University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 5-21-1904 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 05-21-1904 T. Hughes Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Hughes, T.. "Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 05-21-1904." (1904). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. V01.0M1 A.LBUQUERQUE, NSW MVXIOO. SATURDAY MAT 21. 1904. tTOMBSR 140 PRRRBYTRrllAHR nRRT. at avemalllle. f paMrs by the grwyase. THE NEW BISHOP MISS STELLA MATMONT wwea veweev Mr. Uotoaelta Oouaalwa d Montoy The program will he aa follow W. ifeatoa, priactaal, Rntrtb aad aaatiago hetwaea the falla af nana-- Mk. n. r nSr iR--The i tag J died Tnaaany erenlng at her home In tn Rev. J. atath ; Mlaala McPle. Ulrd aawaaeRBaT waftag aPMMNaatBt esC4aflssSsnrJ OlsWaMaTa, ate Avenue Praebyteriea ehereh aaei! OP ALBANY OAVI 0RA4MiATtrR RtOITAl AT tucation Iktraaltllo of the laftrmattes of nM age. Aria I Prom MarrhWM of Phaaroi Ullte Rsapsra. firet grade of thla city. koMa a federal reaesaskin Iom It In. waa aeareety MM te MURIC NAU. Km NIOMT. M Rh was 7 years old a of Third Ware Saheel. earerlag the river power hetwean Albany. N V , stay la. Th native the erowde who enaRR rw ronaty a of the n MePnrland. prlaelpal fifth theae two potata. Boats aad slater Mm aHett nMaMght. daughter of admittance (hit moretag at the fciael rration of tha Haw. Mebnrd K. Nalaoa lata Nasarlo Uonaale. who died at Dr. Rdward R, aad sixth grade; aland Cuaters. RanrM IkaMright. grade, Tway. opening of the lleth aaaual ooiitca of PblladMpkbi aa aaagihar of the Cleoega Ihiea weeks ago. The re- Mr. aad Mr. H. of nf Coiorade entlege Mate Rest grade. NYS COW WW MOtMC S0qa(q C asaaifcaaaj saMat f the Preabytertaa church iimMy, aawatOCPMa mains were Interrad In the CathoHe til Booth High attest, gave her arad- - Kernel Haat. third grade; Aaatta place In this chy today tM wm the OlqateMaifV grade. Ida Rider, first The gathering m called to order at cemtery at Bernalillo yeater day Mlea uataag recital rresa rhqr Viiiveretty of PIMM MltlTARY IfdRTtTWTR RR o clock by the retiring moderator, hrtlllaat sorsTu of tha kiad MoaWya, graad daughter, Pvaaaatatlea ilglnmas grade il Vleaata her New Mexico weaaoi Mantr at U-- t4M.TR OP PIRUR RAY RXRR-OeRR- 1 peer lahwa piaee Albsay. af the Rev Robert F. OoyW, of haa la who left V Tneaday aftemooo 4rMP4 A gar eMfWgy dearth Ward lohoal. l. iaata every hall hast v. prior ( for-qs-l it togan la All talata' OkahadraJ at of reaah-a- (ft, I By Roy Klger prlaelpal, fifth Dearer Tw ours the c for the bedeldw the densaaad. the Air l 3D aeaity of grades , Moon, oiHK the chapel m threw thla Mtere eat la time to see her die. tk I High awhool awag. Mlea Hwwttt aiuh l.ydta third open to receive the rrcdsatints of the ini'.l . i tbI boar. Dsaiaasd wa aa esoellBt woman in atteadaaos (Roe Ctab. gradea, Rdythe Rverftt The boys who attend waa the eatert MlRtary . rwaraiBsloncrc, numbering nearly TOO uitIubi crowded to tha every rpect aad vary pin Ptara Hartasan. lastttata and an equal number of aKeraatae, bund red would have lihed to aaoaiw BMaiary to Hon Petit Mart tana, a presalaeat well MM paat year, are oaaeet- - eaJaT Iew4pe lSa3qV((Jgf iwt n tkat hoar aatll tba assembly Urkvta of bat ware refaead. juoaesNit aad wealthy etttsea of Rt Paee, who Rllaa. -- Ih Wllley. third and fourth fa a couple of daye, as the wag tub - vmveaed the Rev. Dr. WlUtaea H. Interest la tha acialan night Mlea la nanelally latereated la oertala a- grades are evsr aad the eehnftt Itobt rU, (hf staKd M kept by the pronuaaaoa at tka Ryggawrhhkate terprlsss at Laa Vagaa. ream la from ; Tata letter school will likely be dean cl for the aasBjaar. (, OUTSIRC RIOOavMIHPATION Ah URstv keya asaTaaTBgmhrm una) dlatributlag badge aad aeilgat The three rsasn rating rajgmaee the soaili tkla saoralag, aad darlag! away with whoa sahanl oaaaa la lAt hfoaeey was aa day, aad. AklL-T- tUght WllUaat T MAMWt AND the inati am waa d ma the delegate fe their places. The bieaopa ware the Re. rfTNRth of brief aafoara la the city a aad Mtaa Wllley will be while none of the school reearaa were player t horoagH aaadjamtaece wHh ptaasBBt d sale: naa of tba edlRee warn crowded i:roswell llwaae of Aibaay, Mght Rev. woe JUtMMHtf RiejUIRBB. caller at thie ealoe. Me la aaaw of the ward hulldlaga iaheai, a great latsreet waa maalfaat-- D. D., art Vegaa M avatacatloa wkaa the oacalae; hymn oil w. WhHakar, af Fhllaoel' the Untied on to Laa oa the The BMtter of aaslgnlng teaehera la ed aw very eatlaraalery werh waa a tba aaaataafpt joteJag wltk and Mght Her. Caaaaeey It. Prof. Kreba, Mrs. mt ft Raaaeti ed No Z left to the suaertatei dent The iBtlaeihRj, ta a hat of the Tha fight for apaotatnvsat to taa Vr: he immmiaaieiisis mm ra Hrfwetar of Comnoeticui. The ata aad Hlame aaateaM Mia Host New addllkms to all the ward hullil events bowing eatrtea aad reeordd uiwivm offlei of of the COL. RAN PAOKARR. be rsnOBlna of tb Batbem. acatttrs were the Right Ra. Cbarhw aaaociate laattes lags will be ready at that (law, at r oma tend, blahop coadjator of cen- la opea At Ubrary hall at wjo tomor-- Ian yard daeh D. Tka larina of taa rettrlag nsoder-to- r auarcme court still aa1 TNI hWARTMY YANK R I legal It Is honed ao. aad ala aew teaeh- Prull. Chaves. hfaefc-a- y oagjar papMa1 1 toe-iou- . tral New York and Mght .vev. raw afternoon will fhe will eland, won by D Vrmn Itww th entire ntonlhg wM not be settled for several days, TO OUR MARRAOHU-RRTT- t era ha added to the preaaat Mmlth, biahop PaMbv recital of the njaRani aad oa aad at lit nuacluelua tka eeeee oaadjvtor of says a dispatch from Wash- iwnnsale. wag Monday Mlea MUCH IMPROVIO IN ell, tka ylvania h aerejan preaohtd by Helea itatt will alve Pleas mr the new addrtlons to hullo-leg- e Running ftroad JaaHr-B- Ohaves. adjourned until a lata knur la ington Delegate Rudey has endorsed prepare f the electloa the Right Her. Arthur V A. Hall. D. her graduating rsrital. Mtaa Huat HRAUM. are la the heads at eoatractor Morse, Reader aad Rjfrie; waa by afternoon to ir g Muh-i- n A. Mann of I .a Craces, aav-la- stager's wwl n-- t Mna Reeder; f the new moderator tba moat lev I). of Veraanat. Rdward recital oefnr aad hula for const motion erti! ha eaea- - It feet, three tarbeo. Belt few days rwwtaat practlrel baaliaaa of tka day. reeetved within the laat day aignt. Oaf Daa Packard, the Mwsrthy Be ad by the board at a special second. - g MANKIT lolTTtR- from New Mealcn arg-la- daah-Hoha- M, The mw ton bagvo today will eoe amity telegrams loatae. who the pent year haa beoa a aent Moadny Bight m yard Dafplnger Mm to do so. It Is uaderatood INTO D. nana for taa days or loager Ac cea-alltutl- Hpecial I'urreapoadeaw hwaitlar flgare la driving about the Those present laat Bight war. l Prutt. Morse; woe by mil; M Judge A. A. Preeman of Oarhv seconds, taa highest eeurt la tb Kaaaa City. Mo.. May Id eaely that The poiHIetaae aagaBVy uu doing sny of aohallag the ssoaaeatna deal Hupklas. Tnmteer Lathy, hterae aeooad. will not be considered lor appoint- Rtandlng jawr-tw- M. hurrh, the assembly arlll be a taactsr or rang bred stun last week waaj had the work of the afjAie ooun la quest urn af the day la the of barn. Marsh. Wrong. cnRg and broad OaMve. presldeat ta quite well Boat- lobar ..f widespread lattraat. aad many mut- moderatv. Tkere waa (talta a aprtahl ment. Tha tcvawtatlag new JaTaWel gmtricu tka Alvaraeo, left tkla afternoon far Morar. Reader, Rlrte; woa hp Rail; upon qualification of the sev- feci. Regan ter r Import aaro will ha brought he- ing if good braaded steers, Kaaaa ed the The suprei Dearer. After a abort atop at Denver, I laches. secoad. New Mexico eaadldatea. It la MIAVV" High rn re H hir discussion aad settremtst. fori, wklek. for quality, eosaaared well eral doubt will. redlvtrMI fjBtcrrrtory Into he will go la Rt. louta, aad tkeaaa to LciMfip"attP. lumpCopchad. Pall, loomed. aid that Kdward A. Mean who haa hMraa, J. Miller. BJrle; wea by More, There are ao bereey trlaJa. aa no with the natives, aad sutd about uvea judical dlstrtcta wgjpHaa raajard to uraaWtoa, Xass . where after sigktssa trangaat endorsement, I 10 mvislon of the ronfaaatoa of faith la r with tha latter Moat of the went the territorial the lata re is of tha aaaTRMa. the bar, maatho' leave of abaeaee he will again RMTNRRttNR RRfNJftTB 00M feat. laraee. J Miller second. will required te tarwleh sa earns Rhot put Roll, apectcd. but tba many queetlowt of ra steer haw beoa light weight, he the Judge ami the aafwgVe nf ruaniag take up hla duties as traveling avueag- PrHMd OTRRO 0RMNTY.
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