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A History of Murray to 1905

A History of Murray to 1905

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A History of Murray to 1905

Clinton R. Ahlberg - Provo

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BYU ScholarsArchive Citation Ahlberg, Clinton R., "A History of Murray to 1905" (1959). Theses and Dissertations. 4461. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/4461

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A hittritt 7 CFC F y tcTO 1905

thesis submittedoubraittedoubmitted to tbthe dopartmntpepartaent of idstoryhiatorymidstory brihanbrihambrigham young university iravobravoirovoi atahctahutah

21 inta 6 rtialartial fulfillmntfulfillfffntfulfillment of the rquiremntohequirerbent of the desreedegreedegrdegn of fastermasterplaster of science


Clintoclintonclintojmjm Wr hlbergshibergahlberg agustuutugust 1959 yacFAC

it hehasheshao benbeen the purpose of the writer in preparing thithlthisthib thesis to mkeakemalke available to the people of burrayliurrayrurray ththe early history of their cowunitycowunity latheathith14th thekitebite growth off the residential and businessbuslbusineirnegineer arecaren of the laitjaitaitmitalt laklakslake valley therethero isi a tendency to regard murray asaa an apappendsappendaappendagependapondage of alt lake city and to forget the independent ffortseffortspforts of early furrayhurraymurray citicitizenszenevstungzeneg and ththebhe circumstances which brought about ththe development of their cityolty muehmuch of tftaylsfurrayafursurrayaraysraya history hashaehab been overshadowed by thetho ventseventsgents which took place in zaltoaltz4lt lakedake1 ak city or bahashaa been submergedaubabubasered by general incinclusionincluoicnincluzionluzion in the historyhi6torybi&tory of the vallelivallevalleyvaileyvalleyiyi considerable resereveresearcharcharoharob hashaaha been required to find the information and to bring to light obscure featuresfeateatureeturea of Marremurremarressmurraymarreqsqs past ththe author auldwuldwould like to give grateful recognition to 11rr lroyleroyleboy re facenhafenhacen and arddroazodr J keith melville of the BriCbrighazhankhankham young jnivorattyuniversityunivernity for their patient consideration and ludiudd inija the preparapregaraprepara tion of thisthiakhia thsisthetictheeic ann expressionexprossionexpreaaion of gratitude iaio alsoaisoaleoalbo due thethobhe latterdatter day aint churickchurich hiatoriaa1histerianivi efficeofficeorfice for cooperation and for the une of thirthidtheir materials

iii TABLE CF ccwtum3

lakeiagelageaage PSEFACEPREFACE 0 0 9 0 0 6 illlii chapter 1 TBS LAKB I SALT laeslanslaebIAKS v4ltfylljatvaltivalli f BSFCR 1847184187 a 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 1 II11mo ARLTKARLT settlesStIrTSBTTLBSlersLEPS WDaydAND THE AMASA LV-LTHAKAR 5urvjSURVJTT 16 iliIII111 tebteeTHETHB OROWTBOROWTH OFoy x17tb COTTCHMCc0caain i0vdjCD 1891891870184918701849 1870 29

IV1 le irovesmftokkjgr LIFELIFK 0 v 0 0 0 0 9 0 4454.5


VI TRETHE 3cbools3ch0011 OF murrarCTRRATMURRAT 0 0 s 0 0 74

1 vilvnVII CITY devsiorwnrrDSVTWM entuntVNT alid IMCORHINOO RPC STICKRATION 0 0 90

AITMDICES 0 s 0 0 e 0 v 107 bibliograjwt 11114

ivIT ceaCHA I1 TH adtALT LA V elyLLY hfchac 1847ipa

the valley and regianregion in which urrymurray isi located werewernworewenn 1wellI known by the explorers and mountain kencencon before thetho mormon pioneerspioneerapionoereplonpionptoneera nteredniteredentered the area aaAs earlycurly no 177117760 tbthe catholic fatratfatterratherrathorfatherafatberaloralorbbera francise tantalotanaaloaanasivtanabanaafanasivAanaamnasicalcsivaioalo oainjiueeleainguee aadand roctornctojranciao ilveatrelilvoatro alevlevievolvoi ded scalscalantescalantelescalanteantelante were in tbthe neighboring uthutahubah valley andnd werverewere told by ththetho indiana of a lake sustsuatjustjuat to the north which waswanwa altysaltyeltyeity and harmful to the body the purpose of the calanteisiscalanteescalanteksc&lante expedition saoseowasa to find a route frotrofromtrom 3 ntaanta Ffe nvNhev Vemexicoxieo to Vonmonontereyimontereytereytevey aliforniacalifornia ontrey had recntlyrecentlyrocently benbeenwen biadmiadade a portpart for thetho entry of i7podsoods from painpain and southern exico soabobao it was thought that if a road could be found direct from santaganta fe10 to Monteontereyimontereyoreyo it would be of great advantageadvntaadv nta in the trnnpcrtationtrnnapcrtation of boodgoodgoods to c&liforrcaliforniaia for the zupzuou prtartp rt of the ffdasionmissions therethorebhore ithath thiathibthifs purpose in mindamindqsiidelidpiid thetho expedition hdhadhag cletalet out from antalantasanta I1fe on the twenty ninth of julyjulyn l76t1776 andnd traveled north- westerly until they aroastcroastcroa&sdd thethotee fortieth decree of north Lltitudeititudelatitude herehezerehli thythey turned wetweotwoot aoiroeeaamasaaman the larenljrenjreenareen riversiveriyerlyer ondrand through the

herbert bitonebitonvboltoni jc&nt in the ilderildernefiaideraldersonsaldernonsAldernefinesbnobsnessnons 11 111storicalhigtorioal uarter17ouarterlyt XVJIIZICTIT lloilo11950iO p 186 2 untagbuntaguinta DuchemducheineduchemieduchemneduoDuc hemiehemlene andnd strawberryArawmrawberry valleysvalleye ianlanimramrrot2dotzrota the strawberry the expedition travtraveledelod down aniahvanishjanish fork cr0kjcree which they named the asumaaguas caliente7rjcaliente demingenggentgmeming riverhiveraveravor off rm ater it wac naedanaedna ed thia because of the wr priognsprings they foundround 8ptyinremptying into it

traveling dodoirndoarn ththe panahtppanihtpaniahaniah jorkfork V canyon the fatheraFatherthenthenk hideaidenademade their fit cjinpcavpcalp in the uttjatsvtsuttaahzh ajjyojaileyjalleygalley4ailyn etstemberetember7tewberember the twenty thithird e andqndnd baveeaveaitt7aveayeeavtt the valleyvailey the neennenamjcamj valley indandnnd ie cfof eurcurur 1 ady of ercyereyarcy 112 lereycrcy of the timtimpanodarmeftatzis7 is 0 the valley wabwaaWSB decritefrideacribeel asfi sixten panahpanih luff lorr andnndnd tenton or twelve widenmidenwidliwidci and the land waswmswam surrounded by rountainbuntainrcuntaitt peakepekarapearepeara frofrom which four riversrivererivern flowed into 4 the valley rherhohe fathers traveled north oasincroasincrousincrcroaslnq the ravorovo riverbiverhivertvers and on to ericanericadmtericmn fork creekcreeks fronfrom the neraerionnertonaeraerionerlonertonicanloanioan roror theathejtbeabe could loetoeseeneemee the out letietlot of the arkeaaseae thetho jordinjordanjordon rivertiverlver and nnacdneedmacdo ledhed it the

icio dod areaaneaartixrtiarta I1 na they didid lotrotnot travel north of the ericanericad fork to the johnfjordanjornf but eakiehtleentiaentiatedp tedeted itaitoit oleotesize from what insor atlon ththe 5 lndimalndimainrfanelodimadigadigo fr vevv thertheretheyethey8theyd fhhe indians told them thatbhat this river flowed into another lake to the ncnorthrth which occupiedoccuplod mayraymanymapy lentucaleuelenTleatleucuca and chedhe gann containcontainedcontainodoontaiftedod witterwikter whichA 03107107.1w 3a hur fulfui to the body therhe indindianalanu alomiomloalsoaisomiso

3biibiiblabiMd pey 17

211231abidtbid1 d

7 Z itileitihethe old s aniahaniuh league isia a urc to 2636563 united Astatesaebaes ne leue eul 4 1 dolton 0 citecileU lp n

51bidibid p 15185 3

aaeuaeuampez u A s7u i 2 statedalatedelated thatthutthab the aiiajfltea Iivedulvad around itenit sharesshareeshoresshoree pufa&pear 4 1 was the indian wrdwir3wirdwreard for witch doctors though the tipanoffotsistizpsaiogotzin in the 11utah valley did not consider the 1puauapckmasvagmagbamperuamper ass enemies they did not refardregard them ana neutralneutralineutralsneutraliraiv for they had killed an indian froefromfrosafrosh the uthutah vally they further described thetho indiana anon the alt lake horeabareabore aiav ulekuletjuit living on herbsherbahorba aadand drinking from the fountains neirnernearneyneay tbthe lake theirrheircheir houseshoumeshou vereverowerewero reported to be made cfef dry ruberuseruturrurue andund eartheurthbarthburth the fathers establishestablishedod friendly relations with thetho indianindiana on ththe uthutah 1akcejlake and taught thethernthermthemm of lodsod and that while it nadnagwag necessarynceairy for theathenthem to leavetleavesievelevclevebevc they would sent priests to techteach thettheithem of chritchrist the fathers roqurequiredired of the indioindiansno a token to ehobhoshow their delredenire to beeboebocbecomeno christiana and thatthut thetho returning prie ilsitst eightbightmightahtiht be ntghiebiebletiele to usue it for identification unaaponcpon thithlthisthia request the indinindiana painted three crocks with figurfigures on them on a skin thesetheaetheao fifigureburenguren oaon the broseserosescrosses represented thetho three

dredrwlr harrisharria describedeacribedescribesdeacribe the uauaapeiluaguarpez of valtvaitlt lake&lareiarelakelakee as an out lawedcawed birdburd of thethokhebho richenichepiche auero or tulayultutayutyuta jecnnjecnyjonnejelallee hene tatekbatekatateii that in 1851891859 lieutenant iphoniipaonjimpoonqpaon while on hia official survey of the gre att alt I1 e rloionroionnglorloniorbior enouateredencountered the fieo eo on the northe&ternnorthwesternnorthweatern corner of the aitalt F akeke theythoyrheyrhoy wer- uiuieothen known a thethatho isedaleedaAi sedaeedaaeda anakean&keeutereaterfq andn werere described asaa more filthy than beartalonntencbonn ta R y translation of senilanteccqilntenilan tertec journallourkourzournl by irriscirriokirrio in hjh catholic churchiachurchinchurch in thtahlah aaltualtaitalt lake citticityi inteintointerountrsiarmountzlin ctaholiccthoatho ic ireassireaset ret 1969o1919690 ileil 8 2 rolton Q cicitt p 16 4

menen of authority of thevievig rilccilctrilearile cn the twenty fifth of epteberepternberepteber the expedition left its

4 campc auftp on the ericoneric&n orkfork tindeindnd startstriedktrieded ltraltritrj journey ecuthwrieouthws1r 1 in

1 2 a monterey 6 aeschsearchaerchsoirch of route to ontereyon lereybereytereyrey they passed1 baaduaad through the oviovier valleysvalteValieyi on through thetha present lscujntccalarianinnte valleyvailey to the virgin beforebesore roachingreaching the viranvirgin V galeynlleyt thetho exleyleyexpeditionj edition 09isasisaa overtaken b the eixelxeiyevrlydeiy october snows and ziveolveaevemavegaveaive up hope of finding a route to tononfreylonlontereyonureyonUreytereyteneyuneygney aromyromrora here they etrtedsturtedspurted their journey back to antaantota oreeoreoe flerfterafter crocincroeincrobincrocrocelneincinang ththe colorado lverivarivansivarsiven and visitingvissiting the uni ilevlilealilevillevilievl llelie the rotrotinrou arrived bickback at antanta ree in jjnurjs i77 t I1earlydearlynearly a halfhairhalij century pagedpedpaned ftoratorr4terrater the deldeideparturearturearturo of the catholichtholie father herorbefore the irrivlirrrrrivqlivlivi ofc f the next white dendonnennon in the albaibaltaitritalt zkakake rebic n lesresrheberhobe ne 1.1 hitehitcditccwhiteywhite er nerewere the trpirtrarpirpir arldaridtwid huntarhunter of thethee retrot7 t fur mrpqnieco pnieanie j who contended nithvithwith acheach other forlor urlurcungun hunting terute r1raatory andnd were tletlthetie e firtfirst to thcroulythcroaghly explcreexploreexp1cre the rricnrenicr tireytineythey conferredconverredconverr7econverrednedi on the uth araareaaroa from three directdirecticndirectionsdirectioneloneione

1 nouthonstaouthoapt ncrncrtbwetncrthweattthweatt and c&tcateatealtmealam trader 1 1 fronfrom ailtsaittaantsanta 10uo crhacahacovac se iain by

W nay green 1 baver wylaylwy of the alaanaja jujuniniinjhinj grewgnew and ant1inuintanta iverlver1aver the iritih1ritishbritish trjtajtropqrsperspars of the ifludsonluddonsuddon kaylayluy co ary3ry cechne by wy of the eftenfte nd111d ir rivernivernver andangnd the Periganerioanermerioanticanioan of the ocky cuncontaintain irurur cocoanychanyurany

id p 183l85t aidtbidsbidtibideabide p 18718

li 5.5 I1


careenrecame from the eltewtnuat t by rryvaywaytry ofot the lattelatto lveriver the authouthiouthlouthbouth i acuancanuS L and to the oreonreenreer andannd leirkeirle ir lveriveniverdivers arly in u2ua1f22 the ockyociky ourtauntounauntuinaunounttuinin irurur Connconocomocompanyhanyranypany hdhadkadbad ben

oriorfornorpniedranized by t liliesilliam sheyah ey andundtndand edrendrenorejidrer v enry adaadand had ac clvertiscvertiselvertisell in the missourimlsMiamhaouri 31 adetteazetteaaette andnd ubilcublicubilebublic dverdvertigerjavortizerjaverjAvor tisertizertiger for a hundred young kenmen to ascend the iaolaoieoouriieoilseouriilseouri i iverlveriyer to its source fandiundfundnd there to tratrip for the aanncorpanyconaonconpanycom anypanynany sterstor meeting with disdladiadisacurnl aer at the hwhanehamehamd of the nicricsrricricmrdnricer sr the tra er werwere forced to leave the upper iscouri andond MOVOTOOVO to thethbhe yellojtoneyello 00t14lo ivraveravor and itsitdltd tributhriotributnrirv f0 0off the trtrappersappora had trappanitriptrappai thisthic stretreinw the ye&ryevryeenyeve before under henryhonry froeitofsfrom1romarom the Yellowyellowotonyellowntorweoton jedeliihjedeldtuh tnithanithi th ieoleoloo a broucrourou of the ooftpanycompnayos trevtreptraptreppertrapperzer u the lneineindandanenne nd eetwaterrveetveetwaterwaterwatey avernver and acroaiacro

1 the outl3southoutly 1 wu151 into the deenreen averdveraver illeyvaieyiileyvileyvaleybaieyI titheywhey arrivearrivedi in the

I1 oasoest paileygalleya11 ey on the nineteenth of achrch 13U hishir vougrourou oat crolxscroinrcroinealtranttantr of the ibocki9ockiliocjkliezs by wyw y off the authouth ns arkedranrkcdarcedn the aintayntantnnt cfof ititratr efectiveofectiveeffective dindiscoverydincoverydiftcoverycovery theremhorephorehorher in little quertiunquertlpleniunlon that it hu 6 lof16ftnn aveduoeduved before by altohitohltowhite merimerlmorlmermor the a atoriatorianrs were reportedro ported to havehavy paispaepne evd throuthroughh it on their tric enettt in 11 but a contrcomarcommonon knowledbowled vev e 3 OLof it wasf not even aboneawoneoneong the trabratrpertrarperper

le dorsandorganeorganoran Jodejedejedediahdiahdigh aithjith 1 orksorkyork the bobleboblzbofabe arrillcrrillterrillcrrill copcov my 1 p 191 dqaq kirasskarassram chittendenr the erlerianericnericn ifurur tratrdeardetrade of the ar 26 i ett N eewW iorktyork rarbearnernetrne f 1 aandnd noble 1913350133.50 1 262.626s 3 rcrrnfc rjrajr ri orone altotcltotaltclt 7 xax5 6

in the fal of 234413234 4 ashley5ftleysshley jed anothersmother concomcorncorpcorpanyetryaayany of trptrpperntrt3pperzperopernpeno to the ireenreen iverlverliver and blentspent the winter there in ththe ariararinr ashleyhahleyhley adeado a anam atte ptt to descenddec end the reonreen batbutbabbub at the confluence of the irhleyishleyimbley and reen hitohalghaigU boat naewaewag uncturdunctureduncunepuncturedturd on a rock and filled with waterwzterweter haleh3lea0100010 in caacam threthrotherethero he canocamocarmecamme in contact with the revolt nartyparty andmndnd lelemedlem&dirnedarned frofrotfros thenthelatheiathein thtaht 2 group of trtrapertropertrapterstrappersapters belonmelonmeionloninbeloninbelonidbebelonzingionineingzing to his comcopakycopanycomplanyplany hadhab ett eterleterpeter ikeenjkeenjakeen cedencgdeacgden at the ober iverlverriver aniandans had cbtaiiobtainedted nyazyany of his frarrbfures and cael ootioee of hiehinhid mermormonen to desertdebert ithath thisthinthib nfnare andnd bithirithwithyelth rrovoatrovogt aoalodlodio aidiuldiuidljidi fableytshlylabley traveled itointo the hterhberahter1r4er leliveileyvalleyverleyin11 leykey anda overoyt to the abarebareberaberebar 1 lveriverivoreavernaver Le then left ravatrcvatrovrovoptooteptoptA traveled upu challchailchalk creek canycncnyanycanyon n to rerchachtchach thetho tettotfeurtpeurtpoartpoutt and on up the r r into yoiyolyonitjyonita for the rondodendedonderendezvousavouszvous in julyjully inln the party aichhichwhich hbadhadtd the bout with cienclanclencl&npieupienplen warwacn a trtrerbrertrenrierrienrosrrjsr nelnatnaaneu ed jirjittjim briderbridger undeind to hithim j0aaaoagoaao thetho credit for the dlodiodiscoverycovery of the great L altait T akaaeaaeoke though othro hid norenoromoremoromone tharbharchon lielylively eonoonseensoeneen it before he iiilsilyt1 the first ofor utlienticui ertic recordrecore aihothe story into that

1 myer thebhe party hhrdardhadad stantspantnent the winter in cache valley on the learivarI er iferhyernveriverlveri ferver and while there a discusindjscussidisdiedlecusinn aronearoe asy to the probably course of the rierrivrrivtir r wi tadeadebade andandl jirjim i edghdgri r ws sent to jcertainircertainir the truth foltowingyiollolloi lowing the river through thethae mcuntainsmountainssscuntnina they cecame in viewyiew of thebhe ielaake tn reachresichregichresichrfrfne the KC they found

sibido1ibidoibid pneppeappp 159171159 171 7

I1 that it wabWHwas saltynalty eter keenaeenaaen cdencdanadenccdanacdan had liemiemade hishi firtfirst trip into the utah ureureauree by acendinfarxendinr the clclucoluwbigibiabla andmid the nake jwdind vwwatzwaku trattrappingping dordoorionclondorrnrn the lerlorlon havorhayer henrhenwhen he encounterenccuntervtl thetho erianericnmerictnmerican trmpttampttrtrperotraperoperdperoers att

C ir 46 made circtrdierdibi1 rieideltdetadeiarieiaeaea ole heilellefie hhd ade the trip with JeejeediahJetlejebediahjetlediahjetiediah ivithavithith whoho cane to thetho i ritiohilritiah rlthadrliatheadfatheadIathAdthead country nnr araa unwelcome 1neatjmft9t in 1841 londonuonronyon rereachireachinrreachingac h innrr tthehe fwarwfer ra th hhjad tenejenergene narthnorth and C denedender southbouth omeoeone of cdenaden aennenmen or the rc jait re on haypayngyay twelfth andana twenty second efof 1 devatt csdrrkcgdrerilz bfcdbcdnd oxexperiencefienceririenceenceonce orith ththe trptrtrpinp aneang in tltshvuth he hauha left a corcon idrbleciderable imprearipreaicsititatit uonudonupon the ditctulctuletatitctc I1 iss nenanye hetihatihagheg been F iveniyenlyenayen to a city and a river in shoveveberhovererhoveberho bevber

sa c- clof 1 828s2 VC ioenaden7denroenden didiscoveredcoveredcovaredcoveredared the riverriv which ficaflosficwflow acro&oacroanmcroan neveda which ieIs known ao0 tbthebhe nuaboldta11umboldta nwdioreniorei riveniven it by fremontFreafremyreaont but 2 which hculdhouldshould rightlyriphtly be knonknown c the cfienden rovostprovost also hrkachankan left an ipresnickpresnicniprfinioia on uth rovistrovcstroviest wdand iefe clerc entered into ia artaertihirtrtnerhip att taosoi Seviovievye exicovmexico in 125111213125 and with a amaalleallall band of trtrriprerpkolkoiipaipj ers traveled t into the m buntinsountinsountdnsountins and the dreendrewnqreengreengrewn iverlver14ver aro i ittleittielttie isio known of their penetrations north and vetzentwentweot in 121 2 5 andd 1824 but thetho next year they rangedrane over into ththebhe vreenproenireenreenroen lveriver4veriv&raver country belobeiobelow the uinta ounYouncantinocuntinocunyountainatinntinotaina lurduringinf the erlyearly leorlegrbulorausersuwar when deihjedeihjedeiahJejedqliah smith had been

lybcyb bidideido 0 1sas

2 0 L1 P 1anw fnafen4fen Mourtmountmountintain rencenvenien zeforedeforebefore the ormonooraonrmoamon ev VU tahallail KAVTVI lgb1958 314 kiatoricalklatifistoricalKiatorical urumrtarlurtorlytorly 1 october t 198 312314312.314512312 8

trtrnptlntrzappingzapping the uwrdarowr valley coff thethomlomno creenicremenirearreerreon rovoctrovontromont andandxnd eclrcecleredeclere hadhoehod beenbeonboon justjuat SLCFOBG the mountainoun tir 4 to the soutcoutgout in tho xlal robortrovortrovoet haahadha traveled hectwect uup the trtrterry1rziwberryorterryberryterry and iownsowncown the rovobrovosrovo into the Vutaht ah Vvwalleywaileyalieyailey1 1 essbygeyg eerer fa in the uthtitshtjtsh valleysvalleyqiley rovoatrrovoat foil in ritheithwith a nake chief who vr on n stressstreanstream flcinalcinf1cring into the igi kc rhefhe chief invited the trattraptrsrertranerjertjerfyert to tokenokemolebunols the calumet with hinbinhimbim nudnd lnaiztedijsaicte that it wre netn t goodlood egiegleaicineeaimedicinecine tg have any tetietletllicet4lliclicilc abjectobject neirnearneav whilewhilo smoinamoincmoinsmakinrcMoinoln rovoilrovo6t actot asleasiealicleasicle hinhiohlo arbsarnsarnaarmsarma and aliallaljallcredalluredaljoredored hishi

1 sarpesayre ihen ti menen to do the aaesarre thenzhen vhhiil1 in the circle unarcunarceunarncunarC 0 ththe indiana fell u enon them with their concealed kn ve rovoatrovoot waa able to fre himselfhirshirahicaelfeif and edaeescaencaeeaeye ithwith threetharebhare or rorforfourrour othercothera lileiliefherhe restreatreist wereworewero nassnaastibscredTiB scredicreds thethodhe loelocyoclocation3ocationvocationationabionablon of ththe incident iric a controversial subject ithwith waoew9 feolrfinhooldizu thttknttant it v1va itA the louthcouthmouth of the rovowprovowrovo while othersotheraothero aufaufcrtaufortourauaouaoun partpvrtcrt the belief that it w-wiowiglfa on the oerinropritgopritz of the 2 ututshsutshth L ke into the Jorjorjjordriejoudriedrie in the pringspring of 14 provolovotovofittovoAfitsstsib went tack1562t ack562 to the great lt ke arejaarenare frfarffrrsarrsn the reen ut traveled

1 wa katvat tle down the eber indeed of thte I rovo itt waaa a t tthlethiethiahi titiee tthtahth t t he cmeacmeonmeconme ncro&sacroar Crdenadenden oveatovoatrovout G oroorceorenoremoro thantean lively very failirfailerfafr4nviliarilir ithvithwith the aoutchboutchitch front alongalonaion theth lakcblakclakzcn jedjedeinbbahmahuah althithlth nonalenate t-ttotoio eylrticna which took hiohlo directly throwthroughli the roltrjltlt 1 ke melmeymoyvfiilleyk itnt the close of the

oraparpptor jp or cit p 171470 ibidibid i-


rendezeneeveneerendeyvcixatlvtl z in achetachefache vaiysl ey in 5 2 ithraithr4ith took fi lartyntyarty of men tot

I1 eleloroaloroeyaoreoreoro thetho ertsinsinalnslnrtsin re 4 buthecutheseuthviaeaveat of the rotreotrootretroat aitoltabta2tlt akek n tfeleteiefeieha twenty tscoldbiondbcondvecond of butuutuguot tathithfath isirs relbelbeireportertearte i aran lihvhvinavintvinggin psedased

throuithroupthroughjh the jaitnilmil all iarelareiakeaakelikkih reglenregionroglonregdenrogden and alteredanteredonttiredcntonttired irtrirtaintc the athyth ailcyallcyvalleyJL i rcnrcmacm the ith yelleyvalley they trveltrarvelvolvoivelcebolacvolacvel 0on tbroufatbroufarouha the evier tenthenteen cionoiondown the birinvirin aridanidirid tethe olorteolortoolortootto to ththe chavechava 7iila70T jl llalialie irofropro t ranronramrom theth vlllaeiylulageol they then crossed to altaitallallforniaaliforniaforniafonnia starsterstarstor hivinghaving hd vcceie difficultydifacia1ty vithfrithwith I oxicsualexiczm authoriti&au ththorithorlcrioriorl tier

y 1 i in aliform a tithwithith otrtod bcbaceback to thetho alt 1Ikkee 0onn ay 2010 I17Cat7t crossing thetaht1he erra adavid ptptinatin in suetjuetjuntsunasuga coithorthnoith of0 alkerniker akenkee rhedhehe cxctcxict rout he took acresacree vde vdvd33 to thetho rfcjh border iri not kkxsowrrncwn it iia anynarzirzi arntvrnt lcvycverhicvveverl thtahtt- t he Ppnacejpnacek71557155ellelbekleLl authouth&4outh ofCS the aitaltlt lxelneickeixke and reached the jorrjorejornr lveriveraver on the ttentytontye t rhthmathmhthightheighth of jujunee e st ic c that hthe w1wa 13 h tyy to aeeaeouee the like because it had become a hoehome in the wilderwildrnoswildernexnexnem iee reached thetho renderendevouocouovounvouo in checacchcache aileyalieyPI ileyalley on july second ithvathyath onlyon i tot io of the horeshorden loft atitalitclitcutout of the

nalaenlaen e hhee 1414ua d ttart1tarttartaart a i1 centk t vvwithi tin Pn alufcrniai r hen the rendevoufsrandemvoufs cf 127V 27 brokebrowe u jed mith took

rn gouth olhteenghteen cr and atetrtcdrtedlreedl out Lonn w ther exleditlonexpedition to the authouthsouth wsea e1 t they retraced the route tattntt t hd beenbeonbeeri tentahenken the previous yeyetyes r into california blabiabutbin rotumrotumzeert ur zedkedzee in 1291i2q by w ij of the olureololurmbiaurMbla& findpinepindnd itterroctbitterroot riversnivers of cretcremoncancjn crcnC r thisthia xpeditionexpeditionexperiition bedeejedediahjedeejededi&hlahlehieh had

1 ibid pr af2fzlclla14l4 10

two naornamaorraajoror cldisterdiaterdeaterlis4etertdi sterater rno wc it the hand off ththe ojuneojuve inainainainuai&i dianlanibn 0 on the colorado where thebhe I1zdiaf6lndirui6 jumped hs lortybartyartyiarty while they were cro3sinrcroa&inr the river Jkiaklawlkillingling all but ci litlatbt of thetim melmejwenmen and levinievin the reretA destitute to cross the deertbeertdoert iainiiin aj1ji the aurevorautevorrevor of

102o10201 whi-rhilewhilele on the Vmquiuvracui&imauiu iverlverhiverpiver theathejthe igeroageroer uttaokek4ttackeii by lndiirajndjjju and U of theth artyparty perlsperlaperiaperishedlied ecetacet t four oatctoot of theirthein furfursfurarura werwere recoverrecoveredod later throughthroughthroug1 tthetholne interintermajolinterverintervertmAjoLitieriticr of jctjjcfcn cloubliacloublincLouhlinblin of crtortlort vancouver iheahe1h0 expeditinat thtaht ith ld le arfnrf which eadhad trverdtrarverdyerdverd

i 1 t tyko the ltit lkeakeuken ke valley verewereworeor the firtftrzi1 to overlandoveriana rercutebatebaceb to

enog maemma 1 miimiluliforiuliI1 ifforirori0rnlai ho rourovroutroulrovtt 0 o keckedterleoeer enoffrogiroino the cuth mm8B to cczoez eieele ndind ftcfrcwfrow the an cauinoauin back over central revadanevada to albaibaltlt akeakomkeakeako isUs145i4s

secondftecond trltribritrip which tokbok hinhixhim frotfromfroy n leotierllenieolier0 o to the fiurolurolusuiu7biauiur biabla wewad the first traversing of ththe coatcoast I1 ster the firifirtcirifir3t trapper periolaperio6aperiooa irin the intomantomintcmontountiartin vvectpactect the rot71nrepionnepion bab&b n to be virvievinvimiteaite&teci by tr vp1amlerg and 0exlexiexlorerax1xa lorlorersborersoreraerbers in sosoehatsochatehatahatmhat of aft gecigemi official capacity caioaiCajcataincutaincajtirc&taintintir li1 I1L heneenhoaaevilleevillleevilnevilllelledledie with a party of odeoneoue hundrdundrhundred andaudad ten tratrertrbrer peropezopewser arrivedd in the jreenareen13reen lveriverivordvoraveravor valley in 1ir3ira0 31 afterfterrtcr the rcevourviaevuunrc evou onqa the reenroenroanreonroon in ulyjulyT of 115idti3t ionnezionnevihonnevi ilelieie sentfientgent an exiediiexedilionexediLionhonbonaon of forty menen badruadruudcr joaephJoaiehreh ikeralker to trptrap andend exietioreexioreexl oreoue the reaareamrea iriirllrieruatolyinecsibteiyerUatoljtelytoly around ththe aitaltaitalt

haferhafen 0 C-citIag p 1 a-


lakedake the rartybartynarty left on the twenty fourth of july 1351835918339 but were netnot faithful to their objectobjectiveobjectivoivolyslye they kirtosskirted the north shore of the lake and then iloiiollollotedallotedallowedtedyed thesselvethesthebthemoolveathemathemoselveelvenolveadeivedelveeiven to stray from the oririnaloriorloriginalrinalinalinai intention and adeadedode their way to ththe funfumundtvo adtldt riverplyer theyrhey trapped their wayq alonealongalonaion thies stroiastreap m tto0 the Jijierracjierraczerrac and then 2 crossed over thawthewthemthom to ontereyonmontereymonterey&tereyteroy though it isin douttdettutfuldouttfutiruliruttfuTi if bonneville egrever sawtw the alt ake welfhiwelfhihimselfhimnelfmelf thisthiethle partial exploration of thethatho greabgreat 1lainlninininhain1nain hashao brotiebroughtht himhlinhirn loatingbloatinglatin faifasfamerame the great ancient lakelakolaccilakci bicbbichbibbubichwhich in remote eologicnlgeological time practically filled the walternweeternwactern half of utahsutah has benbeen giyengivenglyengivert hishiahiehla name grove K iilborttgilbert in 176 eavegave thetho ancient lakelaikelatke bonrevilleshonnovillos naffienamenammie because he sulbulsupeuppoaedp posed tonnevironnevillebonnevilleTonroniondonnon nevinevillellelie had ffivenkivrengivren the first authentic description of the xistinrexisting aitaltalbe lkeeke1jake duringdueing hiahlahinhi exredititnexpe6itirn in 1835185518531833 53

i another traplertrapier and dveradaeadvedverturertunerturer who visited the elbeibaltpelt lakerakenakolmkeA region and left a good description of the area waawaowau caborncoboraee kubaelluaellstOilkustoiluaatellatollelieilell

1 lieilenc bdhadbad cocecome to the mountamountainemountainnasountinysinn with nathaniekauuiniel I1 ythyeth inirk 1834 samesmeame year be an li and after helheihelpirigheitinheiringeirinhe itinirinpirig build lortfort ralirailballfiall in that aae year bean

xi captaincaCaj ptain bonneyille1onneyt1ledonneyBonney newnowre irvingIrviirvixi the idvonturesdvorituregt1ta of1 cat talbtaintaiB bonnevilleille york J tarttsrttspurtrt p 1321151523 2 2mids2m1 251231

ae 1 3e H1 robertkobertPoobbertrt Cprehensiveprehenaivecopreheniyooz history of thlthe church of jogus christ of0 L latterlutterltterdiyd 1 1 aint aitalt lakelakolmke Ccitticityityctyq utahtah leceretlevereteaere t 1 T 2514 tte neironeimonews ressrenronoas 3305930519305330930 9 tttj 35 footnofontnofootnote 12

trapping and avlintravlintrtraveiingravlin throngthrougthrouftouthout the rationreon he spent the hristmanchristmanC of iboISOugoVAQ on the present site of the city of ogdenogdon with a party of whiteswhiteawhit and hairhalfhalfhreodfiareedahreeda andnd their indian wives and children I1 theme following spring hueilkuellu heiineii novedshoved south along the mountains eastenstoasteustoust of the lake and traded with thetho ute irindiana and their Chiefchief antaheepAntaheenheep on the utah Llelakee he described the ukelake analgmig being about ibyityaintyainey cliecllezileallemiles in clrcuafrenccircunferencet with an outlet about thirtythirby yards wide soilaallaell1114aaell iaaldaidud thatthatt thetho tinetime heh nuentapont there

0 pfisedpazoidpoised asae pleasantly asfulifullfusi any he had agentspentent maatamatmant Indiindiaxisindiansoaileaxisalkeaneeansoaneo kejzaz o rodrode about the valleyvailey bunting vitervitorvaterwater fealtfewltfowl aichhich were nubnurnumerousfrouz6rouzerous at that

L tinebinetimebime of thetho yearyour andad trptippintrppintrntrappinxtraptragpinpInX beaver ussell tootook X hishig fursturbtursturetuve to fort lilliglialighailhall and then early in 134213 startstantstartedQt artededleds in comcompanycompanyfanypany vithwith afredorredjfred huteihubeihutt to go to the titaitailtmitiltalt lake andmid sendsenaendena the sprintspring hunting ateratorwater fowl ebsegebaegas and beaverbeager heythey arrived at the mouth of ththe earcar river on the second of priibrijprilprij and found the ground dry the fransarabsgraas grengreeng aridnridnd rinria of atrctritrahterwater foulfowlfoisfoys making a conatantconstantconatanteonotant hukhum in the air with the beating of their win cn thetjie twentieth of eayvayay after having benbeenboen uccefiofulsuccessful in tratrutrappingpring beaver 3 and fetinfefeastintrsetinbetintin on ceremtegr thythey tertodstartedt&rtod their return to fort halihallballbailhail

hafen11afen 0 citcit Y 52552535335 5

aidtbideitbidtidoaidop p 3544 abidaibida 1513

fterafter the advent of captainC atinplinptin lannevillebonneville zkn4zindaindnd C sborne ucbucaeilruesellucaeilelleli

1 the next evplorticnexplarativn f importance waswaa th ltt of john ceC A rtcntrtr1rc11t9ontcnt lielleile11 had left riaocuriviascuriViamiascuri in thetho ctcrinerinczinc rinzincin of 161c411 t on an exexplorationaratiplaratipl z journey which took hihim throuthroughh utahsutah the cregon country aliforaialcaliforniatcalifornianCAlifornii at and back to maourim3ourihiahlaFiafiasouriesourie paifripainrfalpaier nr through utautahut A a second tineotimtimentimeo but not irtointo the aitaltvlaltvlast lakslake valleyvailey cn uguatpuguat twenty ftirstqfirst thetho fremont expedition startedst itdrtd dondown ththe learlean ivorviveirkiveir with the ecalkcalgoalgnal of reaching the greabgreat 4 alt lake

theythoyrhoychoy traveled through tachecache valley to the nouthmouthtouth of the rearslemrlemnsoarzoars but becausebecauasbecauoe of the nar hinhineshineaeibeeibaeiFe of the deitadeltadeltetdeltasdelaet they crossedcreased over the foot hills of the usatch1satchausmtch cunt&ineiountaijas to the eborborbereber riverkiver where they made capcamp cn the ixtaixtbigixth of eptaepteberieptariborgriborgnibergniborg thythey aacenascendeddod a buttebuttes rieinrheinrisinr frofrom thetho plain andod came in full view of thethobhe object of their tsearchsearchasearch ramiontfremont aaiaal13aidJ that zaszaz thytheyghey looked at the kitiltailt iskelaketakeke they felt as balboaLalbalbai borboa untustrnuatanuat have felt when he lecerflocerflor ked uronuonupon the 1 acificacidic ccealcceancceazia I ihlheikeahe seventh and eighth were spentz ent in reaching the iarelakelako

1 corya shore wdand preprinpreprintpreparuiipre prin 1 to vicitvijitviavi4ait3it oneono of the lalaialalaiaialaiidamalamai41 alanalildiidlid tottofcotco ftiaie oberdaobervaob bevvaberysiorya ttii nfs vs piertpigrtrt of hirhishin euieuimenteulsquiprmentmontment 1reberontirelrearererontontout hadhud iman indiindia rubber boat which WAS inflated to niamiamassa e ththe trintritrl n to the laland the botboat develoteddeveloped aaan airnirmir o&klo&kLoak which with norvornomwwee waven on the lakegklakeglakelmkeimke advavoavvve

alnnlnninulnlienilenllepalep evinanevinenevina cdcedaadeqedcadea arrtiveasnarrativesnarrativem of n2lorationxplortinn and adventure nowtewpowrewpew yorkyorki ionglongoneajsetiongnansnansyangmang green and CooCoDcodajaycodajoycooanyCocodanycoeanyajoyanyDajay 1561956tVt apppp z151 5lxelx7 14

theathenbheathem concern wlliewhile passing to the islandidlandi8land cn the ninth of aptemberoeroorJepjeptemberseptemberaptember they sailed out on the laielalajeie itself in the boat with emontfremontvreaontbremontkremontKrpremont were irtalireri i rouss hishinhi map mabergmakergmaker kit aron iapti4te1aptizte lernierdernierLerlerniergLernniernienlerslensierg aadamdjadj&d aailaadil Lajeunijeuneonelajeuneaneeane i hen they reached the islais1izdvislajadladindjad they found

waswanwao lielleaie that it simply a rocky hill alzzixalxaly or eight milouiie in circumferonccircumference v with a height of eight cror nine hundred feet the party waswaawan quite diadladinappointeddisappointeddinappointed to find that the islandlaland hadhed no trees or fresh naterwaterter because of thissthiasthithl fremont nonednood the rocky peik of land ioiutiolutintiut 2w ment lalandinland fterafter14tor spending the night caon the island the rjortyjwrtyartyurtylrty ratuvetureturnedraed to horeshore

later hentihen the tortopr onsonetormaneconsonecormaneuanemanemone caecareecarnecanne to the valley they nannnacunannelnannouou the islandlaland cattlecuttlecuttie lclandgiclaxi but theneheuuhen tanaburytantanoburyhanaburyaburyobury made hishiahla toiotolotoiogrtotogrphiclgr mv hicarhica1 survey of the la-lae t he nan&narsedgarseded it recentfrerxntrement island in honor of those 3 whoho firhtfirotbirot visited it thiethle nanaenanene hae remained with it cn jeptberjepthereptecberJeptsept ber twelfthsteltei fth rroonts1romonts party doubled b ck on thetho route they hdhad tratvatraveledvelad to the lakellake to rerechch the narenakesnakesnare qivervivr and then continued thair Jjarneyjcrneyr rneyaney to everdegonregonragonr&gonon in retipetirecrtdeortretiontrecartoatont ccam up n hc rst I1 gramtgremt ltencn eppediexpedi edad radnraannw4lin the of theviv rv A ltit ke tn epdieadi tion which took h11nhlhihn weakeawe A1.1 froefrohfrow colorado throngthrougthroughh utah andcd evaa heee sentbrtbertsert voVt 0 o weeweekea in th altnitnlt1 t 1 akakeako0 a ey 0oxatrjngx xax A n 1 rizerige the aatratrearatreearann a

1 bid 44 2 I1ibidb i d zlal

3 0 1 aa aobertdobertpobertPoo bertberh ojolioji012 cicitcdtcityt p p 2a footnote 15 andangnd variousyarious other rcintnpointsi and fixing their tvaitionsoaltionsk for nappinappinrnappingmappingnr

inevinsonevinssvinavin goegovqi citcitecito s pvp 443o44300O CcintciotclotP- Pr 1ITT anlyanayi aniyy 5tat M 7 r 1UVTU VVTY

thethatho settlerssettlorslorn who first novdavedwvednoyd into the authouthoutb cottonwoodCottontood areasariaaniaar5aaraa sndandanaai established ahatwhatahchatat became kncancknownwn a ththe atheaat&eafiortea lyeanlymanfysaan surveypurveyurvey

were 1 ere eoeboesomo of the floatftoatmostmoat attivoactivo in the latherlatkeritter daygay aint hurchchurch11 they serewereer ownaonaaonw the firt plonepionepionerrpioneerpioneerspioneernpioplonerrnarrnarnern to enter aalt3au3alt ikelakedake valley widaridarldmid froisfremfrom theirtheerthlthi r number were drawn menen for exploring expeditexpeditionionaionnlonn and familiesfataifaiaifatal liesilesilea to enublitthentabliah colonies ehreloehereeloe herehede for the churchchurchechurchy the storyatoryetory of the iiesippi copaaycopanyccmp&ayqCo paaypeaypamy which settled on thetho

11 arrabaarraaarazamaza 1purveyurveyq had itsiteit real beginning in the v1ntervanteryinker of 184518845 ndand

18461866 i hile the mtrkpronbm ansanaona were boing exlledexiledxpelled from nauvoonauvooauauvoovoo ilxinoisi111inciat syoryon coun a group of iberaaberaeeaberaeemembern frofron monroe Gourcourbountyitys1 iaisippiiuaizsippiq left flauflauvookmavoovoo andaindaund went back to their horshorrehomshomehorme ttutatutatateabate it v n theirtheinthoin jmrposexmrpoe to settle their afaff&irofair and prepare to lrearemove westwent with the malamainmaln body of the churchchurche in thetho spring of 184691846 john brown and five otherothor onimenongeni illia crosby Ddi mo tbasastthoransthoaansThoAaasausans illiaailliacalliamagliam laytiaytbaytay jamesjamee hrmonibarmondbarmong and georbegeorggeorge bankhead recerecoreceivedived instruction from brigham roangyoangyoung to leave their miliesfamiliesfa in mil&ai8aippiasippit and accompany thostthose families which wereworewevewove readyady to croccrosscroas ieaoiariminswuri and go0o into the indi&aindi&nindign country where theythoykheybhoy were to contact thethobhebho body of thethaethaw church ovingoyingboyingmoving west 1 group of fourteen famillesfamiliesfaciilieafamilles left mississippi isin early triluril and arrived att dependenceindependenceJn missourmissourimissouriamissouriqiq on the twenty sixth of my here thythaytheykhey 17

1 met crewcrow andoad kartchner familramilfaillefamilieseieseloaelone rhethe jzgjg5jpmisaisaippit j company with the two additional fatiramiramlfamilieslieslleeilee numbered twenty four taenmensaen and nineteen varonawanonawonw on theythoyrhey traveled alongalonaion the southbouth baakbank of the latteleitte to within a ffewroerowow rilesmiles of fortort ramielsiramielaramiellailatLaLsiramiel whreqwherewharewhren not being able to obtain any definite information ooncrningeoneeraljif advanced ccssnieeompaniea fronfrom kuyonkuyoon3uvoot they decided not to go fartfarbfartherhersherg but to sokeekaek a uitablebitableuisuitabletabletobletobie location on the east sideaidealdenide of the

ockiecockieckaeg until theythoytimy should letietlotiemlemaraauaaun eoethikgsonethingir definite aeCA to the movement of the main body of the churchchurchy

At their eneaapetttencampmzt on the I1 lattelliattobattellat teltettot thythey tettehmehet a mremr john bahayreshaweah&y who suggestedauggestedaugsuggestedostedgested that the upper saterswaters of the rkanaakanarkema t i river would be the best place for thesthenthem to winter asns corn wawabwas beinebelnebein

raised there and it wan nearnoarnojir the 4.4 panish country where supaupaupliosuppliesmilosplies could be had this walwatwac alsoalgo the deeitiriatlondetinaltjojgi of frr sahwoahw1vahaw who baziwaziv4va travelingtrnveling by ox teabeatearbearbeam and vewsw s acquainted with the routeroutes in july they left the 0resonoresonregonoregon trail and artedtrtedstarted mouth reareachingchineching the sitebitebelte of present abloubloueblobeblo f ColorscoloradoicoloradoscolorsdagColoradoidavdag enon thetho seventh of august having traveled 1600 failed frofrom their initial starting point in ibeiacipt i At ebioivebloeblo ththe asie6ipirjaziesipr1 complycompany learned that the stainmalnmain body of the church had stopped anon the ieiecouricourinouri averuverraverayercayer andsmddmd that rivfive

johnjoanijonni feroynderoyn aitmit john 4 brown clouerflouerflonyw JOAAI aitaltdit laklahlakslake cityityofityo utatlutat beventeventevens andrindzind lelhaillslllh911is jnclljnellinc 1417 p 667 18

hundred of thetha men hadbad joined thetho irayrnykrayirmy aadand wrewere on the w-vaywayy to I1 california arrangementrranjreatrrangement a eneerewerewene aadenadeceideveide ithwith ththekhe mountaineers for the exchange of unuiey for vorkvockwock mdand the company waswaa organiorganisedorganizedorgauizadsedsodzod

inteinto A branch of the churchchurchechurchy storatortorftor thusthuathao boinfboinaboiny settled eight men

1 of the roujyrouby i thornajThorthonathornalyhonanajhaj john 1n holladay liliam ly jsusejausejames rairalmiththonixaithonimithoontxai oontoons erfgeorgec rf bankheadiankheado john brown alehaleial lbonnyjonny and the captan of the compancompanyyv dilimlilim crosby stutedstustartedstartecstaratu tedtec1 on a return trip

I1 31 to & li1eimifpi hoytheythoy left on the firatficatfirfit of etombor travelbraveltravelinfftravelinkiinkI dondown thetho rkrkansasrkaneaaarkansasansasanasaanesa to thetho anbaantant fee zillzali and along that route to 2 NiemiemianietouriifiawurisouriTouri on their wajowaywayo they netmet the oreianhonnonmormonoreicn att&lionbattalion achingbeachingkeachingqeuchingKe their hhrsesarsesimesyeesyeeg in ia5iagi5qiisziusipnpi theythoy babbebbagbganagan reparations to join the ret of the fchurch at interanterantor barteruarteru&rteruio ccconcomcomeme spriaprispringng during the vinterwlaterwinterwinten howhovereverlevers an eptatleopistlo waawanwag aintaentaont by the borumuorursuorum of the iveleeivelvetwelveynelve abiding thenthek to reainreminremainromain one noromoremoveoreovo jearyeary but to outfit and send as many isentsenmen asa pozapozopossibleible to go0o sithwithwitk brighamriharih& youngrounyoun asaa niopioplonionpionearepionaeropionploneeroaeroneareneeronoero ththe couproupgroup decided to andsendgend siegsixgsixeixelx andnd of thisthia roupnoupgroup of eixelxix aliallail wereworewevewove negroes except twofkwoftwo avidavlddavid owells who had beenbaenbeela sentsontoontgont by hiehiahlafalafaiahala brother dohnjohnjohntjohns and john brown lielseiseliecauslieckuslocauaecausgaus of the number of groGnegroenegrognenegroeaqkrog aq john brown wazr desirdesifnateddesignatednatedbatednaked res the one to suversupersuperintendintend the 3 grougroundt3ta

bidabideibidbid1 appp &6706 770 bidibid

31bidbid p 71 19 thephe weather wasi vo0o severe on tbeirtheir journey to interanterantor uarternwarternuarter&r that twtwo of the alavealavez contracted neunnemapneumapneumcnewaoianewaolaoiaglaic nidand perihperihej13oriahedej nobetheserhesenosemose werewore henry thetho siveslavesiave belonging to john brownbrowng and anctlancelanotherer who belonged to john kankheddankeankho2idKankbedhed the negroo&negrocc who were left cacercecorcacmr crobycrosby and hark lay joined brigha youneyoungyounesyoungs a pioneerpioneers with john 1 brown a few daydays before that party leftloftleot for the weat traveling in thisthia pioneer company waswae another laveslavesiave who belongedbelondhelond to jejamen lakeilakealake flaksflake whoho wiswaswus ai&iaisoalao from iaai&ippinisaisaippis had anentspent ththetho vinterwinter at interanterantor wartcarterruartuarterrerrs and upon the call for the beetbeat prepared to i-w0 o asft pioneerpioneers he equipequippedpd and cent hishib berbencervantoervantoerneroennervantovantovant greece green witswinswinewaswae eeuipduippeddipped ithwith a mountain carriageearrigaynlage and a tateam of mule riaUshia inatructicsinstructicas were to FFO with the pipionerapioverapioneerapionplononeraeera to the orbatgreabgreat lsinalsin send thethatho outfit back with cceceeoete of those who would return in ththe f119riisyllyil and for hloelfhinvelfhinely to atay and build hishiahiehla 2 oifterto3neri jameojamiotjamoot a house

0 theL be flonePionepioneerspioneorsersorserm frofrom council bluffs traveled up the north sliblisiisieaieble of thethatho iattelattebatteriatte iverlverliverl and reached tortrortyort 1 araniearanio oaon june it1 18421847184 bereherenere they found a portion cfof ththe Vissisisiaaippivississippimississippisippi company fromfroesfrons ueblobeblo waiting for thethem thlthitillstilla part of the asaissippipisaiesippi company consistedconsietedconsiatedconsiconsia etedted of the crowborowcorow and I1tberlkilliherlkill tolatoiafalaessfalnessfAlAtabi lleolieoileoessensene the renaremaremainderinder of ththe coanychany at pueblo were vriiunrwitinawitin to come with ththe detachdetachmentnent of the

ibidstbido 1p 72

I1 0 D lateevlakekimko drearetafecafeeafeaxe of liilaillia lakehakenakeI1 0 irin irllriIri1righaaiirighrimghrim young university ubraryt4brary ppi 9 20

rttlion that rintwinteredered there cnen the thir of june aa&a awaaywaaan and three othersotheraothere were aentabent to letlouetloueblo to eetbeetmeet the roflroflnlnrofisnirtunirtnlnninir part 1 of the con7anyconanycodanycompany andnd hstsestshnstpn therthenthem the rioneerloneerioneernoer company cro ed to thetho southnouth oldeoideniele of the latte at fort korLarlarzamiekonI1 rrzamierie andanennend traveleetraveled rnen to the ireendreen riverpiverhiger herffherfyhenty they leftteftyert the ccrenre i Tirstrtlartltirs411411 and tciaci tI1 hutemuteroutenoute known a the HA tin r ut of n udvrinced co ny of ttwentyentyanty threethroe v3ionwartnvaionwaran and ft rtyarty tetotejoto en waiswars entert thatdsheldsheidthetd to locate the roroteae of the omonnerr- feede rantyontyortyty which hd takenthe tho cut off vibvinvi rigationririrationdationration canyon the rcviou&zrevicus feryeryem cronoronr aon3on artirticratt frefrddmdfmdn john rodrirowriroirov vvio0soo wereweye the scoutsscoute for the 7 advanced concomrinycorinycolinyco any acnriacuri v i vurtaluntndnvumtalwunvumwum talbalbai irin 4ierlergirrirrtionirr tionatlon inaminym7amtn on

ay the nineteenth of july7uau iy antlantind therethoretheroghere1 beebecbochoc rievoetoeyo the firt of the ppioneersioneeru to hivehave a aiervievyier of the altaitnlt11 ekeakenkee vily7117 y thetho twenty fourth of

1 lone I 0 o july the ioneerrjlonecr1Ioneerr bercvercrc all in tho califvinrrvinarwalif 9 ut it not until the t nty ninth off july that ththe faifw iloiio510110lloua and aoaodiorfoldierooldiernoloolnoidierdierdior from 2 uueblobeblob lo10 arrrivrrerivriivve john lowrerowrerowre cco bent asap an eerlyalyrly acneoric reraerner givriangiarivn in indioitionindie utionxtion of thetho oe abcvbchc dredeecrewedewerewqde to settlesettienettle in the circaaretturettunett jawnjvwn aoAS otho th ottowvvodcottcnwooj thoy erewere llinwiiiawiidaag to Trf 614 gretratgateat t acc iucagficricftciiricificidic nadncidnidaadcadandadctd

factacfacetace al11 the dangers of piercer lirouro for theirthair rcllioifire11lica6 ffithaithaithtithalth irownvoanrownvown watwaew to setiesettlesettiesetje ttat cuth couohoodcettorizoodCoUohoodnood in the fallrailrali of lcklc8ICAB

al1ldrownrowntbrownt beil2eilop cit poT 75

alb2lbibidide p 78e 21 the firt month in the valvaivaileyvalleyey in 1647164 waswanwen abentapentapont by the

Aolonioneeraionaoneerumoneeraeeraneeru in rlantinvplanting crono rer r itycityw creek and in exploring the vallvalleyyuilyull oy r brown in hloi- jsurnuj urrutiurruii five an brountcdocrountcroiccouuntunt of climbing the nounmounounuinmountaizmountaintaiztalztain eakeateart of hurraymurrayuranyurrny calledculled trintwin allaleate ihlafhinchis1his climb turned out to hebo norcovnovnorenovemove difficult tharthan prenyermeseyenpyenreimesprenurledurledunled soao he santspntspent one night atrstrandedatrandedastrrtnedaneedanded on the sidealdeaide of the mountlmounilroustanrounrouptanmounroupmoup tltintAn ithathnth a b roetenroeterbarometer they detedeterminedwinedminedminad the helfathoifatheight of the runtrAinituntrainscuntrdlnit to be ilg11911 zig21919 feet enon the tentytwenty sixth of 4us7uutA t rar brown started bvbackbaukk eetastqst with the second company of returnreturnlrreturnirreturnerlr g loneerboneerioneerioioneercneer andaindnind batbattlicnbattalienbattaliontalien mebermemember&membergber in his jourbourralljourralljoumslijoumrallnailnaltslysiysli holieiiohio sontina neetinmeetin the different comcoattiranleranie i ot0 arisonaorisonaorkorronnisona az& he passapasscpazisod therthenthem on llalilskialiisblabils return jorjonseyruey to

t the tteetc1 antenttcantez helielleile rentictarienticnq1.1 bseetinm ee ting ara r haroshares riomcnrifrisacn nhowhoho waawanWA driving a tamtearteamtar ardandd seonweonsagonwagon of john lrovjos13rowns which waitvawaiya i loaded with edsoodbood rrminarmindinrin and provisionsprovicionablona brorbrovbrornbrornn then engaged onone f the w1diero3oldiero john ouidouldgouldgouid who wisnwan trvelixitravelizi to inter cartruartruarter t to turn backbackibacko ttakingng the outfit rithwith hiaheihevhimhii and plant a cropcro for hinhimhi thosotboisephoso who had returned to vismismlsvisrassinisrdmipdirAssinpaip3i oldoidsoldeoldbold their farac and plantplantritiraloriaalonian and purchaurchaaedpurchasedsedsod the neoeaarynecenecesnotryneoeaarybary provisions andund equitequipmentment to travel to the alt I1 e valley in tarchmarchparch of 1848 the group left monroe county iaijbaifiydl3 to rondatvousrende&vou with the

nibid p 82 2ibidevabiajbia ppsp 8588388583 884e

bibi3ibiibidd9da p 88 22

orlennormonaormenn in lowjowlowaiowa dpnupon their arrivalrriva1j onOB raypayvag third the entire tii&eipi botncowpmyotnnanyvanypany then prepropresentprecentprezont7antbant consistedconsconaisted of fiftyrifty aixnixgix hitewhite peoples amnfagnfmaking up thirteen filiefriliearilieftf llieilie ardordandond tiirtyt1hirtythirty fourfe ir narnaenoedoroenoroebarroomnarroomroom illilithe emigrantonigrzxntu i ofot 1848 were ornixodortanizedorganized into three lar-iarelarelaroe dompacompadonconpaniecompaniedomconcompaniencompanionpanienien the firntfiant one left under thethozhebhebuebuo lectorle2tor hip of irlirirxlumirighimghim younktoungyoungtounrounyoun duricrdurinrduring otthetho firtfirst fewfe dy of june thetho second a few days later under the lederlederhiplemdernhiphip of heber kimballklckickimKirsballbalibail and the third company letietieeleeled by allarddilardvillard chardI14chardi14 r and imagzasa ynnieftynymnnglaftnieft on june the twenty ninth thithl thirthird cvccpnytanypany conlconcopconiconisterfsterflatedlabed of 500 hitehitowhaite eole A aeroeiaerneroeiceioev andnd 16 wanrannan the laiasalaziptici a&ipii anintnaninonint roreorverevorewore rnberaberselbersreberaegbersrn emberbera 2 of the thirethird coscomcost any rncn tlefletteble nirhtwirhtnipht of october sixteenth thetb comcsowpanyany&ny carpedu ipeiipes in the othnouthmouth of miratimmiraimiprationtim 1canyonaryonj in irhtlehterhtbight of the fortofortrortforb and thetho 3 nextnenk dyday nestnostmost of them moved to Cottoncottonwoccottonvroc1woc cottonoodcottonwadCottocottonwoodCottonwadnoodnadnod wawas ththe rogeneralneral term of the tietletiow for thtthnttant part of thethy alt lakelakolmke valley extending southwaouthwrdrd frofronfrom the vicinity of the biddidbig cottonwood arkocrkocreekcreer it aabaaswattwas soboeaoeboresomeme time beforebesore they could find exactly where their falfarfarftfarat land would be locatelocated a a rereaultreoultvu it theythoy were delayeddeiadelAyelyei in zettizettlgettiergettigettinrettinnr their houehouse prepared for linteriwinterwinteriwinteritern it f nllyallynily

aidtibiiblbidtd p 96 listilat of thethobhekhe niliefaniliefaneliefafamilies cwiamican be found in the fendlypendixhendlyappendixapnp 2flakeslake opu titeltelleitt POp loeioe10010 3irown11brownorowno caop cittcitsaits p 101 h-


concludrdconcludedconclndcd that the roun7rounarounroup should settlegettlegettie between the tro cottonwood creekscrocks about ten rilriimlleloflos frcrfrorbror the altait 1larelikeiarelrekreike fort and about one mile southearsoutheatasoutheardbousoutheatAt of the presentprecentlreire ent authouth Cottoncottonwoodvoodwood ard houphoupee this tract waowan abouaboul one milemitte square and it was divided into ten acre lotslotaiota 1 becausebecrtuse of asaacasaamasaaoa lycanslynanslpmanls close sociationaociationassociation athuthwith therethese settlerbettiennettiensettlersaettleresettler66 from isciseip7isainsip Ai and hishinhlohio positionpsitin of le-lepiderhipder ip in ctabliahingestablishingA

the settlement the tract wn known asns araa clymansleinanlyinanlymans 1urveycurveypurveyI1 after the survey of the land the new arrivals who had been livinalivinpliving in tentridentritentrj indandimd wagons beebegbeanbcxn to cut lockilogkilo10 and build log cabins in which to wendc end the fintorwinterwintor the horehonehorrehorne buudrfibuidcrn werewore

1 favoredfnvored with 1 ood weather until eceriberdecember11 eceriberniber fourth when it snowed and turned cold thisthio wintry weather lasted until archfarchkarchmarch of 149 but it seems that nostmost of the stock which had crosacrosseded the 2 blainoplaino eurgursurvivedvived the winter one of the nilicafamiliesf i which came that fall found a hoe

I waiting for therlthernthenstheml illianilliamdillam 10J I aake the sonoongon of Jjmesimes 1 plake related that when we rereachedichedached the valvaivalleyey there was a lop house ralbaitingrairaitingawaitingting thesthenthem that green hidhadhud bubuibul t on the anaaynaa urvoylpurvey1purveys on cottonwood the firatfaratfirettofirettowntownwn settled in utah outside of alt 1lukenuke

undrewjenaonrendrew1ndrew jenson encyclopedia eibelbHiphistoryhiatoryhiptorytorytovy of the church of jesusjecus christ ofoflatterlatterdatter dwday faintsminteaintg klsaltsaitcaltpaltpait r ake cityolty utah deseret newsnewa publislpublishfublishinfdafdapaap cosspaiiykompanyompanyI1 om pahypany 194139413.941 p 812822

browntrown 02op citcl t p 10102 24 city if furray can lay claim to beinbeing the oldest settlement outside of aitjaitalt lake city it is becbee luse of this lotloc house andnd the evolution of the southgouth ottonwocdcottonwocdcottonwood areg into the town of urr y the town of furraylunrayhurray developed from the interaction of iranytranyranyt different factors but the communityconnunity backbaekbackgroundround and the orinizationionizationorganization fronfrom which the town grew meefmwefmakesnaresnaree its claicialclair s to ito ane is as stronn as any in the near vicinity

it is quite rospcsgospossiblesiblesiule that the house ththatat3t green built wawafwas7 not thesheohe whole extent of the settlement before Ccoctobertobertoben 1661646 though none of the writers mention it it could well hee that the neberoeneroeroe hark lay and oscar trosbcrosbcrosby werewero also in the areaneaner i with sorriesome of the issisississipsip i faints who had arrived in 17 john rownjrfrown does mention in his journal that the boys I1 left behind

12t have raised a tolerable goodood crocrofcropt of corn there naymay be a possibility that the nerroesnernegroesroes broubroughtht by brown in 1aaa17 had aided john gouldgouid in rairalraisingin the crop and ththatit it wasas in the vicinity of reenacenreenlsreenesrcen house I1icludedincludedincludedi in thithlthiss new cornunitycorncomrunitycoencommunitycomm unity were the famillefaifal tieliclietle of illiillianarrarn crosby james flake john Adannerranneranner his sons nathan and idney daniel I1 thoalchoalthoadthoriathorlai john irownbrown john ii 1anknedankneylankneadLananknedknead lilleil1iu

1 flake op cicitt p 1513

2 bbrovr0 viz 0 b CcitL t p loi101 25

A ay imp on ufer obert reeni henrjhenrynenry relrolrokrelsonreasonson nud john

jn i&iea w bho rl in ie4ia thethobhe donacdonao rekncn fculyfcamilyfeulysculy canecano to the netlloentinettlemontg

r 1 I1 eyn in 10150ige1 I 0 arrrr rit & eylCYLcloidcyoid0 id john lenbow4 and Ltltbunielmtahxnielbuniel emcheachcb rovodmovtamocta their f allivlli to outhcutficutai attarattasottasottcrcoc0 U s ttheI1A nurberburbernuiiber of i liljilili increoedincreaaedl they nettled aloralonaion the two Cottocottoawoodcottonwoodawood creeks wherewhore they coudaoudcould divert the writerwaterwator onto their fields thetho pioncrcpicncor on the Cottoncottonwoocottonwoodcottonwoodzwoo hdhodbod their traedietraedleeoleedie alsoaisoalaoaloo john eronprown recardarecordarcccrdcad thttaintt1int unonu cn enteriaenterinennterinorineninterintorintonin the vra1yjvlleyalleyviley thythey foundroundgound rany of the children kithithvith hchcpiarwhocpinrpiar couhchuh johntzjohn little uotvotyo anthonthmonth olo d vanvcncn wlvalvwfcc had bebevibemibemz born cren the lixi c&trqctccorttrirjctc th diaerxodj sense and died on ececbereoezber 1 1& john rotewrote I11 luriedturiedburiedburled hiihihit on y rna on the erbb hilhiihill of the southgouth fifieldeleeldeid betbotbetweenveen the totuotvotwo ottrottPottottonwoodcottonwoodpottonwoodonwood Creecreekskz 0 o antheonthemronthe later his nothermothernotherianotherinin luluvilagilagl died 2 and rrticvicvie bburiedburledried betideberide the bey thetheocheecheoe ttouotao teathcteatheleathodeathedeatha vereverowereworewero oveorevore than likely the firctfirca death in the nwnew settlwnentsettlements

I1 saavaa 0 sailcallmallmalimaii crop of ahertwherthetwhert sa6viar lanatedplantedlalajatedlatedjated in LlagA O but it gre-grew co scattered animd hortshort that when harvaharvohavvaharvestt tietletiatime caffiecanecame noat of it

1 had to be yelledpulled by hhrandhrjndandjnd cor ffantjlraziriabiri ni menethcdsthobho 1aaa for neno w lacincino and the cricket had therthentahertakertchen thirtheir toll the number of familfamiliesiealeaieo in the ecttlenentisettlement along the

1 I ir i K urkhwnkirkhartKirkkirkharsharlhaflhars and lielleileh lundtroiundLund tro edeeda valovaioyalo of a rriwstphafitI1 JOPjop212ieewegefimiefipibis212e sit lakeluketakorako Citycity lthalth tevenlegenkegenevens and aillaliiailiallin 8 reyayerayeyarey8 t947j194 Vp 252

abrown2brown op p fron 9 oi0101. citticit&icit 102 26 cottorwooc17ottnwoooi increizofiacreincre arlkrl until in earryebrryry cfof 19149 the areure wsis orrnioranior7zniorrorc ni efieel irtointo n vv rlrel rrff the hurchburchchurch with illirillar4111v crorbycronbycranby as bishopbishops 11tylee1 vv rer 1vouadboudarlobouhou darlo were the sinsigfig ottonwcdcottonwocd reek en the northnoeth the Aaitchwitchmitch ounaunountlneauntarmtermtArm anon eneth ereitt the jordan iverlver on the betatwetatwe t and dridrariarricrlor on the athcthzcxth tsitylV in frvaveaapavp thethue wird the whole southeocuthetat i va A m 4 miemje bim yeat oafcotoas 1 artorurtorivtrter of the v3valleyiley t thitthisthiethle riee timtiitiefe the featfetyet of theth arenaronaireir authouth of titaltvit ltxlt jeJ e city eabwswabwas t4tadividedivlivi deridomi into ardcwrdcwaird7.7 thee were canyon creek afurwr ciaeec31elchaee urumarurrar houehouorouecouohmuftet lalirailbill creekcreehcrek and

65 w o11ndnyhollatdayt afterr3altermafterm 1adsrds cihacihc fiililei riottcnwodottrmwo it wiswih rortedportedre artedorted by

k 3. n 1 1 4 the venalvenaia veraleveralevenal binhobanhobiohoala of the r frilril 3 1449 0 that there lrelnewreacreacro 40 hoovenho obesubesoven in 11 7aeaaepac ityitytitye fortyrorty etenoteniovenoven in north ill nekrek 2 ndind riftyfifty thre 9 in authouthcouthzouth cottonwood tatetato7T ateatoat in 1849 a briberwribermmber of ploocrpionecrn who hadhaid settled juat nouthmouth of the atttattTattlemttleL e ottoncottonwcottonwocwocwoorl rekcreek neriweriwere orftniseorgrinized ito a 3sall wirdr alcllc carlehrlchrlch rL w mnpointedunpointednointe 6 to braidedraidede overogerogor it but he wabwaiswaa not ordained until julytuly of ibl1851 iniiiilitji the berlnniannninrnning of ihl18i 6tat the nionniomunion or 7rittle cottonwood arderdersr wabwas joined with the authothouth andr jatioon cottonwcatlotyotl1 onrmodod larjlnrjrh under b4ahorbichopbinhop ndrevandrevmdrewndr Jatioon it mmremainedregainedabedaned thisthiathib wramwray arz q dx a tevsgeorryporry wrim for thirteen xviberrazzyerr durinirini which tiekieklekiteblie teorryte orry district

rankrankyank iexhomsahooahobahooagahoho Piloneioneeneioneereionepioverapioneraoneraeraere and ros5iaentromdnent alenalonplonen of utah alt latybahmbaky7 city utahs uthutah moneera book publishing compajayCompcampsmygajay l13911391915 P 1312 2journal history of the 1hurch of juajusjesus christ of latterlatteriatterdatter day aintainoiaintiaintzvai zv upell 50 v14qj church hintoHistotorianahistorifehistorizeuiotorianaulautaUio officeofficesofficew aitalt lakeinkedake city lanhtanhnti 19 riterife 7 ttjtajrrs orsyl t ni ith rencenrejjjreJ Jj buoreuor n ly vf 17111. 7 to7 tb nlnnin ri c c jf thjes llcnllanlionllonrigi i nd udyvidy districtdistricts of anthcnthouth aottcioodtotirmodt aerfcirrmerit v i ornloornoraloorc lo heho citientsitientcitientcltienr of tuthuthcuth otonotonwcwc eruerewerewene ctivclivchivactivtactive iniriirllri otherothor afirfamfpmffirir J ii rown ralatrolatvolat thtaht leto va a ober of a coiococoanychanyio y

T of litiilitiibilitit i which ondendon r d a awSLIIa I1 rrouprouy0u 0off 11indirindarInnddirdinI1 ar i iinn tiistiiahiiswi a ffirtir5ra t indian bfattlehttlettleatle in february of ic1 thlthithia rousrougrouyou of men bentbontyent into trahrtuhutuh 7ally7alleyballey to vetieinvetieininvertigateinvestigatevetle smddmdd ut a topatopntop to the sttltlingalingaei7ei 1 ing of catlecattlecattiealie frinirrrifrcn the octfelerntsettlommnt on illow reek now 1 rornor uona inveanveinvetigttiouaigzttica t thoytheytiley fou that a nuilnulissallballalluiluli rouprougnoup of outlay indiindianariaarlaarim hd henbenleenteen caunibaunicaualrni the trouble andnndnd rilekileehilewhile attntin to apapprehendrehendrebendprehend thetho a fiitfait broke out in uchwhich three of the indlinbindiansIndlinB were kilitekillerskiller9 tiathisciscla too ricealceplcepice rxvrnaenea r the prepnepresentent town of benant1enantle 2 proveninove r irown taitl of the crniationnizatcationlon of a conpny of nennon aichhich ecordexord tartnartpart of tcuthemutiubiutaut1lern utah under tho direction cfof arly rattfrattarzattj aeraareairajereyirayerinainq that orOK ozemberovovemberoveffibcrerbererborember c at 1 the coopeycoopnycacvparq w4lwiwllwal crgirucrorggirUsniedxnieded at lishisnishlahia hch and thtahttli&t he w elected a captain of fifty it ra Ks ciairablecirablerablezabie emranycmrany of soresomegome forty evenaedenevonaeven renmermenen irdandind i thirteen broncoronavagonivagonzcronc the clrctrccojiy4rparp my left on ovenlyovenlraveriloraveroverovenlrlloriloribor i l9v70la19urh ndind did not return until the end of january IO15010 fterafterafneranter suffering

irkhafirkhafhav 0 cittaitt p 264 2 rown j2tljlcitey T 103iai0 282 8

1 rnyny ritmaairmrirm a ctuoec tudeludeauoetuoe h th yintrcintr vetlborc ithorathor indyrdndird rouhrounounouh h terrantcrrnnterrpn

llbidlebid1ibid t nn icaic61c& llyliy31331 acutccut iliIII111 THE arcWAPC TFTR CF 3pth3pt15 ccrtfnCCWCCIXC 18491701849 170

thethoeheeha terrain of authsouthbouthouth3outh cottonwood waswaaWAJB stripes by a seriesserienserlen

of low iandalandalande which had been cut by thetho canyon streamstreamo aegleGLQ they flowed touardtoward ththe jordan tiver hen ththebhe pioneer families sosettledblied in the areeareaaneaanee they settlednettled the lewlemiem or bottom lazdalandaianda herehorewherewhore thebhe moisturewoiemoiemoleturebure wasmalue aiifficientisufficiest to produce graas for the cattiecattleentile and thetho streamsatreamstrondtrenstrcns easieromsler to dandamdzandaandaun and divert latointoiatonto irriarriirrigationtant1n ditches for their crons ththe higher ground or bench landaianda were covered with sare bruhbrushhrushbruah and produced very little gransgranzgrano useful to their cattle beraudokecauoebecaudo of the great amount of work ncenoenecessaryscary to bring water to the bench lardalandsianda thytheythoy weremerewevewenemeve lefttleft in ostmost iast&ccct scy later utilizationutili&ationutilizatiolls I11 att thetho present iatersctioninterfiletioa of vine aroetstreet and fifty aixthgiothgixth cuth in hurraymurray therethera watwafewabewase a tripstrip of high bench land nearly surroundedaurrounded by lowland rhibrhiphi raise saufadufaduescufaecticnn woiwazwaa coxiideredconsideredconaidered almost worthierworthless by thethobhekho first settsottsettlerssottlerslers heythey mutually agreed that no individual shoudabound fence or take title to theth landsland but thatthatt it ehculdabouldabound bebo betsetnotbebwekwok asideanideide and ccnidereocisnidred asettestasa belonibelonabelonpbeloninrinalnaingnR to the I1 authouthlouthfouth cottonwood ard

iurkhamburkhamrylrkha orop citi pop 258 5030

before and after the advent of the pioneer the land wasa used by the indiana aea a eamcamemmcappingcampingping ground ater aaduadand sraaaraaratrae a could be obtained 0oa eitherelther idesideaidealde of itpftpit and eneieaeneidaanez1& could not arnapproacharpapp roach without being beenbeonaeon in 18551853 hanhenwhen ththebhe leaoterteaoterteatearnaterateartean nateramateramatevaoterateyotey began hauling granite reekrockroek frofroc little cottonwood canyon to the alt iaklakelahalawafak Temptemplotempiolejiov they aadenademade thisthiathin high ground their halfway cappingcamping ground in ththebhe anrinespring of 1851 a company of about fivelvefiverive hundred saintadaintadaintyaint rj frotifroridrori the alt tikeake valley left under the direction of nabanasasasa 1rnanarnanlyiuui to settle on anaus eighty thouthouathousandthounthounandthouasindsindaindnand acre ranahrannah at an bernardino their purporepurpooepurpoat inln oettlocttlinging this extensive rancheranchvranchnanch which waswaewanwawmse being purchasedpurshyurchaed by the atterlatteriatter7 av&vxyaxy aintfaint churchchuroffchurohf eaasawas to naheslakeraakemakemahesaake a recorocerocoreceivinglyingiving station for the edlrtiagazdgrating ebeneber fron urouroe it appears that thethobhe aoan berneemardjlnoindandardlinoardainoArdLino company lootoobootooktooa a heavy toll of the

ioolsip1ississip i settlerssettlerslorslorb on thetho amas&amasaadaaasaa slasia rlly7ianynanananyman urveycurveypurvey in 3.3touth cottonfiroodcottenwoodt john brown on hishihib return from his minion for the perpetuperpetualperpotual emirratiaamirraticnemirratiaratin fund found all his old frienobrienofrien6a goreloleote and ne hoeohimeohomeo werworwere y filledfill with stranerotranerotatrangar2raner fterafter the rioiseippilissianippi dettbattvattsettlersieraleralern had left 3 the jurveyurveyfpurveyurveyf the land went backhackb sick to the church he leaving of uchsuchauch a larlarelaroianeianoo portion of ththe outaoutb cotton-otton wood settlerssettlerslern aeed to have no effect usonunonumonupon the iadusindustrylaguslaguetry and

ijbidevbidsbidi p 259 2bwasrobnrown orop citcito p ilg116136 3 op 1p 154 Jenjnooiiijensontbontsontbonn aittcittsito0 1315i 1

resourceful eaebseba of those rhowhomhobo remained behind or took their rlacesplaces

1 by the falralraifallfail1 of 1851 the first meeting housebouee was built in the wrrdwsrdward it waswaawaz a emallnrsallwmall alabe building which become known wjarjxr jonathan C righto school honne reviousrevioreviouoProvicprovicuouo to itsltv erection all meetings had been hold in private horses tcaongmaonglnongraonganong the nimbernumber who went with postiepostlepoetic iyn5nlymntymn n to california wacwaa abaoabooehop 11illianlianllanilan crorsblcroebj ppointodpoointod in his ricerlceinesalcelacslace dasdagwasaaa6 nathanjonathanJc rifhtricht andnd though he servservaservedA but a shortabort tinetimetiese the wirdmirdward seededseemed to do eileliuellueliellwell in february of 1852t16 the bishop reported to the firctfircefirgt council in aitaltait lakedakedeke city vint eighteenelpheiphteen c inning wheels were sept in active operaoperatiroperaticoperationtirtic n keening the children clad in horhomhonehome ardenrdeandemnde jeansjeane heileliafie aloeaioo stated that the ardurdand renborshipnembershipmembership wasgasaa njoyingenjoying soodgood usic 20 made bj borebomeacmeaemewaneweme of ittite wrmore talented nenmenrebrnremelbernmenbernbrnbernbenn Jonathjonathanmn tibttihtriatrihtribt w rsr succeeded tyby brabraharbrahanbrahamharham C bootdooteootsmoot an bishop of authouth cottonwood notienonienoe timetima in 18218.21852 it isi not known when shopahopagop rivightht left the irdard but helieyieyle is known to have settlednettled in 18l85418545454.54 in pox F1 iderlderfider county where heho diddieddiod in 181880rioajorjo heue had at one 3 tinetime served aoan arshallurshallmarshallurshallshailshali of phiuvoouvonuvoouvoo Tinn 1815 hilehiierhilewhile moot wwaAs bishoblaho a ffiillrcertillrtice wra dug by rchibaldrchiboldarchibald gardner for the purposepurpoaeurpleurpoe of erectorecterectinginelneing asi ristnistgristriat aillmill near

libidbibidI1 bid

journal Hictorhictoryifietoryqyi I1 ebruaryfebruary 7jaj7 1521552 3 ndrewadrowndrow benoonjenoonjenoong latterlattordaylabLattordayd faintvaintmaint rlgaaphicalbiographicalbiographicaxBiographicaX lucluolnoyolopedtaclopedlaclopedLaedwa alt ikeinke city utabiutahsutahx deseret Vkewnew ubiihinff coay igi191 ni z8za27 5232

the property of JWGjanierjamier 7 1 illar at anthinthninth ant and ortyforty cihtcithtcihat

authouthoutb 1.1 he starsterwtarstiterwtiter varswawars takestakenbakesbaken fro prinepringrriug creek izin the batinuatin

st hig w 1reenrees wdd ruffalhuffakeruuffakerticerlicer fieldfieldefieldnfieldst iahisi5 iterlterwaterwwlterft collected in a ondrondnond to ive a continuous oarljautoutauy forroror thetho liiillmill aortlydortlyshortly aftoractor ito completioncorpcoppletlonlotion the nillmill waar sold to 71ai1ibenubenubonbon lilerllleraller thlthithiarhia mill to claicialclairdclaiodloddodnod tto be the firtfirst inirilri tlttittblatablat irelreirediatoirceircediatairaelrae diatadiato lealocalityioalocallty and waswamWKCT capable of auyyingsuyauy ying the needs of larrerlarger ifrouti7otij of eoleeoptletie thainthuthaun VQwaswaa livinnlivinggivinn in authouth ttonaroodttonvrood district fiterfternteranter thithetho hiuriu crecamecne into the handohodghwdg of the consconaeona of ubenubanrubenruban indmd w operated under thetho naenionamanamonao of

1 i 1 allerailerfiller lrotherarother 4 he liiillmill burredburnea in 1c139cac talintin ctohor 153155 bishop mootnoot reported the cuth cotton 154 wodw cd avdardoarda nemmemmemberahemberahioemberberahehidahioehloi p ac 517 3oulc1aotilr1 thenthon erlyearly in U1 tibotoottioot w young wa I1 cczilod11ad by rigbajft3rightur to strerviestrsulbulautervleervieervine thithe construction of thithe susurrnurrsuarar factory in ahatnhatwhat isie knomiknoma today adjo utargugarunar houserouse mooltgooltjmoct lftiftlefaftt authouth cottonwocdcottonwoodcottonwrocd retiesoretieaoretiesorettesoaoretlesetie before nachtnrchtnrchf 1654qibb le ving theth wdward 3 in necneeneede 0off a newney tishopbishopashoacho p in thetho zixeixelx decaryourziyecar that transtranatranspiredareddred mincaminceinc iretremtrom had built hishlahia bauterssautersmauterssaamaamauaterters calincaicatancatcntan on the asa lydanlymannymanan surveurve7tT ththe authouthlouth ottottonw04ottonwoodcottonwoodonwood

kirkha 0 eteetnean 262 history of the authouthuth cottonwood ard hurchchurch histari16hifitori&no T rfficeraficevffices elteitalt ukeukolake city 1tahtah

tt 1 cac&C ibrahinibrahnnibibr&b7vnrahandahan vioavwoavonwon nootnoot bonor omon lliott berlinborliribortiri rahnn T ionor EI oept leadorboftLoftdordeedoe unpublished alteraaateraataterlsaa thelitheiitheaiotheabo religioneligi oriort teptdept atliphariphaC haa youanboujayouja urivroityuniveraityg 19551955terap 6tat6sas 3533 area hhdhadad heconebecknobecono partYartnrt of alt ike county under the proposed attestatestabe of deaertidebertideaertsdeseretDeaertiartsarbs andnd had takentahonbakentamen prtpsrtpart in the ovrvttntaoverrkientt is activities and organization

n uYjanuaryanwary 319yiv31 150 the stritetattnt of deenetdeseret paused the ordinance vidingrovidingroproviding for the loctlalocolalacatlcn of countcountiesloaioa and precinctprecinctsa 11 T rikesike county waz one of thosethone provided forgforfonron aadmduad it waswa divided into five preprecinctsprecinetacineta nthmthoutiioutin cottonwaodcottonwoodottonaottonm od waswaawan includeincluded in the cottonseedcottonwood nrecinctyecinctprecinctyecinctcincu thethoehe ordinanceorriorrloralnancnano fro sectsectionissectionistctiomlonisionis four to ten read

actionOtionlon 404 11 th t portlportiportiondunddneun of tho countcountryrr known anRS the preat tbt pao valley of the ireattreat alt aleplople nd a thah of toney ree V shallahallghail be called zebzobretljretit altaitaltait ltikelaikee Countyrountybunty ectlcnectloja 5 therhe countdountycountyr sektbertberbe it of aedaaeddid county shallohallshmil b At r veatreat altaitnit 1aksrakeakemke city actionoctionfaction 6af6f breutjreutkrreat4 alt ikoako 1witycomitytdwity shalahtahi be livilivideddividedtuyidedded into rivfiverive precincts asK follows toittonittoltto nitwitit liiiml11.11 north of the hot Prinprioaprinrasprprindasioalaaloarasray idand seatwealweatwostweak to thethoth jordjcrdfu then dormdown ththtahtat riverrivarrivenrivert elielllihtoihtht miles thence weatwentwept to thetho great aaltbaltbait adteudtelz ke to be called thenoysa ialtlt I1iorthborthio rth fvtnyon4nany0n&17ys7 irelreiroirocinct1recinctprecinctcinct section to7 city iroivelverecinctreprecinctcinctcinat shallshailghail include all part of saldsaid county lying east of Jorjordaijordalfordamjordamdaldai and between north ianyonbanyonyanyon recinctreoinctprecinct and faafamfarminginfinn landset on the southgouth line of the city andangnd to the earnwearnetrnweara uruu of sidaidaldsaidsald county ctionactionsectionvection 8 t ml1 31ii3.111 that portion of the county knowsknown asaelaes the farlafariarayla land 01caeuaeum 1t of JorjorclinjordanajordanpobincLin southcouth of itycity7ity rofinotrocinotrocrecinctjinot andkindvindwind north of the wuthbouth unline of the bibdibbigdigL ig neldneidmeld thence to the elternextern line of aidaldnidid county f to bebieuieuve koinknown aci vahlartevahevamlarie-e s cinctrecinctreprecinct ectionactionsection af9f ttonwoodtoonwoodCottocottoawoodcottonwood0 tt awoodonwood cinctrecinctreprecinct shall include all of that portion of nida- id bountycountyaounty lying youthathuth of reraaerorero cinctcincurecinctracinctfreprecinct and east of jordtojordaojordsmod ectionactionoction 1 1.1 of0 that porticeporticn of eideldaidsaldsaid countycanty lying toatbostyostoatiost of the jordan riverniverreiver and south of virrthviruthrth canyon reaircvrecinctt hallshall be known as esbernesternezeternelternezternternbern crancrdnderdandordanjordan 1rocinctareclnctrocinct

1 1 1 bate 060.6ustt cecil urater whethenhe1 tutetutotaitetaito of evereteseretenet 0 in itahutah Atateate historical earyarterlyuarterlyoyarterly liililjaij1i4111 lnoeanoe0 o 2kak2 3 4 arilsril july cctoberoctobercc tober 179181179 181 a-n-o-


muth CottoncottormCotcottonwodcottonwoodtormwodnodod rer&inodii cinenod a portportiportl rn cf thirthin decrecreclnctne untauntjuntieuntij 1630 when thetiletlle rareclnctracinctcinct warwacwao broken into nuumberlberaber of new acanca andnd outhoutbouta I1 cottzottcottoiwoodcottonwoodmwood becarebacareb5caro an indeflentindefluentindeindel olentflent&a6ent 1 rocinctirecinctroireprecinctbre cinct theth dydayeay after the braimoraimorinancor inancinceinee organizing counticcouniiccountice s raadd rocinctc y ud another orlirohlirorinuicoanco 0gri924a pastedpassedpas3ed providing for eyn 0 2 a stteetteistatebistate routronaron5 to rurrun fro dynden to rovo hidhia rod 3 laterinter obirdextenotirdotextendodirddod patpruitprutt rovo and in 1 the united aaasaaentrtesaaan C agressngressngnebenesereslressresz p tritrlriatet t c ci ja j5r3 1 1 tcto helhei rke it into a jitryililitrylitiry roaddoad to run fifioIfro1 mmo oltgit akenke ltvitycity thrahrthroughu7huch rovoirovooprovoo ilirorctillnorct edarkcdarkadar itaiityityi and on

1 donoon to the e t bouybouldryboujdryarydry of 1 aliallailauiorniaarn la irin the 11rectionilrcction11rection of the jon rsesstesst ocrAocraarycr trytnyaryanyony of rirs jffcrrcn vi notified colonel drdawzrdawardard

1 3 tiptoe thithfeehferitmit he venv to u ervleeryleervie the balhulbulbuibuibul iilingn ofc f tthehe v igon roroadad

ica4j enough71i though the ney aroproyroA viivil t net cloucnou to xcaoliah allaliail thtaht wilwllw neccssnecessneccsirytryiry 600 cooooocodood I1iprcyeeatuproveneatuprovene atu were m dc thlethiethlthi rcdectalrctalrca aichhichwhich ha 3 narnaw becobecore kcwnkown iacbacc iitotetotoite trcettroetarcetaroet harhac played lnan in ortntorant role in the dovedovodovolorentlorenta ar1r eatente at of authoathouth ccttonwoodcottonwoodccttonviood into the town of urray it isix tedtedytodyy one of the dn c retributorntributorzrjtributor to the royoroporityrocjperityropority cfof unrayurray bulnobuinobuanef&

tvr111kt5crtelart of the eleeieeicrtionoaicnnaiconalono returns for ailtelbeibiltaltmitmib lakelaka luntycounty elcrt rr lka lunitlubiteunit 39 f63s1865 otthutthutsih titetitovito iiietoriclfiitstoricil ocietyjsociety faltfaitaltait lakelakodakedako citycitytO lthuthalth tt 2 itsitt op citotcidot p 19 3 yac T Wjacksonkoon aonaeonagon ucscadszcadsad ealeaioalot i keleyheleyeretheleyerheleyuerhaley caicalcalifornial forni at 111 Univeruniversityeltyeityalty of califcmicaliforniaA rress10 sst 152t52 PP 111143lc 14514314 1tlcrI or roa13roacoavoa erearcercwere jtiztttod iain the area ataftatt the tisefisetime the tate treettract isoadodoad w Cievecsevevcionedcievelovdlovdlowd in iuanewne of 11 Zs alaikial ieeleeioei ee andnd adyaryenrywavywanywnrynry joeleedeejeedoe enitipetitiletitietiti ned the county clacorijsvionerucuacun siosloaioaionercnerenercnene for a county roadroudvoadroidvoid to tortstaatstaxt at a point ne irr oraeborgeeorgeoorgeorke hoo4ioalsjlhoson1 in authouth cottcnwcodcottcnwoodcottonwood rd andemd running by tthehe aaabaobdobe school house on the aiaeatalaaza sideeideelde of aealdnaidaid wrdard to a cronaingcrocrookingbrookingcronoinkaingoingakingoking of bigt igtig cottonwood rekareeks at or nearneate oriaorlafrkargtrgcriaia abeonambeonaubsonsv to continue north to the ulolladayliollad&y nettinettlscittledtnettlarrentarrent there eerowerewero A number of thesethose county roaduroadoboado built throughout theth out t ottowooaicjttoswood vicivicialtyviciinltyalty inclincilttciudjjrincludinginciudinguding one to cowcomcommunecommencecommancemencemance eiithviithvdlth the old jaakajaabazaaaa urveyirvey and iiiiriiin directlylirccfciy arthwrthlorlh tc thethotb county rodroadnoad 0 o 11i ther lg okat andiuid eatestwestweat arearoerevarewarowero gitrct 11ii aucharch of 1 lonion eufraEuffaluficreuffakrkr waewazwa maemag0o e eufrviorouprtrvicor of tiletlletl duadoaroarua & in authouth cottonwood ainuarqlrj it h-hithath3tad beckne a policy slenshenabennhenwben thetho or oru cefiecuriecurke to lthuthltuhlauh to grantgrautrant certain individuals conticontzcoutzcoitrx&i aveiovei suchauchmich nutrlnntariilnutilnutrltri reboreaoreeoresourceirceurce r afoufo cxuyo lat11thl alloailo3ihodaad4ad theethenthem to charfcherfcherscharsechareechargee a toltoitolitoiltoutonI forxor their ueuges butbubbukuuk thetitsthatitatius porackporacnpareon oldirjigi3olding the rihtrrihtarright to101.0loio thethu cycnarrncanyacyan hadbad to mai- 35 tinlaintainbainntain doodgoodood roaaronaroaziscroaa totv kaelae tbthebhe tayouccanyonbayouenyou cceoaifaleacqeusible to urrur r illihiea senamegame ilcyllcypaiicylicy wasa used fotforrotfoxrorrov the jliiliillalilaphap and ittleittielttieuttie ofctonwoodcottanwogd canyons in e tbcr of 12 johjo h scunycun enziyazia hintedraziraviruzisintedruzitedtedded control of i44144148JT ig

oadroad ooklookl ok of aitaltnitlt ke countycownty JLinuteutoeuteeutonuto book june 7 12521 2 52 utahunah tateaatonateaadonato hitorlcleistelstfistoricalhistoricalFistorical ocletaoclety4cietyiocletyielyleby aitaltnitlitvit lelilkbilk citycityt uthutahubah

18531185.31 2ibidjibid arch 26 0 185

3 ivindojafipfig dorndoja offlbridgecambridge LldoiadoaaLoaaeonardiaralarainra rrintnt croatjrpatjroat badastin ininivinkip 0 darvadarvebarvehavirdhrvirdHrvirdrd nivernityuniversityuniveraityO rc PA5 pT 5636

ottonwoodcottonwoodcoktenwoodottonwood Ccansoncanyonanyonpanyone and in 11veberroveberovomberrorovetervebor of 13 3 jeter clinton waswae kivetkivenpiven control of little gottonwoo1ottonwooc I1 it wewaswaa in thiathigthithl ftofipbereatmosphereatmosphareatmosatl phare of areatrreatgreat effort and growth that norwndrwandrw aboonahoon&booncahooia became bishop of outbouta Cottocottonwoodwood ardjard in 1418549549.549 therhehe 0ilowo biahopbichopbiohop stimulated the dotryindotryinindustryinduotryindu otry of the wardwerdhardgwardg and by 1611 96gg56.56 they hadbad built heely their firstfirtstfirest chapels it waswaa a substantial adobe buildingbuilding and wabwaswr at the time of completion the lnetalnetflneatf

T 2 metingmeatingmeeting buebubhub outride of 1saltsnit lakeimkeimkoallmje0.0 cityty I1 this meeting househowse wasmaswaz erected on the south end of the tract which the eettleraeottlere hadhed setsotgot aside for the wirdwardwerd and in the cloae vicinity of the preepreapeeepresentprecentpreaentent authouth7vuth cottonwood chapelchapai fterafter thetho necnacnaenassnasenews of johnstonjohnetonjohnstons aryarmy reached utah inan 15718579 ththe aennenmen of authouthijouth cottonoodottortwoodCottocottonwoodnood reewndedreepoaded cheerfully to thetho clicilcallcalicail of the nmitoovauvoovanvoo legion for mnnenmeawen to ataestavestaye of 1 the trancetnentrance of the ariyarnyarlyarmy into the valley at the time of the general removalromoval of the ftiatsfaints1aints from the valleyvalloy iain the spring of 11858165858t ththe settiesettlesettlerssettlercnottlorcrc of authouth cottonwood iftleftlert their hohoinchoinariezrieg wdand buzinbuninguineerbuineerbuzineasenbu ineeRedsonedbeneasen readyraudyrondy to be burned and settlednettled temporarily in irahlaak county i principallyprijacipallypaliy in pond ton7 ownjowenj nowi0181 salessaleasalem 53 the need for burning their howeshoau& hiieviiewa avoided when general

roadnoadpoad book 0op cit estber7 eptberepteptamboreptamborbamberbemberborber 21 185182181 ovewberinovember 16 1855 jenionjenaonjensong ncyclodiancyclodiaalaaia nistohistorytvytrys p 12 3ftaftiiiitorymitorytoeytory of authouth1cuth cottonoodottonwoodCottocottonwoodott noodonwood ardarciarct r-


johnston arreedagreedreedroed to have hlahiahinhib soldisoldiersern fmcrmcnavnnv through the altnitait11 lakelokenokeak vallervailervalleyvailey and raikeraakemt ikeakeahesike their eamscamsemms andd headquarters in uthutah pulley heythey madmade their capcarp on thetho futtutweta sidesidoeddoemde of and named it Ccampimp rloyd ithath the daardanrdonkerdangerdongeror paetpaimtw ththetha people returned to tneirvieirgieir hhceeaceemaest including the leturcaeturcaettlers on the cottonwoodCottonvoodwood creekcrooke the ottettlereettettleneaettlertlerelergierg continued to row in numberslauwlaumjauwber sndandnd adreadapreadfipread out along&long the lowrlower landslande anon the creekecrooks and priciapriaiaprfsprinrsoiaialafa Jjaenanenamen cahooxicfiihoon

in a letter to or TR 14 1Nlaameamuaaeouenenenonanon in 1571371957t eiisaid that in 1860 there were axaixalx failiemillerfafamillerbamillerilielile 11livingvincving lonionalonaionloepplonlongiongP lonp the littlelattiedittledittie cottonwood creek between ahtrhtwhat iein nctrncwnaw the inionanionunionjnion ciricceficcificpacific railroad trackstrcarc andd ecoidcondecond etest lie naresnareananesnanea the asa 1ynoldrkeynoldr cahccahachconchoonongont his grajridfnthertgraaldfatherp adrendrendueadrevy 1 rahoonakooncahoon hishinhi uncle illiillieusalliamollieusagliamaudauseus orrutborru13orrutbtb john silent andaind john laroonlarsonacarsonaAlarlanaansonasoneoona in that sabebabebamesame year the 3iaria3wissmiaria family of christian berger11 erger bought the cidrealdrendrerjidreandrer aboonahooncahoon place thiochloehloihlarhia prpropeo ertyartyrtyoer later had a number of houses builtbulit on it andaindbind became known nomismts berderherderbergervergernerger toneontowneownyown ith ththe growth of thethee scattered bourisgroupsrourisrourisunis on the moremoro useableubeable land throughout the aresareaaroa it wiswewaswaa felt neccjarydecennarynecennary to rrorideprovide eoyeasyeagyegy accessaccogg to the cundarundaysundaycunday choalschoolschoola for them 0o in lavl5vign16 the wo addirdiddard wanwao dividddirideddivided in diatrlcteiistrlctr and A salisallsail undaysundaysundby 1 choolehool watswotswatn started in each the undaannyunnyT choolehrolaehoola wereweroworo prepresidedadad over by a leadinglending teachertoachercoacher whobo was anapointe2anpaintedunpaintedpainted bytoyboy the bishopibishopsbishope andmid on the firatfirotfaratbirot undryunday of each month they generally setlotrotamatamet conjointlyconoon jointly in thetho ard

k ruiaimu8en31asmuseens atoryhistoryHi of tirribitirritirriyitturrayqyi tte3tatestate of utahubah hurray ibyitycityolty libraryabraryq murrayamurrayourray I1rthA rhorhyiho p 2 of ana endiendlendixbendix 5838

1 Motingdotingmeetingeting househoubebouwhouw for the fnanfreraeraergorg of south cottonvcodottorlwoodt the year 1867 wasWQwaa one of diemdiamclaterdlaterdletereberateraer thythey had alwaysalwayn hadbad troubtroubletroubietroubletroubiele with the crickcricketsetis andtindfind ayaoehcppergraashoppern as had the farrafairnfarrnrarrafarfayray leralerntern throuChthroughoutout utahutaihuraih but in thisthiathin year the crops were soBO seriously drgeddogeddam4ged that a nunsbernu br of the farmersfarstersser of the wardwardd erewre forced to seekseer enploycdtemplolmentemployment with the union 2 pacific railroad in erderorder to arnearn oanaeanaricansrioans to ousupportn dortoontport their faratifailfailieemilienfamiliencamilienleeiee joeeph hibbarhibbard in looking back umuupon those daysdaya of hishiehib boyhood tellstellateila of dicingdiming trenetrencheshasbashes ajround thlethio fieldrfieldofielder and fillinfilling them with nntralbtr and other materiale that would burn then thetho family would rogo into the fields and drive thethobhe rrshoppersnrohopperarshoppers before theabheathem into the ditcherditchen where they would be oatnotgetgat afiraffre 3 in 186t186 the church nd the corrmzityconi mity ahowedavowedohowed storemoremoro biensniensodlaodicodlg na of rrowthcrowthrrowtho henwhen they undertook and completedccwipleted a newnow chapalchapelchapels the building nasnaawasTTAG ma-aademademaaede of adobe and VQnaznaawaz ittyixtysixty feet in length and forty feet in idthedthwidth thinrhinchin building was erected on the aibealbe of 4 the 18561656legg neetinrreotinfi hounaho4jb and eniseneenas in1nan use for oveover & ittyixtysixty yeiyerderaiyeraiaresareaaraa nevnew in the year 4previous to the building of the chapelr

iotoryiiatorybotory of outout cottonwood ardardord 2mam2 3 nuBensknubenasmunsnsK ozeone0 citicites p 533 of appendix 4istery4niotery of cuthcuth cottonoodCottocottormcodcottonwoodnood ararrl 5939 the relief ocietysociety wabwaswaa oranieioraniodanioransorgaxtizedei thithltunTUP actct took place on ayny 17617 nd r Jojoanetteantte shoonahoonaltoon waswa cene iti arcprcyryientadentabentaeentmeent the YyouirYOUJR

0 X mprc 1 v r onenaemenaamenaomenaren a mutualu tual irprc vvcontveontem 0i t trvsooitionw ci n ti0n vuu 0orfanlo6r0 ani z-od ttwowo yeryoryear lterllerilerlaterinterlator in 1701870 nhiuhlhilewhihleehl3ehe the tounbounyoun entzentopalzpnlzen utualutua1mutual lnrprovczentiriprovcisont jsaociauon wewaswaa not orrornorcini3sanizelanizeianizeI until Icoicoaberice13ecemberaber of 16 jaojeojanesjemesjemos Oxodfreygodfrey was tuite 1 rxenidentreciidentf and illlaellla 111boycoyceoyco and job tendinzkedin hla counaouncounselorcounoelorae1orfz1 I in 1870iao130731301870717173 totto eventseventa tootooktooh place in authouth ottanvoodcottcnwoodcottonwood wilchwhich mietemierewereweve to chaixchanxchangee the conlexicnconplexioncomplexion of ththe comunitycocommunityconrcone unitymunity fro t that of a villxrvilladavilla7a eventually to an inccrprtod city thethatho firatfarat nasnazwaz in june of 17187 when the oodhuiloodhullwoodhull brobrothebrotherisbrotheriobrotherjtheriorj bubulitbuiltlituit the firtsirtfirsir nt econoieconotleconos cally succonefulsucceaqful isrittatritreltereltareiter inio ittabutiahuriah att the juristicjuricticjunction n of thethobhekho fikfigpig1 cottonooCottocottonwoodnoo creek andandt the tatetatoaate kodfrodtgodf where the urray laundry is 2 now localoctttelocateilocatedteitoitol TwnthiothidrhioW n wasWA the herberhorbinnininning of mn industryinthustry which vanwaswan to civeelvocivogive to the area Z& newne growth in both itsitz reflationpopulation and economyeconoy 0 ooneonoomo seven different i elurocluronelterneiterr rolifoll t-edved ththiathisis one by the yenyonyeryor 19 al11ll bavebavokavonavegave o-orrortunityr arturorturristy for osplrynentarmnlcyntnt ndna dredrodrewdrow awnewnow eolepeople to authouthozsth Cottoncottonwoocottonwoodcottonwoortwoo tretrotreitroitrottr&tetiamattmat of the swellingindustry induntryindu ntry follows in another chapter

econeccndecondtemondtdt waswagwa the eoninzcoincoln of the utah ououthemouthernbouthernthern allalioilrodtoiltlailroqderodtrode theA h utartuhutuh z ououtbemouthernoutbegthernthorn hhidhdhadad brokerbroken groundpr pund in alt I1 ake city on ay 1jaj1 187118711

raidtibidrbidt 2toatoT PD lielleileH aentehoketehouete houehouse MA-1gteockyROOM untinrountincountinmountin140untainro sintzaintzarntzaintg newfewew york letonoleton and f ompcjayompnnyo 175vi73173 i 20 toee aisoalsoalao rausmaenojarlusaonsrausraugsauglaenmaen ONop citalcitolt p 11 of apendixappendixap endtendi 40 and by epeptembrtembergepteptembergembr ibiibl1871811971 it had built and waswaa ereraoreraoperaertinobertinereratintopertinop tinT the I1 thirteen mileagylie of track to jandygandy thehe cofcoffiigcomingcomeomcoffingfiigeelemele of ththe railroad nrrovidadprovided cheap and enbyenryenny trtsartstransportationortrtion for oreoreroner andnd roofletaoeeonoon7oofletooe boosted the dovedovelowentlorchenlorcmen t of thetho indutrisinducariosindinduutriscArios in oathetho area ne well ase increamedincreased local brainenbusbuainenbuabunbusinenaineninena opportunities the railroad was continued on into the mining areeareas of ouboutouthernoutbernlouthernouhernbernthern utah tiacinsTiacmrakingarakingins the orore available to the selseltersselteroseismlteraterntero of routhsouth Cottonicottonioocottonwoodoo it ini difficult to determineterminodetermine when the first stores devdevelopedelored in the locality but it isi known that the wrdwardwnrd opened a cooperative nerantileercantiloberanneranmerantilebileblie storo in 121872 it eabwabvrabwas located justjuist outboutasouth of the ward metingmeeting hauaehcuaehcurje I1lenryhenrytenry 1rwmcrowft iein reerenroereputedartedorted to havehaye beenboen 2 the firntfiant mmnn5reroanaranrran rr therethero are other ellednaeltednaclai asa to ththe tirefiretivefiratfaratit storeetoreebore but no definite daten of e tav1wtahlichr t eeatenteab have been foundroundfounds it isie oatrtoatstoat likely howehoweverveesvergveys ththtahtit thrathretheretheve ereverewere other stores before 12 r jaccojammoTacesamesancs cahooncaboon and airshirsr john lererborerdorerborrer in their lettiettlottereletterffbottereerff to vrevvsvvern aluenmuenamuenina6ruaeonahuen in 19571937t stelatedtbod that the tiret store waswaawan located anon the corner of taletatetate streebstreet and vine and wo aneoneapeoperatedrated by a ar4rr halihallhailaalia laterlater thiathi8thim store wawaswes bouboughtrbt by dirddwrddwnrd aarerenskinaki 1 I1 second storo wabwaswa otaroparoperatedbedted ana a iwtnerzhirrirtnerhip by a rri jon rickon and a rer illin crillcrillsin01110111nnoanonnonnwsingin thithlnismlsmig storebcrtcr wrwv locatedlomled atut the foot cf the hill ebereaberewhereybere ththe murray junior aihhih1ufrh choolchool inio dovnovnowDOWnog located

laritonritonlrritonLr olyopy Ccitit p 27 irelreirkirkhwhw 04 clgtt

2 11 iwaseamuseaiwuseiwGMUuse516 etlelleln or Ccittaittji t 3529 0off aappotdiP 0 dix 41

rouldbourdrourdrousdgrousd 871871.871 iironamon twcod builtbulitbulikbulyk 0a brick yard where the laondlabondi1amond feed and coal yardyand isAs now icclocatedatedabed on orbyortyforty eirhtheighth authouth rhetherho brichsbricks produced here werwerewore cirilarzirilaraicniar to the old dobesdobeabobeaadobasadobos but thythey 1 were wallerwailersmaller in aireeizeelzeaizobine and were baked making thenthem uchmuch harder there erewere other bubunesinessesbuneaaebusinessessaeaae alooaioo suchauchbuch asa the burrurRufhvfxkerruffanerruffakerfaker aawoillsawvellsawvdll and blacksmith shoahoakoppv where freirrorrornoirreI r huffaaerhuffakerhuvfakarHuffaAer saawaswaaas&s known to aakeankenakemakeamke furniture and caskets 2 in 18751873 a newnow school building waswan constructed on the tattate oadoadmad nearneav the itesitesitosibe of the present arlingtonrlington hooiohhool00a tt71 vass a onerooonedooroodoomroom brick structurestructureturo aichhichhackhaakvhdch hadheadhemd beenboen built frofrom brick

produced at the atwood1.1 brick yar6yarayarc theykehe building w aaAs dedicated on juaryjanuary 12 1841871874 and was described asan a firatfirotfarat claraclaglagiagiaraglasa tructuretrucstructureture costing 33t456w 53 ardrd growth and deyelopentdevelomtonts had kept pace with thosethodethooe of the community dortlyhortly after Wjosephjoaephloseloaetose abpb slinealineiawrlints had replaced andrew cahoon ana bishop in 187218721 a cemetery iraairacwaawag plantedplanned enon ththe high lalandnd tract using thethobheghe north quarter on the westweet aleaiebileulle of vinevino trtreettreibteletolet the aennenmen of the ward wrenerewere cailecalled out to clear ofofff the nagebruahtoagebnushi level the grcundgroundfgrounds and fence it achach thanthunman wsaawaa rivenelveneivengiven a receipt for a burial lot one redrodpedpod aquaraguarsquare for 143 paid in laborinborimbor or c8hcahoshcash ittt

lblbjldov p 4 of appendix kirkhaffixirkhasj locloo100 calvcatvct

the deseret reeneereg jmiwyj44rtuary 14v1 1873916751875 1P P 42

alaglaasswssseensseenaseema that the firna rve w filled by john benbowenboenbow who died on 1 y 1212f0 1874 in 187218 the fedriuederaloderalfedrauederaezedzodFed riU Governgovernmentcentnentmenk banbecanbegan issuingisnuingiacsuing papatentstentis for the landsiandalanda which nademadgademade u thethie ward portionreportionroportionaropertierro therherho Papatentstentistontis were issued with the underetunderstandingundereat ardinganding that the person owning the largest acreage in any oneon hundred ndmd sixty ncracre claim would apply for and rocivreceiveprociv the patent for the whole one hundred and sixty aeretisaeretusttoreattore heue in turnburntuettturnn wawaswae under moral obliaoblipoblitionoblivionatlonution to issue deedsdeodadoodsdooda to any anandd all who owned allier acreagesacreagon within the b undritzundriezundriefi of hishlohiohib patent illiacilliap oattenioatteni receiveddeceived the patent for the land oron the et aide of vine street and north of fiftyeixthwiftx sixthaixth 0louth and partartmrt of the land on the enteatweatwent sideaidealde of vine trettreet Hbe willingly deeded the land to the bichopbiahopc f illirilliazrillianilliaakaaKmakman oibillianoillianmayilllanilianllian rectrecevecerecitedived ththebhe patent for thetho land containing the vetwetweotwoot half of the benchlandbechland on the eatwest sidasido of vine arettreetiitreetyeetiitsitiv mrr halMcmalhaymcillianmaillianrTillian was unwilling ieto deed the Iindlandand to thebhe lialiahoffliahopfushoppuiaula hopf soBO heho turned thetho land over to the ward by b doedeedingdoedingg- iitt to

1 the chauncey1 hatinceykincey ebb received thetho patantpatent for the land which concontainedbrendkrendtrAnd the twtwo acreacneacresacnes southbouth of fiftyiftyeixthsixth outaoutbsouth and on the ganteat of sinvinvine r treetbreetarset wharewhere the chapel stood belieile vwwaswaawms paid s2tosatoay2y for the deed 2 fterafter the panic of 187518739 the church ttcrnptedattempted to establish

kirkbampkirkbakKirkkirkbambamham 01op cittcitsaits p4pay 259 2ibidbibidbid u


throughout the conuniticomiuaitia3concom uniti a tyretypetyne of united orerorder in which the resourceresourcesa of wardwargeafearWRF members were pooled in an attentattena to benefit the 1 whole by dolnedoinedoindoln axyuwiuwvwxy ithzithwith individual profitprofltprofet zesun6seeklnr intn durejuredunejune 1113713274t a branch of thethobhekho united orercrenorenondler wadwarar orgorganizedanizod t authouth cottonwood eithwith bishop awlinfrzaw1inr a&aaa president and 411iillin hoycedoyceIloycoycboyc eidandondaidaud thol heeler adan vicavicovicopreeidentgpresidente athingotothingnothinghing further ever caecatie of thisthlethiethib orfornication neither farming nor any other enterpriatenterpriseenterpriae w everevoreyer started under it

1 ay 1 .1 1877 PB elig cn july1y 1 187182 9 nieltaniel eileliellelle divided the authouthlouth cotton- wood arcuard into threthrothreethroe part the woterwarternwazternwoterxxxx partparbportpant retained the name of authouthfouth cottonoodCottocottonwoodcottonvoodlnood allehllehilehiieuhliewhile the southnouthouthrnsoutherntrnern jportionedtionportion waa aderadeaadenademadeR the unionvinion 3 ardr andaridarld the etternewterneaotern part grnitogranitcgranita ard hishlahiathisA seems to bebo the first major divisiondivioicoloolon of the old authouth cottonwood iardqard howeverhoweverjvurn it appear that soneaonesome portirneportirne had beenbeonboon totakentokenken off previously hnhen thetho road districtdistrictsdistrictadiotrictaa areerewere detset uup in archlurchfurchirchbarch of 1853185518530 the allowiilo creek argardardjaraj 4 or draper wazw designated a dietrict with thetho other wardalwarder and 5 in the benucenucensuscennus of ICIT it wtwixwim0 xo lifted aoaepartelynaratvlyo

1 arlintonarrintonArrrringtonginton 0op28 oitaoitvcit p 3caaca4 2ftstoryhistory of authouth cottonwood erdardendrd ibisiibidi

4 I V imrch 26 1853 readroadheadhoad bookebookjnook 2odyogs144 citciticite arch 9

CU go bureau of thetho ensuloensusoenebaeneua ninth census of thethe united tabantateotakeo L 28718718701370 0 opalatopulatopqpvlatiootulatulavionlonA itI1 276 44

kempitekepiteeplteeplitekepite thicthiotheo greagroatgrout reductreductareduckareductionA n in reairearca in the pcpuin tion in cuth C ottcnocd7ottonwocal in V11 3 wctinzviazvinzw c one aundrehundre md forty four peronperaonrpperomeroneromcrom greatretiret ri thantean inlinjin 1 henuhenwhen the nubernumbernu ofber inhahitnfeirhabjtnnt in 1 nearly a quarter of the county ononyY ratlrtraunau credereered 111 144

r a h locality aichhichwhich in inter yer vc to becortbecorvbeco urry fouldrouldwouldmouldmouid deendeemseen to havehaive madead jrprafiprqsoivcalveaiveaeve frogrogrowthaithzith ndwdw inprovcentimproventents yet it iaolaoademademadoxde an unfavorabloujnfvorb3eunfavorably imrreaionimrreyain on r aicealce odfreygodfrey ivingrrrrivingarriving in

2 oth Cottoncottonseedwadwod fronfrom nglandlngangland4nglandlandl in I 1 assus a ycunrycunc woman of twenty three shebheesheoshe described the nettvettsettlementcntant a a dirty littuttieie 7uceziroealacenlaceruce with only twtwo smallamailamali atoraadoraatorfz or trading 1tost5tostaoat45 and a number of aaeloonloorz

u 3 bureau of the Censconatusconauscenecensruafusfuarua tenth crguabenucenucigua of the unitedni tedbed tatestateabateaaaasaaus iloinollyily110lp1l0 opuxiitiogtatlon I11 53343 rilaskabkgbmussonlasmussonaamueoenrasmusson priPTIop cititm p 35 of aaeaeodixondiceondixeodix ahr thr IIV1 V icrlical ir

to the nelynewly arriving mincer the urrurryty arearea rprovided

ayi barren vfmdd forbidding aperance xoeptn01opt for ththe green growth along the otrnrusatrtrnme and in the low marshmaysh iandalanda it wawaswae a land of oaebruhoaesagebrushsagebrumhbruh and thirthirstvt eaeplteapitcapitpit thlthithisthig the settarulenaeulensettlernlern ticatteredyceittercd along the creeks indund clearcleared the heatbeetbeatheethect inda soao they ightifhteighthightmight provideprovido the

neceaaitieaneceassinecnoceassi tietle t-i of life for thenthelathemthejathejaelveaiyeaeleeeiveelveaideaulvesulyes ecileollRolirolidaysHoliholidaysholidayadaysdaya vierwere fe but the pioneer developed an ability to find sossoe enjoyenjoywentenjoymentaenkwentwenknt throughh hishlahia everyday laborlabovlabors there were severna methodafisethodofisetmethodehodohogo used by the early settgettettlerlerslerv ihaftandynn acquiring landslundn but the moat popular method natwatw by squktersssquatter4s ririfhtorishtohta uainrijainijuin thiothin method caused a little difficulty when two martienpartien wwoitdwnxtod the saresanecanecamegaregane ground but the firctfirntfiant narbypartynarty vocally rnaaintaittodinVAna d hhlahiahiahlabio10 cjclaiciallj1j Tiandaandlandsandaana walswaisaa neceranneceaaryneceaaryirytnyvry to pprovidproviderovid the family with food and incoctincontaqwq but equally lxalxjiznportantoctantortantortantbant saiwaivatisaswati thetho bednedneed for a house for shelter building aerialterialtematerialrial wabwauweiwet nctrcetrcrce and for the soegaegoe of economy the early aettlrvaettlere used thrthreeahr type of building materialematerialafkaterialismaterlaiaialalala in ththebhe construction of hoierhoiwr jogaoga wrewere uadaadundu&ed in mandmano of the houeeihoudeihuse 3 butbutt to btainbatainefetain loftlogn meantmeraemae aitaltant lourlong trips to the cnyoncwnnyonrij and the better timber continually becazebecanebecknebecime Tpoyenoyeteoreporemeore difficult to obtain the netnext ajcrajerajorlajcr tyetyotyle of building ateriilnotarialnotgrial xanwanwao adobe toyo 46 bateemakemahebakee acobesadobesadobeo the pioneer nernornennordnondneednoodd not travel so far but a considerable auntount of wrwor T wakwaswazwa K n9coazaryneceacryneceacryaary for their preparation firtkirt a good clay had to bebo found aridarldd tait3ithenienlen ixedaxedmixed seithselth writerweiterwelter 4aadandad trawbraw into a budmudud fteratorxtor rslxisgimixingg it wabwaswa ptput itointo a wooden mold which forcedformed it into thetho shape of anam overoger nisednizednihed briorbrick fterafter being ronromforcedformededv thythey were placed in the burbunoursun to dry and harden theao adobe blocks were placed into thethobhekho wallwaliwalle in auchmuch the aebamesamename annerannenmanner asaa bricki bainguaing a clay iudnudrudmud for mortar Ttodftyskodnyakodny wewo would consider suchbuch a bousehousebouee unsirhtlyunairhtlyunsightly but the adoreoadobeaadobeo nademadenaoemroe quite anon ffectiveeffective building atrialmaterial it kept the homes comparatively cool0001gool in thetho surheurnournsuwensugenaerreneenrer and warm in the winter dobemobe houseshouaeahousets ap erdeared very early in authouth Cottoncottonwoodwoodo john brown isio repcrtedreported to have built ththe firttirbfirst houehouse of adobe in the milder of 1849 2 it iein difficult to detodetonainedetenainenauneno whether loalobioblogs or adobeadotoea were the mormore pormpopularAsarlar typetypo of building materialsatenate rial but emchmuch ususeusg was ndeadondo9ile of both durdugau&u jtbmtbcutsouts were also unequneaue but in motmobmoetmoot caeecabescaaes they were a temporary ellinedw11incdyellinedy theethesethegthenetheng ereverewere usually dug into the sidealdebideid of a hill in orcrarrlararalar that the erthearth could nakmakstake the greater portion of three walliwalla 3ubatantialubfitanticiil stata wortwerewore then placed in each corner to auertsudrortauprt a roofrootnoot made of poleapooepooa ndandend thAtchthatchiethatchiathAtthatchinglchiachininglings and the front wall was mttaeadekae of logrelogrqioslosIOK stone or other typetypotopeztypeze of building 1promusnn taou3en op clttcitecattcitp1 pipig 11011lleile 2 jensonsJenjensonbensonssonsbons kncycloyeiji riariqtoryRiqtorztory p 815813 477 materilematerials I1

Faarcinarninraingfarcingrt for the authouth ccttonvodcottonwocdcottonwood settlrcaettlerbettler f concltedconnlaconnioconniotedted chiefly cfof rairalraicineralcingraycinecine thosethone grains which could bebo turned into ijctedlateimwediwedlmedi riteruteaute ubeuseuee for the farmer aadandmad hi s foullyfamilyfamllyilyliy thetho wheat would be talenttakena to a aallgallgalismallamail waterwteraber powered ristgristriet ailltmilltffi5il and whiltwhile theth farmer waited it would bebo ground into flour honhenhenben the dlLermillerfidiler finishesfinlcshe the famerfarnersamersarner would ttritetoole home a arallossillossell upplysupplycupplyc of fiourflouraflourg branibrang or cohortohortzharta corn would be ground ioa meal andond used in cooking or used asaa feedreedfoedfood for tockstockstoak both ryeryo and catsoatsoate wereworeworaweme rained on vethebhe drier hihchihhipjh groundgrouxid ithath unnagrugrsunarsugar searceqearcef a number of the firerafarmers drewgragregmeprew a sorghumoorhum canecame for the making of olao ththe wlaecmisentolas em waawag produced by crushing the cancane for the juiejulejuices and then boiling it in vatayata to 3 reduce the weberweterwaterwaiterwelkerweeker contentcontentscontentecancontent it beemaebeeaxaebeemaer outcutcustomaryoRaryosary for the settlerssettlerasettlernsettleralernlevaieva to placepince theirthair coiccowcowc in a cowmencommon herd to bob driven to panturipanturtpantnre by toteotwo or threethuetthroethuee of the boys of the settlement therhethoche csscos were driven out in the morningforniznorniznormornirniz attended to by the boysboyn andguidguld drindriven back in the breninevening to bbe 4 milked it saiwaiwiwai allailalsoaimo a custom for the dry stock to be placed in

1pamusenv ausbenaudoenauausoeneberebensoen 22.op citotcidotcit p 1513 2ibidbibidibid abid31bidotbid

4lbidoIM P1 lo10loi101 48

CM laroe cccomoncn herd to be driven to thetho hilla irin the spring and roturnedreturned in the mlfallralirail in uojiholoviov1h0180boj 1 euben and elvinclvincivinoivinolvin iller took charnecharnochargechargochayeechayne of the settlersattler6e cattlecottiecottle hardherd and drove therthenthem to hat va 1 known anAS etent antic or the cherry rookcrookvookvoor in juabjuatojunto countyClounty the settlers were plapiaplaguedaedued tith the crickcricketsebliehlietLi and raberaserasoho erbsjverisra from the vryvaryvavyvevy etsrtst5xrt iiahodiahohliabojp right in ast letterietter to ththebhe Frirotbirotrot

t realdreaidroaldronldresidencyreaidencyronldoncyencyenoyoncy in 185018511651 statedstctedztatedstcetaatatodted the wacwaawwcmaragmarmg of locust cowiecowlecogiecowieneedcammneedcammcommneed ap so pairingpainingmaking their apiapperffuiclstrancewtrancewtdancerance thisthio weekeweekjweek 9 and increased fatratfastrastraat that already in anynanymany placenplacon through the hetchwatwhwat fieldafield3fieid3 therethore arearoanore two locust to one staikstalk of wheat 2 joseahjosephjoaeph hibbard saysanyaamysamye that when behe was a boy in the 186010isso the crickets aeeedscentedseented to march down the roada from thirtheir foothill breeding ground to the gretzgrotzgrengrongnetzgnon fields 3 belobeiobelowbolow in modern life ye raypay little attention to thetheatheotheuu ptpoutptiati i but in pioneer litelifeilfe they verevenewerewene disastrous andnd somenomesometimessometimeneosnetiirerstimen reduced thetho authouthbouth3outh cottonvodcottonvoodCottoncottonwoodwodvodvoodwood settsattsettlerlern to thetho eating of sunflower aeedneedgeed 4 mushsfuehmunhshueh and thistle rootsroote the pioneerstpicneerswpioneploneersterat though eoreomfonotieonotieonotimezimezletirftfs reducedreidrerdneid uced to eating wild plantpiant eigelg often adoadermdeemde ueuse of thentchentthe and otherothor articlesarilartiarii clerclescies from around their honesthoness to manufacture what they needed 1aapoapy0ftp ranwaawan madeneademeade frolfrom

lkirkbumsrirkhabirkha 02& citcu Pp4pa 21629629

2jeuenpjournal bistorhistorerigreigtorytony t junejuna 141 1850418500 x 3rasausseavko&mu80n SR cit41cit p s2z2za of appendix 4rar4 kirkhaj8irkhanokhamoirkhamo OEop citjcitacit f p 256 49 tlethe fat of butchered andandalan3alains andd the lye nce from bollierbollinrboilirn arahos&hhosaramos

1 fromfroim the wood which had beenheen burnedburnccl in kitchen itovtovehitov rirseri yes for theirtlhc hcehorhoeace stunsrun clothing erewere radtad from rotcr wsotwyot andrpd plntnplaritrs reen

11 dye was produced by bcillbacillbcilrun4na a tbluebjurbjuoue dye ohtoobtained1 ned frcarc ri alt laeleacedaedeace etoretetevoretoretores with rsrfsrnirnnipre leveieveiavenj rdredreg dyedyo by boiling the roott of the aderadorwadermadorsdormader plantpiantpinnt which rr wild in the garden ndind brown from the 1 boiling of the dock rootsroot anotherznother wild git71trlntrintrant heathent stristrjserjaws girutyuttheadrithotiritgitheadgiltheadhotihonihonntheod reenireensgreeng ardand the rengrewn corn hushuahu 69a aloiisalodisaloaio ideheithifehwith levoelevo3isaveaj werwenwereworewone r de into eurneerlerier hats tto eupplarentazippieent the knitted and crocheteicrochetercrochetedcrocheteitel hattihatlihagehagg of wol which were adenade and uscenodunod for internkinterowintero Decoradecoraticecoratic&ticmasmagnag such anu artificial flfloerowera were nadebademade frofrom 2 naterialkaterininaterininaterialerini lieiioilolapalape hhjlriars&rj flaxriny eldmdend wool hile the ploneplongpionecroploneornpionegropioplopuonecroorcorn were orkingorkingorkinrorkincorkinc to eatabuaheatabUah themselves on the lneineianeinneland they were botherectbothbetherebotherebo therethedeerect somewhatvomewhatsomewhatomewhat by the indian hiding a ivancenuicncenuisancenuivancenu of himself with hie bembeminebepbeprininelneing and stealing the excitement other erly r4oneorsioiooeorneerneoroeor hdhad experiencexperienced4 with indian troublestroubleaiea seemed to be absent fronfrom the lives of the erlyearlyonly authouth cettonccttontroodrood ettieettlesttleraettlercrc almost without excepticexceptionn the erly aettlorr&ettler3 twityay there waw isa little trouble

therhorhe ladiansludiansladianos would migtatemigratemigyate inim fronifronafronk uelauethmushustakush valley ardand aullkullkuilkulimuilquil alieyaileyalley evory spring and fallaliailfallralirail and pitch theirthoin teatbeatkenttentstente in a bieblebibbig


21ibidbid 50

rasPaaraapasturetureturotupe betveqbetweenr Ztathtnthzinthmnth and thirteenth ast and south of lorty2 orty

1 ei athhth authouth along the river ouon what 7.7 1knownknoonnoennoon aduo thethobhebho ac4ci end

restwest of the donnyLonnydorlormyvieLordonlonnyviewmyvieview 1.1 choolichohlichools andainddind a lirelaree axpxpastureiaturelature nomnofrnoxnerrnorr ittyixty I1 fourth authouthsouth by the old F axfield frfarm froalfromfrodl thesetheae cspacapacarrvacarava the diusindiuslndimzindiumIn would go to thetiitil setteettlera1settlernoleruolernO heehenhanhoneses and bekbepbe for food to eat now tonestorotorestore erogrocrygrocerygrogrrocerycry to eetit porper

1 cearilcoarilcoonnoon ittt being packospackodpackaredpackadkodkared bottbottled1 led or cannedtcannedycanfiedq andnd rubarubqrub anytulanytmngag that cncaocaocnecaecnee in a sack to cockcook lteriterlateslatex teatzeatieareareg bedbelbesuxi or auzaracuzarairuir would particularly delight thertherothemethemo if the settgett&tturesettlerrsettlerslerrlergierg were not watchful 2 their gardenssurdensdenb would be raided and the produce carried offoffi vrr hibbard luteireluteirelatefjoreinteg in hishiahlahi a leuerletterietter to r i1l&aiuaaerpcseriuseniuseriuserlenieri that the Laiiianslilianslalianshianslians would otleotie tecilstealsteulte&il hordohorses and cattle but eieeleelcne A teneralIeneralreneralbeneralbeneral rule tbthe anialaanialcani alc touldcould be relrejrepoenevasesedwedevasewese aedseded byb the anchemchekchemarchemaraearcherv

1 without uchsuchmuch trouble thoughbhough1hough the dianisindianaIn eueerewere alecsblecsblafeed munjnunymuny tisse 1 9 there ainajawabwazaj& moro trouble sithwith hitowhitewhito horchorcee thlethiethievftthievetivetivnti thaltharthan with redrod cneonez it neemenaeme that even whewhenwhon the indianxsidiano haihashad been dridrinlsingng they usually quarreled arjangarjongwaonawaonp theeltheelvektheaelve8thoel vesveK at their capingcalelcalescajes plugpiugping utezlteelfeoafeeiifeettofeeteo and 5 did not involve the chitvhiti4hiteiwhite men intn theiatheivtheeerheee early dyodaya of ururryranyruny the indian and whitwhitewhito boysboya gee a would coratooratamnetA withwrith one lothermotheranothergother in outdoor gec such at ruingrunnindunnin

ittoroueoent 0 citoffbitoffcit POp ioe10010

kirkbangkirkhakirkhoKirgirmirKirkgirkkhohangbang OLep cites pop 57257

33asmussenjraffiusenraffiusenueen OLop ci tolbwlbogt pep 10lotisiotis10112 51 jumping and other manesgames of physicalphyaicalvhy&tcal corcompetitionspetitionocompetition the ariyarlyearly settlersgettlergettier tell of onone dazedamegariegaziegaze which wabwas& quite interesting amiamtaadandd nanymany tinetimetimestimos ended in a frorderdofreefrewrree fortor allaliail fight in this famebamegame a firtirefire wasw built during thethatho dark of evenineveningst and ththe byab yakyasyesya would gratherbathergathergathor up a number of short dry willillowws the endsenda of the willows would be put in thebhe fir to utlibalibtht thekhethwotewo henheathenzhen eachench boy would take hishiehib willowwillows andaindnindaund form in one of two linerlinee on either sidtaldeaidebide of the firerirefireogirecireo

A linelino of white boysboyaboye wabwae onox oneono sidealdeaidenide and the indian boys were in a lineiinolino anon ththebhe other eidaideldaideelda of the fire 0atkithath the linehlivetilaveti completecoaplet they would taktake the willowwillows and throw thenthem arching upu into the air toward the otherothor line thetho object of the vwgacggegwc was to make thetlletilebhe other aideolde retreat frotrotrobfromsrom thetho fieldfields Ass ththetha gamgame ocreatedpcressodprocreatedpr indsndand the nihtnight darkendarkenededp acmeaoraeaome of the willows would hebe thrown without a lighted endond and consequently could not betoebhebho soensoon to bebo doddodedoddd fterafteratter a number of ththe boyaboyoboyatboyas on one sideeideaideelde or the etherother had beenbeonboon struck by theekheethese anlightoduulighied willows temperstersteshtesspersperg flaredflawed up and a fanggang fight would ataristart which usually ended with thethobhe perutaparutaparenta of both sidesaidesaldeaaideealdeeaidea bainnbein involved becaoberecausorecouso of thetho stattfteattredstatteroderederodeved condition of ththebhe &ttlera&ettlor& andaudmud thetho distancedistances between thenthem the earenrerlieerlieotearlisotorlleorilelisotot attatkettleraettrottleranottleranettnattnottleralenaiena artvrtwrtwrewerewarewaze deprived to a greatgroatgrout extent of the social aosociationabociatlonassociationaosociation of a better organizedorganisedcedewd community theehe amiaeiaentowwaoxonto of the pplapplpeeplepeeniepeople warwerewaywey soatlyboatlynoctly of altarianagi outdoor

111441144 1 p 21 of apiAnappendixdixe c-


nature suchauchbuchguch as riding broncosbroncocbroncoz or calvercalves fiahlnrfiahin71 andad other

outdoor cmpetitivecompetitive1I vetitivepetitivebiyeblye Fam a a resuitresultreaultreaultj the boyc and dribmrisiris were carefree andowdomd perhacsperhapsperhans a little roudy but the ipreshionpresuioniypresaionm ioi iven by the old pioneers thatthab they wereweroweno hont thrifty and tha their word wawaa analnainBJR amodgmodood aba their bond the boys becabecameme expert riders ardand often on holidays a crowd would natherkathermathergather to watch the ridevidevloeahdeehde wild horse brought in from kullkuilkuli valley and other abeauareauare the spotargotaugot often referrodreferred to a4aa the lovendahlovendahl cornercorners locatedleerttedeted on ittysixtyixty7ixty fourth louthuth handbandnd tte treet was the popular piceplacepince for auch sportaportsportssporte it beemsgeeegeeqeeems that there raaraewaaaaa6 a farm of rivalry between the boysboya who took e vooongonconroneonmon herdherde fronfromspors the different sectionssectionesectnectionisionelongeone of outaouthoutb cottonwoodCottonwoo to fraze in the pabpaspatureotureetureo wet of the ettleffreutaaettlernenta thoethesethebethobe boynboyriboyrs would nakenanaremake sursurpriseaursurprineaurprinenurprine adeadbraderri on one anknotothersinothertanothersinotherthers chasing off ththe hornea of the athertothertother and engage in a frefrofreerree forror allailali fjfichtfiyhtchtrbt rhenezonenomezophe bnttleserebrtttleeibro of aai friendly nature but aryany a luplump rre itoitd 2 from thethobhebho eineogineogme lonion with the kaloc of hard ridinjridingniding and friendly rivalry

there are otherothor taleznleztaloa which riverivogive adeldeidold 1 urfurrayurrurrysy or outh cottonwoodottonwodjj a aidtild boteotteatboottegt notting joseph hibbard roortamoortaro ort8orta thatbhat on one cbristrascbristaraifi laetae4094o9ve the local boysboya notmebmob at jojoe ummers faloonjfaloonaloon which waa a short

1 110 biditidoohid P 91 2 ibidtibidoebido p 252 of appendix 53

distance ffromsromrom ththe corniercornerconner of vine treetareataroetaroat andyad taictatctateaate treetsstreettreetj and after eonstiwinconwiming aoeacnenoneacme refrchnentrefrnhnent wentwontyont up and down the street

iringfitingfiringf theirtheir amsnmsAins there was another sideaidealde to the cecialcocialoocial life which developed in ruthkuth ottonwcadfofctonwood cut of their dallydaliydailydolly work rotitineroutine suchbuchsluchsiuch aetivitiactivitiop aoau corn huckinhunkin boesboeabotesboresborea and rag bee brought entertainentertainaententertainnententertainmentnentmentmont from bociationtassociation while the workwor watwaew being done egenogenven hilehiiewhilewhite jutjust viritinvisitinviRvisitiapitin a neieneihborneihborshborl the conversationconversconvere tionation wnw ufaufc accompanied b the click of knitting needleneedieneftnefeneet eleeiedle nearly all the ecelbocicoallcocllal gAhegtherinfggaheringsgatheringsrindsrings were held on a ward bbustsbusisbustcbostcasistsis and usueiauynally on friday nirhtenichionichto lthalthnithwith ceimelmeraberaeberneberabernhern prapropravidinprovidingvidin sucheuchbuch refrhentsrefreyltmentis a dried appiefivaarleanrleenrie upkiupdudldudipupki kinKi ie wdandW 2 olaenisolaenmiftnaeaisolmen cantc sinytinyteny Y poper dancing became a poplrr ty t of recrcaticrecreaticrr j in 1 authouth kottancottonwoodtottantotton woods even though the sii3icml isic wabwaswae often only a lonelonolongiong ccordlanaccordian or riddlefiddleriddie Ao cordinecordingaccordingaocording to krvr hibbard a larianlanlaneelaryelanyete oreborchestraestraastra would concconaeonacons5atconstatconaslatsiatslat of a bassbasaba violittivillingvioviolinglitti twtwo braibralalll11 violinsviolina and nQ piccolo or flutsiutslutflute dealdtoleojateleniLeojAte the lack of a proper orchenorchestratrattrottrab thetho old settlers are reireportedartedmrted to have teenbeenheen foodroodgood dancers who could altsaitsalt8&its in perfect timetimo with the nusicmusicmuicmulc and keep the correct diedledigdistancebancetance between couples at the aoesweaweaxne tine 3

ilbidibadf P 24 of lliandixaxendixaxenaratenll11llian dix 21irkhiirkhaffitmq opopaopo citcitvg p 2612610 3 am-aar3uwntussen op citolcibolP PO 01 54

althoughd1thoujyh showashown cfof difdlfdifferentf rent ty7tyctyrotypoleareoaeo abeames quite early to the eettlerbettler of authouthlouth ottonoodottanroodottonood it waawanwawaeses netnot until later thatthaut thythey

Fgainedabedaned azyanyamy popularity rnercnene of the principle shown which nademadead a topstop waswaawmswraewraa that of a r dietledibtleoibme heilefiefle ould trnreltryelaryel through the coilcollcoacowcowunityftunityrnlunity rfieplyrindisplaylnr a paintinpaintiatpaintiat on a lreirelarteirolarre cvxanqcncavoncnvonvaavoavon alonsalongalonaion with abotomaoemormomaoo lieriiermilerlleraller rict3rcaoicturce andangnd iceneiceme and incidents aichhichbubichvubich hi-hdd occurred in the trek of theth ornonormon attlicnlattalicn between lantatantacantacentajanta keekoeyeee newew exico aneanoan Californicaliforniaft lcnf111onf with tvthe exhibitexhibitintexhlbitlnffexhibitingintinc of the pattini he would explain the beenebeenessceneseeneseenes n and characters in ther mneamnemiimilMJI slinkelinksingbingming ann old oneong which ldhadhud tbthe closicloeidgr p word the lonesolonefioerevzevreq howhowlingline olvoeolivoe vrr 1ederatrorisedcrotro who wKCr rerncrtedrc rtedarted to hhrvearveve livedllyod etwestwent of italitaiatal1talvtsh inkeimkeynker luke att rhh 1 f knonknown ana alicanoilcan cointopointoint traveled nithwith rr

1 ibfcle refledle vt4sw afa Yhrerzv1ofiphrenologistat7t indand ndtnd would reudrend the apiupi enon peoneolenooleaelaaelz hcarhearheanheadnheadd the uuninualinuanuniunua fricefricoprici of zu4izubizuhlauhlarlficnarqrianicn aricwrice nA little whehett 2 or franden producepraduce lutrlabrnatr in thebhe history of the comrunitytcoaymnityi the costello circuscirceocircuo uedaveduved to akenakamakemaka regular viaittvicatc it traveled up fronfrom novonoyorovo ortonont the tattaateante T oadooadoadsaado and dialoycddieaaycd ititz aeelehanteleeiedelehant1e harrhantharahana i ceinaeinA 7ionkeyc nd other iidlidildwild anians altaioaloi the circus isie reportedr partedrepcrted tobo have lowniownbawnbown very populapopularrw arAneananeannnegraingdryingIr lareiarelardelarge crowde to aeenee the erirulariatnariat showhc asaa well na 3x the nianinielniaunisniaala

I1 ibid p 2ibidjibidt ppa 2414 of appendixaDpendlpendi 3ibidesgibidesraidtrbidt p p5pa5 of apapendtxilenieniendixbendixdixgix i


r r the aborajora1or hclidyja such arac theuieulevie y i y ond theth twenty fourth cfof allymily zerezerowere celebrated by the niliefaniicsfa kinfoinf to the w rdrr rouadirouadc for dinrcrd1ruier ndand cerecrtiecetecere onie the fourth ofvf july vazwazvyas celebrntoicelobratoo artinrartinestartinrstnrtinfstartingst at torton in the tortonmon 10 th a parnicnarndesparndcbarnnarn desdee ke mombmepibersmembergmombergarsargerg cfof the r rode h1 raazrge ithsithwith theth youngyou idleldleladiefladiez all weawenwonwerlnffrinepineping

clotheclotho 1 that rarenerewerewero flademade alidiealibidioalijliloij e I1 olloinrfollovinv the pradeprady r trorraTrorraorruonra of patriotic mulicmuficuicbutic1utic indand apmecheeech6 errvrr z helheibellheilheie andoandaneuneaneoanen by noon dinner frrm7rfrnmar nerved in the brovesrove cetestedttst of the rcarcatirrcotinrcfco otintirtin hodhoobouceboudehoude 1instviterdinst iniriirlisi the day elmeaelmenelmeaelmen andrindnind raceraco 0 verwerowenowerp heldholdhoid lorforror the chchillrnchillonchillcheilcheli rn nd whhikW h unridumpirtaunrirm ring andA nd pole faultinevvaltincwaultine content nereyrerayrer heidheldholdhoid forsor tlthehc fncrer 7nanin the eveevenievennj q sharshanshamgharghan 1 tittletittiezittle wu fou71fourhtfouchtit rmramrr e r the blhhlbihbahrh sivesivebrushaluealhosarebrujrhhrushbrush oncm t c th endemdomd cf tho wtaxnxirdd doudsroudsrogroundsuds the won were circled witwie teV 4eae hitehitowhite nenmen acenwcen and chlachlcht lr n rep2rinnrepnrim the ovenileveveniriipenlienil neinelmeilmelmellmeli on the insideinkidoinsade joujobpouob eadinbadin acted as duffdurfduffalobuffaloBuffllolioilo bill tthhe jg 5 ai6ia hite rienen dred lil-lieli e indiana attceattoclattoulattaltce ceee thethobho caicaj andnd the battle v icc starleistarteitartarteturteburteturstar telteIte 12heke batlebattlebattieatie wsw s arriedcarriedc cutc itut with uchmuch dolsenolsenoicso and comnotionconationconotionco ablonoblonmotlona tionbionblon and at 1tsats15 ccncluiccnc1u4 the idina eseesoeroawrewwre invite into the circle for thetb fe t the ctolrnticncelcbratin w indoeindodsnclod ithnith n dance thich waswaawaz uetbet d rwti a wrdard lb benefitenefjt

idKirwirkirkhajarkhaiakhajaan Qop atcatoaiomiCcit p 261 cbaitr V thithlTHE m AD THETRIE I1 tivGIV TH irBY teisteviTFIITHIs IJIKDC the railroad ardandd mineral developments throughthroughoutcutout ththebhe skatestuteskute played asi grentrent part in the development of urrainurraiyiurrxy to fully realize the effect and booesooeboopegooesoope of theetheotheaetheaotheoe developments and the impetus which theythoy gave to the murray area they anetametmunt be consideredconoldconoidered on a Uteuteyidestatewidestate wideyide sciesclescale lrhtherhealrh omeltiaomelliaensneltingeneltingomeltingeltia industry which brought early prosperity to hurraymurraymurvay waawa dependent upon the binesmineswince of the region and the railrallralirailroadsrailroadarailrcadisroada which provided the oreoraoro chippingohipping oyster the growth of utahs railway syatekpyatekeyatem has been tied in very closely with that cfof the mining inductindustryinductryinduofcryry fronfrom itsitditoltd beinbrinninbeinninninnlnir nd the effects of ththe two have been interrelated ithoutalhoutathoutwithout the local railroadrailroads the mining industry of uthutah would not have exiaexinexitexitcdexitedexiatedtedcd and on the other hand had the asininemining induindustrystryetry not developed nostmost of the railroad linesliners of the state wouldaouwou td never have been built the through line6jlineoeineo the tituthkh Centracentrallj and the interurban roads treretra nboutnebout the only compcompaniesunies in the otate which were not orniedorniesor nieded to I1 serveserge a definite needn9na of the minin inluutrysin uttryuytry a scnsansocn anft it becamebec fitte apparent thatbhat the union acificacidicrucific waWWASa

1avidavlddavid f& JohnajohnoniJohjohnsonijohnacntnonionicntont the hiotoryhintorywintory and coconnomicacoaoicacononicaconomicacoaolcaoica of utahubahlutah tailroadallaalrorsdfi1 unpublished fastert theale denertdetobetonetodeptreptto of conoffiiceoncmife ath tha iniverriityrrniverinity of jththq 197iq47 w rP 93 57

roineolnpoingoing to bbyy paabpasspaas haltlt akoakeinkeinkojake itycity steps were taken to ineureinoureinouye a railroad connection althnithaithwith the utah capitalcapitals cnr n archfarchorchbarch 5 laby justjuat two anthaanthomonthsmontha before the ooftrletioncomljetion of the transcontinentaltranscontinential railroad church offielfictileoffictileoffielalsof albaibals met in gitaitaltgit lelikelyke ibyitycity to disdin6iecuadiscuisscuiss formationforsaformatiention of a I1 corpanycompany to construeconstruct t andnd operate such a road rivekive daysdayo imtrimarimter the day thetho tranatranotranscontinentalcontinental reached tdeacrdeccardec the utah antral wisulaukauxawaa ormiedormielororzfxjaizvdgiedmied ebeehethe labor for the 1siylnlaying of the track and the tioaueskioa waaua

upniiedsupp110d by thtahtthe homonakomonaolaonontononaon of northern utah on zi wardw urd bbalabaiabalbisis hoirair labor wasuiaui8 paid for in stock in ththe road A ettloenttattlement8attlement Wwajswass effected rithalthrlthwith the urionunion pacific which rave the utahtitshubah central 855055000hoohgoygeyg0 northworthmorth of railfrallsralisraliarailarallarahlf rolling stockstochatoch and constructionconatruction euienteuieuleauleuzentequiprentequi ontprentprontent for papaymentent on the gradinrgradinaelginnadin contrcontroctcontractscontractnoct which were heldheidhold by ththe ontonttonscormonsmormonstons on the union aclaciaclficaclaciacifiespacifiesficricrlesfiesrieg the firtfirst raila on thethoth newnow road were laid at orden on erertomberepteffibertembertomber 22o22220 186918691 and menen laid a mile of troktrocktrook every other dayay during october and rovetNoveTnovetbermoveihernovemberber corcorscorgs of 15 men waswaawa hired to cotcorcorletoriletlorilet the troktricktrack to aitaltuitpaltpaitulthalt lake in ecemberecemberecembordecember I1leilielyielyle layt spikeik driven in alt akenkelake city the 2 bouvousouthernbouthernthern terinaterinuterteriteritinustevi tinusinu at a puipulpubliclicalcllc cerettcorettceremonyony on januaryjxnuaryjtinuary 1 18870 this railroad naannawasa an immediate buccossuccesc s ostoat of the raining aanufacturinrfaanufaicturin and trtrdeardedo of thetho territory waswac concentrated

intonrrintonarintonrr otor citi Px 27070

ibid p 17127271-712727227727 58

in the alt akeke valleyvailey and this connection with the arinmaln line rtat den waawag vitalvitaivitals 17feoreowo deysdays after completion the first carload of ore waswaawae ahirpedabirpedchirped over the line andzndlidildiid by 1 archyarch ift two paapeapanaasoagerpeaengerpenengerenger trainatraino werewero wnooratinoomoratincratingwncratingratinvatin ddilydllyii ay over the thirty tioreneventioven tletieile of tracbractrack between altaitmit&itlt 11akezake city and cydon thethocho rapid development of eelceltineeltindoldoiameltingtin in the sitaitalt aake1akelawelawok valley inlo10 indicindicateindicatorindicatodindicaterdatodrd by the heavy ishipsshipment s inward of iron ore andnd colcoicokece uredareduge inirrint ae1tingalltingaeltingeating orperitionaloocrtin andd the outbound vollusevollumevoueae of bullion loan report the exporteexportoexported of ore and bullion from naymayay 111 161171 to 2 ayqyy it1 V1 to belieuleuye valierivaluerivalueei at vahvantah therhe utah louthernsoutherncuth rn railroad erneanwarwas a naturelnaturnlnaturfti extensionextcnaicnextensiun of ththe itah1 tabtahutah cencentralcentrolCentcon rolnolnoikraiknai southwsouthersouthwrsouthnouthwrarld through uthutahubah ailyallyvalleyvailey to jub bountycounty the road waswa first completed to anlyjandy then in DUCCOeucccoionduccogiarGiar to lhijlehiiehlihly rovo laysonlaynaniaynankaynaniayf3cn york andnd echiephinephi this road waiswaswatswuawms organizedorAUiidlidild largely under the caffienaffiesamecamenammie leaderhileadeleaderishlloaderhi as the tithuth 5centralmentralmontral but wewabwas later 3 financed ithwith eastern capitalcapitan therhenhe road to the southbouth wae exactedexpctedexpected to serve three purposepurposeseo firottbirottilrt5t it mouwouldid provide closer rail connectionsconnoctionscozmactions with the aarreaarryquarry in bittl1ittlzittle cottonwoodOt tanwood canycncanyonanycnanyan from which runiterznitegranite waiwatanowno beinboinbeinsbeing taken to

JohnjohnsonJohneBonsoneonont odoopo0 cittbittgittcitog por 19

dwardderddwrddwrrd Lin olonlonnoionionn azetteergazetteerG of utah aadazdw&ard 1mitmibraitfactraibaltfa1t lakelakaeake citity directory alt ikelakrke ity utah hereldheraldhereid i rintinff and ublishingiiblishingpublishing CCoaconcorpanycoapanyon pany 17474s p YV

johnon 0 citovcatovc jt 1 P 0 235 59

build the altait< lrelkeake remleremierotleconle2onlecemiecomie occndeconoseconds it aouwou d provide rail con nectineatinecticnnn withmith inporlantportantimportant settlersottlesontcentrenar xxuth&cuth of aitnitalt dakeakelake city to aid in the marketing of their produce and their receiving of supplibupsupplysupsuppli&zfilpli lhirdshird2hird the roidroadrondroldnondro id would tiptap the rich mining districtsdiatrlctadistricto aichhichwhich had been located during the vfi1laglphipglp6 assasa thlthithia alone wanai expected to makemareak

thetho rodroadroed profiprosiprofitprofititleibletitletabietauleyuleyuie 1 ranch lines ouldouidwould malomatemake thebheth road berveserve the atnffiminen of tartaxi and little cottonwoodCottoawood on the antentetast aide of thetho jordan kiverivers andnd eincheinghbingham onyon7 7nyonnyon and ca3cascaaC anaoarap cloyd 00nnoo the wetweawe A sidenidebide eachincachin3cachin7cachinjrjr southgouth to forksyorksyorkyrorkyork the road could shipchip thetho oreroresoree of the tinticgintic ninesnineeminesmineemenesmenee inirilri juab and lesverleaverkeaverteaver ouantlezouniiorja rhetherho utah athernuthernlouthern warw organioraniredoraniredd on januaryjanu&ryj&nuiiry 171 1 137111719 a year rftraftarafear the coapletiocompletioncoapcompletio of the uthutah central and firfirtA brakebroke rogindgroundroxind on ay 1 torkborkworkorkiork coenccdcom-menced odiatelyjiaediatelyim and the road eraberasW Is 0oncn to traffic to andy thirteen rilc3rmileaamilea acgciithab of J alt lake city 2 tyby ptemberseptcssbertPtembers 171 thethe author haheahe a not been able to find information lannan to when the rodroadrond paaedpahedpraased through the urray aropitarmpitaro but in vieview of the fctfatftct that furrurturrayburrayray lai nearly half way between litaitxitalt lake city nd adyndyandy it mayay bsbe saasaraaaaarfm to asfunararunieasfunaeasrunaarununieAe that it passed throuthroughb a month or two before reachiinrexchjlr the andy station

rherhe work on the toalroaltoadroad continued untilunt in eptebertober 13s1672s gouth benhenahenabenwhen the xxdm4dmad wawulz corgomco lotdietedfeted to tiehllebitlehit thirty cne milea cuth of

1 intonrrintonarintonrrrringtonj 0orZ cit9citcita ppi 277 thidthidibid p 27 60

0off ait1 t aceae 1 rcsnosnop ohiohlohivehichiv thetho rallrorailroralleo uIC wa comcoalocoalotodiatedbatedtod to nericanericn ork by iotezsborepteaptemb of 13751351371373 to rovo by vembernovemberlo of the se year tindzindtynd by the end of 154174184194 the rodroero e had been coacomcompletedfetedieted tcto yoriyork in 1 juat countyI1 shortly after renreqrechirurreqchintchinTching torrtorktorkatorkvyork the utah outhernsouthernsouthornbouthernou thernthorn xtonxtonsionxtonasiiousionaionalon a is oranejoraoraneaorgawzejneJned but construction on the exfcnicnexttnaion was not started Uuntilitil 1417 the purposepurpoaevurpoae of the cacampanycompanym nanypany waa to eatndeatnaextond the utah southernou thernthenn bouth3outhoiithrdrard to the frisco iningvining ietrictdietrict eltorowhcrowltoro the fouocouofawoua

ane horn livliyllyily r lneine waswywag loctdloc11ocatidtd iheihoahehe rnilmadrqurcad reached rriscoariscoriscriso0 O by 2 june 23 I1IO10 in june of 181 the li tah entJentgentralgentralrai the ututahahxh oatheroouthernoutheroou thernthero indfindaind the uthavihuvih outbernoutburnoutbern xtoxainnaionnolontonaiontonationto ionson weroworo milmii11 combinecoacowbine lv1919.19 under the union cificceficicific into a corconcom lanyany called the utbuthjtblt b Cantralcantralcontral allaliailwayailailwiy0 wiy1y yayaterrtmterrternorrernemr the cccombinedm binedbained linolsnelinotlinoyi ran ftrwroeroa t dendendon to I1 riscorinco a dihdipdistancetancetanco of 20

1 werpworp ninnilanil5i I ea 1 toriaeratorgteriaerp in 1 9 thisthiathin alterazysttr4aytera wa 3 oonoomcombinedbinedbained with the utahutsib

xc3 0 mdind hortherncorthernnorthern allropailro W to boconbecome the oregon herthort ilineane tetefyetef4stermostermO and in 1119 3 i this system bcnebcbeneacne ne pap a rt cff the laniann edro ioslonlos aielayeljieljielecieci and alt ke ulluiluliuilroaroa 3 atileill ie the mainmaln siirorrsiirorr systemsystemssyaayssyaterasgyssystemrsterasteraetenaers were beingbetnbean builtbulit throughout the lonionlengthth of utahulahblah and mmakingakinskin the arcsorrorc of the ajormajor rcinir

libidtlibidoibid p afiacl261

sohitohneonaohjohstohiToh nsorvneon 0 citcig r 560

53 rrlrrrlforlf rtonartonton loc cit 6101 dlstrictrdiestriett availalavailablell11l l to the mmeltersexciter of thetho alt ikelake valley smaller railroadrnilroadrailroads were boingbin built to servenerve the tsineminet of the alt akeakolakslake area thesethosetheae railroads were especially iimportant to the early seltin in the area thezhe first of theetheae erlyearlyenlyeniy miningcoining railroad vawaswan the bingham

1cajiyentanyonanyon and camp floyd which wawaswaa organioraniedoraorganizaorganizdniedzd on bepoepeptebcrtembervember 10 167218721 thisthia railroad raxranrajsl frofrob a junction with the utah outhornbuthornsouthernouthorn jaeaetraetaur ardyandydy to ththe binghibingham I1canyonanmonanyonanmonanyon sixteen lleeileemilea of thisthlethiethin line had benbonbeen completedco pletepieteplote to inghan by november 21 1873 it wsw&sy&s built both brodbroadbrond and narrow raegargaenarcegarce fronfrom andy to thetho weiterwelter in eat jorjovjordanjordanodadodano arkianniannlmiki 1 narrow sneeamoapoaro trozfroiatrotatrom aestresit jordanjorann to ingingrimingbiminghamlinglinghamLiagbimhambam thithl1 hin saswaswaawaesag dondone tto facilitate the shipment of suppauppnuppuppliessuppliesuppilespliesiletliet to the aaelteraeltereltereiteraltoroltor from the utah southernouthern in IP1 79 the line waa extenextonextendedded from hingenhinghnhinghm to the bishFighfiehlandhijhlendfighlandland Ylnemineineyine the grade WCGwagig too etepetecpedep for locefflotivtlocomotiveit soao thtahtthe eartyempty cara were pulled up by uieulemaiemalemule power this line becambocambecame part I1 of the rio randebrande3rande sternwesternte in eptewbrt 1s61 another of the early mininginin rilriirilroasriilroadgroasnoas waawacwuawauwuu the i asatchasarch and jordan vallyvalley thisthibrhib eadvadradroadvoad wasWAB incorancorincorroratedincorporatedvrntedvented on october lisils 1721372 to build a narrow goe line frvzifevzifroffi eadyendyaabyantlyaadyanily to altaitalta in the attliittleattibittle cottoGottocottonwoodawd mining districts thisthle railroad wasaca c zoanompromroaoteroaote for two local interests first for the hauling of cyanite fromfrum thethatho quarries at the stauthstouthmouth of the canyon andn second to facilitate ththe

johnsonJohnaon op citeeitocibociti evlpvlpp 4 C i-


shlshiahiaahip insng of oriorkore li frofrom the minedminevmoinmoln farther ujup the cantonocnyoncanyono construction atrt&dsttatt rtedarted in januaryjanuoryj&nuory of 1173i3 and the roiroidrovrodd waawaoaaa& complete to granite on ayy ai3i3 175 1yiay y estenbereptenberieptenbereptenberember it wa finished to Fflirfiold1ftirfield latflatfiat eleven rnlionileanile& from aandyrandydandy and wauw cotcccocoi t lete to uaaltmalam before 16791079 ietvejapetwoodpetwoon asarchaoatchasaachasbach and 41taqita thethatho eradeerndegraderdorde afirvfir6 00ooio beepteepadeepateep that the em ty ccricrljrr hachathashad to be drawn up by mulemulamuia powrpower aaAS they were in ditbisPisrinhafflpiswhamWham thlethiethila rilrilrodriiritilroadgilrod rodnod wteiiteiweer acquired by the riokioklopioplo rwideawidejrande esteaestemostemesteem in decimberdecember of x31 the denver and riogioglo10lo randearandeakande estern railway wabwaswaawae incorporated

c in utah cnntt july 21 11811 819 ajan aa oubidiarysubsidiaryoubsidiary of the denverdenvor and fdomo randernnde rftllwyrailwrty of colorado in 1881 thisthiethle company purchapurchasedpurchavedtedved the

ingbaringhamingbam canyonC anyon andnd CRPcamocamp floydploydploydi and thethobhebho batcheatchbatcheatemt sateatchcb and jordan alieyaileyalleyvalleyvailey railroad then erlyearly in im29l&y3 it started construction of a narrow daxegaxes line from aitaltnit likodiceluko city bouthnouth and castreastreastrrdavdard to ththe colorado border thithlthiathib routroute utilized the lintline of the 1 tahthtab aadand leateaIeniensantleaaajntsantsanb valleyyalleyi running frofrom prindvillepringpeingnrinirvillepringvilleville to cofield which the io ardeirdeirandefrande quiredacquiredac in june of 1rifiarj 2c byilyfly thethobhebho fall of 1882t1882 the riohio randebrande4rande had a through linline from albaibaltit likedikelakodakedako to the coal minemines in carbon county this line brokebrolle the

T coal snoplymanmonoPelyonoplyonomanopelyply aichhichvshich the union pacific1 held in ththe aitaltait rkeaketake tflleyvkileyltalley making Pproaiblepropeapeoaiblesnible ooremoremoro economic 0 erticeerticn of the elterrelmerrwseitereelterrberrberb asellaswlls eileliell as chenchoncheanercheabercerner coal for itmiamit workers hen ththe linelimeilme reached thetho colorado

11bidehidbid appp 505150 51 r-


border and doinojoined the rarrilariiaA 131.3ja of the coxcomcorp&njnany in that atte the noroncpolyn C po of11 the union ceficcificlucific on chipping in and out of the territaiterritoryy wan alsonisoalgo brokarbrokenbrowen the comingcoiaincobain of thetha railroads brought an end to a number of thetho waller uneconomic induatrieindubtrievindu atrie ofor the territory by macinermakinermakinmahinmawinmakinErwiner avalavailablelabledabledabio anufcturdmantifactured laalmlat riale frlzfalzfrecfren the ottoutsidesideaidealde it did howver i stimulatentimulatestinulcate betterbettor auitguitgultisuitcdd induitidutrlcsinduatriceatrice to tike their plaiceplziceplaces hiefshiefohlef

mong v izoaraangizoagaong theestheentheon nevnew industrisainduatrieaindustrisa lirlin and its relatrelatedb ed indurtryindustryinduatryinduatryabryntry sreltinnsrelsneltinganeltingamelamei tinetinn nacinacliciriciruorecipusruoousounpusruncun metalametalneaetalxs hd been dlediedigdiscovereddiecovereddiqcovftridcovered atut several aceeaceaecoe&coe in the territory but the devlopontldevelopdevelopmentaldevelopmantalmantal workwor of the mineaminenrainmainmaln had come to a standstill awaiting better transporttranpcrtatintransportatintransportationatin facilitiesfacilitieuefacilitieq in 1675018750 some five rearjearsrearsyearyears afterarterartorartey the comgomcoalecowletioncowleletloniotionfotiontionbionblon of thetho first railroucrsiilroyi into ututah& isoremoro than riveriyeriyo and cneone hairhalf mrillionmillion dollars worth of foldeoldgold sliversilverftilveri copper and lead were produced the jutaht h centralientraljr utah southern tinhamlinhambinham canetcanytcanyonn and camp floyd and thetho catch&&tch and jordan valley railroadrailroadsrailroadorailroadsoSo ccan gharah&re ththe credit for askingmaking thithlthisthia production possipossiblebAe annual production continued tcte rise aa rail linelinet were built into new dietrichdietricudietdiotdintrictulricU andmiodmind the minemincumineu incrouaedinoreuoed production until in 16iigi1&0 a fiurefiflurefigureurbure of locoooolOC OOOO hadbadhao been reached in 1919291 929 utah stoodshood third among all the forty nine tateitate3stateaspatea and territterritoriesorieG of the union tz a producer of nonferrous metals

uldibidiibidt appp 59605996059609.596060 2ibidbibidlbidjlebidj rp 95993995131314149 I1


s early as 1 49909 bokboj5oj0 arieyarleytirsirtizlerierley ratt had diadladindiscoveredcovered iron ore in southerni ou thernthenn tjtth and dortlyhortlyshortlyahortly aftersafterjsfterafter pritAprimitivetive oaerationoerationoeration were carried on in an attempt to refine it ther discdiecoveriediecdiscoverietdiscoveriesdiscodiecoverletverietovetieoverie and attemptstteptopt to roduceproduceproducero duce metaimetal eteereserewere made and suchauchnuch an tiewptattemptnttempt wacwaawazwan that of iaacisaac rundy wbcvrhcnbc located a le-ledd lneineninemine nenerr ineravllyineravlllee iin iftibb85w and built a crude rcrecoveryovery ftfurnaceftarnacearnace to produce lodiodlead for bullet 7 helieaieale nnanauwaa unsuccessful because betoethomotnomot inding in thetho ledleadlemd enademadle it too hard tkdzahi hiiswiisw s latrlater found to lea silverallveraliver respite thenthelithe5ithelkthemi erlyearly effortefforts a to colonel confer of the

1 aliforniaxlifornia v oluntetnvoluratcom foafoofoairooi the credit for buldinbuildinrbuildingA the firfirntfiant0t

oizablesizableoizableoixeablezabie eltingsmeltingsmellingsm furnace it nas erected at tocktonitockaocktanjAocktanitonitanj utah 0 namednaciel afterarter tho city in Ccaliforniaallailalifomia thisrhiaehlaphia eatabliahnentostabliohnent answnsn des-

troyed by firerirefirosiresiro andnod doendo not re-remaindewaindemainmain boondT ecoidecondeoond one of olethevieone rever- berberatoryatory tjityt najtb built by conner in 1laU att faztsztamamparpn belief on the sitealtesibe of the present tontown of stockton narnear huhrushruhruahnush valleyvailey curing the auaaumbouwerouweroumeryerier and falluau1 1.1 of 18640 many draft furnaces were built the Knickerbocknickerbockerkor and rgentaargenta raining indand neltingbelting omnyCozcozananyzdanyanany azwzians orniedorniesorratnizedor nied in rewrowlownew york city to operate in tueh valley but after endineendingondingnpendinn i about 1 GOJ600 on vachinevachinerytmachineryt the company fairairalfailedledaledg becausebecibociuse of 23 distancedistances freight ratedqratebrate& and inexperience

idarldard g Ledyarledyardledyardgdg barlyariyerly1 arly1arly mininfmininamininp and meltiarmeltinrmeltimeitimeitlmeitinnr routhnouth of ialtaaltlt iketakelake citycityp axaxiuentay1 dent ax fyY 1951 1

21 atwnew T r 11 tollhouse ththezhe rocky younunvaintainvainvaln ainteaintvainee ntw york 11 p 1 0 pletonpietonplebon andnd compnytcompanyj 0737175125 72ac7c0 65

inn 10170 ai nvnew eraera tartodtantodstartedztarted itin outhoutilboutil cttouocdcottonoodCottocottonwoodnood which waawao to istlast for nearly eighty yayerjberjyereyorerz tinduldmid changed thetho little villacvill&cvii1idjo along the titatit3t to olgtoadold into the city of urray in june of that yeryeyen r thebhekhe oodhuuoodhulloodwoodhullhullhuilhuli otherobrethtfrbrbrotherobrochero built the firztfirctfirce ecodcic&llyeconomicallyecongmically auccoosfulsuccegfui elteroltersmeitersmelterecaolteretaeca

1 in the torriterritorytorritcrytorritorytory 71thlethieis efiseiterselteraestoraejtorafi ter warwas built at the junctjuncajunction& n f the ploxd 1i ig Cottrottenwoodcottcnwoodcottenwoodenwood creercreencroen and the taitbaitbattaatvt3itaate floxdhoxj neirnear ththe locattiiccaticnlocattionon of the

uny I1 wava ururryrny 1aundrylaundry fromacmeromrcm thcethoetacethcze workiniicirorkin vers khiichiiwedped the iirntgirnt bullion produced frdfrom themineelne ine of ltatritahoutaho it ntow to orqfeltede ltedeted from the oreroreoorocover of the onitoronisorvonitormonitor and aenetaanetnet andid atherother slinminetsainmineu of uttielittlelittie cottonwood 1 nyannycn Aht thithlthisthin etllhente aa lizhment eight tltcntanno of ore were treated every bentytentytwenty faurfour lihourscurso rhereabereahere islailag evidence that another aeltcraelteraveltcr vasbaggag built in the burrayvurrayurry araarnarsaarea contercouteyocrryocrarymcrary ithwith that of the oodhulloodbulloodwoodhullhullbullhuli bretlbrotlbrotler&arz thisthib VAQalq by oshinsobhins and cocom banyganyanyoany it 0Q lco bcunbeunbeiunbegun in the spring of i nt the junctionjune tictio ti of the tate oqr3 and the little ottattottattonwoodottonwoodcottonwoodonwood creelcrealcreekcrook 113te plant beeme to havehavohayehayo been lspracticlirmpracticzlal and never operated wceessfulucceeafullyy 2 eideoloegldegloegloe froefrom the eltinasieltinasismeltingsmellingsmelting works otnbliiaedeztnb1ichd by thetho oodoodrluilnall brotherrbrodherrbro therr and obbinsobbin4obbinigobbini thretherethene have been evenovengovangoven other aeltrts&meltcra built in the iaimmediateelteolteeite 1 Iunrayurraymurray area the writer hulhashushae not beenbeed able to obtain infomstioninfor7rtion asa to ththe exact daters of ostcutoutoot xbli&bectiblishmnent of a


2 doardtdyardtdyiedvardqardtards ORop citeftcit p 5 r666 number of thene exciter or the order of quencesequencene in which they eretoresereyore built heretherethenehene isie sonesomosopeso e coricortconfusionconfuoionconfuocortfunionfunionlonionjon asas to whether the arsellerrolterroitermeltermollermolter of thetho APerianericnericrin meitlmeltieitinreitingmeltirurrur coiyonyCorrocornocorroanyany caacaekaakaeca&waa built first or the orniaornimormerniaermatila phe old plonepionepioneerspioneernernerm in writing to trr Paspasmussenpasmunsenaluenaouenmunsen in 1937siy57i stalestatestaitestalte that the ricAnmericanma wiwrtwet first and the oernlfernlOeroey nl shortly after thefherhe dvedatedavedove they rivegive for the nerniagermanianernianinnln wahewantwame 1371 but in inyany cdecjecae the irleIriericarricannericarnerimaririericarmericanne panned out of the rictureacturevicturejcture ditcuitcquite erly while thetho JcrjcranicaermaniaanitaanicA retrainedremrainedrem aiseaaise3rained for nearly thirty yearn theiliellieille redicanricanrericanre bitieiblelblneltittreiti ConcorpanyconpanyComcompanyananyapanyananypany workeworko wereworeyere located on what bece knovmknolynknovyn aas the oriorlI eriannericmericmerlcenericemericericnericnan 1aliallulllailnill and inter robearoezellroeearoezelaroe ea milmiijelljeli111111 11 thinthibthig hill in the one aunuonuunu yonion which the v urray armory for the otahutah rationalnational lureturdlurdilurir5 isIG now located the utah viiainlainininni a otieottezette of eetetenberdetenberenberember 131 lfi5i1873 descrlbord4eccribek the nihtriantpihtplahtplant ar underdeiriundeiriunderroiundorridornicolcoirOi extenextnivcdveave alteraitcrationoalteratinnatlonatinna to eetbeetmeet the reiro5ento of x inreinrcinacltrgc butowcutow biiribibiri ie

1 r v acaA forty horhorcenowerhorgofowercenower eneffineenfineineune vazvaewazje becilbelnebeine utt11 ut uptupaupq ndind ttotioio nv futfurrutfurnn-ace were just cowcomcompletedplatedpletedpleted with the irrartirp estqutq2t blitblat ever introducdintroduced in 3 0 k lrt in the territory bein rctactriedkiceiceledlod for altinrlrltinL tinbilbin o altexlte thia fvfvorblefavorablefavornbleorbleorbie description of the exiexyoxyexnnnrancaanranranrA nr 0 ertioartioereratinntio the deltorneltor c hort livodlavod

r thehe Jcricnaaniajcrrinniarinnia J beitfneitfeitrsr occumccuoccuh5ed the areaereare hetbetboteqreeiieeik the

inasmuseenr orndaornua bengen 0 cit r 9 of aprendixappendixnencilr encilenoil ibid

utahutnhuenhU t h binlinilininginln it 4&zettesQ e 11 e i eptemberseptembereppterberembertemberbemberbomber 1513 1851873 67G

i 1 enlienitnicnniann i ceficcicificffici c andin the 10iclo andrndrniid r llroularouironcitronci trtrcrtrcatc ndn c a chortnhort distance outaoutbnouthbouth of iortyeihthorty eigtith out uuchc h tthnahnh t rrtt 0off the oiaoldoid018 lr ur bricbrie mdand corcrotemrcorcon crote foundtiuq4ounditiciia tiitil recaremainromainrocaregainremain to oarkoarrmarr the ap t the trtieltirtlclrf of incorancorincomecrucrtcretionrationcrttiontion of thisthiethlethio corianycoroanyconcomcorocormcormanycomo imyany were netnot filecfiledfileo until 177 wetpetyet dencervividencerevidence shew that it mrw klei oeioer tintinrhinr much erlierearlierriseralierrisen ondnd cntglitgatcatcist lilivelyely I1oltlunthunthuotmit in the beiryeiry0ilr reltaveitaveluarelutedrefutedt d byt-y the old ricnftfrrjonoerc the utahH t h iniani go tiette reportsreporto in 1731 7573 that thetho germania hhdtd meidameidemrvde a nlnnurnunevlernvlernubereeroerjor of irnrrnverrmantin rvecnt ndmd iatiidiaadiaidti2 ti nd that in june

A ifaif1 of thtthtttattthit yearye ir it hdh I1 tmetutaeame out ooo5000000 0oubricfricfc cf IVIVCTCT bor

4. 0 0 T 4 tonn of touretounepurapunapune ieledaediedd fundaundaunani 5 duncounefounc f old inn t1lrthfcthacA t aratyratye rkr the cornicornianycornianico anyny burchpurch reboetuoet the exclusiveyclusive ri ht tcto the placPIAC roce a forfozrorroz

C l 4 1 kop rt thsh rndandnd calcnlniafoaroabomfomlfomleom aas ndind h incrinarincrc ftL e it1 t c i tV tiai1 tto0 16000jkot the arniaveniaventaernerrrrniaintainia rmcgro in both ricleeclyeciyebiyeee ndindand rereputifcidutput iti inI1 n I11 4 it roirorrurrorrrorrtodportedrurportedpurportedtodtog thtahttlvt there eerwerwencwene seventeen7 ercrtblhmntt ribnibyib li ahmenhmen t ugine fortyrorty sixix amoke ststackpickaickv in itahatahtah1tah andindand in the oreroneroperopertittitntittian n of thettheee

i xblishenterviialventeategt 3 200021000 tons of bullionbul-llonlionilon were turned out per ranthonthmonth f theaethene seveneveeyetitoneYeseveniteentitentitonritoniteen estent li&hont olrtoart ionlonlounlonnionn ototteottcotec10 C that the eraniaarantaIeerantamanjaeriemanjanemanjafantapantaaniaankaanta bugswugsag3g the outrioilt ygtgratrstarvvcniycly run wawf-Ad thitthat cneotat of 2 theth leidlaid iullicmullicvullianllicnn wrws r rfinrdr&ftned thitherryerele etaeneja yocryocayoarc lteriterlater the cern10iormcernan mirimirkaa j im halhachaui o indedanded coiderbly


2 colertL c rt icnian rihutah zettercjaettera andteind dirPirpirettorrectoryPidirectorypirectoryettorettonecton alt lakdaklakelekedeke ity uth 5erhldeertaldgertald rintindintinrintinx and zibliohinr company lg049349 p 70 ithity the rijr ijiilroiidrolroalro zdd cievacievcdeveirdevoirir entoenzoenzoz- entsento ini th norlynerlyborly cc lotckotc tho m ininln iramir1m

1 cl and luffeuinra ta n r intryiantryn u i try i rrhinnhinc c h n a ne tv lphhaphiiphfhF h iirn rcrcciuctindu c tiw-k in 195 the intlantlm reducereducedreduce1roducql1 1 S J Y as0s omadtoudouaouomsdaouadtadtada of leadsled tltlajalajvlaj AJ conrcunr of cotorco torror 17p2llt730lt730720 4040 ounceounces of rsilver andnd 997997.y73 ouriouriceiouncesceicel 4 01 1 nenmen w- rn 0 of0 f col tt eloyidrloycdeloycde 331 ranon nndandnd 0 bo minakiriakirq loneionelaneazniuazuiu to iacreincrericrericce JOe 1 roductnrvducvlcn in 1 G by fifteen r cent rhephehe romitrrpmitrp mitni zi ccontinued0 r t 3 nu c itcditct e3eaguccefu3u c c e u 1 0orertioro0r4 ti r a uulliutilJ t i 19 henrhenuhen itJA birttvirttr burntburhtbuchthyltuylt by the e nerionericnericannericnnnerimannn noltinmeitin and i cflnirofinir gm bany0oaoanytrifeifel aqpqPnyY rhophothethophe rev cocoecon anyaryany corticonticortinueecortixuednuee to 0 czcrtccrac to the lantbantiantsimaolma a short tirotirre untllurtunell it hd colcoptrcoPcontr tr ttethee bullcinbulibull cinoinoln of ituit nc 6 eiterelterciterolterciber in 39 third celtervelterwelterweiter ilitbiathlathulthuithintbaat inim oth ottoncotton in 1 171l u the

I1 etch alverlivedalved ndandxnd Ttethithe mi teiterreiterwelterre iterlter tt yx bubumbuibuiltIlt encn theoleuleute uttyflihh outhetououtheroutheriithernii 7 illrcdailrcal in the prcxipraxiarcvrc xin ityiitycity of the buntshunts boasaoooasdo cfuningchuningfmni rixniende necttoryoryony thasthjs1hjs ovleooleoeltcrgeltergeiterovlelterlteriter r- v ouieuleuiouipedpeeped ithwith one ravenaveneveroverberstoryberberatoryatory andhindbind oneoc bltblntbantbitbint furancefurnnce with P canhccnhcenblnecsledsiedalodjlod clacncityuncityacetyacity of fifty tonabona dailydallydaliydaidally 3 it trtccitrmited oreores frofroti attieattlelitfcle ottonwoofiottonvvood ind unghamsUnginhahaashamshama

T 4- arme undem 1 tnM 13731 75 thebheth weiterweltermeiterlteriter r 1ortedportedartedorbed to be undeunder rdoydocinen a thomusthomuvthoroughj h reodreodclinremoremodellingdellingelinclinetin anksanus ir ventrcventreventrc tent fisorinorivo ne blttitlikatbitlakatb lurlurnacefurnaceburnacerurracenace of a

lo10L ilanllanijankantnorllantuortuertuor llandbo9khttndboqk on the Aineikindiknops lleiuejueaueufigrgiTul and inerineraxavineralsVinemineralspineblaralsraisaXa of itahptahgtah alt lakeI ake city ll11uthlt mb Aloantoan0 1s6 p 1 2beaberhe ininfiylain& jrdutryjlduztu of uttuthh altaithaltdaltdait ileikeletke city utah chambrchjnberchamar of Merceonmerceon 11 p 222 u melmeinelmeitermelterterrturr in altait ake valleyajj&yq tlt7uth a typed reportveport of rit i 1 the ericaericm1vericnn eltinmeltinjreitineibeitintin andanclandl rlefiresiresliningefefiningrefiningnimg ComraCoscosranyconcosmanycomranyodanyranynyknyo aitaltlt laielakelaje city uthutah 191959 69

CcacityaucitycarcityAulucity City of thrtytllirtythroy rivo lonzlonntonstonz of oreoroonoor ec wereweroworoor belnebeingbein addedsaddemsailedariedarled and the worliai6vornsvonni floor v mov-it a tory hithibhigherhorher ihornarno oidold &eltarhoiteelt&rr hadhd

ango & n ueng producedrodu cedcej eighty fiveriverivoauvo toabtorntormborm cfof bullion fro 23i f lonetenstonebeng of oreoro in one of it furuacfuruacej in ninenane workin 013 rhiachis anjelteroelfcoranjelter vwwaa another

110 which ws chortahortghort livdlividlivcdelivd s for therbthertrtherq seezn6beerheer6eer to4 o be no roenroentionaenfciontionbionblon of it in

1 pu L atlyihly itterlater u licitiomlictiog 1tatt possiblyposa 1tly closed whenwheil the ffsinc of ittleittielttielittle1 cottonwood beebedbemueeacmbcmin to rallfailrali in thetho Alatlabiabsteate 1tjlsicyjg the 12 j broubrouchtbroughtht twotoro more elterseiberssneltersshelterssmslter6sn to the nurrurrrijurrrijelyekyi lccallacallucallocalityity thetho liornnorianorlai livuv r injlninjun ompjiny built a srareitersmeitersmeltereltereltoreitor otioriotton i orty oiehtheierfath othoutha nernear the rabatprejreraeatjrezentzent iocatifocatilocusonlocuuonun cf thetho urray tweroserower ludtlunt zizzlyariyriy in 1 i he slfecrgitter v5va nonnnown thetho aiicfclyfttiraaicklynjr aadand

1 it oreratedaeratedoperated contnuoucontijquoulyjy uraliuraik 1 roharuhalruh ofot 1 hlahiglia lueriteraiteriter1 fibfiv1ivc bitbltblxtbaxt furnnceeijl urncoa oraerwor&er ccapablebeibpialeglegie of harhanhay linallnalinallna aj2jv lonetonstonebone of ore j dilydalydllydaiy loan rotorotsrote ix 1- 4 thatthab the smolueltrinelturbeltrinel terturteu wrawrsraspaw a euloaulo IVwithth the oatostmoalmoat modern chineryrnachineryrnaanaAc hnry of the daysgryary and dint the ranckranckiynlynalynq alonenione with the larnardabarnardacrn&rjla j ziania conaiderednaiderekcoaaidere the bosthosthogt ortloforteofvork3c& the country 3 anncmoncuongaonc why it stoatostoppedpped oerationjsoperatioasoperations were not available to the author bcutboutacut a silenilemlle north of the jermania leardaercaernear the big ottoncotton wood reek arldaladazadaridanid near the utahutch outsuthernoutheruquthernQu heruhenuhennthern rilroirilriidilrruilroti4roi the orfan aelterwelter

utah vanirsvanarshininphinings tafia itteattettfittfi loc cit lfc1 weitersweltersmeltersmelters in alt ake valley loc citcitacitocibo

3tat cobert1 ert ionlonicanloanioan j 0 citolcibolcat i T 7 vv n cuiltbuiltU 11 t cut1 I t tthrahr c tuei r c thee acklynrcrcklynr i c kKlyn13ir iinn I1 3 tthiist i a

1 ye I1 i irbirtairtr t P 0cl1 r4ra tte rsr e cchrcht r tto0 tthehc innurknuranzunz v 0 r nalnmlncltinnoltinti n r c YryY yi 1itt 1helnbeinheinheinalheinnlrinrnl r ththebhee intant1lntr t cconiconiltconictconlc n cLtt k d ccff ttftcvc LblartbiartI1 a n t ffurrurU r bcrrcrncrncc but ir iterlter1ltacaermerterr ycyer r it c r city 1.1 icrotvicrot e artlunturtl41 1 rvenyeryenherhen it w rchrcc tyby the cuiccric citircatirci lirtir ro efininewinin cnyanyonyft ny trrr tnttotbot ycyrrarr r it y closel aindyindrd Jicntlodiatiztinti rf tI1 e d ouenogencuent we en

1 Y 1 kne 1 rt the yee ir I11 I hen iitt buibulut 1 ndinelne the seiterseitenelterelten tre ttltdludtudd 11 7 ttcntanc n t aoff corre icin it birbic et yeycrtycrerj 1 3 thethacthae xnucranaucr

CC i r temeem C produced ovio17017 un olof01 ierlerlorlo10 0 000 pounds of coorcoon

0 7701770ccj ounces of olivergilveroliger 1ridndzid atyt O dunccancicanco u of oidoldoldsoids lb turrturn of the century brg t chartschartcharlchantcharlschants s and neunounow developdevelops entrent in the altineltinsaltinseltinaltin inuindctrytry of urrysorrysurr iiI1 38 theth deriderlmericljerijericaajerickacaaiz aimam eaimpcitinpJ and refiningefiningfiningefining oirfnyorianycorianyt ladhad oraaiedorgaaizedorganized azjj a& aitevvoite jerseyderseyderney bcrecrccrcrticnporaticne indand chortlechortlyzhortly therethero tartor acjirodc jirldjircd a nuanumnumbernumberlerber of smallerammiller eltereiterolter 0orainocretinocratinretin in the alt ike alejjlejVALQJ hen it becbeanebecneme relownmelown ththitthatat the corianycoanycornany vijvtj loo100dooinlooinlooinoln in for iteitcsiteditc to bulbuirdA m ntlxno md yoreloreorc extonivoextent1veextenextonemten ivo intsanttintt chethiethlecne inform t ilienilsenciliencibienc ltienaltien of urrayurr tordformed a smitteenmitteecomittooco mittoomettee to invrtitcinvastigato escilleoscilleoscilleasbleasbie iteitcditc iaiu urryhurray lad to induce the ceaconcem any to build ther 1 hiu co ttecotec under the ie idsrhiidside rhinhi

1 0off Jjncnameoamen hoon archalurchakchaiurchaiurchitoedurchal tthehe land directly nortnorth of riftyristy1 iftyefty thir authouth and lio-eronrc t of tnt treet tindfindnd offcrclof1cred it to the

11 11 i eltern inini aitaltit nnenweikelakeinke alibialiyivalley loc citcite 2antnerntnerntnernen loc c51anitqnit ccortnycorunyc tanymany fcrbcr a1.1 loceiticii lumalum3 i bvhtboht rorforor cnetlknetlcnetL more

1 1 L I 1 whichI i C w3qVa rio tthethoI1 uuwlnooota v 0 a guterti iutertuti teertr 3 Cci urrurnurray axyxy

u 1 the corconcollconlconlructioncont buctonructonructionruc tonbonI1 on ttethe ilown olterlliteroltenfalterelter otrtoartot rt rid nd itat thetho010 ajrojro tiletlleUUO the ilhaucr antunt thetho inoiinaoainoiin&o u amealternibermlterMliterlteritentertevbev in icoyzeoyiioy bere4erenerer rdii3ndiuaiitleantleantie he jernlfernljer nl wiuaiuwiltirpir ortoft runninlrunningrunin ulliutil ita122 lenhen tlethe 0 ulliculctic i r clcf theth nc tI1 um4urruma y latlaiIAIimitamit beb ruiruldile1114 sehlkehlh nc intantlnt raraarwar cqulrei litaditlithiitl elneineihtechtt bltaltbituit rurncs with Ai ccc&citycecityacityacety jtZA thetletie ti k CAcf utoUTU tt i y ii tontou it vilviavla hk thetho 1irot4rgeatorgeat 3 reiterx-r6lttre 1 tk r init tleil vavlioyflioylcyley At ueulcuie tlelirietietinie lcc itix leec11iclyuggyug u corrcoicoircorcoperr aseuhlenbleuaceu4sneltvar builtbulit neneirnerir the joroan iviivr on ht 1 n c illetlle tullicii trecterect hoe boruworuor oreerewere knonknvn aza lietleciethe lihrihrihlandbihlandland oy andaindjind ent into fufutifullfuli11 oertiuoderitiodeoeroaeoertigtinritiditltiu in e rurury0 ry ii1 aeAlce jitkajitkt baib4ibalubuiulitgeb to trettrwaarwa the tuludatuludebuindotuauluulhudelUdehudorjluc copercocoi jrper oreor bcrncrrorcr uced ffrnmt i the imondimand oy I1 ine atA t ijinhanian hl6m thetilezhezilethle comconyany urchacc v-verjveryvoryry little ore ircbircfrc other theahe1he riantrlantfiantcdaltclant wau in contin ortin utilubil jnuanu r 1 i At bichhichhiclz tirctiretime it clou antancnn entventwent out cf buibulbu3inyaine3ine L by orrorv of01 the rdtedlnitectrited tateebateetxtaxt ourt luculeb0cuiebecbee ue of the iaoji t- to the c10acrocloacloo of thetho vlajvajavajeVvulavl3julaaleaja

aaraufissen 01fake0 ctcit 5 off aiP en5ixendixbendix

interview with 1 infills of the medican mieltingmeltingmielting zidjid effiefni on ny trcharchvrch 159 keikelheiningheiheinangningnAng dutduttryduffrydufdufcrytrycry of utah loclacslacoloco cit 41 eltereiter in altaitmit lake Tvalley111fty n op cit i-

nr tthehe rrocc0 c a 0ol011 r liufinfiufinlai ui Yix LthL e iir i t 1 hnylnyiHJLi 0 0onr tthoha orokeorokeome c junejungjume i if tinuin cut irto tlelletheule valley tictiefic the tc of tlethetho paritp aritarlt coaisedaidedccuedccuen trto thet cro oryery 1 tietle trrarr et intn 1 urryurray widmidurd or xrokroaro in ii effortffcrtort to ct 4 ndtirctirilri fcc ticlhicltx f rcr the orieoyieretithretitire liriuirltitilimulm coacm i Viohloeaohuchc erxena allkeyaclkeycl olof01 i ad chrchrnancarnanchzairnanaannan ofot tlethe firnerf aerrer bcrecrccruittcjiluil itteeattee nadmadnd a levyievybevy of ton centcont rr acre waaWAZft x lutiutut on eachOUCII srcarc r indland to tinifiriancetinisoicefirmancesoice the iajlaalajbaj proceedinproceedingproceedin &h ley1 agalbatalnatcinat4inat the eltorfceltorwzeltoriifceilor tubah tuhu thetiletiietlleuhe 13e5od ace1aceaaceltcrtern eperiencecef cricrced acactete difldefldiilicuaicuaiau ay with the lo10 action of the tr6tra they verwere not forced to close d4owuon theitholthoitheel r 0opcrticitct crr tioteo zu loror nearaneuranouranearlylj thirty beiryeir eftercftcrafteraftoractor th urray meitermelternoaeiternoiterboitermeltermeiteriterlter rfof the jrjricanjeicanican altlrg and dining 0 j buletbul1tbujilt it 0 ertcrzetcrtc it or nernear capacity ositxn crtontcreoreozeone irofro rk atysatyxty I1anchanah alm7lm inticanticinticf

0 oahernothern itahilahutahulah I1vouthrniouthernbouthernIou thernthenn iuthcruthc nd ev aringuring tbisebisbhifi briocperioderioc the oxide orrorzorer saichsalch could beD esixyealzycagilycauily tieltcdazeltedq alwolyoictexy depiatecdetdei teateu

mideride it necouwirynecenecessaryneceusaryusAryosary to davuavu&w thetae oreorcdoredorcmore cunconcumcom lexie auihideakihidezsutzesut hide odooro i aceuceuch were begiasiiugbelbeiuelbeiamibenamialinaiaMi to be develozdevelozedjleveloo4developeded ac itahutah aiziafcxininf proi rcrcacgreceed to deeper levelslevela

1 therhe record clof nenrn r continuocontinuouscontiauouacontinuouaua oorrttioiiooritioji w broi1 rounroonrw onun in 31 honwhenwhon the oralteraileralteroller ciocloclosedclonedede d lorforror iiearlisearln irlyly seven northr thsohs bechacbecuacbecaujoe of the ahalartaalortaortaat7t caof ore insunsind thetho dcrcicn 1 roucounon thisthiaullamelameta tirtis until its

it aloeke heraherldthealdt11 ctobzcctobezr 21g2191 1

r rheaheieeleeipelhe inaninirienirinjn inlvoimqfcrj ofafpf tthiahe oz0 citesci ti 1r 25623623.6 73

closing irin loltol101 wltlwaltlw3wa the exceptexceptionlon of the wir berryerdyeddyerr tthehe noin-leiterloiterwelter01olter ceratrdcratrd only a 1rrtart of etchtchich jerrjyprjerajyor givornigivornsvrngvrvang ineingng nboutnebout devenneven months


1 warg rn 19194t the concomconyco I nxnyy tainftainanuncetinnuncetin unbedunced thatthab it wariwaswan stoIatoiatolstobingstopinatopinstoiinginelneing 0opertinocopertinooperopenPer aitinora entirelyentirlytriy andana by Toverbervemberovenherovendertoverberovenherber of 19to1950t the piantplant wc closed permanently 0rjidraidin d diadlalitnant2entrtantlenent ertrbertr berbenbeunbaunbpunun

1 the cloning cfof thetho 1 urrurryvv eltoreitornelter brought tc an end the wseltineltit7 r indindustrywitrymitry in arrayurraykiurrnyjnrray inn industry aichhichwhich had existed there nance I137p7pa when tiethette oodoodlulloo1hu13lull broothorbrbrotherbrothorbrotherisbrotherasthetastheras built their Ortorgeltaroltaroltershelter therheUS

11 ve e melmeirelielternrelternreutern1 tern in 11urrityturry aichhichwhich h beerheerbeenheen dlomloKWOmauomamo rrakclraalcal by the railroad vyatersvyystcryntervjatersaters of nth ereanerevnere the hitbithir eftoftertert influence which changedchungedchanchdn th little vjllajevilla on the tttetteite oad in outhottthbouth cottontyocdcottonwocdj into an inccrporntincorporatedincorpornted city toTT or U that remains to remind the deorlepeorle of the pntant A arere the disdibdi&crdediscarderdiscardeecardeecarded durdusduradurv n and the blantgiantiantlantbant orokeoroke atstckosackotckv nernear fiftyrifty thir authouth and tto street 1


rf w V X jf ijhlillihich viavviviah AV U ly

Aheac acilooirjchooljs in urryurrey tertodtxrtod ilchifch eyer bbeinnjl jj rhoh lirtfirltfielt cottleroottierc conducted achalacholecholzicliooi by the noiocr b ilngieng turklturnmturny inulanulinutrulruaruacu clctin&inaingin& thetho cbLiLdrencaxidrencblildren in their horhurhotahorahorgs y 11 jon ithoaitho rightright buibulbuxjltlt 4iala ciloolcalool hubaobuohaoc cn thebheune eoaleo at ide of046 thetlletile v tr Ak short eti 1 1 .0 disdi3tsmcot incoince north of the rxvwxw yi urvqjurve t4 aa1 ia1 thetho abca0csoccnc1cm 0 choolschool houehuuehouaboualioule to lo10a builtbu 11t iain jit llallouo bounty outitfeout4ddie of lt ilakealakezeukex&tke ity and

1I ay consisted of a alirelreirair01 ge roomsroonoo rather rinriuruliyjuliyrullynully iy coliotructeconotructe4 aiaridandid heated 7 iithth a i mailmallgaiic-aI1I1 centriceneric en tr t 1 y 1located0 c i tc d slov3 tv v liililxi ttaehe WwinborL rs to r ttloaloteoL a ttoi 0 uhlljuiilziujll sasstasbant aroazroa d thethotilatile ove cornjiccorndicjic to thethotheirir ajoncenco3 eithvithih tu youtyougstyougyoungstyourlql st i ciclcrcnldrcn uairaslno irott t lielleaisiis source cdgt he40 fc to routleroutlu16vilowallwailwilo6110ilo110 ter WIv LI t aught oy oleroier tomcaomcaiontcr I1 tthethohe fi ulduluvidAU interintorantor ol01cifoifctr I11 Ai A Ahchc torm boclacwacwoc iaaidaideaaa a longerlerigerloriger iss noanowno ta icherichen ec in tcthe auccaeliauccoeinia winter eae& itllntll iurluclocaur therethore nadhad beenboen tiellellono ocucticnleeuckticwxl orforsoramtiorantiorAmi4rizl3titi ln cbt4lcotatiisbodIjaijaheclhecl by civil li ach bcrccr nuritnuxit crotellcroteclcrooro tecitecl nd in rod

t luilunIVI ia jtifflff3 own uch c to aultnultnuytaltuitultrult itcetreisarelitreliitselfitcelftrelseiselilf rY arch 5 i1n ctt j

1 c nconoo vilt e ountyi june 7 isaiba1 sa 2 iwmonorltaysventavsaysvent 0 ciket PSp 16 5 lrhxt 01 citolt i c-b-

iwa c fa tthej c ljiiriirlaji livujivuu i e y1 1 viichIch recalrectlrec tL xctacc cccuityacuity ccoartscourtsnta j z orA the v rjlajl cou ti- 040o iv ce teineln cireineln tcrriu i ltoitoiltobilto c c1ca fcricv aidtaldlaidluidardurd c cilancin aticti i ificdfled vctisrvc tentep indladjaJJA the strictadtrictostrickaj I1 tov elect three trut 1 arzr 1 ouiokidijuij be to rovi

1 iii i ujiLleu 1e bud1-1 udiuji I1 ji I1 ve i 1I I atatjillet duliedulleI 1inI ulddid irm verjveryrY r or0 r tto0 crirtdcrI1 t tthe clacilclocil injn vctlcrr re cctactctjvtve brictjrictiari

4 01 rceivi 0 o atlutl ri c tictig irlirekre tcic beriberlterritorial

ieic j altur3ltur tlthechec thlill L u tjty 0 t aiL tavtlerlarlevav i i divjiviced1 3 c d

i tfbiebletieie courtycoutcour ty i tcto khoaikhociachoouchooj jiltrll 9 AI i ere avov cor r 11. intcinac thet 1 te it cttriood cinctcipotrircc4nctricipot aeeebeedleb c isjotrlcttrl c t n gur orioraworoor3 nurnunnurbcrfberbcrb cr ro venty furfor 4 ontyenty uy rbyzbylatyztytyety e i ndinci orlyorty five

4 lotrictlodrictiatrjct artycrty live lerlotelouer dcileciecle j nvtciet icC rziarziC ZI r ttectoctoev d 1irofro 0authouthutL ottono0ottowootttonottowo0 w c t fitfcre r 1 4 r tiotto jtrictoct umlaumlvluj totv cp the t entyerty fcurtl wwudmuduribriuddwadad erityelitybelity rithjathjxth wereeieexe incluocincjacjxxlucicluoce Cco letilijillyatlyltltlylyIY ithioichio1ithinwithin the corrtccorrcorriccerrconn tc 1 tc f ht laterinterluller fcectec4tecc e urry ty n notmotmcnamona ol01of tiotiletsieft enfcy stiistilctlicalit I1 I1ltrlcttri c t becc c alreuroiro0 ai rrtt coff 7rarr niliniti cool di tr1cltrj c t

z le steritfteritwefltf 11 ft L Cuclchic1ca4 0 ot010.1 iafcrlct1 0 tric t co ajlrjl ce ttheliellehie irrect now

qt aerioaervadaervo bjb the rijrajriqrlirftcr1j z qt ri uldandond orxvj ereiersrelbereisoel ei t ry ychc linelsnis ie

journal of thechecne jointjoint gsinoasinogainsgaino of thovw aislativeoisltiveisolative bobly1 coblyco1cnomblybizbly of utah trritcryteprriter Vl8gilagi529529.529 in 1846

yearnyirn 1.1 arccrc cilclienryclientryenryenryonry q riftyfifty yirr of independence t matory of surdyaurdyturrymurray city chooli 5 unpublished asternkasternaateratern thesialthesiafthessiatheasia dayadeya t of TICA 1 p duetitr driveruniver sty f titohditoh 9 4547 76

roughly fromsromsuom the city0acity north limitzlimitodimitz south to about 5560tajtkj authouthorutho0uth

street ththe first school houzehouvebouvehou&e in thiathin nelnolreii vs& am ononeroocroonnoonroom log structure located abaraearnear the present sitesitoeitoelto of the cannimcanning factory

operopertoam d liun 11 a 4aw cathcuth amdmdymdd 7 c opertdtd by huntshuntet food 9 nernear 9w cjthth the rnlorini or aciracifceficcifici railroadrailroads a near ans emiomicanoan be deterdeteriredinedliredqired the finet techerleacherlencher wiwacwanminmrs nrtskrarts nnmn ivanaimana brown who had taught in nglandinglandangland before migratingimmigratingim to iouthlouthbouth3outh cottonwood in 18641664 thehe first bubuldinbuildingbualdingaidingAlding to be erected near the sitealtebite of the present rlintcnar1ingtcn choolschool w is3 a one rocrooroemroom brick structure kithwithwlchwich a babiedgabled roof the bricksbricka erewere manufactured md thethae conatconstructionruction supervised by ieojradeonazeon twoodawoodtwatwoodood one of the districts trutruatoetrustasastoeatoestasastosaatosa heho building was dedicated olaon015 january 12 1541841374 thoeheehokhe leeret newsnewa described the bulibuilbukibuildineburldinebuildiagdincdine asa a firt class truotructuretrucstructureturetuve costing about n6cnac3f6o q in preproprocuringcuring skencskename inz for which y liberal assistaasltanceassistanceassistaneeanceanee tat8as renrenderedderedderod by persons connected with the dencenreUreuordenorrecorcenormveaomor in thetho district 1 bile there warwacac one school bounthounthcuj&e in each of the authouth cottonwood district r in 117517373 thisthiathib vanwaswanxa the first brick building in the area the ecithecuthoouth eadend of ththe stratr ctureacture waa partitioned off to akerahenakemare a halibailhallheliheii where thetho pupils couaoudcouocoudA henehenghanghag their coats and bathathatsbats and deposit thirtheir luiichea thihbe larflarr e roodroon aaaWGwazwaa divided a little later

tbidsbid pon 40

athe2thethe deceretdeckretuegeret I1oaseatlawatalawat januaryjahujanu ry 14 174161416741814 77

aindand5ind k lizaliaailza lade I1 ennion becanebecame the tetechrtechartelcheracherxcher of the aritpritpriraryprimarykaryzary t rdearadekerade6e the school torrborrtormborm of 13r7ra r winvmv m still varyveryvory rafortnhcrtraort lantinntinran4n only about three monthanmonthaqzaoifh tandnd even then the boys went to school only when the nowsnow wa3waaw too deep to work on the furmafru or haul wood from the canyonscaccanyonayono children frofrom the aaecac3 of sevongevongovon to tonty atteaattenattendedded atlitsit a costcoatcont of about seventeen doidoldollarcdollarndollardlarn derprper uurijl with the tuition charge usually beinabelnabeingbein paid in labor or reduce n in that aefto3ftoafaoaate yoyrir the district bartedba5tedboa&ted alnaina nrcilyntunrollmentonrollment oiof forty eight PUPJIO and an aveavoavrreavorifeavoriseaarrerikeriFerake dallydailydaliy ttondceattendance eff forty therechereinhere re a mn enrollenrollmentment of

seventy five and ann veraverayerverelrei- ree attendsattendajlttcndjiceice of seventy in i3trictdistrict twenty four

ellretmet thethome firatfirutfarat schoschonschoolA in the Ttwtntyantyw e nty fourth 4itrictt14stricto the renreamrea

aa 1 nry aresepresenrenentlyniyaly served by the liberty andund 1alillcrlillar4 scri1cri At elementeleont3ryiry whociwhockachoclz wzazw held in the hotehome of rc ii&lothairvileth 1ooroaloro aR vidonvidowwidow hasehcse si allali adobe house wackwemwamwaesWACS 1 cotdcoadcnt5d aboutribout t5ta3J oathouthojth netrdaearjaear theth fatetate oadontivadoati he tuteu htlit only the ssremaliemailnaillallaliailma161 chilahliildronchildronchaldronchildrumch druhdrum 0older110 ar pupuioduiopuispulsan attadiattndi the centralcontrol choicholcholchoi inn strictdistrictAi tventyisventysventy fivdivfive these younyoung chichildrenirrenlerenidren verevorewerewore taughtt luht to reredtd and ritowrite andfindeindhind 0510540310o lluelaCludlaUELa

therhezhe secondceconoecon school usetxuaeUSQ of the district w-vuevuavoe0 o built irin 11543 aran emn addition to the eldoldoid achoo houehoue constructed in 12 1747 itt was built on the proprortyprontyerty which ldladbad bolonbelom oci to iwenawenen ovendahljvendhllovendahlovendahl rearnear

crenchearyiCHencHearchenryscrearrysrygyi 21 ctticitiatticitecito pe 45 2 thidchidI1ihidbi de

31bidibid I1 T7 the utah entralcentralantralontentralnalnai aliallailroodAilrood trckarck it yarwanyan locittlocitolocatedA jut zantrosst of the reentnreent ubertyliberty chocicheolchvol indandndjnd yn c tthethoe incheiinchedinchetcrtir hool jarcjzrc inchecincheckinchejtortontor hd heenbeenheonboon one of thetho dltar1c1dintrlctcv1cvac fcrvrte hccfcc offtrtoffartoffcrtcr leeieeled1 to the finamcinrfinajicinr of the neno tructurotructruootructuroturotunetuno rhehe nerneeneunov ticricychcoi1d1001ad 01 building w- u al one noom brick lugwug11i&in luiltbuiltbulit by sireonimeonsi&eoncimeon tyconaivoodtycodaiwood to neriynexiriynerlyberiy the varmeow irmarmlrmtllpxn wi the brick building in the raetyryetyvwexlty fifthfirth

ictrictdizarict 1 hekhe schoolechool 1016lo isudusuduaod ao 1n warwazir meetighcuc thehe firatarnturnt teacher in this nottneuneutnewnewtnow builainfbutiabuilAInflnaena aftfiersrft ary ilysilya cheterincheterin andaindging orynryry ri rickrickononou curingduring thithirioircoir firfirtfiraA yeumyoumyo r terteztctchingachinghingkingching mondozdy ay atnt thisthicthlethie schoolachooiuchool they uveluveuvo itt the 4 chcolchoolchconichozol houhm&cse frfro i hondyondondyiy tthroughrouhrou z5za h

ridy becuebacue of the roorcoorpoor rorjaborjan over which they hl to trav-1 i At vieviofehobehebeho endandond of eachech mrrct1V the techtechsrtecharteoh sr ent loielolehoehoie a clardclnrdc r ho 1 2 what e tohyohohich parent clelcuel0 cl the teacher for initructicn rr nielynfelytlyL the firtsirtftraatra and only ty acanncan ticr1 school to ovoirtobirtorratearate in urry 5 in lih cheulchool coadxteconcctcc b the Ctcthodiptbodithodihodl az in 1 thethohe aschoachoc ho s aaeeaceem e ttcc hbveaven v e wi51 i 4 aercjarcaareaercar v- atrfftrta r the depressionctprcfi aiongionglon of 1 3.3 hocurhocvrhoehocvr tliretitrealirethere iain evideevinceilcericetice tbtthat the

C eethociiatt h0 U i at a odoredomoredomn0oredoreere-d z nni&i1i schoolc it0 0 I1 iinn tthehe wuurrayrr t y rieroierojerer i ilinoeilsnoee aAQa 5 lteitealtet IK 1 3 thetho gi antyunty uc rint nd t of01 schools illi

at 4 w 1 yoti bewtewtearttewrtrt repreprtorepartort d irin 1 thitth it thretherethene v 1 4tt 1eaeieaie1 At one 30siydsaiydboti

bidI1 tidA IJ p 47

2 I1ibmb14 P

31icjdjlid p 4 o-a-


rriaryprimaryprimury nd rndeande scliooltseltool in each of tho airryzirryurraurna dietricdistrictsts KatleetiektleA t10 demdeloeldeane wanwoewaowon listed xuAQ princi al of the ochschoolochoolr-1 l in abtAstistrictastrictastriotriot twenty four with her rsiatirbiotori luillylxilly1 ly ennean zacx at teichertelcherto icher in the z enty firthfifth

latricalatrictlafcrict the princiaprincipprinprinciptilcip waewazwa chritcchritechrisc1111.11 1 ti1111.11 nen md ry leedee liberslioers iadwadmuzwr azi teacher thefherhe teachkeachkenchtatacherrteachersteachervcherRereerv verevevewerewenc lirtodli t according to relliousreli louiou

1 2 zffilltinf fl 1 ta ti I1 n aluo haebhebefae totvotwo ffcjiktyacualtyacu jetyALty abor2borberuonbor in iafcrictllimtrict enbyenty toule nerer rarmoisroormoonojroormmonoj and the ttcototeoeo in itrlctaitrictastrict swentyiwenty1wenty five eroerere nonnou cdonodoncron thethotuetuotwo ciatuciaauclauzeu tauguhttuhtht in the t 0 o district includeincludedct reAredijttireadingoreadingsdingo sallinscllinscllinliln vrritinvirvrritinibin ritheic raarf cocooiticnriositicrij mraitorhitorhiM r turyjtorturyiburyj and

11 1 i ll11 hyioloyy 0101 Q y amoecmoecm oe of the lettonbettorbetton Atcilltiafcilitic of the twentyautantyonty fifth strict oe additieadditivesiddlualsiddgiddlUal bjctr were ofoftcredfarehtanev in the pforrprorr jf 2 l IC tthtahth a t ditdiaduadig L ilctc t WO ferijyerij 11itterltterluterattertterateruter the couritjcounty uuMU arintrarinerx intontincontbantdentdanleant rfrrxrtcrxirto0 thetho tctachertechercherchec in thetho T entyonty fourth ietrictastrictabtrictdietrict to ie lorlonloralonibori1orinon 1.1 iinicnmicimacimacl i1 atiatlatieatle

it T .1 C eioeleeloelaneelkne andauelandlaneanex unieanunicle noolnoltnoltcucu uldand t thooeiorneborne clcf thetuebhe tentytontylenty1 vionbenson t iiifthfifthj f th 11 jF corrcorrleorriccorrlccorralcccorriccC lc t rra coric and ilaiiaiafla i edolee ly lu tietlethe cocorcom cementnceroncertentencementen tentlent exerciexercisec for the entireentirv cucotcov ttytj terewerewere heheldheidld jtat uraurzur2rr V rrobtblyprob iblyably beeribeeriusebecnuofiuseuso of it cuntrrdctnarlntrl toction1oction andeuridedrid in that yebenryenrtr fifty

one turleritturgtueeritlerit d vtcd fron theth eighth fracetracet-raceraae C aly four ofor the

rweawe girgugargucircucincu arfaraar of thethi alicblicublicbublic soo900 2 nitritmitn it j akek 0oluru re taftjf 1 T PIT 31513 0 o

chnreiclicilchnryicliguryeuryenrygury op0 cicitcisL p 5C 4 irirculerarculsrculer of the alicblicutlicsutlic ch 01olavolzvol of itat tfnketankeke fourounfcyty 1 2 4 TtpT 6 J tnyycurcye lu t PC 1franfrcnrtece n tthehe tirtimurr-r y littictlitticalitTiI1 at I1 cctt y the yeryeyet I1I1 fltletieflealcfmctlcC f3cliceallelleilcll1 balfbudilbilf Tn cif the 1utyururyayiyy is velh tbrictri c t vllh ndn d rrrcclvoc 0 iv c 1I n uchU C h 1letlezr d C C I1 ttetybetye t fivefiv0i V yoryenyon ce rlinrtrltraltr hidhioia bcbccoaccoco e ov 3rarr crowdtcroTcrotiriecrowdeirie andnidrid otoutitcootcocoziefcief averiloverilovo7cntoveriteril wore ntirtpdairttitirtrt to secure ininrcy&nt in oth liitrictitriceirtrict inieinaekniene f tite trutetru tcto of 1itrictitricetracttrlct ntyy fv rrrnorrrnornemno tahet1het coiinity of theth t& actict v-t i t weilavbi1cwbila the flltrfitnarfignar lctlat ne 0of tbcabe1bethe richerjichett in the ccartyccurtyc urty it tilialilaliiaill1111 h ono of the oartoortocrt uin e w tc th fc i tctctorymctorylorytory brickkrichkmick balbml n- ith b ert be 6rectc but he iccicofcc lcc cutcubculiocubio zo ththttbtahttt the uisemise3 P v luti n cff ttheI- C districtdintrict t ththtahtA tietictle www wn brabrnnotara vcrvenvcrvervor 155000 incainc1ircliinrmn 1 th-thi- eatnertnerTn i colter aventcvent forror0r a no choo huilhullhulibulldinrhuildinvdinv i trtoltrtclle littit tthe wenty T arthurth i2tr3ct ro n r c c to Lthrahrhp frrfrc t ti u e ttlcalctectee n unnurceentent M aieiyelyeiiee to the t ixyeroxyer of thtltalttetteb t

1 district 4vilp therthem f 3 ettinetlinetoirettiretlirlintir tc 1 0 llelieilehelI1 n ufuagizugiz t I 3 y fforfonor the ur e Coff ecttlinfset tc vetie nM s Vtc whewhethcwhethet r the r 5 ave raynay UY nc cre achoo ht nc sholdcholdyhold4mremr d b ro viraaredtirctincnned or hhaveive it ralrolccd1 1 cedcod by cje thethohe lettylerty fift11rtin irtrlct tcthe jffirix At tc ccrr y thrahrthreshrh it b u lf141.4td54 1tp ro rw in I1 the socooccc lioci entrilentailen tril chool iliinuliin r- f hecterecteerectferects 0 on tth1 0 11L I1 1directlyI irecarec tty bahbvhbvhid tlcticalc1 re ctt

ericaericm alainiosalqi junejuno i 1

1.1 i d Jnjnrryjarryrrynry 299 1 5 rir i julyrulyculy 1 81

1 rllnallnrllntoncllntontonbonwon chool it eaiseaas a lardelarye three storyatory redrodree brick bulliungbuildingbuiliung ccontainingnviininr tNrelvetelgeteigetwelve ciscieclecirsclaacirg 5 ro r ancm of- icce2cea and a library the building cont ivrovrowr 2500 fcrmcbbrimahbramah schoolochooliwshool hounehouoeboune hadA been builthullthulit in the twenty riffirfifthth

21 strictistrictastricttlotrictI in 1895lt9ltvilg setsatjetsuatjuat wetwest of the Adenyerefrerenrer and rioio orantorandeoranegrantgrandeit arftateriaatetrtrftateriuriuviuvinft niirop7kilrana trrarrtrcktrokarckaclaci a at boutabout r uth it wtraatrayurayav a whitwhite burned brick buildingbullbuilbulidinceinddind containcontainilgcontainingcontninitigingiLg tctvotwo roomrooms rithvithwith a lonoionolongiong hall or vestryventry Leletroenbetybotyreonbotytroentreontroonreenreon and wsweid heated by a hot air furnafurnefurnacefumacofumachce locatedlocatexi in the baebaegentbaggentbasezentobasebagbaagGentzentomonto th structure watsWCTwaas known eaBO the loneerionoer71oneer or eabeat ide school and llieeilabilajliajila aeffenanteffenteffenoenterrennenoen taught thetho firtsirtfirstfirgt second andami fardttdrdfmrd edceedeegradeesgradeen while baberheberhaberbeberbober underaunders taughtbaught the fourth and fifthfifthsfiftheyirth the eiitheixthsixths seventh and 2 eighth bradecgradeceradgrad attended the central 421choolschool afterarterartar 16991899 the school year of 1431s31c3 1904190 sswsawv the enrollsenrollmecrollaententont of the twenty fifth district reach 765 an inincrouseincro&fiecrouse of 717 frofromgro ththebhe enrollment of l873i1873v anda the number of tenehrsteachersteacherateatenbenkenchrsehrscheracherb had iaoreas4ijacre&i&ed from twotyo to thirteen 3 inceanc districtnintrictdintrict twenty four had leelebineieseloseiene financial aastcai4sttuaaste tthfttt did the twenty fifth their buildineburldinebuilbullbulibuildiagbuildingdineding programpro graffi naturally rovednovedmoved ahadakadahead mteboremrenore slowly rrncnn earchmarebmeirth 11 1951919j55 a bond leetiozelection waswaawmsa held for thethokhebho rmrposeraposepurpose of determiningdetedetoraining whether bondiboadabondahonda to ththe amount of t206000&i20i000

heavyhemrymaytexrytkeary opiope sitcitsik pep 53

bidbadbtd 00 POp 5535 3ar1mjaniwaineanneaisericanAiserican aftllaftelfaluliluiffl 30oorsroorsepteafter 12t12s 190319030 should hebe issued for the erection of a modern school ilinbailinbuilinbu hirtythirtyI votevotervober were cnctcntt in VPt ft elect livltvrign sndand of that nunubernumberberbevhev twenty

uve wh w 1 roro seven wereer recoredrcordedrocorodrecordedrecorocoredrod in favor of the e ure whichch wsI thorforthorvortherthorthoreforatherethore rorforforaforo dicidieldftdrdiredared crridcrarridcnrriadoriddid 1 construction racranwacwao brbnabnpun lotalmost irneditelyirnediatelyt aniand within the coirtivelycatrvarntively horthorbshort cacevaceco of lehtighteightpightP monthamontho aj well euireleuiredeuired t elvo room bullhulibuildlnrdin vris0 co lifted f3ediet3dtoediczitedg and put into dernerorvicevice the newnaw builtinbuildinbuildingT wnwas occiaoccupiednedaed for the firtharfst titifiotibio in january ililil111 I1 rhatrhahat atxt bamesame yeadyear thethobhe ceorlchorlschoalschonl w inincorporincorporatedcorrorcorpor 0101.01 d into the arryurryvrryniurroy chool iiatricti1ntrict 2 by ovenderovenbervovenberovenberemberembar of 19cloloitol101 riansr1tanzriangrlangelang had nearlynevrly been coecom imltedetedlatedted for the entanlishrententmiohyentAnlishrent of a hibhi b school to be located at endyandyrandyhandybandy urray hadhodhildheld henheenbeen mentioned asa a rxarxdclbli3sibleisible siteeiteeltenite because of itlatlit central loca-

3 1 tion oubbutout nothlnrnothinrnothing had comoco of it arly the next yerjrajr2 r th4&th county uxwrintonflentuyarintonclent nouncedannouncedbouncednounced r larolarvlano to hold anon election to da terminedetermine the felinfelinfrfeelinrfeelingfr of the ublicwblickublicr toward the btbuahinetitablinhinc of high schcolaschools atnt variousvamious key points in thetho county the trusteestruetrugteesteen of district Ttentycentyenbyeubyenty five in urry coaliedaciedcalled for an election for the ironeroironerurnonerorugnoneirose of voting on the lavue nfof forming 1it hihkirhkiah school distrditrictidistrictictlct or if high school clcierclclaantvalciercierreetreer should be incorancorincorrorterncr itel irin the concomcordonconforiioriforikori schoolschools providtaprovidedprovidtA thetho hlhhahh1trh chcolchoolchconeichcol wc not built therho hihinhh rchoolschoolnchool undt Ass to beb conftconatlonlomconcorn nonednqnedft

rorVcrronctlenrytvcrenryenryenvy piop ci t 6

Tibjrfttj J

3 imer 74ovc 1901 americankmericankmerime ricicanan aslasiacl0 1 ovorberovorber 30t loi101 853 of dietricdistrictstc twenty fourgbourgfour twentyfivetwenty ritefiverivaficcifivci twenty sixtelxeixbix and thirty tighteight I11 the votevotoyoteyoto wabwaswaa neativcinegative for whtiewhile izin district twentyfivetwenty rivefiveriye the vebevotevototo for and against the 91establishmentambliahyrent of a hiffhhilahhilph school wl3wlkwiw i balanced thoethossthoasthosa opposed heidheldhold ththe upper hdhand in all of the surround ing distriadistrictdi&trictdistriatiietiie opposition to additionadditionalMI taxestax wabprobskblynattwastwass probably ththebhe mostmobbyoet iapcrtantimportant resonrenoonrennonrevonnevon for thetho defeat of thethatho masuremazuremeasure the movement for the consolidation of the schoolasehooleechoola of saltseltseitselbseib lakelakoaakeaksoksokeiake county had been going on for coneaonecome tinetimezime by Decdeczborseeettberzbor of 19014sas the county cocomisniooerzaionertzaioanioanlonerlderlnert had ironvanskonwansronwon enough trukteeatrustruatruateentruKtrugtebatseateeateen of the school boards of the county that a& consolidation resolutionresoreaolution waswanWAR passed the entire county except for saltsait lake city wabvrabwae to be divided into twoZVQ school districtdistrictsdistrictaa the mormon church baorbforbefore thithlthiathin tinstinetims had divided the county into two wallermailersnallerknaller stakes grqrafiiteto and jordan menhenaen the reomaopaoresolutionlution woxanwan approvedapprovedl the ahoolaboolaobaal diotricudintriotediotricU wereworewerg divided on thethobhekhekho abnearneaanearmesame baalsbazis the county cominsionerscomaiqttioner casadpasadpaaoed a formal reso lution creating the two newnow districts on july 303 11051 and ntbetnet thetb timeume for the first board meetings 2 AA eonaolidationconeolid&tion moved onOA in thebhe county leeallecalleeel rivalry mdamiamt antagosimsantagooioiaa causdcarusdoauaed bitterbittorbitker apyopyooroaitionanitiononition to tuthebhekhe wovamovawovaestatovwttentestent in the burraynurray locality the fear of losingloaialoeia Wpartt of their autonomy aadand that

iiml44bidbadbtd march 29 1902

2tbjtbthe salt491salksaik49.1 lisklasklaike tabwqtribyftet july viv610410 1905190436 84

inareaincreasedsd taxation was inevitable aademade the re4identorftjsident seek a coursecourno of action to kepkeep ththe urraymurray dietrictdiatrictdistricto from being included in thetho nevnewne county districts it wabmabwarVBLG rivavieavivarealireallreailrealisedrealizedlizedlazedsedzed that the myony solution to the situation lay in petitioningpetitionins for a chnechancechanco in the statusszatus of the city from that of a third claaolaa city to that of a second clansclaneelaneclause city citiecities of ththe sefsondoecons ciecleclass larebererererarewerewero allodalbod to orrorganiseorganizoorraorganismorgorganizenizoaniseanize their own school disdiadladiatrictotrictotricco independentlyindepeadontly troatron the county in which thythey were loclocatedtoaptodp and to conduct their bubusinessbusineasbusiaeoosineas dependentlyind1vudentlyeijodependentlylioliuijo ithth this idea in aindmind the city council amazedannexed an aroa of land adjacent to the outhwetsouthwelsouthweiA boundboundryboondryboboundryoundrydyedyoryo thisthibthithlchi acticaceticactionu wailwallwaiswaswae taken to lvekivegiveive urray the rcrulredalredulred petulapeculationtion to becoatbecombecoae a city of the aeoondiwieoad ciasclasclaacla3claw4 atit the timatimo this actiaatiaoti n wridwri4w takinginking placeploce proviionprovisionproviprovisioieprovis lonionioie wrevvowerewarewave made for a coniumceneruaconsum to be taken with n the newnow coundrieboundrieboundriesboundriedrledries the population wnw reported to be 05650365056 soeo the council voted wa june 20t20 190519059 to petitipetitionot the governor for a reclasaifictionrclavsification of the comnunitycoetrmnitycommunity the governor grantedartgrt the petition aadnadand eartlyehrtlyehortly afterward the city weiswas divided into five runjci i rd for the puripurlpurropuriorieorseorie of 1 electinrelectingelectinpr a board of educationed cation I ourra79rray1rray 1 statusstatua wabwasacsanianibcsa chancedchanged trobfrobfron a thirdthlrilthindtheril iestlastelafimaz city to that of a socandkocandseoondcxaaclaasclanscimas won julyauly4uly if1 190519050 ththe cityciteecitye nesnawnewnow school district oneepaeeedeneoapaoeed tbthe old twenty fourth and twenty fifth districtodistrictdistricts and

rasmussen ep cit appp 143444iti15xlyl 8

at a eetinfimeeting of the trubeetruteetrusteetrutecteestecstee c fro therethenetheno diatrictcjdistrict adeonaldeongideon Y urnunnurmufordrordforddord a teacher of aoebomesoeaosomee thirty dearalyera1yearal experience wtvrww selectedaelectedaelectod to beb the actingiictjutt supervisorsupervioormipervicor of the iurrnyrurrayburray schools until the nernorneznew boardboand of education could be elected and qualified irr hVmfordmrordrfordrifordherifordhvriford hdhad beenbeonboon berving as principal of the twenty fifth astrictistricfc seboolecboolsegool sincebince lyhbyh13q2 he wa n fivenriveneivenelven a rioeriocbiocrikint of 3 10luo1003100 per yer amnffmaking hishiehib salary 120u420 for a ten monthsonthonths arrtrrternterm

nevynovy 30ao thethozhe no iurrayburrayurray astrictdistrict wA 3oe itits artnarttrtntrt with four achrolachoolochool buildbuildinqbuildingbuildingooinQoo two ofor theth a tuildinfcuildine wereworewero modernexodernexoderm htructofiraructwosfor forsor their reg time they feafegfeaturedturd moodgood800900goo lijbtinglihtijs and ventilation andnd rteanctexsiartean hthentehento thethene wer the centralcatri building which had been conpletedcompleted in I1l891898 i at a eortcortcost of 25000 and the south sidealdeaidebidenide bulidinbufidinbuildinglr which had beenbeonboon completed and occupied atrlyearlytriyarly in 119 6 the old five roornoorroom brick buildinrbuildinnbuilbuildingdinndind atsitaitalt the south end of town xanxonwaay sold in december of 106log1906 the fourth building waiswaswajs the eteteineeteideestaireestaidesideeldeeide cbuclchuoischool it w ts a modern totwo roonroom structure mniintinedniinmintainedmaintainedmilntined prinainallyprinoipnily to accoodteacconodite school 2 childrchildrentn who were quite fir removed frofrom the central schoolchoolabhoola thetho schools had never recievdrecirelievedrecievedreciereclevdeved official nnaanaennae t 00sooo in vlogvog190606 a contentcontertedt wabwaewaayaa hield onstjaongoneong the pupil of the schools down to and including the third gradeg rade froefromfrovaeroe thetho naesna en uboittedsubmitted the board

minutes 8 Yinutesinittegyinutes of thethokhebhebho urryvurrir4 citcity board of education a july 28 1905 tji TT4

2 crencHenchenryrys op sitcit p4paP 707 86

narednamed the central building the rlingtonrlingtonalington chochoichodlchool1 the cuth side fundingbuilding the Tliberty chrol and the et sideaidesidoisido buildinglulltuilluliding tiathe pioneer choo1choodschool 1 theithe irtolartelanteiante number of schoolschcolaschoolachool aae children bokndoean to plague the school districtdiatrict with Overcrowovercrowdingdincdine especially in thetho primary gradesgradene in the summer of 19-1577 a number of citizens in the vicinity of highland oy eitereltersaelterkaelteranieltersaaniabiabl thetho area near 5805800 louthiouthooutbbouth and 900 eitest petitioned thethobho board to open a branch schoolachoolocbool for ththe beinbrinninbeinninbeginningninnln rurlisuhiaubiaalahibbibualauuc lis in a trentywentytwenty three by forty foottootroot building aichhichwhich had beenboenboon offered rentruntcont free by thetho erelteerettenelter eiteelte the petitionpetitionertpetitionerserterders claimedcialclAiraed that there were thirty five to fortyfiveforty five children under the aeadeage of 2 eight who could bebo achoschooledachooiedachooledoled there thetho board deferred actionnotion until after the official school census had been completedconpletedf but the experiment w a tried out durineduring the 197 19 school yeryor the roulreaulroultrreulreaultrrountrtr were not anotiirftisftiefctoryitctoryatory 00oo the folrolroifollovinlovinxowingbowing year the otienteorienteotiotwentzotuonteontaente nerenorewerewore assignedaind to the liberty 3 chool and tranapoytdtranayorted by teateate and weonwagon through the winter montha therhe prespressuresareearoeuro of an overcrowded student population wabwaswac still unsolveduncolveduncolvcd in 190igo1909 it wabwasWSIQ firt proposed that a boadbond election be

jlnutexinuteajLnute of the urrycityurryturzay abrabyutrCity boaro of educationcationcatlonaucationducationduAu february if 1906 p 2151 lr 21bidtvaibidtv4 1 aulxuiutwtA 3 171uau p 55KC kckchenryochenryHenryo oz0 aittcitocitt rP 72 & s7sa

held to authoriseauthorize a bond lernie of F 30000 but by the tintimtinsatinscze the elecelacelectiontien vfwaz3waza held the rcuntamcuntamount hid been rasedusedrlaedrland to jhoojooo the isrigneigmeme waswan anrcvodatnrcvcd and the boarhoarboardhoard immediately mccurdccurdaccuredaccused twtwo aeresacresaenesaer of land on what saasaosiigwaosii5 cllelleilenlirenair d brewerytrewerytroweryrowery hillshill nonernenr dooCOO authouthlouthdouthyouth on 920000 elsteestertemt and the propertyrot- ty on titeaate trebtrettreet where the junior highhugh school isio now locatelocatedrt Uljanlienllenileaileaberfuljanberrberrberfbenrbermbenm andnd undberundundber4rundbergber narenerewereware electaelectdelecselectedtd aftanaej ththe architectarchitncti of

1 ay lehe the two new builtinbuildinhullbuilhulibuildingdin Iand construction stirtedtarttartedlirked edl in inyjinyoiy 1910 xhelihedihe buildingbuilic on the weet sideeidecidecldeelde wWK built for 113109310v while the building on tote f treet eostcofstbost 1 19476 hen the buildingbuildingv were occupied at

the bepbelmiinbelmainlnrtit of the igli19111191111121911 11121 2 achoo 1a yearyean ra laelnevatrae GJ 0o t cott wabxanwaswaawan

an pointedanpointedunpointed rrincinalprincia of the ne building on 1rewerybreweryre evy ery hill15111 thethoeheeho students of the schcolschcola selected the rlaralarraasenaasee of tonnyvicyjecnnyvicvj for the schoolachoolschools the flint principal at the schoonchooschoolochool1 building on taiteaatetaito tretttrotttreetstreet

ya v na0 rasraerosro jonjainjoin y9 reiereleheigireleireigreleg and thetiietile buildlnbuildbulldinjln wrawaeK crillcrillerichilleriA ederierl thetiletiietho 1nillcrcct111crect chool 2 the nattermatter of providin-providing a hiihiahlahiahh schoolochooltachool for the dindintrietdaotricttriettuiet waawaogsagaagao brought to ththe ttenticnattention of the bordboroboardhoard in IJJ but no action waswabw tnkentajfeenanken because of the lack of fundcfundebunde andnnd or odeorreoareome time later the atteattostate e stablistablishodjstabliishedshedshod a high school fund by which the lecialugioaturelegial sturtxturt could lvegiveglyeive aid to any school district attempting to eetablihaabliahetabAablihliahilah a

ibid p 7573

bidibid appp 7374757757673767573 747 88

hihhirhherh achrolcchoolachool histhis provision revivedrevivvdrevived11 the matter iain the umurry

4 strictristrictrirestrictar andnd it1.1 t wrinwan nnopro credcaredcjred by one of the diritrictdistrictsdintricts arinelprinelorinclrlnaisnalsdais in iioilo110 that if iurrqunrayurrayy could not provide itdltd own hife choolschool that

1 the bobenlboelbonlantlartl unite idehifehwith the granito rintrict1aqtrict for the urecepururpceC rree of tialntininefantnfantqininr eifelfhijaihhihh schooli3chno ittt afonsoeoaaeons that ietletlef3eae 1 domcomco lictlcizelicationslocations diacoursrt3discouri7ed the comcolacolecoiacolstioncoletion19tion19tion of ruchcuchnuch a erfermerrermerner theI1 gr jrdte irtrict did invite the yulaylumnymurryI atudentootudentaatuotudentadontadento to attend if the burr1urrrrayv dii bricttrict would pyotyozy the difference in what the ttfttafttefateat allowe4qllllowealloweoueowe riadrixdnd the costcoet nerer caitcaltbait for ech student 2 tuition fefee of twenty dollar lxtaextaw also charcharded each studentstudents tittetntbittetette in igligi1911911 a aeriezterieerle of eventaeventc ststartedirteeartee aichhichwhich 1lc d to the e taiishmenttablishmentstablishment of the irdrhhiprhhipsh chcolchconachrolachcol in the fllfilfmillamill of ulatviatvint xerxoryer urerintendentuperintendentsuperintendent aumi auhauflnaufan n nubrit1oubratted6edeedaed ianelaneinnesinnseinns to chane the hillhillcresthillcrostcrostdrost chool into a junior high school notice r vonvenvon fforr a bond election early in 191411 for the urrurrsoaedurndurutobezoberoaesoae of ildingbuildingbubullebuliebuild n rind furnihinfurfurniuhinrrurnihin nornore fcillticefneilities for a junior hinhhigh thehe bondbondt verewereyere lansedpansedpanked and the work coecomcopeudcopemetadietadUd aQ that the nei clacacioca notmetmot att the hillcrthillertHillcrtcrrcrtA junior 3 high during the 1915191116191519161916 schoolachoolechrecar ol yeryear 5 ittt sooneoon becamebocamebeeboeboc aahrentplzrentaprent that if tore5oreboremore student in burrayI1 urrylurray bereberowereworewero to go on patpant the junior high rtd urrelyurrtlyrurrrgr souwould1 d hahavehageve ttoa

bidibid p 90 ibid

3iauti3srianiarinutrrinutR of the jurry city hoardojtrdojord of daicduc7ucndtic tticnt february liv111119 nrilddll 17417o1701 1914 appp 329359529329 559359509y 89 provide a aihhichibhihh scho clol foftfhft r ewssreoarcntentcnt of m hichhiahhiqh tuition rrateruterxteutekte by the it 11I1 ke ndn t ram-r5siitof te schociochochochchoclsjocioooin indna n6 their dillicedilticediltnxeeludiudiL tice werwormiere rfuyenta ferfor a urray chacchccychccjchoc the birhbiahberhbi7h schoolcholchok1 I fj orfornniocni 0 for the school yeryor of ilg11&

t ip17ll11 rithnithwith myer oseor k princiolprincioliprinarinrineciolcloy the firtfir t commcorenencenentoncenent WQW Q hold in the wrierwrinrrin of 1 17I1 ithwitewith five studentsctudentamtudents arardedaddedwardedawarded didi71odonao1onaoao ahehe7he nameaasnenamonasnenaye hilliillcrtcrent viiyuliiiii brotdrotciropcckoclpoclpedtpodl almost cbcrccron lctljrpletelyplemely rithwithwilhwitk the

I crnlticn cfof thebhe hihl jirth choaichociischoolischookkj but the nnannearneannenanenarne of irrkymurraye irray aiihtaital did 2 rclctretnett bebiconeboconecorecome tletiethe cficlnl darifderif notirx tintunti ILjulyculyu y of 1ilg119klokio419

chenry op cit 9593 rinuteeimitgg of the urruurray cicitycibytzkoardepardgpard of lducladucldactiontitloitioaitio july 7 19191919t P 27 CIIATcuajtr VII CITY DVS tuntrjnyturyrany icgpfji

it isi interetinffintert6ting to note thatbhat it waswa not until after 10601080 that the areaaremre of authouth cottonwood now known aae P urryurray received its nwengenamen we by that time an ever inereingineinclneincreasingincreusingreinsreingzeinsreusing population had nademade it neceanecessarysary for the eatabeartabectblietvsentlish nt of a branch of thetho alt lake city roatrootpostpoat orriceofficeorfice somewheresomewherewhore in thetho vicinity it was during the admini- stration of the territory by governor lailalialli urrutyurrftydurray that theth netmetpoetpoat office waswangas located in muth cottonwood soao in honor of tmthe governor it weawaawa called the ifurrayrfurray ootoatoot cfficecaficeCfficeflee the tonbontown t duallyradiallyraraduallya took uudupD the none in the early daysdayo of the hurraymurray4 aroaharoaqara yoniuiyonievayneUi who received uilutiallrtailreail had to go to aitaltmit<saitsaltsmit laelake city to rett itpftpit ildlidiidand anyone whewho hartmodhaptmodhap7oned to rogo to altlt ilaeakeaeetake atycity would collect ththi mallmailmaii for all who lived in the vicinity finally henryhonry twoodatwood started a poetA 0officeficefico in hishinhlohio he he drove to aitaltalt ilkelikelakelakoliwe once or twice a week and nickedpicked up the nailmailmatimatlmoli which had been baughtbrought by iwigiwigrantsiinvagrantsimig rantsvants or ththebhe ballbalimail sereicoservicoserblerbierglerglervicagervicavico later the twoodatwood boehorehocehoe bacabacubocanseme the stoatostoj j for the staeataestatmestagstagaataeatacaea

and the delivery point for the allaliteallail a

1pladmuz30usiaouaftetii opi citolb p 53 of arnarndixarndisaniendixdix

2 1 p as 40 kirlankinlankinian oz citaittcittI1 2s 91

theho first public hoeboehenehemehome of the doatpoatposit office wiswicwc in thetho store of edward C arenaronanonarenskitaren&kiskitekit which waswuswaawaewua located a chortcohort distance eart of I1 tatehateaate arsetstreet of fortyeihthforty eighth authouthoutb shortly afteraftensifterartenburtergurten the aliniiailmail delivery wabwaswae started at 1roarogregro r arenalenskiarenskialenskisarenskisskisskib storagsmoragetorator governor hurrayburrayhurraymurray appointed hishighi friendrlandulandfriend barryharrybarny hynesrynesraynespaynes ana postwasaterpostmaeterg aadandmad the location of the postpofit office waswaawan shiftedftedeted to a torestore owned by aisihisthisihinihirxhirm i rsr haynelhaynebflaynessbayilayliayflayHayneBnesbnessneas torestore wasas opposite and a little north of the precentpreoentpreuent site of the arlington school3chool3choolt 0255025 louthrouthuth tate treetstreet this storeattore 2 later became part of thethobhebho old opera house euildinfrbuilding the actual date asao to when the postpoatpoet office waewag tablishedestablished inlit authouthsauthsouthbauth3auth cottonwood could not be deterdatordetondeterinedelerinedetdatormineeerineminee by thetho author but the utah gazetteerGazetteeroer of 1884 listlistslistz murray as a poatpont office 3 hrtr jmesjames cabooncahoon iain his letter to mr hiamu6enrasmuseen relatesrelatecralatoo that anongamong the tiretfirst poatmietresseposwetreseez wrewedewere two slatsiatblatiteraitercisiaterwteraberaterceraerw may aadandmad arleariemriemrle Jacojacobsenboen cne of the sisters affiliated herself with the democrats while the otherothorothenothon wowan a hepublianrepublitanrepublican it seebeeengemgen that the sisters had R ayfitemsystemsystam of taking turnsturna asaa to who heldheidhold thethobhekheeho lionilionitionpositiontionbionblon aa&aQQ pootiotrerpostniatrecs 4jf depending on rhoewhorewhone partynarty was in orficeofficeoffices therthere iain aoeeoenoe evidence that the narenancnaneHABC francfuaneFranefrancklynklyn waswaewaa

interview with goQ fcergerjbergerabergerfcJb ergerenger agust 5vav5 1959 imurraylurrutyurrcty utah former mayor of farrnarrharmymaraymurayny andend a sonaonnon of pioneer vttlioboottliebgottlieb breerbrewrhorgerborgermerger 2pasmuseen aawueoent og20 cit9cifctcite p 4 of appendixap endicoendixo 3 loaiii1aoftns OODopD cit p 271021 4 4tilanusnentn&sduet3en locloeioeloo100 cit 92

assiamaniamanlaassociatedtedtod with the urray area also thisthiethlethib noremoremmore than likelyalko stomsatoms from the fact that the francklyn meltermeiterselterseiterbeltermolter nerved reas a railroad

statinstation and an office for thetho bereteeeeretret Tetelegratelegramtelegraphlerraierralegra ah3h Concomompycompanyom pypany

ar attoniftorlpitton the men vimvinloyedemployedvinloyed at the leania andnad 1francklyn1r ewlyn aweltergeltergeitermelters were a numnumberber of scandinavianscandi naviausnavians who had come to utah aeaa conconvertsvertayerta to the latterlattentatterdattertatten layday aint church in the early 1680 greatreat many of thetheethoe people had settledbetsetact tied on the wetgetgotweot idocdcidcsidesido of the uth cottonwood ard on the propepropetyty of lottiottlottliebgottlieblieb borgerargerorgermergerA pr

acerbacorbrcorBrwcercorcer had built a number of homenhommen there for reatsreatyrentyrentnent and had driven one of the first flowing velloweilswellaweila in the reaarea to furnish culinary water 2 for thetho convenience of thesethenethedotheno ndinaylansjonclinayittnsca who atrewtrewere faced wiftgiftwith a laniianilanuenaleNaiemale problem and were located aoneeone distancediadladiotanc frciarcifeolfromreom the

1 1 I 1 gaye louthtouthrouth cottonwoodCottonood meeting boucehouce fichofi&hoIliahoplinhop joeejobejoerjoeph awillrawline savesayegavegayeave bornispornisperrsia iloniionaionalonnion to hold church eebsereerserviservicesservicosservicoovicoscoo in their bettleentbeltlebeltieBettlenottlomenteent the first meetingneemee tineting ubeueewas& heldheidbold novemberSovenovesiberniber it1 18830 and johan zderaonxaeraon waewaxWQUS appointed pregrepresidingviding elder 3 ideridcrlderidarader Andi ndersonereonergon presided for neirlynakirlynearly two monthmonthsmontha and then early in 1sasl341344 chalchasclias liimholsihoxsi111m ws appointappointedtd to preside for a41 year or wso eetinobetinoteetint7see tinbtino were continued jni private hoeihomes then a cottage or hall

loaa ozzoj citcite Pp4pa 26y

Plecrecordskecordsplecordsords of ththe furray takeaakezahezabewakewahe andaind ardsarde church Rictorrictoriansvictorianspjlotorianlansians efficeoffice zaltzaitlt lakedakelmkeak city UVutahib bibid3ibidibid 9593

1 wadwabwaawan rented in aerergergerrervr 1townrown near the re idenieidence of jijioJJOjiw lohnolm forfocrorroc 1 thetho use of the hallhalihail a monthlymonthey rentrental1 I reefe offee 4wa00300aw wwaiwoiw paidpuld intn 193 the cac ndinandinayindinarixmYi cantsuantsaint erected a neetingboukenotetinghouse t goo 0 cotcoat of x out 600 iheahehe structure waasj built of 1xvilber1iwnbr and the neljoealiawallanjljo were lined with adobe therhefhephe bullbuliluildingLuilguildingbuilrfingdinsding waswaza forty feet brb eighteen feetsfeetvfeefefeefc and vaavasas loctdioczatrd enon the ughelghhigh groundlouridrourid n what W ae thenthon knownnown ar thetho lower road or the firntfiriitfirant road riarunnineriuriaininggunnineining north and southbouth vetwea of tto treet ordingccordingchordingcc to T rx G 7 berger1 ergererger thisthia location

1 vwa just southbouthgouth of the ponnyviePonnyponnyviewvievioview choca on ecandecandasecondA oatot ththe nexnenew meetinghoaekeetinghouee wabwaawua dedicated in ceberlefeberleceberLelblecenberp 1330 by gua conaciconacncanncnq after which it housed the reregularulacular meetings heldheidhold on undundayrundoycayrayn and edncday&ednesdayz in 1413913944 to accommodate these nembercrtembercinemberc a branch funbundayjunundyfundayday choolschool wasweswaa organiserorganizerorganiorgorganizedoonganiserzedo a utualmutual in 1518951695 andnd the eliefeilefeiles ocietysociety in 1861696 3 the scandinavian oplepeopleopie jhcwhchc in irdtc c to thetho wetwebwest end of authouth cottonwoodCottonvoodwood rideridonido a larrtarrindge cartricortricontricartributicontrlbutiiibutibueibuel to the comencoiknunitycomenunityunity khoyheyrheyrhoy careeweege to ththe area with their fmiliefmfamilietfamilierilieille and a detorcunatiindetarminatitn to establish remanentyemanentyeerraneanentmanent homestcomesthciccs cladtandcandcang acau they ee able to acqulroacacquarobircuirc rbanzaunseunseanzeuna to1 purpurchasechans smallamailamali farosarasaro or to ROgv into buabuaineasbucinegsineas ranynanymany would leaveloave the aoployemployomploy of the elternshelterwr theirfheircheir baneroanernanermanercanman terber andundangengung rodirfrodeode cfof living


q R arrerereerfererfrrerer interviewinter view

31 31urrayunrayr urray tiketikotakotake and ardo OPOop cit w-

94 acremore edatadart&datadaptadopt blebiebie ard erthleccerthle&ccertnblecc to the urryiturrey cokcorconconitycomityunityity tho werfwerrwernwerp the other forelfortaforca n lborrlblborglnborerctrorrorn 7 uhewhe cyrec ttefyeyrevyevretye to workTV inio tt-tee recitersrecicecicmel terstera ir thechebhe twentieth cntuantucentu Y thetbeabe influx of deorropiocopioie into the cuthiouthbouth ottcnwordottanwocd aroa in the loarochnleaiea andnndnd 18 toK causedcauffetcauffcauffeccauseeec conoierleconsirlermle carcchinnchrcme in the co rv ityty not only in it develcdeveladeyelcentmentmant ffrorotron a town to a city but in thetho old cuthnoiithnowith Ccottonwoodattott onwood laroardtorrtbardardobaro which hn I beetbeer a furdatfurdakfiirdantlentlantl orirranizoranestionoran estiontionbiortior of the aerelaarel since itsite beginning in lk148

I1L y cren undy october 28128.1 1900 1a.1 speciecilspecialal acetinaeetinoetingaehoetingetin W SQ held at the authouth cottcnwood70ttcnwoodcottonwood mwtinghousekinghousewefcinghouee for the purcalvurcaepurcae of dividvidinfifividindividlndividenln the 0odd ardtwirdwrdt ILhlahtahia wawaa tletieth rivet rajorrajonbajorrasonnna4or ivifiioniivimion of thetho rd fincefanceauncepance lisv871itsibs whenwhan the rsualt and4ndnd I1 aionnionunion r c were foricfor7ci d th tk oceoccasionasionsalonaaionsaton

1 aroetlearontledrontleatoearoetle Z Freedroedelderroer J jrntarntr tn t nd nthth u und ornieorcrnni the wewpwaternwpterntennterniennaern part into two nexnoxnewnow wrdswardsw9rds to be kknowlknownicericwr rr the urray srivrsaryar ndind thethiethle I1 orntorantgrant ardard4rd t tht3thtr3 simaimsame eetlrkeatirmeatir the t ishoicho ric rindnd 31ariduridundyty chool of t-urryarryrrrrryrY r rt ornie vrlhvelhuriahurlah 3 iller t1tamo ndeneidemeede bito nd

1 A er gustof joljohsonjobsonjohjob sonaoneon nd rw rronwn hishioh Q flfi t indandimdnd second couztcitcr

7 reoectlvftlyrennectively iiniainiQI1.1 boB sijonelonentonesrones ws set 47orc v rt nsv thebiebleviv isuerinurintendntterten dent of the undayundy Chchoolchoolool001OOI rrenarenarrenarron H yon and janeajaneojamea gilbertguibertgulbert were hlfhishie councilorscouncilorticouncillorscouncilorslorulorti the hurrayurray ard boudbounboundrieaboundriendrien were the 1hishigbig Cottancottoncottonwocdcottanwondcottonwoodsondwond reekreaksreekareek

ibia ibid 9599.5gg

and 1lortyrortylortyforty fifth authouth 01kiiuliuit tato arvorvormcrv the dordanjordan liverlivorlaver oaon the we t adineddinaaddina strearett auluulasid eftyifty flrtfirtfintfart authouth oron tl-thee douthyouth alidcr on the estelsterst aA line runrunningnine diractlrdirectly north to the jigiilloilo dattdottCattcottcnwooicattonwoodcottonwoodonwood reckrechroehreekroek from the

liaeline aeratiagmirtixeirtixaerating the old hentyhenrynenry 1 rown1rcwji and john X orlkaoelkabrucorocoruc n propertiesp1roperties

1 oonjoon efterafter the orcfanitlonitionlon I1 f the 1 ururjiyay arauraarlartarc the bishop rented the old school houehouse cfof the twenty fifth itriitrictitriceastrictaotrictct situated on the baetoaatoaet sideglde of Attekteite tretareat the firotbirot bactingmactingeotinbotineo tin waeas held there

on jejectercemberjecberdecjecjecemberborber d 1jgg ialiolaleenoleenialeenioleeneteenet een thetitstite tinetinotime the ardwardw had been orezlniormiie61 ed and its eeligboligeoligmeeting in the &choolschool the candinacanainavincandinavianscandinavianvian hall had been uaedcaedeuaede 4 he ordanoraniationlzatioaatlonaaion of U raxttranttorantonart andard wiywry not ucoiiieked util

undryunday teceitbarlecoffiberLecoffiber 160IS 19190igo4 Q t thisthiathib tiac a specialapecialapeciul geetingmeetinetingieieeting wavaowaawaoa held att the old incbeurinche4arincheurbeUrhegr schoolschoul houllehoutie of the ct fourth astrictwjiatrictiAstric tW and apostle irantprant ordainedordained ieteriet6r J anderaudermuder a bihhigh priest and setget himhi apart aex bishop bearyhenryhenvyrearyrenvy 1 irdard and dawidvid lowell verewereaeyeweye set apart anQ first and second counselorcounaelor j respectively cordingtecordingrecordingteccording totv the records of lweLvecembergemberrecemberlveemberuecemberue ember 5103101l 1lualu0100diadimjia grant ard contained iiilititi14 familramilfafailiefafafamiliesofaedilielileiesoleaeleao thehe total population wabwassas& 62562 with 2 7 of thesetheaethege beinebelnebeingbeinboin childronchildren undeundounderI1 the ageaagoayogoe of eight years 3 rantorantgraat urdixrd waawae bounded on the orthaorthadorth by the murraymurvay ard on the bauteaut by outt Jottottoawoodottocottonwoodjottonwoodawoodonwood ard on the southcouth bj the udvaleudvaretidlid valevaie ardsdrdsrd

bidibid e ibid

3 7 Recorrecorddjujbf of tbthe urraynnurrzy louthvoith tae and ard hurchchurch niotoriarcastorian1c efficefficeq alt aileatlejice city utah a-s-


and on the reetrestwestweetgeet by the jordjordanin dvertiverdiver ince bruvryebrurybruuryebruryruvy 13v13 191 5 tthehe portion that waswanwa left of the old rant ardard hashabha beenboenboonbeeri dede the urry tenth arrlr of the urrymurray authouth takebarezake

san the murrayt furrturriturr ty ard eareoeworeloyWLUJ ddnsanganas-gdnitan divided in arch of 106 rhehe

regonrogoncregonC hortihortchort dnalinehineaneana trmcktrfttcktrack weiwssweswaz3waza ntldeyidei idende the dividing line which separated

the tharvrarbarciwarci into eastcastcant and vestrestrent ham thetho eabaterneaterntornternaern half ivastsaswasisagwaa m-adonadede the urraurrqurrny firt irdardadd and the eberneterncenternwentern halfhlfalsaishishalfhalshais the t rryurrnyurany second ardrardcard therhefhe old bishopricbishalrjicbiehopric ww&warts kept A the bicbizbihoricbihbohorichooricric of the firtfira rd whilewh ile jacob L s rickon vawavaawaaa chozen bibishophonhop of the vrecondcoidcoicordcorcai-d erdlardtarutisrnrdl e josedosenjoseajosen h 2 i ar k and indrevandrevindrew zoc nderccundervou ereveresenevene his courselorncouisecouiseloreocourselorelornlorEo thetho urrvurruriv econd ard artcomencoratiedaamesaamed that aichhichwhicbwhick had been the old 7scandinavian7candinaviananxn aettlenfcdscttie nt and uchmuch of the w reirdoreo poiuationpoaulpooulfationbation rs

1 composedcomoom dosedposed of candinvianecapdinrvianz At firt the w rd heldhehelgheig161.6rg itits meetings in the old candinavianscandinavianjcandionviancandinavian bolboihnl119 but stepssteep were tkenteentakertbakert to erecteruct a nevnew

meetingyeetinghcusohcusehause 1AI parcel of ianilanilansland containing about one andimd cneone hilrhiirhilfhalfhairhulf

acresaarosacros anavnas bought frowfromtromtuom ieterleter1 eter Aiadarondamldami on for 43030 anon the elteitt idenide of second aett Areestreetareetaareetptp andfanaaana in 19199w 9 the ocondsecondocmond rdlaard building wa finishedrinifinisheabhea the little chapel costcoat nearly l5000t713sooot and ithkithwith itsite completion ththe old candlnavianscandinavian rallralihailhalikailpall wentyent into disuse and vacwacwaaa later torn down the building of the hurrmudrmurrhudrymudryurrymurryy first ard meetinmeetingaeetingff house had

libiibid 2 hsrrymsrryamrssy anetnebaake7aake and ardcsardeardasardes op citgitcitegib 97

ogo conr encedencee irin 319 andnndd ns coalcowlcowletedconrietedconrIeted at a cot of 060 OCO 0 0othth of thesetheneteeseteeneteone builbullbulibuildinsbuildingbuildingsdinsdinggrig with their newer additions arear tillstill in use hi iee the growth of ththe v community wanao bringing chieschargois in the ward organization the sinesebusinessbusinesebuginesebubugineoseginese cfof the areaaremaromar were boingroingbroringgroring in

number eizetbizetsiebieble and variety the description by 1 rssr odfreygodfrey that

urryurray wswargargac a dirty little plac nithvithwith aalyolyoalyonlyiyay two stor-tora f and A number of aloonstaloonsfalooaioonsf saymay have fit in 15 but it waswaaa not nuinu1nuamiitblelabletabietable for thetho urray of 1 cutoutut of the better kown mdsndand mostmoot advertised businesses of the 18981 the mostmoat celebrated eaitblihenteatzbliabment in furray wwaawaeas the llurmyiarnyrrny rdorind f-operar ra iouaeloubebouseuouse the opera koufijoubejounoJOUSOloufi hadbad been built by harry naynenxyne and john ahornahoonmhoon in 1885188 it was a sizeable structure of

two torietonieboniestories which included vethe store rry 11bynehyneaynes had built earlerearlor a barber shop and a diwdig store on the firt floorfloors thathetho C pera bounehoune boasted that it was etequippedcuipluip podped vithYithwith electric ufhtzlifatlibat john chooncahoon had installinstalledod a ali311walla11 electric plantpiant iain the rrrear of the househoube and with thia plant the noeresirogreearogress lightdightAgahtght and ower company waawaowa orloranioraniyedanizelanizedzedyed in 1351854 byY rrr cahoonhoon to allselisellseiieileli clower to nearby aetciblinhenti tabtob U ahmenahahmonmenmon t so I1inn I1187 corleycoriey the aqnqznanaertanawana or of the onoraopenopon houe advertiodaavertiaedadvertledlodiod in the american fljl1oaieale thatthab thetho opera house waswanwaw& the handsonhandsomestestost and oostmost complete odraorraoders huse in the atateabate outride of


rmsmusentaracenrauenarauena 000 0 citaittcitycitt 5 of anpendixappendix a-

dordonderdon andanend tiittiltit akee r ityitys aidulduid iti record toncretonone in point of conven- I ience aindjindnd confortcomfort bearmtearmto heheahe1hev t rindmindnd electric illlitittlihtht 1 the dru storatoru achathvthjchhlch occuaedoccupied a crtprtrxurt of tetrethe grokndgroundrocrou d floor of the aperscperscpern toulebuilouil e thevie brryurry hirhirrcyhnrnacyhirscyrcyncy xyridandxjrid wabwasyaswarswags run by r errercrrcrretcerrebeeferrebeerebeeeteetcebe I1 errebeeferrebee waenagwag bractprctioingpractuiolng hrshyaphysicianhysician asc ellrellr aaa&a a druedrug ist aidaiardmidmio d accordizqaccordi to I1 irri 2entcntertertererrerer he onjoyedunjoyed a E ok d 2 relreiroirolrej utvt itionaition harry Paynhaynahayn1paynotsotseig storestorostove whichyalchyhlch itudatudh occupied partparb of theithoithof ground

f e f 1 r company I1 V floor lteruterlaterinter vanwanas opertdopertooper td bby thetiie ontalgronualI eernere nitiniriirsairs eltinealtinerlrltinetine copany ai cozcomcoanychanyany storekastoresatore and watwauwauwani knornknoyknownr arsi the lerniejernieIernleernieermiaer1lni& ercantilo compyCooooopulypuxy

with R J dayton asms naernabetnabernagermnnaermanagermnnagermn 4 he eltingsneltingsm comcomjanycomi&xycompanylanyjany gavgave Uup ititsitaitoa interestinterectorect soet me0o later and stock eadwadwud sold irin theth codanycowanycoss ajtiyajtay making 3 it a COOPOcooperativeyative thezheh barber ahopfihopagop wabwas that of C I1 aurand1uranduurand who 4 vanwarwan aconcoicoaso the aentaxentagent for thetho eww arisariaarlalarlamaria laundry theaechebbe establishneestablitehetsta wtiichwlijeh iadecadeaadeae UTup the cper& houfihoufehouseeouse block tercterenerewere locatedlocntedloctited northwest of the rlingtcniirlingtca chool on the weetwent ideadeado of 5 asteAtteste trettreettroot nearnean the corner of econntcondecon3 venueycnuc0 there were A number of inisinvaefiugin&aoc Ts aichhichhicu occumccuoccupiedbiodwiod acepcesaucespuce

4maricanjnarican fpletapletz1aglol y lsy7181fi

G P bererberberberger interview 31bid4ibidabidjbid 4i ffierican eagletzaglet loc citcitecito 5gag G RI1 bererdergerpergererer interview 999

ilonrilona ta trettreet frcarc fortyportyyorty eigelgel rhthathhth outhmitlhbouth tcto iftv slxfch authouth brinnurinnlurierlurinr the tinetinotime tcff samyssumys incorfr ration eeffortcffortrffort crcn the vytrrturt cldecideaideoideolde of aitaaltoaitvtatetotealbo tret ncn rrixly crocacro8acroai frofcofront the rli arkrk emswms theth urry eeteaA md iveivlveivo tocklock opsfany th a conrcoxecomecc any hadh3d nrxarx rrarketrrarhet lrlocatedc ted on the afreet and rti alql uifrhtorhce farther westwostweist andaridarld near the itleitieatle1tleltlleittleittie cottcyocd reekreokdeekdeokbeok crosacronncronn the street in the unrayurray rk entrenarentranceince

J w tn the niterclrniterClrrtcr and tofftoedtoddtotfawood lveryiveryavevv andund 1 eedcedel mt bienblobbionbloq ndind ductjuctactuct 0oo00io door ncrthnarthsicrth was the biacknmblacreithbiablabimcreitht1ta chonchop of frank J deekerdeckermeeker brovcrovcrotslcrots1 the ktreetstreetstrentntrent in andanennenan3 just sothbothsouthmouthmonth of the or Trouserou wsas the viertvttitcrtilbertertort hoe toretoro run by jametjameeJaffjamejammieic t gilbert furtherpurther north on the vedetretA aidealdekideisideaside of thebheth treettroetaroetstreatatreat where the r trntltcrnaltornal rilriihllirmil Is noanov locatcocatloctdd P the jone uildinbuiltinbuildin in july of 1901 thirthis bujaingbut 1 sinadinasing triotoo firsirsinflyg ndmd ilaitiia beciobecanebecie neceselnecesciryxyaxy to resmotayotaree avryevryvryovry mabmann inirliyl tontown laoiaoi to the tuckebucket brirbrifbelfbaircnc to control thetho flafiafimflqffsqmasmos untluntiuntllunell a fire engine coldcoidmild arrive from caltlt aeike itycity herhen the

alt ay 11 bewznewz roreachedichedlobedached yitiltiilt k ann ereeneergereineengineinelne andnndnd tiixtaixiy raenrqenen were placedD lacedfaced1aced orion011 rilriirilropilrormilroro 0 O cyrcrcirc r ofor the crgargrnn hort lineane andaneUK rushedrushod to urr y fy the tine theythoy hdhad arrived however i the fire had nenerlynearlyrly conauedconamedconconsurmodauedsued 2 the buildingbuildings in octobacctobooctobe the buildir1buildinrbuildingA was being reconstructed with imimprovwaentsmovementsroverovementsments the newnown oneon waswos03 to be two storienotoriosatorien hihifhhiahhinhh and

1 mericlnerimanricanmoricznericanne aieale loc cit GU berger irtervieveinterview 22jovrnal0ournaljournal victorykictoryllivtory of the churchchurchy july it igol1901 loo100

have a Lbiebieroituieulebierontthierthyerroitseltsolteltoilert to

1 I1 an aalaaydon1 in the creottreotreottretreotvottv on othbothhoth idcaideaicleficle3 vc orovereworeworo a dubordumbernumber cfof other busibuclbudibusinezsci3buclneacyneacy euchauchouch i zG the urrurnurrayay4y akeryahery run b jnnojiot r

acley JLrotherrothernother 3.3 J etcat araoraarkarette t icaxagriiczxc addle nd arnoiiarnopiarnoiii arnnannn h p ththathoa aloaioflogiegio jroceryrocerynoceryrocery acre decrecredved ac nasr andundindjnd the andertundertunderttingunderthingstang1tang palpairuxparlorlonionlor of J clecie 4 herehore wacaiaoieoteai6 A liberal nunberdunbernunbor ofor loons such the L i

i 1 aloon and ZalhilaryiliarldIlilyl arlaarldarta 1lilliiillzolzoi 1 runxuniun by 1 carlorarltsonarntsonarltarifuritlonfonson and the urry schangexchangechane owned by Z EK inder andainddind later by chocchoojhoo robkolblyrorolblyrol blybly the motmoiamola colorful of allailali11 w ks thetho cefilx hicbhibbwhicbwhick arazzrazji located on the eouthwotoouthwe3t comercorner of jortyrortycorty eighth outi and tletterheaheaae treetareetafreet it wiarwizr maruurun bjb C iberlseniseniben aad later by alltherallhheruvicuvhc andd rriexariex heyrhey advertised in the merimerlerlgrierinericwiericajiNericalicallcwicaji botoesoosAIuot thethe laialimblatlaaA cicecico saloobaloo3a10o I1 thetho iuaimaltlaal t clancechancechanco tcte betbotgetgot a drindariinkdarzink Labeforellora rachirachlnachi itlt 11.11 e

ihorebhore vierewer otherotharother bu3incgc s andund indindaindafericstrichstric4feric off tiietllediiotiio trot which werworwarewore productsproducto cfof urtyurryzyi 4 roivthrrovthi joJ j cahooncahoon awnedowned a plninpininplplaringblaringaringnlnxinnin sillmill on orty eioihthathhth authouth norroarnoar irataratiryt t and loclocatedrodaadacd a chorchortt diataxsceaitaltdit jincejance weotwent of the enverjenvergonver aadand io rlr ildoindeindeindo railroad tradestrackstrames nernear thetho lttieittioattleattio cottonwood1 reekcreekroek w-walawauaa ttiietiletllee alt ijlexe vinegar I11 actoriactory

xeicailricanaericalaericanae eleeieule cctoberoctober 19v19 11igol1901 2jbidibidabidjbid tr ayny 3 uv7uva bibid3ibid31bid 101 run by v foyF y

in 1801870 urrayurry had a convenience added to the communitycomcommnunity in the fforacoracornorm of anon 1ctricelectric stretstreet carearemr line connecting it to nitnibaltgit akelakemkedake city thetho line was built into urdyureyhurrayurryfurray by thetho alt lake rapid transitIranivanrvanaitzitalt 2 companycom panyapanye thetho street car brought rafiddafidrn id tratisportatiotransportationij but the early carcarecavecava lacked many cofortccomfortecomfortacom fortasorta thenetheoethenoebensehens first carecorecezecarg were an open tyoetypezype andnd conecuentlyconsequentlyconsequontly a ereonpereongereon riding thenthem in the winter ran the risk of cettinagettingnotting frostbite or chilblains in 195193 the street car

c 3 line wac replaced by busheshusoesbusoes with tollnetolineI1 aolinecoline enrenceninesenineaehineaeninesiineane enecner ne of the few businessesbueinbubineseaoseaoseo lertleftloft in hurrayurraymurray fromfromi these earlier timea isie thetho weekly newspaper ththe aurramurtawurramurramurray aieale the greater part of the Mhistory41story of thisthinthio pper wswabwas loot irin a fire which occurred in 124192 J cecilceeilcecii lteriterateroter in hishie rarlybarlyar utah jpurnalisffjournalistsjournalisms plintopointopoi&to out that the paper ostzostnostmost likely started in 1181 4 in that year it wat known an0o the vurroaurrynurryyurrymurry merlemerlcevievlmeriemeriepinteri antansbenspint and wc publiapublishedpubliahedpiiblishedhed by a yrer hitehito intn 1811816160 with a change of ownership the paperpuper became known abas the 4 erlx 0eriri c in alelealgieajgleaegle and itolloiboit Publiopublisherpublibherpublioberberbedhed wnw r llliliaen ronsroaromroas itits befinniratfceinni&rtt thithlthlethie paper stupsporteduporteduporfortedfontedtedbed thetho incorlincorvincorporationoration

vmericain giesglei ay S 187 il re berger interview

2franchisefranchise decordxecord14cord of aitaltalt< lake county july losios10 1 utahlitah ietcriclaetorical ocleocieocioocloocietytociotyttyt aitnitaitalt I1 nakenzkeke city utahmah

3rasrupta itasussenliaItasussenabenseen 0or1 cittcitelcitolcibol P 259239 aj4jJ cecil lterilter1 ter ariyadlypadlyarlyparly utah journaljournalistjournalicti rm 1 uthpthtitzhnitzh historical uarterlyfuarterlyv 1938o195b1938113381938011938 p iyllyl151131 102

of murray into a city n editorial in the padparpaderpaperpaueror of ay 8 1897 called attention to the tuesday before when the town had been over- run by a cowboy element jutjust in frosi shenehenhearingrinering sheep and ththe areitersheltersmeitersmelter boyboys on their after payday spending abreeapree ththe editor declared that the only way to atatoqtoc this elementelemont frorjrromfrory taklnftakjinr over the town when it desired vaavanwaawan to incorporatetincorporatctincorporates and provide the protection noceeirynecessnocenooeeiryearymy the opposition to the incorporation were called slow thinking moesmousocsbackis1mousbacksbacks week later in another article ththe editor pointed out that andyandy had levied no newnegeneye taxohaxotaxes and yet had a sur- p plus of I11 1400av400 at thetho end of a xeayedyeaye in an inincorporincorporatedcorpor atedabed city the newspapernewnowsoaper aporapoepoiaordored a rtrtitintiticzitin for incorporation advertioinadvertisingadvertiaing that it nihtmight be sienecsienedignecigned at the office by caiacalacallingaapanganp theretherea in junesjune 181 7 an inincorporincorporationcornorcorpor itionaition committee watswateWAC formed ithwith vrr

illuraillumillumsenilluraaenwillumsenbensenaen aftastass chairn&ncbaimrja and janeojanonjamen aubaununderund&raundaraundahdardor a local school principal

0.0 secretary the aelterdeiterwelter hdllad apparently oxpreodoxprozsed orebonebomesone 0tpcsjitionopposition to the novementmovement for the feasibilitypossibility of incorioratlnincorpvrat1nf only the 3 businessbuelbueineiss districtdietrict yllyilwaswae riveneivenelvenven at lexatalexatie latlot sosoneaonezieiletle ccnsiderntifncvnzideraticn the rescescosretoneonseonze tv the petition seensseems to have beenbeanboenboon unsatisfactory in uituvujtuvnitnitnib of igolva191903 another petition for incorporation artobrigaruoyrig preparedpreparedv circulrtedcirculatedcirculfttedf and bentbeutsenteatente&t to the county commcoffiniasicnerizzileniizzianaranaronaroner the

bidibid y 1 lo10 ibidibadbibid2ibidibld 31bid0ibid ertebererepteirberteberteher 4 13718713971897 105103

1 naename 1rurrylurryaurryurrurrayay rorabraswab mooedrooedro oed for the city and the coundriehoundriehourhoundriedrledrierdries defined ahe7hehe coiminconmincotiflirbonaonn toobootookbook no aatiacti n ucnuanuon the petition rivingrinsingrinving received no realroalreanerecnechoocnoo frotrofrom their etiticnet5ticn n secondsocondaocond oiioiloneono wawn drandravin uur a year lateriruteriter andnd sitslisuisirnedbirnedned by 12712 perohaparonsperonaporonsrnoancnnornc sta of the urray arearea it 2 w- a rubtvubtcubfrittesrittedbitted to the county comconrini saicrerse5ici ers on eptowberep tembertowbertomber 19190igo2

cn te3ahrootevlvtr 235.5 a meetingneetinkeetinneetin won held at the urray rd roetingmeetingineinc etineeting hausehcusehcuacu ritnitqt thichwhich tletiere the cididtercwididnte erewere chorenchonanchoban for thathetho eoeodaeorleborleeor le1aaa 1 ticket nayorjbyoroyor five councilencouncilmencouncouncilmenjcilenclien a clerktclerkeclercier a treatrccurertreasurertreacurercurercureycuney 3 an city jud e and a marshall serewerewaremore nonnomnordlnte5inated Nnearly a arnthaonthmonth lateralaterjlater etaberctoberenaber 2 0 another frourfaourmourou of cititirentizencitirencitizencicitiranslanbranszens feeling that therethero shouldahould be anam opposition ticket metemietmelet at the school on natenoteotate street and ordondornonnornlodlodnizednihediod the cltizacitiorrCiti orrnl ticketricket the platforrpistplatpiatplatformnlatforytforrform of the alinenatinencitinenqt0 ticket connlaconniaconflatedted of six planks whichi9hj oh stated 1 e believe in good econeconoricleconoricaleconomicalorical goverwientfoveraiaentoyeroverwientmient 2 e believe in keeping the expenses within the citescityscityc rarolovenierovenieroventevenvonventeveniei e e believe in the ealoonbaloonsaloons being clofedolosadclooed frokfrom 3liocbioc2t00 nichtnightidnichtididnightmidnight until too5100t00 and fron 1coJPCicolooaco 0O midnightVidnight aturdyaturdaysaturdaysturdy utiluntil 500 asmeasmaAS dionandaynoondayNionondayniondayday 4 e believe in enforcingenforcingyenforcingly the lalar reCuregulatinglating the sale of liquors to alnorainorminor and ventinleventinreventinrenreventing thethenthem froreofrom entering aaloon6aloon 5 e b14evbelievebelleve in encouraging all kinds of induindustryatryabry for the public elseiselfelfairelfjireisbervelfarcbirberjir 4 6 e believe in enforcing a strict zan4tnrynitiaanitiannitiaanitz laxjalaw

ibidbid 1 aufuaunutur ut 31s51 loiiol

en c dlo & 5 damuramunamu sr olypyyL L cites 23

31tlbid1 id 4 erianerignmerican nievglei ctoberctoborcnober Cri159 19 2 y 104

he ol01electionctionaction wazwanyanas oldheldheideldeid md encn ovennovemberoyenboroyenbor 1 19y c anandd 0onn

v 1 ovealovenl er lz urr r G& irocllncdcrocinprocin1 ince j city cfof the ththirdii icaidavda clise coltecplte the oitior tidemidede by the intintcreotcreot thcethoetacetkwtaw fe in f 1vorvoryor of incorcrtiincorperati n zeizelzeleenewerzereereweree biebleableabie to alndaingainain a alurplurpluralityclitykiltyility cf fillyfiftyrifty nniloninoilolloino

1 votvotgvoagP C1 L lilerllleraller111er wacwazxi elected the firt aborancorayoranyor aezhe notice of

ra 1 incorcrtiincorpcrati n which arpe r r5 in the alt ake tribune4 attidattcdatatcd that 1 the aclpcl ti i vav6 xiu&ibcrylumbcr of irirnirhlmh rovoentrovoirentcrovogovoentencent &eroaeroware de in the coraurixtycamnuriity in the three yelrsyearsye ursura leforebeforebesore urryurr y wama rec3reca tdficd e a second clgcigalg city panic in 131 3 the city i r ntcdatodntod frxicbloetraxchiue to twtvo tetelohoneteiophonelohone coticodicooonietao aichhichwhich evegevegave therthezthen the right to place cloa0103plolea along thetho streetctrcetutreet and strinstring the teleteietoletoietelephonetelephonophonephonohonohone lreirewire acehcethesethebe were the 1 ockylkocky 4ountwinrountoinoun taintwin i ell telephoneeielalelelelelel henehone cercencem any andnd the utah independent telephone concompanyintanyantany hehes rodorcaerorcaeresrcsire codcoccom any wbwhichech v otmedormedoyoed by ror J7 cahnoahnesh n had dromeromon into a nie tieblehie enterpriseenter rrie with arcoreonemonecrcmore ajjiciicyjitqaicontv thatthat it weha capable of eivinelvinsgiving alequadequndeoufceae hiservice the comccanyccadyany offeredofferect to soilsollbellbeilbeli out to the city but the city did not ceieelcolreelfeolyeel that it waswaewaawoe financially ableabieancame to tuybuyhuy the eyfitisyztoreyfiti att that tietletiotimetimo uadilla costnaj&ycommpazy was 3 in existence until 9124119124ls the site for the odoleoldoid city hllhilhiihallhalihail ih tss urchellurchedlurclurchanedhedlhemlhemi in lcjij31

alt larelakeT he tribune january 31 19d31 2rasmussensrasmub6en oleone0 cittcitcocitoo r pe 137138137157138138 luilulibi r 10 1 11cacC 1 clurinduringdlurinduning yonvonwonyor illueriuerinerauerillerlalerlanerlanersa tortermatermq for ZA fhezhehe property vaeabwabwas in the rriddlcriddlriddleniddleniddie of the blockbloch between i ortyonty eichtheighth0131lthalth authouth and vine4 no Areetreottreetareetafreet ilethe architciurchitc CT1 rin and iljiabcrf13jinbei werewenero ivandiveniv2ngiven poisiboisipelsipeistpoperlsiistn isiissic r to drawra it rouhrou ai1i sketch voa hashagbag beenbeonboenboon ditdiedle uru5c in chcptorcliuptar niggnixgi the conaolldatiroiicorcoliscorcoli5 iticeiticn movement of dultduitaltait lakelukeke county us3ctuzeoc usa the pacpeopao la of 1 urry1lurray to eeknellneilaek chncchnecanc in the cl aj5j fictlcn ofor thetho city to raint jnlin the iiidildlidwide pLipliencepeldpendencopendencypendenceenco of arraysurriyurraysurray choolchconchcolchachoolzocoicolooi ttlitiie city paozgedpsaja&d an ordiranceordinance annexinkannexingnxexin to the city cercertaintairtain are its10 ri tuny to the soutfiyouthsyouthc emtetent of tho city to rtiaeraiaer ileiieaie the pultinpopultinpo to that re aireuireaireduired of ai secandsecondsecone clociocid city rhe conatusceneuaconaus tntalen of urrayurriyburraypurray with iti newne aretro t 44. ujjuj6 so the jovtrnorovurnor waswaewag ietitionedictitioricdpetitioned andwidmid the city beccuebecameme a city of the second c laszclaaclua there seesgoes to bebo soeaoeao e doubtdoiibt w to the accurrilcyriccinicci irracyireacy of the count wdmd conjseuentlyconsequently the leralevaievalelityleralitylelekitylity of the chanleechneohne iain incon ort tion thehe national ohausCHQUS t ulellenten in irioivio1jlc laceaplacitiplplacetilacefaceti the popoujaticn 2 1 fi uro itat onlyL snoyvayvq horethore is1 nc ovidcncovidonc33 to indie kteitestekte thtahtth I t nearly 1000 people left r urryurray btenbeteeenbetheen 112uijuijo nd 111jiotjio the iiicre laelaotso in achrolachoolochool children reouuldd seenseem to inhcteindieiteindiciteeitecate no ouchtaucht3uch loss thetho bhainbuainbusine j of the city v-nig io irriedcarriedc on injoj o ax reculmreeularremular hanernanermanner under the newnow buque the s rornorror&roraropnorereserezereza cotCoacompanycotanyany wsw s rantedrentedrantedf a franchise

imsimi p 11417 T bureau of the ceneus thirteenth reuacuaoenauseus of the united tugatattugjtatvatvatearvar I11 110 0 pultiontr atlon 1liililIII111I it 875873 106log

cu 11 n 7 n 1 f i sose for in rjuv tr ryntryot in hah5 ccvyavyx c nnederlarlari 5ososoteboso euneug

7 ncrner the intrectir ifof intintlantli astnstii t nd E 0ortyrt eial athhhthth otht h aidulduidd ftrefrotroronrom th rj z3 iea lirie doaoidoldoiim ortorty buthouthojtll intoluto the city 1 k rre

ree citylocotylocilcycifcy fir derfgert erterbcrt cre intosnton t c 1bitblit 1 0 inirl JjulyjueyU Y 0or 166 when the city jrcllre 1626 arthorthcrthvcrtllh ccff ul eltcenteitrent nd iia1A.1 rcnthrunthh itaribarlat ar 2 the byiby 1 cfef tlthethae e rtrtnentnentment ere drawn uyu lo100o in 1iai1 6 contricticnccrintructicri 1 tt rtjrajrtou n thethek urry ityty 111 thehe builder yi rli ni foucitifou citi rn cf ganitoranitoranito blbloclblochociocl ardand bulifbuliabu f

1 mrccrjdc jv bbricksrI c i s forrorforror the 11 L A hche jiljailjalljali w ri z cccngtructecjc YL r t rU c te a6aaji a errcprcrrtccrrlcparktetc buildizibullbuild diadladinirilriizi rherhefheche ssum of 1291712g vfyu0 entedt in building the structure and thirthictherthirs incliti6edincluocj anainalnvin oibtoint dy clodcloch irwtiodinctcinct 1 od ly uietilctileuloCIO oyd arkurktrkrl jovvelcrtjovvelory ciny che h sl CC- T etedeteectcd in 1 ay cfof 19619igo 6 and wacme to house the city rfcvernentovea ontent untuntil lg when it varzr6 torn 3 dondown

annacanndcanrroc enon onoe cltaltcitciti p 1 of0 appendixtppndlxw lbid9ibid p 15p15157

3tbidsabidtbid ppeappp 1641651641659164 1651659 1 the atteatterlatter1 rddy ailtsaints that arrived at interanter uartbartersuartersunrtersersern

frcvq t eurakanehraukagrakaehrakaehmaka frcwfrow lasicairilasicairialfi asaz reported by john irownbrown on j ay at272t ifoaafoa

hoedhoad of family umberupbarrumberbumber1umberupb&rjumber in amily hepkohepyoneprc rervuntozervunts aponea 0ns john I1 owell I11 rogebeves owellosel 1 4 1 nobrt ithiabitbmith 9 10 53 john lockhart 7 1 georffgeorge ianldiedankjiaad and cohnjohn ranthenerankhe1ankheneankhene 6 11 r john isDO holladfty11011acifty 1 1 Frarrnncefranceinnevin actmcpletcl orrorncyr 10 2 53 illiam ifH tayimyy 6 2 3 ilazabethzabothlialiaabetheliaabethabeth rosbycrosbyroebydosby 1 5 2 johnli brown 1 2 illtil in rosby 3 jk icaleaico truly 1 yit34 2

taken frofrow john irownqrownirowna ioaeerrioneer john rfiwnwn alt lakelluke citticityillyibyity lthalthuthlh tevenstovena andwadmad allio inc 1941s1941 cv 969 A


t C CCLM rj1 M v Is T C 1957937

acrayoraycra ielerrjerrjernm of 1Ificesicefficfr rhillrhillinninn iller jnuryjnnunryanury 11953 jzvnu nrymry 19041.904 hiljajamneisliA trattontrotton n iyuaiqu4iyu4 1 xj6 hariesharleeharlee frown t 1906go6 igi191 ehllchilehlihillili n leatloatlontpitriitr iglo1910 1912 borreorr puscherr 912 3 91 J tcjlenrycrenrychenry11 I1 I1 p lib1x6 0opn&nrm jrlckiwnc son 1918193391 8 hab andrsonndrsonndraonrson lazolyzo 92 incineleane jesterjenter I191 c2ca 4 rthurrtliurarthur townsendtownaendtownaondl 1501930 reredd eterffpeternpeterm 19519313.1 J berger1erger 13

ouncllincouncilman e rrnr 0offcffccficefficeeffice peyicli8peyntolds choonahoon ai&itt nunurytiry lyoigo1903 jamwsjamms libertilbertdlbertdibert 19031 6 illiwilkiw clanryclclonry1crionryonry 1 19051 3 1901t rthurarthur hitehitobitomte1 1gag19053 106log eberoberloberteborlobor anernner 11 1 190 jigjimesjimes godfryIodfrey 19c4190igo 131191- T rowell lo10 john ood i john ferofberof 11w4AA 1912 thorthoathoistrti46 birch 190igo1 go4 1 906gog alteraltorniternitornitenniton abodacodtwocd i1906 igi1932193 2 &uiaulajoielbuimui 01 miMnithmithi th 1906loog lexander leeloetee 1919066 1912 rthurarthur townsndtowngnd 19 adrewndrew J aluitabuita1aa fiutulatuiut ly6lya eeteretortcr fc cf illnalln1inlinain 13713 7 arthur hortjbcrt 1905 Pn lyodyoiyonayonn t 19 franrfrank C hoehosehove t5ta 1908 1912 danielpaniel B jonjone 190- 1912 awardawandmwardedwardodwardedwand J arkisonarkinonar 1903 1912 kinon I11 J H1 l twoodatwood igl jaagjangjamg hoon igligi191iglo1910V iiiiiqii jofieph C nr1rry 1910 iglaigia1912 eore h attfatefatteable 19j19igo LO 1912 109 coioaionero tenstemstengrm coff C fficafico georegooregooner PH attattaatto jinury1 inu rryary 1912 iiijaijatjanuarynuary 11 ctllleb j errern 11 1 Jjaiffiewam0 14 layAY laiclyic 1926 0 i hurcburc t 1 x dardderddwrdawardmward fL ckrcar an n 1 f lifalifx croorcoroc r v nuennuetii va 0 ru herran re e 1 W

urray chaarchanrchanchauchaupecipecigeol to the Coiscoisoioncolsororvgemv assionolonoion for of troven2 fc ithtithkithbith the election of obrerovrer 11 MItkenzabenbaken1akenlawen froztronfromafroztrom

2 ianuaqen story1lotory of urryurray tattrato of uth ulrayuxrayexray ity library urr y ith li rl APPappendixadix iliIII111 EARLY bisbcpiic3DISSUC PRICS CFOF tretrwTHETHB WAYTTRRY andARDAARDA

hurraymurraymurrey ard mehopspiohopbmerops teraterntermcernyetayera of cfficceficcfficf uriah 0G pillar 19001 161906 first counselors trtermverv of cffieioffiahoffiao irATA T oustofouetofgustof johndonjohnoonjobneoft 1900 1906 3oadsoadleeondsondseeond alracoualrackmsojoraCoucoaniya truteeatewa of offioffaoffj charloecharioecharlop browabrown 1900 1906 v1va ard Cirksgurka tiersTTB of horncofftornc arabkarenwarenyarenarfb H lyon 1900 191906

grant kdard bihopbichop trtoretorm of offioffic ifttt14tor jaajama snlrSnsmaelsnirsnar 1900 1902 A lr illias411140a411140 waureewauaeeallo mwkaymatkaymakay 1902 1907 andrewanddew J ahiahlahlquistahlquiatwsxjj&tquiat 1907 igi1911915 tteoftia M waelwadlwftraookwarmok 19151925 1918 joweph lrelavlawLOVlovrecrecrac myrmyramyre 19161918 1920 gilds jokajoha ail3il3ildslra1sharpI 1920 1924192 nilniinileniia L jeasonjonson 1924192 titrityitfirst counselorsCounlovslors toroTTBtermtorm of offieloffiseoffieo henvyhury nichols bird 1900 190igo1904 andvanlranidanaranav Ji wablquiatwahlwahiwah1quigtWablquiat 1904 11907 marlakartinmadiamadinmartinm&rla ckriatessexchriatoaaea jr IW1907 igi1911915191.5 georg Bno wattnabknakkwatts 19151913 19161918 rurrharrhurrburrhttryhatryhaary itsShiabia tumrhumrtumy 1918 1920 argoerke6r H attewattswattahatteA 1920 19219261924 illlit111 etoyotoyeroyoroy urbinurnlnuranurmn W 191 3y ichellchielachiel idolmoimobarichanic c iililnilanil3n11 n n second Counsounelcrocounselernelern ternterm of rfficealficeclfice

t dviddavid ororfnlorfngf I1 iwellawellaj 1j l7jv 1 h icrc cr I1 3 7.7 avid owell 1911 t 1 17 iloliollo I ayi073oyi loiigl191 171 Jjohn0hL ahiahlhl ualstulsti B t igi191 194h20 rl1 ru T 1 1 leluleiur elbeloeibtelu lorenzodorenzo Jjenyonbenyonen v n 19iga191 lgig1919. ns it vva 4 1zcazc 2 v4 1 ichiel bilancicilanianihnlan 15z6 195lyk9 3 1 e 1 r i r r- I1

r clerke jioriqrm of fricefficeaficeaaiceeffice illiaalilam herbertnorbettnorbert viltright 1 1 f jftcob pinton 1 9 3 ohnjohn lichard 1 1i if 7richlmichlmichiicamichm 1 irmirw fcclilcillillumillpm 132613241924132 1926 I1leber etetrcnetronetereenestereenereenergenergon 19ige1921626 19 prtvprprav tv undskounysko 1 0

urreyurryyurnay rfirt ard iohojs i ernicrbiarbizerm of fficefriceefficecaficecarice

uriahurlah 1 illeraileralier I116 1 A i ichiachllacherachelchlr 1 vahrmvaurmaucaaucb I1 9.9 igi1911914 avid F lrintonarinton 1914191.4 1261926 illiaillloillim T lelialleitoljlstonlutoninton 192619126 1928lys1928 anuolandol 1 i ri&hurtrinnphurznt cyblyb9 iy7iya 7 lmmimmammln crane 157137 first Counnecounneloricouqelorlori foretemderederozem of fricfrice er ustofgustof joannonjohnnonjohnoon 106 1915 joaeltjooerb I1 e t Zi Ston 115 ormanornan rellionraluionraralusonluionllyon 19iboiwolycalycilC lc19z6ly26 8 avid J I1 ampbell 16 198191926 thothormaruzz5 I1cutinrutinfartin 1981928 1933 cyrus keith Anienanmienaniennlenanbenan3enan 19351933 1371937 1 rence arry 1371337 r-


r eecoidecondc0n d ounelorounelornne I1 0r aeraenrrm of e ffficficericeefficgice hurlehuriehirleurI1e s ronnonvon 16 1914il joupilgoupilj040111 A utbun jiaji41x41 1aaa1 jiajibji5 fred ietorqenet reen igliigil1915 1171917 ram0 rtmrzrror tin recerrez k L liv117 i J1 carl G LE arlsonprison7 1 Z 161261.26 lckr 1 b verlverivarl I1 cill 166 1928ic ihokho r c onald L ly allardillatjs C olsoncleon 1931933 195793719571937 tylryl caaioon i 1 577

irdard lerhoberho rrrarrrma of cfcfficceficfice john I1 ronni ovnon 16 11 denren y n 1 1 391419144 arlhrl lronalron 11 1 eon arlami bodtiodtt 1 lololoio1916 teonrdleonrdari 0 sonstconstLastnst mcince yatunt m6maoj6ojagig 19101911 1 eonnrconnareonnar bodtiodtrftmodt i i 1910 lmoinolmoimo rhomas sartinirtinartinmartin 1919 1934igya ibertlb e rt irodtbrodtt 19 9 5 ranzranz H e itoverikoverestover 195519.55

ury eccndecceca d ir 3 l shcjhc i ierrberrzerr of fic dicobjicob illttl icv on 1 1 r vaidvvaldvaida amunddmund atrenepfrenipytrenipfrenfren 192a1 1928 A nyinyz 3 r lb jiyiiondYIX n rii funffonfmusemuneu ri irP t irtlctairt ounaclorr erre rm of cfliccalicctficecafice t7csc7l 3 trlarL 1cac 1 p 2 I1 i kniel r narrnarr jr 19419741984

ecoidecond coun6eloracounfcelorn omrr of cfficceficcfficecafice ndrerandrer nderson 1c6log 19919 g bcrecr enorerorV 510 I1 loahigan T elseiselereis joserhjoseph bibergalberghibergblberg 19419103410244 17 L 3 kftyond v ctuachuaasua en 19271921 floxdfloyd ghry6tchryfit 191928 1928 frrlarrlnarlnariri Jis i riricee 12819281 92828 ardarcancrd lemiemlerar c cr of i ficec e 11illiwilkiw114ir rilihtrihtahtght 1 6.6 ilalialibUS joashjoaohjosoih I ilbeveibexiboxabox i i tl ph n rr tv ro n d t rin i A jaj2 lv J arvinlrvinyin liclicleybicleyaloyaley lw

tkentaenaken ffrororomm ecord of the urry iaketakatakoaakeamke ardandJKJI ri indand the 1 urry authouth 1 k 1 A lauinu a& ke t e nd rd hurch I Jistolatoriunlatostorlstoylrianriuniau frictricetrico aaaitaltt lkeake ity kttth 1-

ool001 g

intonrrintonarintonrrrrincerinc toritorltoni I1 eonardeonrconr J rretca t ninnlnrn nir3 ir JAino1I 0 m bricded e 1 rv r ttniver&ityniversitygity rosf loy iro r

111ovjnji roltxowtkowt john utpbiqutobij&rnjqfr a of vioziear jujenjunjetajerajoran irrpwnrown altaitsiltbiltblit kreaiealnare ity utah tcvnsteventovenv adlnelneindl li 7rcarc lliiliali hittendrattenderhittenMI i thibee riare ric n i tx cder-v de 0off the faryarairaarfir ertmut I1 ttenderdr yo ricr rde x 0 orrk rrnarn indand blebieobleobie incinalna 1

acloocloocioshwnohwn1 aiknikulkuik fenaen akof ak e tyg rclo r lonoerciaoneern andnd rwroinrolnroinontrwanantanentAnantentont 47enen of utah alltt ake iity ri 7 0 ttchatch 1 tthn h I1tontor0 r earcercr c ro ubiirmrab i ri-nI1 r o I1 3

T I1 1 arirri Is therhe ctc3icckthclic archhrchawrchawruch in ttbh I1ltt al-iele city titshtcheth inteinterr ountiiniountiin cholictholictholic resecreadcreaa ly J I1jrvtnf nz1aazinahjnftonartonnrton therhetho dventureaaventurep of captan ionneviueojlpnneville iewlewbewpew y Ybcrycrcr k uurtrt j ubliruhlirxiblirherhenther nd Jcjconacon on rrntlneiurrntine n 0o ete t ilerleleyileriderlderreleleyteleytoleylcy fornililifornilicornintlifornl a n1verniverritynivnivernaver errityity of californiacailcallCali lornia reo 1 jene rz ewconapnp nndrwnorwdriao nncclorejia jiietorystorrhistorrhihistorystory of the church of jeams christ of0 f 1 atteitteratterit tr r y intint7ta alt se abydbyityibyaty nihnthuthit ah0h f rerett awseweows abububiirbinubiublirbinisbinishinin coi- ny igi1911941 lilzttordytterater d ty iaintsfaintsa3lnta incinoxionrxiong 1hiahicicalhicalklkic11.11 acycloydiancyclooodiad vol iliillIII111 iltailt Ttjceke 1ityjity hththahtutnht varretvaeretvaeret leenrlewrlawrtewoCWRwr ubliahingubliauhliauhilazibllnlehtinlehtiohingn concomro any ica2j11. antnerpntnernntnarq 1 I1 Uranbooranbowindbookbanranindboobook of ththe 1 inpgnpn klaersjlaers and beralaneralannerals of V ttabtahAabh alt jikerikeetreetke atycity tahtab R loar lk

ar harabarayarkmrhaimahaiha 1 ridjidfandvand ijnmtronlunflntromo i edieeedicoediood 1alalaislaiabala of a 1rriugnhgintiumnh t eole ritribaltit itytatyitye utah devenatevenalevengaeveng ardandrind lilnalairilisallir reapetgpergreq 17 rhefhe iningininp tndand rtryartryutry of tah altuitult ikeilelle utj1it ubah chamber of corrrercel0 nm erc e igiigl191 oran ft 10lo I1 vededishoedvededish alithithrlith newaw&w york the 1bobob s errill of r-

115 levinsnevinsNevinalvinas alienallen fadftd arrativoanarratives of y lorticncn and Iftenturedygnturee rewnewnowpow rorkyork longmnotongm4ms reendreenvreengreenreon ldad lortic 195615

robertsroberta 3 11 A coancorohensiveahonsiveahenehenahonsive hieHishisteryhistorylilstcryterztorztery of the hurchchurchhurck cf jesusjebus coriatchriatchrigt of ainaraintr doldoivolcl tte altnitgitlt zik7ityixitxkt citycley 1 taury tahaehtan eaereteacret1ieseret hewshewenewe renreo 133 iouilouiloul robertrohert ed j azetteerqrettccrgazetteer aldandd bictoryictory1irectorztorytony altait 1laklawdaw uth sitlt016014 0 C 1 y U gerlde 1 d binting o 1 q14 4 cityI t vtxhxtahtxh i ierldraI rintinfrinting and ublishlinzubli&hlngic 1 A tenhousetonhouse i ii ththe rockylnocpockyenockkyy mountainountsLIn saintaalntaint tewAW york pletonp leton and coicotco 1713


t lteriter J cecilcecii arluriyariariyarly utbtsihbitsihlh jcurnall3juurrmli3 & he utah ilatoricaliigtorlcalintkatlatorical uartuarterlyquarterlyerly 1931.93 lt

10 the aiatoadato of beperetDeDo beretseretsoretperet the tahtzhftabaftab historicn1higtoricl uirtuurtgrlirt y jailjiil riigttjuly cnoberctctoberctobortoberobon 1 1 erxcn ajileadvieajvle i7ialyl l cltontcitonolton iierbert t agent in the ildernectildiidlidi1darnecbqernect utah historichistoricalal uarterlyitjart vytVTTVITT 195 hoh qgjretoepertt nevnewe anuryanu ry 14 1a7417

1 1 i P allt flen afennfenhafenhason 9 eroyROY lltbuntainountainountalnoun tain fenhenrenen refore the oiwo6 uth hintcrical 1 uarterlyuArtquarterlyerlyenlyeniy it i tobertcctoberoctobercctobertcc tober lvaiva

idouridyuredyrcid dearI1 dgaradgaragar irlyrl y inimanim nd eltingciting scouth of I1 atit ltdaee city1it yidntyIDdidnt nt y y igi1911931ngsi elti

f ehe C ceroC reullouheulloujrh themhothetho alneinvinrinvina0 inelne of the trettr-et crcaroar O rthutihrutih intcriclintcrical A IV 125123 126 duarterlztuartorlyt riiilriltailt 16 125126 alt lake iraldoeraldoraidraldrala 1 4

1 1 thochecho alt 1akeahelakelahe jriburieiribunj& I 1 L I1 ah I1 ining &agtt i7ia cac7

ublicubileziblicbublic ocuntocfocurnentnunt andarlurl decorrecoecorrecororrOrroyyoy b bureausureau of the censu5tceneusceneuo ninth benmnonmusenmonmus of the 1 nattpdttpattritflritzld attattertaktort ijylly117iby ojuitio 0 o & i ttt 116

tenthtonthdonth caniccnicenicnzwr jaj3 cfof ththe united Aetczt03 1T oulationouovulationlation 70 I1 ttc thirteenth enekauenauenatizstizsticatiz of the aitaltnit tr 1j10 oblationsOalationsoalationspulatipulationtontone vol litTITT tt circular of the ublicubiicbublic cholacholqchotjachoaja of jltaltjit jakeeakjak0 ccullchullcounty llyliy Franfranchiaebranchiaeraqchifiechiae t4ecordacorecor of fliltflint lekeleheinkeke bountyourityscountyourItYs iltailtt 11 iafeoriclarqtorici ocielaocielyocieiy journmijourruxlL of the joinjointt assionsAsassignsesionsegionseglonssions of theth 1 koialitiveFI1elativezlative igertblyigent1380mblxigerTbly of lthuthtaahianhtanhbanh torritorjTorritoterritorjftrj 1652 anuttaanutcainutoq of the urraymurray itytoityvoity 1 oard of auemuemuccatloncAtionducationducatoondu ttionstion joipolvolvoi701101 tstTTItytT TI report of the electicelececlecticOlectictiotinn returns of albaibaltaitalbaib ake countycourityi august 3 1863186 0 thtahtab iiatcricj3 tcriacri ccocltyoclaye ty oadcad co0 of ifticcifc ke Gurlguricuntyigurltyttyt inuteirluteanute ooi vtnvan difitorlcjl oclociocietysocietyety

An jb llodljcd JL tterlltenileri d

1 ferlinseriin7eriin lliott br bharbhim erenevenen bootioot10 0 t io er r n eauerde r hauhlisheduwmbliahwd fasterfsactedacter this eprfckent of ellonelion7ejjj4l ri ar2r ycuilyouil vrifc7 1

1 1 r 31 arn aneC a luccljcc Cof0 f illlhilll J jrnrd in ineinoluo iin ttneh rrihi tl young univertdtyuniverrjlty Libibrrytlibrarysrarys nndd Johnjohnnonjohnsonajohnsongsonsnonssongnon laviddavid F ththe history and tCotconcmBoicacoboicaconcm icsacs of utah listilroadtkilroadc 1 1 l I 1 1 nublicd tedatecaberjtterjc r a tfchcihi ia t 0of1 CconQ 11 i Mrc unlvereityuniformityunivormity of utah 1971947 tet i-chenrychclienrychonryclicHenryonry vereverovoro fifty beirnyeirnte zrar of independence A historyiliiiiillaltoryastoryestory of Ykurraymurraymurvay llyilyity choolabhoola un auila ortodtodd lteritoritenaitor ttcteattactteas OK trtartort citt of Aucaaucationgmucationg 195419 tcctct

aacuoent i Edstoryhistorybastory of rrayiiurrayj tato of utthiutnhitttphj in the ariyrriyurrayarroyunray itycity Ibibrarylibraryibxmryirary 1 t ollo0110 in lt i ie uienieule tjfrycfcyc rjltcnL r jrr 11011erici CLUAux eting1tingitin omd efininffrefining company alt akelakebakerare city uthutah berjterjterJ lt hurclihurcle econocon jouJOY ralraiual uiai3tryhori of the iljrc 2 JA irl t i ttlacltfclt rrcc y jtcetc to church Astorianlehistorian cfficetknffice 11 larelakejarejake ritycity vatlthalthallklykiy 117 rordabordarovdar04or4a of tuhm murray stekstakstaleskallskell andawd aranaraoarenearengarem chuhchurch hitrianarigtorlamfeHi triana office alkaikalt laiflake city ubabubah rorderardar4mrdaraddeborde of thoshesho nttrrymwraylwray smth stakstokstakoatako sadaadsnd A ardoabdaabdo courbckurbckurob hltriaariotoriam s officearrueorrue sitsaltsait lalLAM city atahvtah9tah fritmfriem mwy9 0 Mro brfrrborgorp A fonarfoncrftrojr yurmwqvryor of advarmurry city and aonoonsemi of piozrorpiorwor gcullbgottllebgottll9b bri august 305 1959 HM P itll18641149 bdsadbad aottatatageoustantAgeoustantkaatbaak of meth united atteostaten 5ltiafsawltlas aadandaa i9llrfiainRfftfloingiAin c4mpaycampayceayaay althaltgaitgaibaibaik lakslake city office marchmarekmarok 13v151.5lyv 1959ige190igo r1rahickryhiykryPC RY 0OFFUrlAY TC 1905 117 pares

nZ bebetractbetracebatraicttract of the theciatheolethebiethedla of clintongunton roiroIirelre h1brchlberhiberahlber

in partial fulfillment of the 1 equiresie&toequirenments

forrorravrov the I1deecelerree of avtarvasteryaster of clenceclonce in the departmentdepartbepartDeportnentment of historylilIiitovytory

lroyiroyleroylehoy R eafenhafenearonhapon CchiiirmanchilchaiChiihuirmhuarmirman 4dyidyioryawry coarcomrcoondltteeitteeattee IT keith 11felfelvillebelville101villelolloi ville vembertmembertreitetretbr Aviaviscrydviaoryboryscrysory comnitteecommitteecoymitteo

frirhafrichaFrfrigham7righamlehaiRha toungyoung university nguot1ucuatuguot 1959 T T

ihothe valley and region in which furrayhurray is located waswa well knonknown to the traptropperttroptrapperntroppernpernpencpenn and exploreexplorersrn before the iormnomonnormn ionoorsaonaera entered the realreairearoa the scalecalscalnteinte eexpeditioneredition viviitaviitdA the general 1areaaremmrea11re xi as anerlyrixalyrly as aemberaemmeroptexsberAenberemberomber of 1776 and left a dezcridescriptionitin of vtutsihutschh valley ardand itsiteita lnhbitantainhabitvtnt hile in the the indiana gaveayestreayo the tqraniardjrmniardr inforanforinforratacnmiiticmirtic n about the vvuey1.1 Y to the north and the laska there omeone fifty bearfiyearfiyelars literilaterglaberg the reregiontonsonion became well known to the

fur trapwraptraipreretrapnorsnorspersyors of the iqreatreat fur concomconpaaiecompanicacompanickpanica eteretedetoreberebor I1 kne order 1 jedediah snithsmtthjnithi andimd rovo3t with their aocctniiranioeianiobi of iteniseninentsen travetrnvetrnyroy3rnodarnod the reelonregion and beeaffbecambecamebeeaffleleo well acuqirtdacquaintfacquaintsA with it fterafter the arrival of the first traptrapperaltrapneretraynereperaldezedevenere the areamreaarem rne oftenoftonorton visited by whitehit aennenmen either trtrarpintrappintrappingarninarpin or exploring

11 ithaith1ith the toronloronmonsmong entering the valleyvailey elecleewecame the settlers who werewero to wakemake the firtfintfirst tattletattieeattletattlementment at authouthdouth cottonwoodCottonlodwod reerneerkatreenkjtreenreen ylakerI1 lakeblaker a erbermember of the firtsirtsirat party of pioneerspioneernploneploneerfferff is reported to have built a house for jarjaajanefjamef liskeflakebiske in thetho arcaareaar herehergwhere the loeiattii minto settled in lwiIWIlwy18 teybasymas arettareaaretaarenarema became known asan the awaama ijanlynamlymamlyan 7urveraurverurvey and was the nucleus from which the touthtoutbsouthtoute cottonwood arciarid grewgrowa

thetho authouth cottonwood ard opieopleoriginallybinallyginally included the wholwholewhoiele

11 r aoutheactooufcheat codnercornergorner of teva altaithalthaizvaiz laelawlakebaw alleyaileyalieyvalleyvailey a the otvlativpulati1 n grewgrrex 2 and the area develwidevcevelodevelodeeldieidiveloveioelwI the ruthauthouthmuth cottonwood ardrd uinaulnavinn0 o divided into wardswardaworda encopacingoncompazingenco pacing mailersnailer areas thetho bottom lands alonaion the creekscreeke werewore settled firatofiratptlr3t leaving thetho leseieseloselenlebICA desirable land for later development A wrdburdwurd wao house wabwas built in 185691b6186 and soeaoesomesomo tiietiretime later a tailtaiiaallsmall village3 develondevelopeded on the tatotateanteanto road hearnearnoar little cottonwood creekcreeks hen the ralirallratirailroadrallroadroad eyotefflsystemaystem of uthutah rademade iningminingBs oremore practical the ameltineameltineameltonebnielting industryinduetry beanberanbenanbegan to take shape in authouthioutb Cottoncottonwoodwoode Asan early as 187ib the ocdhullo4tdhui1 brothers built a furnace on the tatebeteketestebestabe road and the bigbi Cottoncottonocdcottonwowo A creek and did the sirat ocanoeganoeconomicallyocanomicallymically successful abeltinameltinsmeltingsmellingsmameltingeltin in the territory AsA the railroads madaademade more oresoreo availableavalayal tableimablei the aneltersaneltersbnelters pgrewtew in eie aadand numrebertaurebertaudebertnumberataumebertberetberat andnd gave to authouth cottonwood the economic potential which oanrradchanged it into the cityolty of murray ththe influx of people into thetho vicinity of thetho elterselterselberselberseibersmneltersmn brought more business opportunities and concquentlycovaquently the aisebisebizebizo of ththe communitycoscoamunity became such that many of its citizens felt that the town should bbe incorancorincorporatedporated into a cityeityelty thetho road to incorancorincorporationporaticn weawaa not a smooth oneoneionel and it took a number of yearsyeara to achieve the incorporation of mureomurzomurray asaa a third lansclacaclaoa city ththe schools of murrayirray developed frotronfromtrom thetho meatmoatmoasabeneraenermeaermenermeasermeasoror beglanbegianbeginningsbegianingebeginningoinge which danynanymany frontier acholsschools experienced to distridietrictctr which boasted two story brick buildingbuildingsoo the consolidationeonsolidationconeolidation of school districtdistricts in aitaitalt lake county brouchtbrought about the incorincorporationporation of Mrnyvryrryurray asan a secondaecondclaooclace city because of the desire to keep local control of 53 the schoolsschooiehoole to do this 1a.1 now aresareaaroa was annexed to thetho city to cainbaingr alnain the pulationepulationpopulationP0 Pulation required for a second claaclabclasa incorporation I1 ithiithaith this incorporation in 19 theth city continued ito crowthgrowth and nt

psrovedps roved vl A c 4 n i tj j minarminim ir bensen i fi mfcimmmmikm ac1 y hmh m jr rj i L x i n