Il N - Sj'p - : =^^- A--Lll\A , - /\

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Il N - Sj'p - : =^^- A--Lll\A , - /\ Recorded by AEROSMTTH FLUTf/PICC. Words and Music by STEVEN TYLER and JOE PERRY WALI( THIS WAY Arranged by JOHN WASSON =gj 'Jp If *ji-)) r . --i - sfP tf - Cilp\ri!lrr !) 1,175 l)atsct -nri\ l-LC mJn jelrcill Cr'Plil:-ht . :(Irl Drlrt I I C 437 44684 .\ll R'ilrr..\rloriilr\tcrrrl l,r S,,n\/,\TV Itu,ic PuhtrJrr'l ti l\lu.irSq.ue \\c.r.\il.h\illu. l\ rTlrrr Walk Thi5 - I Way lDtcmrtional Cofr\ ri!1il Sulurc(l All Iii!hls Rcsc^c(l Recorded by AEROSMTTH FLUTE/PICC. Words and Music by STEVEN TYLER and JOE pERnV WALI( THIS WAY Arranged by JOHN WASSON lsl r tlP sJp lI' -> n --il n - sJ'p - : =^^- a--lll\A , - /\ -. sffz- C(rptrigll C) l')75 l)al.\el l-l C This o loot Datscl LLC All Rilh / ry ltusic Prhti\hiilq o37 44684 8 l'\illc,'lN l7l0l Walk This | Way - InLcmat All Rrght! Rcscnc(l Recorded by AEROSMITH Words Music B, CLARINET and by STEVEN TYLER and JOE PERRY WALI( THIS WAY Aranged by JOHN \Ir'ASSON sJIz Cop\rishl 1) 1975 DUL\cl LLC 1}is uanlcnrunt Cop\ri!hl 1O lotll l)ali$L LLC {ll Rr!lrts A(lDrini\tcrc(l hv S(n!/ATV \{usic Publishln!, - 037 44694 i Nlusic Squrrc wtl, Nrihrillc. TN -17203 Walk Thrs Way - | lnlcnratrcnrl Cof\ri!lrt Secue(l All llighls Rcscncd Recorded by AEROSMITH Words and Music by B, CLARINE'l' STEVEN TYLER and JOE PERRY WALI( THIS WAY Aranged by JOHN WASSON 'ii' lr= Ep< If SfJz ' Cop)righl O 197.5 Duliscl t t.C This MangcnrcntCoplrighl () l(X)l DJt$l t-t-C AIL Ri!lns A(hnini\lerc(l h,v Son!/ATV Music Puhlishin:, 037 44684 8 Nlusic Squuc \{'cst, Nu\hvillc, TN .17103 walk Tnis way - | Intemntionul Con-!flght Sccure(l All Rishts Rescnc(l Ilecorded by AEROSMITH Words and Music by Ei ALI'O SAX STEVEN TYLER and JOE PERRY WALI( THTS WAY Arranged by JOHN V/ASSON slfz t Coplrillrt ir l(175 l)alscl [-t-C llis fficnlenrcnr Col)\nllrt.Ll lof)l I)akscl t I C \ll Ri!hts l(liliilisrcre(l h! Sun\/AT! \{usic l'uljli\hin! - 037 44684 I ltusic squuc \\tsl \a\l!ille TN l?10.1 Walk This Way - I Inlcnrurtrnral Co0\ ri!ht Sccuc(l All liishl\ I{cscnctl Recorded by AEROSMITH words and Music by E'ALTO SAX STEVEN TYLER and JOE PERRY WALI( THIS WAY Arranged by JOHN WASSON Funk Rock IT Coprri-lhr O le75 l)a|\cl I I C This aranlcnrenl Cop\right C l00l Dd$l I t-C All Ri!hr\ A(lminisLerc(l h! Son!/r\TV Itusic l'ohlishin_!, 037 44684 ll i\lusrc Squuc \\tst. Na{rrillc-TN .171{).1 WalkThisWay- | lolcmali()nrl Cop\nllrt Sccurc(l AII Rielrts Rcsenc(l Recorded by AEROSMITH Wo?ds and Music by B" TENOR SAX STEVEN TYLER and JOE PERRY WALT( THIS WAY Arranged by JOHN WASSON Funk Rock c.t\nr r ,: l\rt5 DiliLl I LC ft\ n In".nrcnr (.1tr a lltrl l) Ll ( o3744684 AIIRLlhr',\J,ilr'nr'.alh\ 'L!hrsrn\1$ llrtrrchN'jilnr!'l\cl rlfiricsqur.\\r( \rjh\ilI. lN ltl0l Walk This way - | lnt.niirr{ L(rt'\n!lr!.cur.J,\L RtfGR!sLil( Recorded by AEROSMITH Words and Music by Bb'Tf,NOR SAX STEVEN TYLER and JOE PERRY WALI( THIS WAY Arranged by JOHN WASSON F'unk Rock C.p\nlhr !: 1975 D trel Lt C fts Cft\nshr tr l(Xll lh\!.1 [C o3744684 {l Rrrhri l!nrnlr.rr,l hr son\/An ifir( hrb|$rn! I Iltri. 5uur. \\.i, N,6h\il1.-lN lr:01 Walk This Way - I lnrmdroril Cui,\n!hl \.drtd ll RrBhrr R.nrt.i Recorded by AEROSMITH Words and Music by STEVEN TYLEn and JOE PERRY WALI( THIS WAY Arranged by JOHN WASSON \ 1 . \ 1v CopJ nght O lc75 D*q/ LLC hs Co!\i,ght d lml DJksel U C 037 44684 All R,8htr Adrirnrndld by sonrr\lv hb|il np 8intsi.Sqtrr.sin Na!hv'll. ^ttrLcTN 3?l0l Walk This Way - I lnkm.!onJ Coprnshr Secur.d All tu$hts Rr*n.d Recorded by AEROSMITH Words and Music ISt B, I'RUMPET by STEVEN TYLER and JOE PERRY WALI( THIS WAY Arranged by JOHN WASSON Funk Rock lcl,\ ) :----r l^^- i--^ sfp - (f r\rlhr O l9t5 Dil\cl I LC ThL!rrJr:cilefrCop\ir!lrt!l:(Xll l)S!l I LC 037 44684 rll lti!frs,\d n, lsl.r!d )\ Soil\/r\Tv \l ic t\ ht,sf r! s ll., \ :q.rrc\\..(.NJ:lr\rl c. n i/... Walk Thrs W.ry - | liltcrnrr()nrl (iD\rL!lrt Srcr rcd All Ri! Is RNcnct Recorded by AEROSMITH Words and Music by lst Bb TRU\IPET STEVEN TYLER and JOE PERRY WALI( THIS WAY Arranged by JOHN WASSON Funk Rock 5 lcl,\ I :--- i^^- sfP sJh -:==If Col!nghr Q lL)75 D*scl Ll-C ThLsffirfgerrenr (\)\r Ehr O lq)l D*sel I I C 03744684 All RilhsAJLrinrsrercd b\ Soil\/ATV IlirsLc h,hlLshif! E il{r\ r Squtrc $cst NrJ)\rllc.n :1?:(Jl Walk This Way - I lftcni3tronllCoplri!rLSe.ur€d All R ghcResencd Recorded by AEROSMITH Words and Music by 2nd Br ]'RUIIPET STEVEN TYLER and JOE PERRY WALI( THTS WAY Arranged by JOHN WASSON Funk Rock sfp sffz Coptrighr () lL/75 Dulsul Lt-C Tlri\ rna[lcnrenr CoI\rillrt () ](]01 l)uksel | | C {ll Itr!hl\r\Jnrinislerc(l b\ Son\/AlV \lusic l'!hlrsl)in! 037 44684 It Nlu\icSqurc \\tsl, NaslNilc,TN 371()l Walk This Way - | Intcmatiural Cop)nghL Sccwc(l All Righr\ ltcscncr! Recorded by AEROSMITH Words and Musr-c by 2nd Br TRUIIPET STEVEN TYLER and JOE PERRY WALT( THIS WAY Atranged byJOHN WASSON Funk Rock @ E tl'P - sff3 CotvrighL O 1975 Dilscl I l-C This Manecrillnl Cop, righl O l00l Daliscl t LC All ltilrlls AJnrinisterctl by Sont/.ATV Music l\rhlishine - o37 44684 8 I\'lusic Squdc Wcst, Ncshvitle TN 3710.1 Walk This Way - | lnlcmrtio[cl Cop!n!ht Sccurc(l All Rirhrs Resc^cd Recorded by AEROSMITH Words and Music by F TIORN STEVEN TYLER and JOE PERRY WALT( THIS WAY Arranged by JOHN WASSON F'unk Rock qfp s{f2 Co|\nthr ;l 1975 D$scL Lta - nrisrmn:einerr CL!)ln!rta)l(l)l DSJeI | | C 037 44684 All Rr! Lrs Ad ilriirLcr€d l\ 5or\/rT\ \lilrc PL,blr$r il! i\l\\r.. \!r.e I\ 7-1'. - Walk Tnrs Way - I lrremrrr)n3l Cop\r!hr Secrtr€d ,\ll R ! rLs Re!e^!d Recorded by AEROSMITH Words add Music by STEVEN TYLER and JOE PERRY WALI( THIS WAY Ar(anged by JOHN WASSON z Bs,,ti f [flsoir r<-l -r dp- tff" Col)\nllrr O 197.5 Dil\cl LLC Ths ffirnlcrilcnr Coplri!hr O lml D**l LLC 437 44684 All Rrglls Ail rilisrcrcd br Soil\/ATv Il,$c h,blLsh n! E Nlls,c Squtre \\esL Nr\hrrllc R i7:01 - Walk This Way I lillcnlruon!l Cof\ri8hl Secrred All RrShs Rc$^cd Recorded by AEROSMITH Words lst'I RONIBONE and Music by STEVEN TYLER and JOE PEnRY WALI( THIS WAY Arranged byJOHN WASSON ,\. -.: =^-@ l::: J' Cot\n![t ,: l!t{ D,trkl LLC Th imn! (,,f!r!hL !) lll)l Drl\rl [c 037 44684 \ lRi:hri.\dil'n'irrrdh\ \L'n\/\lv\lu!tr l\hl,\hrnr | \ldrc squr. \\rn, N.^[!'11.. TN t']01 Walk This Way - I Inrrmr InrJ CL[\n!hr S.!0r.d All Rilhr\ R.5e^.d Recorded by AEROSMITH Words and Music by lsl TROI\!BONE STEVEN TYLER and JOE PERRY WALI( THIS WAY Arranged by JOHN WASSON sffz t' con\nlhl 0 l9?5 Ddel LLC ft\ dangrn'.nr Cut\nfh( O lSl D*.1 [C 03744684 !l toghrsAJm'niqcr.d by Son!/AN [iur. hrbl$in! SllurcS{tril.$!{ Nahrdlc fN 17101 Walk This Way - I Inkmrbond cap)nrh t.!!r.d ,\U tughr R.ened Recorded by AEROSMITH Words and Music by 2nd TRONIBOT-E STEVEN TYLER and JOE PERRY WALI( THIS WAY Arranged by JOHN WASSON Funk Rock t,r llrl slfz -=<1 c! )\il!hr () L.?5 t) Ll\.1 LL(' Tlri nJn!.fr.ntcoFJr!il r) lNl l)i[\.] Lt c o37 44684 \ I R .\r\ IJn)Ln !.nl hr Sljn!/\lV A'. l\ hl \hrn! \ NIL nclqrrr \\(sr \rshrill ^lTN j7l0l Waik Tnis Way - | Inr.mrr'urLxl (!F\n!l I s.L'rrrd I R't rs Rf\rn.J Recorded by AEROSMITH Words and Music by 2nd TROIIBONE STEVEN TYLER and JOE PEnRY WALI( THIS WAY Arranged by JOHN \YASSON Funk Rock lr l:tl ttf sIJ2 -< CopFlhl lO 1975 D*srl LLC ft 6 C!0tnBhr t) UI D*s.l [C 037 44684 AllRrghls Adrilrnrw.d bJ" Son\/An' Nulc hf|sh ng 8Ilus.Squr.Wcsr Nash\il. n 17101 Wa/k This Way - | lnhJoonn (bptnght Sccur.! All Righrs R.* Recorded by AEROSMITH Words and Music by BARITONE B.C. STEVEN TYLER and JOE PERRY WAII( THIS WAY Arranged by JOHN WASSON Funk Rock 'lt fr \sr\< cft\"! tr () | 9?5 Ddll LLC ftsrrii!( r.ilrcnr! ! r!1001 l)r[\rLI-LC 03744684 \ll Rrrhc An,frn n.n d fi S.
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