Flower" 1 Sample Free
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" 1 Ktrsnee RfrtTimark. , : A rromistn Situation. Ir your Back Aches, or you are all worn ont. A ago a (New rood for nolhing, it is Renersl debility. short time baby was born York Dally InTeitlaator.t Brown's Iron Hitters will cure von, m.ike yon in Salt Lai; a City, who had a birth. Good judges say that one of the next lo strong, cleanse your liver, and give a gviod ap- b!ood-re- petitetones the nerves. mark of a d blotch hnmedl-- 4 calitiea to achieve distinction by jumninz : atfiy over its heart. was from a substantial town to a me Tho.mark thriving . Of two women choose the one that will have exactly liko a bullet wound" which p fi, tropolis In few years will be the city ot you. killed a brother of the child's mother, superior, Wisconsin, and this, too. with Charles Wanleijs by name, over a year out the effort and struggle through which f if A" Turryi Wilmington, Del., writes: baa one of my severe headaches and was before the child was born, .which the interior towns have passed while ef- liersiiaded tp try your valuable (Uradycrotine) seen. fecting the same ' mod cine. I never had to me so other had ' result Until a year anything do '.' - much good for r "immi ,, , or two ago the average man did not stop to headache." Th 8kI.II and think Ksswledge that Superior as a monopolist of the The man who has no business of his own to .11 ., Essential to the production of the most water and rail termini at one end of tho attend to always goes to bed tired. fZv, fectand p.ipular laxative remedy known have lakes Is in the same position as Buffalo at m Brtown's Bl DrHiiptisla. Mala- ,: i the other Iron iters cure - enable I lie California Fig Syrup Co. end. Figures are uninteresting rift. Hiliousness and to (ieneral Debility, tiives The ite.e.rl . nlnnteft. achieve a grext suocess in the reputation unless given briefly, but comparisons Htrenirih. aids Digestion, lonoi the nerves of are always important. This little Su- creates aiipt'tlte. The best ionic for Nursing when you feel " run-dow- n and its remedy,. Syrup of Figs, Mothers, weak, women ". as it is conceded perior, credited by its last census with and children. "used -- tip." Malarial, typhoid to be only 23,000 people, handled more or the universal laxative. For sale by GIRL TAKES FIRST PRIZE. with tho neodle. It is made of white Tho dexterous wrestler gets down to bubl-net- s ' all bilious fevers spring from i druggists.' coal last year than did Chicago: of grain it all Miss Jean Nelson, of De Pauw cambric, drawn and worked in geometric it shipped nineteen million bushels, of flour when he drops on his friends. sorts of diseases. Don't take any designa in white thread or silk. Some sixteen hand red wool ."Excnue 1 University, took first honors at the ora- thousand barrels, of Coughs, risk. Dr. Golden the liberty take," as the convict four million pounds, and Hoarseness. Sork Throat, etc. Pierco's Medical . remarked when torical contest of all the col I epos of In of these patterns display exqusite beauty of merchandise quickly relieved by he escaped from the state to the value of thirteen million dollars. Urown'b Uronchial Discovery invigorates the system v prison. diana. Seven oratioDS were delivered, and delicacy; those which arc old are iROCHKs. ihey surpass all other nrenarn Of all lake cities this business was tions in removing hoHrneness and repels disease. It starts .'the and it was midnight before the victors almost like gossamer, and are of a soft second only to Chicago in and as a cough magnitude. rrmruy are tne prvsi. torpid liver into healthful were announced. Edgar A. Evans, of creamy tint. Harper's Bazar. There is an economical reason for this action, condition of things. is purifies and enriches tho It that the rail The leap-yea- r blood, and Wabash College, took second prize and rate on freight sent west' of Lake Michi- eirl mieht trv hfm deltrnteiv with a pop-cor- restores health and vigor. As Elba Branigan, of Franklin, third. Miss WOMEN MAY GO TO YALE. gan is one cent per ton per mile, while little an the water is one-tent- h per appetizing, resiorauve sets Nelson will represent Indiana in the In accordance with the report of a rate of one cent FITS stonned frnn hv Du. K r rvir'o Clottkm tonic, it coming interstate special committee ton per mile. This position at the ex- Nervk No at worK all the processes of diges- contest. appointed last year for treme) western end of Lake Superior is Kkstorkr. fits after first day' this purpose, the philosophical faculty of use. marvelous cure, i reatie nnu is trial tion and nutrition, and builds up what gives the city of Superior its prestige, bolileiree. l)r.Kline,93lArohSt.. FULL SLEEVES IN VOGCE. Yale University at New Haven, Conn., and is making it grow faster than L'liila., Pa. flesh and strength. For all diseases Chicago ever did. Besides one hundred aud come Full sleeves will be in high, vosnio for with the sanction of the Corporation, has A msn mnv be considered Inching in hn. that from a disordered liver one smaller industrial concerns, Superior has pitality when he will adopted a plan for greatly extending twentv-eig- not even entertain an and impure blood, skin, scalp the next six months at least, for they are located large manufacturing idea. and most appropriate for light diaphanous post-gradua- and more 6trictly uuivcr. enterprises in the past eighteen months, in- scrofulous affections, it's tho only fabrics. Upon man; of the new models sity work in the institution. Tho two cluding the American Steel Barge Com-nan- y, The worst cases of female weakness readtlv remedy that's guaranteed. If it leading features which will bo put into the builders ot the famous yield to Dr. fswan's PasMlei. Samples free. for summer the sleeves are unlined. whaleback" vessel, which is revo- Dr. bwan. Heaver Dam. Win doesn't benefit or cure in every Some are highly veiled, with a Japanese operation next autumn are. Twenty lutionizing the lake and ocean freight case, you have your money back, ht pni a Ha niA T v scholarships pay carrying trade. The twenty-eig- institu- "There mnn in tr(ail over-slee- of lace cream, black or at $100, or enough to Vnii- tvtv rnlv tuition, and five fellowships of $400 tions ah"ve mentioned include iron and steel son, as Dudeson entered the lailor'shop. 1 J J v" feuv" J white, as the case may be ten or twelve plants, flour mills, stove foundries, wagon get. , , inches in depth, not extending beyond each, all derived from the income of factories, pump makers, ship builders and littrn t m'b Pit. i a ,,.. .n.tu.ii the elbow, and very full tne armhole. university funds. These scholarships saw and shingle mills. The most conser- eet th hl.wul con I un4 Ik. H.,.,- - I I in working order; price 2o cents a box. Tho worst cases yield to the Other sleeves are gathered at the top and fellowships are open to graduates of vative business men in the Northwest believe Superior mild, soothincr. cleansinr? hfial- - - S. G. all colleges. The other feature is be- that will grow faster It often renuires ernnlcod wnrtr tn ..,i r and Jfi. Perry only,, and are very close below, and in the next ten years than any ing ' . straitened properties of Dr. Sage's or Providence, R. I. trimmed spirally with lace insertions, lieved to be one of the most important other rity in that prosperous section of the circumstances. Catarrh Widely s 'Wa- Remedy. - ' known as proprietor of Derry material is movements as yet made iu this country country, and many of them claim that f nffllrt.rrt witd . mt. ... That's whv the nronrie- under which the cut away. , ' nt i ii nin it- - terproof Harness Oil, tells of his terrible for the higher education of women. unicngo, ot. t'aul, Minneapolis and Mil- son sKyeNater.l)ruq:lstssellata'3"u tors can, and do, promise to pay The fashionable dress sleeve is quite waukee have never seen the rapid growth pir bottle sufferings from Eczema and hia cure by and very full, uot extending below After the next academical year tho sou tor a case ot Uatarrh in the short that will come to the head of the great chain The flour mission To make good bread. the elbow, with a lace frill or band of graduate course with the degree of doc- of lakes and the city of Superior. Head which they cannot cure. galloon at the lower edge. New York tor of philosophy will be open without distinction of sex. It is not the design The only way to cet a hen out of the garden H'OOD Post. is to go slow but shoo'er. Sarsaparilla to establish an annex or other rival of Obstinate Blood Humor. "Gentlemen: Fifteen yeure ago I bad an attack tho colleges already existing for womeu, BTATB OF OTITO, UTTT OF TOLXDO, f AN INFLUENZA COSTUME. " ifAD Of Inflammatory followed LlTCAS Coi'NTY, ) I TERRIBLE ECZEMA rheumatism, br is but to receive graduates of these colleges Some ingenious woraau, who, it Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the and hmbi swollen and scaly like a dead fish.