Meeting: PLANNING COMMITTEE Date: WEDNESDAY 2 MAY 2012 Time: 4.00PM Venue: COUNCIL CHAMBER To: Councillors J Cattanach, I Chilvers, J Crawford, J Deans (Chair), Mrs D Davies, D Mackay, J McCartney, Mrs E Metcalfe, C Pearson (Vice Chair), D Peart, Mrs S Ryder and S Shaw-Wright. Agenda 1. Apologies for absence 2. Disclosures of Interest Members of the Planning Committee should disclose personal or prejudicial interest(s) in any item on this agenda. 3. Chair’s Address to the Planning Committee 4. Minutes To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the proceedings of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 11 April 2012 (pages 3 to 7 attached). 5. Planning Applications Received Reports of Business Manager – Dylan Jones 5.1 2011-1226-HPA – Kyme Lodge, Newton Kyme, Tadcaster (pages 9 to 25 attached). 5.2 2011-0563-FUL – Land Adj Southlands House, Southlands Close, South Milford (pages 26 to 70). 6. Proposed Revocation of Planning Application Granted 6.1 2011-1006-FUL – Hill Top Farm, Back Lane, Acaster Selby, York (pages 71 to 90) Planning Committee 2 May 2012 1 Martin Connor Chief Executive Dates of next meetings 30 May 2012 11 July 2012 12 September 2012 10 October 2012 7 November 2012 12 December 2012 Enquiries relating to this agenda, please contact Democratic Services on: Tel: 01757 292037 Fax: 01757 292020 Email:
[email protected] Planning Committee 2 May 2012 2 Minutes Planning Committee Venue: Council Chamber Date: 11 April 2012 Present: Councillors J Cattanach, I Chilvers, J Crawford, J Deans (Chair), Mrs D Davies, D Mackay, Mrs E Metcalfe, J McCartney, C Pearson, D Peart, Mrs S Ryder, and S Shaw-Wright Apologies for Absence: None Officers Present: Business Manager, Lead Officer - Planning, Planning Officer, Senior Solicitor and Democratic Services Officer Public: 6 members of the public Press: None 41.