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Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

5-21-1904 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 05-21-1904 T. Hughes

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Recommended Citation Hughes, T.. "Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 05-21-1904." (1904).

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PRRRBYTRrllAHR nRRT. at avemalllle. f paMrs by the grwyase. THE NEW BISHOP MISS STELLA MATMONT wwea veweev Mr. Uotoaelta Oouaalwa d Montoy The program will he aa follow W. ifeatoa, priactaal, Rntrtb aad aaatiago hetwaea the falla af nana-- Mk. n. r nSr iR--The i tag J died Tnaaany erenlng at her home In tn Rev. J. atath ; Mlaala McPle. Ulrd aawaaeRBaT waftag aPMMNaatBt esC4aflssSsnrJ OlsWaMaTa, ate Avenue Praebyteriea ehereh aaei! OP ALBANY OAVI 0RA4MiATtrR RtOITAl AT tucation Iktraaltllo of the laftrmattes of nM age. Aria I Prom MarrhWM of Phaaroi Ullte Rsapsra. firet grade of thla city. koMa a federal reaesaskin Iom It In. waa aeareety MM te MURIC NAU. Km NIOMT. M Rh was 7 years old a of Third Ware Saheel. earerlag the river power hetwean Albany. N V , stay la. Th native the erowde who enaRR rw ronaty a of the n MePnrland. prlaelpal fifth theae two potata. Boats aad slater Mm aHett nMaMght. daughter of admittance (hit moretag at the fciael rration of tha Haw. Mebnrd K. Nalaoa lata Nasarlo Uonaale. who died at Dr. Rdward R, aad sixth grade; aland Cuaters. RanrM IkaMright. grade, Tway. opening of the lleth aaaual ooiitca of PblladMpkbi aa aaagihar of the Cleoega Ihiea weeks ago. The re- Mr. aad Mr. H. of nf Coiorade entlege Mate Rest grade. NYS COW WW MOtMC S0qa(q C asaaifcaaaj saMat f the Preabytertaa church iimMy, aawatOCPMa mains were Interrad In the CathoHe til Booth High attest, gave her arad- - Kernel Haat. third grade; Aaatta place In this chy today tM wm the OlqateMaifV grade. Ida Rider, first The gathering m called to order at cemtery at Bernalillo yeater day Mlea uataag recital rresa rhqr Viiiveretty of PIMM MltlTARY IfdRTtTWTR RR o clock by the retiring moderator, hrtlllaat sorsTu of tha kiad MoaWya, graad daughter, Pvaaaatatlea ilglnmas grade il Vleaata her New Mexico weaaoi Mantr at U-- t4M.TR OP PIRUR RAY RXRR-OeRR- 1 peer lahwa piaee Albsay. af the Rev Robert F. OoyW, of haa la who left V Tneaday aftemooo 4rMP4 A gar eMfWgy dearth Ward lohoal. l. iaata every hall hast v. prior ( for-qs-l it togan la All talata' OkahadraJ at of reaah-a- (ft, I By Roy Klger prlaelpal, fifth Dearer Tw ours the c for the bedeldw the densaaad. the Air l 3D aeaity of grades , Moon, oiHK the chapel m threw thla Mtere eat la time to see her die. tk I High awhool awag. Mlea Hwwttt aiuh l.ydta third open to receive the rrcdsatints of the ini'.l . i tbI boar. Dsaiaasd wa aa esoellBt woman in atteadaaos (Roe Ctab. gradea, Rdythe Rverftt The boys who attend waa the eatert MlRtary . rwaraiBsloncrc, numbering nearly TOO uitIubi crowded to tha every rpect aad vary pin Ptara Hartasan. lastttata and an equal number of aKeraatae, bund red would have lihed to aaoaiw BMaiary to Hon Petit Mart tana, a presalaeat well MM paat year, are oaaeet- - eaJaT Iew4pe lSa3qV((Jgf iwt n tkat hoar aatll tba assembly Urkvta of bat ware refaead. juoaesNit aad wealthy etttsea of Rt Paee, who Rllaa. -- Ih Wllley. third and fourth fa a couple of daye, as the wag tub - vmveaed the Rev. Dr. WlUtaea H. Interest la tha acialan night Mlea la nanelally latereated la oertala a- grades are evsr aad the eehnftt Itobt rU, (hf staKd M kept by the pronuaaaoa at tka Ryggawrhhkate terprlsss at Laa Vagaa. ream la from ; Tata letter school will likely be dean cl for the aasBjaar. (, OUTSIRC RIOOavMIHPATION Ah URstv keya asaTaaTBgmhrm una) dlatributlag badge aad aeilgat The three rsasn rating rajgmaee the soaili tkla saoralag, aad darlag! away with whoa sahanl oaaaa la lAt hfoaeey was aa day, aad. AklL-T- tUght WllUaat T MAMWt AND the inati am waa d ma the delegate fe their places. The bieaopa ware the Re. rfTNRth of brief aafoara la the city a aad Mtaa Wllley will be while none of the school reearaa were player t horoagH aaadjamtaece wHh ptaasBBt d sale: naa of tba edlRee warn crowded i:roswell llwaae of Aibaay, Mght Rev. woe JUtMMHtf RiejUIRBB. caller at thie ealoe. Me la aaaw of the ward hulldlaga iaheai, a great latsreet waa maalfaat-- D. D., art Vegaa M avatacatloa wkaa the oacalae; hymn oil w. WhHakar, af Fhllaoel' the Untied on to Laa oa the The BMtter of aaslgnlng teaehera la ed aw very eatlaraalery werh waa a tba aaaataafpt joteJag wltk and Mght Her. Caaaaeey It. Prof. Kreba, Mrs. mt ft Raaaeti ed No Z left to the suaertatei dent The iBtlaeihRj, ta a hat of the Tha fight for apaotatnvsat to taa Vr: he immmiaaieiisis mm ra Hrfwetar of Comnoeticui. The ata aad Hlame aaateaM Mia Host New addllkms to all the ward hullil events bowing eatrtea aad reeordd uiwivm offlei of of the COL. RAN PAOKARR. be rsnOBlna of tb Batbem. acatttrs were the Right Ra. Cbarhw aaaociate laattes lags will be ready at that (law, at r oma tend, blahop coadjator of cen- la opea At Ubrary hall at wjo tomor-- Ian yard daeh D. Tka larina of taa rettrlag nsoder-to- r auarcme court still aa1 TNI hWARTMY YANK R I legal It Is honed ao. aad ala aew teaeh- Prull. Chaves. hfaefc-a- y oagjar papMa1 1 toe-iou- . tral New York and Mght .vev. raw afternoon will fhe will eland, won by D Vrmn Itww th entire ntonlhg wM not be settled for several days, TO OUR MARRAOHU-RRTT- t era ha added to the preaaat Mmlth, biahop PaMbv recital of the njaRani aad oa aad at lit nuacluelua tka eeeee oaadjvtor of says a dispatch from Wash- iwnnsale. wag Monday Mlea MUCH IMPROVIO IN ell, tka ylvania h aerejan preaohtd by Helea itatt will alve Pleas mr the new addrtlons to hullo-leg- e Running ftroad JaaHr-B- Ohaves. adjourned until a lata knur la ington Delegate Rudey has endorsed prepare f the electloa the Right Her. Arthur V A. Hall. D. her graduating rsrital. Mtaa Huat HRAUM. are la the heads at eoatractor Morse, Reader aad Rjfrie; waa by afternoon to ir g Muh-i- n A. Mann of I .a Craces, aav-la- stager's wwl n-- t Mna Reeder; f the new moderator tba moat lev I). of Veraanat. Rdward recital oefnr aad hula for const motion erti! ha eaea- - It feet, three tarbeo. Belt few days rwwtaat practlrel baaliaaa of tka day. reeetved within the laat day aignt. Oaf Daa Packard, the Mwsrthy Be ad by the board at a special second. - g MANKIT lolTTtR- from New Mealcn arg-la- daah-Hoha- M, The mw ton bagvo today will eoe amity telegrams loatae. who the pent year haa beoa a aent Moadny Bight m yard Dafplnger Mm to do so. It Is uaderatood INTO D. nana for taa days or loager Ac cea-alltutl- Hpecial I'urreapoadeaw hwaitlar flgare la driving about the Those present laat Bight war. l Prutt. Morse; woe by mil; M Judge A. A. Preeman of Oarhv seconds, taa highest eeurt la tb Kaaaa City. Mo.. May Id eaely that The poiHIetaae aagaBVy uu doing sny of aohallag the ssoaaeatna deal Hupklas. Tnmteer Lathy, hterae aeooad. will not be considered lor appoint- Rtandlng jawr-tw- M. hurrh, the assembly arlll be a taactsr or rang bred stun last week waaj had the work of the afjAie ooun la quest urn af the day la the of barn. Marsh. Wrong. cnRg and broad OaMve. presldeat ta quite well Boat- lobar ..f widespread lattraat. aad many mut- moderatv. Tkere waa (talta a aprtahl ment. Tha tcvawtatlag new JaTaWel gmtricu tka Alvaraeo, left tkla afternoon far Morar. Reader, Rlrte; woa hp Rail; upon qualification of the sev- feci. Regan ter r Import aaro will ha brought he- ing if good braaded steers, Kaaaa ed the The suprei Dearer. After a abort atop at Denver, I laches. secoad. New Mexico eaadldatea. It la MIAVV" High rn re H hir discussion aad settremtst. fori, wklek. for quality, eosaaared well eral doubt will. redlvtrMI fjBtcrrrtory Into he will go la Rt. louta, aad tkeaaa to LciMfip"attP. lumpCopchad. Pall, loomed. aid that Kdward A. Mean who haa hMraa, J. Miller. BJrle; wea by More, There are ao bereey trlaJa. aa no with the natives, aad sutd about uvea judical dlstrtcta wgjpHaa raajard to uraaWtoa, Xass . where after sigktssa trangaat endorsement, I 10 mvislon of the ronfaaatoa of faith la r with tha latter Moat of the went the territorial the lata re is of tha aaaTRMa. the bar, maatho' leave of abaeaee he will again RMTNRRttNR RRfNJftTB 00M feat. laraee. J Miller second. will required te tarwleh sa earns Rhot put Roll, apectcd. but tba many queetlowt of ra steer haw beoa light weight, he the Judge ami the aafwgVe nf ruaniag take up hla duties as traveling avueag- PrHMd OTRRO 0RMNTY. Praak, Lelaai con-UaU- y meat from his old home la Nebraska Rtrie, R. L. Rarltk: waa by Ball; doctrine and dfaelptlee which arc sold wull. baaaaae that claas tbv conn k Tho ajejojbera of the er and AadHbr for W. I Douglass, the and have favorably con- n it romlnr up la all sections of of steers waa waatod more than tha before his name can be auaremc court are BWJBJ0lRWd to shoe maaafaeturer. at. Id laaaea. This week a number of vanH Morse tba umntry, aad which have been heavier ones. Colorado steer avcrag-la- sidered. make such Judicial dlamejB aWform Una Packard la a mighty good man Me Rnader. Rlrie. sdjaHl-'Uloa- . La l.u (lulchei; waa hy T brought to tha iiiiriaxblr for l,too to I.IM aoM at I4.H to A. C. Campbell, who la an nasi steal to the best inteireata ofan aaaaeraed aad kls raaay friend in Alfcaqaerqae nd Three Rivera aheap maa Reader, feet, lo AMaaa-gord- o. liK'hrs. Qulrkel will Inject plenty of doctrinal aad light weight fad western up to attorney la the office of the asniotaat taaa the polltlclaaa will ml kirn. He waa a pablic beae-faeto- r aad rattle area have beoa la ssroad. S I , Hammer dlecnselou Into taa aaaatoaa. 14.70. anlea of fed staff ware a eked attorney general in the departaveat of lateres! of particular .ant many are the aeedy of tkla sys the Joaraal. They all re Urowraadail, Preak waa appointed to thla po- AT Rirta. K U RRtMhi waa hp R. I. rirmnl among laa questions to lower than previous week. l.mnMb ike Interior, oriag for the beauarters the dii eRy who have been gracious in hla port stork conditions grave n Pablo Rmlth; I r reive attention la tha proposed tMorado fModern brought ft. It' a sition from Roawell and still holds hla trlct The Oil lava wonRJ saageat the TSect, mch. Ohave. merrbaat aad aheap awa of IM yada bardie D. of tha PreebyterUn tad good aa any time the previous week. legal residence In New Meaico. He tollowina dlvlshm: Bat he wns so moaeet to hla better- - Prittt, Lotaad. out- Tvlarsea. Kraemer. Mora; warn by 17 i PresAyterlaa churche. Common kinds ot MMfcera aad cow therefor cannot be considered an First iliHtrlct gaata Pe Tao. Itio ftiaawe. keeping hla aoed deeds guard tella the Jenrnal that oat of & Prult uarberled ascend ikutriaal differences have separated werv lower fed western heifer de- sider Mr Campbell aaM that Arriba and gaa Jaaa. ' ed secrets, taat very few of bis nuwy tMW bead of ewea he baa eat saved a - any de- I thaw- churches for part years, bat of clined I A to to rents for the wewk, should ha for cause leave tha bXeond distric- t- ReraaMUo Han charitable acta reached the public lam. aaJ about 100 of hta ewea have would re tale they hare baea drawing cloeer as light butcher stuff has baea con- partment of the Interior, ha doval. Valencia aad McKaaiay view Twice haa the rearaaaatatlve of died up to the preaaat Mm Hta He gome 171-l- b to Roawell. which plane ho consid Ooaa logttber aad now there majt to sidered too nigh reoantly. turn Third dlatrirt Aaa. l.uss.i rue ritlaea kaowa Cel. pwobBid to losses have been about HMO. Am-br- Ha- TO ROVRRM MMbUR Of RATRNTg titl Hrulty In taa waj af afuuiia heifer aoM at tf.N Thursday, aad ers his legal residence aad home, t Irani, aierrn nad Raourn.. Intercede for the frtaadtaaa aad help- - it. Villi, a neighbor of Mr. Ohavea, A JdlaH coaa-ntlt- H-U- uf prrdaaalea. He haa h dmtr1a-Ra- a Miguel Mora, AND IN RUtTR CAW PARR go .ibout a rnnaolldatloB. Tto-i-b westera bet far hrsaght th practice his leas Invalids, securlag Bar them la sheared figft head of aheep aad haa haa arraafrd a laa of Wadasadny. A law ""amara oowa were aaM very fin endorsements aa to hi thahr last days oa earth care aad ated teat since too head af them aad all RY 0OHRRRRR LART RRRtlRN. tti-nn- d legal ehtitty. hlo aa a law- i wdlch muat bow be flMHrtWati, twaM aKlM artaMMlaf VlwA JWaWt lag'viaaaa wmm Wneees, reijkmi ameadaaes at St. lambs AadehnRo Pedum at i yer staaeRag ad g maa aad a iiy hp two daaoaatMtloaa ft h on week. Tier wane aseawaai aad h:a aMTawaard WaeR. llam gefrayiag mma RC the Sraai Rrrara, haa tost aU has baam Uelegate Raaay aae favored The aaacted that thla well aa dawa, aad aaM ream fun) to etttsea for away years The two Wyo- Riatfc 61alrR)t--Rdd- Chaves, Moose gad toe ewea eat of a bars) Mag af Ottoan wttb MM RdhhWbaff Bw arevld- - Ux-t- w will be opposition to tka were lower, also real calves. ming senators have so endorsed him; volt aad Quay. life had received their SwRhwenga, he bead. Hta ibMh oaleea woel ero gi aMo a bRRf lag Mtop. both in tl.v aaaeatblr here aad at Borne sooth westera stock steer aalvea Victor Moravlts, general eouaacl of Rome are talk lag of this division, asaaited in shipping the bodlca to sor- lose as so much of It abed that R and tha a railway ayatom writ- tha aaaanwily of Ma OaaAarlaad of good quality sold at $4.M to 4J5, the ganM W has laklag Deaa Ana from the Third du rowing, mothers, wlvea, brothers aad not pay to clip what reioafBOd. MR by UnRed today at Dal a strong in his behnlf. nnd oe)ajaated. U -- which aaMta weighing age to Sao lb. ReeaJy today ten letter trtot aa aad addiag ta staters In far eastern ritlee. He waa Mea la. tie says, about IMM Hie oa BRalag clalasa while making xur-vey- B,0M other persons of prominence aad ike Plfth. wk.i are oagRaatlag a Nav laa. la a normal Monday's ran of ether benefactor to the Indiana of the aelgbbors have atao lost heavily. Mr. ekali govara la wad Another qoaaUoa of far-r- e chUt head. Market steady oa beef steers; are alro auaaortlag him. From leaving this dlvlakm, with the ebeee-tln- a ajo colony nt the Alvarado Carlo. If Padllla think that the nralaaand Hee-oad- . patent of artaiag rtalme, paaaeii iaTptrtanre UMWa tha color llaa la strong oa stoehem feeders and hoteli- the Peeo valley, the report haa reach- of addlaj Boeorrn to the oae had the toothache, he or oho wot drought has so diseased the aheep If can- ') taat tha ahvrck. Fvr soma er staff. ed here that Jeige Fiaamau promptly taken to a deal 1st aad Cel. taat tar ibedluc of tha wool haa ea-- withla the days of the recent teat paat overUre bare eoauu to Mheep supply last week was IB.400. not he appointed. Mr. Camvhell'a aoa Packard settled the bill. The Indtun sulted. ion af coaareio: i privi- would netlatectory te the Michigan ubHcawi, Ra It by ha ganaral aaaawbly aakla tke about one-hal- f of the supply of same luntmu he Rtf looked to him aa their preserver aad Monroe Harper of Three Rivers, a roasted the saaaie aad r 1'reak'-tarta- a people Tha reaeJt at thla writ- Oraad Ragaaa, Mich., Kay U - of of Uai lege aauMlablag aaparata week laat year, at which time Tex- there. W they were all ap early this asoralag cattle maa, eaya his atocfc arc yet go-la-a bouse reerceeetetlves the dolagatss to -- for white aad colored mlaiattn as gra Basra were com tag la teat. The ing cannot he coajeetnred at large the aatlowal re to give aim a token of remembrance- - reaaeaablr well aad that be ted Rtates of laasrlea la raagrsss aa la the aaata tarrttory. waek a aropaal-ttw- a prions advaaead ( to 10 aaata In aatte pablieaa con rent Ion at Ckiengo are a bit uf pottery of their own make, a suataln very utile if any loaasc hail avmbled. That sect lee twenty thrw Life in a count at lo be at conventhHi has always been dafaatad, and of tha averaged poor quality. Some choaea the of blanket or come other trinket of tkelr that the rear has agouad him aad fur--' bumtred aad tweatpaovoa of the to hwery year. Mlrblgan b-- , It la eanected the oonwalttae la charga woolMt brought ttrat rapablicana which waa call primitive Rtaahxi and to bid klm good- imt oa the plain bmlag cat-- vised statutes of the Halted Rtates lambs tha week hen crosses. ther are ' n queatlon, aad wklek baa baaa good Por th are rim ed to ordw in the Audltoriam ehortly bye- Jntaae." tie aad the sagas ta kereby aamadid tu the part of the week, aad aetklag Rwery year, lalllMtratiag oa It for Ike pact year. was received later. Ran today la hofore noon today hy Reaator Bar Col Packard said before leaving W (' McDonald, of tba Onrrlaaaa' read as follawa: lioet aprtaga with agha reairhag. rows. It Mill ngala report against It. head; marmot steady. Wooted Col- is expected thai the eoerea-tk- that he weald always have a warm Cattle coaaaaay, ta ahlpsaRg all that 'Rec INT. The deecripUoa of vein Uato weary AetuaM's Mahhaj. will be ao Another hnportaat oonailUca which orado lamas sold at M 00 today; clip-pa- d hermonioua far aa the spot m hla heart for New Mexico, lie will pay hla aartbtag vo marhat. er hide cialaja uaaa aarveyed leads we have are dflag I ih ui report at the pre sat aaealoa I western Inmlxt, fft.Tft. Wethers While theae choice of delegates noaoeraod. aad had beoa much baaefttted by bin vhi sbail dsolgaoio las) location ef th o APTRN A Ml i hat wtilck Is kaowa aa tha IW4M,-o- are worth up to tfi.Sa; ewea. $0.00. that the adaatalstratlon of Praaldent lt Hla bob era! health Is vary mack B PRANOHIRR. rtalme with rate reata to the line of comawttae oa tba aaoowwaait af Texas grass sheop sell from 4.f0 to Reoeevelt will be endorsed aad the Improved aad he is thirty pouada 'to the public server, but not conform agate oUga. capaclaUy la tha west. Thla H.oo. i'h good price are agaaeted to The days nave hmn of del pledged to vote for kte the good." IXVRRMOR W. T. THORNTON therewith; bat where paoarta have rata-la-g noes! Chicago. ooa-- up-o-a wamlttre will iubnn a plan far remain, aa receipt are bound to be Rvery year. nation at The state The good will of large number of A0KR TO PUT RUIOTRrC LINE been or shall be leased far claims mpaey. weagat veatioa to aogslaatc a state ticket Duke city people will follow him hla uaaurveyed Isads, the surveyor the needed and thB rssnrt short itir some time to oubm. The night mere of aHonea, la IN RUARACAJARA. will dnubilcea provoka nmoh dtaet-nio- a Rvery ywr. will he held at Detroit later tn tb travels wherever he may go gaaeral. la ootoadtag the public sur APTRR PAMOUHFaMS DICGINGS Pair atarlaga no loagar ehana aa. vey. shell aajagt the same to the The wtwee sad weather harm an. SCHOOL TEACHERS A diteU4 h from Ouadaliejncn. Meal boundaries of aaM netented ehum--i aa CalNarnia Wisuhllaam, ve, iaed laAy 11, imya: W. T. Tbera-haa- , they ere omcUUly eetabllshsd npon THE SOUTIIERN ANB MRR.-TAR- The threats af death alarm u. - OOVIRNOR OTIHO Racrimaalu, 01.. Msg- H. Tb re-- i Rem j year. taimsr aavwraoi ef Mew Mccieo the ground. Wlwre pateats have PRESBYTERIANS RAYNOUDg TRY TO MAKE puhllcaa stars eoaveatioa la he Mid ew a resident f thai city, haa sued for aRaoral leads, theae lattdm A WONOIRPUL FIND. held here today for the scleetloa ef aeeileA to tha state for only shall be egrigatss aad ahall be come new oarga aad sorrowa, A. B. Stroup Retained as S- inrmamaai There delegates to the Ohlcaga ceaveaxtaa. a ssnssaalon for the laetaltatioa of dflwmed ta be patented which r Mobile. Ala , May 1. Tha anaaal very year. The platesrm will come oat strongly 1 - tlnmrie street traatlaa In thta city. iMMiaded by the Uaaa actually aMrked, A i ' . story is lisiag loitl in Al- morrows, uperintendentThe List aaaion of tba general as i lastly of tha Dark day aad darker for Roosevelt's renoawaatlea. The Tha vtleatloa la made on behalf of leflned aad eetabtiehsd upon the was today to the egeat Maatharn Praebyterta church buuucMue that oaly uacertalaty in noaaoctloa with the Awtartona eapitnllata aad the sum grtniad by the awaumeats of th owl rwtiri-- c M. A. K Herniary of Educators. iUed to order todsw ky tha Uoveiaor Otero aad The gboota of dead kwes haaal as, Uhe gathering relates ta the of ft t.MO la Menleaa governmeat ial survey uaaa which the patent Mar. Aaaar D. of Terrllory J. W. he awa gaosu af Bhsagad frieada moderator. a Hoahlk. Rsn4aa The taaat of a aew state coromlttee. la bumls baa been de sited aa aa e great Is baaed, and sumyare-gencra- i I)., of Ohartestaa, West Vlratela. south to heat for the fomaa eoesldsmbve interest la maaifssted. as ef good faith. The American la sxecetlag aubaequeat patent sur two haadrwd cowashistoaeri Adam dlgalaaa, whlea. same op Aawat It will have a bearlas; aa the stew special umm hoard oRar, In the event the win smitten Is veys, whether aarm surveyed or ua rs 1"WO,Rvery ware tn attendance, half balng awn-taea- parlors say, are weal ad la tha Uaeh year. casBpalga two years heaee. graaled, to pmee IMavOOO in the baa da surveyed ansae, ahall he aweraed aad half ruling eater. Thar Ilk Negraa of Rlarrn eouaty. he UtfsJsmsanlBWaR HssaakAAsaMllaBaxjam ef the aovaramuet far the pavement cordlagly. The aakf monuments sbai Prawoytorla governor seertary TV XWwafwaaj rraawqwawf aBfaTffei repcoaented about alghty aad went south the To the mare dted laeat, of Onadedajara streets. at all oaetrtut the high eommunl-aau- . feat p Olty, Wyo . Wyo- - At a special mast lag of the school times and mora than one million other evenlag, and a little mlaehatr-im- i BRaaBsBaRP eBaBaaa. LariMale Kay II. JqrfJ'RRrT JgrwaRjg Jeee Maria eRrawiJIiio. the Kstlllea-w- eutbority ao to want lead is patented aeattarad vartoaalr ovar tha bird tells The cttleea that thaw mtag leauhtlaaa are Holaiar' ttaA haW tact eight, Heperlatcad As the laved hmvo vngnet pbteaa, Rpaalard of the OUy of Meaico, and In race af nay between of Ylrgtela. Went Ylratata. out huatlag for treaaurea, coaveatlea here today far the wallet staias ant hidden who owae the nwvjarity ef the street the aaM ataaumeau of eueh patented Marvlaad. North CaroUaa. Uoath Oar which, according to advices which xl9qm Of BoOelBsORr ae) wa)q9 eaA(0wevesl qlxgrfc' ef the Alhnaaerqnc pablic eyws awnm railway llace in this city, te ngbtlug claims and tha daarripttaas of said Kentucky, Arkenew they had prevtouaiy received, thaw e ajverywaawe aae insj ei Tho party in a uaK tar oohoel tar aaother year, thla beiag olta. Tenaaam. la the evealag taa pqni aa, Rte sjiaaUag of the taa bad la rtalme la the pateat Issued therefor aad MiaaoNH aad ladtoa Tarrttory. ported to find These Adam dlggtaga dak aad tha del aaates to Om-- sobeol tar aaother year, this being entreat aa, attesaetlae: to bring federal ladaaace the monumeala aa the ami aad than have cost many a poor prospector hi Aad to boom ta them eago wilt be laatructad ta veto far hta hta third year. Rvery year. ta hear la hta favor. Oewwaer Abu-Betd- govara, aad er tnsaaslsten' Ufa. bloody resBMaiefe. The matter of ward teacher waa miaaiee THE CUMBERLAND aad during the days of i In favor ef gtrlag the seacn deerriptlcaa er salh) ht the pateat de twenty odd years ago, else tahaa ap aad tha present teaeh- whan Victoria etna to Americans aad Is now la erlptlona shaH ptve wee-- thereto and You are groertag. wWI'' they leU ua, HAPPY ORABUATES era retained, with tho wioaptioa of the PRESBYTERIANS Oeroalmo rede roagh shed ever Rm national capital In ceaaesUea with the until hern coentkM wRk their Wands Mtaa Adams of the Mseoad ward, who the matter Rerm)ilk keM a eoaeee-tlo- AT OPERA HOUSE of renegade Agaehaa. awry a few of "You art atoro ahaaa," Raey loll as, will leave at the otaee of school for Dallas. Tes. May H. The general A PURAR4NR . RNTRRTAINMRNT for elcotrle linen In Ouadalajara the moat darlag white proas Beery year. OalMoram. Mtaa Adams haa beoa a Meembly of the Cuanherised rVaawy icsori Irom to lsOl, but felled to make At the Rlks' Opera house Ruaday ventured out In sup- You aaa wri aa new aaettaa. LART NMHT THK RXRROIRIft faithful teacher m 'he Albuquerque It tarlaa church coereeed In Dallas thla search of theae My awe toward their aataeitahasaat morntag o stock eharea posed fabulously rich puaera, Yea have eaty THIR RVRNiNR. iBhools far tlx years aad as her health at It the af naming. It la estimated that tha at- aad During bha period hta Baaiisilaa waa the city will uah--n they never to rioeaer sorrow la saai sweat Impaired, aae eeeilaed to meet la ta hetea tendance la over UN. Tha oeaiasla returned clrtt aatloa to m eataet Plttebarg eapitnllata opened 't the Rnceabwireate aeraton give any aeeouat of trip. Rvery year. Junior, adaMriag pareau apply for a position neat term. aaaaal etoasrs reprasaat Iraabytrte la tha their aeaetiUioma with htm for the pur of the Ualveraity of New Mea tee t'lrcumataaeee have fhaageil since af graduate aad papfw, aad apecta The apeilseiloa of Mtec Jaaa Beaa territory est ending front Paaaylr-al- a ohaee ef the unset railway Unas, the which wtU bo delivered by Rahai Kag-ie- a ihea Vletorlo. OeroaHao Too I me Ufa haraa are ahattlsff. lata orowiod Ubrary hall law ard. stater ef Mr. R4 M. Harsek, was to California and froat Iowa te aad the dty ceeetric light pleat, which la atao of Temple Albert blood thirsty beads have been whip- J'SM night to attend the clam Ray eser-- the oaly new appMsant aaaaidsred or retir- Rm prapsrty of RsrmsIUo, aad the The pregraai arranged for the oca-k- litatataaa. The sernaoa the ped Into suam lesion, some being kill- Aad we are aaaward arhHIag. of the la94 iieamntlag laat alght and It waa asaoptad. Moat of noarwselos, bat after several asnatki is as folio w ing aaoderator occupied tha ed, and theae diajglnga may yet Im RRejsw agar. of four nrettr rwaac ladles, The present teachers, who were re- the deal fell three. At tkat time jMuatc Orgaa Voluatary Wbe kaewa bni what (lovem-o- r Old ahjwMa, asavasRRi Rwt aa. aad their iaaiota. It waa II appointed laat algM, are aa fotkvwfl. AtfkaolM"-- tf haad Bwrmejillo asked ll.TM.3eo. silver, for M.... mmtM latMHS Otero aad Hecrotary Kaynold may The livRRi e aalgal 'MM 1 IsAt vnvmi,- 4ia)nra4nlaMaa www wiwiwiiB"nii the boMlags rnwatlaaed, aad It la bow Mini' I iiv KpaavC. m Modgin were oaehaaged with Had them? If un Tkere are fewer ta term had was iknrcaghty J A. Miller, priactpn), mathematics ttabaBaBlAaa4ansBi jYjkaai4athP there u a milu eaWretood taat he bee raised the Os iLraeaj p lawenaa'BjsnBB bm ajyajlPagaBTfn,l dBBBnBsOTaBBjy aVery paar The witty papers of aartlctpaaU and science. aadUc R. Leavitt. Ragliah a their faoas when they return unrth tha - waat-waR- Ra to-titt- urea oa the ralrwap Unas aad llghtlag aVrtptur KhsRB, fhap- aaaaion in ReJfale In a few days, u will be an Indira were bagely ntertasalaf aad bOaM and botany, Mies Pitch, special leach aoaaoWdatton of two pleat ta ItJoRb). ter 1. verves 1 to The Ike Uon that they have located the won But tk truer life draws nlgher. ta good aaturedly, made the aatalr oai er. music aad drawing. Nancy Haw ft which baaa agitated what U aaw vented by aerraeyliu Prealdeat W tl Tight. derful g plafera hut II Rvery year. of fond remembraaoe lo the prlnd Iti. lAtln aad history. Mrs (' O'Cou ta ear trs. Is one of the loraaaaat MaU a raaewal of tke ruarassiaa kc keid Musk "Aad (led Rhall wi Away aot 4tor t say onythln; tn ihi-n- i about And the Morning Rtnr climbs higher, nor Roberts, gpaalsh and librarian years for taaa to at pre-ns- 'or Ire electric street rar Ail Tears" MilHlvan reoeive atteetlan laa the Adanm dtgglngH Bnrth's hold on u grows slighter. The glev club part of the affair was Mr Rjla M I Dai Klla It t'ol auaeaahly. It la eipactad ee ta this eity. If the eoneesston Is Mr g B Mill- -r that And the heavy burden lighter. iuaily a tatertalulng. irniie Ichth grade rtalUi KniiK Mar hwth Meaaahllea will treated the American they will not lia i alauraate gennoo The tlrad una notion Thi liU'tcle nml Kixlak ,i. f J Tonight, tnc gm-rl.- f Hevt-m- b , ad ih Dawa Immortal brighter, Cmmiammt, llartiaau, ' bo t buy UermejilUt to tha pronoaed asMlaanuy K Houatoa coarpelld ih uaiea Work ta Life Teat II baa undergone spring very year. The IM1 oommsBiiaaasat eterciaes Piret Ware tehee I. mute lines, as state government aoe-irlo- i the King's, tad chapter, s to iion Other aaMiers aCeetlag tha houaecleanlag, aad Is spick aad spaa will occur tonight at the Rlks' opera Mrs T. 1. vires II It Albert Pike. Ruprema Oraad Master Butta. prtaclpai flrat batda that the oonceeaion cedar which Rabbi Jacob H Raplaa. mnl dlx'ipllae uf tba ehurv-- will in new paper aad a coat of halsomin- - l)r Rdward B. nf Masons bona Paraoes, deau grade lAter Haaeldiue, aeeood grate, Bjreeiilo is now operatiag not Mui.1. - ixi upon Ih.- - does Judge Me. O Ood". louniUfrvd and during iiik In lli'bbet nptlrtsn liSx ar of the Colorado roll'iga, will deliver Marie 1 Holb-- third unit fourth atl . give bias exclusive right to the IHtdley II , .i . asactubly r.nij,-- .1 ii l.i-a- l ctfli-i- i - . . .v..k I'll ir In ie tliillt nf Kolgliti. nl ColurutiuB lll meet tbt- i)ii'm im im-ii- i Kradt-- i J- - . i M aiilre There Mrmii'. f f and street I uu Asaerlcanc propose, la Wilfred H Worth iitghia at KiukMs ( I'ytbiM haii lll i,.. l . i . .r v uor icadln 'h eveml taey sr SMereeaful. to e Benediction. THE June list. 1N4, to nominate Swopc's koness. A Lessen In Health. ssrs to ran for ftrssldoet aad ewe Heart ay kMaeys HRer the Impuri SKIN Oft FIRE vise prastosnt of Um UsJtod States'. The Baata Ps will eeaUse the ties from the Meed, and usless they Ths organising sssnmltiee. wkwh dally asr after May M. la Its pwoe do this good health to Impeetlble. Topics iliacme muses so muck hoAWy discomfort, er itrlies. anl burns like there vrW as a semi wtaJaV llmRod Peiey's Kidney Our make ssund Fvaiload represents mors than five hundred kfn H gradnatlv servfse. mssBjaSesse.' h, t" i :uctr,"in often with a alight redness cf tlir kMaeys end will posiUvely care all I thossasd colored people In the In or from whkli a ji,,n""T- - Iuk' e form kidney I M"r.l fi: ititulcs llitrr of and bladder dtaieee. i Par all know tho bottor sou-nan- who re- .condector Jsch Mulheurn hM rntnhle which iliw-asn- d st ales off or frmhd looking seal. It sp United States are anxious to Mrs. 0. D. Hill, wife of a ftmta Ps It strengthen the whole system. pnuaenger bwrbamltha are snstofmd - given it malar ran. haker aad M..n il liferent .irt- t thclwxlv oftenest upon the hack, arms, hand, tire to their native toad of Africa, COflstsrsjagrf SiMI HtWtH9H Sold by J. H. O'Klslly A Co. with thslr condition aad UMtr strfk I 14 M nests you geatlesvos sowed KseSa sOg B p4seSmSeqawe W. A. Hop well, of railroad buildteg Nll'l I .ice. Mil - that Msfeart ssaeeeS smseMP east of Junta. Out on Um . . Tb IRQ) t cDrioeed at time seiehes en nom- feme. KODP to iMSVer OB bSotRSSS. ins U wsi Miueoic i or iu ton i of wy tbM Itehed the oaadldates and vote for the rtsR with Mrs. P. U Myers. BUILDING THE TROLLEY IH nd. however, they am dlagRUnftod tas lnd 'asuwaj Pes-a- y IIMt"). u ination and election of those who will a e J R. Pnrwell, sngteeer for hs grew 1 "inee-- t tl At mt will aor thna llkory bosont or 1I were. WS. - In renal DeveleameBl compear, ta as mirlit i. hen mu I ami' tad wit i Brseme, I eee- promise to aid the aeparatioa of Prod LossnstOT haa relieved Rajah la the machinists' strllM.N henti I I ttlMd aeoer.! and a nuts two races, cause to he war-- Um OP THE 1LS0TRI0 STRSCT RAIL- AHmqsscqnc visitor. I I Uar MaaTmtla'avnricin. id the and PsaHt aa night caller at Baata Pe baok I ,7 mil ttttftl bo la I ' Mr Rnrhntow Intonds to I'C .IllkS of - SpeiiratiwiK. raoalvlas bat enseed, territory In South Central Af otocsa. The tadler toft last nisM for WAY UNBBR SUPERVISION OP J Palms, a tiirwwi linemea for wook. lirnil I. r roi.ka th ton. of the m i i l RcM anl .n,.. i laiueu f J rica, extending five hundred miles Mcpherson. Kaasss, where he writ Ike Beat Ps railroad at Ash Pork, I 1ct4ad t T try f B and In?enrI Ilea ROBRRI0K ST0VRR. It la mated today that tho Santa Ps Itliv coti men I a.eerianoad rkaasefcrThj south, oae thoaaasd a month. we taken to Prceeott Um other sight itvrt ill" north nad aad vteit rsmtives for a maklss proparntlons to bonso their lition 'l tlic blooil miles laterlor, eastward, for homes e In a Tory atek condition ptaos. I i hVaetrtoal amgtweer Roderick Sto- new man In tb shops at this he ng itcbiiiK for ths sx stares and their offspring. Heerge Dtllmss. who is ta the em- Bods have boon arrnngod to aom of tml Imrniitg to pro ver, ssssMiatsadeat of she scant rue-tto-a r ! where we shall have a free aad lado- - PROFESSOR NEWELL Ceatrel at hh buildings, It to statod that duced by oeerftow hi xMnninx - ploy ef tho Seat Pe tho and tlR Rlatlua A. ItalialonaiMOtty, Mo peadeat goverametit of osr own, under of she slettrlssl pottles of the Al- laeoK wm st tho ohattl eRy yester- two oarloads of stovlslomi wot tak- ihmuali th aiemtaand - - the United States for tea yearn, aad strsst railway system, said day on railroad matters. en lato th shop tost Right usmsr dor- - pCtrt t t! e Skill of t!ir licrv ilo-i- vim wnicn inc imnn riirmn bto- Wl ilc ?M'l'r"t"",v stick aa who will oasae aa aamraprtatloa of by coming Mess railroad bridge Jest east of er of bvrk - iideil sat Tho soap- - salves and pnwrtcta utraoot Btng an.l money to carry the aoveeaaoat late Of Geological Survey Will Una em gaag will (MM woa to ho oa Bra washes, the erealae; ths i setting dtaooToroa rooting thev ao nut enter Into the Wood itself t set. aad ssad nil Uu have reached Railroad avenae asd ether (tor uhortly hotaro tho IIm IN NCW MEXICO the tltUDING touch the real cause of the disease, bwt 8. 8 tt pie who want to go. those si Pass Through Albuquerque sole will be est along Itod was Tho dnaago wm alight. bet the entire ds. joeii KMd purines, enrtcnea, ana etrenriuene mc ed sad hsmslsss. aad two-thir- of three miles of read wltbfa a week. TK hro probably wa ceea! by ih " Uk A Ulin acid Wood ami rleanaer and huilda up ttu .ncral sytitem. when all the colored ooavtots, to the sow in a few Days. The poles are white pine trees fur-sk-i spark of aa cnRinc. THI RAILWAY AOS OIVW LIST ikiH clear off an.; Bctema with all it terrifjrinf Rymptoms disapneari. African territotr. which will be Um bed by the Aaaertoan lyncher com west-bowe- d OF PROJECTS ON WHIOH WORK di.-n-. (ei By the sudden atoppinn of a stottti for our tree book on the Mb in anil its No charge Republic of apl'L Africa. Ths ont- - pear, and are set by the traction com VBAR. freight traio in tho Oellse yard IS TO BS BONK THIS medical advice. THE SWIFT WBOtPM C9.. A TLAHTA. SVU orsd voters wlB spsoK this paay at a cost of about H each. They aa cess rafrisxerator wao CITIZENS SHOULD MEET HIM yeetdy nssmeesswiiy smmarMon, are set IM feet arrt, nad It will re- brakes la two aa aoat ho Ihoaih It Th Railway Ago for Mny a well quire something more than M y els Woa with a saw. i. Proper methods of bnlldlRg boll- - is afllrmed, npproves of Oeaeral Pal C. B. MARTIN, Chalrmnn had rot as tb ometol nndrwwr (InMs lor the la the conetrnotion of the three asttes. of nee-o- 4 rs. Rpnfylsg Sre boxes to Rtt form. ptaa BJ D. R. THOMAS. Secretary Bdltsc The CHIeee. Mrs John Lambert, wlfa tho o lis mere of estenslon to t to Mo. 00 SR. A S aaage Noofcy Munnlidn staiss givos th Tho roller iIm president of tho Kaaaaa Cttr J. R. Cttwaiag. cBAiraaa and if ho eaa secure the Seats Waiktiiseaa. U. May It. I hsve wire weighing a pound to the two asd Mat of mllrond projnetn to tow s. Mouthers rallwar. a through tho Beet method of rvmovRl of seal Central ho will build a sew Use, PIIILflAHMONNIC QUARTET jnet bean to sea Piefessgr Mswati of a half foot. A expert trolley wire city Might woat hoMd to private Melrtoo upon wMoh work la lo ho pfmv from radical stays asd crown sheets, An- treltty. tat chaage the Rio Oraade between the gistcgieel surrey, fie will sees maa Is engaged to haag the ear with a partr of Meads. ecNted or lo bo nommeoeod this your: lno oa cmws bars. B. f. MeOratk. no Pe to a standard ion asd Rente ELKS' OPERA HOUSB, TURBO AY, tavwegk tea or Selvy. of secret ser-t- chairman. cauge Albwaaerqse la about Msds Yetmg Agetn. Cade chief tho .Atohtson. Tnimka Santa Vv Ran road clear fssm Denver to IT. T. MAY AH-icev- of Dr. King's Mew l ife seeartment of tho Beet Pe const Maintenance of grate ban asd Pneo A party of Rook ornctnn twelve days oa his way to Yen, Oae nil Psllpe to Slunn. II alios. lahtad two put me ash asmaRajdetph Preye, chalrmaa. a each night for weeks ha Usee, arrived horo loot sight from OnHfornto Short Un Alamognrdo will make a trip over the Cmata Pe te took sp Um irrigntioa eaoa-tto- I. Best klsd of task and aaatotrnc The mittomsxmte Lady qsartet of in ay teens' again'' writes D. H. Tur- tho wort. Itaoa too BaaU Pa haa had to Demlag, ltd mil aorvy4. Ceatrat within a few day. nejewar n turn of MeKeown, chair-maa- . there, la to reaarethsn ner of Dempseytown. Pa. They're the aa armr of deputy ahsriffs patrolliMi Chioago, Nook totond Choctaw srm. John Onetar head "Rook Island OhSMtgo. which wtll apgsar is Um the pansed by Boagress at Um request of best ta the world for Uver. Btoameh It property. Mr. Berry haa booa a (C. R. I k P.l Amatilto, Tssns, to cures sat tot t ibo PaotCc," the Im' Opera boss oa Tseeday. May very keeping them la lino. Quite s nnaker of higher mecaanl-a-l the GaRferotftft a few days beore Um sad Bewsto. Purely vegetable Never besy aaa Toeumoart. Mow Moatoo, 111 mltaa. of '.4Nt fMnhs Drnwcrat say: IT, wiH be oslrtole have promtsod to he pree--i.- t the Sret gdp. Only ts at all drnggista Tho Oellep Republican nays. (I. whlok 40 mltoa ar la Mow MORhW. President Iree and other high arSrasAoat of lbs tost seawtan. Valley-MMW- Rt the n'Bventlon sddress the Plagstaff. atop-pa- d Tmm ofl asd ar-- W Sul'lvsa. ageal at Cimarron IMvor i of the Rock Island road I westd rive to hnve Um people of meeUng. among whoa are President nSskh Philhsrsvmfc mdsao s tody At City hUtonlMthtown, M I The EX'GOVERNOR ROUTT oror a da horo to visit friends. to an Inspection of a W H. Lewi if the master rived st hi Paso after bsqwerqse sseet him when he snss-e- He has toot returned froaa a throo aoshastos BJ way et. rhsrscter isperaosmter aad a altos. W. he Paso Northeastern mil inert kv bjU lavlte htm te ston wSh na i wsortotioa. Mr. S. Miller, master DANGEROUSLY ILL moaths' vsbbIIss. having spent most Bartera Railway of Now Mmtoo to BJ they at unci- - left ovor tody vkiilnlat) I mcM'haalr of the PcnnsylvRato; C. H. Paso, and awbSs whan he return. He wwsts of tho to Mexico, whore ho made lA. T. S. P.) Rio Pueroii. Montoo, A Um iiiendi-o- t the Rl Paso Northwestern road for The loikiwlns i sUppsd from the go says Cory. eupi of motive power to te Aiisoaa first, because he - some Isvestmeats la roal oauto. Mo to Tesioo, mlMs; under eontiaet I Deavt.. Onto.. May IT tlrave learn iti of the Cm. .miati Hamilton A Dayton, ths west. It la believed In railtoad Dalto. Tea.. Sunday SMvalag News that toter It will get qnlte hot thoro, reports Will Carman and Prank Moor from Helen to Wlllnrd, S4. alto aad th.- - Rock Islam! Is to aad other riretae that take and that he will stop at Albsquer-iu- e are entertained for j. i. Roett, the r in it tog on tho Msslcas Cen- - H miles graded and to alios of track of March ST. last traias vr the SouHiwcatem line, which Will aged who ee-- run 1S0S; now suspended Th. iu Ansit Kx:ir. .. Mav 13 im bin return. suffered a tral and that Clayton Lemon told In work cosoert Um Philharmonic ttov-erae- aaya eatended Yuma from Benson, The The racisms tion haa net rtoss relapse a few day ago. r nlag aa engine on a short New Mestoo Northern Thornton to - Car-aeat- e line i ArMme, there to connect with the pro- Lady Qsartet of Chlsxqfo la the Routt has been ill tor soma time. Mnnd, mile. nta Pe hotlarmahara at Alb torn aside ItT.Oec for the dlfffrent M. R. Lloyd, iraietlng chair It nosed Sea Ddfo and Bastern, which Maaic hall night waa as ar but his condition was not regard ert Mow MtfXtoo Pnelne Raton, Now neriuc asd Wtselow, who atruck Is eaterprises that it thlsks it will lev man for tho U. It. C. for tho Nook will tortstaatc there, la fact. It to ac tistic aad financial success. The tam se a few days apo. He Is Moaleo. to a point on th Pnotno ooart aymoat hy with onton machlatoSS whs sugurnte. bat, of course, some of (hem serloas till Inland system, apont aovoral days at knoiilusgmd by a railroad man In a po- - pan y la evenly balanced: the work of years la Onllfornla; laoorporatod adrveyod are out on the systssn, appwienUy may be rejected yet. The lloado pro- It old sad hss been Identlaed Itelburt. and waa entsrtnlned by tho ettte to that the deal Is prseU the Perguson sisters, sopraao asd Um west atnee to Mlsnbotktown, Mow Moatoo, have regretted their action asd have kow ject, at Roewell, sow staads a goad with the territortol I). R. C. lodgo. A mors oapablo and Raton eally seselndoO for the Southwestern ooatraKo, was fine, aad showed well T mltoa petitioned Um osmfissy to receive a show to be cumtneaeed la a very short i liable essploye to rapreseat tho 0. line and the Rock Island will thus both la their solo sad sn mbto work. Mlo Orand A Southwestern (Dea- coasatt'ee wttk Um view of being re- that time. Professor Newell, In remises K. c. lodgo and Ma latoroati could be ahte lo get to the Pacific coast Btset March has a rtoh mesne votes rer A Mlo Oronde)-- SI Vado to 01-llna- turned to work. to my urgent appeal, states that he I NEWSPAPER MEN AT wot nave bona ehooon. Mr. Word aid of which was hsard to good advantage. IT mltoa. ''There will arrive to Los Aagelss without Ihe the Southern Pa going to give considerable attention te goes to Amsrilto (row IJelhert to clfle. to Rock Oortrade Lee Walker la the first alto Santo Ps Central Torronoe to tomorrow morning a delegation rep- - It understood thnt the pumping projects down Um rUo THE WORLD'S FAIR hlmsslt with Um Obeelnw Island will apend a great deal In Im sad character Impersonation. Her tor-rltor- ) Roswotl, mltoa. survoyodi brnaeh, reessttsg all the bottormakera oa Q valley from Albuquerque Hoe. that haa boon addod to hla ltd work was very acceptable aad showed made this Um del Onto to San Id altos; strike, the object beiug to consult proving the port of Sen Diego and year. Petln. good In eel mm lag St Louis, Mo. May IT Three Mortar-t- whoa the Oslvtutou wharves are com laste her act Ion of pleas AlbuonerittM Masisni brooch, Oeaeral Maaager Wetta to tonrn npon I talked with Professor Newell . I.. K. dwarda, tho busy agent lor lag number Lots Meadeuuail la a at thoasaad aewapapi-- r m-n- rapreeenl to Albwgnsrajw. 45 altos. what rondHloat the men who are out pleted the rusd will have connect loo great magth with rerereao to the aaata Pa at Megdetoaa. la in the rrom yonag performer, bat her work oa the ths every Th OIUasN has Information that may he permitted to ret era to work. the fJuif of Mexico to the Pnet Rook Ctoaon proJecL lag il foreign countries and city on bnainoM and nleaesre. Mr. vtolta showed ability tech- White sad to k there wilt not be much build-la- The espected conference Is the re-- He almost paralleled for the entire dto marked aad tenHory In the American Mdwarda haa booa tmaforrod railroad possible Irrlgatkm nterpclse dowa state and from In th until utter nult of aa samrt lo meet with Third lane. It Is anown that engineers nique of a high order. The program Magdataam to a atmllar poslUon southwest tb about Los Lusaa, nnd then oae at Saa union, nee aethered Is St. Louis to at prortdontlal election and on or Vice President J. W. Rend rick of Um hnve been to the field surveying a line was entchy throughout aad good from Im Croons, tho ohaago to tab jttaeo that Acacia, aad other dowa the vAlley lake part to the various meetiegs to two of the projsota mentioned by BaaU Pe, whose headquaft i rs ar from the present terminus of the first to tost." too neat tow days. Mr. Bdwarda tho la of Btophaat Rutte He waa much In- la Railway Ag will nut bo taken up rhtoago. Mr. Kendrlck referred the Southwestern at Reason to Yuma, iad There Is a very large sale of seats be held this week, which hns been set haa boon tho aosowstodstlng terested In what I aaid about the pos- tone seriously for some years to eoae. aiibject to Manager Wells, to whoa as the Southwestern' ready for the eoaccrt sore, asd the aside by the esposltlon management Stoats Pa aasmt at Mngdalona. and tho sibilities, aad while he baa already a jurisdiction Is th boilermaker' dUh ngemest denies any Intention of ex oomalttec are eadea voting to make as World's Press Week.'' The tor lioopla of town are bowad to mlsa d tot of data, he is going to have all of thai Ptreman Buckhulta la nmrki-- up culty. When Mnmsger Wells learned tending. It Rive color to the Rock is. the adveat of those artists oae of Um elgn mun tries rsprssested laeludo him. aoa la fortunat In " these looked lato right away. I told lus On "topms: of a cosfercnee waa desired be sent word land pttrehnae atory The Rack Is social aa well as musical features of Cased. Mexico. Bsgtaad, Iretaad, hla soretoss. kla about the Caaa Satosar project, engineer Qeorgc Calvert to again glad com- ii deny story, the Sanson. Seottand. Praace. ttarmaay. its!) he would be to meet the land official refuse to the west of Albuquerque, nad of several on dwty after a few days' raw. mittee. 1 ii Saa tkVftu and eastern prososl Raeerved seats are on sale at Mat-ton- Spain. Portugal. Norwny. Swedea, Tur- A NgW LINK OF RAILROAD. that might ho Inaugurated north of Robert Armntiung and M. J. Bwysr "OStcprn at nnts Pe headsjuaKvr tinn. seaerally understood to be back koc. Tec aad 11.00. key, ilreecc, ltuais. Denmnrk, Hoi i anena re up aroana Arroyo awoo ana keen graated a est aad will are skeptical regarding ike osteese ml h the Rock Island. The Rock Is Ian-1- . Uelglum, Chill anil far off Cey TM ftewto Pe WW MN a Breech to have tar Arroyo Hondo, aad ether places oa take a piseas re trip te seathan Cnli-fotat- of the meeting, because of a feeling land is alao negotiating for Ike Rl Ion and Jnpaa. BoreKe, OoHfocatoTuwnel Bo-lo- g the east side of the Rio Oraade up Preaa that Ike boilersmkrrs had as agree- A Northwestern, fJoshto spring my I The session of the World's Paso but the "la the ot INI children there. He knows about these, aad has Bored. ment on the entire Seats Pe system nlso It as Ha had whooping cough,'' says Mrs. D. parltamaai will be held ta Peettvnl R M. Nehnrd, farmgrly a stetmpn are nfter connection with takes them to mind for Investigation. - mil to leave their emsenyment until the Santa Pe Central would give W. Capes, of Capps Ala "I used hall the tost three days of Um Tho BanU Ps has onmmoaeod con- pber to the Santa P oasees at Los An- the He expects, when he comes to Albu-- , wk. the poapany waa given a thirty-da- y Denver A Rio Ornnde a direct on i let Chamberlain's Ocagh Remedy with The three days beginning to'iy will tmaUnii work on tu lino to Rnroka geles, has been transferred to Mnster querque, to explain in the people how aotlce. into Ri Pimo. the most lattofaetory result I think se occupied with moot lugs of Um Ms Mom Meefmnlc Senas nnV nt the local It Is neeeexary for them to get togeth- la HnmhoMt euonty. California. Thla aeraemcnt waa lost sight of this beet remedy I have ever Uoaal hmitortal aesoetotkm aad the shops. ths er nnd help government hurt boon put to work boring a tun la th excitement Incidental to the LAST NIGHT PIKES eea for khooping essgh.M This reme- the oat with state snd territorial press aseocletioas no! 1,0M foot long In Humboldt ooon ghHilttuer J K. DeHart, win and ret stages of the meohlnlsts' strihe. dy keeps the eovah loose, lassssi Um reference to titles nnd other matters. a daughter now He has great hopes meas- ty noar in aoothora and of tho hmro-k- are la OalHomls. where When the osleers of the Boilermakers severity aad froqssscy of the cough-lu- g that the A Startling Test. An alarm of are at T:M o'clock last going on nt Vegas and Not Hlvor road Tho ontir they eapset to spend nam time at Inters atMmal union learned what had spells sad counteracts aad ten- urements Las will To save a life, Dr. T. 0. Merrltt of most evening slgnaMad that a Are was bunt. show availability, rowto soMthward from thia tnanol has the popular resorts slong the takeu piece they ordered the men to dency toward pneumonia Per sal the at aa early date, No. Msasopssy, Pa , made a sturtMug Ing In s cabeeae to the local Seats - not booa donnltoly doeMod upon, but coast return to work, it U said. Ps by all druajgtoto. of a project for the benefit of Ihnt eee- tost rsssRtag to a wonderful aura. yards lust below the rtadsct. The will aooc bo. Tho eomwany la to build Prnnel Nllsen, tho onl working "So tor as ths mnchlntota' strike Is o ttem of oar territory. He writes, " pattest was attacked city department responded pronsptly 1 IIm awrokft road imdor tho nam of member of Maehlntots' union at concerned, there is snld to be no Tweaty-Sv- e strike breakers db believe my talk with him bn with violent hemorrhages, caased the and with the muckanlcnl engine soon Man Pranolooo It Morthwoatern Kail San Martial, acting upon Inatrucltiows change In the situation. The eonepany cbnrae checks were ais nag the bedset done good. I complained co aider by ulceration of the stomach. I had had the blase extlngutohed As a road oaapaay. l'aofd who r hoavy from Alhmtneriine, quit work last claims to hsve all the men M of acribers' cheeks glvoa eat ye4or My, bat politely, as to the action of ofMr fount! Wet trie Bitters excellent suit only alight damage was done to - atookholdors In tho Ihtnta Pa havo Wednesday mornlMg. nnd the force eaaployed In ths vsrioas day. Home asked for their reelgaa- - the survey- towards New Mexico, and for scute stomach and liver troubles, a enable .i in the war car. bonght np tbonaaad of of rod Mtos Ifoekett of San Mar shops along the coast lines to tleee ftini others wtre relieved by the ! I pointed out the necessity for to I prescribed them. The patient ara Uuie Padie At Z Ho o'clock a sseoad alarm we wood ftiraota. Pram tbooo holdings rial leK for Las Yogas to Accept a boused at Santa Ps expease In Its eomr-Hty- . becaase they could,' t ail tlon with us ss against other places, aatnod from the srst, aad has aot bed turned In by mistake from box tf, ' 11 tho P will got a largo jr-mano- position as the secretary of Superin- shop grounds. Ths new men are said the bill as competent workmen. to Um beet of my akuity aa attack la moaths." Meetric sanla the bo at tho Pe shops. The amoont of trahM In addition tendent P. J. Baaley, The young lagy to be satisfactory aad they wtO not be SsaU t I thlak ths Commercial club ought oilier er posltlrsly guaranteed for fite. a blase to the yard lo shlpmonta It will act from other will be greatly missed In the tocntl dlscbnrgett ao long as they III require smsii matter Witoy Hudstm. who has been caw to take In head when be comes Dyeeepsta, ladlasotlon. Constipation inside the was put by hla tanks at San Msrclsl. ments ntoskads out pktyed a driver of the Perse express to se us to the neat or twos sad KMasy troubles Try them Onlj the shop firs sepseimaat. fifteen following it in roply of U. U. Thtohs Strtk C. P. It Is uoaallile. la ths event th boll Wweleaws Hi Jtsaa9wS sBsf lepgj BqVvqV wff ty dajw, or corteisly when he returns Mc st sit drsssdsts- - , Mndgo, ganornt managor of I.aiie, many yenrs meckSR-i- c - years, has bees praatoted tho Santa for nmster erasktirs at Wlaslow sad Albuauer- II U. New lee, civil eugineev for the to inpres from California. Slassrsly yours. Pe, to tho comwianloaOoa of of the at Son Nernardlao, que are not back, aim) MMenesger oa the Santa Pe, aad wtll B. HEARST'SlifiJ Arhaaoas Santo P taken that all Santa Pe si Us Vegas, la In the cRy S RODBY connaa-tio- n In Angeles. to now o run La ) city mochi.itota dtonwflng la Use Mr. Laps tar rafts men on the Bants P system by Mrs. ewlec from Junta te Albnisrqac. with tho da mag to Santa P on-la- oea acted wtU the Scully Steel and may be called out. Attempt to have Wiley 'a frtoada will be glad to leers Orewtag Aches aad Pain. STATE UNDECIDED nt that placo: lion company, Chicago, and has Jnet the Bout here Itoifte machinists take Bnrn To Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Pis of hi promotMin. Mrs. Josis Sumner, Brsmosd, Tel., aey, a buy Mr. Is popular "Topka. Kanaaa, May . itus. .ni letd an oitended trip through-uu- l a band In the present trouble has Pwssp the e a e wrHss, April 10, loot: "1 have ussd seats Crus. Cel., May IT Ths chief "Mr. K. 0. Snow, Rorardlng Bcr-tM- the east. fnilad to this Um. dispatcher m the lownl Ssnts Pe tele-- .lobs. Snyder, general yard master Bsllard's enow Ualment in my fam- festure of Interest state graph at the dee Walnnt Lodgo No. 171. In Referrlag lo the striks st San Bar Of the botlenmakera committee due oa. for the Mexican Oeatrel, tor several ily for three years. I would not he rratlr ooaveatton today will be the re- ternallooal Aaooctatioa vi Mnehln-lata- . nardlao la the department over which In I am Angels tomorrow mora lag Mrs. Ida It. Beaneti will give years a ooedaetur running between without It In the house. I havs used port of the comsnlttec oa resolutions No. fui South R Htret, Ar he had Jurisdiction, Mr. Imp said: three members are from, luncheon to a nsaner of her tody I, Vegas aad Albuquerque, left with It on ay little girl for growlag pains It is probable that two rsports will kansRs City. Kansai. "I am afraid the men nave selected three from Winslow and one fro Meads at her rsslilsso os North Coo hi family for bis ranch sear Raton, aad Rches In her knees. It cured her b presented, oae by tb majority of "Uoar Sir: I am ploaaod u an Inopportune tiae (or a strike. Ths Polut Richmond " per straaue on Prtday. Mar 10. where Um family will a peed the sum- right away. I have also need It for tho comaKteo. which to usderstood to roeolpt of yonra of M I. rsllronde east are groat I y rednelng Milton Dow of Tajiqu Is Is the city mer Mr. Snyder, after seeing thsst froet-bitte-s feel, with good isoeooe fsvor aa unlsstrscted delegation, aad Thoro la no gn tton aoont tho their torevs, especially in the nMOhag-lea- l APTBR SANTA PE CENTRAL today oa imalsees. Hr. Dow aays his safety domiciled will return la Um It Is Um beet lislaest I eeer used.' ssoeher by the minority, fnvoiiag the damrga, as tho oagteoar department, uid tkere are hun- section of "xatry, like many other City sf Meslco. The Bays ore have se, ess sad 11.SO Por sale by H sadorsemeat of W. R. Hearst tor pre atd flismsn wm tawtlfy, and a It la dred" of idle aw mists gnat of Um BOTH THS ROCK ISLAMO AMD section of New Meslco st this Haw, hers aad Oallup oa a day of on of our O. Noilly A Oa. Idest. osactly what on of poor grand offl Mississippi who woold uht to go to needs rain republic. There is possibility the debate on -- THS SOU LB INTBRSSTS APTBR r a atnted wosM ho dnno, w aatnr ork tor the Seats Pe." e HOTfiT AMIVAb ths reaoisttaae will be praloagod sad maohin-Uta- . TMR MAS. ally at or.n aoaportod the Mr. Leo aays he to sot familiar BX0R1ITANT MOTEL RATES Proa Us Osama. S. C, News: Bar-i- y vats will sot ss res shed usUI bmaar enough with the causes to form nay Um sprtag I V in ay wife aad wars Arvsrade. Shouts' this Um ease today' "I am aUu ptoaooj to loan that th conclusion a to the of the A vlgnlflcnni dlspstch from New with ssvere se ehtaffy nnts OH AS. RIINKIN OP BSLSN SAYS takes diarrhoea aad se c. wtti devoted to ore phy-toh,- c. Cheesy, Sanscvllle, uhki; Mr. irlHc. Yorh uays: were Um galas that ws called a 4 tory. THAT PARS IB NOT HALF OOM Mrs. W. machlntota, and to havo your further - aad S. Idohtesstels, New Or The InturaaUuiiu! urder of Boiler "The Denver A Rio Oraade, accord- who prescribed for us, hat his p. The vote taken tot yesterday os aaauranoi that pan do not Intend to wiM PLSTI AND AS YST A HOLD-U- medicines A leans; P. BMesr. 0. 0. Dreyfus, makers at lamiaaapotto, , failed to give spy relief. th election of temporary caalrmea nwt ing tu rupo may buy the Baata Pe New York: S. Inlorfor wHfc th powor of tbla com- May IT, In annual convention as frlssd who bad a bottle of Chamber Usdsuer aad wife, Chi showed the opposing taettose assrty Central aad estead from j cago ; M. 0. UewoHya. Pe; O. pany. gueeto of the Rig Post seaectottoa. 't Saats Cknrlea Hi loklS, of the John Becker tola's Oollc, cholera aad Diarrhoea Santa evenly divided and neither side seem- I to Bl Paso The Beat Pe Central V. Stewart, Las Vegas; Levi A. will latm pisftMira In alvtRc thla After the eenventlen the seaoelaUen BehM, Remedy oa hnad gave sack of ss a ed prepared to fore a vote oa the now to c a point oa esapssy of arrived here last Hughes, Baata Pe; C H. corraspoadoar to Um papor that will rieit Um World' In a body. ssteads Torres dose aad we at oace felt the effects. Allaire. San mats Issue before Um ooaveettoa. . Pair (taamvBto act-otnt- system. night on the limited from Antoalo; W. T. Oary, Chioago; M. publlahsd tiio Tooea tralf, The following papers win be read the Ross Island I preenred a bottle asd before uslsg A. The csujmrtit os ptatform met at II. U. MUOOB, befors the meetleg: "Bnrvsyors to th Uoutd Interest the oast, where he had been buying the satire costsats ws wars entirety Maadelsen. Saa Prasdsco; S. J. Lea 10 Utto useraiag to hear the resort " den, Denver; W. H. H. Uewellya 'Oon. Mrr I. Peed waters as found in Um are sow at work between Torrance goods, spent the sight Is the city aad esred. It U a wonderful remedy asd aad of sub committees. family. Las Oruces, H. wost K. C. Young, chairman. aad BJ Pneo Should the tioulds buy left this mornlsg for Baton tbosld be fousd Is every household. 0. Smith asd ladtosUsas befcr the Pe It Um wife HsheredeM LBAVKS TOI'CKA 3. Peed waters as found In the ths BMtts I'entral and extend On his return from eastern mar H 0. Ballsy, soitor. This remedy was ealled to order were that the sght of, mUim eaat.-- V Beraomss, along the lines no talked Um kets, Mr. Kuinkil stooped at St. Louis la for sale by all druggists, for Instruct km to rhalrasw. Wcqm' Bureeesa, still aayseaj's. 3 Prugresslvs tool for boiler abop Desror A Mlo Oraade system would to take In the egajseitlon. He aeys e Hesrst leaders seem coaSdest at win- SAY HI IS SATISPIIB WITH T. terry, work w. A. practically parallel the Rock laland that not more than ft per cent of th K. K. Herri swa, president of the Mrs. W. Betas; U A. ning IsetruoUoss asd ogpussaie OM A Tlmaa, chairman. thslr WBSTIRN TOUR. t Ptre hoi templates accompany- aad the Beats Pe lato Bl Paso, it exhibits hsve boas slnesd, sot a Ualou aad Seat hern Pacigo roads, Jaraailta: W. J. Peek. BJ Pees; srs quite as well satisied that tee ing rtellM rv of holler from locomotive Is stated that Um Rock Istosd people than half of the shows os the pike elected a sstogats te Um Thomas O. OrasoL 0. S. l.ethrissm, Bss Prasctoro delegation will Dssvsr; DsJI, J I) Duckalfw, third vk prldnl wnrlN - w M Hha. hulrman. ere awake to tho situauoa, asd that are in pneiiiun aad ready to give natioaal cos veattoa c R Las ytjaaci LeV sat againnt Instructions. of Um InfraatkMml AaanclaUon of rkgortma resistance will b and from perforuiancv, aad ag a whole the fair the Twentieth longrsssloaal district ta Howe. Iowa OHy, low: 0. P. that quarter to the the nbeerptios of as yet is very Iseodislets, aad that of Mew York Basraua. Baa Praaciaeoi q. p. Moses, New HanteeMlr Reawbltoaas. Maohlnlau. loft TormOw again Thurs- City Moxtoo that breach. person would fssftok to go there sf Coaoord, N. H K.-- Ths day, nays tb opoka SUto Journal, s be see . May 'The Bants P Central Is row before July 1&, that to If they expect U R. Qoddes has boss aestgstsd to ureaumnbly for s trip ovor th west-ur- a Ths Ana 4ws. slate cosvstttloa the largely owsed by Pittsburg Interests. to see the whole shov. Domtog se sight operator for Um fa to of Urn BaaU Ps. Mr. Book of delegates to Arthur Kennedy is chairman of tho He repeats Oft told protest Sewtttern Pscttc. Mr. Oodsmi has Charles I Perd, Tsgeks. Kaasss; the nnttasal alew stated botoro bin dopartur that ths R. ooovsattoa at OlUeago to so sssstss FerryL board W H. Andrews of Baata Pe agalaet the eiw4tasl rates charged awred his family to that lows, aad J Mesa, THoldad. nouie of th Inngia of Um road nood here today wlU Cotoaol is president sin! PranrU J. Torrance by hotels they are domiciled in oae of Dr. Rsasrt I. vd a leader aad ho Intended to out Blwall ot Bases presldtag The a of la Brat Mr. prcsldsaL Matrapslltan. od encuurflgo thias. MEET l'ittabura will adopt rasolutioae CSITnfflCLl The officea of aecretsry and Th Black to Africa by th Harry Ward, Too ska, Kaasss, S stress The situation In TtojMaa. howcrer; aSMn&naJaaV ALL treasurer Msvemnt CO. ly IsdsreJajK Preside at KooseveK r Pittsburg. Oeiered United CB. 8URLIN0AMK 4 Detroit, Mick. far aald Mr. Buohatow, "to all that I NEEDS this road are both In People of the PJl y I j tln.i ! li.l.ra It IM Tcraona ! familiar with the situation States. ASSAY OFnOEwBcoriATom aould wish, nrrorrthlng I running BBJ a i i Mi,l,t t y alt rb uu Bfl Poley's lloaey and Tar is OalHsiaor aad Buraaam will be shesan along oon BSJ i,w H,. r crow Need luiaert that it ths Ooulda want to buy I1L. May I, i0i smoothly and of tb tmu iet - BBJ H.i4blUS,liaCaU4aa,la4. Saaiatftby sullui liaiiy adspted for asthma, ItreaekHto to head the delegatloa to me uaUossi iwail ap- i AjiaeuU faa tUe property they wl.'l have to bid for To in delegates and their rt will fsreial aaM lor y are ahowlag nay alRna of wvaknea ji.i4 nllj rci Stiiiei, MaSM aad hoaraeasss. SoM by J. H O'RIel-l- ooaresthm. it Rock Islsnd, who are Chosen to attend the I ej.u Xaaias M 1 uadorsUad that thar to a report against the and that friends mjtti MIM awmeisten euncHsaes. A Ce. poinT, the present ownvra arc not disposed to natioaal convention, RaaSasbtUsB tmlM. er load kK SuhecrMM for Ties CHIms get that th bollnuakra at this evweveaanva Tultivvia Wpli rr tad li H cliesply I l!.uli! it wiinti avhembli' lit Chicago lor itrejt news intend tu go cut, but I hardly think tu IT 30-17- IswresrsSt-- . Desvtr.Ceta- - Subecribe far The Ottkcx Us rty on falae avaaaa. Tke dlraetora manta for puttlag up a big windmill r t "f ng au'-- h a K'c artie an4 A. T T T T T. T T..T T. ain BIG MbbliNUS for tka Drat three aMathe will ha on Ua aamaaa. The univrratiy win iTr4.e.4.4i4.4it.t,t.ill ()',ty lnilulgr la a merry rhrkie. U Morrtaoa, Jr., M. K ; Oaear O. Vt-ton- , boot) fee amtrad af aa Hut it is not to be Tha steamship HomMa U Ktac, K. U ibttatnt NEW YORK FASHION KLK.; at wator. c mpanl are not going to move K.; Jar Tartar, K U X.; A. J. neak New York tkir AT ST. LOUIS Tha MatroNa Htarary noclriy held dorka to Philadelpkbv hot are pe-la- g LETTER.' Ma rerttwr maaUkg laet Wadaaadar. to rvtaala To maka H pes-sl- aaaa, hV News Letter her. Oaorge Mile aad Jaim II. Tha artwaloal foatara of Vawgha. tba orograai to srovM lutrtoleatly long aoefc. slip, th city Intends to spend sbeat St. l.aistoy Max, May it. -- St. ixiuit LARttltT WILL. "Matoinal, that the Oraaka hara had t$riejLs1rsv4'24 tweaty million dottars for the purpoo capesbi to eatertaia oae of the largeet New York. May 14 Willi th k treating la color. Taa Ma la, that by graaaar lajgaaaaa an riviHeatJoa than of parcbasiag a atrip of shout saven-l- y . rowd la UM htowrr of the city dur- Um Jawa." - Vi-- foot Um present lbs summer nmh tlM egaoteg Um watot lie af demarca- Sver Ope In the WarM at Artt4a, Now, York, htos- Th poll tips I five from dock Hoe ing too soaring week. Tw tb aemJmr aad toagtba th dock on th toad .,umUm ournlag tho aolon that tion they awaarnUy lengths their Nevr Maxtaa. frtoaos of Jadgw rHrttor, who a to of ladtvidea! to World AUtUP TIACHBMi n vtoitor the A takkjraw Koewoll, an aid. :t will bo a gtgaatki uadortafc-- .rill b Um most faahtoaabt beoomee wntot. TlM utan sunn ta Im logical from tad woeVc agm war ntrsnoty hanoful fair will b added tbououods of di 12, aya: Word ettjr nod aa expenalve on, bnt Now ' Important TlM ant) la watt worth trial. Mar raaabad the Sonae Baara' HeW and Rt god a)UMaJlMtkri gatet who come to attead Um first of mora tHrrotag a Mrfi Mtln York ranuot alrord to lose Ha prssltg aCtaraaaa that J. C. Hate haa a1aaf JIw'PflBraf ii oi at-ta- a aOwP a(t series nsitoaal nnd innraa inMMM4rrt of teatllos ar fully Taa witeoot aaa resolved more Not that thoy think ton of a the tsrminal port of the ktrgn Tha Oalrap aohool board Trace Atlnntto Unor. iiunal contrnra to b held her t the fact that novelties ore Uoa rsewmy aad premlsss to a wall Har Artavta, M. M. The How M dklnt for Uk prlBoaay, dunag the Rummer Ua Monday mmi nMattaa; aad ra appointed taa Thor Is probably ao city In the the MA quite popular thai aaaaoa. la aoaia of foat a aaotoig. be-gi- Hlwef In dUMUd MMl thy MW ataa bore the Thai dittos have IB International press coogiaas wilt a Um oootumas lately Imported taa hmInmi aorpa of tea eh era a world wher the etaaa of hnnaluma la to escape tlMM lo tke largaai artaalaa wall m for it next roar. Its sessions This gathering will u ooa-treat- y Judge a- - In watotcoet la uaad to piodaaa a tha world, kaaUag Um Mtaa Draart takaa thr aaoood gra4a Parker's watch iuimrou and dangerous a It be) sprtogirriillrMOT RAW, Md, If pOSSlhlS, faawoa attended by reasons journal 1st eh br taa brlghtaaaa of Ma wall Artaata wktoh Nowa nod MkM MaHallaa takaa tha atatk threaten to eompttcete Um In Now York. Borne parts of Man- trsoretonry ahad-- a m4 oolora ipa at and oewspaper worker from sli oolor. Thaaa bright walata ara uaad oaetag. Ma)d MVMlille T. A. WVMI hattan aad Brooklyn are tofotted irt imw atM4w foot above tka Wllftaf f ituatton to such aa extent that Judge of th United Stats aad from lotwt the market Manr of ikes of mtor do WIIIUmn wltk gauge of hoogtome. which tort part of with skirts tomer aad aot alaotad aterfc and MaYlakara access than if th countries irf Burope. Canadian unjef a irmaaltorr gtorr lor Park" Bego mr variuhto reign to-- i biouiai rtalbla aatll tba froat of tba hOOIITY MAN ARPIISTKD. waa appaNtod to eollaat UM aonoat of terror la those will hold a a r. at tb boot, one whole vrhoto amy -- Journalists meetlag ituriag mmii, bulaio la throwa back. Tba wntot-uoat- a poll tax. Tha eterk waa orOorod to doubtful. Th troabto be el Ities Bo eortons hs Um sftoaUoa Md th.-- n disappeared from tkt the week and thre will also be mvei ?4e ara not always raal watoteoets. AaaMeaa' with a number of Mrma la traced back to tka toaloa etrtto for Mrom la rertAla dtotrlrta. that too - H to a pe-M- k af Theft and Taken ta Ree in of the National tentorial sm- ucr to return. only principal of one of the htgn tchwets, s.rt, Soata bat ara sometime Mmutoted. tMtnttlM a heating plaat tk potMlcsl oontrol of Now York city Hon, the trade prvss asuoclaiions and thing about nw color. Mm gd)ddj4 liaMaM to one of uose bnodtum dot teg ttohd to tka eoat. Taa simu- McMahaa, who Jumped nt Um wkoto Now Yarn. lncatd the state orgaoisaiioiiH of Immhh popular In a atagt week aad Jbok bis state of i ntoci lated waMtaoata ara la some aaaaa Mnr-ph- riots, haa openly dertared that ha wall for sMveral bond at Moawoll loot msturdnr. waa which hi hotog The aoeead big gatht-rni- of th hnM Mi4r popularity aa edge or ally A bore bltahod to a aywartiawn A wad ftwsn son Id arm hi pupil aad advMe thorn perhaps more oalr border, a of a aaoght at Thoradny and tha tondor of Taanmaay aad Hill, will begte oa Taeoday I hi will t iba xmmm, wall other, bright color, beyond Mtmrt doMvarr wagoa ran atynr kill tootr aggiamwia, ebould thoy equally popular, extenoiag tka brought to Roawotl aad land ad to Jail, W(k meal lender of Um stnt onvenUon of th t.Mitfol. aad at Sret adga of tka ooat. la other eaaaa (ha yoat rear oa tha High la ada, aaaahlag he attucked. The pottoe depart anrnt (inru do aatlaat the aaaaoa. It would ba it waa under IMO bond for drawing Tho smang Judge Federation of Women n t'luhs art bordar la aat a aoaalowrahla dlataaca ataa'e VrcaSHe paring little or no attttoa to an tateroatiug taak to atudy that prob-le-a n gnu on a negro and tafor learlne who Mndorataad the aMnntlaa do not ' guard of deleaatea t this la, ao aa to prod arc th etfaet of a JaMor Harrti, the hearty heavr-wotg- im gang of losjthfnt Uiug aad determine the rsnana wktoh took erorrtklng he could got hla hut tbotr y latsattonnlly to the UMwtlog haa already pot In an apimar aad 1. 1 evea aad la tho tow eaaea In wktoh raal walatoaat. hamto on, Including a lupiwiataUve of tha aartr iMga oa th poilttoel bortsoa, aad aaee aad It hi sparted that hy Mmi man ne color popular, but not ?7I diamond Alba-qnerqa- i TtajMM oompaay. la a he leaders of Um Hums see la a great a car-mao- DlatlHarr an he The tnvetgntkm would prob-frfc- Thara tartrtjr la taa ring belonging to Mlaa Annabelle at bogianlag to doubt that Ulr aaa day Iber will be huadrvds nt rppre . rlalaar. nothing cam of it. as tke Ju the student of the problem wMah ara uaad for thaaa walat-coata- a young society lady he won dMnto will be able to carry Um state, eatatlvs wommi hro froos vry Col. J. 0. AJMgbt. wbc I organta- - veaile court snowed the most rlitoa-Ion- s mjratariaa of setenos. Thar are made at etoth, allk, mmtlm Hahil kltaMtbia tn Mk. Ilka unto mouthing to do soon to roe- - state aad territory la th tiak.n A nr. deep tot the Isaleary toward Um young crim- season haa novelty eotora - tla, aad avan count Mai aaa. la charge, against him The onoM tho hoatlto faction which, la teat for th prooldoocy of the fedcra-tx- Kttf iu IOrrad JIT inals Public ooltrlon I tt aUr :.jd only ultra fashion-i- i wltb allk or wool. P'ata arrest haa canned a seaaatlmi at K T!. '. i hie aaa. hi Tammany. to on aad Umts will be other can! bnt wm orgsjsjiao a magi tnero. over thl matter and M is walataoata of ptqaa or af taa aaw mii m.mA kMi inn - i ik.' TanMoany Murphy is not an eipetd featarve of the gathering that win n-- i bin women really worry about th ts- rZJZ lender strong wilt h ClortiMr. a rouagattora.y of that demeade msdo tor isUwt nevoltlw la contours da mod. aaah daak wktak haa a Him oord depot to as th.. primer Altrt nthsstsatlr admirer of Jwigo Ptwimr donbtedly ranee It to be on of tho atOWaVol rW Wm mm W Ug Iwsbbbbm aanwasajfmkt greatvr activity of the Mice abd mm ovtr-whtmt- g bat la haavtar aad aorter tkaa plqva, nd has nevor mad a secret of hla most notabto In th history of r The ethers, aad thr ara la Iba and to spend a tow hours with hla groaler severity la dealing with the may ara alao ahowa In aoeae of the bottof Judge Parker la not Um sen nation. majority, aalaet oaa or rtnt friend, Harry 1. Owaa. Uat offenders by fudges nf the eotora. lr rablbltad awdata. HIGH SCHOOL EXERCISES tMdato who oaa toad la tlM sHer of tb now feohtoa Mr. A. M. dmorncy eootrt. - aattAsmMIIng aaa-- and Mr. Webster of H if tfca I ham hat If not Ike flOM- Th drWlar aad to vtalsry at the aoat pi aatdanim McCOY AND lall North Third atroot, left tod for Chi- Th fate of the netortaue Noneeo wMh isf am has DUnr segue, aad com now atoettos. There la very good rnaon u.i kuBaaa ariii mm cago They wlH vleit at nnd Kast River Oaa bill, whkh tkrente height and anlta faartaatlaa atylee In Tbf rciBfe for ft. lonla to waver, Mr. Marphy O'BRIliN BOUT TONIGHT iba M aolora, juat tkaa al the in hsttov. aa that in Mew York nana or driving and antomobillng rants sre week High school will return to Albegaerqu about three gir Into the r their popalarltr s the coat hsvs bona Induced to ut,wrt Has to seen on Um flaahloanbl uc it. One woaks. the trust omotaltr. still haaan Um season naa , area Pivrktr, and thlnga been maaagsd in I ) Th laat for cosing wHh a imrmoa to tha class The regular aseetiai of the Fra- fir Mayor MoL'trltou haa signed tk Phitaoelpbto, Pa., stay it In tke natatoa of Um atrlklag featares of the present a spirit. Whoa Hill, to ac i.oea aMd) Parle, and la by Rev. Th aa A. Cocks of tho Load ternal Union of Aaaarlra will be bM dtnereat Mil for some roe eon. nod It hi feared yes of ansa all over toe country m It aaa resulted In the faahlon la aula easts is the esteanlr re hla own position aa loader of - nf the eiparte Ave ae MetkodM church. Thla wlU tonight A toll attendance Is dealrad. that Oov. ndeil will follow hla - t r ted to UUag pnglttotx- win b ware use of leather. Soma short ooats ara Atate demoeracy, simply wotory of tbr old oolora. which a union servlos, all Uie ohnpoban wtR b served Id M. the walked pie Strong efforts beea am) tlxed oa Phllodhlphl loalght In 't mndc entirely of leather, while In Rotranmeata all Tammany bar faeklobl laal year. There are but of Um ally aatttac ami will ho hatd aacretnry. mar the delegation in tu prevnat the ronaumnmtlc ef armory la tbM cMy "Kid" other ooats all Um seams, pockets, M tbtt Import ast new nbadea. lavender af- - g t ratkor high Minded moaner. -- ' three la Um Mho' Opera bonne Sunday Aa I'levea-iaom- name of bnae ball MtlraaeniM measii.s. but the ttaa arkaowtotgod to be one of the ni'. Mn- - red. cuffs aad the collam ara bound or made great mtotofco. Marphy la aot Met. Parlafal and capuchin f-- very paginate to today, piped wltk Inather of a bright oolor. moon at I: M o'ataoh. waa puured la goats re Tuwawur mat is powerful,. the ring i All tkrae are worn to a limited extent Mpsatsl mualc haa boon arrange! - tk mna to offer hla toft ebosk after Philadelphia Leather la alao uaad for botta, straps for betwea the St. Michael cot- Thr railroads are competlag with Jack" O'hVien. who wo ills right chenh It h i.y mmh nf the i his service aa follows. tog cim gor- - baa beea struck. ww-- nthor in effort tu secure earty yet u meet lb man woo can put him aad buckles, and m many onaaa add team and a from the say raea af Parla. bat ther have aroused Uio ChnrnMa Onal Ool- - is ml tu that Hill will bar down out, will 10 Mat Haet t Indton ecbuiil Score. raffle to tb World's fair to St. Iets. and do battle acrnni d a grant deal th effect of tba ragrot hut little enthnahMM aad It la not lAdMa' Cborna with oMIgaio by 10; InAtona. olenty of oportunity to bis On tore Is charged for Um round trip lag to ruto told down by th Mar Murphy, tkat ther will hnemM mora Mrs Baonott and Mr. Worth. A postal com from tlnllup. rend moUiiid in denting with it and xiienalvs advert kjsmunts of aM quls of Maeenob' ry Though ln woman ioaalar her than they are on tka Ualaes a Intends to make a By the Waters of Unbylon .. Hawaii ing as follows waa received at Th Mass a fight to th bitter tud kinds are being sent out. the totott bout will be 'ImiteU to six round, a ld of the ucaau. Tkaaa naw apoetal feature of automohUtng and de- Murphy and Htll and well otaar Mr. Wotmtor. Citlsen this mornina "J. 0 Fraak-ll- n being a bonutlful Illustrated thro eol rwqntred by htw, thla distance, in ths vote to It csutwatvtrty - Mkadea kare aeraral drawhaoka, wkloh herself for the The fhilhamuMic Uoian Qunrtot. left for Altosanerque soma month pntttlclatta do aot aire tnm- or pamghlat wktoh upon appHsaUea, mind of the two fighter nnd woman of oaa af- grantor part of the sea sou, ah doaa imIvos up to UlaskMM concerning Um n.r no .ffofttltle faahlon Tha Mot nnmhor la glean by th ago. never I poapi in Qnllup would m furalahed by the vWta Shore Kf. style of foot flgbuag. should prox not uaad a very outfit, but iMitcesjM flgbL ford U overlook. In Ua Iret place ostonalTa roMrteay of tke .quartet who will ap like to know If h there." of Um The rimult nf Uie reduced rate and sufTtoiaat for oae of Um liveliest con aw every wo-ma- oat things have. It la fax-Un-a , tbecc adea not boooma tain aha must She pear In oonoort Tnaaday vralng at James 0. Detaamtfr, of mttaburg, true that tke Hill has xtenslvw sdvettmtng has slrasdy teat Men hereabout in a long tiu'-Today- muat, by menua, an appropri- etuuMy atrA aad a woman might aa wall be all have Pn., la rttghi tared at Alvarado. made several atourtfly started much traffic and all trates after eevsral wake of faiu.r.i' ooat headgear the nMt af faahlon than wear a faaktonable ate and suitable It On Tbumdny nlrhl. May it, In Li He arrived thl mornlag from M swkward attempt to bring about for the weal sre beavllr laden wtth Thr visit Is th outcome of an win wlae lo provide for Pan rotor iltai doaa not tail bar atria of be oaa light brary hall the etaaa day exercise and will leave tomorrow for Santa pa. reconciliation. But Hill either do! thone who wish to see tke fair before oa their arm, fit aa the pmvuriii hoary coat, Ibo-m- iieaaty Another object km. at leant and one m autoaMblltaic and Uie club oowoart will b boM. At Mr. Drlamntar la Interested wltk oUwr not understand ltustton and the rush of Um suasnur ssasan Mdd'ea. Tom Bharky win eyea of mora on evealngs makes protection Murphy's position In Um in lh the coneerratlve mil this time the follow to program will Pittsburg capitalist In th Poanayl-mal- a ntaUor, a ha th contoat, aad Um crowd rrriat th womtn. la. that thaaa aaadaa ara too IniNt tho eold draft highly desirable b given: Development cowpaay merely wanted In aava apeparane-- a OFFICIAL MATTERS ringalde will doobtl Include larxn aUan-tii- rnMviiiiMi and attract mora UKblwehrht waterproof materials ara "Voices of Sprtoff" Rubanatoin Orunafeld Hrotksrn received a tele nnd took good car lo nunc ht parties nf sporting moo from N-- A groat aa thnn Ik deelrable. third uaed to advaatag. they give Utoo Club. gram today from Kdward Orunateld, oasis of reconciliation unacceptable. York. Hnltlmore aad other - m- - protect Ion both ootd Nntortot Pubtto la that thaaa new ahadaa ara against and rain. "Books, Their Ptooaa In Brain de- - who wont to Philadelphia reoantly to Hill Is too old a potttlctMt not to bar Aatnt. they do not no wall After all It soama that white win doveraor Otero' apaoiated tb hH ho "rtMelle" that vslopmsnt Hose Huntnlnger undergo an operation for appendicitis a perfectly clear understanding of MAYORS there-foro- . worn aa lowing notaries public R. H. Carter FOREIGN wKk other oolora. If a woman, not b much this eummer aa solo Lawrence UfoM meaaag opera- - he actual status The who know Piano The stated hi the of Raton. Colfax eouaty; Aad rew J wlahae lo wear a gown of ono of waa expected. That doaa not "Th IXstaat Bells" Mnekonato tton had boon sttooeaafully him sr convinced that Hill really WILL VIS T COUNThY artormd Onuwth, of Oroot eouaty; Ous i i beat aaw ahaoee. (be will be com that It haa gone out of style, bnt mor, Otoe dub. and that the patient was on the doe not want a roeonetltotton, being Swart. "oly a but a ly that It has ixwm somewhat overdone tH Wei n of Laguna, Valencia county netted to wear not bat. "The Mission of Fun . Lota Kabcr to recovery. confident that be oan win the right May II. Th sttMttn:. ; paraaol. aad. perhaps, gtovaa of lb last season, nnd a reaction la Invar go Luthy. Mabel I manor, Thla B li Crist y, ar n spltu of Murphy ad Tnmmay Hall Iodoa, Trlo. tells afternoon the In to a requisition of Uov aaM eolor. Th oonalatant carrying of colors baa set In. Tha change will SkllUt Walker. ehltect, slaked off the ground for in In that h la probably mistaken and St Louhi, whtok nattol tram Bouu y hroute of Arisoaa. tjoveraor at t a nnlform color scheme la probably be gradual, and sort "Th Model Student" Vocal Kioto odlto of the Hirst Methodist this fatal may cause thr lgno .rnoi today, carries aa imposing tHero telegraphed MfaertB ArSMtroag an awkward thing aad connect delicate tints wil open the way for Louis Rrookaeid ehuroh on Um alt reosntly aslnious defeat of Juono Parker of bmglUn, Scotch and I. iif eouaty, to apprehend Al. d wHh great eipeeute Of coarse, mora outspoken and more brtlltaat Um ant Sanaa building. Murph, s plan, a uaoerotood by l.tnenln mayors, snnsnyor nad rbairmcn "Ortgta of Fatry Tatos" br I lh fttghtotl who wanted to Arisoaa for vaiir-fta- s there are few woman who do net bare okr in Um future Ponree. Work on the stone tonadotloa will be king headed Pnusnirailft peJIttotsas, Is of borowgk counoiki, nnd brr Loaore robbery, aad to boltoved lo be In Lin- (o eanatder the point of root, but moat WtetWUM CL.AUMMONT In a tow day, nod in perfectly aad feasible. If Tam of etty fathers, who ar gotg clor coln eouaty at tkt time. WMsas, even among tha member of Olnb will be pimbed rapidly. many does not support Parker. over to so haw seme of th prion faimhntshle society, do consider that EBLIX NOT DEAD train No. tha Chicago Initnr oaaaot carry the state. Only TsrrltorUil PtmOs Relvod. pal AoMrtonn eiUes ar governed aa i i. Territorial Treaaurer J. H. Vaughn lioiat atore or laaa. Matted, arrived Juat eleven hour be- those who know nothtog about Uie to pick np potata for tb possible m has received the fnttowing public panning of tka capricious notions DKNIID THK HBPORT THAT hind it schedule he delay waa caus- poll) I. si situation la Naw York wilt proveoMat of mualetpal govrama I Nouvette p funde. From lopoido if fashion, a writer la OMK ONI HAD KILLED PCLIX UNO OlHb. ed by s freight wrack between Ool-to- ever doubt that for a stagis moment Baah. to (treat ItrrUin. laMnlaiiy hr - aad eolleetor tor Mo4- ealla attest tan to an In tares' lag Plato. Thl la th first Um If Parker to hla own stats. treasurer are toktag Uwir wiro and daugbtoi.. MARIN SZ. awl Ml earn Leonard Wood eouaty, usee for 101. novelty. "Kashlnas lataat freak.' says On Frtday May In In sis month train No. 4 haa paaaad the Mass will fall upon along to aee too St. Louis xpu. night, to. rtnrally tiog.17. From I. N. Walker, treasurer i "la to uaa ooaraa gnl-pn- r In dajrllcwt, sponsor Uoa and lo have a good time aat writer, the opora how, will occur tho Hani inrough Albuquerque the Hill, who la not only the for eoun idm n Homo and eoHe. tor tor Utsro lacaa, kitharto reserved for enterprlalnc cltlaans S. which apeak pretty wall for th traf- deajocracy, bnt the load ir prram. Or. hWward Parker's alao ty. for for daooratlona, for Um purpose of to have been tagaaed tor th paraon. college, fic of th eoaot of democracy. That Is lose r, l.4, Uts Th visit is Um onteomt of n - doan of the Ootomtfo ttMrtmnt lln. er the state I pull fr- days In ghastly work kill- $MT.4. i making tba moat faaotnatlng hlonaaa tha of will deliver tho address to tha class. W. H. Clark, a enneu motive her exactly what Murphy wants and what Lord tryveden had last ing off people well known thin city. H ml ewffp4mV immagtoahla. laat yaar this conraa la Speelal music ha beet) provtobd for from Wllmot, South Dakots. I aslllnc he la confidently expecting. If Par lrei'M with tk mayor of Philadelphia, th says Um La Vagaa Optic. Thrae Th futtowtag homsstead eatry ha ' HMt waa aan aa a trimming, now, and a splendid program la promtoad ehance for a beautiful tour-lea- f clor-- ker falls, It will not only mesa th cwanwlaetoaer of tke Dtotrtrt of cases have com to night within been made la the Halted Stat toad mounted on moussal I ae d cole. It such paopl of Albuquerque. To eaan r picture. The ptctare la In cttarg of political downfall of Judge Parker, at tumbto aad the iroroor of Missouri aa many ha vteUm was th offtoo: May II. No. 1MI, Tonus Hoaa faaklona an entire bodice, sometime day, lat and all of those programs the graerul Mrs. Mary HelndtoM proprtetr of so far as Ula futuro They aoeured hla loraohlp that an i. Felix Martin, of HI Paoo. KaMtor An- of Puerto re Luna, for the west half jolaltNl or eked out with a tiny froa public I Invited Um rnaotrng house, rirat for the presidency uro concerned, but goalsed aabastHU pony would tonio LMoaro wrote lo Mr. Martin MnJtlr of aoatbwest aoarter. north half of coane of mousaellns to hide the street. Mr. Clark 1 la ft bad fix, alao the political death of Kill, i kstortttyi to th t;ait4 worn and rqnaatad him to aajr wlMthor or northwaet quarter, ssotion 1, town a aoams. Tkaa blouses are ovef UNIVBRS1TY NOTES aad In aoalth, aad I aelllng the moat daafcrow rival hotog lto Mgag out Uat such tlght-tltln- not he was "1 am not nond aad ship t north, range enai l seres vary bodtoaa of white taf 44. to sveur sooagk fund to I will v no alfft-eult-y tl vleit would moteriaily pmmr.ic n.n I haea anted, Marphy bar no IntmtUon of altomHws mr l.. teooard Wood eouaty i faUs Tka alet, laougs ooaraa. looks koto him live, wlUmtt oUllnff oa th la taking the lib Into hla friendly Interest of Baglsn-- J qatu- - charming In this gnu. Proot own funeral soon," was tho" aaswor This afternoon at the fair round of Albuqntfgn for slssc. own hand and assume tba control of (America tka laee sleeves fall bout MtM Mr. Iuera reelvd hy tHnraah. PRISONERS FOR THE PEN man nairalng. th Unlrcrnity and Albuqnerqu In- W. ArmlJ of SnnU p com tha democracy of New York state. There ar about Mf memui of mouaaalln with narrow, flat lueks thla ttn-u- i In froa Um north lout night. He we , probably gaiobd th party Pramtnent among u KOtng round them. It la a useful blouaa dian aohool Imok teams ar holding Judge Parker, br aa-an- to Leyvodon. who . MRS DUNCAN BKTTIR. at Terr AmnrllU on court matter, unwise dvisor. I rosponalble tor FOUR tfPPBMBBRS SBMTSMOBB addition Lord heau 10 take whan I raveling, being sabataa-Hal- a hold ntoot Moth ashoola wnoot to H In ooaequpnos wa unabl to at-- other blunder, which baa d the party, are sir The ems Hnxin iiacruaaakle aad vary cool, ee Pa- serious BY JUBOB MePIB AT THB TBRM Wall Known Lm Veoa Lady Stowly and teams of men each to tab the funeral and burial here of ready ioot him mnay friends, not onlr Hitching emalMrtBt of Loadonr tu cini I v wbaa worn a aor-wej- e OF COURT TIBRNA AMARIL-L- over doeolloto Ar D. NOWtOB. X .'Md I rnmwmf ? rrfj i part in Um totaroolloglnt oonteat nt hi father, Mariano Otero y ArnMJb, 10 this state, but all over the country. Urt. Tha bolt should ha the same JUST I which occurred a tow day ago. H j Meyer, J OB0tUBB, ilesxlt all around and out qalte on tka Th many friends In Los Vegas will La C'ruees May M. It hoped that To selection of Oord well b alghiod to hear that Mr. Caaala UUa priimtnary will give th m aor to arrange ror ta semnMat known all ihroogh country as a T&S party will atop st N y ir IdM aad should go plaiuted Into the mt the ' go- of Um estate of gig father, will Sberlg Waahjngton -- u r i baokie In front " raoutvod a totter from J. S. Dunoon mn oaporl) and oonSoaoe In and ropreseatatrre of Um truoto. and as Atotaaoer Bond of Park Jlla4elpgto 9 wktoh briMeja the cheering tidings ing agalnal the strong Meellla Hark remain a few says. Mr. Armlto being In View boa lodgsi the follow lag prison- - i" bt ncturaagunoaa be that peraooolly latereeted quit a to St. Lonl. Klmt a ?"k t' seems to tha hla wife ta hop boys. Is ths efficient court nttorpreter of th era la th iniaileatlary new better and that sr nuntoer of thm, tor th position of Francisco u gposHtoa ths Itinerary will It keynote of tha fluhkma. particu- t now hoM out for hor roorry. From President Tight haa given two lec- jjoieioi aisinov, cknirmaa the commtttea htertloes. aged 17 year, seateucod for return to New York larly In hata and ooats. Thar ara nrt of camnalan rmiMd aad ta Um Um eklldroa arrirad, tures this weak at awMMMy period 4. Wtor. petol watoaal bonk was life for murder. Moaclovla Luna, aged , will bo mwoe hy way more pKrtlenlar aad ortgtanl skapas of her Mr. a ssrlous rror of Judgment nod of Canada t i Dunoan oommonoad to lm pror. oa subject of By la in the etty from Waahtai- - year. to eighteen etty kala sa ka lee Iks - em th "Hvoiatton." hla If considered absolutely Inexcusable. it that tho say Inst thorough grasp of Dr. mab-si- s months for burglary art Hare, aged some i th arobtoo, If aaytbtog wo aeesed to tho f govsamst of eat than sver korora. bnt they all have JJ uTooa" Bs-gt- ue mat Tight la abl to make K plain nod M. Btattury, a aaltlomaa from th fiaeral belief that Judge Par- tt years, seatea ti to sighteas of th Of the lomlt Is oa a trip to Uie ter- He will comptot tk setic bitsraiss ker I a frtoad of tk trust, tats will month for assault with a deadly Qatt W4C ritorial meropoM Many eterk. aged M eon. nnnanallr nttraoUr. Th at- - do it. serto mladod dims ovoral to Um Mrs. F. H. Btroag. who bos been years, sentenced to two yaar for as- al-- 1 Inriutiona attaod crate In tola state are wo ade Hag how THE BROTHERHOOD iwrqunsss nf Um hata do not STRUOK BY BLBCTRIO BOLT. quite III the past week. Is reported upon r' Albuqnorqu High school oommaoa-mH- t Judge Parker will be abl to recon- sault wtth a deadly waaoou aad for lagotber dofnad oddtty of aba, much Improved thl veniag. bar been roootvod on th hill. cile hi attltutto Um trust kllllag enMl. a ssataaos of on yaar OF ST. ANDREW a It scorned to be th rule during th Th Kxartn f Tw Mn In Horace) O. Clark, a masts dealer of tewr tow Thoy ar neat aad la good and .with th sntl-tm- ptoak, wkloh Is hotag proasxntood for each off sum Mt seasons. Tho snap am! OMvss tts, Bon Francisco, Cat., la etty vis- 0inty. the gradnattng claw Is to bs oongratu-tate- d la lb sore be Theee nrlaoaers wore eenteoced by atoMly graeerMl an4 tha material! ' to oa of the Syracwe. N. Y , ay Ulintan lUgbtfi of Mtg Sprlnga. on th common ecmsat sxercto iting the Whltaon Music oompaay. Judge MePto at the term of dMtrtct it uaad for Um fonndaUon aa a for eat aad vital tost re" tf the aorta wr um r. . f wil Ttmaa, and Md. Ilaaktaa of Nmwotl j Tk ladies of Um Bogie of Honor Mto ut trimming Um erotic platform. oart for Arrtka outy at Ttorm i th and nombfnatlMt war severely hooked by surprised Mr. A. at her home Triatty ehurok thai morale at tn ' s lightning i'he faculty and students have Marh The Um oHy York Amariiia tost eoaetoad. Ornnt M of oolora add to a groat extent to th loot night by eaUtog m R raoy credit of of Nw of Um slevsnth aaauai mv n Wadnasday night, Mx mtlaa aonthwott learned with regret dr. Broom was atoo dsMvsfSd peal-- bMUty and charm of tke general ef that Professor to be ooaaldsred pretty good, lo tb Uoa of toe of Mt As af Um city. Thor had got uudor th Aagell will not he with the University took well Slled lauofc baskets wMk leotlary for sale knatog aatJierhod them, aad a most dettghtful wa judging from Um tact toot the raeent drew of IM Btote of New York I h wagoa to be out of th rata. Moth of of New Mexico neat year. No te- time FraaeioM Martin ex. sonteacsd for new I hand Issu of Wjmjm Um largmrt eoavoaUoa was opened with rsiitfton Tb straw, or at wast many thn horses war Instantly klitod. bad. lire. I maa struotor has been more tnterosted in the who stabbed bin: r of them, show Mat tint aad oom Mr. Bliss beth Baxter, mother of ver put on the ntarhot la a lump service sol Bishop Otmstead Ueit 41 ligfctfoot was latorad th worst, botng the IMc of the school than and nt young wife three timo In a Be of' bar-me-n he hy nay city la Um United d Um 1 Must loan of tints, unusual and yet us son scions, and wbaa h earn to Mr. James Smith, toft on the dotoyed gut, Jenloua rag. Mlltag sharp to tk brothers i inaooa will be greatly waa seven Ooa-sidrta- nor Instantly iitag. arnno to aay. vu eotors hlmaoJt a wa mld, No. 1 passenger train this swratttg oversubscribed Urn. bualnaa Mltoa wore held Jut n so aletaao from In aihlctlo. For mnay rea- toot UmU This happens on Um IMh of April aareioror coaatdered Incomnatlbtoa, wagon. ttehtalag tor Fort Wayne, lad., where ska will the mnatolpsl l PerkiT ft th The toft a rod sons he has thought It wtoe to Basest or hy no mono 101. at a little tow of Caaalla in Mto L??L . ar uaod logotbor ramnrknbty snood th summer mouth as-oth- hoaa a sebjort of Drosrramnv f wltb itgMg atrip on hla toft aide aad hi the ogor of aa sppoiatmcai mnoo by with Arriba county After btoody ptoaslag daughter. Mrs. Baiter, -- peeutotioa In the head market, the tb tod JTJrvth-- . srrsnxt- - t lfct. Thor are quite a t wore badly bllatorod. H vbo has ttti had his alma mater, the Uoiverelty of Tk-ave- he toft hla home aad tor a tow days ha nttwhar of now shades of resided here many years, will return rwsult l highly rag for prsiltotod tor ton y. that ha would Wleeoneto. Hla work will be la the! sf4torr ai waokoaboul were unknown Hal among thorn novaltlaa In moss, aa hy to tb rtty th oomtog fall, price resUsed for th boao klllad lightning department of physios. was waa traced to Bernalillo sounty and Cored Htf Motbsr f fbbeumstisrr. ton gag new tonf i 0. B. Horum, for lloo l. about II pr cant ater gisias. Thor Is sesrtataoat I Tk uotveraMy picnic m ktoar oaa there urrected by gkortg Thomas My ssothsr been sagsrer for alao groat variety of naw ahado in TO IN0ORF0RATB. weeier unwn oum-- then the averag prtos res Used i ha a yon toot Saturday was oae of Um in Ttraa Hubbell. who sunt him to Tu rrs Am maay years rheunwlltM, y porples, ptnkr and browna. Tho bluo best aaay. with oSlee st Oawha. aad A A liu"l ' Martk. waea Hfimfiw nh Wieadod ever hold. any wo rtlla Monday last hm W II. f ' aw lo a by The Blk W Fe Tke all Ctorgaa, SBpertntsadont Denver who bonds were sold at aa sverege rat of reached there Howard. Husband I' Ar etou thmlvs sad show Santa Will Dlspenss sousd ho at Tuceday. and the grand Jury tkat ttosirod until tke retarn - bid-a- d of that times she was unabl to move at all. a groator rnrtotr tkaa vr. Th um CksrKy Umtor Territorial Law. hod beea st Bl Paso o business pass- l" l" Amoag the lunMuoful eouaty in tke afternoon But tke aoax were being in sloii h.. ws while at sll time walking w, j.aio tormJ asjod ar In moat oaoac vary Logo through tho ek thl awrnlng n eroral large eradicate promptly Santa Fa No. 40, B. P. O ., was aot able to keep dowa the '''m Indicted !! we arraigned 'ul. I Pf eotsd hsr lth a bottle t aohVato of structure, lOggsjillrtg too route north Mr. Oargaa is a brother , a few stogie at M last meeting paaaad a reaointioo aptrtts ef Uie crowd Maaag- flr. nfnre associate luutlce John It Mr m an, r art- - Many of the anU ar triav of - (torgas af Um local otnr Pblkidslpkl will, after all. have no niiDMimui e ud arovldtog tkat tke todga b lacorpor-ate-d ProJossor Bspiaosa beoi Ft. pladsd gatlly god seatsaeed to! tow appltctioas sb it mmsJ with the lightest nod dalattost haa opportunity to rrow over Now York. decided aadr the law of Now Mexico to odlt aaother text of muheyaray's Beet Ftoao Mask. imprtaoament fur life Jugttoe I bts th most woaderful pals rellavsr obMToas and other dallonte materials When the war dHmrtaseat decided under th nnm aforesaid, its pur-n-o drnmas. Is purchaatag s ptsae eooe actd swiftly promptly sad sure- had sr In fast la never and look exirtmely dainty fra-- he sort ssd axsiuit permitting s gtaata of tried. ao and being Um dlspeaatlon of charity gchaefar ly It now Klls Miss instructor In elocii see our stock, got prtee sad term. the dock piers frther out Into the without nj Is at all time aad Um nmotlo of hoaevolence so lion. I busy drillii.g went Aa appiica-tlo- a some youag peo Ws kav tb tttolv sgeacr of Um Noittt rltvr, ihe stHUBohlp conv N ssls to uccsilaaal St mil woiiu ii win Bnd ii worth tkalr anrding to lrs nan can cure roasu rap lion You tba tenants of the order. pie for a play to be given Msy It foitowlag plaaos: fjkicbortog, torerett, patiles thruateaed to move of Pain Balm keog awsy is Whli. lo Investigate th merit of a AKtoto their can prevent it though. Or Wood of Incorporation were Hied The recital given by Miss t y pais Uat sbs ws forsorly Powers' tfostoB. Bear Brca., nod Matoes t.i Phlladslphia. whore tbey Nin-wa- troubi,( h nuggvHMon tkat haa munii over secretary Pine Syrup cure ntisgk. wMk," with the of the territory. pupil Thursday afuraooa was wall Bra, of New York; alas Marshall A would no troobi about SoU by all draggtoti from Pari. no puo la to wonr belts Th .: kv iiattr eaM. brunt bltle, smosxa, Nwver foils wraorutlon results from th attended. Mtox Powers la to be eoa Wendell. Kimball ft aobsafor. of Chi- lug sll Um room thoy aeod for kaaar of the some color aa their shirts and fact U t the long aaa aoqulred gratutoted N. KoL who vuii,.) tk aa the performances. cago: Harvard, of Claotaaau large tnmnhlp The OHy of Mrotk- - Subecrrbe tor k raland' walt, laotead nf one ironiy con owner of Adam Cttiasa sad get rrioads at ,p the hall prop lir Tight Is rowplftlng the arraagn THB WHITBON MUSIC CO ri I l.d ah was Jublloat ovsr tb tb sws kotb. bss returned heme -- ' I" ACER ANOTHER STRIKt. I' "I lc. r.iph xiniiMnjr ' Ireland wo wlh to ar that you will one fourth of the above, or .11 t U.tll.U. liche. hi.. R. j. Pnrhar, Mareattae; waa an . A VgBa. find Mm a perfect little gentleman, a CALLING ON VARIOUS old man. hla eaaet mekM-certain- In addition to the above nrorwioa T. J. Whltemand. Well'ngtoa. aad V. BOI: -- RMAKt.. WALK OUT RE-- atatinch worker for our canoa. It faa haaa aaM that Twkaa miiat bo c rax at Newton. C. T. MeClellaa of USE OF OP A4lu.Ii ot linger, "king o( tha I All man by mA.e for ooverlag tka via- hwl .STATEMENT ' Junta nre requaatod CITY - DEPARTMENTS Topeka waa to hare mat with mm bM unanimously el- from company to report for duct, which win oaat aboat Sl.wti. tka THI..I MRN. letter other ftuperlatendeata here, NEW RHOPR .i laoiitaat of the Aaxoricn Tlebat work, Alao for gradlag atraota aloag bat, being AT LA JUNTA. today, bat non rjpoaded. wblek out of the Mty. haa a reprataaUUve Bro. rw aaaortatloa, which mm jaat Trataa all lata on acconat ot eagtac tha eleotnc ear tine raaa to urtw Monday morning the Mi Peeo r al tha meetlag. Ceritreet far aHe OenmetWi afiSeVeei loe ita aatoa at 11. 1.41. Ottiu-- fairaroa, Tkroa aagtno ffttlaraa to- Per For aaara to grade, probably coat ahaat m Estimates tarrying Tkla meetlag for Non attcrn manaaainent reinstated ia MM to ht tb owaer ot a stria day. called a time Rukatantlnl Brfak BMWfnga reaching KIN. et ahoat two weeka ago. aad tka MHr Oordon. Miller and Murphy, at brokerage ofRce from the 'Arkanaaa City s innka wfii at On Tklt rt ment dona not have nay Haa Baari tel. Pacific coeet the Municipality For tuperlnteade U were nearly nil la To- there f ih five men over who tb to iba seaboard asd tkla point. No non-unio- man pot The contract tor new rallraad ahotM to mi peka. Iiaa Caia waa here from La strike ocearrad Mat irom tlw Caaediaa border to Um gulf- - i noeth, aad. ai work bora aa yet. the Current Year. Jaata. hot the atrlke to eatabllabod at ! iaata, kaa predicted. th botlerniBher mm Harry Wetkal. tha youag aevtbia-- I altaatloa then Raton situation well la kaad Have Tha eapeanut of tha aawer aagart to a crlam at M t0 Oharlea A. PaHawa at at helper woo - that tlaaa aad Mr. Ofttn '"r" lnit. r ai iamoordo went out on received a chip of a eaml all lar.- roonii aa kaaoantr-tor- a. 1. IB ojro a couple wash ago maat. aot laelttdlag aay eatraoralaaii ha4 to harry back to I Junto. The reW. Kanaaa. Raven bulMlaga wtM aa a atnko Monday moralag at 9 oelotk tteel hit of Mava boon aarved wtth a rary awauag hi la helptax repair soar part of PRESENT INTERESTING PACTS aapaaaa, will waa poatpoatd. Rlace tkat lonatraatad, namely, a MatlmiaHh Ho inr the other nlMM bare ant tb iweeplna injvnrtlon. n ha ahoat fl.1H.ta. Mew-to- o time arraagemente war made for the ,hP. a machine akop, a pawar aaaea, agr. i to take part in the pre tna h lorry of tlw boltt at tb mon an; working kore, of OitothlH alary etreet eoat- - u; and that time card maeticg to be held at b Ha a Mratary ballelag, a atora etl flit trouble. oal chut, la at Ncwtoa fro tba number, only a few are eompotaat mi and mlaalaan $ mM Topeka akd I .a Junta at nooao, a houae Tonek hospital tor a row days. Ho rirat-oiaa- tka rouad aad a traaatar An prevtoaaly Mat ml tb botlrMk mon. At Ike meeUag of the city Pan of Mm at aa team HI mm tlaaa. Ubl. The new shop will m ami blpr objaat to thee mea rotnra tor fort bar treetaseat, bat Wlnelow- - Beorfkoof held May of ataadtaa firm I. Aiaarmaa (llentar Lhor tret It tat tald that no change ot Im ia appearance tboae at TopaNa aad who arc considered scabe because la there la now little hope of taring tha I'aac pravaln In owr raaka, hoi ant material aad aapptlea. lh flanaea ooortatttoe Introduead aa tMJI PoeUac la the Hum oard are coatem-Platat- f. win all be belli of brick, am. a pre tou they helped lb aom tlgM. aa aoa men with tha trie witk tka nnlnn They had tt la hearttg tha aeeeoa of tae rhiae ahop tha targeat pan?, white acting aa otrWaJa, to gat ome night, order maktaf H amonelaory thai aaaH of tha aarea. trouble last and one went Total t.ll4J0 year when the na!lfornlA Itmltad trala Oa tha aomplettoa ot out roiling took, aad wbea they ware Alt Ike VanUerUilt roads novo toaood out. Kifty nf tbam are trying doptrtMoni at tha ally guvaramaat by the baltthap. to tin tpeaae eaartan will be oae li ahaaged from daily will hnaari-ant- e la oM paoitlinM lis orders for the reduction of eapeonmt atrvlce to la Jaau raak toetth ta rtntuted their the place of M good mon Ouod d farntih ewartatty aad aaaaally re- qaartar of ahova total, or lttt.TR. a aeml Ixiii-rmak- ara aeekly aervlee. AaMe from of all tha ahop pot at oa Ma Hae refused to work with a every direction iinaatklt. Tut koa i nan. port of tha aaeMlltton of aaok a There will ha eoaalderahte add; providing to. chaagea. tt la aaM fnoa Chicago to lag Pranataan them Kaon followed by tka Pennsylvania, Jeinmae. Tram m hwa aa ttoaa! oapaaaa la ralatag 'ee (. aartmeat aaa aa of tka eaet tha mankolaa ot 'y nrinor thing will orenny tha at Vice President Wllatm. of the M ?T Bat'1"" waa to five noara lata. fall eatlmato aloag tha Itae of tha WILLIAPMI. -- Powr eleetrle atreet tentbin of the men who ore In attend- who kr I t n In Ml f in.naom m nnng for or inrtoaaajoa departmeat rblniat. teo, hot Paaa ln dowa 1mM tmgki CORln, ll of aaak for railway to bring aaata to graaa, wMeh ance t returned la Atomognrdo. the meetlag. llmLZZZ -- - "Rwaaw kern aad tk Nietl year, aad alto in the onee af M aot laeluded la above aattwnta. a " JZLlL I Noadloa. I The non ualoa noa Thla deportment doaa not ar, Mra. Harry i nn latin aft m jgtf .RaViMai operatma have al traatarar, aa aaoronmate of jtba bare tar aad Mln departed the eaet of malatoaaare aad Immum - raiiv t.. wiUaiai h.i At. ! TOW na- are anM to ha tka hi tnaonrs of tha eKy'a raouroe aal TOBEN DEAD Rt. Umi to take la tha WavM MEN RITUNM TO WORK IN . M. km tailed e I amoaat fair. Thar aspect to be abeeut ahoat tka of the municipal laaakttd Paitot Deportment. HONI ArTTIR gdliaM OUT A OOMMfTTRR RRTURfNI Rjogtwaar Raalaod te Oeoth" A. R. teat aad tha amount requlnd to meet To the Moaorable Mayor itad City tare weak. WKIK. Kbbau, aa engineer oa tha mala Ihae intorwrt oa aaah laoebtedueaa. Council, Alboawerna. N. Max The Old Friend of Kid Carson Wednay evenlag Mra Harry f Pa waa tha Ranta PacfRa. fntatly Oeatlomen . la ananraaaaa with Pylo maat ptoaaaatty eu;ertuined The Dooonee, Tka order waa adopted aad aa a re- atriklng botlmmnkaia a tka fat j. th n known nimlRnf laat Runday evaalag, deaUi your order of May I and Slayer of Desper- sult tka maahtaary of city govem-- tad, number of youag people at a "tore tialviwton Hooatoa want am botleraaakera of Ike loeal enope, who reaaaMmj ki ike train. Ma waa natag the ftabealt a report of probaM II- tha gait waN" given taken to the hoaoltaJ at moat. aaah depirtment ,n detail, m - la honor of her abator. laat to work mora-in- a went am Angelea puraoao Aanlea . the police department tor No adoes is Dead. .eok. rotvraod tkta to for th ta order tha Ml Maloa aad Roae Caraan. who The etory of the accident It told by " raaalag aad tha aal year beginning April 11, and tkla altoraooa tao akop la ma- of conferring with the roaat liana In latl. itopattud tor thatr koate at Palo Alto. V J Rhowalt. r. firemen, aa , "Aaaer wfclok It It expected to ran ma; aotfc-in- g follow. City Marahal'a aalary . witk a tall foraa of mon aa if nturaod to the city on the the fftta! yaar by the following .11.MI California. Ragine No. 7M had acted aa helper A ob had happened, aajra Ike Hi talat an t marahal'a aalary v RID THE COUNTRY OF ESIMNOSAS faao delayed paaaeager trala Mo. S late ym- aai from Maedlca waa returning cite nut lafon)ft rkporta wMok Caufaaa returned from hi llaralii Tka aottlrmoat waa maov and Poor pilloemen, aalary at a.MO raaak aenr hellgaMa. put niy Hwam. lo u dlvlalon point, running light. were Klwn lo the council Moaday He five ur butwoan the loeal - Oa polleaaaaa aalary I eta bollormak- The lateaeaa of the train convinced Tka ainloalaa naaaa witkaal waratam ntghi )it Tom Tobaa, who known to many team at work cleaning out the rx committee and Maatar Maekaalr Rpecinl maa daring Tar. fair, etc m Ragseaw the Bollermakere' eommtttae that (be ike hofia In ihv crown nlaia OHy Treaeurer. of tha old timet of Maw Mealoo. I dam uader contract The DrtxlKe tkla mormon, It airiaa Poedlng priaoner apt wMI aad la under eaglaea of tha Raata Ke, want from wagr. To thv Honor aNa Mayor dead. Ha waa a Mend of Kit Carson, dam be thoroughly repaired aad Hiood tha terrible emhwlon of ttanaa and (tty Peedtag - that It waa reached by the com nondl-Hon- . borne i d Albnquerqne. are In a very bad retetbag tha Kbeettng and Rra boa gear Council. , and the atayr of the It Rapinoaa the fata pinparntory- the imny nlving In on anme mtinta and tt Horaa aaooin ami rapatre on RTOther. and are aadly lu need of the at Marnier. Th- - tcaldlng cloud at earn Uontlemeai la accor.lancc with A apeclal dlapatch to Ibe tnmmer rata. men Kiving In on other of Uaat ton Hon of akllled boliormakera. nralooe.1 o( your dlreetloa 1 aunmli kcrewith the at Denver Republican frotu thimnau. Raturday J. J. utmun aaoMRa Kbbutt. while the ahack Hack atMtonerr and poetpg a Thla morning, nt a meet of i following Onto., uader date of May ia. nay ailtkahm. who have been tho 'Baat of M ins the oiabaation threw him from the cnb Um Irniln, the Raata rV'a chief - Worn waa bad an argument whaak lad to looai iKHiermakert' union, the com ; The rr. oi the baring Amount to tlw credit of i nch fimvt received here today of mead, iMirictan. la In the nttr on nfftntal Total tf.Ht tha death at erf To- hard word After a tow paaaiit On mltto made It raport,. aad it waa to on h- - nitht tidf of tha cab. April II. 1H. Port Oarland Tom luinMi ia Ptra f?RgrimgRU baa. the faaaona aoa threw a glaaa at Chukolm. Juat me erreat taat the ooafaronec. which Pitman Hi. t.r h.I the awful l fund I . ' eeoul and mead of R a Koni of Topefca V. ' i To Aaaajaamuni. N and J. Tar waa - ( the t:ii Cmtncll. Kit Oaraoa. ToIhd than I. U Handera, who the. held from :3 till I laat Rat of m land ...... , leave thrH grand conduct n.r of Rtenaaraskora. companion. Ha wa Max. ara lata , li daughter Duraagn. ravr ankmn, stepped between the urday afternoon with Oeneral Man knocked down, however. feagalalBg ' r 14.a! a. ... . la and a daughter nddltume to thii local Ka offlee aammaien. - i raaaeatea, i u In maa laaU agr Well, aad Oeneral Rapertntaad ki t I . .... Rllvertoa Hla granddaughiera are aad received glancing blow on f he Jumped to tha giaand. Hi Conatruettaa eJhf hall foree - ! mtt the follcwlng report oa ent Hti inard. reaulted in no agree- Kundmg ' ike fire Mr. Oeorge Iogan. Mr Dawi Uignn tha head Rnnder had beea drink W D fir,t thought waa of tha engineer boaaa, IM ta Oeneral manager I departmeat le, of the ImaMntlalely 1 nf thi etty. aad M.a tlaorge Ralph. lag kaKvily aad on Runday waa la a ment. and thereafter all whom aa ; The daughter Hnnta Kn t. thought muat have been funding hoami. UN J)fl.M Contral, wfco waa at Denver I The ftaed way aa tha union botlarmaker oa the eoaat killed. binding noada. ta StO.TS eipnee of thi at Wlverton la tho widow ot "Mickey' bad a result of the oombtaa on tiaalneaa, - Ittl ana returned to hla head- 'lapgflmont are. appro!- - Mreen, a noted pioneer of Ran Hon, aad i not yet nil right. At first iiaa vera called out n a atrlke. a moment tearck found - ; Bladuct SJMiI the (tiartin at iaata Pe. t the uator wn ruoao at wtnaKiw, , Juan. Mra. Rreea la coming lu Du it foared the blow had aomr ( M Aiawgaaraue. aeitg tunate man ataadlaa MO toot Ward, a Chicago promoter. maa aad Raa Bernardino ware already i iMRMR raago aad will be Jolnel here by tha thing to do with kl condition, hut Iiaa Wou the track, ha bavtag leaped from tha Total Jtl.THW Pyar etamlulna the Inata Kb out, bat tboae at NVbdlaa aad Hotat protmWe otpiRgia. par three graaodauKhtei. and tagathar altar a eareful amtaatlon the phyai ( for cab aad reaaiaad kit feat. It. waa ntral rurtaln eaatorn nuiruHi - go aa aa wa not Richmond worn work, ponding , taay will to Port Oarlaad lo at- atatad that such the I al aa In a terrlb'e plight, hit ftaah banging Uutataadlaf wWenaaU, tlyert He waa at the raattal yeetur-dn- y x H wdK ha m me on , in an I yet Due Mark ta tend Ibe funeral ""MO" aaroda hla flrat wordt war traaawrar aajnae al tt. riaalty. When no agreement waa . Tom Tobea wa the of pie-- ' Kennedy of tho dear oaea nt homo: "My Ood, pommliatoaara . . $ but the f kaa boon a point ml whiob will aroap - raaahad tha union boltermahor I'm going to die-W-hat will IH traaawrar Mtaatry 'uraaqa ot arouta. mine. In- PLAOSTAPF. h;. in for the Raata Ke Central M alJea. 4 a and Point Hichmond alao iult , r.tnM of my wtfa!" fund dtaa rtgbter. hunter and treaper Prom tke Rua. KHiaitin. tlce T. R. MoMaaaa. who tjm feet of hoar wktoh will The aaact cau of the rxploalon war who were the ooateaiporartea of Kit Mr. I,. Ii. Yoagrr returned from i txiaawt and haa gone lo Uoaver Ouiatandlna -- lo a Mr. oyc nailed at The Taa.oa uaraon Tha vent in Tobea' na- - Teaape. where eke haa been apeadln another railroad poaltloa Citlaeu probably will never be known. pire rant urrtce thla looming aad atated that man rear which la beet romeuibaied waa the winter. itrw. K Hie. general freight skowaiter waa tha only wttaeaa the commute preacnted their aide Total M.0M.M ht trailing of the Beptaoaaa. Pred Allea, the Navajo agaat for Maul ant the banuent veoteedair. aad ff.Mt.9t notorious the at Kaaaoe City, I would recommend that tamalhlag Tali-her- of the caae, the proposition for aot ' loly uueetioned, he could Mexican bandit, who terror lend Colo- waa la town. Ho ay that waa in tin. city thU morning acoom ha ioaa at oncu ta regard to tho In tlemetil being rejecte.1 by Mr. Welle, act-idea-t fir rado the aoa. the killing of both of the rata of laat week did aot liaiikM iy hit family. l..ltiv for the H.&X73I reach They nrv mot who. of courne. wa acting tor higher alarm tyttem. which la la vary bad them and the exhibition nt Port that net Ion uk from Kl l'aao to Kanaka a tier city. offlolal Mr Weld egpraaaad ragret I condition I would recommend that land later by Tobea of the head of Mint R. A. Wynne has oU her re ROSWELL JftyMl4HtNN 4pf lill tffefalMMIt c n Aluiander and family or T- - CADETS i we get no lea than 1ft lira alarm the that the conference failed lo arrive internet JBadlng outlaw, which he to that Idenco on North Iahoux atreet to Miai m V. in tka city laat awning be-twt-n at eoiae conrium-- for aettlemeut ot at if) boaea aad divide the tyatem Into aettlomvat in a aack Ma WhltUngtoa; maaldoratton DRPRATR RL hondti, ltM a. payable lean tralutt while en route to Baa the atrlke. PARO CUUR TO three aeaaraie circuit, and the arob-- The Maidaoaa Mis Wynne expert to ekw March I brother, crated by out bar UarttaJ. where they will vlalt frloadn. The followlug THI TUNK OP tlX TO ONR. and aftambar .... l.sto able mat ot thi will be from 11.600 religion waylaid millinery iMuiermnker attend- Internet on fttadlng fantlcinm. travel- bualaoa. aad will leave tkt Mr Alexandor in u Rama rV englnoer ed the conference Boyoe, hoaa. to 1,M0. Tht. woald put the fire er along lonely killing or July on Jarne o I fit. roada. every rl an extended eoatarn lo KAaite Ml payable January ! car Anderaon, I. J. Doaohu. Albu- In the liail game which waa ily.-- l irm ayatan la flrat olaaa ooadition, white iieraon that happened along. trip. 1' aad Inly S.3M.M J (IraJiutn Ih iff trial In ax querque; canty. j aad a thla ta tho moat Important Una of the wa Hoary Hustey William Wlaalow: j. ou tho Knawell diamond Tuvdav af Internet on funding bond brother killed by a turpriiied hit frtaads ; 1 at the loeal atntion durtait A- - J- - part. recommend that anme party headed by Capt. by gettlat, Jf,A;n'' Tlmmoaa, j the Roawall military calita It. payakU Reptam action John Met'nn nmrrled but Saturday, tbu tha atMonce nf Haggagomaater Moad, --. If""; ierom iMt noa, hivpmwi, w. n. craew-- BR paoa be taken oa thin but the other eeaaped and brida being Mts akaily M. IMgaum. - eein oeaaataa tha hmmb by bar aad Maraa wli haa oh- to Topeka to unoargo B. vmM g lea. and Kaaaedy. Raa Bernardino B aooro of later wtth a aaamaw. renew-ta- of Emgiand. who arrived that night au opeVatlon Mr. to l. aara the Ri Paeo Internet oa vtaaeet hoaac. Rand will be aboent Net a Rywtpathatl Mevc. time, City Olerk. hi career of crime. Dov Rvan Th amrringv carwamny waa perform frota payable January and July 7M.i , tli' city a weak or loa day on- - of the In talKing To the Honorable Mayor Mam-ba- r HTere.l large etl by Nov J. H. Henry botlermahar. The game atartod a ery inwr-i- n Comminalon and eaehnag aad reward im the si i. Hrumnaagn. maater of h a I .oh Angela ot Cliv Council AlbagHer-qae- , of the m John William will a nigfai Itanmlner reporter, oat lag oao, aad remAlaed ao throaajk- - RaJary of trenaurar the outlaw, ami the art riiHatloti in the loeal yarda at mat N. Max. tlw Token atari ed foreman of th saw mill In out tho play In tha flrat inning aal-"Ou- r Amount paid park aartag after them the nlac of nlKht. hm thm morning for an ectand MHke I not a ym In reward aggregated "kbout Joseph Dugan, who is pathetic tber team waa abta to aaara. bat la pant flaeal year ) Uaaa: accordaac. with ii.fcio roruperntlna x1 TlsH eaet H waa aaoompaaied by mat1 your from a leg ttHba. bwaaaa the maohinlat wnlk d ' the aeonod loolao the nu Amount paid library daring dtraetion I aubatlt herewith the ttie outlaw did not remain in broken sustained whiu Inn wife. (LurgK d g Taylor haa beet out. We have a grievance nl fottOH-M- : one plaee. They operated along xeMtag a tog. Mr. (Xigan wa of our own. managed drag . atatamaat taad from to one man over tka during paat fleeal yatr. rodt awltchman to yardmtMrter, "At Albuqaerqae, whoa the linking plate. ot etty elerk offlae ia outhern Colorado, tho Ran i.U lag upon the log, aad the naexewctod will from and hare charge of tb yarda dur maehlnlata' plaee valley, aad in KYemont, Kl slipping of hla cant-hoo- k were filled by the There were many people In Koa-wel- l at flBaaata, etc.. will ao and precipitated inn Ur llrumoaugb'a abaoaoe. company, m.iiun Hbly Park noaatl The two - turn to the Noor tb boilermnker were told who wero rooting tor the !aa laoowe ot aHy for ftMAl be batwaaii If.oofl and tl.MQ outlaw attack- wiik the above result .te other night a wind atorm at An by M td men Hev C, Ruperintondent Mean that ihy city team aad at thla they want wllo year Ratory awrk n.tUO.fru ami women at a point about who haa had ebarwe ti.ony. Knh . from Iraaaarar. blew a freight oar oat oa would not be oompelled to work on every atioaary. etc.. about IS mllea from Port Oarlaad and It wa of this extoaalve Catholic pnrtok toi Mie main Una and at aubaequeat goeae egg taxcu fM,ii.f it.uo and tlx mllea eaot of eaginat with I (kl affair which led (o ibe imat three y for the unfair man. The at wbiek the military boy received. Tha Prom etty maranat ... i.ivti.eft their death. r. i.t Tttcaon that town A want bound vlcar-geaar- rrlaoo oa tor were, however, plaeml on the name Total MJtM.OO Tke mule team which the man wa having been appointed Kln latter were unable to get a man home Prom city atork ... . 1.811.71 aoitig utter h plladrlvtr, atrwak work men, cm driving, hi b Hlabop (Iraajon with our who prot led and before the fourth Inning, aad from Prom lamtrAnce and woman comaanion. a The change ma) the aar and threw It off the traek. toi aaaut A to tke probable expense Mectoea, waa bu only temporary, naaed fc'.periaiendent Nana (o moot on the game wa altghtly on aided. at the captured. The maa ag however, and Net Th eagineer and fireman Jumped from I heir eliy not Included In tka eeAHmei eapad lo Port woman Vabro may return here in a tow rc committee and talk the matter A very large crowd of people Total Uarlnad. and the eaKlua )uat boforo tka colloaloa over. Thla ha rafuaud to do. Thun a from which you nav rauiieafd of her nattoanllty. waa ra wutkn aii.I the game aad I bar wa mask It 1 Imptmslbl city trea Ike latter received a anwll out en for tk unrtM vt haiim mu t, leaaad. post Moveroor retn-lve- meeting waa arranged with (leaarAl betting Indulged In by local uaople, urui The oommauder nrdanHi HrodK hna fnmi fhc head Tho pilot aal-th- of the engine wa w.iu k uror lo give the inaama of tke city for and treaeurer. wbtek mat leeluees a a detachment of troop to pursue the ordiaaac bureau nn Invoice of damaged - who took aide on way or Another the to the extent of f IM. lw. wore MMoted from all catalog or preaaal year with M traaaurer. httoreat on bonded mtktws. and Token wna two gatliaa gun which have be Vf I). ih.. natoa The beta In tome ran very high. fUal P'd chosen at Miilllvan, reeaally caahler for . ee It-- guld ihlppad tor renrctMiterf taM k. vt... The feature of tke game waa tka aay degree of aeauraey, t do aot indent eda, aaakaaga and the ! lb una of tha national ha Rant K, nt . 1 Coff.vllle, Kaaaa. ,ng today not productive a nrnry and park fund anbmlt tke Oa reaching the apot at- guard of the territory Thar are ,,,n u of pitchlag of Kl I'aao t maa, Nordaouaa, know how much mny b rweiv4 from where ine m17iT. V "I " Mr. Well atood Mr. who kept following: tack was mad Tobaa experienced also In the In vole two metnlite car k A,tnt the aotdtor down until kit the marsbal la th wny of i , Mm am" " leclded to oil! a arm weakened. riaa. from Ralary etty attorney great difficulty in dlanovring the riaa and two Umber, bealde all . air. ' i a h" tb elerk In the way of Hoeaiet, aad auuivan atrlke. Ralary city paumtotoe . . m trail, a the Mexicans wero ou foot other pbnmpberualla. Tan gaa art marriod man and will brhag hla aa 10 fata In duacuaeiag the aituation ttoaerai lo Use, for tka lut half of tka Ralary oily oaaatwt and wore moecaaina. Rut h waa skill- of 3 callbermd will bar a capaci ny to Albuquerque ' m to real da Aa aUt Manager Welt aaM: IRRIGATION PROJECTS year Ibe aaaeaameaU kava not keea Ralary police Jwdge ful, aad ha found a faint trail whiah iy each of rnnn 1,000 to l.soti round cd yeeterday In Mr Rtrout m a ThoCltiten. "A tka committee kaa told yon, mnde nor has the council tlsed th Watar Maw ha tallowed through grant, huthe aad mluul. ha gone to Mngaalaaa, whare be uc-- levies, but 1 a Tb town we did not determine upon a aetUe-men- t. HOW submit th abor tb IJghl toltoa timber Not a footprint waa cooacll ba oaaciuded oeM 1. K Hdwarda THE ORHAT PUNO 1$ TO RE l,vM a agaat Mr. t taaoma for the pnat year aad it will vtartbie, fttiiah the ditching of Plag From tha erldeno have been BIVIDRD POP. itonevolant aatoeiatton . . bat aa occasional blade of River do reilwardt ban been traaaferred to i.ati IRHIRATINO THE probably be graaa Ii I touahlag upon their alleged grwvanoa. i about the time for thU, Moat turned from lis natural posi-tto- expected that tb ditch, when Crvto j ARIR WRST. 1 am ure Mr Mean did yaw. Printing, or n bent or broken twig, guid- ounaploted. will be la.d enough to A wuuiii ih aot tall tbam etc NO machlniNi. Htrike gtr-a- a carry they would not have to work with ike Aa to expenditure, the ftgurat Rtagl contract revising ordi ed tkl adept in trailing. II fol- away nil th water that can rAki. attempted a night or two oume mea engaged to fill the plaee of A a above are aoeurata witk la aaaaaa lowed th outlawa several mllea until down the canyon. The cotl of ine to unterew a wktatle vatv tha aspuriiuumeat ot 7,oao,auu of yjg wall trlklng a to library park, aa aaw a half hover-la- g ike work will reach nearly fl,000. mechluteta; neither did ke re- tk tor sad tke Pual ity mHtotag im doaeu magpie the engine wa under nraaaurc. Well, run to rUmtlon fund the ooaatrae amoaat given It tka amoaat paid for above a thicket. Stare the begianlng of the town the n meat their committee Tha dyke Then he kaew lie the button oa the Hot ef toarteea Irrlgattoa protect work Alameda ijps Raata Ke offlolal do not refuae to la laat year, thin year K will probably J Waattoa jgo ka wa aer tke camp. dltck kao oust aaaan4 ikwutnnd del of tbu varr lot go. the valve the arid west ha been leatdad apaa ... tare, eaefc meat with oommlttaoa ot their em- be Knout two hundred doners Itrgar pant house j OaawNag lato tke thicket witk tb aad avrnkmi tke with Itutucuhu fwroe flaw by the Ba- by the ecreUry ot tha iatartor, who dweller oa haw heada goad a ploye. Rom ror ik two fuad. utmost aaution, tk following tao a daai ton hiked Novlea-- of the bollermaker Pound maatar t$ aoidier kaad awl atraak ha approved plana of engin- In 1 tha e ibe Ike at same dtateaoe. damage to UMr peapariy, aad K hare already atruck. aad the nommlt-le- City ngiaer, probably MM Toban dtacoverad tk watl of the rouad houae with terrific eer for work In following states: expet WIN haa Informed me that other will tha Street Cemmtsttaner. lamranee Mtplaoaa wwklag a meal. He wkia- - ted thi bo fort it i aatd the MaX Aruoaa, I apllttar" be called out. W will replace California, Ootoraao, Idaho, it pered to the offlner behind him the ditch co Ml uli iter blmnelf aeUlna in the them Moatann. To tke Honorable Mayor and Meat-- Aaaoaaor s foe jthla la for ski i a Nebraaka, Nevada, Maw "I will quickly a poealbie, aad Ik work ! shoot the old man You Maatoo, North IVihoU. Oregon, Roata bora of tke City Council ot tb City your Pioni the Uum. in our kop will not be delayed la aattlng kl raaa aad men take care of the boy! " I law dulrict oourt at Kl a Dakota, Wyom-lag- . ot Albuquerque, N. bafora money Mi. Aa Clark and Mr. J A. Lam l'aao. the loaat by the atrike. Utah. Washington and Ma. Tkaa ke look deliberate aim and mi wa Mod by Jam Oould, Mr. Uaatlamea in noaerdsno witk in turned over to city trena port and children left lor a vuit to "W bare had Utile trouble alao fired. Tka alder Kaptnaa leaped lato M w 1 state-maa- uwr) gap Um Ascaiat, Crawford aaa J. J. Boone Actual construction haa already be- your dtraetion submK herewith t tke air, I the flrat atrlke wa laaugurated. Indian fashion, shrieked, and I- , Ag'--.t the W Paao A Nortbaaatarn, gun Small mlactdiaaeou Itemt . MM - W. Qulalaa. lowu uU-rk- mall dearadMUou hava oa the Rait river project in Ne- of Ike expense of tk atreet aad foil dead, a nephew started to ba the Kock aland aad adjoining been run. from tbo town oounall a sixty line mlttad oa the company-- i prop arty, vada Hack of thee prajaot Involve aawer department tor tke present aad tk aeldiar mlaeed him when they Tke iilaliitifta claim nam 1, aad Tatnl day' leave of da-pa- tka of at we a ronatruottve coat of fiscal year as unar as I oao eattamle ih.bii fired. Tobaa had weapon, abeeuc. aad will UTM for injurle aeverai akop have deputy aker reloaded kl soon tor u alleged lo have iff on The Hand sam at the prcnent lima. , aad ka dropped boy visit lu tb eaet. Harry Mu-alno- guard." PrJtt. TIM?"oARb MEeTlNR. tka dead la hi tM by a - Smiik ka anlpmaat of all- The Hood project in New Mexico it Tke expanse of Ik atraal depart- track with another noon appelated deputy ty beail of nt bullet. Tkaa b clerk during Mr. Quintan's from Alamo iMITH IRSURt RULLRTINg. teeated on Hondo river, a tributary of! ment, not Including xny wiraordiaary Rant P Superintendent took kla kaattog knife, aktiasu. goroo, New Meitlco, D4toilog cut tbetr baada Marabal W. C. ImylM to Aurora, Ml the Paeo river, in outheaatern New axpaaae wilt bo about II.UI M, mad m off. aad carried th grueaom rotMraed wiart It l hang Train. I trophin Iwo rlnlnied that jmt of tho Civ Lint Rtrtktrt Newt About Mexico, about 12 mllea up a follow: from Angete. whare k kad bean naW eouthwaat .M.k " wuere n claimed tb kortoa died en rOUU, while oth-- 0t the from town of Hlx liy.oo This ik. ai.Lio. - lo vlalt kla wife, who ha baa la gituatl. the Ho well, In in coun- team at par moaUt . M,i.i. reward offered were Injured. It ht . ". California for sumo lima averred that ty for IIVIM-M- . oat ot aystam for the c W. Rmltb. who Is In charge of af Chare. Tke river la torn Hal eaoh team. ia aaata re railway The reward offered by dov. Mvnns ta damage uatalaaa wa aaa to i benefit of her boa Kb. II wa aooom ike la character, aad tk ordinary summer eat MM. to for ta tkaa aaa ay mnetiag at La, Junta aad at To- - was not paid In full, got nepHaeoco de-fee- the maahlalata' Tobaa tins of the employe of tke d atrlke oa the coast i I panled home by kl little aoa. apply approprlatad. leant la used on aowajg fa,ail.M pakH t work out tka now time card, about half of It, but several year a4t line, haa Issued the follow lug bulletin The teacher employed en- It la proposed to Coat ot labor, man aiy. 1.M4.M i for tk 'on rondltKms. ooaatruct a rceer three ayt tk Topeka State Jaaraal. ago th Mala leatabUur naaaad a 4 oir in depreeatoa wot bird salary suing term of the rlagMaX pubMt Topeka-Proap- eet near tke ilver, r ttraat rni ia toe Brit time that tk time bill providing for the paymeat to bright at . pria-clpa- ii I) DuUmg. this . iO.Utl schools ara: Mra. C. AuiUn, maohtoJat. left keH divert the atorm or flood water, aad mlaaloaar. card moating ha beea held at twe Tobeu of tka amouat - bofal. Company urgtag old maa ta wklak remain- MkM Ida ageiat ight for Nabraaka, wkora k wall aa- - unappropriated water flow into tke Coat of lumber, aot Metiadiua point oa tk Santa Pa tyatem proper, ad his In WhiUlagtoa, oome, back, but they refuse to return da. addition ke received aal; Mian Nrrtka Maaokor, " r ae warvice M in uaun ntotar. reservoir aad koM It far um darlag "iadaat 171.00 Tke eapertateadenta of Oulf Iiaa savera! valuable praeeato Mlas Mta wtta a eon tract, sad tho that remain tk from hi Jonas aad Mis a the irrigation aeaaoa, lo Irrigate land Hardware, aalbt, atg, 7IJM aad tb eoaat line ujway kaM aap-- Nina lkara. told tho company that If they pat la frieaa. lying south and tooth weat Koa-w- ll BlMkaatltklng , IM.M arete mooting Sea-- ; H Meamka. who aoa-ualo- a maa to work beaid ot from from those ot tka Tobaa and the lato nor. fJMIpin C. K. ttortdn, mt hko AlkN'maaaar them Tboae land am Other aatail ex 1040 la Pa proper, but re warm Daag oa tka Mw Maatoo they would go out. Brother Buekaiew naaeat ta lb eleven aaaeria. friend aad uatil tka lat tin. Waattto Ugait now ttowwr rminHr productive field Kaawell, Street Sprinkler 1TI.M toadaai aa the Santa aava alwayi tor' dtHeton, wa aa Albuquerque Ybwtor kaa the aoaUdoaee of tha mea that are aw aad P death Tobea name lo Danvar paay, arrivad ftoa Dene, anal at with an watar In Topeka - eeterdy out, aad mar ara aomtag out every aurad supply aould be mt for tk purpose of mak- vry year to apaad a few day with the AlvaraJo. put lato eulUvaltou nt owaa. Total . . M.llotO lag a aaw thne I kl - day, a 'hy kaUev that Urother card. friaad. II trailed tke hostile Nat- Mr. aad Mr. A. A. Ptoat Tb area to be Irrigated uader thi Tboae who ar ataatlag at 1 xjo for Ollpin In Mti ii I. Maag, wile at Maatar Ma-- Huakaeiiw is a maa la every eae of Juat the early 'ioa. whaa paalad by Out. Mareua, ar protect embtAoet about M,M aerue. StMiakJIag street wW root ar Dan Gala, Junto; J. P. Ma- - tb wa Cel. kaate itoan. left Met algkt tor 1 the word sad I ftgbUag tor a wort by Ia lattar William Ollpin to mak a vH to tka Jutes aad aad tk cost wiH proktbty be about .It.lM.OO Nelly, Saa P. Baaley. He waa - Aaaelec. where tk will rMt witk Maroial; J. a dead shot with kl muule- Sulphur Hot spring. frtetMU ftuo.oao. Cleaning sUeat . MOM vaga; u. it. wrietoi. puabio, aad 0. toadlag rifle, Wrong, HroUr K. A Ireland will hardy, tatelllgaat. Mr. aad Mr. John Iwl ara Ait aradiag aad keeping la R Ayr of Dodg Oily. cunning, aad Inured to a a Uuckalaw la kaadllag tke Quf line Dave Ruller, tb tb krdblp Ileary Iewla. who arrivad ToHoy veteran railroad pair, the balaaow II.IIC oo Tkoae who ara meatlng in Topeka Inoldant ta tha life h Kirk ka left tka of and part ot tke I ckos. laat night from Chicago a aerrko main llnaf, aad to atan of I a Vega. In the city meet are: J. Aftor Jt p0 Mj connected ihoav who K Darn, Ckauute; It. A. He aaaat mot f his I If In Ike San short sojourn lu the rlfy he will to Pet alaueir hv ntvr met Hrolhrr in many old Tin by Will P gboUt to frtid. HUSrtolt Tioe ArkaasA city; O Husstll, CSH l.u' valley wkcrt be dld While be Ml I'tto recently panned some of It out of ttt t h groal rrnulU of t r aorlflre. riilture. ami the ianlh laneiiaB" at m. althoiiah lt iaae hal been rh' h. iilor claae f N w Msilo frth in tba railway embankment. honor them, and badeck thorn, and tell aalarlea of fmm fl.ltHl tu fi.tao per reaonMnended by Ike ooauetealoaer af t'ollese of Aarlcullnre n. UeekSt the world of their etruMl' and their annum, in the Philippine aerrlae. and the general land office aad the er Arts. Mesilla Park, N M , honor Nlah Itrtha at Oeaney Damp. An aacrirtrea tor tba rbjht. And let u. etmllar vnaaavtea aa tker may nerur Ury of the Interior. Routine baalaeaa The Cltisvn with an in vital ton to n Territorial Topics other vary flak atrlka hat baan mode ton, remember tboao who went down in that aerrlee. I wan tkwn tmtnarkU and tka oownty, to Ike great deep in tilpe. and were At tkla time tke regleter I praefi hHi admnraad Wedneaday morning, June I, at " in tba Oooney mine. Socorro 1 yielded long ago to the ronaumlag aen j cally depMed in many of opt tonal A post office baa been eatnhllnied o'clock ni McPle kali Tke gndsjat. protnlaaa to aa preat aa the th' CARLSBAD. has made comi'luni before Justice of wbleb ba And let aa atrew flowera on all the auhject- - i at Mn ream, ooorro nounty. lu be mwh an- Clarence He Mntt. ('ssT Paarl ramooa atrtka nada yaara by Capt. ! county 'lie TV arc Jose m. Unrek aalnit her ao atrnama tkat run to tke aea. that owr The time allow i for thin amina nd from Cblvrtde. Mierra ihir Chrrry Miller. Thors AMee Lata, fbe Prors tbs Argus. C'ooney, wbtafc gatra tka ty-fl'- tka onaia anilor dead may akare tke aepnlakral ' tlon i two 'lay of aen-- honm each. aMIee aaet ler. Ijinren Wilbur Case, twpha Men htibaad, lisnlto Chaves, charging him now waa Mm. P Whlrhcr left (or her tandia aa It baa. Tka atrlhe I en- tm Pumta Neaelvwd. Hobbii. Mott Ith aaaaull ami evtreme cruelty. The honnra paid to oar aoldlera And Tke lint three auh)eetN win given TacrHarlal aett Rowa hoiM ta WumiRnld. New York, after M HMtde at a Depth of WO tart In tka join the tlrnnd Army of the Repnhllc on the flrat day and tba remaining Territorial Treaanrer J. H. Vaughn novernor M. A tkero aad Saar. I Hal will he held aa noon - Chaves which la wife. lerel rnanlua aaat ward, on preoedlng Sabhnth they nbjeeta on tba ai road da haa rwewlved the Mlowing puMtc tary of Territory J. W. Rjimlan. of Mcaded vialt M Mr la arretted. by tkat tkn mini under tka atrtka made Cant. A l to 10 yeatv. fwadi Prom J A. lArtae, aeeretary Spots Ke. came la from tks last In and Mm V. M Mr. aait Mra. J. N. Crlai of Monoro, Rather in worahlp of tho (oi who pre limit. aorii (Stoney. erred our nation ny the alor and Hank applicant will be required to of Ike cattle annltary board. W,aaa akjbt, and continued south out Ma A. I ar srranglag U mavs to this otty Mm. In the atrlhe made by Cast. Cowaay, eight j oat Indemnity fund, frog) W. H. H. Mowallyn It hi an1 will arrive bara about ths Irat of devotion of onr brotbera and that tka 'ahe tke mihjcrta mentioned be tot tba lie lar t.y her atore. Mato Mwte OMWIWI, orer latHi.trag were taken In ore from low a Uaonr tjmman, aad eg. stood that governor and June, la tiadtretood thai Mr. Orlst proper officers of Posts see to It that as prellminnry to the nptirmal tresaurer ths left tor a skort eta? at Mm Louis the pocket, aad If the preeeat atrtka eol lint; Ana cooaty, lory will leave ihn at It will resums tba practice of law bara all needful arraogemsnts an made to subjseta oftMa lector of train after wntak IMT wMI n la aa great m that one, tka laeaim IMS, I 77 I rmm there they aver talon will neve editorial chars of these ends. By OTOOT Of Olvrl Snajlwaar. taaaa tor tit for lot, taaos and win drive and alan oompnay la - to hip olri home la narlssatl fur the of tka flaw aaaured. etim-mlsslt- IHM.N. tlala- ptaeer gold Of SJgsTra a democratic weakly paper to be JOHN C. MAOR, The Uatted Stntea etvtl simirt' tta aeeount of Walter to the fkdds Manager Wet her by. of the MianHkm ey, sol- - eomttjr. they wftt th- - at tka capital. Commaoast InvOklsf tkand Army of annunnees aa eaaaaiaailao on rate treaanrer and where I W Miller, who left here tost tlold and (Topper company, baa Jaat it June S, 1M4. ptaees taster for I.una etnmty taasn, last, fields with a view nf Out Mtilbollaad. who baa the eon-tra- the Rspubtte nt tks mintlanad . f,.i Cubs, solus ovorlssd by aeat laaretary nifford, of the Inter- peetlve purchasers n for tka drilling of aa arte PIURUUI A. rARTRtDOB. In the armnwpanylng hat, tn aeeure all fSt mi wrote kaefc to frtoada front national Mtwere' naaaentton at Ml irnco. will at tka Halted States IndaatrtoJ Adjutant General gibtea from whleh to make oarttflaa-tk- Arttotos a lajaarssjsostao H.. ,u that he had aotte enough of a rlne art of aamptea from hla ...- - - Indian school, baa gone to Taaoa to mi a vaaaaey In tke poalttna of M!u.liis anii- nf losorpnra ttt trial, bad sold kla new Nigkt fcluMklitof fil.-.- l - nienunoa and rott-wa-y atrtka Tardmaeter kaa: tdvll engineer tittrenu of forestry. Pkil tton I'm.' been hi 'hi- office of of on Hi Rl Paso A Northeastern unl would stake the real the jrestrsed hla uoatUo ft Wtnslnw. Isolar servU ... nt M.4flu per aaaum, the al Tkn Ratoa Ik) oit. to put up machinery fur tba atta- sealery at Ctwf. The klTTkl SOPHIA WATRRS TMt journey " togaa on ike Raata aad m her r i initi.-ips- l idflen in in of a well nt that point Ha wW similar s tkv luml' Miniian, CUtTOOV C TMt AithpejH msroksndlse store of W. A. Ilnataor eer C. V. Itoggtariy end wlfr may oec-i- r la thai service. Raton, t olcaa The Incormum i return to Hani a Pe ahortly. v i av.n waa Into by burg- have to Wlntww from a trip HfMK. STOkRM SV MIR .in The of the cottagea to be eraat- - broken aad entered rstnrasd The appointee will be required to torn ai gMgar W. Pulgkum. William Mo. .'i, of nrt gooda to La Angeles A, Maw InaVaaadeat order of lars last Friday night, and to toko charge of the timber tost lag lab- Pnlhuni, and fhiijaml-- i W Kui aJOTIR. SVJT WATSR RdJSSJv. Daogh-- ! el for tin. marrlad amployei tka fxtri pvilfiwM. supported by tba a aoaelderubts amount lakwa, tke oratory and workshop. Appltnaata gkum I. rompaay Is m- twrat. d SMS. United Italee laduatrlal Indian ack1 ! r jf Rehcksh. aa Daaoraiioa and not being by Mr Kirenaati Krad Krokn waa s - la aaarly completed. Tkn oonet ruc- evaat loss known E fb.owa have had a practical tor M The psjrposv Is lo atsoa- Mentoiial day. The frasorBtty will anya latcr-Ot- y Independ- agaiast aa eaglas tojaetor aa In ronsideratri). eiaHsmcnt was aajus tion of two otkera will aooa oaaa Heather, the tbs enes tks arenarattoa aad teat ton of farture lumbt r aad building mati n meet hall at S o'clock and pr tbrooaTh Orand Oaa yon ma other day , at the mence. The oottagoa will ba locnttd ent. Watruaee was effected las Mi wood specimen.. They akonld have buy aad wll lumber aad alt tnd of il Tuesday among tho leaahara of th to the Method tat church la a. con- auslstoed n broken rib. He waa reed went of the now park aad are to ex- a window. Tka articles taken taken a knowledge in the structure of wood building materials, implemeats. w lltooa mlastoa ashool, Santa Pa, aa.i body, where tka eerejoa will bo sisted of a Winch eater rifle, and cloth- m the Angolaa hospital Mpsclmena. They ahnuld have a kanwl hlclst. machinery aad all hlnda of pro geeer-a- l tend from tke central driveway at tba dhor Interosted part Ma uy taa a l.y Rev. Ooodaoa. tba ing. Dsputy Sheriff Charles I.. Wll ogv d the structure of wnoda. la-- , duos, wares, property and merchaa at- arhool to tke Cerrllloa road. Tkay mvYMptsgnaf AqatojS4sg4ee) public Iwdng cordially lavitsd to ap- BRSAK JAIL . will lie very commodMwa llama haa made a diligent effort in PRISONS eludtog n knowledge of the different mas; to operate and maintain a piss tend tka brethren aeat and who la a pupil of tks schawl aa After tka eervlcea cU-- prehend the criminals, hut ns yet no valuee of the butt I. ir a I'umpared lag mill or mills aad dlspoas of the ill i . L - bouaea. The number of time CaaflHas) to Ha custody The romtag streets baa been made in connection Three Men at Puerto s with the tops and mldule nf bole They products thereof. To buy, batd, Im- have"'- - allt during the ' leadtog up tn the attempted akdjgsttor. rate the .rare, of those who with the affair. tuna Sow wis Sacs With an OW should alao Im mnipi'irnl to take prove, soil or Isaae lota, toad or other . - are auhataatlally these Severs roe.ed h, river of death Krtffe. ehnrge ! a .llvlalun to be organlaed aay mat estate, or Impruvemeat there months ago wkaa Mr. aad Mra. Wa' f John How COMMANI)ERINCfHGF BUCK i I "itATftM"' " Bath jrJohn Heward. Prlaonen coniaed la ih tall at lor he tnvratlgotlon of oa, or aay attreat therein; to acquire ngrws - era separated, thsy couM not s lard, for n nuaibar vf yanra a raal Puerto de I.tuts. Leonard Wood roan- duct a. which division will be ; eased ed title thereto, aad to legally convert to which atowld have tbs euatady of Nrwa I dant of Oraat oownty. but who wna ty. suecet-do- In maklag their recaps m gather la a systematic way all data the same, to do a genera) estate the HI ItdHBS OROBR OH MIMORIAL real I the little gtri Mr. Waters kvomjkt Mr IXmnl- n- and wife of Cougar la tba nwrentlla hualNaaa at on Thursday night of last week The , concerning the amount, location, val- - business, lo enajage In farming, fruit awad OAY AOftftSM AT In habeas Macollon for onlta a while aaat. dlad LtHOOCNI Jailers who were aupfoeed to he tie aad uses of i seh Ths appoints , buy. grsa ...antr. Mlaaonrl. eaaar to Ratoa tbc raising, sell, breed, mine to recover pussesaloa id tho ia will tkelrt reewatly at the territorial Inaaae aay rrTYssuRs. guarding the prisoners, left the Jail will have charge of the botanical cot To nrat of tt waek aad awka cattle or other stock acquire Tkla action rsauRed ia a decree at tke e aaaaa here to , Iub at m Veaa. to which taalUutlon In charge of other guards, oaa of lectors, and will direct them In their or by pur reniiteo. here. Thtr bonds other securities the court placing the child in the aapa aai th- - i m-- of Mra Dnwnlng'a health. hla unfortunate ooadltton has required 7 whom was only a hoy. The prisoners work in cooperation with the botaaiat fm property Uensral tlrder No. Headquarters rhaae or in eachange sold eoal rot of lbs Presbyterian AIRaon p,. ntii.-- r morning Bve teana mwd-...- i that be be committed. Itefore atrkrn were evidently at work for aoma daps of the bureau of government labora by aompaay. Urand Army of the Rspoolic. Mem thia or uherwlse. and tn mlaatou school, aad tnla order of tke with iMiler. engine and other ma-i4ii- n n with hla malady, he waa a bright, previous to the eseama. for tke only toriea. Age limit, la to to yorf. dhmose of tko snmfl by sale or Chisago. April ta. lhM aonri la now la tosss. Arraagaasagta for drilling pnrponea panned energetic, progreaslve aad konect man ortal Hall. imirtemont may nnd waa a aaw. mae i Assvetsnt vs inspeatar wf Oroln change property, mousy rr inot. for to borrow have been made that Mtsa Antotoott. town route to Savage can-to- n of affairs, well known aad highly re- sHy- - from aa old enes half, aad wttk R ran uaited wales civil service com-- . uledon convsv all aav thmiiith President Llwaatn's Aooress at sad lo or or Reengle, oas of the teaahers of tb - It la a kola garded. Hs Is survived b, a wife aad they ewvrexled la euttlag through tho mlaalon announces an esamiaatlew oa part aompaay whr.- understood of tks property of thla aehool, should she child with hei i.- pad I I men- - tabs will - tn prospecting for eoal. three email children "Kour acore nod seven years ago Intra lu lbs corridor. Ths rasa Juno aad 't. to4. nt the place M eenrlty thsrefor. sad finally to as- - for the summer niaatloa. TuaaSa. ml ni.-- will be employed, and priaoosra are: DalSon Duran, charg- Mooed la tke accompanying Hat. to do tklaqa be deem-cur- e our brought forth oa this oon m aad wkauosver wkaa Miss Hn-ngl- accumpaalad b Hi.- rnp- - fathers from which cer- - .ioimi ting will be done aa Reuse, Rider Oetrteley at Rates ed with aw ier; Put Mason with ellaiblss to mano aaoaaaary for ih objects hereto gon In lib- - I other teachers of tks aohool bad i'th in inltile tioant a new union, conceived horse steal! .. Praarlarn Balas, horsp Mention to fill vacancies as they may la 5 inw, oam U (Hiamley, ekamplon atntsd. Tke napltal stock to tke Rnnta Pw depot prrssws4ory t i ' of tke public ackoola erty, nod the proposition stealing. ... ison had bean arrested In occur In position of aaslataat par lnlJron rider of the world, came over dedicated to to'vldod tato tin ahnres of the leaving, four men name aad took lb" tka DeeoraUoa all men are qus Mow. Alsawjgordo recently nad brought to inspector ot or.itnanc. nw. 5" .' niiii.'il to attaad that crested Am varus of SIM each. Tke first hoard forcibly sop e-- . and naade arraagowsnts ta euild fmm the taaukaia. .1(4. I vicea aad take part In tka Trinidad wa engaged in a great elvil war: the couaty Jail at Puerto ds I una nt years or over. This eaatolaattoa la nrn of dire mors shall consist of the uty Shortff Rlchanl Rubor aUigenlc ' t - They are eepeclally Invited give a rough rider's costslit nnd ax taatlug whether that nation, or nny a hsavy st penes by Deputy Charles open to all cltlasaa of ths Ualtsd to roseas the eh. . hut ho wag Rsjaok ' a' nd the aervlcaa tn the Mendel-wher- e blbttlas on the Mth and Wth of this nation coaeslved and ao dodlestvd. Chaeo of Lincoln couaty. The akerttr States who comply with the roquirs- - ti ad down by one of ths man aad by H1 addressee will be moseh at the driving park, anya the aan long We are met on a baa wired to nolejkborioK oouattos and Ragalar lap of tke Itogrec id endure. ma! tke tlase he recovered from tho et It would be well for the par- - Raton News Mr. ftrimalsy bna trti of war. We la mnklag evnry ewort la hla powsr to Appiicauu should apply nt once eith- battlefield that have Hoaor tonight. blow been nt attend. cnsiOfOonshlp belts which be haa won recapture prisoners. er to the I'nlted Htatea civil feats of the ths child had are that their children to dedtonts a portion of that the service Usorge W lo Sas-t- s - AraMJo returned planed in a wagon god tofcoa assay I'd' m ahould be taught tba young In riding contests, and those who en- as n flnnl resting place for those POgiTIOMS. commiaalon. Washington, I) c. or to rtoid. CIVIL tRRVICK Pa tola mtiratog I bite steps were token by th. Ufa m It la an Joy the snort wll have an opportunity Uvea the aeeretary of the local board of mated from irly who hers gave their that tbnt si Tke Owat lamest s Driving dub sill M- r teacher and nlao hp Mrs J R. In mnklay good loyal to ess some good riding cm May live. It la altogether smlners for application forms No Ap mrr'nm nation might In Psstofflec Service. meet tonlarkt over Sieger's eafe ine, by Deputy Skoriff Ms her, ( He haa a company of rough plication will he accepted unless prop - aided and N Hating and proper we should do v 'hat i ne i ssrvu-- - .. . . ,.., K Hokosto. in the Jtoteu Msrcaa necessary papers to obtain i'..iiiii ttiiMrintndenl Chapman la rldtun with him and tba company will nitra Bisies civil nut- j the oa May R. at of the child. Tito oklht hi. tivoiiiiK to make arrange most sjve h rtHtulnr "Wild West snow st "Rut, lu n larger sense, we caaaot mission aaaouitasa tkat Usl.m st Waaklngton In applying ' . Mwa-i- i. waa recovered tn a short tlms aa . A. It. asove ssnjalaattoa will be these the aervleea of th park on ths dates. ssdkml- s- we onaaot coosesmte ws Albuquerque, an 'for examinations the start tills .5!!Pred Plaber. to toe employ of tho returned in tke tench, rs sf tks) eokooi tt r Iowa university In holding hallow- ground. and car aed In the applications th' nnnot - thin The bald lor ths positions of stork """' Santa P road at Wtustow. is la tkn The men who rorrtod the ehlid awo. hr t.n. h.m Inatltule tkla aummer. Cess-ty- . men, living dead, at rug-gla- d Osmssrstia Prlarta In Chsvea bmvs or who rier In the post office asrvlce city Unlay on a vialt to hla wife. did ao at the inatlamtlna of tke moth it la to be hoped that Mr. Rennett It. Returns from the Isolated parts bars, have consecrated far This I'lnmlnatlou offers an opuor OFFICIAL WAITERS Mm J 1. Hell aad children left er. Mrs Martha Wafers. Mra. siren Mill hold the Institute tkla year, both power to or detract. ooualy were rcoslvsd lata sbova our add ibis morning for a visit to friends at gle nnd little Mft OS tb. fur the good of tka tearkers aad tka of Chsvea note, lunlty to hrishi, energetic young per her chars nt Hoawell from The world will little nor long " Mtinaey. ill. evening Opsajmi aa It believed Mr. Menuett Tueaday adlernoon nana to eater an Intereetlug flsld of w M. nl. train for Oahlaad. l.tihiic. t held remember, what we aay here, but It can t has hern appointed Herman Swltaer, ths curio J lo nrimory election onr-- 1 Deputy wouM preack while here. the democrat employment. The salary of totter M , skortrr Hubsr aeiamsnali liHtnre and - j lorget what they did here. It after-aoo- Saturday. Them elect- - '""""",u,r l ,',n', 1st. waa a pa meager north tens see rhey - tn that county popu- tnom aa tor aa Umrv in tkat TW- who were fortunate enough to aa, living, dod rier. in nil clile. which contain a Nheriff; la tor the rather, to be IHN) Memeetead oa delayed Mo. I. turn would npkHraclate tke oppor- ed are: Totm Odell, Hmttl Isllne of 7S or miwu la amneiwt is Rntries. were not motoatsd iiear - Icatad here to the unfinished work Mlaa IaiIu Mas accept-- ban .treasurer, W. J. Johnson, super- Ihree Plrst class, $1,000 per The fottowtog komaataad entry baw Johnson haa ' tunity of attending hla new lecturr classes. - which thsy who fought here have tbua 1 yer a of aehoola; James Krila, mum nd-itu- sd a ttoclttoa with toe AhMrtoaa lum- Wbaa hoar and Ix-a- bint preach. toteadoat nanum; second etnas, her been fttod wttk tka UaRed Stotas ; far vo nobly advanced. It la rather tha saoakto' brto' oommisatoner In tka Tklrd dlatriet at nnd third class, XOO pspwooual. ogfao: Mor Id, Mo. TSto. Muone Sout C. as- tor ua to be hem dedicated to the Aa' a rasatto' ther LA ORUOe. P. (toddle, stork: John Ponk. In containing boa tkaa Ta.OOO dr-tl- souUrwsgt graot remaining Itefore ua that rides of Im Veoss. for the May sessor, Jwdgs J. T. Mvnna, prohats task urn two lag man of Uoldea. stasia Pa county, we In- populntton there quarter of tks northwest Ki.HN Republican. nnmmlaalon-s- r from theae honored dead take is registered at the Atvaesdw. the Judge: Thomas l. White, uecond class, imbu per annuto. and j norihwesi qtiseter of tke soutfcisM - - AU : creased dei "tlon lo that cuuan for - Kagln'NT Ma- I'll hot yser'B but MahK- Llewellyn returned from la dtotrict No. t V R. Kinney, sur- third claaa MM ner annum. Antwdnt- - ! ksl a ttu Charles Plahsr of Saa er attending which they gave the last full measure Waehfy CtoR. mugordo where he had been veyor of letter esrrlera srs made to axilM a immuSIh is um c' ' ln hs city to To thsr atots of devotion that we here highly re- who will arrive toaighl hH Baft NasVBaat MaM N4rMf( imirtct court. the rises having the minimum of i range 14 rrm solve that these dead ahatl not have rats eaat. IM screa la Saa Missal naajrt gt, Rev. A. M. Kttrreeter, who baa bean Indian Jake Married Jake Nun and pay, nnd promotions from tnV towqr county. UmiU. htotm ho hodd't hsst'a died in that thla nation, under tilling the pulpit of tka Praahytarlna Miss Kstkorins Patricoto were uaRsd vain grades nre mads to the nest highor Mra. tteorge K Kilts, wife of taw Uod, have a new birth of free Meeting of hoard ef RegsnU af Sties ! tiunh. Mt for the eaat on aa a lu marriage at the court house la Ak shall grade at the sapimtlim nf one year'e proprietor of the Claire hatsk Saata Yr m- and tbnt government of the peo- AeylUfn. oountry tomltHt trip, uklng In tka lAulalaiv mugordo mat Monday morning, any do- service, on oerl Ifteste of tbc post mas Ps. haa gone to Phltodslpola. 10 vlaR Haadtod all tkor Uo way. Mr. ple, by people, for the people, regents gnat I'urchaae exposition on the the Alntoogordo Journal. Aaeoeiate tbs r If. I tla. StlMttr MttH fAtlSf iilnjUlM The board of of the blind mlatlvea aad friends aold: "Pud tkor lyta' 1 collaaw shall not perish from the earth." W of Hi IHrv , ara aMus Korreeter will enter Princeton Justice of tbs Supreme Otiurt P. W. of the nmatoye during the iwoesdlng , L,N "' Wt..'t. f Caaada. editor he bar mltto' Is great ""tFL ) Mew for the fall - Suehm wore the words of the 4 j moathly periodioal puoltokad stonoptn' rows' 4t lriniton. Jersey, Parhei- performed the ceremony The year. ute letter carrier re j ' " aa' aaia' KTmJTT - t.-r- upend several president. 4 with a full bid blending In Denver, was an Alpitauarasc 1 down and experts to bride and groom are Apache lmliami eel v.m a compenaatlon of $1 per an w "m,B """" " .L via Saraiiiklir heart he surveyed the solemn hulgnta plana are now ulghi. I Mtknt there. of the Muscalero tribe. White moun- niim nnd ths pro rata compensation Three arts of 7"'lathe Itor laat while wait lag for Hrtattn' nil thsr nephew Rev. and wide plains on which n great vie k- ,.. aeeretary W vHtogo anfy tlaude Alllaon. a of tains, sad had been achocdmatsa ,u ...w .- hnnda of the of tba hoard train to Paso. t la thsr evry won for Union; ! roquirs-n- a , Milton of the Metkodlat Nnuoonal at agency. Jake wna under lory bad been the and required to serve, a vacancy In tha "nn lBe on, wltoh meets the Mlaa Vtovata MoutoyS nf Hunta rV, the adapt-m- - it la custom order of tka will was ; .hurch of thla city, met with what for the seduction of Kath- the sad regular nf must fill- - m'nu ,lf lb toatHutton be called to Usmsllllo, yesterdsy. la Hill Is aarvia' out hla Indletmont forces carriers - . In (fraud Army yearly, aa wo gather I de- meaeage - ahi near heiag a eerkraa socldent arine Patrtcolo and had been l Jail that ...I htt Ikn HWUWyiM .if lltl MHH. ed. and building apaHScottoaa aad response to a that her grand- Sssaklag sioaee ler hoto tkor ghjw la a In over graves tor ki ihton the other dar. ClnuJe Inn-- Mtveml months pending a trial memorial service tbs .III. it A substitute clerk Is nuid a " ' fIU motker, wko resides st Bernalillo, waa Helped htmsrtf Jtot ooSt too the of dead, beyond eul- arpenter. and was working on an.! when he wna called before the bar our that address, rnt of compcasntlun not saosoding' Prm 'ngwrously ill lmgwi far rtohaa sondda't two-ator- y building- - A ogy, be Ail was pre- D. 1'iof of a sudoan of Jusiicw hla lawyer Informed Uw shall resd. that ike cornpenaatton of the aimunt clerk ontraet will be let. Howard Blair, of War! ler Rut that tostto daasa U hla to prophetic at wind caused him lose court that Jake and his sweetheart figured hla vision has or employe whose place he takes. The Arttotos sf inosrporstton. '". rf duly He gttt oato BMl, yer would been land -f- la universal, ilance. and. feeing tkat ka wanted to get mm rted and go home to real reedom aalarioa of clsrha at the post office The following articles of inowsoin. injuries reoslved wbfto Seemed ler smell er tlfSlggttoa Ui ground, about people fa. Its Jumped tba their psople. and ths ceremouy was the republic la preserved, the vnry according lo the class of work to Hon have been filed la tho omoe of' operating a coffee mill. The Writ er up an' 1st 'er an twenty fart, lighting on kla IwM, dla-- rule, and wherever the flag la afloat bndly Inocrsisd, but no I nu dlately perfomad lie performed nad the alas of tbs of- the isTritorial aeeretary Tha toeu lwun yarding htm, up hopes arc to burn- ( locnllng a toe and huatoa kindled the fice, but range from f 100 to 11,000 in rtty Warshouss aad ImprovesBcnl were broken, o yer take lom Jimea, thsr Of con Mag Ion oonaum six-le-t Prea-qu- e. onaalihtrahka. But tor bis ing rat of llborty. 1 at AJbaqusr The ladies Aid y of ibe LH'ks Ida wife a Pa tt lac Plant fer U Orussa K Wlge the amailer offices to as high aa f ,70a tinmpanr. priaclpal i.Mrs mind the young man would catrUlnly lag old wrongs and prapdrlag tba county. toaorpor-- , byterinn cbun b will give a SMtol torn An of AUmoaordo Is In town nnd la mak par aaaum In tha larger offices. The Bornallllo Tha Hank Smith, tSof been killed As It la he la around garth for newer and better things-Wo- Ocnrge A. Marry Thursday nftoraooa from I to have ing armnasmsnls lo Inatall a tkros-- original npooiatmaata of storks are ators are Kaaamaa. I m rruhv'bes. bo to him who shall aland op- Pells H. o'clock, homo of Mrs. Qrstg, v try gml ton too plant, which la nmpte to bus mode at tks minimum Mlarto H Tllton. t'aul Teutsch aad st ths toiaasm posed to liberty, the universal right 1 la IneofDoestsd (U South Arno. A cordial wolaumn syaaero to ply tke toeal market wlU lea, anya tks ki fMHsv Thot'a a Krom Ute OlUaen. of man! It may norm that the people Rngtoesr Indian ftervtoe. u. tor of bar Is etVsoded to sewryone. goat Uwr gMP Mr. PSgor la aflv Tur, tsirnoae ' Sara: "Bed Maws,'' I,as Orucea Roaubllcna. - Iron ptehrt fence around the con-nsntt- are Indifferent or forgetful, but they he United States civil servios com moaoy. purskao tt P. Bruee, a awa The also a practical marhlulat.and In rowtag aad losatag mlotaa from Cause thar aaauwa asnW San tswn plaM la nwished and the anaouna an arc. not; they remomber; they ad raaung gont mwnsg m with tbs Ion plant will put In misaiim annosncsa an examlaatloa oa Ins. asllrng. Improving and ins uocaiu mssriw, hMnd PriSaar Ins nnd nuntti are ready tor work. vaaoa. AnJ we. the Oraod Army of To purchase, sett, store ao Aiouqusrqus visitor ns aays too s II rat class marhlao shop and foun June I A. iH lo secure oHglhtos from rtatl estate. Mlaa Aliwnn rVll. after vltlUng tka Republic, are gathered nil over transfer poraoaal property of people in Hiand onsiyon are stHl aw- gT. JeOf)reS (Uyi dry, eotnetklag tkat will ill a toe whleh to make certification to fill va and frianda m Ias Cruess for aevernl Mr. thla continental land, aad alao lu far every hind aad description, to act aa ing lu hopes thai tko New Mssieu leK warn! In tko oiiinsuunlty. s tor her home In W Paso. Sunday away regions to toll tks atory of those oani-lv- as thsy may occur ta the torwardlag ngcnls for Northern railroad will be buUl Prom left PSgor will mors bis family U 1st receiving aad tho nstrnkns. wko died for tko good cause nnd to service, in Iks enciii"erln posi- and Jobbers, P. It. Mawlhnm of Maaaas City, Max, Cruosa nod will hewima a psrnmnsnt Importers. msuafactur'erS Satomaa rtorth toll tot mm. An John Si swart brought hla so hare perpetuate tkelr memories nnd re- tions indicated bslow parform all lawful acta .3 in Albuquerque, a guest of Chart isaldant. thus Hddtsx another to the and to do aad aoag, wkors hs ansa on last Thursday who bad hla lag broken new allegiance to them and to ths Owing to ths widely varying coadt things necessary and espedlent , and Wllltosu Chsdwlck of the Ckarkw stahto baetoeae man of tbs town. and Prom as will to week, so thai he could have bat. right. Mighty millions or Amsrtoaaa tiims la the schools and agen carry out ana . unsawtck wommtosioa Mr. thora ss last la nothing ths matter with I various tn hs done in order to ountmii There : medics! attention. - today turn aside from every avoca- etoa vt tho s. guaornl on purpose, Tha t Madison is seriously of lo attaad tke territorial tor cruesa. in fact no town la tks Urrl- Indian rvlce ( ontpltab th foregoiag thiamins W. M. Joaes. with two of hla drill tion to sock tne "low green tent" of aiaesriag eoaesiantloaa will ba given tiiiagwiiy Is fth,- - eating permaneaily la Albuquerque teottoa. which assoto oa ths ltd III la making as rapid progress. An cauiul stork nf the I,. It. Scarlett and Rnlf Oraadjetl, lory our comrades; nnd with alvle pomp, under the following separate hssnohsa of tha par There will be a apeelsl meeting of aiaaL era. electric light ptant will bo lajaqltod no, dlvldad Into ion sberea wfeo hare been working at Mhiphant with song nad speech, nad ths votee-les-a Aa appilenut may take uno or more vnlus'of MM laoorporators Red at T:S Retook, taolght at Jayey Uoaaatos returoad trom bsfors tho year Is out. without doubt sack Ths Mi wltk Ike povers went aurvoy all tears of memory, and tba glad one of these la hla dlnernttos. board of directors Knlgbta of Pythias hag. Uiumat buai- - It, where hs has baas kMstsaj lktta nnd the new bulkMoas now under tkaa will act aa Ibe nrat toft for Toato dam, SaR river. of (random, to honor the fall- prospscto ntment wRI bs nesa ta aparonoh- - kla estsstslv ansop kMiiaslgJ The wlatar. nnd tUosa to W put up In ths acclaim The of spool Mestlog nf U. S. Und oswwnlsMen. connection wttk the W J. Mrtluluuees, wklls ersssfas; en aod beloved brave, aad In solemn Increased by aueosssf jlly pusalag eoaasttoatoa Ing big meeting a to ssowi bsfors tks year haa been bad tor too atbasa mss near future will arsotly add to the ap- Thd United SUtss land street from 4ora Uat (ashton to renew their own devotion mora than oao of tha branches Indf-aatu- aeeston last mostlag kh.i a good la ro aad we uautoretaad that Mr rtaaoatoe tka pearance nnd Mbotonilalit)' of ths hspl aa adjourned regular attaadaaai tally run Indf-cat- s la of heavy loaara Tkuradny night, was aocldsn Mow Mex- to Us right. AppMonato should fully Tkurador at the capitol. Thora worn quested one the to beat town In southwestern Into by bwreemnn nod thrown the Tsar la no brighter day In tbs long lu tbalr aopllcattons the parties , Otero. aeMtrma; Mrs ( horns (inrtia of Lac Croons, Piof. Hinckley kaa Saen mptapl ico pteaedt Ooverno ground. PHirtuuulely he was but oalasdnr ot time than the Memorial lar branch or branches In which they Solicitor aeneral Mdward U Rsrtlett agsxl 90 years, dtod last night The by Us school dtrcotori of s uoat sis slightly inlursd. day of tka A met loan psople. Thin desire to bo etootle ed. aad should and Surveyor (ton seal Morgan O. Uo- - deceased waa tha mothor of Mrs. Par trict No II lo tsook hare gaothsr Ft leh Ore Pram JariMa FIsW P. R. gausrattoa haa no sweeter duty than stats aa dsflnital - aa possible tbs wellyn, secretary. After Idapostag nf ; torto AraMJo, aad tko asrosvad year Tho prrfvraor sapsets to tonve SANTA PE. who Is tn Ml Paao rrona Rrharmsrhorn, to Increase tba love of tha people tor portoaoa thsy bars had whleh wsskl the routine business, ths aelaetlou of daughter vlll leave for Las Oraesa to tor Lhicago thla summer aad gttssd Mawttoo. gtpar camv la Mew day. It enrol y to toad qualify In tha ohes ai-r- night so aa ths tJblaosto unrrsrsity The Me loss the Jartlla thla aad lo advaaee to them bran a tract of 1.000 of toad for ths to attend tho faaaral af Prom the Nw aasol-men- s d lags In eta, will oc- were lucky to get as good a tosrh A M. Mergers brings along soma very ne the position of a universally ascent selected The rat each branch territory in tbs vletoity of 0tori her venerable another, which ura Mrs. Otero aad Men. er as Hlaaktoy a woak'a vMV of gold ( tokoa out tt thai national anniversary, on whose recur will bs determined separately, aad If tant Pa oouaty, waa ordered; tale cur at Ism Cructo tomorrow, Mr returned homo after rat- trri-- . m. O VIMl aa d Oaa of tka renoe old shall be forgot- more than one branch la taken the of the Colonel Analjo has Trimps aad Okfeaao. Mrs. ttergsre waa aoaom-pante- ulsci). says tba IferaM. bitterness irpna ths rscomawadattoa rrfoato ottke to aa wad a ings will be a general Now VHnitoo. airy In coaMSoSd at Uagtoto Bjajefeaa by daughter. Mlaa Anita, nuggets la worth SIM Just It ten, all strife ooilbsratsd aad combined into ronualMUon of turned to tko city from utoashsfsl trip her to pa BMargag near Mhvsa out of the pocket wher it waa .v.v pones possess nil hearts fiverage with tha relative wetgkti Solicitor OenemJ gortrrtt snbmHtad a 10 Rin Arriba couaty. hsasg a ana arrived ia toms tost tof who has been nttendlag aebaol , we honor died dleated opposite saoh breach. la Woahtag-- panted back by ssadgdnr, Mrs. Munuay morulas lor Ft. ake OtaoteuaU. found. Tho wkoss services rsport of it's doigg! while his ago, aoaompllah 4M to t,00 par annum wag aaat by the Roger Tho ISMS wharo thsy wsU bs ainttosad. A dc Qonaldsrahle dlpktherin la reported Tkla camp, up to a law montha lo thla result. The Salaries. too. to wlleh ntoro be John Harass it look aoppar oilve wreath long atese crowned Ths majority of the appoint meat a look gftor Sso aiatoa a murdsrar to Rio Arriba ooualy inchmeal wag aaat 10 Pt. nt ton Otwkitl puoblo and Or. Kanem wna aaasmily considered a easnsiiaaton to aad tlms baok, vtotortous brows. Thatr famo la howovor. are mads al salaries of 1TP0, MH Hjtroduoad by Dotogata Ro- - j turned tbs culprit over to too from hare wUh g band of bamm On ban ktaa aaat to that poehlo to producer aolely. but a akort laser tbc roart dtorovery aecurs, aa world, aad to-t- nad 1WM per aaaum right to aptooritlss Hs pleads moT.y aooouat of bad tkuf SsijSMi ssstne laU tho asnttor and to do nU tbs owajers aaaouaicad tka aad wide tba dsy. glvrag thl torrHert the add efdkor paa gold, gad Invaetagnttoa atoiwed that tone as tlms. aad holy aa ths oraole Age limit, M years or ovor. Asv stoct lieu leads, whether soon mtffcv was eentsaood to tko tarrttorM nsa-bi- s trouble la coming from Pt wiaojatr tkat ana ba done tor the asTHrted of saty it sstotod la rich qasotltias. of almighty bcncvolenne Thsy may Mnartou form lOtl, oas form be- sstorttoaa could ho ntooe la tba teat la ry for Ufa burs, n long but we are ing required in case more than oaa aa Uodor too tow The tttosn oas reeslvad an lavlta-a- t Lloyd Heaniag. the udiUx of this W. Sullivan, imgineer st the eoal Ths owners hJut amasm for be hssoaatbls to our praise, territory, toesad nf 'J. but ws thorn, bran eh la selected which nocossRatos ties 10- - tton to the grhoaMttog eserelae shsw. Mparts to leave aogt ooafe for astoos at Msdrid, aapopto to leave that time that gold "dually aalated. esnlted when prslao prvsoat attaad qatot. Army Navy. eontlgwsos w of www Moaleo Normal school a le wsuka vscatioa tntrhag Ma ab town aaat Saturday tor St. IuJjl had kept tko neuter The and In Philippine aervise. toctloa of such lands tks I aeoUguost to Stiver CRy, whtok will he held at senee, (leorge M. Wall an lrt Umi Missouri, to vialt the position aaa Tks Indlcottoaa ar vary as nad R .at us therefor anther wherever The United SUtee civil aorrtos asm the aetorttoae of laado will etoep Mrawr on Id uador Utle Normsl hsll on May lo mn y The rnuc of the mirtable alpbalK-- and also to attaad a reunion or tka an. is belisved tbnt tba roaap proTt taoy aad their last miastoa announces aa elimination ths aaottoiM of toad a f Sootttoh Mlto one of the very richest tn tbs aoufhv aouohaa with flowers. Morth and June U M. 1P0I. to aoouro ejlgtblee by raiimada or prlvsts eltitoas aad grsdsales are Oto Ckoaawtk, Nossuod ink s!tBgir win hai lull tiUarga of Lsula Ouastatory of tba s south, weet. let Oraod from cerilQontloa. tost to K was I Hocort, Klw-- Bunker. Sssnia pau. tke ptoat sad wtil auoad to ail th. of Pros Maaoury which will take nUss west east nad the whleh to make tkarotos toe tsrritsrf Oold la wren found la the earth In Army ot ths Republic, with praise aad of persona qualified In book fouad that hs had dohto ton tots aad Henry Gifts, (tort r 4 Wiley The bsmasaa Our uusaroua rendare mai World's Pair City on tba Mth I la tks party prayer, with caomlatry. otvll was no chases of passlsg baccalaureate nddrvaa will be dein.-- r tttpitt to gat a bolter paper fur th. lMUnt the vicinity of tho mines sad a supplication aad aotoma kssplag. flaasoa. that there pride all and engineering agtrt Mil at rsreat saseioa of con ed riuaday at 11 a at May IS iirsi few Issue Mrs Hefugia Rotuiuilia ! rhaes t several iiimi who suited the dars in their arhieveaienta etoctrieal the lbs among the supporter of al custom, they lecur inch ilaaia A Cure Far "lis. HAVE COMPLETED THE MARCH numbered PIPE DREAM STORIES Mjr ohr two (ttURM wkoB alas. I had a bad oaaa of plies," says 0. EDITORIAL NOTES average collect tea la only P. Oartar of AUmU ,0a., "ad eon-tetto- d E Q . "icCKRWHT. PubWsbers. trtMeo bar Tha alt and Fifth Oavalry Arrive wttKt i tan lm a phylelan who advtoed mm to Tree Uams, InH som aaaoa tboy Boeorro Ohtoftala. Ib rw Iry a box at Fert Aph In Exellrit KaM did!. of DeWltt's Witch Haael at DMrtol Into Um Usunaarta Tby gutlMred I SPACE WRITERS INFLICTING OundlttfjVf ,:'ifKn TIm Morula Joaraal favor Many mobUow of Artaaaa Wea Batv. purahaeed a vox and waa t per . 3.M hare 'i. ear Atsnraoy W. Ctoaey of thla day S,T14 tiortaa scmeerniag the Ma Soa cured. It la aalaaJM for plto. Q .M r. vhwtod th poat woott by heavy rata tlrty Troop R aad fWth cavalry, which ,tar 4 Mr , mm INJURY UPON TERRITORY Of) for th Judgeship of the m Slata aWrr RaW. and ara wMOttfM Mb-- raiiar instantly, I heartily pas ad tkrwagh ARmqaerntM a short FCOWUMNUl It iO lt AVff4NT9fV judicial district. Mil tho iwlt F aiaaagamueit of rat iMiM of ttWM clip) on BY ROBBERY SCARE lias ago, hav arrived at Fort Apaoh rii.' tin .ok it a Ragl hM eomyttal ft. Under tho aiHortal H.MMi. Mow MiitoM km a loMlug toward eraser ae Kort - . A. tho OaUap RopabMaM ha nve inmrnf. lad for Ita hoallag qaalltloa. from thotr ovortaad march from ' liBg UM MMr Of CM- A. Maaa of Crae, Tho OlttM l4w, Htttl ',' 0 '. . Md other skla dlseaaes, alaa sores. IHPaa, (Mtorado. a dlslAao of p or ruiei.1. in rCMM ysnre. ad hellev. that tho Mpotatmeat, It araattr Imp roved. ,,,n oat, ter- T'T!iZ 5JVfJ eat, haras aad wounds of every Maa DENIALS FROM RAILROAD OPPICIAL mile. Tho s wad ran left Port Ioga finds that 1M1 no MS Umm Immm ml It to ba carried bokl Oaaup It th flrat towa la th J2?J p to aoB oa who I a resldoot of m Marah 2, aaitor comasaad of Ma- 7? HIT r rmmt Mimnmil MK 4th ritory to oraaalae tor a big fourth ef M Um bow Judicial district, SralTmbride wm SrSj " jor lnMrklla O. Jokaaoa of (ho PIHh ro-)t- c Mm. - Ums imhih July rowbratloo. A ooaualttee to traction in nam matin- Of bar of th Peoos valley aaa Tomm, Mrs. Mary From all ladleatioaa th "rollow aavatry. Me aad horses reached edord faada waa aaaotated tho otaor th aaaghter of A.j,p uAWTPn TA 17,117 were MM aad N.W0 WW Judg Freeman, his caadldary honld Toata, kt well known this city. I peril" New Mexico Fort Apache la osostlont coadtMon. day, the Oallaottaa will a aad la " has resetted aad receive full from um aad hare Allraqaorqao. Tho MgN wlaaa aad th snow storms Big o mnmt r KILL HIMSELF A Hat of the anatter of im in. P. B. BoBthcr, With Wlf BBd two Pak atortos hav galaed wide aiMOHatorod roadorod th trip oa of tabulated aeeoto ' h' reported aaoh year ahowa a Now Metlco hoa roeolvod a Tao aent of the district klMf U1, rrom fg!, cttw calatkm to Um osjoet that Um 0OjY4mMpYAlll9 tsAr4fi4lpt eamht MoKtakvy eoaaty will ho kwi stand iBcreoae fS tm. to INT, largo lot of advertlelag dartag th wot art for nd roatlaaoa oa to tho Craad with liquor, Julio, a la harraaaad by trata lobbaia who Dot-agat- e oa af,M UM aaaoa of hold hor la June, oomaeeoclag th , BY RO -- I Boo a derrafc ib moS .uns INS, and four yeara. moatly at . m, aDd Haaalbal, Mo oa Ma..ia rv guard, who has baoa drahft lurk la ktrao ausMoer la Ui vtctaRy KILLED FALL OF ADOBE F H of month C M. y ; Mala m iBcToaee frag. INS to 1H Hodey. It la aot overotatlM eteth that Cthia. tw Mo. 1 WhU duty th paat etgbtOM eights la the of Oraata, wostora Taloacl ooMty, H. roddlngton w- - ha Bvsrage howoyar, haa to aay that our territory. Ha people. Md r. la this etty Judge B. f. JaaaM Md hwal yerda, shot himself la the leg at aad ara so hold aa Io ataa damaa Oeath ef Tvm 8mll Children ef a Isar, poa mtmwm"y" iwe mam-lag-. the aaaaVsr ristag Ita climate, ita raaaawia aad Ita rae manasnnri iu . W OoIIm ahowod Mr. HMOMT a i.Mw ikt. .m., . fntil. afratma la broad daylight, Md that Froiperews RatveHman Near l to la INI. albllltlea. aa well aa our deal re to ha im rnwo pmt rrwrm. cemitaaeaa. Tho awatieasM is ue the aaata Fa oatclata ara froaay PartntAgMti. frog. Mit INI MM ' to blow hts hralai oat with a la a aa atate, Um This rate of larrea haa hoao grant adiaJUed to the Ualoa a he William R. Aray died la hi home sraad otaaacellor of MUMr of re revolver. Lavriu says that of Milety as to th safatr of tbolr The falling la of the adobe roof of . r la ih rltlea thaa la the eoaatr? rocolvwl mora adverttatag at hla at Arboiee. Cow.. May , of heart dls- - Prwme ot New Mealeo. aad h wltl he gambled aad loot hla aaoaoy aad iraiaa aad hav poatod armed gaarda Ihe hotiie of Prea I Harriaon ner Md Mi 1.001a bow laadi with the hMda alnee he haa beea la ooaaiaaa Thr deceaaod for maay ysars rotara to the territory la several wMtwd to die Ysaterday ho received on all paaaomjor trains between Parmlagtoa. Rw Jaaa rouaty. caused greatest number of suicide la proper tbM it did la all tha Uma alaea im rtldd at Haata r, aad vaa tha roa I te for three day' guard duty dariag aad Oallup. the death of two children of th fami M. - -- i .n it popalatloa. up to the time ot hla elect loa la IfM. ef the late Ooveraor W. P. Aray, - the month of April. He gambled Md Another of theee fable ears that ly. oa of thorn aftoM months Md tha it apooeh Mr, W H H. IwglUrg. A ad foot brooght out Uy thue Take for laataace hla oa tho who waa secretary of tho territory Maror aad QS Mrt for hmi th station house at Ornate haa hooa other thro yeara old. Their mother. proport ot floor of the hooee oa th of ,tad acting governor forty odd years wtta thotr two daughters, Mhjoat . A' . an la Mrs. eon, wm In an adjoining Mauntloa la the atowla loa lth ...... waaagayii aw taiv. i aaviiiBi ra. tmMmtm barricaded aad armed foro hoot Hani aewapaper oorreeprd- - i QM a raam It. from m worn, a aolcloaa. A half ceotary bow April laat. The llMPX. Us h(. MrrM M domity aherlff lastd th tortltod walla ready to r aad ascapsd with slight Injuries stopping In tor- - voTfr . fte inata aa maay nta eoanaltata nta In tl. reee Rallery of tho houM Oraaional ebowere aad seem or Craco. aad arc the ...ittm V.'potated tho pol the speeded attack of tho hoard Hrrtsoa Is a prosperous ranchman. - It gmtropo... today. Morgan 0. Mk t KtrocUoa aa women. Twaatr- telegraphed eall'mt eatraete from thorn pretty hoavy, la tho aortaora IrtuwW gua at forehead aad pulled the M vlatmmry brtgande The reeldoais i.v wera later the proporUoa wm that eame alght all over the nation. Md southern aeclloaa of the territory Th. ohrtridge failed to fire of that hamlet go arowad with NEW SUITS FILED. la two Md It wm road hy mlllloaa of people f "1 triaw irat to oar aad bow it ahoat make the reaehmea tad farmer tW Mf J" u,U.fT , U.werlM the sua to hla breaat. he aad Wlachoator. t morning during the fol- In i i,i a hall oae. Bet wee the the neat Md All thee fah etorie bar booa the Distriot Cmrt fr the First still I . k. a aa ..a t tneaty-flr- . lowing week. Tkat Bight not leee ia.. DletrMt. tea aa.l aulcldea of .1,. ... MniaJ In mminAm mmA tela f m ammmai Anrw MO to- - l in t...i are iikmt amaoroua than thoao tbM alaty thooaaad roplea of the Cow ii. m w- ..immxuI ... i I JfWMllyB. tne oihera will wavo . . . T i (oatod bv other ii tiers ihmunont th Th following rosea been ft t t M ..j - 4v cweoieu iianea oi nia nsasmw assure bare ' mm the aaaM aaoa- - The grwaoloBal Record wnt out over Ihe ltwrn At a "aasoker" tendered Judg W. io eulclde. bat Inflict d a palirful j cof.ntry; ta Um dlatrlct court at Hants Ke hir aohody haowa. iMd to every atat I the ualoa. Md MB lor i haa H. Pope Rcowell otbor eveaiae: county courae other mtlliona of people road at the major will return to hla law duties at h'" too of Taa. William Prater v he Bloat perullar Md aaodaet of Judg thought tha "H""" coaaty aad a brother of Btmoa Rlbo, All the stated that he o Ipet, Og aammiasiiry note )5n ihaa of the aatttor la the inrroMlat pert of hla remark thla adver Chares, Us Croc.. "",.,'.1" '!lk?!L.1r2" the hemt of the big gaoorai omrchaata - eouatlee of Rooaevelt Md .k. It tising ought to have a beneficial ef- mm Hat coaaty ot Tim, John K Ijiantntt. number f child aalotde iy Md Uacoln. would comprise tho h. ... uu. Um mmU " """'"a H if aooM it-- on the territory in the coming Traveling I Bawgerous. nothing of aoM-u- p .! thai rhlMroa. wo. la mitlrlat district, otthouab he .k.. w a . .k.Iknew My scar at Pecelver, v. aM Rtaaer Mountain Cop r Maay u B4-- habtoa, ahould rar and mi doubt It will. a u ! say ntftr tha eon id not aay with My poaltivra 1'oaaaaat mot toe jars h kidMy IT' I "77:7 nHslZLZ. ,,r" he4 occurred thoro aa for eompaay R.agump for tlO.Otio ' - own Uvea, every week the poreon romc in thi- territory to ro- ' would rarely sev R, Ihjr ihHr hat anpromo court ; hlch at kept la placs la om notified of Md latsraai, Pe rouaty. - what the territorial nowacHl it aot of a awgmroas awtar. luu chroatele oae or awre of aiitr- that got hla flrat about ua y as he has large passant rial Md prop- I re e IPRsakMburg lda would do about It. As Roawell would delloau attachmeBts. This J tbt Rldei th wouad Md aw MercMtlle -- Pvaiahaieot by a par from the Ooagreaalonal Record or droed erty interests UhW. comaaay vs. irii laatMooa. be th headquarter of th Bw dis- reason that travslera. tralaaraa. reslda with hla paroati la Thomas de Ualio In a ptojr-- by ' tit or teacher, a alight from a from the newspaperi rupraoaated y men. Irlha Oad Bolvy, eMaf of the secret ser umpslt. For Han limn rouaty. thvae couatlos wer cloao-l- atrret ear teamsters Md all .Uiby of Tijenm avc-nii- i' a WaahlBgta cnrrap4a4ota. trict Md m a at th corner departmeat tmnt laMt r dlMppoinlmeat over child th sjllod by social Md buslnees tlos. who drive very much, suffer from vice of th Pe coast PVrdlnMd Weethelmer and Hons gnat, New MobIcm la and Fifth street ih hive affair la uaaally the caua. Th f over they should tmprta th dlatrlct kidney disease In poms form. Polay's Hoe, said thla ggernlng that it th Rlohard Heath, atlarhmnf mr j..r ry Ita advocacy Attorney It la af to oancludv that la theee reoluaa la of Kidaey Cur strengthea th kid-- . RMta Pe had My armod guarda m tm ii ft. A. judgeship Senator Stephen R. Rlktaa. of West ACCIDENT AT THE PLACERS caaea there la eoaothlaa wroai with Mann for the of tho ya aad cures all forms of kidaoyi train ruaalng west it was bows to new haa Virginia, has boa broagfht out by La ON THRASHING BOYS. the meiataJ Mthoap of the vlctlam Birth Judicial dlatrlct. aad Md bladder disease Oeo. H. Haaaaa, him. tBooaoMTjiMe healthy B. Una, M pastlea weekly aewspapor tor it la that a Minoaneod that Judge 9 Baker of locomotive ag!Ber. Uma. Ohio, aoOQY UPtBTS, OCCUPANTS Agent Myers was seen aad or city puhllshed In Rki Arriba county, thla a Mid. kaowlBR aotatai of mal eare thla haa eadoreed Mr. Mmb for "Constaat vibratloa ot th that there were no gaaraa oa tratas Start With Switsh and Increase IU oatee. It territory, for the vice presidency of writ: THROWN OUT ONE BIBS PROM could dellberat! take the Judg Baker wishes to ngiM caused me a great deal of leavlag th Alhaqu.rq statkm, aad Instrument te Club. lafr. I be distinctly he la the t'nlted States. In Its editorial JURIES. ib understood that troabl with my kidneys, and I got thai he had heard aotblag of ray trala Th editor of the Preott t'ourier, Whattivi'i amy no In rae sdvneatlBff Mr. Rlklna for the office inlhidital tei.iiis. part whatever the roUot I used Pol s Kldacy robber ComsmI R. A. Roger, give his id aaya: Stephen B. Rlklaa w until I It, the moat ;rnba4ile raan (or thli lot the appointment of a Judge for im iMt A fatal accident occurred ai oha Tho local Wells-Parg- o Rapr oatc practically a Now Mexican. His Cur." told by J. H. U'RIaliy A Oa. of how to naadle boy a in the following tirowlaa u io iwlf tin.. nt' Judicial district, and has oa is place at the Placer laat Is amdtag oat m satra matra oa Ufa bogaa He gained llutecke's th i romtlestty f mtidern rlrllljn torerd no partliular candidate for the official here weet-boaa- d article: lav Jadsa) A H PatL oa of th ableat Baaday evealag wnen Morris Roiromb Iran, Md If the Saata Pe "Thr-- ta by ao eVt-- . Judge believes, holding both rpatatkja Md fortune la Nw "Olrla cm bo raured by moral Ntnnuoua llf" Baker lawyers of soutkern Now Msatlro, wore haa taken II oa Haoif to pat guard phaao. It la Mexico Ho aovor forgots thla, aad Mn. John Hutockc throw aunatoo, but hofs to be 'brashC mxM aa empty autre the oV he doaa. that It woald be la from Rl Paso this moralag. oa ihe iraiaa to protect tho express nd all rottld to help from a buggy, the termor iwoatvlag Bofore h sickly lux-a- I" the Hatted Mtatee thaa aawlac for him to tnoorae Mr Mann haa done that he - sentiment aad wool on to Saata Pe oa th de- nrmeel-Uyo- d coaajmar's property, said m exprsas name " lnjurlM radred him Mra! that thrashing should !" tnywhere oa earth, hat the la r My other caadtdaie for the afore is ! tbt eoaapany ogkial. it was ver ot psmscoger trala No. J thla after-- (MU ,,, WM badly kind la la mid He giving Mr. A the mtvr M abolished, boy liurglara were minhtv roaar' of aawtdea obeenred al ottlce. admits (urreapondMi writing to the mum. During of , them th wait th trala hurt Ttwaiay morning. grew up In In Vii moot eary Muruneen imtBtrv. Md Mmb a letter of Introduction to Hoa MexloM from Im Crucos, saya -- rild A. C. Summors. traveling irce. We a town bervJaago Kail wm a plaaat . Welle "iporteJrr the rltlea. The ruah itokiemn IUna, ropNbllean nation Si SoiowMM BMIooal llr Myt tM H,Ubaru Advoost. It glala much torgsr thaa l'recoit. an.) la th that lion. jm. r (Hdc. ml- - Fargo agent on tho coast llaca. wa l Th where he I. wm m 1 harry our Now Meiloo, Mea-le- i. tnH( Mr Rat wm a boy burglar In ad of iwentuth ccatur)' it roaamltteeman of Md pitblloM comaaHtoemaa of Now way wwlconvH Hs reports th com 9mn b..),, m Albuquerque visitor ttrday. He thr nvr DMltlpltee A Hubbell, HCk(.( viem wl(n Blt team Md started There the boys were thrashed at life hualaea caree. raimea me also to Hon. Kneak Md Hoa Prank A. Hubbell, th of the metropoRs, knew nothing of a train robber seers worry, iry south territorial ,n Mra Bul8M , bar borne, thrash d t chool. and made toraaka dowa the health aad ehalrntan of the territorial republican rrttortal central committee chair dry. Im,i (rv at Oraats. sttd that th UsM) ,w who Hves near Bohbltt , store, fbe work and study between tbraehlngs prodnree lh atate of ateutal doprai totitral committee, but In neither of man, have endorsed the candidacy of nua. of the ,mat day. will A. P. Smlibera. p.etogice Inapector, -- whtrh, la I; i saya Judge Maker, did fw rm,t lw,a( tram nmeck'. hoa.. Start m tha small boy with a switch loa atatlatia ahoa ties 'altera, Attorney K. A Mbob of Ijm Cruces, dimbt ihe grM Md mak wm here thla morning. The United liitrty roapooallile fur naur- - th eadurae Atltwaoy Mann, or even Judge tt.j nm, the edm of a gulcb. aad and IncroM It to a club as he grow te lor the of flte of of the Math rmmm iwi States mall service department had MUlcldfa l'""'"" biuBp -- iv . r older. Th old style of handling boys hiM of the io thla coaatry. It suggest an endors inent for the i judicial district, snd associate justice giKKi nnw4 heard nothing uf an expected hold until a i.rain coma hi wn likely if we could po haek nrucea Ctov-ern- whm the horse left the road th bent. When started to be a that goatleaaaa. A the territorial supreme court. and caaaes the barren places up. and Ualted Slates Marshal Fora-- t i he Araadlan mode of lattiac of Mlaa Maloae) of lhiladelphla tlag the vehicle la the gulch boy In Virginia, there wm a Ih tte ap Helen Otero had previously endorsed wim Ilk ihe ker s oPjce m entirely unaware of ear Hx- - mj pie tree In front of the house Win n ur anceetora aulclde rate mtmlt a girl of the true American kind Mr Mann Theee endorsements have throwing the occupMts out with threat ealag trata hold up. In fact tbor frat-- i ! re- we loft. Ihe tree wm only n irtto down to a inert' of lit Her father la maay time a mill ion konn wired to Delegate Hodey, aad la B.werc ef Ointment far OaUrrh That tore, with the before mentioned I. no authority for th atory t'imi' was It had all booa cut up into Nwitctii-- s (reeaat proporUoa. nlre and she could have had her choice UI probability Mr. Mom will be uam-il- l Ooataln Mefoury sults. Tho uafortunt wobm that twenty awa armed with Win ebopt aad clubs to make a good of n- -, Report ahoat tho large anwmot of of tltlea from the barge la counters of for tho off!on, although Dowa Aaa as mrcry will sorely destroy ihr badly hart about the fag Md chesters and concealed In tfie ty station wa aiinii-h- t l. nv iiMMMir Haarat la aucotlla up hla mm e rosoivod fatal lataranl lajario. Md have voted the Surope. But aha sooraed to buy a maty. whore be aow realdos, will sense of amcll Md oomalotoly aad boas at drum awafttag to poaaco " laMapt g cratlc ticket evr r .ce took llkv aa rort to dull th princeling, a ooual. or even a duke aot be la the now dlatrlct. th whole ysm when eater-la- Mr. jierawnden Is reported aa beiag poa lb ai.napectlag rlslrmsry roo- - Judicial R would take more than a rim rote Mavfcet. ..fieT She I to be married early next month. Two acred of breakfast foods will it through th muMus surface. badly brutsed but not herimisly In- CSatt M. - to mak a good boy of om- - .f n Hlnl ol KoawWi and IMfld to a young Waslilagtott lawyer, and be exhibited In St. The capo-sltio- Such aril! ahould never be used jured. Mr Backeti- buried Wed- Tk ckmos of saaoh urted Iwls. u thai ' ymiagaisr of Albuquernne A crou J laahy r Haton axe outMikn can more die waa too for a except oa proscription from reputs nesday aMraooa. from report er)! pip ie will have a wedding aerg limited taa thai wroto bar eoald be aaad on some of th hoy aidataw fur the poatUott ot iorkahip tfngulahed Amerleaa patent medicine exhibit. bl physicians, aa th damM tby 'hose atortos nawst haw tbM My other born n In 1Mb Md even th.n il the aow Judlolal dtatrM. A will in tm fold to the good you Idark. aad the a violent night' low. thr rrlrl haa ever enjoyed. cardinal la The warm weather Is approaching. h ADDITIONAL RAILROAD WTES dream woulg" not bo mad good boys The New Ytrk Herald. hith ! to come all the way from Rome to of. The ordinance a to the claaatag up cm posalhly deriv from thorn. Hall' iiereu that tho Joiat Hialehood Mil u -- Catarrh Cars, manufactared by F. J. Hotate at the eoremony not only that the back yard. alya, etc . sboald b rCILLBB BY HUSBAND. paaa Cheney Co., . no h iwatla to the aoaalo at the abort bat the cardinal la to be that eminent atrtetly onforowd Hean up th rub- Toledo, O coatalai J. i ritrnet, hi fantl'y will Ml Mary Meaaul, who save mercur- - Is act-- aeaiirta, devutoa a ako uf a receat ; aad taken lattraally - prinoe of the Catholic church. Cardinal bish It Is essential to good health. i leave iiinight for MaodaluM. wbero popular musical eoaeert at Saata P In a Family Row a Busk at the Mss- write-u- p fllMMttl. I.KAtt hlM AMil MM. eattlM to a of ta - IN. III. irioud aatotll. An Associated Press ulepatch ('Mdi dates for offlci- over In In Pe KM tost weak, etty. alees Kills His Wife cou buy-la- he will bacuese th anal. rail nss iwturaed to thla Rervtln aw statd, la Rddy, aurfaoa of th syatm. lu Prtsswer Pen. KMlaloa that "Cardinal Batolll couatm of Unooln, Cbae, agent, vie I. K. Hdwsrda. who hoa A the Th ahKHrni Iiel-a- t' Hall's Catarrh Cur be sure you Mmnrrrama who dross lu fr OhiefUia to A me r on thla mleslne Rouaevelt aad other easlorn New Me-ic- o emiag lea I boon trMsiuered to the Us Cm Atowegordo. V M. May i:t luu Hi) haa auadw a maat- - riy Itaht gt the gMtila. It takoa Interaally catee paoorty Ml Is at froat of atoae. It will. In fact, mark a d couatlea, patroalav the newapapera yoars h wm the efflcleot i It lur iNihnod. aad whvtbei aad mads la Toledo, Ohio by P. J. station For Miller, m Indian at th Meecalero rr alaale parture from the tlmavhoMored rule of by publishing their announcement Thoratrm, but the Rank uf Oommerco Sataroay after fHt'Ut .i.l, jolat awtohood. ur Cheney A Co. Teatlmoalats fro. etatkm at at at th arratlon, killed kl wlf Thursday and me Catholle ohureh, that mo one of tor thla Md that ottloe. paat tow moata hoht dowa a posi- aoun. Ha aooa rararad Ma a MtattdMMHl at all reaulu troat bin ef Sold by drugglatt. 1'rlc. The per was hroaght to Alamogordo by Klierilt ttie rank of cardinal may leave Homu Messrs Roll and WrlgBt ar making local freight doaot Md hublaod off aa If not blag nusual lorta he u tntHled to th ftniitu.' bottle. tion al th HaaUr to be placed In Jail The kill mlaalrm other than one from of the Weekly nwn, recently started 1). poaahtr auperiu t -- ad eoaMneadathm tf mi. iwajiI M My Take Hall's Family !!!! lor A. Shops, the bad susgdiwd lag aroM out of a family quarrel, dur Mte " at Ratoa, one of the very boat Md m Now MMteo. Vatican toaooat of briuga aad building Paany Perguseon. RHsabeth Fergus Ing which the wife stuck a burning Rvery year wiped out the re wsoMleu pobllahod In th aewoqusrtsrs at Totofaapalt- - laforamttun irom me new! e Um caaat linos, with wm, Ima Mund.atiaTI, Omtrud Ire brand Into the hock's fanv where tir amlaa which have lasted tor ihouseeds territory Th paper la Indeed a credit Wtaalow, acnompaatod hy Mrs nurl here nertloa of the irriior la THE POLITICAL SITUATION Walker and lienrletta. hwar. of th upon he mman to bent her with a yeara past Now, la our own day to the proprietors aad editors. Mr H A Ross, came In r Kh9 Airlba. Taor and (Julfax muiKtee ef ithope snd Philharmonic lady quartet, are regie club till he Injured her so noven-i- of It reported la the Herman prees Bl la to thi effect thai roaalilfrable rale tit MUqaltles of Sooth Africa aad is this murunlg from Sm Marotal and lered at th Aagelua. that sh died that evening He crush Mouth America have boon that suceoaafai esporimonts have bee In litinel. th ladles vitltod rela- Ma failm iheru durlac thr iwhi fw Centra! Md I'aao. where Uultod StaSes Attorney K. ed her skull with the club He wsh In fwrosts ot Prance in dpruiKRoM, III. May 16, Raped-tar- go west alstat Jaya, Md that the condition it th doatroyed aa rapidly M they caa be made various - tive Md frteada. They will I, Meoter. fowtogMs Inspects A. P. placed in reel mint t the reservation engiaeeri nf every cutting trees ay meaaa of electricity. wero etroog today thai Ih nj Wlnslow Kmhght. Mr. Shop called rMaea la Improved. Chttlc and aii-r- ltiad. Bteewberc tu Baal thera, Halted Statue Secret See till Sheriff l(utr eoald go to that quar- A I to a whit ara therefore dolac battel nation use up th building aa platinum wire boated deadlock in th repsmilea at The Cttltu oSUce IhU morulas, and vteo Officer Fred Porno aad Attorney place after him. M liter has a rvod in by and used will be - The iieople of Lai Veaaa Intend ic ries, or wreck them for the sake ot boat an eesotric eorreot ooaventloa broken thlo after- e tared an mpbwtlc dealel to the R. A Maaa were pass augers Par So the Unite; Stat army and waa li a aaw In meaner th tree la noou hanas waa alleged com Morning Mre anmc aumpner aporta in the fu- leeapurary profit. Speculator, uatlr Ilk thla Tho a atuff soat to th corro thla morning rm delayed paaaon charged la fjoorgia about a year au la ' ture, thue foftawfag la the footatepe RaropoM, tear to piece every felled much easier ami satekcr thaa blaatiou botweea the follower of Oor Journal from corrsmxiodent at ger i rain No. 7. Unltod States court for the Penitentiary mo I prwduoed Prlnr of Alboquaraae. Grenada have been tomb they caa find In the eaal and aell the idd way, sou ilea eraor Yatsa aad those of Rtatee At- Oraata relative to train robbers aeen opMed at aasmrro today Under Sheriff Prod Hunter loft for oeareii. the Lata VogM Pair aad IMv toe few showy proeoad that have aad the alight orhMloathM en I by torney Dasmoa. It 1 reported Yates larkl In that vicinity aad the Urania NOW FOR A OOLF CLUB Haata P by way of the Rock Island pros of will 110 carry- MI acaurkuhw have booa organ Und, thua loot their i. eanlng Md history. the hot wire aot as srvstive recoHm Oaaima vote an tho tattoo, m araeoal, everybody Md tho Saata P Central with several new I to moot prison In aa vary abort lime everything Aad th casual discoveries that ar the wood. The mehod said flrat ballot today aad If Vats Is not ing guns Md ready to the train A' movemMt Is on foot to organ art sentenced io terms ttm only on eighth th tarn eon , agber roasosmol Milled There-i- a ao of territorial noaKMtiary He was ar will Im for a alnrloua opt-nln- made pariah la a ghastly nmaner. The rogair watetl his robber uossalaet Is a gotr chrh la Arena srqws. F. rdy ompaMled by dajr Baaoa regalia of Harold, th treaamro earned by the oM aawhsg strength wUI ha thrown to trejea My hiad at Oraaia,'' aald Mr. Slope, Hasutoa. th sporting good aaaa, RIR Coo and Thomas Harwy. famuua ot Thomas A. Meek eta ahrlae. th aor "Md th Mly askagod bad ssea w en tho prim mover In Um mattor i MOoma m gaarda. The prisoners Profeeanr tliht A BW Thing. QaeNorwl. hfcotr veam aa "Ootn" Harvry, haa beea tal of Alfred, th burial of Theeaortc oeaater along Um road at m Mpoas. goaf pi yr or novice at th aad aMieaees and offenses I aald i i Ctwi, . May Ueard from. Ho haa goae back o Md tho summer pel of have It that aotblag Mt Calif is at hoao, who attomata la steal fro snort, who woald Ilk at ator aaoh lkla 'iut m not goto Jaok Roaohsm, colored, Hlvor, hla demur raMc broth within modern memory all goo the coat death aad taxs, that dmocrtle state cmvntM wm ridea aad who belaUrou whM i will ptosis mako UhmV willing-- thre waraiaa Die- - n sltogetaer Dr. New caged - years, for asaniaR wtth Intent ta kill. that to loalot upon li m an laaae eame way as th woars that pert-e- tru. Kiasfa to eraor this morning aad Im pat oft train hr the trataaMa. a kaown Mr. liowatoa. Vary good ret eovory ConMmptloa la a snr cure I haok a Joka Cllriaa, mte yoar, for hnrsn now would prejudice the oauae. tho In the Frraeh aack of Rome er the for mediately recess until t thai bloodless trala rohbory atory Is a par golf Haka ould be cisated on th for luag teoublos. thoft. Muoary of aold belna adequate to (Ireek eack of all aad th afternoon awing Io the aoa arrtval ef fabrication whteii will work Injury mes or m the river bottom toad lria. Tbouaaada can tostlfy to that. Mrs. j Ram Walker, throe years, burg moaay requirement A wicked th majority of tho Han Praaoi aad ao good." , sooth of for W. - wry. augfeated that lrofeeaor liar Rhsumatw Hams Rsli.veaV C B Wa Metre of fesmerdtown. dcfaffatloa. Roth Hearst aad sail- The motive power between a.lis aaya; "I had a aovar oa of - Thamas Stegden. one year, for t may b due la part Th prompt roll.' from tk severs V., Hearst peopt aimed to be aovoiop- man and Nawllaa. whor oil burning M. n. RramsUdt. miliar. haft vra ooaaervatlam a yoar tried the of a steer. la of a palaa of aaiatlc Md rhMatattam Rroachltli and for sverr tag stfMgth, hot It is Imieearhle te eaglnM are aood. la very poor. All goae Jwawa apHag a few to tho fact that he .rdent to hot for MuouwiMn by thlag I beard of, but got ao relief. aasanJaf ayaaaaBSMaABanR RtwgdM. a brother of the which hi afforded CtMrnbertala' wsosh Is la ib maMrtty delay from this division aad WWRfvaEf osaRsBBBjsBBSBBasai, railroad la ArkaaaM. Ws-rovr- y th ionm I maay Urn Oae bottle ot r Kfcag's New ahor prieeaer. aightoen months, for The ruator oat that it i x 1'sln Halm awa worth the oil burner uod the aervleea of John Hart, Um eoatracior autlTjuIld C Vail, of then cared me ahselwtely." It's Read taeSWa Xul adv. a pa liaiK A Mann IU coat. Mr. Wlllard a liollsrmahur after almost vry trip. er. who wm sick wRh paeuaaoaht, had endorsed Attorney Croup, Wheaplag Couth, R will the Dm Hubbell, one year, Judge PouahhoaMl. N. Y . whites t am infallible for a? latereat ya. with thi paragraph, no up buclaoa again. for draw of Lata Crura tm the omcc of Qrlp, CoaMmptioa In eonnostlM ia aad attMdiag to rag a rorotvor. la (roa Med with rheumatism aad aeu rneumowla aad bjaoa com the uow Hlsth judicial dlatrlct. - word baa heard from th Mrs. Thomas bthorwoad, wife of of (Jkambor Try It. It's guaranteed oy alt drug- REMEMBER WOMAN'S ' Prod Wrdnbeek, one year for a although It haa been a ralaia of tk aerve aad THAT THE mittee ot ARmquacaao fao4lormHa Council mM lahorwcod, has ratarao oaten, Ralm giros vellct quicker Trial bottles fre Regular EXCHANSK theft of goat, that Aituraey Maaa haa d tola's Pat Sat who were called to I Aaaelse to to the eity from hor vhrtt to Pall Jtlv soc II I m thaa My llalmeat I kav ever used v. the bmm to buy H Made Hat warn of the the enrtoraeaarnt of Ooveraor I confer the official er. Me. When doctors fail try llurdesk For aal by all druggist. Rolto. Oakaa. Mt, Ooeklos aad Otoru. Territorial (Vimmttttemaa K. Mr. Romaa Momrro, who vlalMd IMood Cure dyspepsia, 0 th domi of th late Je DouahauU froah .verv day. later. I Uat. Bitter. two Md the rhaJrmau or the a m Among th mmdaotor of the Nw Sm PraactaM ami outhm Callfor-al- a. Invigorate Ihe whom sys- 55 SHOT BY JEALOUS RIVAL Rr at hasacott. Art., coaceiu day, RoatM Rrawa Bread aad Baked ceatral ommtttec. Prank A. W.w York attluiMd tram Tha Clttisu lk. w. . . a.. .Iul. . I MeilOO dlvUlM, Who rOSMtly got has rmarnod to th city. Sb re- tem Haaaoll. H la uadoratood here that .ia.J ll,aMlinill Ik. M..W ,1 . . .1 ( .1 wki.k ... their walklna MPr. th names Abr, ports havlag had a splmdld visit. THE ! aaaoW neltbar of thoae geatlemen. EL PA.O W.BOW W.TNES.EB -- .STRsTmm aTVu.7 at a ,u."t o" "s, aad Watmm ajmmtr. They Nxl SMuraay aftaracoa, la honor (Juom A- - A. meama ia Attorney MURBER OF HER ESCORT BY sod aaroar ot th deceaaod. Thoao nf th regular prlc. Nuts aad will probably. In a of th forthcoming Prost-SUve- n mar- appelated, praal-Jaa- t H. will K A. hman) be the ANOTHER ABMIRER wre rfally mouatod'og Irian Raw ctPrulta always Is stock. ArmIs for newer and greener paMuros. ring. Mr, J. Wroth entertain A (V Camp la likely to ua and haadaomoly bound lu bbwk Ih famous Rattle Creek and BouMtr Miss Stovona and a ru usher ot hor WMhlajrton. tav When the Sap lady hail, aow of f. C, bat laoerlp-Ho- n Rli. friends lebu II Ituerr, a hardware clerk, aaal laataer with appropriate Saaitariaat HeaRh Poods Thoie who Coughs of Poeoa valley, for tha Wrak luag should be earoful. - lormorlr the was through head Md kill la gold. Such a hook uosome a with to rtoalva fail value for their Colonel C. W. Stone, supreme rep- a realdeot of Oarte abut the aad colds ar daagarous thn Oa JatgaahlF While Buaday hy worn to be handed money saonld as a trial. reeatatlve of tho Fraternal Brother Campbell waa the aottag d at t o'clock aaoralM cherished heirloom fire Mlaat Ooagk Curs euro coughs aad and. Mr. a The down to future general leas of the mm WOMAN'S HKOHANtlM, hood ot Loa Aagelea. returned to th oa Henry Hlerholtaer, bartMdor. ooida strsagth to tk lung. of thu Irrlgatloa aad lav Md Ma-oay'- s TH4DC M' prla-elpa- l uy. i ,,rit.r Fourth Sirsot and Railroad ivs city from a bus! boss trip to and the ! hoottag occurred oa oa of the Mra. 0. R, of Msrloa. lad., DtSK... taa imati" nmiiaai iiy Both aoaii Paar San PrMokMO aad las Aagetos. To-pe- atrtata la th business sootUm Thi nalque buslnees wm started Area. f cough i Coevninit Valley opatom of th Atcblaoa, My. "I auaaorod with a until k . Two stroag drink . of Bl Paso. Haorr wm returning Mr. Buret t as a branch of hi preen , I run dowa la weight from HI to N iablbr of mu lw road Judg Crawfard this morula aeema from th om of Hermaaa ball with lipping buainos In November. Fsf SttMWaaoM.Opltfai, I tried a aumbor of rem Ms t before Hoa A- - A. fraamaii to have ln. Ib. Um aaseosNl wait, a widow. aapem i I aad agaiast thaw court hy mr the atrnagoat aupport of all Mrs. Sotma Wunder The oMcern roads 100 each MercalM tad no avail until used oa mibbm crept up every coun ' th usual penalty of $ of Bv day. iiie iMtlaaaM meatloaed for the hoa when iliorholtser behlad Md discovering aeclionof the SfWflMss, rough Curs. Four bottls of this - ecley; C orahla poatttoa of Judge of tho Math hot him through th brain Th try. All ((oHaarle of aw ar dip- Ks Twsm HaVn woadorfal rmdy cured m Milroly B Allair of lit Mtorprlslai firm of Allaire, Mlera A Co., gaaeraS iudkilal dlatrlct. Judge FYeemaa'a sees pad, but was captured ni pod and fttod hy nam aad date Not sMNeWstmsaht. of th cough atragtbad my luag 4 ' r 'ir4' t ' ' en weight. merrhaniH and coal mine operators at ituoolntntent i tne i.nitlon would ...lock Sunday. Hoih men wre only do they ur the local storii. THE KEELtY "n' rloirit m to normal N l it y 1' i ' Sold Uy R H Ban Antonio. M In ihe oa loubl!'-a- e v i.l'xmil t v Minor, of Ih " nil and Jealousy tut if the papers of home binn INCTtTHTF health and strength N- a i . i- , i. tm .1 in- ' nM't i "i S ti IKS and S Yann A Hons B, i ..') v. .in- ipli. 'in.f. Mii til alino' it pa "tf. - urtiey wowing from Albuquerque, VinTI 1 1.- W VM f "I III r terlalalag their daughter. Mm Krnak the iniitid beat. where aba want to attend the fanera! Other wlaaara of the gay were IniHnng Main l SO Cnag Kant nt bar kuabawd, tae ta4e Mariana Ar SCOU s . I'.mulalOit is COd Judge W. H. Ptna naaaad down tho Oaaa nw. Illwetrf Pyiaapala and ooa Moid vVaen Klwnafa mUo. livor oil made Rimost u road for unit Territorial Topics 1:S Omaa WifHawt T Srat. MeOta are foea to The bane ball team of tbe United pgiftUble as milk. It is ty aacwtMl. good aoaMh ty J. F. Havana, a ' MMMVMNMMM India Industrial school played Ami soothing to the 1 IS MoXlrogor Srat, Vwone anroad i State la i agtotarail ter-- 'nr.. tham at . Matthew Rretden Dead I Mai SAN MARCIAL. m emote otitasn. hi the ' .. the Maaamalea San day afternoon at stomach; it check the ten rttortal metropolis today n. Iiy tatrtsc thcw llreel.n for 2" vcra a real-den- t Tlgora I Swaaaiira 4. the Hitter. It (fancies of children toward Twoma Hall tbe ptaao toner, la la nt ganta rV, died Saturday after-noo- From th Bee Is a its hwisg anma Jeaua u.m niv.i by a aaora af H to 10. thinness. Ariaona on baataeea. Ha export to era'a Tlgora acampored over tbe dat at I o clofk of ill dm-ra- Tho N. 0. 1 'i libit IrMsrs to Albaanwrani Mar tt. -t W. P. Cbv bad tbe mbttwrtuw to Scott's Emulsion gives ' at tho aark yeeterday one mre IIom ini.- waa a native o( Maya-viii- " M 1Mb M thai J. ft. Drrcavi a flae amtag korae Sataroa ImhIi in mmmIt mnlWjiH Il Mr II. ft Aadwroon and thaa did tho Saaia Fv HarlSc ahnppera Kentucky, and M yaar of ago. be will aave sbta N par at M . . reamer oi nnawaa, wwanmi gawa R waa a verv good gaaae. aad the etidorae It. Try evening The salami brake one of IU cause it creates nesnmi ion m rtty Ji.i tii. mmi rifteea yearn baa neaitny miBing dmtriet are the oa boat aa far thla laaana between total a battle, K m an.i waa ao and the lajary aevere and nCW blood. tnutseaa banana (H wa tba Srat.) aaeamal-Maieri- bet a eeg.t in mists "Mat" Kra-i- . Tho band alwi It waa ewaaasary shoot the will Ami J T - awtertea Tlgera--Oalleg-oe and d aa a i.r. v.nnv. Pawar n, waa by alt of hla Settgbtod a T of sR Nursing mothers a he haows int Nf Voo; Rhoppera Raiker aad Wlleoa. , speciaf in : - rem.- - I emit! th whss a value Scott's - In- to New Mastoo la ISM tana. Tae sf Tho followtMg eaaoo wore t Tho Flrat Raglmaat bamf played from Illlaota. lb) MM yov MUfllewr tfcfit owSgt wsC StSBJJsw M. Oarehx, poltee magtatrata umuiMon occausc u insures ZJS- i lively aire latermeaiately etotag Um . Decatur. vita i fore Jeoe flow of nourishing Henry Haldoa, of with II waa a gawd l. neil (lutnua AdotBhoa RsMth, were new a few moatba gaaday moraiag' Tho City of Maata a rich, tlT Soab Sixth aftoraooa. aad all lie the gueat of Wllllagl rov-ml- . atreot. left met night fur Ijmla. day'a apnrt. - ii. i.r.i iii' n nppolntod lateruul , aarprtatag AJtaao OoM. draakonneaa; milk for the baby. More ami ft. who owna a ran- h la an. of tht order. Al-- - New Mr Heldoa haa bona a realdeat of ' ramaty. cauBgrtalag collector lor Mston aad ta medicine; ' 3lo Meaara. Joaea and Ring want out better than a tmqavrquw about a year. I.. Davla. tbe aaperinieadoat An They drove overland from lint vumvm mm wm mrm n aMagSMl thirty mllea ln th 'i aoma aiirveylng for , in Scott's Hmulsion is a food, W. R. gtatoa ala rallwat of UM West p. m Mlaamirt to Waat Fe The Wodnoaaay to do wor Hpprm ChlMera. the I'nlted railroad Mr BartMt baa Hiiiaum m u attorney for New Mexico, who - Aawrran lumbar rwrngany who bad funeral took place tbta afternoon rroai Hon. H. O. la tho hmalltr Wood la the earn of MO. Hit wVIt md fm nvapb htt maa neHl. attend- haailaoaw aad iiimnvodknta rv Mn e.1 Vagae a -- evcre attach al appestltcWhi i.l. ... .1. wber. the tier recently tho - tCOTT a Pawl SUM4. Mm VA. court at Laa rvauraod to M on ibe ik uf bla aepbew, Dr H. mrrr . u aad Rio- auWNk. wMI bla land aad roaatrwrted a - 0rtlt - atone, gaata owni f the owned by Charht , x)mrt. gaau Tm the city laat San May Might. " "' waajoa road for automehlln aad oar 8i.n of Cathedral F. '! mfw0 The ar of va. ",r IT""-nwrawa aHi 'V iga-iit- nd. Ma waa Twelve cougte from tbe high acaoot ' rtaam twowty-Sv- o aaitea long, aa wsll and interment waa made In Plrvlew vmmm in """ M-- . - yum the timlior laaio. iMnetery. Rev. W. A. Cooper of the aad Mr, tl H Bwaet nl To- IM atmia mmti ia Aatauii of pktaiafced at Roar canyoa irSag aa thirty Rv mile of tatvphow Ma - ' waleomc gueeta at tbe real- Thoy report tho caayoa lovety hhi Aatuog i MiiU xiiH Kiatoial church rwttotai- - tk. nM WM ,r, ln ,h, LSTTkR LIST ami OMiMree r private u. tho of Mm. Howard Sweet aprhag. plasty of ta '.! Mr aad M. V water aad ahaa. who eon Ihe - t otsad ahocklna i.aia Ml." tJlaflTl bavraii arrived yeaterday Tho vie It- Mra. Irraaa Kline will aaoad ibi of least ayrupa and ratbanie pltln raji am B1MJW to la- - LAS VgU4, ora have pmnnail a trip to Nbode J. A Onlledaa of Verbeaa, Ala., waa wiia i uauin m huhb., iwm., ar erlallyii fond of Utile Nauy P"1'- - " Oavayg. P. IIIM hand and are anxious for Howard aad twwe la the boaailal from a aerare Raaaalalng in the poatogiit at At aad will aiao vlak the WorMI fair. SJaeea All wbe Sua n n.v lrosUSmt (Virago tBW?ar. Krom ii.. yoater vntu Rddy optie bla family to join tho party. oaaa of pllaa aaatwg M Mtmari. After querque. N M . May 10. IWI. She left for the Hooaler elate i.. i.w. ii .h,.uid Miaaee and Ward are a Kalgbta of Pythlaa lodge of gua-lon'- a lay anomg Mr gutw Florentine Moutoya, tae The thla daatora aad all ramadtea tailed, Feraont calling for or tecling tar try thaae pilla and romparv the acv-abl- Rartleti' pHMK m about to be roorawamod aad Aratoa Salva aalakty arrootag tbeoe lettera pleaae atate whora the; John Horton. mr nf the hantteoeM ef-- l dangcrowaly Ml wnh pwwam pleaaaat and atroagtbealng dh aa aT a l dR clerk room, imadhi i oa a firm footing. Crake a further lnSammatloa and rag him. hag been rerelvrag mall, alto mcatloa mixologtat at tlrakam'a rlab fact with Ih nauabailag aad weak- - ,"n'vv' nia Call-ftiral- of mow railroad H ooaquara aohoa aad klfla gala It gala of advert lalag. , haa roturaod to the city from aatag aoaditluaa folkiwlag the uaa W. o i ipartod ret-Sago- i: iarr la aa batag aigbta aad tbey have at .11 druggnMa. Frae dellvrry at lettera at tut where be vlatted fiioada for a of other romedlea l.ittl Rarly Rlm U laaal by Vrorkmon at mi WRM much Imprmed la bonMh. Be la rat traaotor enrde Iron, tbetr obi Imlgaa to of addraaaaa mar ho I'ocnrad few week. cur bUltouaaaaa. ooaotlpatlon, aleh i RuaevaMwg for ah Satwt. ALlurT" - at Hotel di.mi m Kt Pass Brri Mo amtar lat la tho doalra of hm of Urn br oUerving tho foiwwbu; ralea- Regular ear v toe of Alamo Hive No. 1 banaaea. jasadlc malaria aad liver i U. fjeajmm of Sual waa a vuRtur huotliofn for aomo of tho old Dlrect ii.-r- a plainly afreet num- WO T. M., will ha at Odd Pol-- i RajM by R. H Rrtgga Omltap week, m iiagpajaa from Chica.. la at krajgawt vlaiUwM tlae la to aM trouble. la thl aad in tho ardor. Um ber. biwH hall Tuaaday aftimaaa. -- .ay If, Cs. and S. Vasa A Ran twit with a Republican ama. toht at Mm there Mma M, MoOaaagl byft lor Una Aa Olvt wrlier'a aome, aad rogueit aa ,at aaarp. Tao ladle will give that wa Bade at Rsmt Word romo Irum U. P. CkurektU. i sdMonao, after a via la Oattap with awar to be dlroetad aoaovwlaajy. their usual saoathly laa. SANTA FR COUNTY'S OOCLRCTOR. laat weeh by the workmen wall ox manager uf the ItfaM ah raie at Advert laed matter la pnrfloaoiy Harry Ragateabwar. who waa c vat lag for the goveraaarat 4am WW n Mob line, to I'aatura the Nook J the t'bloftaJa. h:d one week awanlag oatfvary. quite aertoualy lajured a abort iism H. s. Oarvwrlght Filed r ..da in the la being built at that ptare aWmt i i hut ars wpf V ih. ff.ri tber satis Otatrtet Clerk w. . Martin la fast ASvertlaed matter la hold two ago while ntiematlag to Mot a rug frw Sve fewt down they run a Skull BBBBabhmwJaS lgaiaBmmV anie i i If ooom I OwtwRPRh number f Inmba, and raiaa with bw mothor, who goad let- I vaswsb'SF! of aome heoal I rertalaly gotttac km office laio rirat chwa oral-d- baa weeks kafrre It goat to the away dairy team, haa about rewvorad that a oart i.. for.- .'nth they will ktep the Inataat mm. vtatttng rrteada there for a ter omVr at Waahlagtoa, D. C aad la mow mtagilag with hla away II M Oartwright, reeeaily appoint- oaliy. It waa two lack thick all ower ihi'in alive Jalloa t'amatvdon returned from a ed treaaarer aad eiogJIclo collector aad waa about tho alae of aa araRn t" r Mali. wIki claimed to trout bnrgg l. arlaaaa trip or a Mlaa MoAllteter of Holhrook. daugh-to- r LaaMee' Lat. Mr. Fred who haa bee via ary cow 'a bond, but had Rar I week'a dnration of aVaata Ft) coaaty. haa lurniahod hla .on Augule. waa bouad over to the L toen long out went of Magdalaaa. of J. r. MeAnmtor. Navajo eoua-ty'- a kValaa RoMaaoa. Mra Itlag bar mntavr. Mr. J. Rummoll, lathee protradias xrand Jury In Judge Wooatere ooan bond a aucb owklal for the aafo k-op l tp. tde of the bead, wkll Mra P. T. IJaooia aad aleter. Mum affable treaaurer, la paylag a Mra.Hattlr thaw. Mta J A for the paat atoath, aaa roturaod to tnm . l with forged the naaM osuaty fuodd In the mw of 10,-- 1 aperturna for Um nyee war dl hari linlns Hlch, left for Hootoa, where tbey vlalt to Mra. Rd Clark. Dooitttlo.Mra Mra. U. H her bom at Tlerra AaMrttlo. boiag the ..f H I'l'iinKer to two check, on lw " Thla waa givea by Um Uallad reotly on aMM) i' to apend tho aummer. The cnoun oacom oat eaerelaee of OwMalt. MUel Schollenberger. accompanied by her aleter. Mla Mary nailer the horaa the of ..n flu. Kmt National bank for 17JO Nummell. '" nrt Ouaraat com-- ' the ahull it aiao had tuha aktwe A. F. Kataeaatelo baa quit bla Job tbe high aohooi will take place aexl titU. Mtw. Mny Ha ado val, Vlrgrala , ami i.m m the Ian Miguel bank for f hnltlmon-- Marylaad, aad in length In both Jawa. CToa- - aa night clerk at tbe Wlndanr weok, aad a flae program haa been lAwtaaoo, Saaawral. Mra Ta commlaaloaer of pesaloaa haa ln? ha;inrbea .r. I laiti-- r waa on aad ' am $ hf cbaok fband eag- F. ottflwl tmlamata Rodav that tho ,mwB aiaaiiiwi u vn. in wii.tii aauu woo taw men will probably go lato tiualneea again prepared. Tho gradoatee are all Mrs W Aadrlet. t ami i r. . t iioih oMoba ware drawn bond for tho aafe keeplag of m, n ran M a rib lam thro Jowl tin' flrat of Jaan. erly awaiting tbe night. Upgiaoatt, Mr I'Mmv Mm, Mra Hu for a paaaloa of Mra, Mercy A niH f Mr. appear ie ' "Mm in length nnd a thigh boa a fefttle in Hall Htllager De-naa- TOO th' s"m uwr Mra. Charlotte Corteey arrived at The bow telephone line to Ft. Marve, laea Trwgona, Capita Craig, of Sootk Aran atroot, thla """" . I araiiiNt Hall, wboae Ideal If loatlim - over two fei't la length aad of sgssaal her homo city from la now out aome twenty one or UaMla IMhwaMb amall elty allowe.1 at SS.00 per lay - 1.' la thla a bualnem - Mr. Ir iii mraplete. thlekneea. Oraham stat that of IB two mllea aad ike work la being rag-Idl- y Marahail. Mra Wile. Mra Fred T July tSth. laps. ? " y vlalt atveral daya Albagwargue. "'""r1" msgtfor ii. i iloubt, by tbe ntHt-aaH- .rl'i rZ haa atlrrod up a groat goal of Iniv.ii Cagi. A. R. In poehed on In order to have It Ben Hlbo. aaaeaaor for Valaaobi . Flteb waa the city oa Maw'a LM. S It ii.i. rMi hy ibe drought, aundry county, who wa. an Albuquerque via "".T ' C(2T aa in wkat kind nf as aalsssl asald hla way to Magdalona from San - onmpleted aa toon aa noeel bie. ' ' f ihhM ikvm who Swve burroa to rra- Abrahamr. Abe bate been. Tbe Bmlthaosias Rmtl kp daen, wheru be wont two woaka ago to Joaeph Cabauer haa aolH bla reetau-raa- t nr. nftaKPil berolo met hod a of AMerete, Teleaforo Melius. Tboa O tut. Iieople have bea aottgod af th a iiaage to take up hla realdeaoe. oa Railroad avenue to John RutU HUMivnenoe for tbulr tiuaala. Rarr, Jo Mayai, Wan Snd and diNihtleaa will aead anrnr one .r.m.iiiK - who a grant deal experi- to lkHa aad go worn to Oraiita aad Tin- youag men of the School of haa had of 11. K who out hen to III veal inat It. i hi ri i i)ini a arowtn of alfalfa la Qhllda. Nonaaa. 0 point. In ValMMla couaty , Mlaea have about oompteted arraage-men- t ence In thin line and who will do all H other do u to i. mi iu The park onmrnlaeton- - Ooa, Chaa R. Neater, Wm or rfTM iark la hla power to pteaae tbe public. Th Denver Time roooat data lmBMNU(-- .,. Ruagawta pant for a grand ball to be given in OaatlHo, Manuel Rotaod. T II Md (nM M Treanrr Mb liatu in nmia reaorted to 1.. -- To cold draught a or Ih' tlarrla opera houaa. Tho date of Com aad Oeorge Draekott, who A. Lml l?iCartwrlghl propoae to carry ut th air, to many wayn f Kitting lid of thla pro-iu'-t IMegfroa, Mamora, .1 "! are employed on the Xunl reeervoir Crlagl Crook ta day , wtu,r lB iplrM wUI cutUag wlada, auddea eh - tbla enjoyable eoewJ event will probab RurtquH ww m Mll thut. Mu- irraaa might thrive. Dally. Jan. Raw, 'T ud mma ly hr Krtitay. May 17. were bora a law hour Friday. Tbey (I wuoy, n wen anown ioaae ui add ibe peaalty by law la parature. aeaaty clothlse. I'hi'V liari- - been auereaafiil, Rdlaoa. C H Surfer, Jma renulnd n'Vir bat want to hire fifty Nnvajoro at $ I par that city. Chart gtvna. of tbla poaara of the throat asd Beck sHor Mra W. R Marl In l peel log a rlagati, Jao A Rwaaaoa. J A taxe. lirir iliiflriiUliNi are over. Tho amnll in day. Moat of the Zunl on the mad city, la a robUlvo of th decnad. public apsaktag aad olagtag, hffcui vleit from Bmlly New-oum- b Footer MlUy CotXiRhoavor. Mr and i ar.. bliirklnK out tbe hardy phMt her aunt. Mra Mra. M. Ion daughter, Mlaa IU. II RriggTa Co. aad a Van oa gad have quit. U C H Sal and roughs cold. amimrd'i - of Haatlngton. Chaa Mra i.) (In- r.x.iH to provide fowl for their Indiana. Mra. Fink. Mra. M. C. Roar do not hesitate to recommead Syrup la th agr A deetltutr Invalid by the name ol Fttthor, Jack Ragada. AJr Ida. and RoaeaMd asd Horebouad hat Nevcomn will arr've la Sooorrn and Kodol Dyaaepam Cure to A. wrMoa. i.nrr.m Todd waa aent to tbe Olboon bosiltal Abo daughtar. Mbwea Rdna aad, tbtr frlada Mrs. Rarr. Houston, Toss, t romniu aa a gueet in the home File. Rev W. F Stahl, Tin tiMii.i niin-tr- la tae plana waa of Mr. of Ri. Joseph. Mo, Ui r i aad cuatomera ladlgaatlon rauaot Jaa. 11. "On bottl of Bat a row day ago by the eotmty flenaey, J A Toy lev. Rgwtn all ar kr 101 i hi- - whoa aad Mra. Martin for eevoral moatba. III health bUa anything eiet. .Mayi'd fur that the Merl-HarUo- during th with Mr. aad smt Horohouad Symp curad m of a Hla home la In CokMado Oarrety. M O Veaobtdy. mala suauber mrt'a nnM'niiilnl at Cavalry hall to Hon. Lambert M Vurc of gt. An- O. Roaeafteld, 717 H ragw Ui atomarh aad brtaga vary cssgh. It I very ataaaaal hv aad he waa returning from California Marl Mdo Mrs. U of North had Hi. It waa fot drew, Florida, arrived ta aVmorro. Mr. a root. M" aaaaser or eieeaae. hoom uy to Uke " 10c Ml gold hy J taki ir inalrumeata by way of Phoenix when he wna taken Haward. OtmHar Wyeta. Faul Fourth tfe, II damaged by War waa tho oely republican mem- r K papota Oar dlgc.ts wkat you est, H O fMllly A Co. that thu t.ii.rt hail buea with Hrtght a dlaaaaa aad waa unable Hoghoa, lmk Wtlaoa. J Rahkl Jacob H. tpbta went up to ini.' nmiu iiMia peraon forelng one of ber of the laat Wortda leaielature. He to yoatarday where be dotiv- - carss tlo. dyaaoaal aad all to help hlmaelf whan bo arrived bora. Montoya, RieaHo WlUUma, Ohaa K BRMAMO UPON aOtOSMNoRM Hi.- ki-- r nominated a rogubllcau for stomach disorder. Kodol la act oaV THI idatona Into the born candidate A petition waa circulated a law daya Martin, Juan A Oood Motaaa arey mat evaulag th second loaturo it wm rutniHt for ptaytag. Thla the United fltntee aoaate aad caat the bla given by a pWrt dlgsatant, bat a Ussao liat ago for tbe appointment of John 8. McKeena, 0 J Peon that ana 'of aorle. Th leturoa MlMaft th) QlQtt'w'iTmWbQto&P Mp Im only vote ' bulMlsg toale as wall iff will need aaal that waa oaat for tho candi- Rawd aanf taiuaiit. oooat ruc- Raglmh. the rahhl are aoa anaiarlsa aad have mamaSMBamSBmnnf gap - Bowie aa aiiperlatoaooBt of Median. Ouraio reaj strength and increaaag fIamablt4a)TTTsWalwwW ewSTlwajSsmmmmga Short- 1 bo haallh. prfct 1. York fur repair a ooaald date nominated. Mr. Ware i New at rume tion for tbe achool bulMlwga to be MrOnaaugh. Chaa been found extremely Intercatlng by aga In Cwwoty Fuw, a in) great to New Mexico for bla vitality follow II ua mblrt cwt Infioaventawea to health. erected at Rual, aad wa are glad to be N. hla haarera. lie win return ti lb Tbe of county 'a W. HOPKINS, - A PMltive hoard i iii band Tho perpetrator of tho mis John A. Hunter, who una been em- abta to xtate that be baa received tbe Poauaaatar. jcKy toalgt- Ntty. ol Santa P county wa In at hU'f If .Uncovered will have to par ployed for aeveral raontba aa aaaayer appointment. Darby A Day, the New Mexico man- CATTLK COMPANY aUYIM LANDg 'be capital city la eajlod .loeily for it. There will be for a Mg emoltlng concern m Aguaa OPPICIAL MATTERS ager of ib Mutual Ufa InauraMs There were present Ps!Tt Many in Union County to R .onn rt tomorrow baaaaaa of thla Callontea, Moalco. wrltea hla mother, Don't lot the IIttie oaas uffr from uompaay, uf New York, wltk Mr. Day Aarea Kendall. Cm a III loners Artlrar -- g Utlllaed by a Kane Mra. Mary Hunter Duaoaa of thla city, eraetaa or wttwr karturlng akin The following homoatead entry ha aad babywlll leave tomorrow morn-la- for Paetwve Hgmaa Nlckoma Qulamaai Olark SANTA PK. aad that bw aalary baa been ralaed to ltl Mo need tor It. Do' C4at been made la tbe United Stat land for New York city, aad after re- Corpora thtw. t'ehvo lopci and Deputy Clerk rod I HI a month In goM. Tbla la only one of meat cure. Oau't barm ta moat office: May I. No. Key maining la th big oky for a abort The Kaaaai. land aad fattl.- com-paa- rlco Tbe report of Tiawal I to N 70. l4aa. iuui h Mexican vera of Oonte, for aouth half, north-wea- l i tbe many llluatrntlona that might bo dllcat. akin At any drug ator. M tlm t'ay will vlet Mr Day'a old orgaaied by John Tod of Maple ins Auditor V V Ragoril and Rtipert HtNhop. quarter, lota and I. I. tail I. who waa operated oltwl to enow the financial value of rente I aouth borne In Virgin! Slmoa Mauabsum apaotate, by Ike lowauhlp SI north, range v.i at. IM Hill. Kaaaa. and Iaw of Pot hi n!ntly lor appendtottla, la Improv adMoniloM offered nt tbe Mow Manager Crawford of the Alvnrada board to examine the acrouata of Q Moalco acrea In Colfax county. euro, are buying quaatlUo Sobool of Mlaea. Aa Mr. uoRDsaurts. Pharmacy, baa received a Mttor from immae W Kaaeliel. ex asd ma rapidly Hunter, a ArtMie af Ueaaurar young maa not yearn ago. lnrpratifl. the proprMtor, Dr. R. H Hrlgga, whs Maature laa la mew Mexico ton ool lector of Raata Pv cuaaty. TbHratta) Marshal Oormaa arreated yt II of fol lowing nrUelos of laourporn-tli- From the Uborai. The SlTlsg' i waapaay haa aoiiliaga of osm 7l,0O waa fitted for tho work he la now ea- - la at Saa Dtoao. Qattf. Um abmltted u la baard. Th raasvta a man wtm waa alnglag and acting In Mrwi ClllttMreTst ea4l for hnve boon filed In tbe office of 10 aaar gaged In eacluatvoty at the aohooi. the plemmat newa that hla health haa arM ' rwawiM couairy showed a total shortage oa tha part t vi-r- pfi'iihnr manger Tho ma lotOnUan the territorial auorotary Rnata F on ayadlcate laatfs. It afrtmwa of tbe llluatratlon oanma be with tba af (ready Imorovod aloe lea vlag tka vlaa asd aa of tho aasouatiag bp US. lodHixl In night No. 4S0, M. P. (). E priaclpni Jail Thuradr queat toned. Mra. Dr. Crasher aa Uidg high altitude, aad he boa lo eooa ' ,b cli Ml T due on Seconal of territorial, . iday he waa taken to hoaattal, M. Um A place uf huauM, Sonta Fr, Raata F lae Mrs. J. Mow. loft lor J return In pratl y good coawlitou. lmmmt WTamZJrl county aad funds. Oaatala n- - waa la a avar- Ut county A. R. " it iliaoovered that be If y want a earponttr leHawena Mrs. R. W. Cm tan tor Dewgtae Tho Incorporaiom are Rxntl Kleinwori the North Third Frederick Muller wbo wsa pi OB Idiinit (ti-ii- HeMeiden. amtar, . A. lwaa4ow-sal- . RoMbau, Oeorge Rllla John H. ' ,"'7 T vlalt her Mr. and at reel butcher, wbo haa roosst- - vwl behalf of Um boadamen did not dk Hberiff Kauai In Traitlo of Taoa Vaughn. The company is Incorporat- ly rvturned to the city from the aouth Wker vr put the (xirroctaeae of tbasi rgrt l- - OArTAN. i pataatad ottiily. ft for Taoa. taking with him T. A. Meter, preeidwit of Uie North ed for fiu years. The object la to prac- era oouathm, corroborntea th many ,helr ,cri" ""ouada 'tads The hoard reaotvod to oall ugaa lkt Mi tnu k Maria ArebnleU who la rtoat the Newa. American Copper company, writes tice boaevolme aad charity aoaord-la- g report, on tha drysoas of th cou ' bondam u ama imamdiat par . of Doiorea ?""lU': .ar. with thti murder that ha xpeete to he la Uwdaburg to the ooaatitutlou, by lawa, rule try. He found cstll aad abooa. aa a T"'. asrat and aettlasgsat, and tk ogglr Ira 0 Wetmore haa tieen moving a ' -- company" .Zl. h.ZJm 2LZ saurlii'M. mar (Vrro la the northern aoat wotrk. and rugulatloM of the grand lodg of rule. In pretty bad 771 maa and clerk of th boarJ wars ! part of bla over to Ragle ooadliloa. but I M of Ta.m lounty but lleoembar. cattle croak, Olarasaa Ooddard. who haa charge Heuovoteat lutely aad la eaeloalas with tret at eied at osaa to am written d lirt Ww the aad Protective Order found aome choice onea. however, for ni hi I In on foraat reeerve, the paat weok. Sv wlr ArobuMa haa en oaaflaed tbe of Um surveying party that Is auction of Rika, aad tbe coaaUtutloo aad by-la- hla market here. rise foac. toand for aettliajsat without gamy linnltnnttary in for aeraral monlaa Field, wko came bore la oouplo on bw tar It hag ao oattl upon but Thee t le ilre Itlag a of towasblp tho a of Kent a p lodge No 100, aa It Oeorg A. - l. letter, of rialaad addroa? Patchalogue, la-- . Mr. Camafiuidaaddasgb- km pliiR Tbe oaae will be In Jaiv, from Umg Maaleo-Arlaos- a wna In will OoubtMMly ktha advantage of tbe Um Mr aal Nw lln. tho mm ixlata, to buy, Mil, take, roselve. Mm Ada asd will Mv individual boudsnaaa aad - land, far the boaoflt of bla boaJtb, Jost. extrasssly low prlea of aad tUjmfcvt iy ih.- grand Jury at thla rlty the rtrl of th wek. build, dlspoae tr.a caul urer wore prepared, xlgaid by seh Hod M Ktirt gtaaton of tuborculoala. leaae aad nthorwlee of la low day for Rt. IaniI. whore rossgrtse ! atoeh It. Th laada wkat rnmapjaBloasra. M.i'k'a TaoM i .mnty term of court. Mr J A. ltahy and Mra R M. audi real and pemoaal property aa the will vhRt th of ta board of tsrtl otty, Hla wife waa with him at the time rvmtlvea and ia th cream of weettm oattl hUward V llobart of thla own Koala have bean plsaaiag for aoaae may a land. Sad lo by tbe rierh usdor the aasJ of wtM MrtalB to tho purpose of asM ; World fair ta - . r of Umind Mountain and arcompany the remalna to go Ther la atr la abuadaar aad hl- the coaaty. aad laatsrOay ti. tnatve tlm to to the California boaahaa organ laat ion. There etiaii ne ao The nloeot little lady rider in lUu seat oat si riineh Ub Ilea from tbla city their eld home. ,.r (IH, thr B tracMB. Th baard will aad apoad th aummr, to give tha tal stock. The name ol the coy ia wanpww. one rmea ..n firande, wrttea there A cuiot wedding occurred at the a to play nm lainous aoagk ao that aay of H h during arsaaat woak as tln Itio that bid chance la th aaad and a , th hiMM of Oale, tor who ahsli manage thr pretty paaer anu Hsowh i.ow m , gmgipg. m eatrem-maMg- e ih y "t alvr In the Rio dread William Ooalora. the tho water. They were la ao hurry f4r r Una the aaawr of UM tint of the corporation for tho flrat three th aaimal. lj( w raMajd Mg I of uin .it that point that tbe Irrigation ditch coaieaatiwg partlea being Husaey about goiag, Intending to start whaa thr platy INelc aad Mlaa May Mlllloan, aaa: BKmtha, or uatlt their auoseors are FrMdSMM, the Parlln tailor who browaing What tha rasuR will b Is ar full and that farmere art' Irrl tho tb weather got hu'. Whi-- o aearlat ' cereaaaay looted are, A. 1.. Morrison, jr., r held forth in a aerond tory room af Uawn county Is a qaosUoa, tor R wlU Having lo lay upoa my hod ten gating rot In bla partlealar aec waa performed by Judge W. fever made It appearance laat weok it M. SMitm, la bla usual happy ruler, O. C Wataoa, hV L. K.; the N T. AraUJo bulldlag, has stUagwd out small aattler wko would days from a vrfy bruised tag. i ion he thlaha there will bo a fair fruit atria. thy bwgan inlklng about making aa kw TImi Um yaaag panala gave N. I. Klag, I.. O.; Jay Tartar. R. L. obt of tho cRy, goiag to south OaN wberw1a urruny tho laada, hat at tha oaly fouad relief a . top thla year, altbaagh oreaard to trleitda of aarllar start, but even than they wars a a warm raaaatIon camp K ; A. J. Ftoohor. Chart lUsglsssslh, wraia. notor leaviag a mjws to name time urtH brlnw MSB the tax Mtl- - of xmliard i i he north of bla In the apaaola val them aad the Is ao hurry. Tueaday moraiag whaa bat) a jaNy night of It. A R. Reaekaa, Oeorge R RIIU aad,,Mt,,' " Hla slater, Mrtor'e booh of Ualos coaaty UM I ess chrfully R SS Ike y havn Ntiffered a groat deal from rc two mora eaa of fever appeared Um la J.rt.n H Vaughn who a cosmusmtlve aad wko sad away aero of laad that wwMC 8e4sSwawt SaM evgr oaat i . nt o-- y froata. lad Ma got In a burry Luckily Um HiLusserto. room si Um aaaltarlum, Bade.-- 'tber elrrui would to Iks afflicted It west-boua- d train was thr hours lat MettMo) aim to California. Another D DBMINg. Neva! of IrrigatMn. r b returned fur taaattoa pasltlf acaity mrMif from ibe Advoaato. Uwt sajr. ud (bay wr abl to aaok Attorssy M. W. Mill, who haa baas from Chicago pasaad through th any R. Byraaa. marcsaat Dovi-ravtil- e Mra. W. M. lJRaa, from III Paso, ug and oateh tho train. Thy do ni la Ias Yoga for day os court today oa tha limltod. aad will Join Tea Mr. JOe. l0 So by J Uraphlte. avrl - Cr.nn Toaas. la her vteitlug her daaghtar, think thair chlldr have be buame, haa adoptad s aoaaawkat thorn in aouthrn Oallfaral. Will uvarcOBM iBdtgawtion and dya- H O'RIel.y Sc T A t'arv haa gone to San Aulualo, from Ml awdl Loftoa, asd will rama la aad lat end to keep them novel mean for Irrigating hla diehard F. R Hyde. Jr t Um Hps I ragutat tho sad car rexaa. In apend a week with bla obi bvls for hiwm waoka. eanosur. la Rod nanyon, Colfax nouaty. espedltion. is la the eRy from aad kMsy eoasplaiala. It la Ih i surrLE DiuTBb Quesnw frleail, Hudaoa, who la now Rlvr llvr will rharllt. Tbrr waa a good rata la Um Tbe river got ao low that the water Putaam. N M. bast blood eartcbar ad tavtgorator la of a In Texaa. UM i.reekdi'nt railroad moHbatoa laat Wadnaaday evening R Takea tho bars outi doettsad to be tod Into tbe Irrigation Udy Margaret. Joe Rkrsett a little tU-- W JORgtohlO. . gU)LOH0 or gLgPMANT RUTTt Mra l.. im-l- of gl. Joaepb, Mo., who wound; nuro tk pais. Dr. A T".. l.aas mmA av' Rrmpg ralaod sufficient to aand a small vol-u- Mr. Mill had a number of nave, hy smWBjgr wB Sllwww, OaWSS masrs g w t.aa hi'i'n brother, W. T. Rc Metric houasboJd ditea. drives her owner, was Um RAM WltL SATIgPY THI S viaiting her of water down Swath Porska. oil. th wrg water taaga constructed, mount- ha a asifsrar from disease ynU will Itnaai li. of lemlng. for aoma woaka. frefrfor-al- l al Atbtotte park ytoraay MAMoa op Roao. Rorlaad aad ed tham ok whtcla aad la th rivar as it If you ar wis assiavsMTS e mrw i.'ft for hvr home la aaawer to a tele- Mr. Hoawll la tbe faa of tho RnH that ah laat olcMod a deal mat wash wtta R 0. rHREATENBI) KUN ON BANK a plaaad tr. i big fore pump which R. M. Andrew, editor aad auuv MSXICO. gram telling of the serloua lllneea of RATON s shoe aad waa with com aaar Oood. af Midland. Tasaa, whsrshr tbey, he utlllM to pump water lato agar Cocoa aad Roekladg Mows, her daughter. thai than her reron agree to deliver a large number of l4kat Wedaeaday morning a run waa taaka. There are laouaaada of Jordan Ooc, Ft., writ' "I bav saad At a mooting if the ebambar of H M Bddy ami wlfo. who aptmt tba tre your Harbla la my lasaity, sad Had M rang harass, atartod oa the Flrat National baab of la the orchard, aad Irrigation by tbla It waa ajpat vxcttlag race Mawi oomsMr of H Psao mat weak va th af-- winter In Doming, tali lor Klagatoa. It a mast saasWosI sMtMatas. Ms RwamaJwJoTsasaJaxi tw4aVa wm)4V BRm)ay e)wmwMawsm)BWat Th member of the gpaalah Moth-odla- t Raton. DepoeKore cam damaadlag proaoaa rosuiraa over a weak. Rut horn aw a hav had as opportunity of ' Ir whera Mra Kddly will remain while MM uaast aryoalf hava aaar a ehurch ar building a mow oaagal tbetr atDsey. lait Caabier Rtaekwetl tbe trouble aad spoa la well worth ias laat larrRorml fair, whoa marked rigatbai rsasrvotr qu tloa amlatgg Mr HdJy will go to hla name In Iowa ic , hanant. I R uabaaMat-Nal- y oa Happy flat. Th building la isatl noon aatlaSed tbtn by abowlng thorn while, a th aval won has sot la Laura Rpur bast a of good horsos, raoommaad RJ Paao, aaathara Now Maskw sad on a abort bualnoaa trip. They expert SM ." tOc For sal by J H aad wlU be a vary eredltahw 19.000 In oaab In tnu vault, aad th very eailafaatary massor. Owtag to aaaong thorn Primrue. KosMo, would atokably a aetUad by rttinrn t.. mlng In about a month. ft C bha hsUdtag bulbfbtg whaa eomalotod. ma eooa ceasod. It la yet unknown rereat rata Um river has rlaaa dur-la- s Tbe hast yastordaj wast to of the Rlepbaut Rstte l t Thuraday moraiag many of frst t W. J. Rowland rarried hi left y how tho run atartod or who gavo oat Um paat week it stay ekam. driven by Jake Lory, Um dam by the UaMed Rtatea our were pleated to aad ha thai utiaxiia aaake la a aRug for a day or ao this weak. I bat would start auck aa a such a method of r. The second woat to UwRaJIs WltU VISIT HSW MSXICO. swat If malteat aloas ih Rio handa again with N J. Keith, who haa hat Whtle out bunting a shot gas akoU Mr Hiarkwell would Ilka vry Swsilamaa has agogtod Jordan, driven by Looks! Bawl IrasSa as the Ma Mo aid are aHoqpad couftntHi to bla bod almoat y A Party Of Peaaaiwgjl m wttk-ara- Hn ipkuted nnd a grain of powdr logg- - mock to aucure avldcace that would loagr be raqnlred Tbla best was mad la a trls ggS,iL)i to aa tb water. Mesfoo will (or peat eighteen S Mm Smeete eTWrilam H thu monlha. eil In hlN optic load to tbe oauoo of the temporary than 1 00, which waa very fast Its claim of sgatost Mr ki.uii la now aMe to ride nut al run. The rtret National bank of Ra- M Haoa, of Pen Bl la here ldrlng tbs, th Athletic park t RrUtt. th United Mta tea for tbe nllegwd da daily on i and la the fair mad Santa Ft. ton ta conaldered ou of th alrongt today on buslneaa Ik about six sea4 skvw. A p iai inillman baa irft ( bioago prlving tbe reeldeot of Juart aad r..orrry )ti many friend all m.-- i tliuuiilal Inatllutloca In New Mexl Mr. and Mra A J Frank f A. Tb third and fourth beat went to with nrveraJ ni. mbv re of the Chicago aettlemenla below of thair water up ) Iio(M- Mm - .ina f .ur.fv for uiiiiuat. nn.i Ho Ni' Mexican i Th.- run im Weiineaday will not alf t godoaeo. ar in the rity Ady Margaret In pretty drive. Rk-- ' board of inad and prominent aoclaty ply Thu Rlephaat Rutte dam will . rv i h- . iv i. Mr. I. r rmtjo i ia-- 1 Mai Imnk In ' n. teat Mr and Um W If llabn ' am waa scratched bv h i owaer nftsr wiiMi'ii of ;h m for New Mexko to coat .tveral millions of dollara Um water auppty, te SALE. - THE WEEKLY CROP BULLETIN laereeee whteh TNUkTkrs i Mra. Jamaa Towar aad ekIM ratara- irtlU very tow. PiMUoftltr ante- - rbJH to rata- - m fc- at mtmmtm ' traalaa; froat a tton la done. A few ftekte Vh.Ma Qetuea Mewfeal rgtraateae te Mh ef wwnMro, mmm. twiB BwawawwanfvBi aatwkbaAeBtlAel I MB gwwMldhwbdB I BY THE NSW MKXIOO Hralyn Btlitala. hta wlfa, ON tka Mad ; BamW eaptmpweveaa arwtmawWVfrxVB) MUM alfalfa took tkrtfty, bat teere mm bee wf wwaBAaa auael BaWmaBwtw MaA I Otlkart toft today BBS eVPerfJtel enl wweewaTBtp BkaC twwiaoi uajr of .laauary. tarn. naa Crl aaemwwht AND CHOP very Utile ay jfr awkft ftaww twearfaffkaaal eeaaaemK CLIMATK pteatlag of kind far. roriiti BMBgagafc ittTtON M Mo. I far Hiaaa, Wta.. aeuwawwBewBP WTt eBW PBjeeEgaaBB owtee; Um Pauokia, oaliveicxi u ta tMnikid to tort of water. aaamsnd. wl" "aaad Ika rttaaMar wttk twea the etagli to aeetkad Ute Weed Bvtei. ckerrtee, aertoota m4 early applea art A. aiyat'r. aa Iraataa, ibalr nrvaaure It lajtrtaitd and the coM aad rala - tka alaa of pen. Orekarda benrtisg dord iH Hunt of tkat ta(. which aid caterrk dlMpptew (Iwtanta really dee .n iiwad r la A. B. aMaagrr of tka Baa-o- f to a eUgnnftd Idord tnpply). Paewk U4a P. . M., Mnr IT. TM Brat very irrtamterly, kut la eeaertt tkere trust recorded la tb oMea MUaffr, ka (adtoa roaajway, aow-a-day- a ah ool'' practice pravaaUvc pftpt m ik poet week M wtii ba law ewTtoeto or tatty jonohoo tbf rroaata dark aad Maoaeto Tradta mitf or Hrnalillo oonnly. la Vol twraat lata mora In from a kaafaaaa medicine thot U thir ehooM keep the I dty Bad Wksdy aad rkerrte. Rata, Ml. body, brain ami Moort la aa exeeflant Mi fcf tMilr, r s. paac trl Wdat rl. -- nn truni W. temperature serf Utile wtod. Sapello M. A. T, Rivera A ftae 1n baaitbful condition by taking a tonic aether 10 wbmh In barony matte. rkaikaj OotvV II and Mlaa H like Dr. blood pure, rala on lb 1 lib aad rIrn I yJaAVBL&'i9t Pierce', to keep tkt reawev-- liMnt' s, prteaally over tke and did anil ih- - r mnvjr to th- - jmef, kkra (nnr tn Whltonak tka nerve, heart and I mora fert oa rick, tha , mage Mi MM TtelaMy aald Htmard A Hirytr, a truau-- wkara tkay a raWaja far ml Idoorl, and the liver active te tkrew MUNMKrn of L. Oaol have rratrd Waaoa Moaad--J. Oaaa real In off MNaoua and IK 1H llMWl ttCttot tba followlac ratal, Uiu'i tka amaator. " I IWUll aad etaaay. wltk Matt akowar ok oouniy of Uarnalillo, a feel it no more tkan rlakt te give divide, Um ralee tbo Tiritr. ktlai Rhea Prim aatloiaatea a rkrit praiae wliere it la due, tad F certeinly flea W ''ustlaantr' tka Ink. Yaattioa awkaii alaw to-w- Naw Moalco, at-aaa-ta arawtk. Cattla arc la eaadiUea, to frtanda at Man Martial. Bk want to praiae Dr. Pierce'e OokJtn reaVleet tn Burly retteve Um toed Uot Oaa la Mark Tblrtr-aave- nf Medical IMarnvery," wrltoa B. bat tka laaM eraa wilt ka aeor. Ma la Icara fur tkara toatakt or Prof. J. ftrtpagnt, kat over flw twnMNT MM tka Maatara addUtraa to thi Mwa. aow akjki. TANguay, of bi M. Pater fttreet, Qutbev graaa araaa yat, aaoavt tuaiarroa " I 111 city, of Albao.iMra.iM. New Mattoo. aa bail Iwen for aome time wltk La sad ia rtotalty of the laada. Joaa tka atotk rtotM a anil did not a, iba aaaM la knawa on tka ajap of a Ckar. i.rippe ereni to regain my 'tabm mmI woeatntea In on tha Kio oraada airHtow trength, an to he hle to take up my iiiihwii Wtbar a H. BnrakaatnA raw aald addltloa mada by M. J. Maak, C. )wtr 1 Pa. la Uto city today work again Took many nM-allr- lonlca, trttesmr. Um thewar war kM ikjkt drona of rata, -- ut aawagk to do Pro-- tba taau la aai kv, aad ktod In tkr ogbra of tka ' Imt it a juat mi murh uion) thrown la vary tow, fro Um liaoa. I it, Ca aaiik good Ae a rala tka mtai aad aaod. Tka rlvar baa CtcrH aaU Raeordar of . until lirgan iMMug IH krc' oarry fall kaad J. Pinaraoy. raaraaiaakM tka rdM-over- t sevtePe goevf W4JesJM(wa eO tkoask aaaM dllckaa a aald coMBty on tbo llat day of May, a Ooeirn Midlnl Within a Rial 111 Ml. lining that I ettU-- lie sappty awrterte..; Ae & of water, oaly akoat a tklrd of tka ItM. an Hardwart nwjaay af aftrr to tka water 1 aioirmi aAin, ami inniHi tnai inv aya-tri- ii bee Aad. tka daod oT Leate, la oa a kaalaaaa trip to tka awl wvr. iiiiaaWiiai beta Wkoraaa. aald ih i ulirl free from an of Am ty wall , nortkara towaa. Maw graaa kaa orrbardt ara adraaoad. Oattla iruai w mada to aoear tka imy-'- ffrct whk-l- i gptwAy .invmvad. Mm, (' Tbunaaa, or araoa bad uuall follow a raae wall otortod la aaay k ar atlli dotaa wall, kat akap ara a mrnt of a net of John of 1. I now kprii n Imttle of rtrtaia M. ii.nii ' toaeMng I failure laaiti M. Mralya Bay, Wta . and Mra. H. Borawwa. of thr f,oWn Mtdiral IHerovrT) on aMtfcw and. althamejk Jnha ttlaglr aad m eax aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak.-- xwwwbbbbbmbb? TLddtaai R. kt City, Mo. alatora of W K n ImiiiI. ,hi I. wlien I retch rolil, takr a anmhed. tka ahaami aad war-aja-r aMiaau 'or ibr aaai of n Haadrad ' WIIMaaja .loo.. few ilo , uliivk keepe mi in jierfect Btt-nk-ar OkTtctor January o ibe Baa Market, will weather w likely preteat oaUmn. dat.d Nad. IM, V ti-- orentna on No 7 from he 1I1I1 a buikktr u t .iraatk Bayakto one year antra tkla e km. Tka kMest raaatta teeteeto aad ou or iNfnr itilz Grosser ami Mtilii) I do not rNe-cov- rH will for a, im 'rregeter yteM ef kMaka. Tka after aald teat aamilonHl date to tka tka teat aad remain uvril ' hna an aqua: " beet tad cewpeaev d akoat Mr ordar of W. 8. kadrack. wltk tataraat waaka vlaltlng thnlr bnithrr'a family "In normtit of my mfeaaten I I - at North Twelfth alrc. l Drum Heijor AlUitny fouml t'.utt tlirougli ear r wklta othert aearty all T!m H. V gpftnw, coaatetMMl ' tka rata af tkjkt ior rant par aa- lit tlurr )rara K" ii. ld ltMlp Bryant la avtllug euil'terit) clitUet nt nrglectltut len-ti- e mum uam, Mra. kSWrt univriAlaina tha aad waay oM Oa I IT"n vmjumr qiranvny City Bund, of tkraa nrrirod bar aMthrr and alaiwr, Mra. W. H. JYUinbtr tbe MtUf inn and again I c iilractrd ham range aad la Mm aortkaMt. Aai, wworaaa. inv aara oaaa 01 ciatlt- - Ik imi.'.iiii." write Alex Mr from tka teat algkt at :M and Mlaa Bdiih So-ctB- ty, iii had begae k? Ml vary raaM-a-; aattk mat roatalaaa a roadlllon tfcarala 'anla Jaaalnaa. Gsrmiiii VLsitu Rtiln, t'hAiti)'t'm Hk.ilrr ol Mn'.ii"h ami Vile of wfco geeeral 1 w pi sweat oVIoch, aad kka aaity rHtud ap kara Uaai ir iha njakara of aald aota akoold irrltiil from Bl Paao. UueinH- ol Halnmial Win be la a igta ui . tfl Strrri. ! J. B. Matthew, of tha Mattkew'a . ntfwe, Manitoba. " I aim. fmuitl Hint im now looked for. until tkte aMrfilag. W to pay tka aaaic at atotarlty. tka JrnM.y dairy, toft laat nlgkt kH. the fretna-n- t atraiini told 011 m nrrvoo ,; Wl.ere water waa oklalaaMa crop fottow- - at tha rvajeaat 01 tbo tor Tkf party ooaatatad of tka 1.1 a lioata, will ayateiii.raiieinK arute dvi.N and i i raged prr-naa- ear-M- lean I eoMwr nota. akoali tall whre ka take la tka Mtfa.!. dlt. a mad oat-- af aald Thr ri in wll ata Pa 'antra - Wortd'a for eeverel Tells nrmiimw pronarty pefc- Pair week. in ! l tetter part af Um week, kat tka akovaaarrlkad at !$tmm. worm ! I frart-- I would rmla H R. W. Negua, manager of the orelmtil ,4fte 'del acreage pet la tkte aaaaaa llr aaetloa. to tkt klakaat kktdar, at hair to it' tip '", M,,,t- - 'ilt":Tlliri. ai- - company, - - aauaj. r l . waatara Braaa Ooor at tbo Poat fMBea In tba Aiitoaaatlr Tel phone baa wii-- 1 onvnani um- in. utn- mnrh iai Ikaa Wkaat trn th. ' rn ar arowroa Wadaly. Tka krat aaportntaadaat; 0. B. Paolk.,t. ol Alboaoraii. Ooonty of Bar aona to ('hloago aad Hew York on si kll Mi- i.i,Ml on my rang ami r.uwl m grrnt nunnn (nd.iru Mcilirul IH..,. n, thi company. sli,,.i., .. ,h, ame, aa I UuHiig patwm MU of nn .ti n I 1. its wf aMda imt, tttakor aad tit laaaaetnr, la n-- fwraaabi: am aiviao roar bualaeaa cuaatttod with hla iiu woehi cougli tke ntejkt aattlaa alMlk ki katac la v m - ptoata oa tka W. Beott, railway i' n nuoce ml waa nneble to akjep or get my eanlHIwitini. I am ,v tlwt cbarco of tratln( weefc ,UTWm 0. a Saata Pa li- Batkara ooaatkM, kat, aaeaaUat la th' of ,hv from itli imt - Within I Ih , t uao; v. A. Morac, aaataeor; . . 'ir. 4ora, nwded net. My luaga wen- verv tew tlx week alter hot ikieg mj-- main cbtof Ml, , roaderttir running oat of Toyoka, wLo i hm- - I U tka i far lafckj ajpMI, tka rMfct lh mnn iw i. l I flt dallv tkat my ayatew waa It wnaonrv mere In i ih Tlw H. V. PkiUlpa. off rlaited oontkera Calif orate, pateed Ii,mk ,. -- M nry nakt. aoM. by adwrtlaaawnt In son rtV 'a kulnryg, !! 'line; imwe ami more run down Vow rbviiniatli.iii kail iMmji .irr.l iiul m Ity kome-lioun-d Int-- .1' ' ! li dtecMi-'- i i tki waatara Bread, dtrlaloa. Praak aewaaaner mibHsbtid Itt, throeak th tbla lit in w, IVm'n (iol l. n MiNltcal IHeeoverv appetite nno .t-- .iii tt, .1 aa, aat!"oU nrlmert and , li J Raaley, dtrtetoa aeaariataadaat of It - n n, . . 1,, ovtr-eoni- e reritmniemleil to nn Ur a frieatf, could hr deairecT I now lm n. tv. rary City upon wwex , rtaa aroailaa tr the of Atboaeereea, aad It-- la lamwalti wrukiH-fc- . I I' 1 gaa-tlaaat- a I llixl kn tin an I Ixnujht a like ateei and aw glad to vtli away traaa tka New ktostoo dlrtotoa. Tkeae aale to eaecete aad Aat Batarda) T. W. Brloer uf .hii tnttlc and Iwgan to aw k,w yM4, kaarlat aald eallrrr vlur nl gnud air nil I miiiIikIii winch U it, iw he )okc at kiglily of li to your vrr, were eeroaieaaied by tketr almwie property o of paralyahv Ha la tke merit. - aay, wktta otkera kara a fair deed in fee of tka a imIiiim! force tliat we i.m .tii rn y. I MKtn I'.iiiiul that hi faith wiw nut un-fo- i - 01 warn I ' 1 , aoirt to tka parekar thereof, aad r- jwiiiur toe mini Kim T Itbotit the rays of th ami nlfil. ml .i gUit to note that I It 1MI1 hlocl pore mi.l iivulitliuii B. BMibaak-a-l auperla belldteg He la report ad aa bet an-- " " Mwwiai Nkwrka arr astract U Baaa, tka celre ike proreeda of aaM mla, aad murh animate anil plantn drtaai the dliect n i', uctlllif belt, 1 oclii1i. iih! ttiat I ii' live wr do nut cull h tolil A ion of oorrrspoad- - teadeat at tke eeaet liaaa, at preaaat oat of auek proreeda ekould pay, Brat: tor today. warmth of the aun qaickeni- - tbe btotxl wu iTmlurtwil 1 w a ml Iraa at niylit, and, tiuued cold, wlirtliri in none, throat. 1,1 aad give elaatUily ami viinlity to the I eaarn-tircl- y Itroechial tn1 aoon devclopa a la ckarge of tke total eke, pad P. the eeeta mU eapeaaei of execatmg Bdwaril Jahaeoa, tbe raitkfal jan- finall after llim rehii' uar, rutar acewt, waott nawe. a la aaneiiy taaea ruretl. Am to r my rbat atalr -- which la nanl to get ikIoi. -- Haaaoa--Droaak- t t. Myera, tke papator etattoa itor af tbe Central aekool building, at H. M. ibla treat, tectedrng reaeoeabla la the abode or la a room arttawallr tajperieui-- e w TIh heat way eradicate 1 - n W ith yonr nietlicine, ami tn M to the catarrh ia - met hi- party, ware In roaaalte-(to- wilt n oat In Mna-aaa- a 1 . t toattaara aad la aaw aa.loui. lMk- aad fete aad compenaailoa to tkt aaand month the aaaien amiaefe.toiignteu lor to etnera may henrfitetl try It alao." to begin at the foam! itiou, In building Mr. Me)ds. He will bt kM raorta an akaeiata fatkira, and wltk tritetee tor kkt etrttoet. and, neat ' wwataiaa ineve for UoaA becoww ataaaated. Tke edvaataa thla vtgatable prttwra- up the blood, and rutting gor aaaar loaaea in catttf. of all An hour toter, oa a frobjkt uala. apply the pieetttta reamtalag over to hla oattag aa none aa aebeoi la aland. yiod to a 4rauaiit and a bad cold tion of Dr. Pitrce net ever all otkera into the drcttlaUoo. MeNal-l- y rejalta if" Tkla cok ptrakte H I wealth we triad fcUitoi Haiatk of lla IHvlaloa Baparlattadeat J. P. the payment of aeld debt and Internet, Tke Oentlewea'a Drlvlag clab keld a then Met in the fact tkat It rioct not contain Health and can keen well 08 raatdir tttlaa en the lung ami we are apt to alcohol derange by knowing Aow read tbe " Common fall on tka oattarn hordar arrived from Baa Marelal. It nay, wattlag over Blaatr't Onfe leet xtght. or anything that tkt kaal aataat aad tke itmnkidir, te tkt sutTcr from luawv-fot-to- mix-tnt- et Bane Medical Adviter,' l Tkla morning tka wkoie party Tke matter of a waMaee tor next catena of tbe etomaeh. The majority of cough R. V. lierce, of kka aaaaty. mnlirra of aatd note, or their legal by great ilebillty. Thka M what contain taper which caawt for M. D of Buffalo, N. Y, Scud liltti tke local akopo aad wade aa Haaday wan dlacaaaed, nad It cloth-lioum- AMkaJa A. M. Mokcrdaoa-aH- UI we kfekx Prlta Oramtr of 77 CathariM St., MMntafdoa. or wkick eoiMliiMten. jt oaa aaat atampa for a l offlrtal vlaH to tba pinat of tke Awerl-oa- a kaaily tkat none would be Albany, N. Y., t copy, have book dry ; jaawtkM aMkaa no proar Aad, Where, tkare la due. owing dnnd myt haaatntd te hha or If eeateat to tke la laaktr company, btlag tkewn and unpaid from tka wnfctra of aald riven. "1 eaught a aetata cold wklek lattlei TWa weu known teate, Dr. Pierte'a paper eertft, tend only 11 ttawps. ky IMiwawald TT A. Ballteao- r- AlfaV through tke mill aad otaer worka note to tke wad W. 0. Bkadraek tka Paeaeager tmla No. If today ar- la la a Mctla tota kat not Meaaaar Jatkaaa. aum of Plee Hundred ItoHart with In rived about Ave koara tote, prteaaaV Tke Claaa day exerelaea aad Olee W. H. Maaa who haa beea koldie tendered kla resignation Uel morning :l& tke My Marly Tkla at o'tleek Mm oa aecoeat pttor yower. Ail even- Hot-broo- by fraariag. tereat aa afereaald frewt lead day af dub eoaeert will be given thla down tke emraiara tteek ta tke k Saturday, any tke Rye. Mr. apecte! palled out for tke aoatfc, wltk traiaa tonight excepting No. I, wklek Nee-dle-a ap alealy; krat alaaUni of of April. IBM, end tke aatd W. 0. ing in Mbrary ball, beginning at 1 depot bat been traaaferred to kat been a realdrnt of aara waak. Tko Man Jaaa rtrar Mr. MeKally'a oar attached to Ike Bkadrark, legal la not rrported at all, ere reported to for kve yeara. but tke bolder of aaM o'clock. Tke Senior claaa will read Porka. about When tke train, aad ka In okareje. Negtee U note, arrive on tlwe. Ak up, t aun kiak. haa reoueeted theuade raigned their papera aad the Otoe club will Needle aacklae worka atarted Oartakad H. r. Ckrtatlaa-T- ka la pulling Ute apeotel aoatkwHrd wttk imatee to aall aald proporty for tke Mra. Anker Pvteraoa of Kaaaaa aome eighteen mouth ago. he accept- Ptre-ma- n aing of year knjH oaaa la bow rartata. No aaaretty did. Hochetl at tka tkrotUe aad iMirpoaHi aad In arwordaaro wltk tke City arrived teat algkt aad la vlaHIng the Joki'a tbe la plea Mra. Dave Bummer, wife of ed a poalttoa wltk them ea forumaa. La adeaback ahovlag hi tka anal. wltk hV--r pareate, Mr. Mra. Baa Ing melody. of Irrtaatton watar aa yet. aad fcna-- term of aald deed of iruat aad Bawwera af tke Nto Oread a. nad roatlaued aa aurh for omo llme Th geaerel public m at- ara ara baay palling in tbalr eroaa. Howard Bwaet la tke roadartor. Tka Now. therefore. I. Baraard A. Bleya Meyer of Ut North BeooBd etreet lavtted to aad Mm. Moby of Ban Marelal. after, when ke returnrd tn the Ran la 1 rala crew are all particular Meade Mr. ta a tend. Tka aragrawM I ae toftowt; , rtrat aatktag of Alfalfa balm nada tr. tke uaderalgned trettce, la omv Peteraoa torekeeper for th are In tke eity vltltlag aad abupplag. Pe. Mr. Cnnnlna-bam- a com oaa leu Maaaa oattlo to poor eoadltnm. rala of Mr. Madge, aad are Iboroagkly e aideraiton of tke foregoing aad ky Kanta Pe at Arwaardaie, Kaaaaa. Vote of Bprtag Baheaateia a by hla fatally, will apend the u meter Mdawy on Olee Club. to badly aoodad on tka raaa ttnlaaam. virtue of tba powere reeled iu we by Hoekett. aaglaetr the Rio (' U. Vaa Hera of tbe freight oM-ce- a treatbt at bla old home. Roanoke, P. t deed-keada- Uooka. te Ml llto P. Iopta Vary dr. J. Batltf, tke dlviatoa taperla-- aald deJ of treat, will, oa Moaeay, Uraade dlrwton. we Thtur I'laoe Brain Dvl hat rented a kaaee oa Watt Sti Virginia Maaler Meihenir W. P go y tek-In- g oaweat la tka aaiaakalaa, aad watar la undent, did not aoatk wltk the the lotb eey of June, 1PM, at tea here oftorder for the aareaae ef Bee Hnatttagar ver aveaue. Mra. Pea Mora aad ektM-- Back haa appointed W. H. Orundy tn pany. re- Pteao Bote UfeM Alfalfa la drtni froat tka la ait artrata tea ok, ka 01 lock la tke toroaoon of aald day, at tke Baata Pa oateiakV apeawl Uwreaee ran will arrive next week from th eteeeed Mr. Oaaalngkam aa foreman turned aortk to Laa Veaaa ea tka the froat door of tke Poat OBlce la train to Bl Paao. Tha poell earriad Tka Dlataat Bella MeKaaate aaai. of tan Needles Benin Pe ebon. J. P. Leeta Marai delayed ptattager trala No. t. tke City of AJbuauerauc. County of it a own engina tkroegh frow Tepth. Otoe Otak. e a a . Mlaaea Lttthyi vaftkUtoa la growla wait. "Tke of Tke Otttaea, wktle Beraellllo aforaaaid. offer far aale Derby A. Day. New Mexleo lrto Plnny, Wnlker nreatae Art Kerrigan haa rut umod OHANBC IN 8CHKDULE. Vocal Beio, Model ". . for Irrbjatloa paraoaaa la tun koeplag la wltk tke etrttaa aall - of tbe Mataal Ufa laaaraac The Btedeat. to Wine low frow Aagetea Water aad tke above deaeribod real T Lot heepttal Oraaa la atarttac ilcily oa through Ha oolaaana," reawrked The tat at public aaetloa te tke btghaat pany of New York, aad family left Lola BrookfieM taneiautly ron. vered frow lajurlea The HI Pate ft NrtHttrn tyatem Ortgla . tka akawara of ika ('Itlcea repreaaat live, 'wowid like te aad beat bidder, tor eeak, te pay aatd laat ntgkl for tke aaat. Tkey will of ralry Talet .Iaore Paaree aaatainad la the yard a to Make a Qenerel Chartpe ta vlaH aX. latffodlla Olee Club kave year vtewa. Have you aaylkiat pioatlaaory note, aaaoaailas. with iwarer, Loaia, Chicago, New admit of hla returalag to work. the Werld't Pair la. Ore- origin of Kuu Lean Taker Paaaito- - Jackaoa Tabor A dry aad of latereet to lappartT" to data of aale. to tke aum of York. BaH Uhe City, fort tend, a e Tratfle te It. Leul. grewt lowly. Btock ateag gon, aeatfte, Waehingioti, San Praa-iio- . Service for Service . . .Ibbi Haydee dAily aaai uaak. Oraaa aarrtwaK tke aaata Pt M44JI, aad for tke payment of coete The aervlre of th Obliterate Ml Paao ayatem An-rul- Melody Olee e Tbe ft Nortbeaattirn PotaoNt la wall, but on Una la in vary ffoed eaa aad return by way of Im Club ihaitad ce-M- the teat Um txik af aaiat taet af her of adverttetmaat aad rtaaoaaela at ef month. real Iling tke Importance of imatern Mr. Madge. tor tke tawaiar, aad Mr. Day Tomorrow algkt la Blk'a opera tha aMaa ta tka aeatk tkara la aaaM dittoa," aald "W are toraey'a feet to ld trnatte aad kit amt alter that tlwe tbe limited will travel for tke cowing month and al lepafiliiHy In aheap aad teafks. totaled f a good wheat crop la Kaa- - roaaael. will return to Alkuaaereue after aa boumi will be keM Um formal Conv run twice n week. There will be ae It, e thirty weacoweat exerelaea. All ara cor way awake to tke comfort of t pa TBa artt cttttlac of alfalfa, will be Me WmHAm A BUtYtTaW. uiea ef change In tlwe of tke other pawna bth, Jn- - dr. dtally exerete-aa-. troaa, will, etfoetlve June 104. uala-jar- "Aa we - of tke aiceet aad prettleet de- Invited to attead tkeae ger faraiaa no new aai Ikjkt. Prnlt on mr raaek la to the machlaiat' atlike, Tratte- nad tlw card will make complete rearrangement of It livery watwaa to yet appear on tke A few aaata la fke ptreaet kave b prteeat. aad aaawilaaa akandaatly. are feellag no aril atfeeta from tkla laanrd at patttnger nehedalea, having the arrl Vary u KdLaffBdK. I'Uhbv taoToua tare of the cHy put la beea reaerved for tbe Mead of tbo e a fart BaatoaOeoraa Bvatla tke line aaat of AJbwiaereae. We vnl aad departure of train from all Idpkt of tka 11th, Hare akept ap aa aiipearaaee yeatarday aad waa claaa All othen are tree. Urt. J. L. Davit, llkrartea akowtra alfkt bat the all tiled aad hare Krom A of the Important terwIaalR flaed nt aeaaon ike raaa. murb admfred. It la a red wagon, The aaata reserved will be held uu-ti- l Bea In readtag aat aaoub to aMaaara. a larger force aow akaa we had be- Fe reamt at Nttdtea. able koure. Harry llaatm , who he painted, and bear tbe aaata the programme begin. lam Pert Wiaaata Joka Wood gala fore tke atrtke. la tke Topetm akept retariad frow Aaaetta, wkere the No. bound, will depart ur H. J. Co., re- Tke propawwe la aa JuUowa: Trala i, oaat ttajkt akowora we bad ISO wo rined la tha aaaaty Jan nhnrejad with Pent ft wboteaale aad baa beea for a period of a week. Mra. . Twe darrac tkc week wkere marblalata had from Bl Paao at 7 a. m mountain tlmi-- y tell hardware werxrhect. Overt un "Bgwoat" Beethoven Atteeded daagkter Jate-phia- e atartad tka grata growing a little, bat at work eater day IN. burglary, eaeaaad frow Deputy Bker narla her arriving at Topekn a iu p m and at Mm try very dry. flkeep, The creek Ooroaaoo bead favored Orekettrt. to Angela, aad returned, u ulil The quaatlun at laauc between tkt if IMvwibeee atMht. loa 6 p m timt-tk- e aa the otaer a Kaaaaa City at central range lei-h- Tbe Cttteea wltk twe choice aetee-tlon- invooauoa Mar. J. W. Marek iHivlax ker tor treat oBttla aad boraaa oa tba ara macklalaU aad tke coamaay kave Bra H. P. PaJawr toft far Ixm An tkare went. aeeoad evening At Knntaa City welajkt day. fully ky 1 hie forenoon, and tae Colorado Aria tPmw Marriage of Pkjaro) . . a tvar beea to covered tke news gelee. Bhe win vtttt other point of direct connection will lie made fur Bl Hough paper by band boya are tke beat "that aver Xlat Uwrnoan r. Plood, wko kaa been bond Itahar-t- W. H. Warmer aad varloat latervlawa wttk latereet la emtthera California before i. lamia aad Chicago. iMNMongera arrit weetkei. core aad wkeat grow atowly. tke prteldeat aad vice preeldeat. tkat we ke krat waa "Biaeretto," a Addreea Beetal Monte luaekmaa at tke Needle Hervey returning to her borne I lag at tkeae point th aeoond mum la Detroit. lively meant id by Laaia Baa Dr. Bdward B. Paraoaa, dean nt noua tke peat Tkara la ae graaa on tka raaaa. Pralt there te notklag ware to be aaM. Mtok. wari far aeveral year, left lag after departure from Nt I'eao. Ap aro good. QraaakiMpato The apaotel object my nett. flrat tromeoae player of the Uotorado (Mtes. for tetadad. wkere ke taket Uw waa-- araaaaeU aoi of trip ta Lieut. M. C. Bayaor, In charge of a proximately tbe aama time l road.-wee- t KI band aad "Soeveatr of Okay," dea Paioaalae Merkel agimant of tke Bagdad Mr. kaa pal in taanpta raaaa. Paao It to bold a awetlng or tke detachment of aaldtert. arrived here keaae. bound, leaving Chicago and Bt Oaa, eated to the band ky RoUteon, wktek Orokeetra. Ptoow a popular yfattag awa ate LaCBBA Wetaa Oood rala hoard of director of the Bl Paaa frow Port Apaeke, aad toft oa tketr li aad Urula In tbe vnlng,krrlvlng at KI faMJag today PIrat heavy rain Uatou Depot coaapaay, of whiek I aw waa" The flrat waa "Blearetta," a Hroeentatlon Dipltwat prataottoa la a cowweat upon kit lltk). return Saturday morning with tka Paeo tn aeeond evening at S p. tn . oeat-er- t at tke wk tonight la natto. Sept A. B. Btroap aktMtr af aat aaaaaa Tka rata will do thou tbo preaideni. Tka plana tor the new woaey boa. mountain time. Too much Importance pated wRh ptoatare. la. 1 By tke Bee Metropolitan Air . . of do! tare aoed la tkla naigkhor depot are ready, aad It la expected Agent Croaa waa vwry buay cannot be pet upon tba desirability dar T c. hwPermott, the popular maae-ge- r UM High Bobeoi Beag . Mlaa Hewitt Steee tk Saata -- Pe an opened Oraaa la aow aaaared. aad tkat the coatrarta will be let la a few rag tba week ekeeklag out freight for Ite of arriving at Bt. Loult, tht World's gred- - and oaa of the owner of th kv Olee Clek. brnaek line from W1 eaaea froat etarvatlon will day. Pt Apaeke. Awoag tke freiakt there litem, Ariaona. Pair eity In the morning Those train uaJte I abell return to Topekn by way moua Paywoed hot apriaaa, Oraat Tke otaalag eaereteea to tka te te edae of Um Oread ooayoa, Aa-tm- I, a aaw mill weighing nearly IT,-m- will oarry Pullman standard wide vea re. vat oouniy wiU keld attor-aeo- a. oawe la frow the aoatk thai warda be tkte IfM, the tmvwl baa 1 U IM-Mr- aaat B. ttwlft Boaae of Cartoned. Reewell aad AwarUte." pound, wklek waa aaoaeaafnlly laerettad 1 baled equlpweat - a standard and eetay wnrnmg. aad eoatlnutd aortk oa Um la the foUowlag roowa plaatlag f4amly to that woeeerfal ehaaw. Tha IfcgBt akewera aarlag tka Bret of tke Retatlre te tka of traiaa frow I artcd tourist teener--al- so chair cara be went. Mr. delayed He. I paeaeagar trala. He ttxeroteaa were rendered: auwhar of travalera ta that point waak, kat ararytktog la aim rary dry tke Medae aekaewi edged W. B. Wood kaa aad aa Aerwotor lag operated tkrougk from Ml Paao report tka Payweod aortas working Mlaa WUIey'a etaaa kat prepared tee Aagaet, 1MW. are llated aa fol- Im VenaeOr. W. C. BaMey A aoeae of tke big oil burning en wind mill put apaa ate pteet thla week ta BL Ideate wttkout change of aay gine woadera la tke cure of rkeawatlew a clever little fairy phvy. low ky Saate Pa: lteo, IS; war ekewar aa Um 1Mb, wklek wW bttwutn Bellgmaa aad Needle and Bcrgeaat Kaiker aaya It will be no tkt Mad whatever. Aa usual all meal will aad ailweata, and aaya aer-er- a! At Third ward Mtoeea Map' aad 1HI, IkOt, IthM, ka af araat baaiBt to vegataUoa, aad are at areatat la bad condition, bet other tkat MM; MBC: ll.TOi. ke aerved In Koek tyttem Bvi't of bU If he don't have a flee Albeeuarqu vltltort, aaw Tbomaa' nlaaaaa will join la givlag Island die tke graaa 00 tkr rang. Rain, they will be doing eieaiteet aerrtee c at tkt lag It te to dwell atart o,i of allnkm. aprtaga. proaraw. Mr. at tart. uoaectMry in a fnw daya aad traiaa will tkaa be are receiving beaelte. Preai their MeParlaad'a eiaet H U. Madge aad 0. M. Paalkaer of upon or nit Dr. and Mra, R. U. Murtoagk onwe - tke eseelieecy of thla part running on ecaeduted tlwe. Hutting la there, nod h !.- doing nlee-If- . will alto cloaa tke year wltk torn the SmU Pe, H. It Nlekereea of tke altera Pieaolti Mlara The "Iaat in from Keaw'a eon yon, wkere tke - tkt lerrtet. Tkte belag tka abort llat night," Mr. Medge. "UOrty-k-u- r cl- dee aeteetteaii. Mm teaa Central, Mater Watbaa of dreagkt la weraa. Ut oonunued eoeaequently offer the qickett time Ieaakla akoat doctor la ewptoyed aa phyaietee la Tke Nto Oraade valley pioneer, Cot At aeeoad ward Mlaaea Adanu aad the Pexifte. Bddy boilemakera direct from tke Tata Chariot of from Bl aao to at l.ouia. Chicago atokad aad tke beet aetlwataa glra ike Hopl trnlnlag aekoel. Tkey board- W. I Bald w la he comet I v worka pateed II. II. la tke eity today Keeper'a etaaa will kave pregtrama. tk M Paao ft Mertkceetera, H. i. tea per root eared, heeldea a loaa of ed No. for their home in Barllas-ame- . Met'. and all point north and oaat, only through tor t from kit fruit uad poultry raaek at Tkat Itttle folk have beea working Slmnmna of tha M Paao ft Soutkweet-era- . if per of old akeep. tke weal Tkeae wen are Nameaa. hours from Bl Paso to HI. 1iult teat Oatti. tiwrougnly Patarito. Tke ooloeei la aa lively aa for aome tlwe oa tketr part and a A. S. Joknemi, B. B. Caaklng aad keep ap rery well ea tke old graaa. famlMar wltk oil burning Bemaaon and Hathaway oaat Another Important Item, tht Koek aad tkt men will be divided a cricket, aad la hard to catch today. pleaalag tlwe will be bad. T. Pay of tke (HI ronton. Karri aimrg engln, upI. Wlaelow In --Sheriff tlaad ayetem la tke amy line from thi (Ma fktlleeta A. Joaaak Tba lung from examine ok Ha totttaa; Hart-atoa'- a up at tka Win low, BeUgmau aad la around tbe boy kaew la tke Peurtk ward Mlaa Plora ft Ban Antonio, ere at Bl Paao attend- soutkwesi which has tta at aad terrible draaajbt kat ended; th P. P. Baeriat, who kaa keen held kit age. aad, eeereo, room will cdoae ing station the Needle ekopt. It took to wa kka of la a watt wltk cleverly a meeting of tba Union Depot World's fair grounda I'aaauugera eefkjea relet of tkt but two daya In euatody on a ekarge of Inoanlty. orderly meaner oal ahrating kit birth- prepared eaereteea. com pa ay General Mtaeaer Wtottt. of tke ooatt , traveling via this line may ir desired vriwlo nppaaraata awaiting tke return of Probate Judge a kart ehanatd tke treat, bw the atrike pretty well under day. If kt ft )eara old, aad ka The high aekool will give tkelr exer-olae- ooa-eawe- Loa doe- - Ittva aeaw at tke World s fair gates of Um teaaUr Btock la la Bood eoelml, aad pawangar Wattroa frow Aaaetoe. lke to lewad oat a otatary before icolgbt In the Library bait aa J A. Mercer, tka former agent el aad freiakt - I aad avoid tke crowd, delay tke kuab erop win areraaa lore proeorneed klw mentally unbal- ylehte ap that and traBto will teen be werteg wttk mark- ke tke ftght of life to kla announced eteewkere. tke Baata Pe at Lee Laaat. ttopped at the aatea aiaUea, Bfcy par eent. Btreama are bank fan. want anrod and tke Judge oawwltted htm Maker All of tk etoopt Mlaa oa la Um eity tkla lawralng between ed regularity of Albeeuerqet." teaekert I Tkla new eekedul will enable M. MM Inat Drought the Ineaae aaylum et PhoealK. Mr. aad Mra. John Heaver will Adawa are pteaalag to be la Ute tralee, Mr. Mercer left to4ey oa tbe alo A man way during ih Uotorado tourist to make a qulek atd ky kaa akewera tka algkt of Klraman M. J. Dwyer Ntght dlaaatroat leave Buadey ajpkt for Tokep. Kaa- aoboolt her aaat year. Mlaa Adawa delayed Ma. t far Trtakted. where ha and waa by pteaaaat journey to all Colorado re OM Vagatottoa much refraakad, ' Meek tloaaed th water ool aaa. vtelt ah-aaa- will Uek. lloetier Bkappard have Mwnoped" p wkere tkeywlll a few daya. baa naked for a year leave of meet hit madly, aad from tker aorta. t ima at the depot. Mr C K. Oweat Oaly oae night out Colorado MP akatkawn gen rally aneoumgod iiiHa temporarily Tkey will thee gs to Chicago aad aad will epead the year la Cali- tkey will continue oa to Kaaaaa Ottr-- potnta. RMa.OTl tnd three ekIMrea wore alttlng la a thane to the Wortd'a Pair at Bt. fornia. It. Bryan tunc ended Mr. Mercer at Co-Op- e iirlng wagon la froat of tka Bry-e- a l Ur CkarUm M. Uravor Uoula. After teetag the atehta of tke Mr. Keyer aad tke Mlaaea Bradnvd, etattoa agent u Let Leaai. Mr. At a ateeUag of the Santa Ke Ty retlve atore. Mr. Oweaa left bla Bed ralaa In aurroaedtaf awall big eapeelttaa for a few weeka, tkey Plora Hart bum, Hewlit, La Bar aad wa formerly ngeat at U Joy pograpbiaal aatea No. 400, keld in hold tke mule while b did MMl aoaw abowera oa !y will godiraattoLoutevllle.and tkeaee King wttl leave at oaaa fear BL Leate a a Monday evening. P. P. BBBkilta. tke trading atorc, Stare wit (Xnadlttoaa greatly ka KILLthr la tke the mulea i Ibaaaa, Martoa aaaaty, Ky., wkere and polela aaat, wklto kUaaat LeavUt, At 1 dl the other afternoon, extra rested dategala, aad William Raab kave iiiH-am- frlahteaed aad to run 1 MS, Tha raket will atart Um grata am CURE couchLUNGS atarted buy will epead a touete of roontba Blder. Tway, Adawa aad Moon will Ooaduitor Thawpiaa aad Bngia-ea- r alternate to the International conven thi Tii. hoy oa, waa un-d- r rea aad teorteae kka watar bald bat tkrown with retettrea aad frtoada. apond tbe auwwer la California, aad Dougherty, fmlllded wltb th rear tlon to be held la St. Loula la August tke wkeeki aad th mulea were end extra 4j, AUaUk growlag very vH: WITH Ret aad Mra. T. 0 Co:ka of Mouth tha Ml Beben and MePte will vtelt of jatt eaet of the eaet Arrhltect La Drier rests rosy let a oara up aooagk to akew Dr. King's tainlaf geoH gpead when they their pa renin lu Colorado. Tbe other awiirh at Hoeek. Partaaately ae oae contract to Scott ft Mace for tke con aBi "truck tke ttAaepipa Tklrd etreet Me eatertaialag Dr. B aad ttopped Tke will thing waa injured, althoagh akoat tklrteen . tru !lon of UM towa. Qardan truck looka flo. R teaobara keep together a double lrlck house for oecupaata rig Wllbura. paetor of tbe Blttb street r quarter of ef the were rery much in Albuquerque, oara were either badly dawagad or . Hoe of tb Blngi-- Hewing Ma Batwltketaedkn tke imh Niw Methodlat Bplaeopal Porte-mout- l'brls Discovery irlghtened, MOM In- church at loa oa ika algkt itf the Will Katn. bat of Ihew were Sept. Btraup will attead ike Nation deatroyed, aad th train line blocked chine at the comer of jured, wagon won coaaidi-rahl- Ohio. Dr. Wllbura ai leaded 'ih 0.0. ONIUMfTION PrKt ka al Bduoaiioaal aaaootetloa the laat of for twelve hour Tbe mute of tbe ier avenue and BUth wir.-c- t &0cfcSt(M lro)ti-- up. the Metkadlat ooaferenco nt - Ia June In Ml Louta and vlaU the expo-al- t arrldunt haa not aa yet hen given Ther are auvoral rsnsi-.- i ,lnit aenla Pa- I H, Wvather ttuieau ttopped off while F0"Uttl Frtt trial. gad here ea Ion out oggars working u, 1 the harliai,l,. I4gbl abowern during tha laitir 'im Manh, U Old Town gardener. rout,' home He will at Bun-da- iri nlY pretldt dined of thla city. They an- - t,ums I tke woiK wTaatly ail uickeet Cure for ..11 night Bt. frohu for Loela and Ma vunlng'a aervlrea of th II II Mllt hDw, binder, who waa (1 tea - THI; OAT and LUNO TJtOUB. iMd the Ilea ('uunlngbaao. who liaa held of tin- worst type anl Marahsl M wgetM ton 'Mevlei rnln. wuinli. Hi will Im - "iott LBB, MONK BACK He ataent alxmi Awnrn- Methodlat Rplai'iipul burrh at n l,ulu-- i r turned to the poaitioa of geueral Miuiu tit ili- - Iwiur foreman of th aud iimiii iiaiii t at, war u aow hi aiuiintaiiK .i .1 lUi.'llh ii 'al'ir .1' Ttmpl Allien li, Intel I li) iilht Needli-- Bania Ke all op and round I11K HiKir luiiv.-in- i uu