Taiwan proposal to host MedInfo 2017


1. Goals and Objectives ...... 3

(1) Goals and Objectives for MedInfo 2017 ...... 4

2. Society profile ...... 7

(1) Profile of the bidding Society Association ...... 8

(2) Financial Stability ...... 9

(3) Society staffing ...... 10

(4) Conference history and experience ...... 11

3. Dates and Conference Organization ...... 13

(1) Dates ...... 14

(2) Conference Program ...... 14

4. Conference Venue ...... 16

(1) Location ...... 17

(2) ...... 18

(3) Conference Venue- Taipei International Convention Center ...... 19

5. Accommodation ...... 25

6.Support: Government, Host and Support Organizations ...... 30

(1) Support Letter from Government ...... 30

(2) Support Letter from Host and Support Organizations ...... 32

7. Organizing Committee ...... 33

(1) Local Organizing Committee ...... 34

8. Requirements/ Obligations ...... 35

(1) Budget Proposal ...... 36

(2) Conference Registration Fees ...... 37

9. Social Program ...... 38

10.Bid Summary ...... 42


1. Goals and Objectives

Goals and Objectives for MedInfo 2017


(1) Goals and Objectives for MedInfo 2017

The board of the Association for Medical Informatics offers to host the MedInfo 2017. We are committed to gather scientists, researchers, users, vendors, developers, consultants and suppliers in a multidisciplinary environment to cooperate and share knowledge about how to use information collected by clinicians to improve the health of the world population.

The Taiwan Medical Informatics Association will use a successful bidding to: • set new objectives to facilitate safer health care by the use of information and communication technologies to connect people and systems • exploit the potential of the presence of an international forum in Taiwan to create discussions about essential international trends in medical informatics • emphasize the importance of continuous learning by sharing knowledge and experience in a global community • strengthen the well-established collaboration among the Scandinavian countries as well as among all the stakeholders in the Taiwan health informatics environment • take advantage of any possibility before, during, and after the congress to anchor, keep up and extend initiatives originating from the outstanding event of MedInfo

Taiwan has succeeded in establishing cooperation between the different actors within health IT and has, on a pragmatic basis, implemented a series of large scale running projects. In many instances both state, regions, municipalities, professional associations, and the Taiwan Pharmaceutical Association, are involved. The national authorities are focusing on the clinical and technical infrastructure, i.e. • The National Board of Health has finished the translation of the international Healthcare clinical terminology SNOMED CT into Chinese • The National Board of Health has integrated cancer pathways supported and


monitored with IT-support • Connected Digital Health in Taiwan is responsible for coordination of eHealth in Taiwan and facilitates projects on shared electronic records and medication repositories, telemedicine, security infrastructure and semantic standardization • The public health portal provides information services for professionals and citizens

Regional implementation The five regions are responsible for the entire hospital service, including mental health treatment and health insurance. All regions are continuously improving and developing their ICT based information infrastructure in order to support the information flow in a patient trajectory.

Dissemination in the primary care sector Most Taiwan hospitals have established connections to electronic systems of other health actors for the exchange of medical data as well as administrative data, for example, ePrescribing is implemented nationwide. Many municipalities have implemented electronic care records to be able to exchange information with other care providers in primary and secondary care.

Citizens and patients In Taiwan we are proud of the fact that we have the highest rate of Internet penetration, mobile phone penetration and e-business implementation in Taiwan- together with the highest ICT spending level per capita in the world. Among the factors considered in this extensive study were broadband and mobile phone penetration, business


environment, and e-commerce trends.

Taiwan citizens are able to access their personal health records through the national medical record exchange center, and citizens may permit specific physicians to access these records during visits in case of illness. Furthermore, citizens are able to book appointments through APP or internet or choose to use long-term prescription for refilling a prescription in the pharmacy.


2. Society profile

(1) Profile of the bidding Society Association (2) Financial Stability (3) Society staffing (4) Society’s Conference history and experience


(1) Profile of the bidding Society Association

Profile of the bidding Society Association 1 The bidding society is Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics in Taiwan. The society’s website is at: http://www.medinfo.org.tw The society’s IMIA representative is Da-Wai,Wang Membership and stability The Taiwan Society for Medical Informatics (TAMI) was established in 1991 and the society joined IMIA in 2000. Currently the number of members is 500 personal members and 26enterprise members counting for additionally approx. 1000 interested persons as the members include all four regions in Taiwan and the national institutions working to improve the digital infrastructure within healthcare. The composition of the personal members is 5% clinicians (doctors, nurses and physical therapists), 60% academics and 35% others (civil servants ,administrators, consultants, project leaders, IT-vendors). The number of personal members has decreased during the last three years, whereas the number of enterprise members seems to be stable. However, the number of individuals related to the enterprise has increased considerablely.

Summary of the development in members:

Year/date/month 2009/31/12 2010/31/12 2011/31/12 Number of personal members 510 486 470 Number of enterprise members 14 16 20

TAMI already has experience in managing conferences. The congress will be handled internally by TAMI. We will also recruit assistance from co-organizers and, if necessary, local professional companies. TAMI already had the experience of hosting APAMI 2006 in Taipei, keeping close connections with the region societies. In Medinfo, we will set aside roughly equal speaker/presenter time slots for different region societies. 8

(2) Financial Stability

Current financial statements of the Taiwan Society for Medical Informatics are put forward in the following table that includes the financial key figures from the last three years.

YEAR 2009 2010 2011


Turn over 144,409 177,078 242,841 Net profit 10,827 7,653 6,920 Total equity 40,000 42,100 44,500


(3) Society staffing

The Taiwan Society for Medical Informatics has as secretariat at Taipei Medical University, hired by Taiwan Association for Medical Society contract. The secretariat has 10 years of experience in setting up meetings and conferences within the field of health informatics. The largest event is a yearly national two-day meeting ( APAMI2006 in conjunction with MIST2006 ) on health IT with more than 423 participants and 20 vendor exhibits. The secretariat is flexible and may extend secretarial support.

Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics employs 3 full time staff and 3-4 part-time assistants.


(4) Conference history and experience

TAMI arranges annual national conferences from 1991 to 2012. We have hosted a very successful IMIA General Assembly in Grand Hotel Taipei in 2002. The annual two-days conference presents invited key-note speakers and five sessions with presentations selected by the TAMI board from blinded abstracts called for from TAMI members four months in advance of the conference. The abstracts are made public at the JCMIT proceeding. The conference has a small poster exhibition and social program for the participants. Last annual two-day conference was held in Nov. 2011 with 354 participants. The society’s members of the board organize the annual conference with hired help from our secretariat. The members of the local organizing committee have extensive experience from organizing conferences on national and international scales. Besides the annual two-day conference, TAMI organizes approximately three smaller theme meetings and several site visits among health IT-organizations and vendors every year. TAMI has since 2008 been one of the organizers of the Joint Conference on Medical Informatics in Taiwan (JCMIT) which is held every year and gathers 200-300 participants. The theme of the conference was "Towards Global Interoperability for Electronic

Health Records".

IMIA General Assembly and Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2002, attendees 600 Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2003, attendees 400 Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2004, attendees 500


Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2005, attendees 363 APAMI2006 in conjunction with MIST200 2006, attendees 423 Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2007, attendees 400 Joint Conference on Medical Informatics in Taiwan 2008, attendees 258 Joint Conference on Medical Informatics in Taiwan 2009, attendees 369 Joint Conference on Medical Informatics in Taiwan 2010, attendees 325 Joint Conference on Medical Informatics in Taiwan 2011, attendees 354


3. Dates and Conference Organization


(1) Dates

The proposed dates for MedInfo 2017 are Aug. 26th-Aug. 29th. with pre-conference activities on Aug. 25th. August, which is in late Summer in Taiwan, is extremely beautiful, as the leaves take on fantastic colors. The whole country turns orange like you´ve never seen it. The weather is usually mild with average temperatures of 25-30℃ degrees.

(2) Conference Program

The preliminary program will be PRE CONGRESS on Aug. 25 and 26.

Friday 25/8  Workshops  Tutorials  IMIA Board meeting Saturday 26/8  Workshops  Tutorials  Opening  Reception  IMIA General Assembly The 3 day conference will be held on 27/8-29/8 includes keynotes and invited talks, paper and poster presentations, panel discussions, workshops, and exhibitions. There will be a student paper contest, tutorials and workshops in the preliminary program. When winning the honor to host the congress, we will organize the committees including the Organizing


Committee, Scientific Program Committee and Editorial Committee for planning the conference programs, finances, accommodation, logistics, technical support, public relations and website management. We will invite international experts and scholars in the field of medical informatics as the committees’ chair and members.

Aug. 25 Aug. 26 Aug. 27 Aug. 28 Aug. 29

Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday

Morning IMIA Board meetin Tutorials Workshop Plenary


IMIA Paper Sessions



Assembly Lunch&Exhibition

Afternoon Opening Keynote Keynote Closing

Tutorials Speech Speech Cremony

Evening Welcome Gala

Reception Dinner


4. Conference Venue

16 1 Hsin-Yi Rd.,Sec.5,Taipei 11049,Taiwan ROC

(1) Location

1. Taiwan: Taiwan's total land area is only about 36,000 square kilometers (14,400 square miles); it is shaped like a leaf that is narrow at both ends. It lies off the southeastern coast of mainland Asia, across the Taiwan Strait from Mainland China-- a solitary island on the western edge of the Pacific Ocean. To the north lies Japan; to the south is the Philippines. Many airlines fly to Taiwan, helping make it the perfect travel destination. Taiwan lies on the western edge of the Pacific "rim of fire," and continuous tectonic movements have created majestic peaks, rolling hills and plains, basins, coastlines, and other wonders. Taiwan's tropical, sub-tropical, and temperate climates provide clear differentiation between the different seasons. There are about 18,400 species of wildlife on the island, with more than 20 % belonging to rare or endangered species. Among these are the land-locked salmon, Taiwan mountain goat, Formosan rock monkey, Formosan black bear, blue magpie, Mikado pheasant, Xueshan grass lizard, and many more. The government has established 8 national parks and 13 national scenic areas as to preserve Taiwan's best natural ecological environment and cultural sites. Take a hike in the splendor and sheer heights of the cliffs at Taroko Gorge; take a ride on the Alishan Forest Railway and experience the breathtaking sunrise and sea of clouds; hike up to the summit of North east Asia's highest peak, Yushan. You can also soak up in the sun in Kenting, Asia's version of Hawaii; stand at the edge of Sun Moon Lake; traipse through the East Rift Valley; or visit the offshore islands of Kinmen and Penghu. Taiwan is a warm destination year-round and doesn't experience a low season, so almost any time of the year can be good for a visit. Taiwan once created an “economic


miracle” that aroused the admiration of the world, and now our 3C products are sold throughout the globe. For this reason, the impression of Taiwan in the minds of all too many people is that of a technologically advanced “industrial island” or “island of technology.” After a traveler arrives in Taiwan, however, he or she will discover that this island nurtures a wide array of tourism and ecological resources, a diversity of traditional folk customs, a rich culture, modern arts, and fantastic food. In short, they discover that Taiwan is “beyond their expectations.”

(2) Taipei

Surrounded by mountains on all sides, Taipei Basin was originally the ancestral homeland of the aborigine Pingpu Tribe. The first Han Chinese arrived in the Song and Yuan dynasties as a result of the booming fishing business in southern Fujian Province. But it wasn’t until the Ming dynasty that large numbers of immigrant Han Chinese came to develop this land. In the 17th century, as European powers extended their domination to East Asia, strategically-positioned Taiwan was first occupied by the Dutch, and then by the Spanish. But in 1661, Chinese pirate Koxinga (a.k.a. Zheng Chenggong) forced the Dutch out of Taiwan and took control of the island. In 1684, the island was placed under direct rule of Qing count. The construction of Taipei City was launched in 1882 and completed in 1884. The city was built in the shape of a square, protected by stoned walls which were encircled by moats. In 1895, after China’s defeat in the Sino-Japanese War, Taiwan was ceded to Japan. Following Taiwan’s retrocession to China in 1945, in 1949, the Central Government relocated to Taiwan, chose Taipei as it’s provisional Capital, and launched a series of development projects. On July 1, 1967, in view of the city’s rapid development, Taipei was elevated to the status of special municipality directly


administered by the Central Government. As of June 2007, Taipei City encompasses an area of 271.7997 sq. km, and has a population of 2.62 million. Building on solid foundations laid by the ancestors of its present-day residents, Taipei has risen in prominence in the sixty years after Taiwan’s retrocession to become the political, economic, educational, cultural, transportation, information and technology hub of the country. It has transformed itself into one of the world’s foremost international cities, a dazzling showcase of urban development in the 21st century. Taipei has hosted many large international events such as the Deaflympics in 2009 and coming International Flora Exposition starting in Nov., 2010. (3) Conference Venue- Taipei International Convention Center Taipei International Convention Center (TICC), the proposed venue for the Congress, is the top venue provider in Taiwan and was the venue for the ICN 2005. It is situated in the foothills of eastern Taipei’s Xin-yi District, an area where the modern face of Taipei shines with glass and steel skyscrapers, one of the tallest buildings in the world, wide boulevards, and the Taipei World Trade Center complex. As the political, economic, and cultural center of Taipei, the district houses many landmark buildings, including the , Taipei City Council, National Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, and .

Its convention hall is capable of seating up to 3,100 delegates in the plenary mode. It is a spectacular tribute to the emergence of Taipei as a world-class business destination. It can provide delegates with efficient meeting facilities, top-quality security, lodging and a full line of business, communications and media support. The following tables show conference rooms and exhibition halls available at CAPACITY of TICC




PLENARY HALL 3100 2600 2973 / 31989 WHOLE SITE


720 480 744 648 101 57 640 / 6888 25.8×25.3×5.6 (STOWAWAY (STOWAWAY


201 800 544 57 729 / 7845 25.8×28.8×5.6

101A/D 120 88 ─ 148 / 1596 12.9×11.5×5.6

101B/C 152 120 ─ 176 / 1901 12.9×13.7×5.6


272 208

372 340 101AB/CD ─ 326 / 3511 12.9×25.3×5.6 (STOWAWAY (STOWAWAY


102 200 200 ─ 232 / 2496 16.2×15.7×5.6

103 120 90 8 138 / 1248 8.2×16.9×5.6

105 100 72 8 115 / 1237 ─

201A/F 112 72 ─ 136 / 1471 12.9×10.6×5.6

201B/E 88 72 ─ 114 / 1235 12.9×8.9×5.6

201C/D 88 72 ─ 117 / 1263 12.9×9.1×5.6

201AB/EF 248 184 ─ 252 / 2720 12.9×19.6×5.6

201BC/DE 232 168 ─ 233 / 2512 12.9×18.1×5.6

201ABC/DEF 400 272 ─ 371 / 3997 12.9×28.8×5.6

201ABEF 528 352 ─ 505 / 5441 25.8×19.6×5.6

201BCDE 476 320 ─ 466 / 5024 25.8×18.1×5.6

202/203 80 60 6 113 / 1219 9×7.8×2.4

202A/203A 55 45 ─ 70 / 755 8.3×6.1×2.4

202B/203B 40 32 ─ 43 / 470 8.3×6.1×2.4

401 -- 60 ─ 193 / 2086 14.8×13.1×3.7

402 90 70 6 152 / 1661 18×7.5×3.7

3F SOUTH/NORTH 90 70 6 152 / 1661 18×7.5×3.7 LOUNGE

3F BANQUET 480 352 67 977 / 10523 44×32.3×3.7 HALL

4F VIP ROOM 250 180 26 368 / 3960 21.3×17.3×4

Source: Taipei International Convention Center (TICC) http://www.ticc.com.tw/

Direct and inexpensive non-stop public transportation, shuttle bus as well as Metro, from and to the Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport is available day and night. There is one Metro stop in front of the TICC and the System, which we are so proud of, can easily connect visitors to almost all interest points in Taipei. The Metro route map was shown as followed.


The accommodation in Taipei city is quite affordable with high quality. The main hotel


for the congress will be the . Grand Hyatt Taipei hotel anchors the city’s most vibrant commercial centre in the Xin-yi district and is adjacent to Taipei 101 Financial Center and the World Trade Centre complex. Located at the very heart of the New Taipei, a burgeoning business, shopping and entertainment district, the hotel in Taipei affords business travelers the utmost in convenience. There are many modern tourist hotels in Eastern district of Taipei, very near to Congress venue (maximum 15 minutes’ distance by car, subway, or taxi, see the following Table). Medinfo 2017 Organizing Committee will arrange a sufficient number of rooms at the specially discounted rates. Other diverse types of accommodation can be selected by students and other economy-minded participants at a range of US$100~120 per night.


5. Accommodation


TAMI has arranged with five-star hotels to host international conference attendee:- When booking accommodation, please mention the conference name and date in order to qualify for the rates- All hotels are within walking distances to conference venue: Taipei International Convention Center. Rates includes Breakfast and Excludes Tourism Levy




The transportation in Taipei city is very convenient and affordable. Most tourist hotels operate their own shuttle buses, and the Organizing Committee will provide participants free shuttle service. There are well-developed and excellent subway systems in Taipei. The subway is the most efficient and convenient way for foreign travelers to get around cities. Station names, ticket windows, and transfer signs are all clearly marked in English as well as Chinese. Local buses are the most common means of transport in Taipei. They are frequent, reliable, and by far the cheapest way of getting around Taipei. Taipei’s bus network serves all areas of the city. The inexpensive fare is the same regardless of distance. City express buses are more comfortable than the local buses. They stop less frequently and only pick up passengers for whom they have vacant seats.

Source: Website, Available at


Source: Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communication, Executive Yuan, Taiwan/ROC. Available at http://eng.taiwan.net.tw

Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/dukechuang/474236912/29

6.Support: Government, Host and Support Organizations

(1) Support Letter from Government

IMIA board and the MedInfo Steering Committee Sept. 18, 2012

As Mayor of Taipei City, it gives me great pleasure to learn that the city might be chosen as the venue for the World Congress on Medical Informatics-MedInfo 2017. Taipei City Government actively encourages to strive for hosting international conferences. I am proud to support this bid and to give the City Government’s full backing. Taipei City ranks high on the scoreboard when it comes to hosting international congresses and meetings. There are many reasons for this position.  Safe, Reliable, Cordial, and High-Quality Transportation Services and convenient public transport network. Taipei Metro was ranked the No.1 MRT system in the world by Nova Urban Railway Benchmarking Group from 2004 to 2008.  Convenient access to a variety of accommodation options  Professional convention facilities and staff  Warm climate  Our rich cultural heritage, fine local and international cuisines, and arts and cultural events  Taipei city also offers a national park with breathtaking scenery, excellent thermal spring resorts, the largest shopping mall in the Far East and the tallest building in the world, Taipei 101.

The 21st Summer Deaflympics in Taipei City 2009 enhanced the global visibility of Taipei. Taipei City was invited to participate in the Expo 2010 Shanghai in Mainland China. The year 2011 was a year of great harvest for Taipei City. The Flora Expo and the 2011 IDA Congress Taipei ended on a high note, winning worldwide acclaim. The nation's youth baseball team also claimed the gold medal in the First IBAF World Youth League held in Taipei. Moreover, the Taipei City Government won the hosting right for the 2017 Summer Universiade, projected to be the most spotlighted sports event.

Please be assured that the Taipei City Government will give its full support to ensure MedInfo2017 in Taipei is a resounding success, and an event that the delegates will remember as among the best they have ever attended. 30

Come and meet Taipei. The easygoing, open-minded and friendly Taiwanese is an attraction in itself. In choosing Taipei as the host city, I have no doubt that shall be able to serve you and the delegates to satisfaction. And I have no doubt, that you and your delegates will bring back lots of good memories and new culture experience from a busy but friendly city. Yours Sincerely,

Lung-Bin , Hau. Mayor Taipei City Government


(2) Support Letter from Host and Support Organizations

Dear Country Representatives and Colleagues, We are so happy to endorse the Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics (TAMI), to submit this proposal to bid for hosting MedInfo 2017 in Taipei, Taiwan/ROC, in 2017. Taiwan Association of Medical Informatics (TAMI) had hosted quite a few events successfully in the past. For example, APAMI 2006 was hosted by TAMI. The event attracted around 500 participants and around 20 distinguished scholars delivered their speeches in 30 plenary sessions. TAMI is also very active in medical informatics research, for example, in 2007, US$760,000 was granted by the Ministry of Health Taiwan to construct a patient centric EMR exchange infrastructure. We are very impressed with and proud of our TAMI community for their many achievements and appreciated contribution. Today, TAMI takes a step further to engage all key stakeholders in Taiwan to seek the opportunity to host "the event" in medical informatics. We are so confident in TAMI’s capability and financial accountability, supported by the TAMI, TNIA, MISAT, HL7 Taiwan and IHE to host this great MedInfo 2017 event. Taiwan has made many amazing accomplishments in many fields. We hope our past experience would convince you that we can successfully host MedInfo 2017. We look forward to your support and sincerely invite you to join us.

Best regards,

Da-Wei Wang, PhD President, Taiwan Association of Medical Informatics (TAMI) Johanna Feng, RN, MS, PhD Candidate President, Taiwan Nursing Informatics Association (TNIA) Chia-Hung Hsiao, PhD President, Medical Image Standards Association (MISAT) Der-Ming Liou, PhD President,Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise Taiwan Chad Yen, PhD President,Health Level Seven Taiwan (HL7 Taiwan)


7. Organizing Committee


(1) Local Organizing Committee

The TAMI is the host organization and will take the full financial accountability. Members from institutional stakeholders and is expanding, is our internal platform to facilitate and coordinate all related efforts. We also invited international help us ready for the MedInfo 2017, which list keep expanding. Chair: Da-Wei Wang Co-Chair: Chien-Yen Hsu Phei-Lang Chang Yu-Chuan Li Shien-Young Chang Yuen-Chueh Hwang Chi-Ming Chang Der-Ming Liou Wen -Shan Jian Her-Kun Chang Shien-Tang Lin Dah-Dian Tang Ching-Shyang Hwang Liu Li Chien-Tsai Liu Pei-Ran,Syun Yen-Chen Chen Xin-Mu,Zeng Ean-Wen Huang Jia-Xian,Wen Polun Chang Po-Hsun Cheng Chia-Hung Hsiao I-Chung Shieh Chun-Hsien Chen Hung-Wen Chiu Edword We


Po Yen Wang

8. Requirements/ Obligations


(1) Budget Proposal

General Principle We already have a conference paper submission system that may allow authors to upload and reviewers to view the papers. The URL is: http://conference.iis.sinica.edu.tw/Conference-Submission/servlet/SignInHandler We also have an open-access and search system for the Journal of Taiwan Association of Medical Informatics. The URL is: http://jtami.medinfo.org.tw:8080/pdgs/ Both systems will be supporting Medinfo 2017 for paper submission and proceedings open access. We also have planned a budget of US$80,000 for the conference proceedings. For the purposes of the agreement between IMIA and the Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics, all congress participants must pay registration fees with the exception of members of the: Organizing Committee Scientific Program Committee Editorial Committee Staff members of the Society and IMIA Invited and Keynote speakers And a representative of the World Health Organization Discounts-10% discount is provided for members of the Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics and IMIA Institutional members.

number price(US$) total(US$) Expense budget number price(US$) total(US$) Registration Early 1000 600 $600,000 Venue & Equipment 1set 180,000 $180,000 Bird Exhibition 120 1500 $180,000 SPC/EC support 1set 95,000 $95,000 Sponsorship 5 30000 $150,000 Invitation 20 6000 $120,000 36

Manpower 1 40,000 $40,000 Printing 1set 80,000 $80,000 &Production

IMIA book 1set 10,000 $10,000

Social Functions $100,000 Administration $100,000 Others $40,000 bursaries $ 80,000 IMIA Fund $ 80,500 Total $ 930,000 Total $ 925,500

(2) Conference Registration Fees

Early Bird Price US$ 600

Early Bird-10% members Price US$ 540

Regular Price US$ 700 Student Price US$ 500

Onsite fee Price US$ 700

Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics guarantees that the fees will not be higher than those given in the bid. , given the guarantees from (1) estimated income from the registration fee (2) approved budget from our government funding agent. (3) committed income from our company exhibitors.


9. Social Program


Wulai Aboriginal Cultural Tour Day 1:Come to Wulai and see the Wulai Waterfall, an aboriginal dance performance, Swallow Lake (pass by), and the Chieftain’s Statue.

Wulai- This township is famous for its hot springs and aboriginal culture and the name of the town comes from the local Tai Ya Aboriginal Tribe’s word for hot springs. Set in the mountains Wulai has beautiful scenery and is only a short distance from Taipei, making it an ideal getaway from the city. Wulai Waterfall. Although a small waterfall, the clear river water contrasts with the river rocks and the abundant foliage making it a stunning view. The falls are roughly 80 meters high and fall in two streams to the basin below. The water is clear and people can often be seen swimming in by the base of the falls. Swallow Lake Located in the mountains in the Xindian District, this lake derives its name for the flocks of swallows that are often seen circling the lake. The natural setting and the relaxed atmosphere of the area make it popular for all types of recreation from outdoor barbeques to cycling. Chieftain’s Statue The Chieftain’s Statue is sculpted in the image of an Atayal Tribe chief and represents both the local Atayal Tribe’s pride in their warrior/hunter heritage but is also displays the artistry of the tribe.

Taipei City Night Tour Day 1:Visit Lungshan Temple, Huaxi Night Market, and Taipei 101. Lungshan Temple, The Lungshan Temple is probably what comes to mind when you think of a Chinese temple. It was built in 1920 and is incredibly well preserved and maintained. It is a 5940m2 temple with amazing carving and painting on every surface


of the temple from its 42 pillars to the painted walls. The Lungshan Temple is a Taoist temple dedicated to the goddess Guanyin. The temple not only attracts large numbers of tourists but is also still used as a place of worship for many Taiwanese. Come and appreciate the architecture and spiritual qualities of this temple and come to further understand the Taiwanese culture. Hua-Xi Night Market. The Hua-Xi Night Market is the first night market in Taiwan to be declared an international tourist location. Despite only being separated by one street the Hua-Xi Night Market throngs with people of all ages and has a mind blowing number of food vendors which will tempt you into eating far more that you planned! Take your time and wander that night market and try out some the multitude of “little eats” available. Taipei 101. The Taipei 101 building was the tallest building in the world when it was constructed in 2004. It stands at an impressive 508m, 101 floors, and its designed is meant to mimic the shape and lines of the bamboo plant. The building has many designer stores, restaurants, Taipei’s largest bookstore Page One, and an international super market. Furthermore Taipei 101 has an incredible fast elevator, which takes passengers from the fifth floor to the observation platform within 37 seconds.

Keelung Harbor and Yehliu Scenic Area Northern Coast Tour Day 1: Visit Keelung City and Harbor, Yehliu Geopark and the Zhong Zheng Park.

Keelung City, Keelung is located in Northern Taiwan and received more rainfall than any other city, giving it the nickname City of Rain. The city’s seaside location and the fact that it is ringed by mountains mean that Keelung receives a great deal of strong winds as well. Its seaside locations also means that there is a thriving fishing industry here and there are many fish markets as well as a huge variety of fresh seafood


available. These markets are what gave birth to its other nickname, the City of Fish. Many tasty seafood snacks are also sold in the Maiokou night market, one of the city’s busiest areas. Also during the Chinese Ghost Festival, the 15th day of the 7th month of the lunar calendar, you can see the flower carts being paraded through the streets on the backs of their bearers. So come and experience the unique city of Keelung. Yeh-Liu Geopark. The Yeh-Liu Geopark has very unique geology and is one of Taiwan’s 12 Natural Heritage Sites as classified by the Taiwan Council for Cultural Affairs. Excluding the 4000 year old “Queen’s Head” mushroom rock there is also the Fairy’s Shoe, Marine Bird Rock, Ice Cream Rock, Pearl Rock, Mazu Cave etc… The Geopark has an astounding variety of rock formations in a relatively small area: from rocks that look like mushrooms and candles to elephants and bean curd rising up from the sea, making this all-natural art gallery a location not to be missed. Zhong Zheng Park The Guanyin Statue is located in Zhong Zheng Park, which was built in 1950 by the Keelung governement to commemorate former president Chiang Kai Shek. The Guanyin Statue stands at 22.4 meters tall and is not only the centerpiece of the park but also the tallest freestanding Guanyin Statue in Taiwan.


10.Bid Summary In a concise table, summarize the following details extracted from your bid:

Part I: Society profile and Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics capabilities http://www.medinfo.org.tw

President Da-Wei Wang, [email protected] Membership and stability When established and joined IMIA 2000, 5% clinicians (doctors, nurses and physical therapists), 60% academics and 35% others (civil servants, administrators, consultants, project leaders, IT-vendors).

Society conference history Which conferences organized, number of attendees and experience  IMIA General Assembly and Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2002, attendees 600  Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2003 ,attendees 400  Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2004 ,attendees 500  Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2005 ,attendees 363  APAMI2006 in conjunction with MIST200 2006 ,attendees 423  Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2007 ,attendees 400  Joint Conference on Medical Informatics in Taiwan 2008 ,attendees 258  Joint Conference on Medical Informatics in Taiwan 2009 ,attendees 369  Joint Conference on Medical Informatics in Taiwan 2010 ,attendees 325  Joint Conference on Medical Informatics in Taiwan 2011 ,attendees 354 Proposed LOC chair Da-Wei Wang, , [email protected] Proposed Medinfo 2017 dates 8/26-8/30 8/25-8/26 Preference Location 1 Hsin-Yi Rd.,Sec.5,Taipei 11049,Taiwan ROC


Conference facility Name Taipei International Convention Center URL http://www.ticc.com.tw/ Plenary room size: 2973 Parallel session rooms:14 and size 505 Exhibition space: 729 Small meeting rooms: 30 Experience with large Largest conferences hosted – name and number conferences attendees APAMI2006,attendees 423 Accommodations Number hotel rooms 8323,in host city rooms from US$100 (1*) to $250 (5*) Other support Taiwan Nursing Informatics Association (TNIA) Medical Image Standards Association (MISAT) Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise Taiwan (IHE) Level Seven Taiwan (HL7 Taiwan)


Part II: Requirements and obligations Funds budgeted for SPC US$95,000 and EC (excluding printing costs) Funds budgeted for US$80,000 Congress proceedings Funds budgeted for US$80,000 Bursaries Benefits to IMIA 10% discount for registration fees and exhibit space. institutional members No meeting conflict No meeting conflict Meeting space What will be available at no charge for IMIA board, GA, WG and SIG. Funds budgeted IMIA US$10,000 Yearbook

Part III: Budget proposal Proposed rates & fees Early Bird Price US$ 600 Early Bird-10% members Price US$ 540 Regular Price US$ 700 Student Price US$ 500 Onsite fee Price US$ 700 Attendance levels (number Break-even: 990 participants of participants needed) Budget: 922,500 Costs Fixed costs: US$925,500 Exhibition and other $US180,000 revenues Profit per participant $US4.5 Result - For 800 participants Loss $US3,600 - for 1000 participants Profit$US 5,400 - for 1200 participants Profit$US 6,300


Part IV: The price(US$) participant’s perspective Budget from New York (economy $fare2000+ $accom1000+ $reg 600 =$total3600 travel+6 days in 4* hotel+early registration) Budget from Paris $fare2000+ $accom1000+ $reg 600 = $total3600 (economy travel+6 days in 4* hotel+early registration) Budget from Tokyo $fare1000+ $accom1000+$reg 600 =$total2600 (economy travel+6 days in 4* hotel+early registration) Climate 29°C average, Season:Summer Accompanying persons Registration Early Bird $400 programmes Registration Regular Price $ 500 Pre- and post-tours Brief Summary Wulai Atayal Museum -> Wulai Hot Springs (8hours) Wulai is the home of Atayal tribe people, and where you can observe their traditional dances and rituals; if you're interested, you can join the dancing yourself. You can also enjoy the sight of a gushing waterfall amidst the lush green landscape, or take an exciting cable-car ride across the gorge.

Wulai is surrounded on all sides by mountains, a place of beauty and attractive tourist attractions including streams, hot springs, waterfalls, cherry blossoms, red maple leaves, birds and butterflies, cable cars, Yunxian Park, motorized rail pushcarts, and indigenous singing and dancing. In addition, Wulai exhibits a different atmosphere in each season of the year. In the springtime mountain cherry blossoms fill the hillsides, especially in the months of March and April. Summer is the season for playing in the water, camping, picnicking, barbecuing, and generally escaping the torrid heat. Winter is the perfect season for relaxing and soaking away your ailments in healthful hot-spring mineral water.

Taipei City Night Tour (4hours) Visit Lungshan Temple, Huaxi Night Market, and Taipei 101. Lungshan Temple, The Lungshan Temple is probably what comes to mind when you think of a Chinese temple. It was built in 1920 and is incredibly well preserved and maintained. It is a 5940m2 temple with amazing carving and painting on every surface of the temple from its 42 pillars to the painted walls. The Lungshan Temple is a Taoist temple dedicated to the goddess Guanyin. The temple not only attracts large numbers of tourists but is also still used as a place of worship for many Taiwanese. Come and appreciate the architecture and spiritual qualities of this temple and come to further understand the Taiwanese culture.

Keelung Harbor and Yehliu Scenic Area Northern Coast Tour (6hours) Visit Keelung City and Harbor, Yehliu Geopark and the Zhong 45

Zheng Park. Keelung City, Keelung is located in Northern Taiwan and received more rainfall than any other city, giving it the nickname City of Rain. The city’s seaside location and the fact that it is ringed by mountains mean that Keelung receives a great deal of strong winds as well. Its seaside locations also means that there is a thriving fishing industry here and there are many fish markets as well as a huge variety of fresh seafood available.