50391-001: Demonstration of Guangxi Elderly Care and Health Care
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Resettlement Plan May 2019 People’s Republic of China: Demonstration of Guangxi Elderly Care and Health Care Integration and Public–Private Participation Project Hezhou No. 2 Nursing Home for Disabled Elderly Prepared by Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region for the Asian Development Bank. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 29 April 2019) Currency unit – yuan (Symbol) CNY1.00 = $6.7297 $1.00 = CNY0.1486 ABBREVIATIONS ADB – Asian Development Bank AFs – affected families APs – affected persons DI – design institute DMS – detailed measurement survey EA – executive agency HLRB – Hezhou Land Resources Administration Bureau HMG – Hezhou Municipal Government HPMO – Hezhou project management office FSR – feasibility study report GDP – gross domestic product GZAR – Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region HHs – households IA – implementing agency IMA – independent monitoring agency LA – land acquisition LAR – land acquisition and resettlement LRB – land resources bureau M&E – monitoring and evaluation MLG – minimum living guarantee OP – operation procedures PLG – project leading group PMO – project management office PPTA – project preparation technical assistance PRC – People’s Republic of China RC – residents' committee RIB – resettlement information brochure RO – resettlement office ROW – right-of-way RAP – resettlement plan S&T – science and technology TOR – terms of reference WF – women’s federation km2 – square kilometer mu – A mu is a Chinese unit of measurement (1 mu = 666.667 square meters). NOTE In this report, "$" refers to United States dollars. This resettlement plan is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of this website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Resettlement Plan for Hezhou No.2 Nursing Home Comprehensive Rehabilitation Nursing Institution for the Disabled Elderly Subproject Project Number: 50391-001 April 2019 PRC: Demonstration of Guangxi Elderly Care-Healthcare Integration and Public-Private Participation (PPP) Project Prepared by Hezhou People’s Hospital Administration Contents Endorsement Letter for Resettlement Plan ................................................... 1 Executive Summary .......................................................................................... 1 Preface ................................................................................................................. 4 1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 6 1.1 Background ........................................................................................................... 6 1.2 Location of project construction .......................................................................... 7 1.3. Project components ............................................................................................ 7 1.4 Project institutions, investment and construction period ................................... 8 1.5 Land acquisition impacts ...................................................................................... 8 1.6 Minimizing Land Acquisition and House Demolition Impacts .............................. 8 2 Project Resettlement Impacts and Analysis ..................................................... 9 2.1 Methods for evaluation of impacts ...................................................................... 9 2.2 Impacts analysis .................................................................................................. 17 3 Socio-economic Profile of the Affected Population ......................................... 19 3.1 Profile of affected communities ......................................................................... 19 3.2 Affected households and social status of social economic profile .................... 21 4 Laws and Policy Framework for Resettlement ................................................ 29 4.1 Laws and policies framework for resettlement .................................................. 29 4.2 ADB’s policies for involuntary resettlement ...................................................... 30 4.3 Gaps between national,local legislation and ADB’s policies and filling measures31 4.4 Entitlement matrix for the subproject ........................................................... 38 5 Compensation Standards ............................................................................... 48 5.1 Compensation Standards for Land Acquisition. ................................................. 48 5.2. Compensation standards for house demolition ................................................ 53 5.3 Compensation Standards for Ground Attachments and Facilities ..................... 54 5.4 Related taxes for land acquisition ...................................................................... 55 6 Resettlement and Restoration Plan ................................................................ 56 6.1 Objectives, methods and principles of resettlement and restoration ............... 56 6.2 Production Restoration Plan for Rural Land-Expropriated People .................... 57 6.3 Compensations and Resettlement of Displaced Rural Households ................... 60 6.4 Compensation and resettlement for rural attached houses .............................. 68 6.5 Affected ground attachments and infrastructure .............................................. 68 6.6 Resettlement of the affected vulnerable groups ............................................... 69 6.7 Protection of Women’s Rights and Livelihood Restoration Plan ....................... 70 7 Cost Estimates, Funds Sources and Management ........................................... 72 7.1 Resettlement cost estimates .............................................................................. 72 7.2 Annual funds utilization plan .............................................................................. 74 7.3 Sources of resettlement funds ........................................................................... 74 7.4 Flow of Funds and the Disbursement Schedule .............................................. 74 8 Land Acquisition Resettlement Implementation Plan ..................................... 76 8.1 Principles for Progress Coordination between Resettlement and Construction76 8.2 Land acquisition resettlement implementation procedure ............................... 76 8.3 Schedule for Milestone in Resettlement Implementation ................................. 77 9 Institutional Establishment and Capacity Building .......................................... 83 9.1 Relevant resettlement institutions ..................................................................... 83 9.2 Institutional Organization and Responsibilities ............................................... 83 9.3 Institutional Competence and Staffing ............................................................... 85 9.4 Measures for Strengthening Institutional Capacities ...................................... 86 10 Public Participation, Consultation and Information Disclosure ..................... 87 10.1 Public Participation and Community Consultation Activities ........................... 87 10.2 Investigation of the public opinions ................................................................. 93 10.3 Public Participation Plan at the Project Implementation Stage ..................... 100 10.4 Information disclosure .............................................................................. 100 11 Complaints and Grievances ....................................................................... 104 11.1 Means for collection of complaints and grievances ....................................... 104 11.2 Grievance procedures and handling ............................................................... 104 11.3 Principle for grievance redressing .................................................................. 105 11.4 Record and Follow-up Feedback for Complaints and Grievances .................. 105 12 Monitoring & Evaluation........................................................................... 107 12.1 Internal Monitoring ........................................................................................ 107 12.2 External monitoring & evaluation .................................................................. 110 Appendix1:Resettlement Information Booklet ................................................... 112 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................ 112 2. Land acquisition Impacts .................................................................................... 112 3. Grievance redressing procedure ........................................................................ 115 4. Legal framework and policies ............................................................................. 115 5. Resettlement and restoration plan .................................................................... 123 6. Cost Estimates .................................................................................................... 124 Appendix 2: Terms of Reference for External