced Washington Street with only gardens and outbuildings to their rear along Stewart. The west side of Stewart Street, though it was laid out into lots, appears to have been almost entirely agricultural in character with the exception of the Fauntleroy House (shown in 1857) and an academy (shown in 1857 and 1874). An 1885 map identified the academy as the Shenandoah Valley Academy and showed it as a substantial building with a circular carriage drive connecting to Stewart Street. A few years later the site was redeveloped as the Hotel Winchester, described below.6

Railroad and Improvement Company Development

The largely agricultural character of the Amherst/Stewart Street area changed dramatically beginning in 1889 with the completion of the Cumberland Valley Railroad into Winchester. The rail line was built along the northwest side of Winchester and crossed Amherst Street near its intersection with Boscawen, curving inward to terminate at Stewart Street. A passenger station of Queen Anne design was constructed at the terminus and, by 1897, the Cumberland Valley Railroad Winchester Freight Station was built nearby at 315 West Boscawen. The Queen Anne- style brick freight station, which has the elongated rectangular form common for its building

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Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Winchester, VA Increase Name of Property County and State type and features deep overhanging eaves supported by elaborate struts with turned ornament. It was formerly adjoined by warehouse-type railroad buildings; by Baker’s Grain Elevator (so named on the 1891 Olszewski map); and by a hand-operated turntable with associated locomotive shed (these other buildings no longer survive). The freight station was acquired by the Winchester Little Theatre in 1974 and is currently undergoing rehabilitation.7

Winchester already had rail service prior to the construction of the Cumberland Valley line—the Baltimore and Ohio line which passed through and along the town on its east side—but the new rail connection had a transformative effect on the Amherst/Stewart area. Stewart Street changed from a sleepy back street to a major thoroughfare that linked established areas to the passenger station, bypassing the downtown. A development company created in 1889 by Pennsylvania businessman and judge John Handley, the Equity Improvement Company, laid out a large addition on the west side of the street, portions of which are contained in the Boundary Increase Area. On the hillside to the south of the passenger station the company erected a large hotel originally known as the Hotel Fairfax but by 1891 renamed the Hotel Winchester (also known as the Winchester Inn). Washington, D.C. architect James F. Denson designed the two-and-a-half- story, Queen Anne-style building. An entry wing featured an arcaded first story, an upper-level recessed balcony, and false half-timbering in the gable, the latter treatment not atypical for the Queen Anne style but perhaps in this instance a reference to Winchester’s namesake city in England. Towers with conical roofs rose at the building’s south and north ends, the north tower with an open fifth-story observation gallery.8

The Equity Improvement Company, like many other development companies of the era, fared poorly in the nationwide economic depression of the 1890s. The Hotel Winchester closed by 1897 and the development company dissolved in 1899, but not before it had established the hillsides to the west of Stewart Street as an up-and-coming residential area. Some of the first homes to be built as a part of the development are located on the 300 block of Clifford Street. The dwelling at 309 W. Clifford is a relatively small but spirited example of the Queen Anne style with a circular turret, a large gabled dormer with kicked eaves, a porch with paired turned columns on paneled pedestals, and wood shingle sheathing in a variety of decorative profiles: square-edged, fish scale, beveled, and scalloped. The dormer features a large “Queen Anne” window with decorative border panes and, in the gable above, a diamond-shaped accent window. The house next door at 311 W. Clifford shares with its neighbor such features as a diamond- shaped gable accent window and square-edged, beveled and fish scale wood shingle sheathing. The architectural similarities suggest the two houses were built by the same contractor. Although refined Queen Anne houses such as 309 and 311 W. Clifford were built in the blocks west of Stewart soon after the area was subdivided into lots (a date of ca. 1895 is proposed for 309 W. Clifford), development was initially light. Also, by the time residential construction began in earnest around 1920, the original arrangement of blocks and streets shown on the 1891 Olszewski map had changed; for example, a street parallel to Stewart was not laid out and the strip of land it would have occupied instead was divided into lots.9

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Twentieth Century Development

In 1901-1903 the Winchester Memorial Hospital began construction at the corner of South Stewart and West Clifford streets, opening a new chapter in the development of the Boundary Increase Area. The practice of medicine had long held an important place in the life of the town. In the antebellum period the Medical School of the Valley of Virginia occupied a site near the northwest corner of West Boscawen and North Stewart streets immediately adjoining the Boundary Increase Area. The new hospital continued the tradition. The hospital board retained Washington, D.C./Winchester architect Carl B. Keferstein to design the original facility, a Colonial Revival brick building of domestic appearance with an unusual multi-windowed frame wing to the rear that may have functioned as a fresh air ward for respiratory treatment. The associated Winchester Memorial Hospital Training School for Nurses opened in 1903, the same year the hospital opened, and the two institutions added buildings in subsequent decades, eventually filling the east end of the block between Clifford and Cork streets. Winchester architect Stuart H. Edmonds designed several new buildings and additions in the 1910s and 1920s and architect Ian Crawford MacCallum, also of Winchester, designed an addition in 1938. The medical campus that developed during the first half of the twentieth century was gradually replaced after 1950. The most dramatic change was the construction of the high-rise hospital building that dominates the block today, a six-story Modern building built in 1964 and raised an additional two stories in 1973. A large low-rise rear addition was made in the late 1970s. The earlier buildings between the high-rise and Stewart Street were demolished after the hospital relocated to a suburban campus near US Route 50 and Virginia Route 37 in 1990 and the location of the former buildings was landscaped. One of the few historic vestiges of the hospital complex to survive in the neighborhood is the ca. 1920s Colonial Revival house at 411 W. Clifford Street, which formerly served as a nursing home. The former hospital complex at 333 W. Cork (its modern street address) continues to provide the Winchester community with health care although hospital operations have moved to a separate location.10

The growth of Winchester Memorial Hospital and the establishment of another important and nearby civic institution, John Handley High School (1921-1923), contributed to the popularity of the area for residential development. The early twentieth century was also a period of population growth in Winchester, from 5,161 residents in 1900 to 6,883 by 1920 and 10,855 by 1930. Many of the new residents would have moved to newly constructed houses in the South Stewart Street area. A majority of these dwellings were constructed in the popular Colonial Revival style of the era, also the dominant style of the hospital complex and present in the design of John Handley High School. The area’s Colonial Revival houses are typically built of or veneered with brick and have two-story side-gabled forms. A more economical Colonial Revival house type, the one- story or story-and-a-half Cape Cod form with its often multi-dormered side-gable roof, was particularly popular during the later phase of the Colonial Revival’s occurrence in the area after World War II. Nine Cape Cod houses stand in the Boundary Increase Area. Another variant was the Dutch Colonial Revival house form identified by its gambrel roof. Approximately a dozen Dutch Colonial houses stand in the Boundary Increase Area.11

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The Tudor Revival style, popular nationwide during the 1920s and 1930s, is not as common as the Colonial Revival style in the Boundary Increase Area, with slightly over a dozen examples represented. The style evoked (at least in theory) English architecture of the period of the Tudor monarchs and is characterized by varied and generally steeply sloped roof forms and decorative wall finishes like false half timbering. A representative example of the style is the ca. 1925 house at 95 Lee Street which has false half-timbering in the form of straight members and crucks (curved members) with infilling of textured stucco. Another style, common elsewhere in the country but relatively rare in the Boundary Increase Area, is the Mission/Spanish Colonial Revival style, influenced by the architecture of California’s colonial Spanish missions. Examples include 101 Lee Street (marked on Sanborn maps “const[ruction] suspended Mar 1925”) and the ca. 1930 house at 620 S. Stewart, both with stucco finishes and arched door and window openings (620 S. Stewart also has Spanish roof tiles).

Markedly different from these eclectic and historicist revival styles is the Craftsman style associated with the Boundary Increase Area’s bungalow houses. The Craftsman style and the associated one-story or story-and-a-half bungalow house form developed in California at the beginning of the twentieth century and spread to the rest of the country and to Virginia in the 1910s where it remained popular through the 1930s. One of the Boundary Increase Area’s principal concentrations of Craftsman bungalows occurs on West Clifford Street where five houses in a row (426, 506, 510, 516, and 520) exhibit the style and form.

The Gerrard/Pall Mall area developed differently than the Amherst/Stewart area during the first half of the twentieth century, with more infill development (since the blocks were already partially developed) and a greater mix of functional types. Gerrard Street’s location at the point where the arterial thoroughfares of Millwood Avenue (US Route 50) and Valley Avenue (US Route 11) funneled into the downtown area made it attractive for commercial development. Hotel Winchester, also known as the New Taylor Hotel and a different building than the hotel by the same name on Stewart Street, was built on the first block of West Gerrard about 1920 and was for a time the area’s leading commercial enterprise. The two-story brick or brick veneered building featured a setback hip-roofed third story crowned by signage that advertised the hotel. The Chapman Barbershop occupied a commercial space on the first floor of the building, which no longer stands. Despite the convenience of the Gerrard/Pall Mall area to out-of-town motorists, automobile-oriented businesses were at first slow to migrate to it. A 1926 bird’s-eye perspective of Winchester which lists automobile repair garages and showrooms indicates that most if not all such businesses were still located in the heart of the city, but as the Gerrard/Pall Mall area’s surviving mid-century garage-type buildings indicate, reorientation to the automobile was well underway by the 1950s. An architecturally notable commercial building in the area is the ca. 1965 C&S Branch Bank at 823 S. Loudoun, a building with International Style influences that is classified as non-contributing on account of its apparent age. Other Modern buildings were built on the opposite side of Gerrard Streets outside the Boundary Increase Area, for example the 1948 Triangle Diner at 27 W. Gerrard. Also across Gerrard Street is Gaunt’s Drug Store where country singer Patsy Cline once worked.12

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Several apartment buildings were built in the Gerrard/Pall Mall area during the early twentieth century. Two stand side by side on a hilly section of South Kent Street. 721-727 S. Kent is a two- story frame building of box-like form containing four apartment units. The building has an unusual front porch arrangement with four individual porches ganged under a single hipped porch roof. The six-unit apartment building next door at 729-739 S. Kent stair-steps down the sloping street in three increments, with paired entries on each level, although the stepped parapet above has six steps corresponding to the six units. 729-739 S. Kent is more stylish than its neighbor, with Colonial Revival entry surrounds consisting of pediments supported by fluted pilasters. The building’s brick veneer complements the colonial style. Another relatively stylish apartment building stands at 811 S. Braddock. The two-story brick building, which mixes elements of the Colonial Revival and Craftsman styles, is identified by a parapet cresting inscribed with the date 1939 and the building’s name, Dr. C. R. Anderson Apartments. Decorative flourishes include brick and cast stone parapet panels with diamond motifs and corner piers crowned with cast stone globe finials. One apartment building was built in the western part of the Boundary Increase Area at 211 W. Leicester and more were built just outside the area on the 500 and 600 blocks of West Cork Street.

The Cumberland Valley Railroad remained a fixture of the Amherst/Boscawen area well into the twentieth century. The line merged with the Pennsylvania Railroad about 1919 and subsequent owners included Penn Central, Conrail, and the Winchester and Western. The railroad right-of- way across Amherst Street was not formally vacated until the 1990s. The rail line and its various sidings attracted a number of businesses that dealt with bulk commodities such as feed, fertilizer, and coal. The latter was sold by the A. C. Slonaker and Sons Coal Yard, which operated out of the ca. 1900 two-story frame building at 332 Amherst. The 1897 Sanborn map shows a variety of manufacturers located in the vicinity of the Southern States and Rite Aid buildings on the south side of Amherst and Boscawen including the Shryock and Hotel Grist Mill, the Kern and Campbell Canning Factory (probably for tomato canning), and an unnamed blacksmith and wagon shop. Just north of the Boundary Increase Area along the rail line was the Winchester Manufacturing Company, a sash, door, and blind manufacturer, and the Miller Supply Company, also a building supplies manufacturer.13

With the exception of the Slonaker Coal Yard Office, these early industrial/commercial-type buildings are now gone, but the railroad terminus feel of the area is still very much in evidence. This is primarily due to the survival of the freight station at 315 W. Boscawen and the Conrail boxcar parked beside it (used for set storage by the Winchester Little Theatre) and the existence of later buildings in the mold of the older ones. These include the ca. 1940 building at 325-331 W. Boscawen (labeled farm supplies, feed, and fertilizer warehouse on the Sanborn maps and built on the site of the former Baker’s Grain Elevator, still extant in the mid-1930s), the ca. 1930 two-story brick commercial building at 330 W. Boscawen, and the ca. 1964 agricultural supplies store (now Southern States) at 447 Amherst. The status of the Amherst/Boscawen corridor as downtown Winchester’s western entryway made the area a popular location for service stations. These include the ca. 1935 service station at 334 W. Boscawen (currently Bonnie Blue Southern

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Market and Bakery), distinguished by its simulated Spanish tile office roof and decorative transom windows, and the ca. 1961 service station at 338 Amherst.14

Mid-twentieth century development of an entirely different character occurred farther out Amherst Street at Glen Burnie. Julian Wood Glass Jr., the last direct descendant of Winchester founder Col. James Wood to reside at Glen Burnie, inherited the property in 1959. A gay man, Julian Glass at the time was in a committed relationship with R. Lee Taylor, who he met in New York City in 1947. Glass undertook an extensive renovation of the Glen Burnie House, including rebuilding two brick wings and meticulous repairs to the dwelling’s interior; as work progressed, he conceived a plan of eventually opening the property to the public as a museum. Glass’s architect for the work was Clarke T. Cooper Jr. of Winchester. Glass also had outbuildings designed to harmonize with the eighteenth-century house built from the late 1950s through late 1960s. Glass’s work of improving the property continued after the end of the period of significance; for example the conservatory known as the “Pink Pavilion,” which features Corinthian corner pilasters and a bulls-eye gable window, was built ca. 1967. Glass’ longtime partner, R. Lee Taylor, designed six acres of formal gardens at Glen Burnie. Glass died in 1992, and the Glass-Glen Burnie Foundation assumed responsibility for the property. Glen Burnie opened as a museum in 1997. Taylor served as curator of the gardens until his death in 2000. Also on the Glen Burnie property is the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley, designed by architect Michael Graves and built in 2005. Among its holdings is Glass’s extensive personal collection of English and American paintings and decorative arts and Taylor’s collection of miniatures. The historic character of the Glen Burnie property and other historic properties along Amherst Street was an important consideration in the extension of the local Historic Winchester District to incorporate these properties.15


1. Quarles, Streets of Winchester, 1; “Glen Burnie”; Johnson, “Map of Winchester and Vicinity”; Kalbian and Peters, “Hawthorne and Old Town Spring,” 15. A number of individuals contributed to the research and preparation of the nomination report, foremost among them City of Winchester Planning Director Timothy Youmans. Annie Cahill, GISP, Winchester GIS Coordinator, provided mapping for the project. Assistance was also provided by Dana Hand Evans (Museum of the Shenandoah Valley); Maral Kalbian (architectural historian); Pamela Lam (Winchester Little Theatre Business Manager); Dixie Lum (Lumland Properties);Tim Machado, AIA (Winchester Little Theatre rehabilitation architect); Rich Molden (Molden Real Estate); Ben Ritter (Winchester historian); the staff of the Stewart Bell Jr. Archives Room, Handley Regional Library, Winchester; and David Edwards, Quatro Hubbard, Lauren Leake, Lena McDonald, Chris Novelli, and Aubrey Von Lindern at the Virginia Department of Historic Resources.

2. Johnson, “Map of Winchester and Vicinity”; Gray, “Map of Winchester.”

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3. Kalbian and Peters, “Hawthorne and Old Town Spring,” 15-18; “Winchester History.”

4. Cote, “Hexagon House”; Ritson, Trieschmann, and Waterloo, “Winchester Historic District (Boundary Expansion/Amendment 2012)”; Johnston, “Map of Winchester and Vicinity”; Holsworth, Civil War Winchester, 100.

5. More Images of the Past (cover); Johnston, “Map of Winchester and Vicinity.”

6. Johnston, “Map of Winchester and Vicinity”; O. W. Gray and Son, “Map of Winchester”; Lake map of Winchester.

7. Westhaeffer, History of the Cumberland Valley Railroad, 182-184; Olszewski, “Map of Winchester;” Gore, “Compliments of the Equity Improvement Company;” Sanborn maps.

8. Harris and Humbert, “Douglas School,” 4; Olszewski, “Map of Winchester”; “Equity Improvement Company”; More Images of the Past, 66; Wells and Dalton, Virginia Architects, 115.

9. Olszewski, “Map of Winchester”; Sanborn maps.

10. Youmans, “Winchester History”; Johnston, “Map of Winchester and Vicinity”; “Winchester Medical Center”; Wells and Dalton, Virginia Architects, 130, 236; Parker, Winchester, 73; Sanborn maps.

11. Oshida and Kalbian, “Winchester Historic District (Update 2014),”130.

12. Dixie Lum personal communication; More Images of the Past, 82; “Bird’s Eye Map of the City of Winchester.”

13. “Winchester Little Theater;” Sanborn maps.

14. “Winchester Little Theater;” Turgeon, “Photomap of Winchester.”

15. “‘Glen Burnie’—Mr. J. W. Glass Jr.;” Winchester building permits; Museum of the Shenandoah Valley.

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______9. Major Bibliographical References

Bibliography (Cite the books, articles, and other sources used in preparing this form.)

“Bird’s Eye Map of the City of Winchester.” 1926

Cote, Richard C. “Hexagon House.” National Register of Historic Places Inventory-Nomination Form, 1987.

“Equity Improvement Company of Winchester, Virginia.” Finding Aid, Stewart Bell Jr. Archives Room, Handley Regional Library, Winchester, Va.

Foreman, Michael, et al. Images of the Past. Winchester, Va.: Winchester-Frederick County Historical Society, 1980.

“Glen Burnie.” National Register of Historic Places Inventory-Nomination Form, 1979.

“‘Glen Burnie’—Mr. J. W. Glass Jr.” Architectural drawings dated November 5, 1958, in the Glen Burnie file (138-0008), Virginia Department of Historic Resources, Richmond.

Gore, J. Howard. “Compliments of the Equity Improvement Company of Winchester, Virginia.” Map, ca. 1890.

Harris, Sharon, and Judy Humbert. “Douglas School.” National Register of Historic Places Registration Form, 1999.

Holsworth, Jerry W. Civil War Winchester. Charleston, S.C.: History Press, 2011.

Johnston, Wilbur S., comp. “Map of Winchester and Vicinity.” Winchester, Va.: Winchester- Frederick County Historical Society, 2000.

Kalbian, Maral S. Frederick County, Virginia; History through Architecture. Winchester, Va.: Winchester-Frederick County Historical Society, 1999.

______. “Winchester Historic District (Boundary Increase).” National Register of Historic Places Registration Form, 2002.

Kalbian, Maral S., and Margaret T. Peters. “Hawthorne and Old Town Spring.” National Register of Historic Places Registration Form, 2013.

______. “Winchester Historic District (Boundary Increase 2008).” National Register of Historic Places Registration Form, 2008.

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Lake map of Winchester, south and north panels. From Lake’s Atlas of Frederick County (1885) at the Stewart Bell Jr. Archives Room, Handley Regional Library, Winchester.

Loth, Calder, ed. The Virginia Landmarks Register. Fourth Edition. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1999.

More Images of the Past. Winchester, Va.: Winchester-Frederick County Historical Society, 2005.

Museum of the Shenandoah Valley. “Julian Wood Glass, Jr.” and “R. Lee Taylor.”

O. W. Gray and Son. “Map of Winchester, Frederick Co., Virginia.” 1874.

Olszewski, Albert V. “Map of Winchester, Virginia, Addition Made by the Equity Improvement Company.” 1891.

Oshida, Caitlin M., and Maral S. Kalbian. “Winchester Historic District (Update 2014).” National Register of Historic Places Registration Form Additional Documentation, 2013.

Parker, Kathryn. Winchester. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing, 2006.

Past Perfect website, Stewart Bell Jr. Archives Room, Handley Regional Library, Winchester, Va. (, accessed May 11, 2015.

Quarles, Garland R. The Streets of Winchester, Virginia. Ca. 1950.

______. The Story of One Hundred Old Homes in Winchester, Virginia. Berryville, Va.: Virginia Book Company, 1967.

Quarles, Garland R., and Lewis N. Barton, eds. What I Know About Winchester: Recollections of William Greenway Russell, 1800-1891. Staunton, Va.: McClure Publishing, 1953.

Ritson, Kate; Laura V. Trieschmann; Emma Waterloo. “Winchester Historic District (Boundary Expansion/Amendment 2012).” Virginia Department of Historic Resources Preliminary Resources Information Sheet, 2012.

Sanborn Map Company. “Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia.” Maps from 1897 and 1927 (amended).

Turgeon, Frank, Jr. “Photomap of Winchester, Va. at 4,000 feet.” Stewart Bell Jr. Archives Room, Handley Regional Library, Winchester, Va.

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Wells, John E., and Robert E. Dalton. The Virginia Architects, 1835-1955. Richmond, Va.: New South Architectural Press, 1997.

Westhaeffer, History of the Cumberland Valley Railroad. Washington, D.C.: National Railway Historical Society, 1979.

Winchester building permits for selected properties researched by Timothy Youmans, May 2015.

“Winchester Historic District.” National Register of Historic Places Inventory-Nomination Form, 1979.

“Winchester Medical Center.” Finding Aid, Stewart Bell Jr. Archives Room, Handley Regional Library, Winchester, Va.

Youmans, Timothy. “Winchester History.” Article online at the City of Winchester website (, accessed May 11, 2015. ______Previous documentation on file (NPS): ____ preliminary determination of individual listing (36 CFR 67) has been requested ____ previously listed in the National Register ____ previously determined eligible by the National Register ____ designated a National Historic Landmark ____ recorded by Historic American Buildings Survey #______recorded by Historic American Engineering Record # ______recorded by Historic American Landscape Survey # ______

Primary location of additional data: _X__ State Historic Preservation Office ____ Other State agency ____ Federal agency ____ Local government ____ University ____ Other Name of repository: Department of Historic Resources, Richmond, Virginia

Historic Resources Survey Number (if assigned): DHR ID# 138-0042 ______10. Geographical Data

Acreage of Property approximately 170 acres

Use either the UTM system or latitude/longitude coordinates

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Latitude/Longitude Coordinates Datum if other than WGS84:______(enter coordinates to 6 decimal places)

West Boundary Increase Area 1. Latitude: 39.189490 Longitude: -78.182310

2. Latitude: 39.187710 Longitude: -78.169570

3. Latitude: 39.177730 Longitude: -78.172270

4. Latitude: 39.181680 Longitude: -78.175360

5. Latitude: 39.183990 Longitude: -78.178000

6. Latitude: 39.185870 Longitude: -78.184740

South Boundary Increase Area 1. Latitude: 39.178420 Longitude: -78.170040

2. Latitude: 39.177400 Longitude: -78.164290

3. Latitude: 39.176150 Longitude: -78.165330

4. Latitude: 39.177380 Longitude: -78.170770

Or UTM References Datum (indicated on USGS map):

NAD 1927 or NAD 1983

1. Zone: Easting: Northing:

2. Zone: Easting: Northing:

3. Zone: Easting: Northing:

4. Zone: Easting : Northing:

Verbal Boundary Description (Describe the boundaries of the property.)

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United States Department of the Interior National Park Service / National Register of Historic Places Registration Form NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018

Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Winchester, VA Increase Name of Property County and State

The true and correct historic boundaries of the Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Increase are shown on the accompanying location map as well as shown on the attached 1”=200’ scaled maps titled “Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Increase Sketch Map” and prepared by City of Winchester staff. Basically, the boundaries define two discontiguous areas adjacent to the existing Winchester Historic District on its south and west sides.

Boundary Justification (Explain why the boundaries were selected.) The boundaries of the 2015 Boundary Increase Area were delineated as the result of additional survey and research in 2012 that found the resources within the increase area were left out of the original historic district either because they were not surveyed, and/or had not yet reached historic age. These resources today help complete the architectural story and historic context of the City of Winchester between the late eighteenth century to the mid- twentieth century. The historic boundaries are drawn to encompass the district’s historic setting as well as all resources that contribute to the district’s significance and retain integrity of location, setting, design, workmanship, materials, feeling, and association.

______11. Form Prepared By

name/title: J. Daniel Pezzoni organization: Landmark Preservation Associates street & number: 6 Houston St. city or town: Lexington state: VA zip code: 24450 e-mail: [email protected] telephone: (540) 464-5315 date: May 28, 2015


Additional Documentation

Submit the following items with the completed form:

• Maps: A USGS map or equivalent (7.5 or 15 minute series) indicating the property's location.

• Sketch map for historic districts and properties having large acreage or numerous resources. Key all photographs to this map.

• Additional items: (Check with the SHPO, TPO, or FPO for any additional items.)

Sections 9-end page 69

United States Department of the Interior National Park Service / National Register of Historic Places Registration Form NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018

Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Winchester, VA Increase Name of Property County and State

Photographs Submit clear and descriptive photographs. The size of each image must be 1600x1200 pixels (minimum), 3000x2000 preferred, at 300 ppi (pixels per inch) or larger. Key all photographs to the sketch map. Each photograph must be numbered and that number must correspond to the photograph number on the photo log. For simplicity, the name of the photographer, photo date, etc. may be listed once on the photograph log and doesn’t need to be labeled on every photograph.

Photo Log

All photos common to: Name of Property: Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Increase City or Vicinity: Winchester State: Virginia Photographer: J. Daniel Pezzoni Date Photographed: April and May 2015 Description of Photograph(s) and number, include description of view indicating direction of camera.

Photo 1 of 13: VA_Winchester_WinchesterHistoricDistrict2015BoundaryIncrease_0001 Date: May 2015 View: 700 block of S. Stewart St. (east side), view looking south.

Photo 2 of 13: VA_Winchester_WinchesterHistoricDistrict2015BoundaryIncrease_0002 Date: May 2015 View: First block of S. Loudoun St at E. Pall Mall St. (south side), view looking north.

Photo 3 of 13: VA_Winchester_WinchesterHistoricDistrict2015BoundaryIncrease_0003 Date: April 2015 View: Morgan St. (east side), view looking north.

Photo 4 of 13: VA_Winchester_WinchesterHistoricDistrict2015BoundaryIncrease_0004 Date: April 2015 View: 700 block of S. Kent St., view looking north.

Photo 5 of 13: VA_Winchester_WinchesterHistoricDistrict2015BoundaryIncrease_0005 Date: May 2015 View: 400 block of W. Leicester St., view looking east. The north (left) side of the street is in the Boundary Increase Area and the south (right) side of the street is outside.

Photo 6 of 13: VA_Winchester_WinchesterHistoricDistrict2015BoundaryIncrease_0006 Date: April 2015

Sections 9-end page 70

United States Department of the Interior National Park Service / National Register of Historic Places Registration Form NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018

Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Winchester, VA Increase Name of Property County and State

View: 400 and 500 block of W. Clifford St. (north side), view looking northeast.

Photo 7 of 13: VA_Winchester_WinchesterHistoricDistrict2015BoundaryIncrease_0007 Date: May 2015 View: Intersection of Gerrard Street and South Braddock Street at the southern edge of the Boundary Increase Area, view looking northeast.

Photo 8 of 13: VA_Winchester_WinchesterHistoricDistrict2015BoundaryIncrease_0008 Date: April 2015 View: Hexagon House (530 Amherst St.), view looking northwest.

Photo 9 of 13: VA_Winchester_WinchesterHistoricDistrict2015BoundaryIncrease_0009 Date: April 2015 View: 95 Lee St., view looking west.

Photo 10 of 13: VA_Winchester_WinchesterHistoricDistrict2015BoundaryIncrease_0010 Date: April 2015 View: 101 Lee St., view looking west.

Photo 11 of 13: VA_Winchester_WinchesterHistoricDistrict2015BoundaryIncrease_0011 Date: April 2015 View: Amherst Diner (334 Amherst St.) with the Slonaker Coal Yard Office (332 Amherst St.) behind, view looking east.

Photo 12 of 13: VA_Winchester_WinchesterHistoricDistrict2015BoundaryIncrease_0012 Date: April 2015 View: 334 W. Boscawen St., view looking southeast.

Photo 13 of 13: VA_Winchester_WinchesterHistoricDistrict2015BoundaryIncrease_0013 Date: May 2015 View: Winchester Memorial Hospital (333 W. Cork St), view looking northwest.

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: This information is being collected for applications to the National Register of Historic Places to nominate properties for listing or determine eligibility for listing, to list properties, and to amend existing listings. Response to this request is required to obtain a benefit in accordance with the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended (16 U.S.C.460 et seq.). Estimated Burden Statement: Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 100 hours per response including time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining data, and completing and reviewing the form. Direct comments regarding this burden estimate or any aspect of this form to the Office of Planning and Performance Management. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, 1849 C. Street, NW, Washington, DC.

Sections 9-end page 71














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Created by: D. Bascone July 23, 2015 23,2015 July Bascone by: D. Created 2011 ESRI 2015, VBMP 2015, VDHR Sources: gathered been have (DHR) ofResources Department Historic Virginia the of Records date the representation field is depicted observation on years the based manyand over isillustration for general Themapconditions. ground not current reflect may and, or legalother site-specific not and for intended is purposes most recent "as-is".ContactDHR isfor errorsthe providedand may contain map The continually. is updated as data information


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` w w w w w w 209 1119 1020 200 204 211 207 212 201 205 212 1109 200 209 210 208 152 201 205 1101 145 206 148 144 201 141 200 Branner Ave 144 137 140 145 140 144 133 136 141 145 140 144 Whittier Ave 137 141 127 132 136 140 133 128 137 125 MyrtleAve 132 136 124 129 133 Allison Ave 128 132 121 WoodAve 125 129 124 117 128 125 125 124 128 120 130 121 1400 120 1338 1330 117 116 1300 1220 837 1214 113 116 1002C 833 112 112 1116 1002A

Medical Cir 1104

1014 1002B 1010 Amherst St

844 918



5 10

901 1205

Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Increase Page 1 of 6 City of Winchester, Virginia

VDHR File Number 138-0042

¦ § ¨ ©  £ ¢ 0 100 200 400 Feet

Contributing Secondary Resource Contributing (primary resource) ¥ ¤ Non-contributing (primary resource) 1 inch = 200 feet Non-Contributing Secondary Resource Produced by: City of Winchester GIS 15 N Cameron St Proposed National Historic Expansion Area Winchester, VA 22601 August 11, 2015 DRAFT 441


420 131 201 425

126 410 415 162

230 127

400 147 137 405 226 122 166

Walker St

222 123

170 HawthorneDr 151 133 218

119 118

174 214 155

115 210

178 125 124 206 129 114 Selma Dr 125 186 121 182 830 110 117 837 833 115 113 1002A 106 111 829

610 514 109

  1 107 112

Whittier Ave 102   105 108 1 844

918 103   330 326 830 1 530 522 101 812 320

810 304   338 2 324 316 312 804 1 310 334 730 1 800 Amherst St

315 309 307 305 303

 311  334 321 319 1 332 330 2119 W Boscawen 328St 17 447 324 1311 9 507509 511 1 525 7 320 5

801 331 329 327 316 314312 302 325 308

718 710 730 726 722 714 315 706 103 Academy Cir 107 303 108 711 606 602 112 715 109 506 719 514 510 502 9 424 420 416 111 412 408 404 Joist Hite Pl 11 116 115 111 112 116 111 112 1 15 20 115 116 89 119 115 413 120 119 116

119 120 1 91 23 


  1  128 123 124 1 1 93 127 123 123 Novick Aly 128 426 127 128 422 420 418 102 131 127 95 132 131 131 132 131 Stonewall Ave ShirleySt

LataneSt Roszel Rd 110 136 139

136  135 425  417 101 311 139 Academy Ln 1 105 608 606 506 502 107 116 500 420 318 110312 204 147 120 214 211 W Cork St

517 513 509 505 501 427


  215 1 220 163 333 215 211 520 221 516 510 506 426 422

W Clifford St 301 525 521 517 301 Winchester Historic District 2015305 Boundary Increase423 421 419 Page 2 of 6 307 415 309 City of Winchester, Virginia310 315 VDHR File Number 138-0042314

317 530

¦ § ¨ ©  321

 0 100 200 400 Feet 

Contributing Secondary Resource Contributing (primary resource)   1 inch = 200 feet Non-Contributing Secondary Resource Non-contributing (primary resource) Produced by: City of Winchester GIS 15 N Cameron St Proposed National Historic Expansion Area Winchester, VA 22601 August 11, 2015 DRAFT 446 444 445 442 436 440 443 438 434 440 435 441 436 436 433 1/2 433 431 432 434 430430 1/2 432 431 432 435 428 429 426 428 424 1/2 427 424 424 426 418 422 424 418 416 420 413 414 415 419 12 414 418 409 413 415 408 28 1/2 6 8 405 414 412 403 130 4 126 110 410 17 400 122 118 104 421 419 405 102 28 2 3432 24 22 2018 323 26 406 415 Peyton St 10 402 319 350 23 21 19 15 339 24 348 161159157155153 127125123121 119 115 331 17 346 151149147 31 337 400 344 335 317 Baker St 326 333 131 327 133 324 329 342 135 331 137 329 322 139 323321325 327 311 141 143 318 326328 338340 145 319 330332334336 321 320322324 LibraryLn 314

311 303 FairmontAve 200 309 305 302 134 124 118 308 305 120 303 303 301 301 302 216 215 W Fairfax Ln 124 E Fairfax Ln 129 130 209 214 131 127 123 218

216   208 225 1 209 210 219 1 125 126 205 100 121 202 116 203 200 40 205 1 124 24 202 117 134 130 16 20 316 201 2628 201 200

1 328 326 322 314 310  115  24262828 1/230 32384042444850 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 W Piccadilly St 108 1 113 E Piccadilly St 142 1 111 129127125 3533 205 131197 185 331 327 319 317 315 1 141 138 135 136 181 186


 301 N Braddock St N Loudoun St 37

 37 1/2 1 109  25 179 4143139 1 1 1 136 177 31 1 1 132 39 103 1 107 173 112 1 132 166 126126 167 135 126126 165 168 105 128 164 Morgan St 163 108 1 123 160 162 125 126 161 160 159 122 120 157 158 125 127

1 103 121 158 156 155



 123  118 151 152 326 1 3 115 149 150 330 1 101 1 116 147 148 145 146 320 111 112 45 139 117 112 139139139139139139139 304 234 137 142 324 312 302 316 109 N Washington St 135 134 310 222 106 110 137 1/2 334 226 131 132 220 105 108 130 132 128 1/2 101 138 120 125125125125125 128 103 104 124120 120 123 124 114 Amherst St 127 121 122 120 115 112 118 315 311 309 307 305 303 334 321 319 301 20 109 35 30 116 110 227 33 115 332 29 111 223 19 123 109 112 330 1 2119 27 107 17 27 1/2 105 106 106 328 N IndianAly 2424 324 1 16 25 103 107 13 11 38 11 23 101 100 9 23 21 29 12 19 27 Rouss Ave 7 25 320 5 23 6 226 16 21 20 N Stewart St 4 331 N Parrish Ln 15 329 9 5 327 316 314312 302 9 15 325 308 210208 202 140132 230 220 216214212 114 38 7 1/2 126124 106104 48 26 8 7 110 18

315 W Boscawen St 201614 10 6 2 1 2   E Boscawen St 2 CourtSq 1 221 1917 1 25 217 125 113111107 454341393735 31 25 15 1/21513 131/21197 5 2 45 1 143141137 27 21 3 4 19 21 25 3 133131 3 15 23 25 303 1 117 7 6 25 10 25 33 15 11 25 8 8 13 14 25 15 16 17 11 9 23

502 9 12 22  17 424 420 416 412  14 25 408 404 15 16 21 24 1 15 18 19 11 14 18 1/2 Joist Hite Pl 20 23 20

20 1/2 29 28  112  1 27 89 1 15 20 1 22 413 24 33 21 24 29 30 20 116 228 220 40 3838 1/2 39 22 91 23 31 28 39 1/2 116 112 30 41 38 21 24 36343028 26 2422 41 1/2 40 37 36 44 93 Wolfe St 38 46 50 41 25 49 48 42

4543 102  422 420  54 44 418 102 101 47 95 103 102 1 104 106 106 50 Lee St 42

115 SIndian Aly Stonewall Ave 103 109

110 S Loudoun St 110 111 417 104 115 112 114 117 115 1/2 116 112 101 1 311 S Stewart St 113

S Braddock St   116 117 117 S Washington St 117 115 105 112 118 119 118 1 119 121 107 116 125 1/2 121 122 117 119 125 124 123 119 125 125 318 110312 116 127 129 136 130 131 202 120 214 120 110 133 30 128 126 122 137 140 132 108 104 142 12 22 32 8 6139 131 118 4141 2 136 118 124124 1/2 W Cork St 114116 1/2 128126130132 E Cork St 202 119117 113111109 101 204 121 203 204 205 29 202 123 333 202 206 203 117 129131 207 19 208 210 211 204 215 211 209 210 210 212 214 213 215 216 206 207 214 218 212 217 218 14 211 209 210 216 218220 217 219 222 213 108 1 218 112 223221 224 W Clifford St 18 216 224 201816 12 10 8 229 2266 10 26283032 221 Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Increase Page 3 of 6 309 300 115 111 301 302 311 215 303 119 303 3 5 315 309 304 304 311 City of Winchester,307 Virginia308 307 311 306 309 311 315

VDHR File312 Number 138-0042313

   ! " # 314 312 310  315 318 321 316 315 222 320 317 116114108106

 0 100 200 400 Feet  Contributing401 Secondary Resource Contributing (primary resource)

319 317   407 1 inch = 200 feet Non-Contributing Secondary402 Resource407 Non-contributing (primary resource) Produced by: City of Winchester GIS 409 15 N Cameron St Proposed National Historic Expansion Area Winchester, VA 22601 419 August 11, 2015 DRAFT 308 502 500 420

517 513 505509 501 427 423 215 220 163

520 221 516 510 506 426 422

301 525 521 517 301 305 423 421 419

1 415 411 % 307 $ 309 403 310 1 1 1 315 318 1 1 314 530

317 428 334 330 % $ 424 420 326 432 416 412 322 318 321 1 W Cecil St

401 539 401 400 423 421 419 535 411 407

405 415 403 327 323


$ %

410 $ 407 434 1 1

411 437 1


% $ 510 $ 411 1 1 2 439 1 1 1 1 1 506 413 414 502 441 448 428 318 438 436 434 432 324 316 314312 W Leicester ST W Leicester St 501 504 511 457 449 439 437 433 425423 503 451 429 321 319 315 313 505 508


515 510 512 410 406 402 314 310 418 414 525 426 422 519 514 528 W Monmouth St 529

518 HandleyAve 403 415 407 423 419 411 401 605 602 536 603 416 405 609 420 606 541 432 4280 623 544 409 613 610 Briarmont Dr 625 611 615 417 413 617 425 421 614 433 429

621 618 701

703 625 555 622 629 705 426 630 717

633 TennysonAve 709 637 634 713 641 638 803 Handley Blvd

645 320 312

809 818

646 Harper Dr 703

536 711

425 719 524 512 500

Jefferson St

529 521 513 509 505 501 451 439 435 431 427 423 419 415 411 601 407 508 504 500 1203 448 355 444 440 1202 351 347 436 343 339 432 428 335 424 331 327 420 416 412 319 315 311 307 1233 303 500 261 1234 257 360 356 352 253 249 Miller St 348 501 1301 344 340 241 237 336 332 233 231 421 328 324 550 1305 1303 320 316 312 Seldon Dr 1306 670 308 304 664 1309 1302 359 355 300 525 1307 252 347 343 248 644 1310 339 244 Vanceright Cir 335 1313 1311 351 331 327 1314 1312 325 1315 321 307 600 1318 1316 1319 665 1320 Winchester Historic District 2015 Boundary Increase 329 Page 4 of 6 1321 1325 1520 City of Winchester, Virginia 1324 635 1328 352 VDHR File Number 138-00421401


+ , - . / 0 1 2 601 * 1405

' 0 100 200 400 Feet & 652 Contributing Secondary Resource Contributing (primary resource)

648 ) ( 1 inch = 200 feet Non-Contributing644 Secondary Resource Non-contributing (primary resource) 640 Produced by: City of Winchester GIS 636 15 N Cameron St Proposed National Historic Expansion Area Winchester, VA 22601 August 11, 2015 DRAFT 117 121 123 125 129 136 131 30 137 140 12 22 32 8 139 142 64141 2

202 119117 113111109 101 204 121 203 204 29 202 206 203 207 19 208 209 210 210 211 210 212 214 213 215 216 214 218 212 217 218 14 211 216 218220 217 219 222 213 108 218 112 223221 224 18 224 201816 12 10 8 229 2266 10 26283032 221

300 115 301 302

4 309 111 3311 215 303 119 303 3 5

403 315 309 304 304 13 4

1 1 3 1 311 1 302 1 307 308 307 311 306 309 311 1 1 315 311 309 1 1 313 311

312 315 314 4 334 3 1 428 424 420 416 412 330 326 314 315 432 322 318 312 310 1 321 315 318 317 316 320 317 318 1 222 2422 317 116114108106 319 326 1210 6 321 321 320 6 12 1416 W Cecil St 401 421 1 400 423 419 401 E Cecil St 411 407 327 323 319 317 1 415 403 400 401 125 115 1 407 403 403 402 1315 401 434 1 1 402 407 21 19 402 437 404 406 409 407 405 409 21 406 439 408 1 1 412 410 411 410 2 419 408 413 411 417 412 414 441 448 438 434 428 318 414 415 414 436 432 324 316 314312 308 116 419 417 421 416 423 422 1618 416 118 106 419 422 126124120 112110 423 1014 12 425 424 6 8 24 W Leicester St 422 108 1 E Leicester St 457 449 439 437 433 425 451 429 423 321 319 315 313 305 503 500 503 123 109107 501 500 119115 113 501 211 3 502 9 502 506 17 1513 9 11 13 15 109 1 515 507 17 19 501 507 507 503 510 510 505505 1/2 516 1 511 511 506 402 314 511 517 512 512 414 410 406 310 515 511 510 426 418 518 513 514 422 1 519 516 515 520 515 518 514 517 520 521 522 519 516 124122118116 114112 110 524 22 18 14 522 525 16 1210 8 6 4 2 524 18 20 22 24 521 8121416 2628 114

Briarmont Dr W Monmouth St 523 522 116 4 403 3 415 407 423 419 411 401 2 E Monmouth St 604 1 219 217 600 123

605 119 117 115113111 603 4 3 603 605 11 17

4 601 3 601 602 21 23 602 107109 115 608 1 1 607 606 111 117 405 S Stewart St 603 416 1 609 608 604 1 608 607 17 611 432 4280 420 621 611 610 607 606 612 609 612 608 613 614 1 611 609 610 623 116 1/2 619 616

409 4

3 612 618 611 S Washington St 615 621 620 1 210 617 617 620 620

625 618 120 614

4 3 625 116 619 417 413 112 26 4 425 421 1 1 621 627 8 10 121416 1820 433 429 626 619 618 110 120 W Germain St 118 124 E Germain St 700 1 701 115113111 701

1 700 125 123 21 1917 15 11 703 702 4 7 3 703 2925 11 707 702 705 1719 21 23 25 31 700 103105107109111 121123125 127 2 1 702 119 703 704 S Braddock St 707 706 710 711 711 706 707 710 710 712 715 713 710 705 1 712 714 1

4 712 1 3 1 719 714

4 715 715 3 717 715 720 16 1 714 216 112 1 721 1 716 110 720 1 717 717 725 709 728 718 720 126 727 20 24 1 721 122 130 723 112116 W Pall Mall St 262830 120 124 128739 713

S Loudoun St 4

3 E Pall Mall St 800 800 1 109 801 803 205 119 111 107 803 51 801 802 5 9 15 19 25 2931 801

4 21 13 113 1 805 3 19 17 15 13 7 11 17 806 1 27 103 107 803

1 1 803 109117 119

4 105 3

812 4

1 801 3 4

3 1 806 805 4 320 312 808 1 1 811 814 3 1 806 1 1 1 1 1 1 813 814 812 1 809 809 818 811 815 8151/2 1 222 220 210 811

4 824 114 112 110 820 3 819 108 819 20 814 813 16 12 1 1 18 823 14 815 108 110 Handley Blvd 114 120122 W Gerrard St 116 817 E Gerrard St

1 112 27 3 17 5 25 33 7 6 903 7 130 910 1/2 13 101103105107 912 17 122 914 915 916 2 919 6 8 916 32 W James St E James St 916 1002 7 11 15 1001 1004 21 23 2527 1002 107 19 1001 1/2 109 119 204 1000 1003 1004 121 1001 1008 210 1005 1006 1013 1007 1010 1008 201 203 1014 1016 1012 Valley Ave 1011 207 1019 1020 1022 1013 S Cameron St 211 14 1024 1016 110 114 1025 4 6 8 10 12 1015 1009 215 W Bond St E Bond St 103 1102 219 49474543 5 9 413937353133292725232119 1175 7 319 315 1106 1104 1113 1719 2325 311 307 Jefferson St 1110 1012 227 303 1110 1106 261 1/2 1014 257 231 253 249 1114 1110 1016 235 241 237 1115 235 1/2 233 231 1118 1181 223 219 1203 1018 102 1180 237 320 316 312 1122 3634 3230 28 24 16 18 20 1020 1120 308 304 300 252 1207 W Hart St 1022 248 E Hart St 244 222 240 35 11 236 1211 103 29 7 1202 230 218 1213 109 105 101 27 21 1200 19 1 1 3 5 7 9 11 1315 Miller St 15 25 321 301 1215 9 307 1217 1208 1208 Masters Ln Ivy St 1210 1210 247 243 1217 239 237 1212 1215 227 1212 Page 5 of 6 Winchester223 Historic1216 District 20151219 Boundary22 Increase18 1410 1301 20 16 12 8 1220 102 110 3836 28 1316 City of1224 Winchester,108106 1041/2102 Virginia32 30 1305

1309 VDHR File Number 138-0042

+ , - . / 0 1 2 1320 * 1311 37 35 33 1313

6 0 100 200 400 Feet 5 Contributing Secondary Resource1317 Contributing (primary resource)

1319 8 7 1 inch = 200 feet Non-Contributing Secondary1323 Resource Non-contributing (primary resource) Produced by: City of Winchester GIS 222 1325 15 N Cameron St Proposed218 National 1327Historic Expansion Area Winchester, VA 22601 212 August 11, 2015 210 DRAFT 201 200 413 201 200 205 204 205 315 204 204 209 208 208 209 208 210 212 213 214 212 213 212 216 218 112 220 217 216 118 217 216 110 116 120 124 219 222 215 221 220 221 220 225 224 301 S East Ln 225 302107 109 115 119 125 303 302 211213 224 123 304 308 305 229 228 307 229 230 309 306 311 310 309 311 311 233 314 310 230 231 315 312 311 1/2 232 313 312 317 318 237 236 237 236 2422 317 316 317 314 1210 6 318 321 320 12 1416 241 6 316 335 240 241 320 106108110112114 242 120122124 320 245 244 E Cecil St 245 246 245 403 402 13 401 21 19 15 115 117 401 404 249 248 402 107111 121 403 249 248 249 330 406 405 404 406 407 21 406 407 253 252 408 251 252 253 410 410 408 411 411 411 257 256 412 414 412 255 256 257 415 414 413 412 1/2 417 414 261 1618 416 260 408 419 422 259 260 261 1014 418 12 425 424 6 8 24 134 422 112114 420 265 261 108 120122 262 265516 301 E Leicester St 3 501 502 9 424 9 11 13 15 502 121123125127 501 17 19 501 109 113117119 503 502 301 300 300 507 503 415 301 515 510 505 301 S Cameron St 304 505 1/2 506 507 506 303 304 511 512 511 510 510 309 513 514 511 512 305 308 309 308 516 308 515 518 514 513 311 312 517 520 313 312 519 516 313 312 522 515 514 317 ShawneeAve 316 10 68 4 2 317 524 18 20 22 24 521 317 8121416 2628 114116118 124 314 316 523 522 122 517 518 321 320 321

Parkway St 316 E Monmouth St 520 318 325 324 325 603 324 605 11 17 602 21 23 601 602 107 115 522 328 329 607 109111 117 125 129 133 325 320 606 603 605 333 1/2 328 608 604 604 333 332 610 607 606 606 333 332 608 329 328 613 612 337 336 614 609 610 337 336 616 609 608 333 618 612 332 341 340 611 611 341 340 620 610 614 612 345 337 336 343 342 12 615 626 8 10 141618 20 349 619 618 110 118 120 341 348 124 617 616 340 348 347 E Germain St 353 352 352 345 344

357 : 702 9 356 7 11 1719 25 700 129 353 356 21 23 31 103105107109111 119121123125127 720 702 1 349 348 361 706 360 357 711 706 360 715 722 353 352 365 364 714 713 710 364 712 721 724 365 723 310 369 368

715 714 725 357 368 : 9 727 726 729 356 375 372

720 717 1 731 370 :

9 733 728 361 728 721 718 720 126 735 377

: 376 20 24 122 130 9 372 723 1 112116 737 374 262830 120 124 128739 730 1 220 365 364 381 380 373 376 378 381 5 9 15 7 13 19 25 2931 801 369 11 17 27 103 802 201 374 901

: 803 107 109117 119 9 408 412 381 803 105 416 420 382

1 805



: :


9 9 814 806 9 502 905 506 510 1 1 1 1 373 514 809 385 386 E Pall Mall St 909 811 390 814 813 409 413 913

: 417 9 405 400 14 815 395 421 503 1 108 110 114 120 225 116 122 817 507 511 917 391 515 401 404 E Gerrard St 401 387 921 403 112 17 25 420 424 408 925 33 404 416 924 405 412 428 409 407 929 411 412 900 408 928 130 413 101103105107 933 Hollingsworth Pl 432 416 932 122 Shenandoah Pl 915 444 440 937 916 436 415 423 425 936 S Kent St 500 420 421 E James St 916 618 940 504 417 1001 419 424 23 25271001 1/2 1002 107 528 532 427 109 119 204 944 1003 1004 121 1001 210 508 560 1005 524 536 1006 1000 1007 Millwood Ave 214 556 1008 201 512 203 540 552 601 1005 1004 1012 520 561 1011 207 516 542 548 557 1008 1013 211 1011 1016 110 114 516 Eagle Pl 1009 215 520 544 553 1015 1012 Hollingsworth Dr 512 524 549 1015 E Bond St 1016 219 508 608 604 1019 528 545 234 1020 2325 532 1012 227 504 1023 Knights Hill Aly Eagle Dr 600 536 509 1014 231 1024 540 1016 235 544 505 235 1/2 242 548 552 605 1028 1018 609 613 237 1105 1100 1020 600 1120 610 239 1022 614 1104 241 1109 1024 622 1108 249 250 601 1026 605 251 613 1028 255 1030 1030 Winchester1/2 Historic District 2015 Boundary Increase Page 6 of 6 263 210 City of Winchester, Virginia

202 206 VDHR File Number 138-0042

@ A B C D E F G 301 ? 380

1301 1304 305

< 217 0 100 200 400 Feet ; 1305 311 Contributing Secondary Resource 1308 Contributing (primary resource)

1309 > = 1 inch = 200 feet Non-Contributing Secondary Resource Non-contributing (primary resource) Produced by: City of Winchester GIS 15 N Cameron St Proposed National Historic Expansion Area Winchester, VA 22601 1310 August 11, 2015 DRAFT




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