United States Cryptologic History ANNNN’S WAARR OOnene WWoman’soman’s JJourneyourney ttoo tthehe CCodebreakingodebreaking VVictoryictory overover JapanJapan Special series | Volume 13 | 2019 Center for Cryptologic History David Sherman was head of the Strategy, Plans, and Policy organization for the National Security Agency before his retirement in 2017. For their assistance in locating material relevant to the preparation of this monograph, the author expresses his appreciation to Kelly Grant of the Sage Colleges Archives and Special Collections; Eloise Morgan, village historian, Bronxville, New York; Rene Stein, former librarian, National Cryptologic Museum; and Sarah Parsons and Betsy Rohaly Smoot of NSA’s Center for Cryptologic History. This publication presents a historical perspective for informational and educational purposes, is the result of independent research, and does not necessarily reflect a position of NSA/CSS or any other US government entity. This publication is distributed free by the National Security Agency. If you would like additional copies, please email
[email protected] or write to: Center for Cryptologic History National Security Agency 9800 Savage Road, Suite 6886 Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755 UNITED STATES CRYPTOLOGIC HISTORY ANN’S WAR One Woman’s Journey to the Codebreaking Victory over Japan David Sherman National Security Agency Center for Cryptologic History 2019 CONTENTS Foreword ........................................................................... iii Introduction........................................................................ 1 Chapter 1. Childhood in Suburban New York ................................. 3 Chapter 2. College Years at Russell Sage ...................................... 7 Chapter 3. War Comes to America … and to Russell Sage .................. 11 Chapter 4. On to Washington ................................................... 13 Chapter 5. A Codebreaker in Training .......................................... 17 Chapter 6. Getting Down to Work ..............................................19 Chapter 7.