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==---^SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). BY SPRAGUE & SON. TERMS: SEVEN DOLLARS PER ANNUM. SINGLE COPIES. THREE CENTS. VOL. XII. ■ ■ ■ ~ --:-.--ALGUSTA, MAINE, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 19, 1881. NO. 93. Jjeimebet Journal. which is to 1 have said hard £jje Smnrtri Journal. preparations for the execution, though things of her. She ^sriEjTrT" t Dailg is not so much to Maine; our Published at Augusta, Maixe,* Sulphur Bitters! take place Friday forenoon, April 22, will bo people taught by .Sprague & Sos. her wrong The Maine is here with us.’ ufCourt, -JUST RECEIVED AT- begun at once. STATE OF MAINE. A few miles from the birth-place of Patrick on farm 1 Henry, the of S. 0. Kedd, is a quarry ’ The eating and dyeing of eggs at Easter Kennebec Journal. E. O The Great of red granite front which the owner propose# Daily ^ W S E S are customs that have come down from , antiq- to furnish material for the base or capital of Ii»u#*d every morning, except Sundays. It contain -CONSISTING OF- uity. Before the Christian era Egyptians. the Yorktewn Monument, as the Commission- latest news and GERMAN be by telegraph mail, gives reports REMEDY ers lias Persians, Greeks. Gauls and Romans may prefer. Hanover Connty contributed Oi Markets and carefully prepared political and GoM and regard- article.-, and a generous amount SHver Patrick Henry to the Revolutionary struggle ooi ot farming, Watches, Ladies’ and Gents’Gold Chains, ed the egg as an emblem of the universe.The bow* and miscellaneous reading with a full coinpila- and will welcome this generous gift of a >»" s- Lockets, Christians of had the cus- tiou •»! Mate Crosses,Charms, Neck Chains, Gold and Plated early Mesopotamia citizen toward the memorial of the great $7 annum in ad if Sets, Terms per ranee, $# payment TRUTHS HE SICK. tom of dyeing and decorating eggs at Easter, victory. io not made within the year. Single to Kings, Studs, Sleeve copies3cents, Buttons, Shawl, Lace and Cuff Lucia the smallest in it had at the bookstores and at this office. Pins, ami stained them red, in memory of the blood Zarate, woman the > inserted on reasonable terms. world, w as born in Mexico. Her Advertisement Kates lor those deathly It'lllous on shed on The church parents ou Gold and Spells,depend Sulphur Calvary. early adopted *x* had application at this office. Silver were is gay Thimbles, hitters. It will cu e you. l'eons, that to say, half-breeds. the custom, and regarded the egg as an em- Silver When born she w as the size of a rat. It was Plated Tea Sets, Ice blem of the resurrection. that she was dead, and she was Pitchers, Goblets, Cake Baskets, Fruit Ladies in delicate health, who are all run down, supposed put should use sulphur hitter*. in a little box that happened to he in a room. Weekly Kennebec Stands, It is that a of Journal, Cups, Vases, and Spectacles of all Styles. reported party body-snatchers Soon, however, she began to scream. She w an in was 1 he <iiaut is cured 1*\ met ith unexpectedly warm reception then taken out of her box, and, except ?ul>li«he«l every Wednesday morning, is the larges LARGEST Dyspepsia usiug Sulphur -BV THE— STOCK ! LOWEST Bitters. that she w as so wondrouslv small, she soon loliopapT in the .State, tfoutaiuing uews, political ar PRICES Plain City, Ohio, a week ago Sunday night. ides, agricultural and scientific matter,tales, GOVERNOR. and ran about like any other child. poetry, Not a of Kussell O'llarrel played •nredoies. nouseltold matter, markets, St':., Stc. 124 WATER long ago daughter Hen. Kohert K. Lee has ST., AUGUSTA, ME. $l,UtiU will l*> paid for a case where Sulphur Bitters just been made Terms, $2 per annum in advance. ^ died and was buried in the at that Will uo assist or cure. It never falls. j cemetery out a desoendotit of Kohert llruce. Col. nt .t Trun-it Advertisements, $2.00 pvr inch f first who A PROCLAMATION. Oj»erators are closely confined in the mills and and a wafc in the Wtok; 50 cent per week for each in-ertion. In place, torpedo placed grave William Winston Fontaine, principal of subsequent workshops; Clerks who do not procure suf- accordance with a pious and time-honored cus- Notices, $2.5<# inch for first in is the Sjs'iiai per week; 50 ficient exercise, and all who are con tom, come down to us from the Pilgrim Fathers,and for the purpose of interfering w ith any at- Holyoke Academy, Louisville, Ky., Week for each week. Cents per subsequent fined in door^.should use Sul- j found so suitable to our love and veneration, 1, discoverer of the royal blood in the Lees. Uu-iur-i' N.Jtice*, in 20 cents tempt to remove the remains. On Sunday reading columns, per ] phur Bitters. They HARRIS M. PLAISTED, Governor, by and with Col. Fontaine that while for first lu cents 1 says recently, ne insertion; ^cr line for each sub- will not then be the advice and consent of the ( ouncil, do ap- some scoundrels, or devotees of medical :; hereby night material tor w a #s<pK-ut insertion. weak and point and set apart collecting riting biography science as they would probably prefer to be of Maj. («en. Mexamler Spotswood, governor sickly. THURSDAY, the of Twenty-first day April, called were endeavoring to steal the body, of Virginia from 1710 to 172A. he discovered next, as a day of Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer. Advertising Agents. < that through him Kohert Lee, of Virginia, lean»e tin- vitiated blood when you see its impuri- And I do recommend to the-, t hri-tian people of our when the torpedo exploded. The ground for KOK ties bursting through the skin in State to keep this, their annual fast; refrain from was seventeenth in direct descent from THE Pimples, a considerable distance was torn and the Blotches, and sores. Bely on >ul- labor, business, amusements, and. in their homes up, Kohert Bruce, of Scotland. and health and houses of humble Kennebec phur Bitters, public worship, themselves indications are that the detecrators were in- Mr. dames T. Felds has presented to the Journal, will follow. before Him whose mercy endurelh forever;—suppli- the one of them of two valuable cating His fuvor upon themselves, the >taie and jured by explosion, perhaps Filgrim Society Plymouth DAILY AND WEEKLY. Nation; confining their sins and sinking forgive- more of sort are the General need* a tonic. I'w fatally. A few experiences this autograph poems. They manuscript lkdrility gentle Sulphur ness of the same, in humility of “If we will not he troubled. spirit. poem of William t'ullen Bryant upon the Bitters,arid you say that we have no sin, we deceive and would convince men engaged in this The following Advertising Agents are authorized ourselves, probably th** truth is not in us ; hut if we confess our sins. He Pilgrims beginning; to rective .-u User ipt ions and advertisements for the devilish business that the science of Bitters will cure t is faithful and to us our sins and to anatomy Wild uah the dm t; Sulphur Liver omplaint. l»ou’t just forgive KsxxKtst Journal: I hr M-a moaned on New hughonl'i lie discouraged; it will cure you. cleanse us from all unrighteousness." can get along without robbing graveyards. wintry sadly BOSTON : : : : : S. M. Pkttknoill ACo. 10 State strand Given at the Council Chamber at Augusta, this Street. De- and the of a In F.henczer thirty-first day of March, in the vear of our Lord The reports of April 1 received at the manuscript poem S. K. No. 6 Tremont St. Don’t lie without a l>ott!e. will uot Niles, j; yon one thousand eight hundred and one, ami Elliot, the corn law rhymer of England, on T. C. Evans, Tremont it. eighty partment of Agriculture shows an increase of Temple. regret of the Independence ot the United States of the The are hand- IIukack 265 Pilgrims. manuscripts Doi>i>« Washington America the one hundred and fifth. 4 per cent, in the area sown in winter .Street. nearly somely mounted, and are \aluahle additions HARRIS M. PLAINTKlh SEW lOKK : : :I*AUC!!Y & Co., lttl Fulton St. Sulphur Bitters will build you up and make you wheat. Kansas ami Missouri show the larg- to the collections of the society. bKO. I*. Kowkll & 10 and ItY TI1K GOYKRXOU. Co., strong healthy. est increase; Ohio and Illinois a slight in- Spruce Street. JOS El'll O. SMITH, Secretary of state, Jamk» II. Bates, 41 Park Kow. crease, and New York and Pennsylvania re- Bouii TIio Tlui me*. w. w. Shahpe & Co. main the same as last Indiana. Ken- S. M. Park SULPHUR BITTERS year. Earlv in the summer I row down PkttexgillSt Co.,.17 David Davis’s letter seems to he evening. Bow. regarded SLLPlil 1C PLASTERS cure pain in the side. tucky, Tennessee and Virginia each report the rive r from the old mill, pulling gently N. W. Aykh & in all a a fHll.ADKI.PMIA Son,TimesBld’g, KAl’FMANN'S PILLS do uot grip**. ?.» ceuts. quarters as hid for Presidential with the ebb tide. As I the Chestnut and 8th streets. | some decrease. Owing to the prevalence of approach S M. Pkttkngill St Co., 701 nprilst&wlm nomination. Waterloo Bridge 1 generally bear the loud rile C.ront snow at the date of the returns, the condition Chestnut Street. Apiietizer und Nure Curt* for CoiiirliM, CoIUh, Ifron- country songs of Broad-shouldered women, II.