314 Toshikuni N, et al. , 2016; 15 (3): 314-325 CONCISE REVIEW May-June, Vol. 15 No. 3, 2016: 314-325

The Official Journal of the Mexican Association of Hepatology, the Latin-American Association for Study of the Liver and the Canadian Association for the Study of the Liver Management of gastroesophageal varices in cirrhotic patients: current status and future directions

Nobuyuki Toshikuni,* Yoshitaka Takuma,** MikihiroTsutsumi*

* Department of Hepatology, Kanazawa Medical University, Uchinada-machi, Ishikawa, Japan. ** Department of Internal Medicine, Hiroshima City Hospital, Naka-Ku, Hiroshima, Japan.


Bleeding from gastroesophageal varices (GEV) is a serious event in cirrhotic patients and can cause death. According to the explo- sion theory, progressive portal is the primary mechanism underlying variceal bleeding. There are two approaches for treating GEV: primary prophylaxis to manage bleeding or emergency treatment for bleeding followed by secondary prophylaxis. Treatment methods can be classified into two categories: 1) Those used to decrease portal pressure, such as medication (i.e., non- selective β-blockers), radiological intervention [transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS)] or a surgical approach (i.e., por- tacaval shunt), and 2) Those used to obstruct GEV, such as [endoscopic variceal ligation (EVL), endoscopic injection sclerotherapy (EIS), and tissue adhesive injection] or radiological intervention [balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration (BRTO)]. Clinicians should choose a treatment method based on an understanding of its efficacy and limitations. Furthermore, elas- tography techniques and serum biomarkers are noninvasive methods for estimating portal pressure and may be helpful in managing GEV. The impact of these advances in therapy should be evaluated for their effectiveness in treating GEV.

Key words. Gastroesophageal varices. Liver cirrhosis. Prophylaxis. Emergent treatment. Elastography.

INTRODUCTION Measurement of the hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) is standard for estimating portal pressure.3 Portal frequently occurs in cirrhotic pa- hypertension is defined as HVPG > 5 mmHg. HVPG ≥ 10 tients. Studies have demonstrated that increased portal in- mmHg is considered clinically significant portal hyper- flow and increased resistance to portal outflow are tension (CSPH) and can result in the formation of GEV.4 responsible for portal hypertension.1 Increased portal in- According to the explosion theory, HVPG ≥ 12 mmHg is flow is induced by mesenteric arterial vasodilatation, and the critical value at which bleeding due to GEV can oc- its underlying mechanism involves the enhanced expres- cur.5 Furthermore, HVPG, ≥ 20 mmHg is reported to be sion of vasodilators, including nitric oxide (NO) and glu- significantly associated with failed treatment of acute cagon.1 Increased resistance to portal outflow is caused by variceal bleeding, rebleeding, and poor survival.6,7 mechanical obstruction of flow by intrahepatic fibrous tis- Studies have reported that GEV develops in approxi- sue and intrahepatic vasoconstriction; the mechanism for mately 50% of cirrhotic patients8 and that bleeding from the latter involves the synergistic effect of the increased (EV) and gastric varices (GV) occurs in expression of vasoconstrictors, such as endothelin, angi- approximately 25% of patients at 2 years9 and 10 to 16% at 1 otensinogen and eicosanoids, and the decreased expres- year.10 The mortality rate in cirrhotic patients with a first sion of vasodilators, including NO and carbon bleed from GEV is 20 to 35%,11 and patients who survive monoxide.1,2 Portal hypertension plays a key role in the the first bleed are at high risk of rebleeding (greater than development of cirrhosis-associated complications, such 60% at 1 year), with a mortality rate of approximately as ascites, , and gastroesophageal 20%.12 A study of C virus (HCV)-related com- varices (GEV).2 pensated cirrhosis found that the presence of EV is a pre-

Manuscript received: January 06, 2016. Manuscript accepted: January 30, 2016.

DOI:10.5604/16652681.1198800. Management of gastroesophageal varices. , 2016; 15 (3): 314-325 315 dictor of hepatic decompensation and mortality.13 Thus, GEV TREATMENT METHODS establishing methods for prophylaxis and emergent treat- ments for GEV bleeding is imperative to improve the out- In 2007, the practice guidelines for management of GEV comes of cirrhotic patients. were endorsed by the American Association for the Study In this review, we outline the current status of GEV of Liver Diseases (AASLD) and the American College of management in these patients and suggest future direc- (ACG).23 With reference to the guide- tions for research. lines and evidence published after the guidelines, we de- scribe the current treatment methods for GEV. TREATMENT SITUATIONS AND PRINCIPLES Furthermore, we refer to some important points regard- ing therapeutic strategies for GEV recommended by the In medical practice, clinicians should determine the Baveno VI Consensus Workshop.24 Tables 1 and 2 list optimal treatment for GEV based on treatment situations treatment options for EV and GV according to treatment and principles. Two possible treatment situations are pri- situations and principles. GV is commonly classified into mary prophylaxis for bleeding and emergent treatment for 4 types based on its relationship with EV and its location bleeding followed by secondary prophylaxis. Treatment in the .25 Here, we mainly discuss treatments for principles can be classified into two categories: decreasing GV in the fundus [i.e., GV as extensions of EV along the portal pressure and obstructing GEV. Methods for de- fundus (GOV2) and isolated GV (IGV1)]. creasing portal pressure include medications [i.e., non- selective β-blockers14], radiological intervention [i.e., Primary prophylaxis for bleeding transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS)15], and surgery [i.e., portacaval shunt16]. In contrast, methods • Primary prophylaxis for bleeding from EV. for treating the obstruction of GEV include endoscopic approaches [endoscopic variceal ligation (EVL),17,18 a) Decreasing portal pressure. Non-selective β-blockers endoscopic injection sclerotherapy (EIS),19 and tissue ad- (i.e., propranolol or nadolol) decrease portal inflow hesive injection,20,21] or radiological intervention [balloon- by reducing cardiac output by blocking β1 recep- occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration (BRTO)22]. tors and producing splanchnic vasoconstriction via Moreover, the treatment approaches for EV and GV the blockage of β2 receptors, resulting in reduced differ. Thus, it is important that clinicians understand the portal pressure.26 Non-selective β-blockers are application, efficacy, safety, and limitation of each treat- recommended for patients with small varices that ment method. have an increased risk of bleeding, as with Child-

Table 1. Treatment options for EV.

Strategy Method Primary prophylaxis Emergent treatment Secondary prophylaxis

Decreasing Non-selective Recommended for small Recommended in portal pressure β-blockers varices with an increased combination with EVL risk of bleeding and medium/large varices with or without a high risk of bleeding TIPS Indicated in cases of Indicated in cases of endoscopy failure failure of non-selective β-blockers and EVL Portacaval shunt Promising

Obstructing EV EVL Recommended for Recommended Recommended in combination medium/large varices with with non-selective β-blockers a high risk of bleeding and the second choice for medium/large varices without a high risk of bleeding EIS Indicated in cases of EVL difficulty

EV: esophageal varices. EVL: endoscopic variceal ligation. TIPS: transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt. EIS: endoscopic injection sclerotherapy. 316 Toshikuni N, et al. , 2016; 15 (3): 314-325

Table 2. Treatment options for GV.

Strategy Method Primary prophylaxis Emergent treatment Secondary prophylaxis

Decreasing TIPS Indicated in cases Indicated especially in portal pressure of endoscopy failure cases of failure of tissue adhesive injection Portacaval shunt Promising

EVL An alternative to tissue adhesive injection Obstructing GV Tissue adhesive injection Promising Preferred Indicated (cyanoacrylate) BRTO Promising Promising

GV: gastric varices. TIPS: transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt. EVL: endoscopic variceal ligation. BRTO: balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration.

Pugh class B/C cirrhosis or varices with red wale recommended for primary prophylaxis because their markings. Non-selective β-blockers are also disadvantages, such as hepatic encephalopathy, are not the first choice for patients with medium to large compensated for by their advantages.23 varices with or without a high risk of bleeding (i.e., b) Obstructing EV. EVL is the first choice of treatment Child-Pugh class B/C cirrhosis or varices with red for patients with medium to large varices and a high wale markings).23 To achieve maximum benefits risk of bleeding. EVL is an alternative treatment for from non-selective β-blockers, the maximal toler- patients with medium to large varices without a ated dosage should be used.23 In a meta-analysis of high risk of bleeding when non-selective β-block- non-selective β-blockers over a median follow-up of ers are unsuitable for the patient.23 Repeated EVL 24 months, the risk of first bleeding was 15% in pa- may be required to eradicate EV. A meta-analysis of tients with medication compared with 24% in those primary prophylaxis for bleeding from EV found untreated. In addition, the risk of mortality was that over a follow-up period of up to three years, 23% in patients with medication compared with the bleeding and mortality rates were 14 and 25%, 27% in those without.14 Some studies have attempt- respectively;17 these figures are similar to those ed to determine which non-selective β-blocker is reported in studies of non-selective β-block- better for primary prophylaxis for bleeding from ers.14 It remains unknown which of these treat- EV. Carvedilol is a non-selective β-blocker with ments is better for primary prophylaxis. However, α1-blocking property. In a randomized controlled a recent meta-analysis reported that the rate of trial (RCT) for cirrhotic patients, carvedilol was bleeding from EV did not differ significantly be- found to have a stronger effect on HVPG reduction tween EVL and non-selective β-blockers when than was propranolol.27 In a recent study with pa- only high quality trials were selected for analysis. tients with EV, a greater decrease in HVPG and a Severe adverse events following EVL include lower rate of bleeding from EV were observed in pa- bleeding from banding ulcers, severe post-ligation tients treated with carvedilol than in those treated pain, and esophageal perforation.31 Another meta- with propranolol.28 These studies suggest that among analysis suggested that EVL is superior to non-se- non-selective β-blockers, carvedilol may be a pre- lective β-blockers for the treatment of primary ferred one for primary prophylaxis, although more prophylaxis in patients with large or high-risk EV evidence is needed.24 The limitations of non-selec- (risk ratio, 0.69; 95% confidence interval, 0.52 to tive β-blockers include possible non-responsive- 0.91).32 Studies of the beneficial effects of the com- ness;29 contraindications for patients with asthma, bination of EVL and non-selective β-blockers are insulin-dependent diabetes, or peripheral vascular controversial.33 EIS is not effective for primary disease;23 and limited tolerability due to adverse ef- prophylaxis for bleeding from EV.34 fects, such as general fatigue and lightheadedness. In addition, non-selective β-blockers should not • Primary prophylaxis for bleeding from GV. A re- be used for patients with end-stage cirrhosis because ported high mortality rate of approximately 50%35 in administration of these medications can lead to poor patients with bleeding GV highlights the need to estab- patient survival.30 TIPS and portacaval shunts are not lish methods for bleeding prophylaxis. Risk factors for Management of gastroesophageal varices. , 2016; 15 (3): 314-325 317

bleeding from GV include the large size of the GV, technical success rate of endoscopic treatment presence of red signs, and poor liver function.10 Com- was high (100%), and severe adverse events were pared with bleeding from EV, an HVPG ≥ 12 mmHg not observed. Although the rate of developing new is not necessary for bleeding from GV, probably due to EV in the cyanoacrylate injection group was slightly the high frequency of spontaneous gastrorenal shunts increased compared with the other groups (23 vs. in these patients.36 10%, P = 0.216), bleeding from new EV was not observed. Thus, endoscopic cyanoacrylate injection a) Decreasing portal pressure. In a recent RCT by Mishra, has been demonstrated to be the most effective pri- et al., the use of non-selective β-blockers was com- mary prophylaxis for bleeding from GV.20 Never- pared with no primary prophylaxis for bleeding theless, these results require verification in from a large (≥ 10 mm) GV. Between the groups re- independent cohorts. Systemic , such as ceiving non-selective β-blockers or no treatment, pulmonary and cerebral emboli, are the main limi- the rates of bleeding from GV did not differ signifi- tation of this therapeutic method.38 cantly (28 vs. 45% during a median follow-up of 26 months), suggesting that use of non-selective β- In contrast to GV, cyanoacrylate injection for EV does blockers may not be effective for primary prophy- not appear to have any particular advantage over other laxis.20 As with EV, TIPS and portacaval shunt methods for managing EV. A recent RCT for patients with cannot be used to treat primary prophylaxis for medium or large EV, in which cyanoacrylate injection and bleeding from GV due to disadvantages, such as he- EVL were compared in terms of therapeutic effects, com- patic encephalopathy. plications, and outcomes, demonstrated that variceal re- b) Obstructing GV. Endoscopic intravariceal injection currence was observed more frequently in patients with a tissue adhesive can be employed for ob- undergoing cyanoacrylate injection (33 vs. 57%, P = structing GV. Cyanoacrylates are the most com- 0.04).39 Another RCT in patients with bleeding EV report- monly used tissue adhesives. These adhesives ed that the rebleeding rate after cyanoacrylate injection polymerize and harden instantaneously upon con- was higher than that after EVL, although the rates were not tact with blood.37 In the RCT by Mishra, et al., en- significantly different (13.6 vs. 4.7%, P = 0.607).40 Moreo- doscopic cyanoacrylate injection was compared ver, severe complications associated with cyanoacrylate in- with non-selective β-blockers and no treatment. jection have been reported.41 Thus, cyanoacrylate injection The rate of bleeding from GV was significantly re- is not a common method for managing EV. duced in the cyanoacrylate injection group com- BRTO is another method for obstructing GV.42 Eth- pared with the medication and no treatment anolamine oleate is commonly used as a sclerosant for groups (13 vs. 28% and 45%, respectively).20 The BRTO. The procedure of BRTO is illustrated in figure 1.

Liver Embolization of draining of GV



Figure 1. The procedure of BRTO. The balloon Splenic vein catheter is inserted into the gastrorenal shunt, Gastrorenal shunt and retrograde venography is performed under balloon occlusion of the shunt. If draining veins of Renal vein GV are identified, they are embolized with micro- coils or gelatin sponge particles. Then, 5% etha- Inferior vena cava nolamine oleate is infused into the space of GV Balloon catheter until the space is completely opaque. BRTO: ba- lloon-occluded retrograde transvenous oblitera- tion. GV: gastric varices. 318 Toshikuni N, et al. , 2016; 15 (3): 314-325

Briefly, a 6-F balloon catheter is inserted into the gastro- and inferior vena cava. A recent trial has demon- renal shunt via the femoral vein. To identify the GV, feed- strated that an emergency portacaval shunt achieved ing veins, and draining veins, retrograde venography is 100% hemostasis for bleeding from EV.44 The long- performed under balloon occlusion of the gastrorenal term outcome after portacaval shunt creation is re- shunt. If draining veins of GV are identified, they are ported to be excellent. In RCTs by Orloff, et al., the embolized with microcoils or gelatin sponge particles. rates of rebleeding and encephalopathy were signif- Then, 5% ethanolamine oleate is infused into the space of icantly reduced in a portacaval shunt group com- GV until the space is completely opaque. After maintain- pared with an EIS or a TIPS group, and the overall ing balloon occlusion overnight and disappearance of GV survival rates were significantly increased in the is confirmed by venography, the balloon is deflated and former compared with the latter.45 These results withdrawn. Human haptoglobin is administered to pre- should be verified in independent data sets. Moreo- vent hemolysis and subsequent renal failure. ver, the biological mechanisms underlying the low A recent meta-analysis evaluated the effectiveness and rate of portal-systemic encephalopathy after porta- safety of BRTO for GV with a high risk of bleeding and for caval shunt should be clarified. bleeding GV.22 The technical success and clinical success b) Obstructing EV. EVL is the first choice for acute he- rates (defined as a lack of recurrence or rebleeding of GV mostasis; EIS is indicated when EVL is not techni- or the complete obliteration of varices upon subsequent cally feasible.23 A recent meta-analysis has shown imaging) were 96 and 97%, respectively. Furthermore, the that the success rate of EVL for bleeding from EV is rate of major complications, such as portal or splenic ve- greater than 90%.17 nous thrombus, was low (5%). This treatment method is attractive, especially for patients with GV and portal-sys- • Emergent treatment for bleeding from GV. As temic encephalopathy because the splenorenal shunt re- with EV, the initial approach is to maintain volemia and sponsible for encephalopathy is obstructed by BRTO. The administer antibiotics and splanchnic vasoconstrictors. development or recurrence of EV after BRTO should be noted; the reported rate of new EV is 33%.22 Unfortunate- a) Decreasing portal pressure. TIPS is indicated when ly, almost all studies used in these analyses were retro- bleeding from GV is not controlled by endoscopic spective. Future RCTs are required to establish the approaches combined with intravenous splanchnic efficacy of BRTO for GV. vasoconstrictors.23 In a study of TIPS in patients with bleeding EV or GV, hemostasis was successful Emergent treatment for bleeding in 96% of the patients.46 Moreover, a recent RCT of patients with bleeding GV compared the efficacy • Emergent treatment for bleeding from EV. Dur- and safety of the portacaval shunt, TIPS, and endo- ing acute bleeding, it is essential to maintain volemia scopic approaches. The rate of hemostasis was sig- and prevent bacterial infection with intravenous anti- nificantly increased in the portacaval shunt group biotics, such as quinolones.23 Furthermore, lactulose (97 to 100%) compared with both the TIPS group or rifaximin may help prevent hepatic encephalopathy (82%) and the endoscopy group (83%). Further- due to bleeding.24 more, the rate of permanent control for up to 5 years or until death was significantly increased in a) Decreasing portal pressure. In the acute phase, 3 to 5 the portacaval shunt group (97 to 100%) compared days of intravenous splanchnic vasoconstrictors, in- with the TIPS group (6%) and the endoscopy group cluding terlipressin, somatostatin, and somatostatin (27 to 29%).16 These results should be verified in analogues ( or vapreotide), can decrease independent data sets. portal inflow, thereby helping to control bleed- b) Obstructing GV. Endoscopic cyanoacrylate injection ing; non-selective β-blockers are contraindicated is the preferred method for treating bleeding from due to their depressor action.23 TIPS is indicated as GV.23 In a recent large-scale study (n = 121), the a rescue therapy when endoscopic approaches have rate of hemostasis was 91%.47 EVL is another treat- resulted in failure.23 One study reported that an ment option.23 An RCT reported that the rate of he- HVPG, ≥ 20 mmHg is significantly associated with mostasis did not significantly differ between EVL uncontrolled bleeding after EIS.6 The success rate and cyanoacrylate injection groups (94 vs. 94%); of TIPS is 90%.43 As with TIPS, a portacaval shunt however, the rebleeding rate was significantly in- is an artificial portosystemic shunt used to decrease creased in the former compared with the latter (44 portal pressure. This procedure is used to surgical- vs. 22%).48 Additionally, BRTO is a promising ly create an anastomosis between the portal vein measure for hemostasis.22 Management of gastroesophageal varices. , 2016; 15 (3): 314-325 319

Secondary prophylaxis for bleeding reduced (7%) in the TIPS group compared with the medication only group (18%) and the medication- As mentioned, patients who have experienced bleeding EVL group (31%), whereas the rate of adverse from GEV are at high risk of rebleeding and mortality, events, such as encephalopathy, tended to be in- which provides a clear rationale of the need for second creased in the TIPS group compared with the other prophylaxis for bleeding. groups. Furthermore, the overall survival rate did not significantly differ among the groups.51 Given • Secondary prophylaxis for bleeding from EV. these findings, in cases of severe portal hyperten- sion (e.g., HVPG ≥ 20 mmHg) with a high risk of a) Decreasing portal pressure. Following hemostasis, de- mortality due to rebleeding, TIPS may be the best creasing portal pressure is essential for preventing treatment. The possibility of developing hepatic rebleeding. Non-selective β-blockers are effective encephalopathy after TIPS should be considered. for this purpose.23 Studies have examined the rela- Future studies are needed to determine which pa- tionship between the response of non-selective β- tients should receive TIPS as the first-line therapy blockers and rebleeding rates. When patients who for secondary prophylaxis for bleeding. One draw- achieved a reduction in HVPG of at least 20% of back of TIPS is shunt dysfunction due to stent oc- baseline values and/or below 12 mmHg were de- clusion; however, the use of covered stents has fined as responders, the rebleeding rates were sig- reduced the rate of stent occlusion.52 nificantly reduced (7 to 13%) in responders b) Obstructing EV. EVL is the most widely used endo- compared with nonresponders (46 to 65%).12 In the scopic approach to secondary prophylaxis for bleed- guidelines, non-selective β-blockers combined ing. EIS is not recommended as secondary with EVL but not non-selective β-blockers alone prophylaxis for bleeding because previous studies are recommended for secondary prophylaxis for have failed to show the superiority of EIS over bleeding23 (see below). EVL.23 For the eradication of EV, repeated EVL is re- By contrast, TIPS is indicated when combination quired in most cases. Current guidelines recom- therapy fails.23 After publication of the guidelines, mend that to increase the prevention of rebleeding an RCT suggested that early TIPS after EVL or EIS from EV, EVL should be performed in conjunction combined with a splanchnic vasoconstrictor for with non-selective β-blockers.23 A recent meta-anal- bleeding EV is a promising method as second ysis was conducted to determine which treatment prophylaxis to treat bleeding in Child Pugh class B/ method - EVL alone or EVL plus non-selective β- C patients who are at a high risk of failure to control blockers - results in better outcomes for cirrhotic bleeding and of mortality. This study revealed that patients who had survived bleeding from EV. This the 1-year bleeding-free survival rate and overall analysis showed that the combination therapy signif- survival rate were significantly increased (97 and icantly lowered the risk of rebleeding (risk ratio, 86%, respectively) in the TIPS group compared 0.68; 95% confidence interval, 0.54 to 0.85) and of with those in the non-selective β-blocker plus EVL bleeding-related mortality (risk ratio, 0.52; 95% con- group (50 and 61%, respectively).49 Another study of fidence interval, 0.27 to 0.99). However, the overall TIPS as secondary prophylaxis reported similar re- mortality rates were similar between the two treat- sults.50 However, a recent network meta-analysis ment groups.18 Another meta-analysis reported sim- on various treatments as secondary prophylaxis for ilar results.53 This meta-analysis also compared the bleeding from EV demonstrated that TIPS does not outcomes between patients treated with non-selec- contribute to improved overall survival; however, tive β-blockers and isosorbide mononitrate, a long- it is the best method for preventing rebleeding and acting venous dilator,54 and those treated with the death due to rebleeding.19 Most recently, an RCT same medications combined with EVL. The results was conducted with Child Pugh class A/B patients revealed that combination therapy slightly lowered to determine the more effective treatment method the risk of rebleeding (risk ratio, 0.76; 95% confi- for secondary prophylaxis of bleeding from EV be- dence interval, 0.58 to 1.00) without effecting mor- tween TIPS with small diameter stents (8 mm in tality (risk ratio, 1.24; 95% confidence interval, 0.90 diameter) and medications (propranolol and iso- to 1.70).53 Taken together, EVL combined with sorbide-5-mononitrate). In the trial, EVL was per- non-selective β-blockers with or without isosorb- formed in patients who were nonresponsive to ide mononitrate appears to be the most effective medications. The results of this study demonstrat- method for preventing rebleeding followed by ed that the two-year rebleeding rate was significantly medication alone and then EVL alone. 320 Toshikuni N, et al. , 2016; 15 (3): 314-325

Thus, EVL and treatment with non-selective ods; however, no definitive conclusions were β-blockers with or without isosorbide mononi- drawn due to the low quality of the evidence.57 trate or TIPS is considered the treatment of choice TIPS should be considered when endoscopic cy- for secondary prophylaxis for bleeding. Protocols anoacrylate injection has failed. for the use of secondary prophylaxis should be es- tablished in the future based on the degree of portal FUTURE DIRECTIONS hypertension, response to medications, and liver function. Estimation of portal pressure via elastography and serum biomarkers • Secondary prophylaxis for bleeding from GV. HVPG measurement is currently considered the most a) Decreasing portal pressure. In a recent RCT on second- reliable method for estimating portal pressure and can be a ary prophylaxis, non-selective β-blockers and en- predictor of disease progression, including variceal bleed- doscopic cyanoacrylate injection were compared ing, in cirrhotic patients.58-60 Although HVPG-guided among cirrhotic patients who survived bleeding therapy for GEV can lead to a determination of the optimal from GOV2 or IGV1. During a median follow-up treatment,61,62 a major limitation of HVPG measurement is of 26 months, the rates of rebleeding and mortality its invasiveness. If a more convenient, simple, and inex- were significantly reduced in the cyanoacrylate in- pensive method for estimating portal pressure could be jection group compared with the medication group developed, it would contribute greatly to the management (15 vs. 55% and 3 vs. 25%, respectively).21 Another of GEV in cirrhotic patients. Recently, elastography tech- RCT was conducted to determine whether non- niques and serum biomarkers have been introduced into selective β-blockers enhanced the efficacy of repeat- clinical practice. These methods could be promising alter- ed endoscopic cyanoacrylate injection for preventing natives to HVPG measurement. rebleeding from GV. The trial revealed that the addi- Elastography techniques have been studied to deter- tion of non-selective β-blockers did not influence the mine their usefulness in predicting EV and determining rates of rebleeding or overall survival in patients.55 which cases present a high risk of bleeding. These tech- Thus, non-selective β-blockers may not be effective niques are referred to as ultrasound and magnetic reso- for secondary prophylaxis. nance elastography. Regarding ultrasound elastography, TIPS is the treatment of choice for secondary liver and stiffness values are correlated with HVPG prophylaxis. An RCT was conducted to determine and are useful for predicting the presence of EV in cir- whether TIPS or endoscopic cyanoacrylate injec- rhotic patients.63-67 Some researchers have demonstrated tion is more effective in preventing rebleeding that spleen stiffness values can be used to identify patients from GV. After a median follow-up of 33 months, with EV or high-risk EV.65,66 Furthermore, a recent study rebleeding occurred at a significantly lower rate in of ultrasound elastography demonstrated that changes in the TIPS group compared with the cyanoacrylate liver stiffness values are correlated with changes in HVPG, injection group (11% and 38%), whereas the mor- suggesting that this technique could be helpful for moni- tality and rates, with the exception of toring portal hypertension-associated conditions, includ- hepatic encephalopathy, were similar.56 Collectively, ing GEV.68 Studies of magnetic resonance elastography TIPS may be a more effective method to prevent have found that liver and spleen stiffness values are signifi- rebleeding from GV compared with treatment by cantly associated with EV grade.69,70 endoscopic cyanoacrylate injection and non- Among serum biomarkers, FibroTestTM (Biopredic- selective β-blockers. tive, Paris, France) has been used most extensively for b) Obstructing GV. Endoscopic cyanoacrylate injection noninvasively assessing the status of EV in cirrhotic is widely employed as secondary prophylaxis for patients. In an earlier study, a significant correlation be- bleeding from GV. This endoscopic therapy can be tween FibroTestTM and HVPG was reported; however, repeated to achieve the eradication of GV. The effi- this correlation was weaker in cirrhotic compared with cacy of endoscopic cyanoacrylate injection is de- non-cirrhotic patients.71 More recently, a large-scale scribed above. A recent review of bleeding from study of patients with chronic HCV infection demon- all types of GV compared the effectiveness of endo- strated that FibroTestTM is predictive of the presence scopic cyanoacrylate injection and two other of EV as well as of severe complications, including endoscopic approaches, EIS and EVL. This analysis bleeding from EV. The predictive performance of suggested that cyanoacrylate injections may be more FibroTestTM for severe complications is similar to that effective at preventing rebleeding than other meth- of ultrasound elastography.72 Management of gastroesophageal varices. , 2016; 15 (3): 314-325 321

As stated in the Baveno VI workshop, further studies ed cirrhosis who had achieved SVR after interferon ther- are required to establish the use of noninvasive methods apy, 36% exhibited exacerbated EV. This study found that for estimating portal pressure and to assess the status of the existence of portosystemic collateral vessels at the GEV.24 Such methods would minimize endoscopic exami- initiation of interferon therapy is a risk factor of EV ex- nation of cirrhotic patients and contribute to the more acerbation.89 These findings suggest that causal therapy timely and appropriate planning of therapeutic strategy for for cirrhosis is not always a sufficient measure for pre- the treatment of GEV in such patients. venting GEV formation or for regressing GEV, especially when advanced cirrhosis is present. Recently, antifibrot- Prevention of ic agents have been developed, and some are the subjects GEV formation and GEV regression of clinical trials for chronic .90-92 This thera- peutic method directly ameliorates liver fibrosis and As mentioned, various treatment methods have enabled thus has the potential to prevent GEV formation or pro- prophylaxis of variceal bleeding as well as emergent he- mote GEV regression, even in patients with advanced mostasis for bleeding in cirrhotic patients. However, no cirrhosis. Future studies should focus on assessing the methods have been established for preventing the forma- usefulness of antifibrotic therapy for managing GEV in tion of GEV [preprimary prophylaxis73] and for regressing cirrhotic patients. GEV. A randomized controlled study reported that timolol, a non-selective β-blocker, did not prevent the CONCLUSION formation of GEV in patients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension.74 If a method for reversing cirrhosis was Due to intensive study, the strategies used to manage available, it could decrease portal pressure, thereby pre- GEV have evolved considerably over several decades. How- venting the formation of GEV or regressing GEV. ever, prophylactic and emergent treatments for GEV Recent medical advances have eliminated or mini- have not been sufficiently established. In particular, evi- mized causes of cirrhosis, with the potential to ameliorate dence supporting an optimal treatment method for GV is liver fibrosis and reverse cirrhosis. For example, long- rare compared with that for EV. Because the clinical course term treatment with nucleotide or nucleoside analogues of GEV mainly depends on the degree of portal hyperten- for hepatitis B virus (HBV)-related chronic liver disease sion, therapies for GEV based on the estimation of portal resulted in the reversal of advanced liver diseases, in- pressure are preferable in any clinical situation. HVPG cluding cirrhosis.75,76 Studies of HCV-related cirrhosis measurement is the gold standard for this estimation, but its indicate that liver fibrosis can be ameliorated in patients invasiveness has hampered its introduction into clinical who achieved a sustained viral response (SVR) via inter- practice. The use of elastography techniques and serum bi- feron therapy.77-79 SVR after interferon therapy signifi- omarkers might overcome the current difficulty in estimat- cantly reduces HVPG in patients with HCV-related ing portal pressure, which would allow for more cirrhosis.80 Furthermore, a recent study of interferon appropriate treatment of GEV. Furthermore, recent medi- therapy in patients with HCV-related cirrhosis reported cal advances, including the advent of highly effective antivi- that none of the SVR patients developed EV compared ral agents for HBV and HCV infection, have enabled the with 31.8% of untreated subjects and 39.1% of non-SVR reversal of cirrhosis. These advances might pave the way for patients.81 Most recently, newly developed direct-acting preventing (preprimary prophylaxis) and regressing GEV. antivirals (DAAs) have achieved higher SVR rates (> 90%) in patients with HCV-related cirrhosis82-84 com- ABBREVIATIONS pared with interferon-based therapy,85,86 suggesting a possible method for increasing the reversal of HCV-re- • BRTO: balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous ob- lated cirrhosis. Additionally, a study of alcoholic cirrho- literation. sis revealed that abstinence from alcohol led to a decrease • CSPH: clinically significant portal hypertension. in HVPG and the regression of EV and prevented bleed- • DAAs: direct-acting antivirals. ing from EV.59 • EIS: endoscopic injection sclerotherapy. In contrast, a recent study of patients with chronic • EV: esophageal varices. HBV infection revealed that 3% of non-cirrhotic pa- • EVL: endoscopic variceal ligation. tients, including treatment responders, developed cir- • GEV: gastroesophageal varices. rhosis.87 Similarly, a study of interferon therapy in • GOV2: gastric varices as extensions of esophageal patients with chronic HCV infection reported that 9% of varices along the fundus. non-cirrhotic patients developed cirrhosis after SVR.88 In • GV: gastric varices. another study of patients with HCV-related compensat- • HBV: hepatitis B virus. 322 Toshikuni N, et al. , 2016; 15 (3): 314-325

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