N.Brnjac,I.Æavar:ExampleofPositioningIntermodalTerminalsonInlandWaterways NIKOLINABRNJAC,Ph.D. IntermodalTransport E-mail:
[email protected] Review IVANAÆAVAR,B.Eng. Accepted:Apr.21,2009 E-mail:
[email protected] Approved:Oct.22,2009 UniversityofZagreb, FacultyofTransportandTrafficSciences Vukeliæeva4,HR-10000Zagreb,RepublicofCroatia N.Brnjac,I.Æavar:ExampleofPositioningIntermodalTerminalsonInlandWaterways 433-439 EXAMPLEOFPOSITIONINGINTERMODAL TERMINALSONINLANDWATERWAYS ABSTRACT and identifies the main problems and bottlenecks of the process and the operation at terminals. Still, the Positioning of intermodal terminals is of key importance time losses and high costs do not refer only to the pro- since it affects the very investment into the terminal, ecological, cesses at terminals. Attention needs to be directed to physical issues and the costs of the operation of individual ter- the entire intermodal chain. The integration of all the minals. Detailed analysis has to be performed by decision-mak- participants in intermodal transport by using informa- ing regarding the siting of intermodal terminals. The work ana- lyzes the relevant criteria necessary for the siting of intermodal tion systems and communication technologies (carri- terminals. The problem of the proposed research is the structure ers, logistic service providers, rail operators, inter- of intermodal systems in the Republic of Croatia with the case modal operators, terminal operators, forwarding study of inland waterways. The research and the study of the agents, agents, shippers,