49 CFR Part 387, a Rail Section, Unless the Lading Has Been Fu- Car, Freight Container, Truck Body, Or Migated Or Is Undergoing Fumigation
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Pt. 173 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition) where the material is relinquished to an- 24. Past incidents; other entity. Railroad facilities are railroad 25. Overall times in transit; property including, but not limited to, clas- 26. Training and skill level of crews; and sification and switching yards, storage fa- 27. Impact on rail network traffic and con- cilities, and non-private sidings; however, gestion. they do not include an offeror’s facility, pri- [73 FR 20772, April 16, 2008] vate track, private siding, or consignee’s fa- cility. Each rail carrier must use best efforts to communicate with its shippers, con- PART 173—SHIPPERS—GENERAL RE- signees, and interlining partners to ensure QUIREMENTS FOR SHIPMENTS the safety and security of shipments during all stages of transportation. AND PACKAGINGS C. Because of the varying operating envi- ronments and interconnected nature of the Subpart A—General rail system, each carrier must select and Sec. document the analysis method/model used 173.1 Purpose and scope. and identify the routes to be analyzed. 173.2 Hazardous materials classes and index D. The safety and security risk analysis to hazard class definitions. must consider current data and information 173.2a Classification of a material having as well as changes that may reasonably be more than one hazard. anticipated to occur during the analysis 173.3 Packaging and exceptions. year. Factors to be considered in the per- 173.4 Small quantity exceptions. formance of this safety and security risk 173.4a Excepted quantities. analysis include: 1. Volume of hazardous material trans- 173.5 Agricultural operations. ported; 173.5a Oilfield service vehicles and mechan- 2. Rail traffic density; ical displacement meter provers. 3. Trip length for route; 173.5b Portable and mobile refrigeration 4. Presence and characteristics of railroad systems. facilities; 173.6 Materials of trade exceptions. 5. Track type, class, and maintenance 173.7 Government operations and materials. schedule; 173.8 Exceptions for non-specification pack- 6. Track grade and curvature; agings used in intrastate transportation. 7. Presence or absence of signals and train 173.9 Transport vehicles or freight con- control systems along the route (‘‘dark’’ tainers containing lading which has been versus signaled territory); fumigated. 8. Presence or absence of wayside hazard 173.10 Tank car shipments. detectors; 173.12 Exceptions for shipment of waste ma- 9. Number and types of grade crossings; terials. 10. Single versus double track territory; 173.13 Exceptions for Class 3, Divisions 4.1, 11. Frequency and location of track turn- 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 6.1, and Classes 8 and 9 mate- outs; rials. 12. Proximity to iconic targets; 13. Environmentally sensitive or signifi- Subpart B—Preparation of Hazardous cant areas; Materials for Transportation 14. Population density along the route; 15. Venues along the route (stations, 173.21 Forbidden materials and packages. events, places of congregation); 173.22 Shipper’s responsibility. 16. Emergency response capability along 173.22a Use of packagings authorized under the route; special permits. 17. Areas of high consequence along the 173.23 Previously authorized packaging. route, including high consequence targets as 173.24 General requirements for packagings defined in § 172.820(c); and packages. 18. Presence of passenger traffic along 173.24a Additional general requirements for route (shared track); non-bulk packagings and packages. 19. Speed of train operations; 173.24b Additional general requirements for 20. Proximity to en-route storage or repair bulk packagings. facilities; 173.25 Authorized packagings and over- 21. Known threats, including any non-pub- packs. lic threat scenarios provided by the Depart- 173.26 Quantity limitations. ment of Homeland Security or the Depart- 173.27 General requirements for transpor- ment of Transportation for carrier use in the tation by aircraft. development of the route assessment; 173.28 Reuse, reconditioning and remanufac- 22. Measures in place to address apparent ture of packagings. safety and security risks; 173.29 Empty packagings. 23. Availability of practicable alternative 173.30 Loading and unloading of transport routes; vehicles. 406 VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00416 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\X49\220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150 Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT Pt. 173 173.31 Use of tank cars. 173.137 Class 8—Assignment of packing 173.32 Requirements for the use of portable group. tanks. 173.140 Class 9—Definitions. 173.33 Hazardous materials in cargo tank 173.141 Class 9—Assignment of packing motor vehicles. group. 173.34 [Reserved] 173.144 Other Regulated Materials (ORM)— 173.35 Hazardous materials in intermediate Definitions. bulk containers (IBCs). 173.145 Other Regulated Materials—Assign- 173.36 Hazardous materials in Large Pack- ment of packing group. agings. 173.150 Exceptions for Class 3 (flammable 173.40 General packaging requirements for and combustible liquids). toxic materials packaged in cylinders. 173.151 Exceptions for Class 4. 173.152 Exceptions for Division 5.1 Subpart C—Definitions, Classification and (oxidizers) and Division 5.2 (organic per- Packaging for Class 1 oxides). 173.153 Exceptions for Division 6.1 (poi- 173.50 Class 1—Definitions. sonous materials). 173.51 Authorization to offer and transport 173.154 Exceptions for Class 8 (corrosive ma- explosives. terials). 173.52 Classification codes and compat- 173.155 Exceptions for Class 9 (miscella- ibility groups of explosives. neous hazardous materials). 173.53 Provisions for using old classifica- 173.156 Exceptions for ORM materials. tions of explosives. 173.54 Forbidden explosives. 173.55 [Reserved] Subpart E—Non-bulk Packaging for Haz- 173.56 New explosives—Definition and proce- ardous Materials Other Than Class 1 dures for classification and approval. and Class 7 173.57 Acceptance criteria for new explo- sives. 173.158 Nitric acid. 173.58 Assignment of class and division for 173.159 Batteries, wet. new explosives. 173.159a Exceptions for non-spillable bat- 173.59 Description of terms for explosives. teries. 173.60 General packaging requirements for 173.160 Bombs, smoke, non-explosive (corro- explosives. sive). 173.61 Mixed packaging requirements. 173.161 Chemical kits and first aid kits. 173.62 Specific packaging requirements for 173.162 Gallium. explosives. 173.163 Hydrogen fluoride. 173.63 Packaging exceptions. 173.164 Mercury (metallic and articles con- taining mercury). Subpart D—Definitions, Classification, 173.166 Air bag inflators, air bag modules Packing Group Assignments and Ex- and seat-belt pretensioners. ceptions for Hazardous Material Other 173.168 Chemical oxygen generators. 173.170 Black powder for small arms. Than Class 1 and Class 7 173.171 Smokeless powder for small arms. 173.115 Class 2, Divisions 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3— 173.172 Aircraft hydraulic power unit fuel Definitions. tank. 173.116 Class 2—Assignment of hazard zone. 173.173 Paint, paint-related material, adhe- 173.117–173.119 [Reserved] sives and ink and resins. 173.120 Class 3—Definitions. 173.174 Refrigerating machines. 173.121 Class 3—Assignment of packing 173.181 Pyrophoric materials (liquids). group. 173.182 Barium azide—50 percent or more 173.124 Class 4, Divisions 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3— water wet. Definitions. 173.183 Nitrocellulose base film. 173.125 Class 4—Assignment of packing 173.184 Highway or rail fusee. group. 173.185 Lithium batteries and cells. 173.127 Class 5, Division 5.1—Definition and 173.186 Matches. assignment of packing groups. 173.187 Pyrophoric solids, metals or alloys, 173.128 Class 5, Division 5.2—Definitions and n.o.s. types. 173.188 White or yellow phosphorous. 173.129 Class 5, Division 5.2—Assignment of 173.189 Batteries containing sodium or cells packing group. containing sodium. 173.132 Class 6, Division 6.1—Definitions. 173.192 Packaging for certain toxic gases in 173.133 Assignment of packing group and Hazard Zone A. hazard zones for Division 6.1 materials. 173.193 Bromoacetone, methyl bromide, 173.134 Class 6, Division 6.2—Definitions and chloropicrin and methyl bromide or exceptions. methyl chloride mixtures, etc. 173.136 Class 8—Definitions. 173.194 Gas identification sets. 407 VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00417 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\X49\220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150 Pt. 173 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition) 173.195 Hydrogen cyanide, anhydrous, sta- 173.242 Bulk packagings for certain medium bilized (hydrocyanic acid, aqueous solu- hazard liquids and solids, including solids tion). with dual hazards. 173.196 Category A infectious substances. 173.243 Bulk packaging for certain high haz- 173.197 Regulated medical waste. ard liquids and dual hazard materials 173.198 Nickel carbonyl. which pose a moderate hazard. 173.199 Category B infectious substances. 173.244 Bulk packaging for certain 173.201 Non-bulk packagings for liquid haz- pyrophoric liquids (Division 4.2), dan- ardous materials in Packing Group I. gerous when wet (Division 4.3) materials, 173.202 Non-bulk packagings for liquid haz- and poisonous liquids with inhalation ardous materials in Packing Group II. hazards (Division 6.1). 173.203 Non-bulk packagings for liquid haz- 173.245 Bulk packaging for extremely haz- ardous materials in Packing Group III. ardous materials such as poisonous gases 173.204 Non-bulk, non-specification pack- (Division 2.3). agings for certain hazardous materials. 173.247 Bulk packaging for certain elevated 173.205 Specification cylinders for liquid temperature materials. hazardous materials. 173.249 Bromine. 173.206 Packaging requirements for chlorosilanes. Subpart G—Gases; Preparation and 173.211 Non-bulk packagings for solid haz- Packaging ardous materials in Packing Group I. 173.212 Non-bulk packagings for solid haz- 173.300 [Reserved] ardous materials in Packing Group II. 173.301 General requirements for shipment 173.213 Non-bulk packagings for solid haz- of compressed gases and other hazardous ardous materials in Packing Group III.