LIN3277-Annual-Report-2019 WEB
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Lincoln University Annual Report 2019 Ka tipu, ka rea, ka whanake ake te rākau mātauraka Ko tōna pakiaka, he waewae haere Ko tōna kaupapa, he takata ora Nau mai, ki Te Whare Wānaka o Aoraki Plant, nurture and grow the tree of knowledge Whose roots allow it to move freely Whose purpose is to support healthy people 3 4 Lincoln University Annual Report 2019 Contents 2 Chancellor’s Greeting 53 International Student Linkages He mihi nā Te Tumuaki Kā honoka ki tāwahi 4 Acting Vice-Chancellor's Overview 54 Learning and Teaching Excellence He matapaki nā te Tumu Whakarae Ka tiketiketaka akoako 6 University Governance 58 Research Kā mana whakahaere o te whare wānaka Kā māhi rakahau 8 Our Vision, Purpose and Direction 59 Resources Tō mātou tiro whakamua, kaupapa me te aro Kā rauemi whakamua hoki 60 Quality Assurance 11 2019 at a Glance Whakatau Kouka Te tau 2019 he matapaki 61 Community, Industry and Partner Linkages 12 Lincoln University – an Introduction Hāpori, ahumahi me kā honoka hoa mai Te Whare Wānaka o Aoraki – he kupu 62 Equity of Opportunity whakatau He tauritetaka kōwhirika 26 Campus Development 66 Group Financial Statements Kā mahi whakahou ki te papa wānaka 67 Statement of Responsibility 28 Our Sustainability Focus Tā mātou aroka ukauka 68 Financial Statements 30 Our Partnerships 73 Notes to the Financial Statements Ō mātou hoa rakapū 113 Statement of Cost of Outputs 32 Delivering Skills for Industry 114 Compulsory Student Services Fees Whakatau pukeka ahumahi 116 Independent Auditor's Report 34 Māori and Pasifika Engagement Te Ao Māori me te Ao Pasifika 118 Quick Reference Facts and Figures 36 The Year in Highlight Ko tēnei tau – he matapaki 48 Statement of Service Performance He whakatauka ratoka ora 49 Educational Performance and Participation of Students Kā mahi mātauraka me kā whiwhika tauira 1 Chancellor’s Greeting He mihi nā Te Tumuaki As the Chancellor of Lincoln University, it gives me great pleasure to provide the opening statement to the 2019 Lincoln University Annual Report. Lincoln is travelling at pace targets1, returned a financial surplus for a fourth successive year and In 2019 we continued to define an maintained its low risk status on the achievable and aspirational future Financial Monitoring Framework. With for learning and research at Lincoln the improvement of financial and other University and this process has metrics during 2019 and previous consolidated into a defined and years, the Crown Monitoring regime The University coordinated strategy for the institution. established in September 2015 ended The decision of the board and in September 2019. finished the year shareholders of the Lincoln University having exceeded AgResearch Joint Facility to wind up We aspire to be ranked in the top five its enrolment the collaborative building project in land-based universities in the world early February set the scene for a year targets, of decisive action for us. By March, With a renewed sense of stability and management had moved quickly and purpose, the council and University returned a the council had approved the campus management have been able to financial surplus development priority projects for a consider what is needed to move capital programme spanning from us towards our aspirational goal of for a fourth 2019 to 2028. The prioritisation of the being one of the top five land-based successive year projects in this programme reaffirmed universities in the world. The structured that an engaging and rewarding thinking and discussion around this and maintained student experience, a modern, vibrant culminated in the approval of the its low risk campus and world-class teaching and Lincoln University Strategy 2019 – 2028 research facilities are vital to the future by the council, allowing management status on of the University, and deserve our to initiate operational planning in key the Financial immediate investment. areas of the University. The council intends to augment this with further Monitoring Related planning and approvals strategic planning in 2020. continued at pace throughout the year, Framework. and with our institutional processes We value our collaborations, as they maturing and expanding we welcomed improve our reach and diversity of new skills to drive the programme thought, and assist us to achieve more forward. The concurrent refinement of than on our own the University’s business requirements As outlined in the Transformation Board saw asset rationalisation activity Report of November 2017, we recognise increase, with four notable divestments we must collaborate widely with occurring in 2019. like-minded organisations to acquire Our subsidiaries contributed significant the necessary academic, research value to the group accounts and on and capital input to accelerate our entities in 2019. I am personally the recommendation of the current development and ability to provide committed to deepening this Lincoln University Centennial Trust, knowledge and skilled people to the connection over the coming years the University agreed to establish a land-based sectors. Building strong to enable our institution to continue new foundation with a modernised relationships and partnerships are key to grow its obligations within Te deed to more effectively facilitate the and an area of focus for our council Tiriti O Waitangi and mature our application of donors’ funds to the and management, with examples noted institutional understanding of a education and research needs of the below: bi-cultural approach to education University. that celebrates a diverse range of • We are respectful of, and grateful ethnicities and perspectives. As 2019 drew to a close, the Lincoln for, our relationship with Te Taumutu University Council was pleased to be Rūnanga and we established a • Throughout 2019, management informed that the University finished process to renew our Memorandum collaborated closely with the year having exceeded its enrolment of Agreement between the two Government officials to complete 2 Lincoln University Annual Report 2019 1 Futher detail is contained in the Acting Vice-Chancellor’s Overview and the Statement of Service Performance contribution to the Lincoln University community. I had the pleasure of hosting a Chancellor’s Circle Lunch, where we were able to honour benefactor Gordon Holmes with a specimen Blue Atlas Cedar tree and plaque that will find a special home at Te Waihora once our campus development is complete. I wish to acknowledge the recently deceased Mr Holmes as a generous supporter of Lincoln University, both with his time for students and the gift of Argyle Farm to the University. During the year, the council formally recognised the consolidation of interests that LUSA retained in the Union and other buildings on campus from its investment over the years. The University and LUSA continue to enjoy a productive working relationship, and we look forward to retaining that in business planning documentation A special mention is due to Pro- years to come. that enabled the Crown and Chancellor, Emeritus Professor James There were also the deplorable terrorist Lincoln University to sign a funding McWha, and the Chair of the Audit and attacks of 15 March 2019, which led agreement in December 2019 for Risk Management and the Capital Asset to an outpouring of grief and love the co-development of world-class Committees, Janice Fredric, for their amongst members of the Lincoln science facilities as part of our significant contributions to governance University whānau. Campus Development Programme. leadership. Here I borrow the salient and potent • Our long-term collaborative I also wish to acknowledge the words of Kristy Havill, LUSA President intent with our closest neighbour, contribution of Kristy Havill, Lincoln in 2019, written as a response. “We AgResearch, was cemented in 2019 University Students’ Association are all one whānau, striving to learn through the sale of a parcel of land President (LUSA) and Student more about the world and more about on Te Waihora campus for its new Representative to Council during ourselves each and every day on building. This will sit alongside our 2019, and on behalf of the council, our campus – the home away from yet-to-be built flagship science and wish her all the best in her pursuits. home that we share”. This was never teaching facility in the north-east The council concluded 2019 with more evident than when I stood to corner of the campus. the appointment of incoming LUSA address staff and students gathered to President Samuel Blackmore as its new • Deepening collaboration between acknowledge those who had suffered Student Representative, and Robert governors and management with The sense of unity there on that day in Hewett as a council appointee from 1 their counterparts at the University the sun was striking, as was the sense February 2020. We also look forward of Canterbury is providing a of standing together as a nation and to working with Minister of Education greater opportunity to deliver world against the attacks,and what it Chris Hipkins, and his office, to confirm increased value to Canterbury and stood for. We remember the people two further ministerial appointments by New Zealand2. connected with Lincoln University July 2020. who died that day and their family and • In a novel approach within our friends who remain. farm asset portfolio, management Celebrating connections is implementing collaborative I had many notable occasions to To conclude, I wish to thank Acting initiatives that aim to build on the meet members of the wider Lincoln Vice-Chancellor, Professor Bruce special characteristics and value of University community during 2019. McKenzie, his management team and each land holding, with a similar all Lincoln staff for their continued Graduation is always a special event for approach taken to improving commitment to, and enthusiasm our graduates and their families and it standards of operational for, our specialist University and the was a further pleasure to award both infrastructure on campus.