Morris & Ireland's
==---^SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). BY SPRAGUE & SON. TERMS: SEVEN DOLLARS PER ANNUM. SINGLE COPIES. THREE CENTS. VOL. XII. ■ ■ ■ ~ --:-.--ALGUSTA, MAINE, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 19, 1881. NO. 93. Jjeimebet Journal. which is to 1 have said hard £jje Smnrtri Journal. preparations for the execution, though things of her. She ^sriEjTrT" t Dailg is not so much to Maine; our Published at Augusta, Maixe,* Sulphur Bitters! take place Friday forenoon, April 22, will bo people taught by .Sprague & Sos. her wrong The Maine is here with us.’ ufCourt, -JUST RECEIVED AT- begun at once. STATE OF MAINE. A few miles from the birth-place of Patrick on farm 1 Henry, the of S. 0. Kedd, is a quarry ’ The eating and dyeing of eggs at Easter Kennebec Journal. E. O The Great of red granite front which the owner propose# Daily ^ W S E S are customs that have come down from , antiq- to furnish material for the base or capital of Ii»u#*d every morning, except Sundays. It contain -CONSISTING OF- uity. Before the Christian era Egyptians. the Yorktewn Monument, as the Commission- latest news and GERMAN be by telegraph mail, gives reports REMEDY ers lias Persians, Greeks. Gauls and Romans may prefer. Hanover Connty contributed Oi Markets and carefully prepared political and GoM and regard- article.-, and a generous amount SHver Patrick Henry to the Revolutionary struggle ooi ot farming, Watches, Ladies’ and Gents’Gold Chains, ed the egg as an emblem of the universe.The bow* and miscellaneous reading with a full coinpila- and will welcome this generous gift of a >»" s- Lockets, Christians of had the cus- tiou •»! Mate Crosses,Charms, Neck Chains, Gold and Plated early Mesopotamia citizen toward the memorial of the great $7 annum in ad if Sets, Terms per ranee, $# payment TRUTHS HE SICK.
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