Brigham Young University BYU ScholarsArchive Theses and Dissertations 1959 A History of Murray to 1905 Clinton R. Ahlberg Brigham Young University - Provo Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd Part of the Cultural History Commons, and the Mormon Studies Commons BYU ScholarsArchive Citation Ahlberg, Clinton R., "A History of Murray to 1905" (1959). Theses and Dissertations. 4461. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/4461 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. tip A hittritt 7 CFC F y tcTO 1905 thesis submittedoubraittedoubmitted to tbthe dopartmntpepartaent of idstoryhiatorymidstory brihanbrihambrigham young university iravobravoirovoi atahctahutah 21 inta 6 rtialartial fulfillmntfulfillfffntfulfillment of the rquiremntohequirerbent of the desreedegreedegrdegn of fastermasterplaster of science by Clintoclintonclintojmjm Wr hlbergshibergahlberg agustuutugust 1959 yacFAC it hehasheshao benbeen the purpose of the writer in preparing thithlthisthib thesis to mkeakemalke available to the people of burrayliurrayrurray ththe early history of their cowunitycowunity latheathith14th thekitebite growth off the residential and businessbuslbusineirnegineer arecaren of the laitjaitaitmitalt laklakslake valley therethero isi a tendency to regard murray asaa an apappendsappendaappendagependapondage of alt lake city and to forget the independent ffortseffortspforts of early furrayhurraymurray citicitizenszenevstungzeneg and ththebhe circumstances which brought about ththe development of their cityolty muehmuchof tftaylsfurrayafursurrayaraysraya history hashaehab been overshadowed by thetho ventseventsgents which took place in zaltoaltz4lt lakedake1 ak city or bahashaa been submergedaubabubasered by general incinclusionincluoicnincluzionluzion in the historyhi6torybi&tory of the vallelivallevalleyvaileyvalleyiyi considerable resereveresearcharcharoharobhashaaha been required to find the information and to bring to light obscure featuresfeateatureetureaof Marremurremarressmurraymarreqsqs past ththe author auldwuldwould like to give grateful recognition to 11rr lroyleroyleboy re facenhafenhacen and arddroazodr J keith melville of the BriCbrighazhankhankham young jnivorattyuniversityunivernity for their patient consideration and ludiudd inija the preparapregaraprepara tion of thisthiakhia thsisthetictheeic ann expressionexprossionexpreaaion of gratitude iaio alsoaisoaleoalbo due thethobhe latterdatter day aint churickchurichhiatoriaa1histerianivi efficeofficeorfice for cooperation and for the une of thirthidtheir materials iii TABLE CF ccwtum3 lakeiagelageaage PSEFACEPREFACE 0 0 9 0 0 6 illlii chapter 1 TBS LAKB I SALT laeslanslaebIAKS v4ltfylljatvaltivallif BSFCR 1847184187 a 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 1 II11mo ARLTKARLT settlesStIrTSBTTLBSlersLEPS WDaydAND THE AMASA LV-LTHAKAR 5urvjSURVJTT 16 iliIII111 tebteeTHETHB OROWTBOROWTH OFoy x17tb COTTCHMCc0caain i0vdjCD 1891891870184918701849 1870 29 IV1 le irovesmftokkjgr LIFELIFK 0 v 0 0 0 0 9 0 4454.5 iq V theteeTHB smbltnsmeltsSMIUMFIR1I 0OF murrarMCRKATMURRAY WDAND trstreneTHS IMJTOS aivfaivaOIVKK tremTHBHTHEM BTBY THSTHE RAIIAOADRAILROAD w 0 9 0 0 56 VI TRETHE 3cbools3ch0011 OF murrarCTRRATMURRAT 0 0 s 0 0 74 1 vilvnVII CITY devsiorwnrrDSVTWM entuntVNT alid IMCORHINOO RPC STICKRATION 0 0 90 AITMDICES 0 s 0 0 e 0 v 107 bibliograjwt 11114 ivIT ceaCHA I1 TH adtALT LA V elyLLY hfchac 1847ipa the valley and regianregion in which urrymurray isi located werewernworewenn 1wellI known by the explorers and mountain kencencon before thetho mormon pioneerspioneerapionoereplonpionptoneera nteredniteredentered the area aaAs earlycurly no 177117760 tbthe catholic fatratfatterratherrathorfatherafatberaloralorbbera francise tantalotanaaloaanasivtanabanaafanasivAanaamnasicalcsivaioalooainjiueeleainguee aadand roctornctojranciao ilveatrelilvoatro alevlevievolvoi ded scalscalantescalantelescalanteantelante were in tbthe neighboring uthutahubah valley andnd werverewere told by ththetho indiana of a lake sustsuatjustjuat to the north which waswanwa altysaltyeltyeity and harmful to the body the purpose of the calanteisiscalanteescalanteksc&lante expedition saoseowasa to find a route frotrofromtrom 3 ntaanta Ffe nvNhev Vemexicoxieo to Vonmonontereyimontereytereytevey aliforniacalifornia ontrey had recntlyrecentlyrocently benbeenwen biadmiadade a portpart for thetho entry of i7podsoods from painpain and southern exico soabobaoit was thought that if a road could be found direct from santaganta fe10 to Monteontereyimontereyoreyo it would be of great advantageadvntaadv nta in the trnnpcrtationtrnnapcrtation of boodgoodgoods to c&liforrcaliforniaia for the zupzuou prtartp rt of the ffdasionmissions therethorebhore ithath thiathibthifs purpose in mindamindqsiidelidpiid thetho expedition hdhadhag cletalet out from antalantasanta I1fe on the twenty ninth of julyjulyn l76t1776 andnd traveled north- westerly until they aroastcroastcroa&sdd thethotee fortieth decree of north Lltitudeititudelatitude herehezerehli thythey turned wetweotwoot aoiroeeaamasaaman the larenljrenjreenareen riversiveriyerlyer ondrand through the herbert bitonebitonvboltoni jc&nt in the ilderildernefiaideraldersonsaldernonsAldernefinesbnobsnessnons 11 utah 111storicalhigtorioal uarter17ouarterlyt XVJIIZICTIT lloilo11950iO p 186 2 untagbuntaguinta DuchemducheineduchemieduchemneduoDuc hemiehemlene andnd strawberryArawmrawberry valleysvalleye ianlanimramrrot2dotzrota the strawberry the expedition travtraveledelod down aniahvanishjanish fork cr0kjcree which they named the asumaaguas caliente7rjcaliente demingenggentgmeming riverhiveraveravor off rm ater it wac naedanaedna ed thia because of the wr priognsprings they foundround 8ptyinremptying into it traveling dodoirndoarn ththe panahtppanihtpaniahaniah jorkfork V canyon the fatheraFatherthenthenk hideaidenademade their fit cjinpcavpcalp in the uttjatsvtsuttaahzh ajjyojaileyjalleygalley4ailyn etstemberetember7tewberember the twenty thithird e andqndnd baveeaveaitt7aveayeeavtt the valleyvaileythe neennenamjcamj valley indandnnd ie cfof eurcurur 1 ady of ercyereyarcy 112 lereycrcy of the timtimpanodarmeftatzis7 is 0 the valley wabwaaWSB decritefrideacribeel asfi sixten panahpanih luff lorr andnndnd tenton or twelve widenmidenwidliwidci and the land waswmswam surrounded by rountainbuntainrcuntaitt peakepekarapearepearafrofrom which four riversrivererivern flowed into 4 the valley rherhohe fathers traveled north oasincroasincrousincrcroaslnq the ravorovo riverbiverhivertvers and on to ericanericadmtericmn fork creekcreeks fronfrom the neraerionnertonaeraerionerlonertonicanloanioan roror theathejtbeabe could loetoeseeneemee the out letietlot of the arkeaaseae thetho jordinjordanjordon rivertiverlver and nnacdneedmacdo ledhed it the icio dod areaaneaartixrtiarta I1 na they didid lotrotnot travel north of the ericanericad fork to the johnfjordanjornf but eakiehtleentiaentiatedp tedeted itaitoit oleotesize from what insor atlon ththe 5 lndimalndimainrfanelodimadigadigo fr vevv thertheretheyethey8theyd fhhe indians told them thatbhat this river flowed into another lake to the ncnorthrth which occupiedoccuplod mayraymanymapy lentucaleuelenTleatleucuca and chedhe gann containcontainedcontainodoontaiftedod witterwikter whichA 03107107.1w 3a hur fulfui to the body therhe indindianalanu alomiomloalsoaisomiso 3biibiiblabiMd pey 17 211231abidtbid1 d 7 Z itileitihethe old s aniahaniuh league isia a urc to 2636563 united Astatesaebaes ne leue eul 4 1 dolton 0 citecileU lp n 51bidibid p 15185 3 aaeuaeuampez u A s7u i 2 statedalatedelatedthatthutthab the aiiajfltea Iivedulvad around itenit sharesshareeshoresshoree pufa&pear 4 1 was the indian wrdwir3wirdwreard for witch doctors though the tipanoffotsistizpsaiogotzin in the 11utah valley did not consider the 1puauapckmasvagmagbamperuamper ass enemies they did not refardregard them ana neutralneutralineutralsneutraliraiv for they had killed an indian froefromfrosafrosh the uthutah vally they further described thetho indiana anon the alt lake horeabareabore aiav ulekuletjuit living on herbsherbahorba aadand drinking from the fountains neirnernearneyneay tbthe lake theirrheircheir houseshoumeshou vereverowerewero reported to be made cfefdry ruberuseruturrurue andund eartheurthbarthburth the fathers establishestablishedod friendly relations with thetho indianindiana on ththe uthutah 1akcejlake and taught thethernthermthemm of lodsod and that while it nadnagwag necessarynceairy for theathenthem to leavetleavesievelevebevc they would sent priests to techteach thettheithem of chritchrist the fathers roqurequiredired of the indioindiansno a token to ehobhoshow their delredenire to beeboebocbecomeno christiana and thatthut thetho returning prie ilsitst eightbightmightahtiht be ntghiebiebletiele to usue it for identification unaaponcpon thithlthisthia request the indinindiana painted three crocks with figurfigures on them on a skin thesetheaetheao fifigureburenguren oaon the broseserosescrosses represented thetho three dredrwlr harrisharria describedeacribedescribesdeacribe the uauaapeiluaguarpez of valtvaitlt lake&lareiarelakelakee as an out lawedcawed birdburd of thethokhebho richenichepiche auero or tulayultutayutyuta jecnnjecnyjonnejelallee hene tatekbatekatateii that in 1851891859 lieutenant iphoniipaonjimpoonqpaon while
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