Fresh from the oven There and back again From world-famous purveyors to mom-and-pop stores, Fieldston’s football coach calls on his roots at the school the northwest Bronx has great bakeries, page B1. — and an NFL stint, to lead the team, page B8. Vol. 67, No. 30 Thursday, September 10, 2015 $1.00 Blast won’t Pols unveil delay JFK Broadway opening Nice kids. facelift plan By Isabel Angell By Will Speros
[email protected] Good schools.
[email protected] After a gas explosion partially de- A busy stretch of Broadway is an- stroyed the sixth floor of the John F. chored by malls at West 230th and Kennedy Campus near the end of Au- West 238th streets, but the space be- gust, all seven schools were on track to tween has lacked a guiding vision for Hard drugs. years. open on the first day of the school year on Wednesday. A group of elected officials an- Following the large, Aug. 20 blast, nounced plans to change that last parents and students worried that re- A Press special report — part one week. pairs would not be complete in time for Bronx Borough President Ruben the start of the school year. Authori- Diaz Jr. and other elected officials ties had blamed a massive explosion at released an analysis of the area with the JFK campus on a worker who lit a recommendations including more match in a room full of natural gas. lighting, graffiti removal, standardized However, the Department of Edu- street furniture and waste bins and the cation (DOE) released a statement creation of new parks and “public inter- saying the building is structurally action spaces.” sound and that air quality tests show “We’ve been able to work in such no possible dangers.