AVBBAOK DAILY OnODLATIOM nn wDATBon , fiev tiM Mostli « l ffaly. IM S Feraeaat of C. 8.' Weathas Hartford

6,039 Partly eloady tonight end Satur-

■bmr ad Iho A a ltt. day; aUglifly w am er.











mBEon»>8 nwAWT noH tionally As "Roister’’ For


• Hrtlywood-, Angr- M :— fA P )-^ ' DiscqiliiiiBg Unnily Pris* HUMIDITY lENHANOEff Cofdd Be Heard Cbarly Airplanes droning overhead ^ MOTIE BfUSIO QUAUrr BrothweD D e e r e s tanh sound like bumble bees to a film micmpbonc. oiers By Terroriste Mob. EXPECT LABOR Hollywood, Aug. 26— (AP)— For Ton MOes; Ugly Arab So Director Sam Wood had a N ow they’re alr-conditloning many Leader Accompan-

10-foot balloon, bearing a warn- movie mueiel Philadelphia, Aug. 26.— (A P ) — DEBATE CLIMAX Mob Faces Britiih Pofice. ing, sign to fliers, sent Into- tbs Paramount eound engineers group of “tough” guarda, srtiose ied Gangster Few N e i t b sir .on a 100-foot rope. ■aid today they have discovered Tho sign attracted planes like duties Coroner Charles H. Hersch that a 55-degree constant rela- By JAhlES A. BOIXS honey attracts bees. said includad punishing unruly con- NEH INGRESS tive humidity enhances toe qual- Before Dntch Was Shin; Wood hauled it down. Jaffa, Paleatino, Aug.-SS.— (A P )— victs, was blamed today for the ity of music recording. -*#1 deafening bomb explosion In a Philadelphia county prison’s deaths ± Wemberg, Mob’s Bosioets 'ded veifetable market today in the “iGondlke”— a stuffy steam- Disimssion In Donse And heated teoiatlon building. at least M Arabs and wound- - . H erach called , this'Class of guards Manager, Back Ob Staidv ed 74 othera, ten of them dangerous- CLOSER HES a mob of “terrorists" and said: Senate Wfll Center On HULL’S SHARP "We’ra going after members of ly, as dawn was breaking in this BibUcal city. . . the mob, and find out how they Changes To Clarify Wag- New York, Aug. 96—(A P )—A The explosion was so, terrific that operated." MADE DURING latoationally Used As *Ttoaater” NOTEWARNING Connecticut Yankee today deseribsd the detonaUon could he heard clear-* H e said deaths of four men Mon- ly within a radius o f ten miles. ner Law As Suggested. how “King Arthur (Dutch Schults)) day in the “Klondike”, a 15 by 50 eVawd Seeks Beveaga Flegenhelmer held equine court in * HORM VISITfoot building heated by a long Une PoUcs raced to the scene and TOraCANS tertainlng Tammany District Lead-

of large radiators. Indicated that the faced an ugly Arab crowd seeking building had been used Intentionally Washington, Aug. 26 — (A P) — er Jamee J. Hines In a quiet county

revenge. by some of the guards', aa a Debate over amending toe Wagner sUble. V It attacked Barclay's bank, the Premier Conferred With Ger "roaster” for disciplining prisoners. The witness, a bssr-hatoig ildlag Labor Relatione Act, developing Seizure Of AmericaihOwned Anglo-Palestine bank, sat fire to Ho said his investigation indicated master from Falrflold, Ooiuin While Coroner Charles H., Hersch said he would ask that Penn- ever since Its paasage In 1986, ap- many shops and stoned, waylaid and that a “higher up" also 'was re- Dudley Brothwell, teetifled in ITlnW* ^ shot Jewish pedestrians who were man Economics Mimster, sylvania state troopers be placed In charge of the Philadelphia county parently will reach a climax In Con- sponsible for the deaths. prison at'Holmesburg, Investigators planned to enter the punishment Farm Lands WHhont Prop- oonepiracy trial that the dread ‘ hurrying to the aU^ewUh city of It was this official, the coroner gress next winter. cells lA which four convicts were found dead and have ventilation 'esar” Schulta— head ot tha Tel Aviv for refuge. declared, who gave the order to Congress heretofore has btocked Fonning Basis For Later shut off while steam waa turned on. The corridor above Is flanked million dollar Harlem policy Ten Jews were taken .to hospitals “ turn on the beat” In punishment all attempts to revise the 'act or to er Compensation Miist on the left by the cells In which the men died; at right, are the radia- — visited his stablsa with Hhten hi after attacks. An automobile be- cells where he said the prisoners Investigate lU operation. Now, August, 1985, a few months tors which some investigators say “baked the men to death. hpwever, Mr. Rooiwvelt has sug- longing to the manager of Barclay's Detailed Negotiations. were “literally baked alive” after Schults was stein. gested that toe National Labor Sto|T, Demands Settlement bank waa turned over and art taking part In an mranUed revolt "You saw Mr, Hlnea then?” i aUase. against a "monotonous" diet Board, labor unions, and tmployers ed' Defenoe Counsel Lloyd Police Forced So Fire Borlin, Aug. 26— ( A P ) —Ground- . "W o have definite information aa get together to recommend clariflca- Stryker. • to the Identity of the higher up whO tlohe. Washington, Aug. 26.— (A P )— A The situation became so threaten- "Yep,” toe wttnan nodded. ”| woik for closer economic tisa than was responsible for the inesreera- ing the poUce were forced to Sre on UNITED STATES OBJECTS Dlscuselon In the Senate and sharp note from Secretary Hull did.” , over before between Germany and the angry orowa and finally restor- tion, punishment and death of these House, the'rafore, probably wlU cen- served notice on toe Mexican gov- men”, Hersch said. ed a semblance of order with the Hungary, informed sdurees said to- ter on toe extent of ebanges to be Although he declined to discuss ernment today that it must atop Amid Utters In too aid of troopa. day is being laid during the state made., . BrotowtU descriped Schults namsa, the coroner said he had war- seizing American-owned form lands A stzeog detachment of eoldiere TO A H A C K ON AIRLINER Officials of tfie United States visit Hungary's regent. Admiral entoualsatte boraoman— "ono of ranta for. the arrest of .“four..to six. without proper compensation. to. Jaffa_frpm qutlytae poktte .ami NlchoJig^prUiy.______..guards and oSisiala’’ .. .and promised Chamber of Commerce and the N a- best,” hs s a ld -a n d he told of Tho Stats Depulniant head de- "armored «cen took poeitions oh the It was disclosed that Bela Imredl, he would "break the case wide tional Association of Manufacturers mob leader and his phlef Ueut

main etreets. Machine gun poste the Hungarian premier, who is here tq>en'.” have offered long lists of proposed manded for a eecond tone that Mex- “Lulu” Rosenwrana, cantstoii; Grew Preseuts Note Ceusur’* ico make prompt settlement of $10,- were set up on the border line be- In Horthy’s suite, • conferred at Hersch said bis information con' amendments. Executives of the pMcstuny through toe cool Oam>, U.S. CONSULATE American Federation of Labor are 000,000 in claims for property al- tween Jaffa and Tel Aviv. length yesterday with Walther corning the "higher up" waa given aecilelit oountryside. drafting their own suggeetlons at ready expropriated. The most pathetic aspect of the Funk, German economics mlnleter, by four guarda during six hours of ing Japauese Jeopardiz- "The Dutchman,” at that Unie, bombing, eimilar to the market and Rudolf Brlnkmann, secratsuy of questioning'last night Atlantic City this week. Peralstenoe in a policy of “bald was a- fugltlva from JusUce, place explosion at Haifa last July state In the eoonomica ministry. Ho identified two of - the guarda as HIT BY BULLET Lewie Sold Oppoeed confiscation,” be said, “wUl serious- by Federal agento la

16, was that five young boys wars Francla Smith, 48, and AUrad W . ing American LiveS] And On the other hand, representa- ly Jeopardise toe Interests of all with his Income tax. It waa imderstood their converaa- kUlsd and ssven were gravely ttons would form ths basis for de- Brough, 89, held in $2,500 bail each tives of Jo)m L. Lewis have said peoplM toroughout toe worfd." After Brothwell had fin as material witnesses In the deaths. the CtJ.O. leader was opposed to any Hull’s note, made pubUo tegt Gaotzs-Welnberg, 36, former _ wounded. taUsd negotlatioaa by speciaUsts of Other Non-ComHalants. IN PLANE RAID Cnrtsw Ifl^eeed both eountriss leading to a closer Befora going, to the prison, where changee in toe act, which guaran- night, kikied Mexico to agree either ness manager of toe Schults pqli^S Immediately after the explosion economic arrangement the questloidng took place, too cor- tees to workers the right to bsigaln to Inter-American arbitration or to racket, was recallsd to the staiod. authorities imposed on indefinite Watch Bted Oonferenoe oner said Smlto had offered “to tell collectively with employers through make monthly payments. In escrow Surprise Wltaesa aU.” tevo representatives— one curfew. That the Hungarian visitors kept Washington, Aug. 26.— (A P ) -The Twelve Bombs Dropped lo spokesmen of their own selection. while He had .been Interrupted, by th( When this correspondent attempt- an eye on the meeting of the Little Meanwhile, Dr. Martin R. Crane, Unted States expressed to Japan The" C.l.O. has urged its members dramaUc introduction of BrotoweU (Continued on Page Tea.) ed to go to the scene from Jeru- Eintente powers nt B l ^ Yugoslavia, to demand that congress keep' os a surprise wltnes by the state. (tXmttniied On Psgo Twb) today its “emphatic' objection" to while accepting German hospitality, JVoagsba Stadon District "hands off” toe law. InadvertenUy, Stryker brongki salem In an automobUe flying the the'attack of a Japanese war plane appeared from interviews by Imredl Persons close to toe National L#' out toe contrast between the 000* Stars and Stripes, he was baited by authoritiea. and Hungarian Foreign Minister on a Chlneee commercial airliner Of Canton, Killing One bor Board said its three membere nccUeut riding master and the mob “W e don’t want you to return to Kciomaa Von Kanya published In Wednesday with the reported loss tf were puzzled by Mr. Rooeevelt’e REBEU ATTACKING overlord who became on such good Field Marshall Hermann Wilhelm PAPER APPEALS of 14 lives. reference to ambtguoue sections of terms that they addressed one an> 'the law. Board members have op- rtjonttaaed Oa Page Two) Goerlng’s mouthpiece, the Essener On Instructions from Secretary And Doing Mach Damage. other as “Arthur" and "Dud.” National. Zeituag. HuU. American Ambassador Joseph poeed.. In public speechM roost of the "A nd didnit you," aMcsd Btzyksr,. amendhients suggested ' In various : ON EBRO FRONT "Our rearmament and renuncia- CONTEMPT CASE C. Grew, Tokyo, presented the Japa- tion of the use of force, on the one nese government •with a note which Canton, China, Aug. 26.— (A P )— quarters. (Oeotfonsd oa (foga Two.) arounds For Pleas (MrrSUDETENS hand, . and the protection of minor- declared; United States consulate' In ities on Hie other, are- rteariy de- Most pleas foe, revision of toe act “My- government'deslrea to ^ - suburban Shameen was struck by a pendent one on the other," the news- preas its emphatic objection to the have been based on these conteh- Hass Forces North And lOs Aogeles Publisher To fragment of anti-aircraft bullet to- tlons: paper quoted Von Kanya as saying: Jeopardizing In this way of the Uvea . N E W d lN C ^ H IN S “The Bled agreement can. there- of American, as well as other non- day when Japanese bombers raided That it hi' “one-sided” because It (Canton. places prohibitions against employ- South Of Gandesa In Ef- fore, become effective only when an Carry Fight Over Editorial combatant occupants of 'Unarmed LATE NEW S i Twelve bombs fell In the Wong- ers only, and not against unions or accord is reached regarding, a civilian planes engaged In clearly sha atation district, killing one per- employes. declaration anent minorities to be recognized and eatabliahed commer- fort To Stah Loyal Lines. given by Chechoslovakia. son and causing extensive property That the act and Its operation Action By Czechs Comes A1-, Comments To Hi|di Court. cial services over a regularly sched- damage. have fostered Industrial strife rath- FLASHESL “Furtbermore, Hungary's attitude uled air route." In the future will depend on how No one at the American consul- er than diminishing the causes of Has Aroused Public Feeding ate waa directly endangered. The Hendaye, France— (A t the Span- most Sinmltaneoiisly Witlr ptomUde made in this minority Los Angeles, Aug. 26 — (A P ) — labor disputes. Hull told the Japanese, "this at- piece o f bullet smashed a window ish Frontier)—Aug. 26 — (AP) — AfXTUSE EACH OTHER declaration are kept,” The ‘nmes-Mlrrer company, pub- That to* act ana Labor Board de- tack upon the plane , has aroused In the servants’ .quarters. (Soverament dispatches reported to- Falrileid, Dl., Aug. 26— ( A P I - (The Uttle Stetente powers— lisher of toe Los Angeles Times, cisions have been partial to labor. German Diplomatic Move. public feeling in the United States.” day that Insurgent troops were at- Two young woTOMi, vmgabooda tenc CkechoslQvakia, Rumania and Yugo- prepared for an extended legal bat- (Chairman Madden of the Labor The pilot of the plane waa'. an FIOHTINO INTENSE Board has referred to contentiona tacking In force north and south of they left their homes In too Ten slavia— agreed at Bled to disregard tle today over conviction of the news- American,' Hugh L. Wood, Winfield, Shanghai, Aug. 26.— (A P )—In* Gandesa in an effort to bite out the the arms limitations imposed on paper and two executives of con- that the act la overbalanced for la- neseee mountain country Jnly, 5. Praha, Aug. 26.— (A P ) — Discloe- Kans., who waa one of the three bor aa "ludicrous.” He lias declar- heart of toe Ebro river front in have accused each othw ot Uh Hungary by the Trianon peace tempt of court for publishing edi- urea of a German diplomatic de- survivors. (Continued on Page Ten.) ed'that Industriarstrife resulted nbt eastern Spain.. murder of Shannon. 66-year- marche In several Ehiropean capitals treaty and announced that separate torials commenting on various court The American note declared that non-aggression and minority agree- from toe act or Board rulings' but The bulletins acknpwledged tok^ old Mount Erie, III., fnrnoer, ShertS on the Sudeten German issue and of "not only was the llf<|. of an Ameri- from "fanatical opposition” of em- the government lines were giving Ernest Burkett said today. ments between . Hungary and the new Praha government concessions The Hm'es was held in contempt can national directly imperiled but Entente members would be conclud- on five counts late yesterday by Su- ployers until Supreme Court deci- slightly near Cofbera, where the The sheriff anid Mrs. Jean BroSite to its autonomy-demandlBg Ger- loss was alao occaaioDed to Ameri- sions cleared the air. Insurgents' were directing their 28, of Ellzabetoton, Taui„ and Mra, manic minority came-admoet simul- ed shortly.) perior Judge Emmet Wilson. Imme- AMERICAN’S DEATH can property Interests as the Pan- The. Essener National .Zettung diately, T. B. Coegroye, counsel for Settled 10,000 Qwee main attack north of Gandesa.. Beulah Honeycutt, 25, of Johnaos taneously here toray. American Airways has. a very sub- quoted Imredl: ' The nm es, announced an appeal Edwin S. Smith, a Board member, Corbera In^ on the highway be- City, Tenn., each declared the other Information reacldng the C^keicho- stantial interest In the CHUna N a- .W alt Osoeh Devislea and said toe ease'would bo carried haa reported that i.'e Board settled tween Gandesa and Mora de Ebro hod fired the shots which killed slovqk government indicated Ger- tional' Aviation Corporation.” (The CALLED SUICIDE "Agreement), on . these already; is to too United States Supreme Oiurt, more than 10,000 'bases 'Invol'Mng near ' the sector where government Shannon as he lay In bed. many had told other powers she company which owned the airliner). might have to act "to sponsor" perfect with Rumania and Yugo- If necesaary, because of toe princi- 2,000,000 workers. He said thiB.4n- lines were eataplished a month ago the -Sudeten German demands If a ■lavia but has not become effective ples of frsedom of speech and free- Text Of Note AUSTRALIANS BEATEN (Continued on Page Ten.) (Continued o)V.Pa k Page Ten.) Brookline. Mask, Aug;' 26— (A P ) artutlon were too. long delayed, but yet because both countries want to dom of the press involved. The text of the American note English Coroner’s Jury Re- hat such action would not be in await CXechoalovaUa’a decision.” Judge Wilson’s decision found toe read; .> — Mine. Rene ’Mathleu ' of^Fraocs. and Jadwiga Jedrtejowska, the |« nature of an attack. “Acting under Instructlqns, 1 have ' ’fb e extent of the government (Oontlaaed oa Page Tea.) toe honor on behalf of my govern hard-driving PoUskStar, today pro- suee (Oonttaned ea Page Iflae.) tems Verdict In ^ F ^ libnceaalons waa not revealed, but ment to protest to your excellency vided toe w'om^n^ •ection of the it waa' knetwn they formed the sub- against the unwarranted attack on Bitter California F ^h (\ I national doubles tennis tournament ject .Of a conference between 'Vis- August 24, 1938, near Marao, by Shooting of Yale Graduate I with Its ipajor apart by overwheliii- count Runet man, unofficial British Japanese, alrplanea* upon a commer I Ing the top-seedea foreign entry, . mediator In this conflict, and a com- San Francisco Warehouses clal airplane operated by toe China Involves’ Pensions, Nancye Wynne and Thetnin Coyne mittee of the Sudeten German National Aviation Corporation re- 'Eastry, Bngltod, Aug-. 28— CAP) |,of'Australia, 6 4 U 'k t in n eeml-fiml party.. suIUng In a total destruction of the — A coroner’s Jury today returned a at Longw'obd. Me|v Baste for Nsgoteattoa. Closed In Labor Dispute commercial. ahri6ans, >to* loos c f the verdict o f .suicide while of. itnaound 8an "Fraaeteeb, A u gs 96— (A P )—4$ - 'The. esurd.. was - publicly displayed' Described by a government mind In toe fatal shootlng.qf Stiles More than 800 candidates for np- by Pelrson Hall, supporter or Sheri, FROSTS REPORTED spokesman as “material’’ and aa a lives of a number of non-com- ^ E. Tuttle, son of an American steel ttonal, state and local offices Inten- dan Downey, a McAdoo opponent. Bangor, Me,, Aug. 26. — (A P ) — likely "new basis for negotiation,,’; batant passengers, and the en- financier, whose body was found In sified their scramble for votes tM ay Hall, former. United States district Light frosts were reported today, os e .they were put forward by the po- San Pfonclsco, Aug. 26— (A P ) — « The freight car, half-filled with dangering of the life of the Ameri a woods near here Wednesday be- as. California’s bitter primary cam- attorney at Los Angeles, blamed temperatures at tha Bcetoa u d litical mlnlfters of the Csecboslo- A t least 79 warehouses. Including school BuppUes from a struck F, W. can pilot. qide oi new shotgUn. paign, involving toe administration McAdoo because he waa not reap, Maine Airwaj’s dropp^ to the low- -vak governnoent last night and Woolworth warehouse, -has been “This attack upon the plane has alL ths wholesale grocery establteh- 7716 verdict said evidence pointed choice Jot senator, neared an elec- .pointed a year ago. est point of the summer aeaaoa whss raised hopes of negotiators trying shunted from building to building, aroused public feeling in the Unit- ments la San Francisco, w o n closed to premeditation by Tuttle, 27-year- tion day climax. $30 Weekly Pension For Idle therm(>roeters registered 49 d k - to overcome the deadlock.’ where warehotisemen have refused ed States. today by a labor dispute involving old Yale graduate and player. :Next Tueoday, toe state’a 3,454,- 'Under the pension proposal, green above. The froeta, Ineffoeffoe However, the Praha government to handle the cargo. Employers “I am. directed to point 'out to Hia father, E. C. Tuttle, who flew aa regards any knowa dansage. a meandering freight car and a 6(18 registered voters, 58.8 per cent which 1,000,000 vrters have favored was Informed that Nasi (Senpany— have promptly discharged the men your excellency, with referenqp to to England from Le Touquot, France of them declared Democrata, will were reported unofllcialty from aeose which has. aseumed the role, of pro- matter of principle. nlaking an Initiative measure this and closed toe plants. , the attack In question, that not only when Informed of the death, was have opportunity to select candi- fall, ail unemployed' persons over eastern Maine Incalittea. tector of the Germanic minority Employers' prsdieted suspeoalon WiU Nei Handle -Hot Cargo” was toe life of an American Na- reported too distressed to attend dates for United States senator, 50 would be given $30 weekly In - • a • of SJSM.OOO In CMCboalovakla— had during the day of toe wholesale The matter of prindple Involv' d tional directly Imperiled, but loss the inqueat. He Is chairman o f the repreaentatlves, governor and other negotiable scrip.. The plan would .MARKETS AT A QLANCH approached other nations pn this liquor business, which would add Is an employer contention that ihe was alao occasioned to American board of toe Rustless Iron and Steel atate and local offlcera. be financed by a 2 per cent weekly New York, Aug. 2d. — (A P ) — Issue, Including Britain and' Soviet about 26 more warehouses to toe warehousemen must handle all car- property Interests oa the Pan- corporation of Baltimore, Md. . Stocks—Irregalart profit ' Russia but excluding France, McAdoo’s Fate Involved tax on toe scrip. inoperative list and involve an es- go, regardness of origin, and too Ameriqan Airways has a very sub- The body was Identified by a The senatorial race Involving toe stems advance. tJsecfaoslovakla’s foremost ally. CSiarges by another McAdoo rival, tim ate total of 2,000 workers. omployao'reply they will not handle stantial interest In the China N a- friend o f the. family who attended Bonda—Uaevea; many raOs mk Gernuuy was said to hdvo assured Immediate fate of Senator William John W . Preston, that the senator Clecks Threaten WaJkoot “hrt cargo” and thus be forced Into tional Aviation (Corporation. the Inqueat. : Gibbs McAdoo, who haa President was collecting campaign funds from tend galna. the powers approached that she Further complicating toe labor working against brother unionists Refera To Woodk Aoooont A fter toe nine members of the Rooeeyelt’a blesaing, and toe cam' Federal employes resulted In toe Curb—Lower; .meteto la aiqqfiib.... wants tbs Sudeten problem settled ralatloas picture la San Francisco, OB strike. *T am directed to invite the spe- coroner’s Jury were sworn in, they palgn for governor, have highlight- Senate (fompaign Expenditures Foreign Exchange ■■ Steady; sfot- peaceably. .. But tho German dtplo- scene of many of toe naUoa’s Ut> Ung a little lower. Spokesmen for grocery dtetribu- cial attention of your excellency to were taken to view the body— ed a campaign of bitter words .and (tommlttee sending Investigators mato, according to tho Praha ac- torest sad longest strikes, was ths Cottoa— Improvedt.trafie aad count. omphasleetf that If the sohi- tors ^sald tosro was no ImmedlaU toe following points in the account custom rarely observed now in Eng- tangled Issues.. here. .Senator McAdoo vigorously threatsnsd walkout of 7,000 dorks Street buying. tJoa were too long deloyod Germany -peril of a food shortage, since re- of Pilot Wood: Iteb Inquests. In toe background, too, lurked a denied toe charges. Sugar— Firm; trade boyhig. _• « would have to sponsor the Sudeten ha 27 major department stores be- tail stores w e n well atockqp, but “The (China National Aviation TWO boys found the body In $30,-a-week old age pension plan, Four candidates, including Ray cause of a collapse in negotiations liquor wbolasalers forecast an al- woods near toe main road between now before the State Supreme court L. Riley, state railroad commission-, Coffee—Higher; hotter aged dte- demands by every possible means Corporation plane waa puraued by short of actual attack. for a now contract most immsdlats shortage of'sdver- Japaneae 'j>lahes which atarted ma- Eastry and Dover. Tuesday,. TUt- for decision whether It should be al- er, are.campaigning for tbs Repub- In ^prtMchlng bo Moscow foreign Employgrs yostoday close M tteed liquor brands nken toeir chine gunning; aftrt- the China N a- tie bought a double-barrelled sport- lowed'on toe general election batlot lican senatorial nomination. ing gun and a box o f cartridges at in November. A decision may be TBEA8URT B A L A N G ^^| office Gormsp3r*s representative waa grocery warehouaas ahead ef too plants are closed. tional Aviation Corporation plane Right dUiididatea are seeking th e' London store, and left bis apart- announced before Tuesday. to have dtsd as evidencs of eventual arrival of a freight car, Operatora of 87 major dspartmsot had eucceesfully landed It was fol- Democratic gubernatorial nomina- ‘ ment In toe fashionable Westmin- Senator McAdoo, fighting for re- tlon. The Incumbent Republican Washington, Aug. 36.— ( i Germany's peaceful intentions how which for more than two weeks has stores refused to resume negoUa- lowad down by Japanese pursuit ster district, taking two suitcases. nomination among a field BD STBIN PtACES FIRST REWARDED FOR HT8 WORH I tVAOEB OH THE CAMPAIGN FAIRFIELD MAN SAYS BUT IT M TOO LATE BOLTON LAKE PLATERS lARRANiXCHILDRQrSDAY Pi^ENT APPROVES MHFORD DEMOCRATS lowing tha cave-ln but at first oaief RIFT It’s still^ good many weeks Back In 1831, Harold Dwyer OBITUARY YARN MILLS FEEL DECLARES MOVIES nothing about It. When both par. befprs tbe fall alections roll NINES WITH SCHULTZ of Summit street was # winner PRESENT ANCIENT HAY FOR KNIGHTS'CARNIVAL THREE BOYS DIE ents became alarmed over failure CONNEidIClIT PROJECTS of the other youngsters to return around but the first political bet In the annual model eoropetition NEDTRAl IN BATHE C an Vacnuni deoaed—Ua has already been madl. conducted by an auto body com- WAGE LAW EFFECT GLOUCESTER SCHOONERS for lunch and questioned him, he OVER HYDE CANDIDACY Ed Stein, erstwhile local ON VISIT TO STABLES But Goldini’s Masterpiece DEATHS Day To. Be Set Aside Foi HELP INDUSnUES IN DEEP GUUY talked' vaguely about falling dirt, Hydraulic Brake SpeHaOata bgny, his replica of a Napoleonic Compilation And Inde' Of Milford, Aug. 26—(AP) — Mil- Parts and Linings chicken and poultry fancier and coach being judged the best Not Given In Italian Lan- - Youn8:aters At Big Local then Kfter eome persuasion led them now n man-about-town, bos Mrs. Ellen E. O’Leary Hartford County Doaqs ford Democrata were officially neu- REPORT TWO DEATHS to the scene. The entice community For AH Cara mlttee said she U personally In fa- (Continued from Pngn One.) from Connecticut. Since that guage, Directors Announce. Mra. Ellen Evans O’Leary, mother Event To Be Held Next Week tral today in tbe contest for .the An Braachea of. Bepotr ■vor of HydeA..cndor8ement., Mrs.. made a wager with' Theodore p ' . AmonE Relief Wpric O k a y ^ ; responded to the call for help. Zimmer, A; P. ftf 'L. man. ‘ Zlhi-’ ^tUne .Harald .haa gone I r ^ busi- of -Janios. Jl. O’Leary of cottage Gaston County Yoeths Being Of W arner Brothers party’s nomination for -U. S.^ aena- , S e r v i c e . . HepdicaB Town Chaimian Dannaher said that last night the '‘sometimes go {o '8chulti*4' hotel ness for himself. ' ’"The Benlficent ^ a r ”, .the cur- street. 'Manchester, died yesterday A day tx-lll be set aside for chil- tor. At a town caucus last night a " Boston, Aug. 26^(AP) ^ Flags Fourth Yoimgster Escapes Searchers fouhd the' three bodies Lobricatloa and WaoUag candidacy of either Hyde or Rubl- mer Intends to' run for the Board and have a beer wtlh him 7 rent offering at the Bolton Lake at her home, j!2 Williams street. dren by the committee arranging Washington, Aug. 26 — (AP) — at Ifalf mast, two Gloucester several hours later benSth a. huge ■, ’'Si of' Selectmen this fall and Stein "No. sir!” flashed Brothwell, Dwyer had forgotten about his playhouse, Iz not being produced in motion to endorse Congressman schooners docked at the fish pier to- mound of loose dirt. May CaoteDis|iate Among now wae hot openly diseusaad. prixe-wtnnlng acbievemsnt of Hartford. for the annual carnival of Camp- Told They Most Give Up Connecticut members of Congress ^es^ Details Of Novel Herman P. Kopplemann for the Quish said be had "heard some ru- Is of the opinion that that's all scornfully. “I don’t drink the Italian ’anguage, contrary to an bell Council, k : of C.. which opens day to report two deaths—one by Uninjured In Cave-in On There are 13 other children in the CENTRAL ^bo will do, and v ^y little of that, seven years ago but today he re- She was bom in Ireland and has were advised today the President poet held by Senator Augustine Mullins family. The Briggses have SERVICE STATION mors, but I never pay much atten- • The witne.sa added that although Impression that many have received. been a reMdcnt of Hartford for the Monday and continues through to Lonergan was turned down by a drowning and one tiy lightning. tion to that aort of thing” regard- he welcomed “ the Dutchman" as a ceived a letter from the company This portrayal of the manners and Textile Factory Jobs. had approved Works Progress Ad- The Adventure lost Theodore Bur- one other child, a daughter. 16 -dralnard Place Opposidon Party On informing. him be had been past 34 years. She leaves three September S. This was decided upon MiDion Doflai;^ Campais^ vote 27 to 19. Hamburg, Iowa, Farm. TeL 4778 ing the possibility that Rublnow client, he refused to tolerate "drinks cuatoma of Old Italy, written by daughters, Mrs. William Finneran at the meeting of the general com- ministration projects, aa followa: - The defeat of the motion came bine, 65, of Malden when hls dory Death of the boys brought to five would be In the running. To date- seeking rc-olcction,' and Lawrence and such rllTrall.” j recommended for a position ai Goldlnl, haa been tranalatad into of New Britain, Miss Agnes' M. crashed pgainst the side of the the number of fatalities among chil- naodel maker In New York at a English, and fumiabez excellent en- mittee held last night. Nj^rwlch, clean and renovate pub- after James J. Kerwln pointed out schooner on Browns bank off Nova dren of this community In the past Qnestion Of Endorsement Mrs. Dannaher said she boa seen, Converse .seeking election. No Demo- Appearing yesterday after a pa- O’Leary and Mrs. George McCauley, Genera] Chairman Thomaa Has- Gastonia, N. C., Aug. 26.—(AP) Phlledelphla, Aug. 26—HoW mo- that President Roosevelt has not ;no proposal favoring the nomina- crats have filed for Selectman as rade of admitted gangsters and splendid sslary. Dwyer, however, tertainment. People .of Italian ex- lic buildings $10,260. Scotia a week ago. Burbine’s body Hamburg, la .,‘Aug. 26—(AP)— eight days. One boy was accident- traction and others who have attend- o2 Hartford. In addition to her son sett Informed the membere that —Gaston county, the nation’s larg Indicated whether he is for or tion of Kiiblnowi although she said yet. racketeers, BrothweU was one of likes bis work here end will not living in Manchester she is also there had been a request made by .East Hampton,, prepare index of tion picturOs benefit, many Industrii^ against Lonergan. was lost but his dorj . mate, Ray An Inquest will bs held here tonight ally shot to death, the other fatally accept the offer. ed the performance thoroughly en- .est producer of combed cotton vital statistics $1,066. Hubbard, was rescued and taken to Injured by ah'automobile. Ab umuutl altuAtlon in which th* ahe has seen the Quieb endorsement For assessor,. Republican Thomas the first witnesses without a taint survived by seven other sons, Jobn members of the Ck)uncll, by the tli^oughout the United States was Read The Herald Advs. of Hyde. of racket connections called by, the joyed the play, and foimd the authen- Litchfield 4ind Hartford counties, a Halifax hospital. Burblne leaves ihtb the deaths of three small farm tiinlmian of the Republican To^vn A. Lewie,' and for Board of Educa- tic period costumes colorful and in- H., Harry T., Peter J., Daniel J., Daughters of Isabella and the Cath- yams, began today to feel the first described today by Joseph Bern- 1‘O U n C A L F I R E W O R K S Judge Hyde has previously been, tion Rspubllcan Everett T. McKin- prosecution. Joseph J., Thomas. F„ and Edward olic Ladies of Columbus foT such a compile and index deeds $3,326. a widow. ^ys, killed near here yesterday OemmlttM may unwittingly fo w endorsed w both parties for the teresting, togethsr -with the stage effects of the new wage-hour law. hard, president and general man- Steve Fudge, 47, of Gloucester, when they were tr’apped in a deep as iMua in the local Democratic ney. No Democrats haive filed .for Hines' chief defense counsel,. snickers in tbs courtroom. settings, and the players have given J. CTLeary, all of Hartford; ten day. They felt that there were Mansfield, organize records for so- ■ Salt Lake'City—It was a quiet probate juogesblp, and the contro- either of these offices. Both Lewie Lloyd Paulj-Stryker, Immediately “IVaa be a horseman?” 'Stryker grandchildren and a brother, James many children who would get'much Several hundred youths between cial service department of Mama- ager of Warner Bros. Theaters. was struck by lightning while stand. gully by a cav4-ln. Coroner Ralph Party aroae la»t night at a epeclal a splendid interpretation of the au- ■ 16 and 18 were being told that they political rally lihtll a ataunch Re- Ing In the crosatrees of the Nyoda Lovelady said. mftJn g of the Democratic Town vepay which centera about' his en- and McKinney seek re-election. For took oyer the witness for cross-ex- continued. thor's meaning. Thpmas of Springfield. pjpasure by attending the carnival, field State Training School' and Mr. Bernhard said that the talk- publican found a flbi^r-worded Invi- dorsement by the DemocraU this amination. - “One of the best,” Brothwell said. 'The.funersi will be held tomorrow would have to give up their Jobs In Hospltei 34,493. ing picture was the “unseen.” un- on Georges banks Wednesday. He The victims were John Briggs. 9, CemnUttaa when eeveral membere Justice of the Peace. Republican The accordeon aalectlons played taking rides-on tbe different swinge, cotton textile mills. tation to a CJbmmunlst'meeting in was killed Instantly. Hls body was propoaed that thla year only regla= time. Is part, of 4 .move being made William E. Keith seeking re-elec- Vnneoesaary To Let Gate Rove The witness said Schultz, then a between the acts by Mrs. Florence morning at 8 o’clock at St. Patrick's tn^ry-go-round, whip and other Fairfield revise assessor’s street nonored unacknowledged spokesman hla song folder. and Robert Briggs. 6, sons of Mr. by some of'them to present a lUO By a awife seriea of questions, be fugitive from justice, was living'at church, Hartford, with burial in Mt. rides besides being allowed to en- In scores of mills through tbe and owner reoord cards $283 for American business. He de- landed at Gloucester yesterday. He and \|rs. Robert Briggs, and Olln teiad DemocraU be endorsed for per-oenti Democratic ticket tbia teU.. tion. It Is expected thfii several sought to show tbal-lt bad baen un- Plano Bayliaa have also addad to coupty,. notices .were posted setting He hotly demanded an exhlana- leaves fqur„dpughtcra,., __ ■, "di«de by the p rty ...... W -pirevioM hioft. eshdidafes ;wWr rtis tomorrow, the Stratfleid"hotel--In Bridgeport, the enjoyment 'of tn’e^’p^AtmAnce. SL -Benedict’a cemetery, . joy thtf carnival' In ether ways - 5 New- London, reoepy meter zee- • Glared, that, the - motion pictures Oom Otherr delegate! Jolued In the Mullins., 7,.son .of , Me., .and .,..Mra. So far the dlscusalon has not in- necessary tot Brothwell to let bis Conn. . September 23rd as the desdllne for orda and water service cards 33,131. sold goods for many Industries on a Alex Mullins, on whose farm the 3WT8 Judge WUllasn 8.volved Selectman Clarence N. Du- and usually there is. a "last minute “The Beniflcent Bear” will be re- could not do at night.' clamor. Bewtalskered baseball clubs of Hyde, Republican chairman, hae had gaxe rove over tbe jurors and part “Schultz bought a horse on Aug- peated tonight at 8:30 and again to- A special committee was named the work of those under 18. Westbrook, prepare typewritten colossal scale, that merchants and Then Mrs. Qarence B. Openahaw, tragedy occurred. A fourth young- plen. endorsed last year by both rush'' before the legal limit. of the audience late yesterday be- ust 1,” he said, “and from the 16th Among the youths who fell with- the 1870s — the first bIg-league ster. <^arl' Mullins, 4, who was play- ehdoreement of both parties In hie morrow night at the Playhouse, and to mzdee provision for such an event index of town meeUnga |l,62o. manufacturers were In debt to the county Republican chairman, calm- teams—wore thickly padded pants, race for the probate judgeship, but parties, and who hga filed, again this fore h« finally picked out Hlhes and on, be was there every day up to tbe next week It is the intention of the NEW HAVEN REPORTS and tbe day. will be announced later. in thst .age boundary, and among *Old Saybrook, prepare Index of movies for speeding up their sales ly explained she had brought the ing with the boys, escaped unin- thli year some Democrats have In- year. Identified him as Schulte’s com- 2flth.” managers to present a comedy en- their neighbors, there was consid- neektles and stlff-besem blouses. jured. Zimmer Petition. There will be special favors fior the land records 34,262. establishing now styles and encour- (?hlld Talks Vaguely that they will not favor'hie panion. Called late yesterday five min- titled “One Night OWy", Wednes- children that day. erable speculation over what tbey New Britain, tabulate fire records s^ n g new buying habits and that, aadoreament, and will seek, Instead, Theodore C. Zimmer today an- TOUGH GUARDS Q. Ars you familiar with court- utes before adjournment, be teeti- day, August 31, through Saturday. SMALLER JULY DEHGIT Reports given by the committees .-could do until they gro'w old enough $4,378. therefore* the movies were a pow- The four-year-old returned to hU nounced that he la to bo a candidate to nm Jay Rublnow for the poet. rooms. Mr. Brothwell 7. fled that tbe Dutchman, a free- at the meeting last night showed to qualify legally for the Jobs which New Haven. renovate public erful factor In keeping money In home a quarter of a mile kway fol- It was learned late this afternoon for selectman on the Democratic A. No. spending playboy in the days when ticket at the primaries next month. everything well In hand and with they have «Iready done. buildings $34,675. circulation and maintaining normal that Rublnow's candidacy is being Q: Haven’t you ever seen one 7 ho drew 14,000 a week from the New Haven, Aug. 26—(AP) good weather next .week a record business levels. “Trade followa the urged by Mrs. Mary Broanan and His petition Is being clrcPlated to- DEATHS CAUSE, A. No. . racket, kept his own horse, “Sun- Looking For Other Jobs Danbury, repair books of public ABOUT TOWN The New York, New Haven and attendance la anticipated. . Most Me of them are already looking movies,” he declared. that generous support of the local day by members of the Painters and Q. You’ve seen them In the tan,” a t Brothwell'e Fairfield sta- Hartford Railroad company report- schools and public library $8,204. Democratic ticket )s In the offing, Paptr Hangers union and is being movies 7 ^pr jobsj in -other fields. They are Brooklyn, sewing rooms $8,450. Mr. Benibard spoke at the tmnual BROWNBILT SHOE STORE bles In 1935. Orlonder Moroconl will open to- ed today a deficit after charges for ffieetlng of the executives and man- according to the report, If the Rubl- endorsed by men for whom Mr. CORONER SAYS A. Well, yes. One late summer Sunday after- July' of 3840,836, bringing to 37,- qye the maximum school age fixed Bridgeport, copy records for of- now candidacy le c«flrmed by the Zimmer hoc labored to secure bet- Q. And you kno-w . defendants noon, BrothweU recalled, Schultz, morrow a restaurant at 193 North iv.-a state law. So far aa tbe state la fice of public tax assessor $1,080. agers of Warner, Bros. Philadelphia BENSON’S -» Main street; formerly - occupied by .649.849 the loss.incurred in the.flinit Theater bone, describing the mUlion ANNOUNCES Y O U R NEW H A T ’ Democratic caucus. ' - ter -wwltlng conditions. Mr; Zim- (Oontlnaed from Page One.) don’t sit In the Jury box? • two^ men and two women came to seven months of 1938. '‘Wficemed It la all right for them t6 New Hartford, prepare lnd«t of On the other hand, a afrong ele- mer also said today that his Can- A. I didn't know. the'etables. Station A poet office. On the PUBUC records work, the North Carolina age Umlt land records $4,262. dollar campaign now under way by SPECIAL SALE d id as was given the endorsement opening day he will give away free The total deficit after charges for motion picture Industry. "Thq mil- ment among the Democrata la In coroner's phystclan, reported that a Q. Do you think the defendant la “I ask you to look around this the comparable period In 1837 was being set at 16. But the Federal law Waterford, complete Index of land favor of re-endorsing Judge Hyde. by the Democratic town committee. final autopsy on the bodies of the seated aonvetlmes In the jury box? courtroom now,” sold District Attor- coffee with each purchase and will Quitclaim bars them from employment In records $2,131. dollars will be spljt three 1938 IS REA DY A T FRA DIN'S Candidates File also distribute favors. The new $2,871,2M, including a deficit of A New LOW Price 1 Hence the predicament in which t' four convicts disclosed that their A. I don’t know. He could be, m ney Thornas E. Dewey yesterday, 3769,898 for July pf that year. - According to a quitclaim deed re- manufacturing or mining, which are Hartford, transcribe questions ways,” he said. ”$600,000 in news- ■ Democrata may find themselves e foltowlug candidates have hearts had shrunk to half their nor- far as I know. 'and see if you see anybody here you restaurant Is called "The Chefs”. corded at the office of the Town deemed hazardous activities for and answers to be used by tbe state paper advertising, $250,000 for on EVERY NEW STYLE . . . EVERY The net. railway operating income NEW COLOR . . . IN EVERY NEW their forthcoming caucus, when the ha4 their proposal papers for nonil- mal Bixe. Q. When you were asked to see If recognize as ever having seen with for last month was 3166,865, a de- Clerk, Cheney Brothers have trans- those under 18. personnel department in making up prizes In connection with the Movie candidacy of a .Republican for an on placed on file to date at the The report, announced by Hersch, Mr. Hines was In court, you looked Schultz.” A son was bom Monday at the ferred a right of way to Howard I. Quiz which Is part of the ‘Motion VARIATION . . . whether It be con- $1.00 Manchester Memorial hospital tto crease of $36,375 under, July, 1937. “I hate to see them go,” said one merit syatem examinations for se- Phiko Radios servative or extreme. Colors include office could cause, and if reports oRice of the Town Clerk: For con- al.so revealed that other organ.s were at those spectators over there, then The lanky, sun-bumed riding mas- Gross revenpes were $5,974,447, a Taylor trustee for Frederick B. plant foreman, “but there is nothing lections of state employes $3,383. Plcturee’ Greatest. Year’ campaign Young Men’s To are reliable, may cause an open rift stable, Republicans Charles Ciockett similarly dehydrated. your eyes swept to the Jury box and ter stood up, surveyed the whole Mr. and Mrs. Earl Murphy of 5 Taylor, tbe same being a parcel -of and $150,000 for other expenses.” the new Teal Blue, Grapewine,-Laurel Hawley Place. It le their first decrease of $871,702 or 12.7 per I can do about It. I don’t know what New London, $127,460 road Im- Green and Spice Rust, with the usual In the Democratic ranks. 4nd Sedrick J. Straughan seeking Hersch declared that the temper- then to Mr. Hines. Didn’t you see tense crowd, finally picked out one cent under July 1937, freight land located on the west side of they will do. In many cases that 1 provements. Helps Industry And it is said that a proposal for re-election, and ptto H. Herrmann ature must have been nearly 200 de- him when your eyes swept from white-haired man In a gray suit child. Mrs. Murphjt was' the for- 'Village street, comprising tbe south- Black made vivid with plenty of color- mer Miss Shirley MacLaughlah. nevenue decreasing $627,784 or 17 know, these yoimgaters are the sole Middletown, $14,491, to operate a The motion picture business Is not NOTE/ Hyde’s nomination by the Demo- and Mario Marchisotti seeiUng elec- grees In the cells where the prl.son- the spectators to the jury pox? with a beacon-red necktle._ erly half of an old two road way. only a powerful alley to other In- FALL SHOES We have secured a few 1988 ful trim. $2.75 crats will be filed before midnight Might Have Seen HInee ■ per cent and passenger revenue support of their families. We have quarry to produce atone for 'WPA tion. For constable, Democrata era were confined with about 20 , Points To Hines 3101,848 or 4.2 per cent. Operating The parcel extends for some 7l0 ten men applying for every job.” road projects. dustries, especially to those selling Models at very special prices and Monday, the cloalng date, this pro- others for participating In the Brothwell, with a puzzled frown, When "Wrong Way” Corrigan posal tO’ be signed by William P. James Duffy and Edmund W. Dwyer, That gentleman fight there,' comes to- Hartford in September expenses for the month decreased feet. ' The Southern Combed Yam Spin- consumers goods.” he continued, will offer them at savings up te Both seeking re-oicctlon. •Strike. ■ replied calmly: Brothwell said, pointing to Hines. $819,249 or 14.8 per cent. Warrantee but Oils division of the expenditure NEW STYLES $80 on some models. THE ANY-WAY HAT ^iah. The super-heat was produced, he "Well, I might have seen him there will be no Corrigan from Man- ners Association, with headquarters 1939 Version ” (Juieh Proposes Hyde. For representative, Republlrnn ''Somehow later asked Mines, "Did chester to meet him. The rtew dlrec- Cben4y Brothers have transferred in Gastonia, includes 100 percent ot la evidence that it Is also the best $•>.15 Mathias Spless, proposed hy John said, by closing windows and ven- then." . you ever see that feUow before, to Howard I. Taylor, trustes for UNION PARTY LEADER friend that the newspaper business This afternoon Quish stated that tilators and turning steam Into "It was all display, wasn t it?" tory Just issued shows nobody by the combed yam mills In Its mem- NEW LEATHERS ha already had signed a proposal A. C. Longdyke, who also has pro- Jimmy?" that-name here. Frederick B. Taylor a lot of land on bership. Most of the Gaston county . has among large advertisers. What $1.98 radiators In the corridor outside the Stryker demanded. "Never,” the defendant said em- HURRY!, that the Democrats endorse Hyde, posed Spless for Selectman. For "Ve.s. I wanted to be sure 1 was SMim REAPPOINTED tbs west side of Village street ac- mills are combed yam mills. / Mother Industry contemplating a na- Pair and Mrs. Thomas Dannaher, mem- Selectmen, Republican, besides cells and beyond the reach of prison- phatically. "And a stable I was In, cording to a warrantee . deed re- FEARS “HOLDING BAG” tional campaign of this scope, would NEW COLORS The few we have will sell ers. right”, the wUness said, adding that looking at the horses!” he added Mrs. Maiy- Lupacebino of 78 Flor- The association' told its members Spless, Clarence N. Lupien both no one had suggested his manner of ence street'has as her guest an aunt, corded by the Town Clerk. 111 a weekly confidential review to condentrate all its advertising fast. Your old radio taken MONOGRAM HATS One purpose in questioning the with an Irish sniff. TO LABOR RELATIONS Lie Pendent money In the one medium? guards, the coroner added, wa« to picking out the illvery-halred 81- Nevertheless, District Attorney Mrs. PontlUo of Pennsylvania, whom day: Hartford, .Aug. 26.—(AP)— Tbe as down payment. Easy Yes — A Smart Hat With determine "whether turning on the year-old defendant. she has not seen for thirty years. A According to a notice of Us pen- Must Act In Self-Protection Union party treasury is $53 In the "We believe newspapers will en- See Our New Fall Window Display! terms! Your Initial On It For . • Dewey was grinning as he left'the cotMln from tbe same state Is also dens filed with tb! Town Clerk,' the able us to reach the public with our heat was a common practice’’ at-the Refers To Hauptmann Photos courtroom, really beaming for the Hyde Park, N. T., Aug. 26—(AF) “‘riiis is not a drastic upheaval as red and Francis P. Colro, only re- prison. Referring to newspaper photo- visiting with her. HOLC has served notice of action to It is found that there are actually maining Incorporator, feared today message more quickly and efficient- first time since Defense Counsel —President Roosevelt today reap- foreeloee against the Manchester- ly. than any other medium. Besides, CALL 3535 “We have learned that Captain graphs of the- courtroom scene at Lloyd Paul StrykSr begafi ripping pointed Donald Wakefield Smith of only a few such minors employed, he was “holding the bag." James McGuire, of the prison staff, the trial of Bruno Hauptmann, kld- Mrs. Robert McIntosh and two Building and Loan association and and although It la hard on the minor James L. McGuire, the party's the unusual cooperative relaUonship For Exnert Factory Service Into the testimony of the -'state’s children of Detroit, who have been Pennsylvania as a member of the which has grown up between the returned from a vacation at Wild- nap-klller of tlie Lindbergh baby, first star witness, GeorgeWeinberg, National Labor Relation! Bqard. Agnes B. McLaughlin on property to lose hla job under this ruling, the nominee for mayor here in 1937, as- ROW NM On Any Radio 3 . DIRNDLS wood 'which he cut short Sunday", Stryker asked the witness whether Schultz’s payoff man. spending the summer with her par- located at 13 Cumberland road. Ac- serted hls resignation was final and motion picture industry and the Smith will seri'e a term of five manufacturer must, in an act of Hersch said. he had noUced In the pictures If ents, Mr. and Mrs. 'George Currie, of tion is returnable to the Superior newspapers Is unique and thli con- Exaralnatloa Postponed Foster street, returned to her home years. His present term expires eelf protection, takepthis step before anybody who contracted the bills centrated use of advertising money. SHOE STORE "It was about 8 o’clock when he Hauptmann was seated among the August 37. (2ourt on the first Tuesdiy In Sep- September 23rd^ imless—of Course "without authorization” could pay went to the Isolation block. He jury.. Further examination of both this afternoon. Mrs. McIntosh’s tember. In the newspapers In a tribute to Weinberg, who was excused tempor- parents accompanied her homo. Resident WiUlsm Green of the —the cotton textile Industry la in them himself or “collect my share this relationship. an Hiia Strat BENSON FRA DIN'S for Back to School ordered guards to turn off the heat "I didn’t even notice," Brothwell American Federation of Labor re- tbe meantime declared to be not a of them through the courts.” and open the windows. Some time replied. arily yesterday, and BrothweU was “I don’t mean to say that the FURNITURE AND RADIO later we don't know fvhen—the "Then you weren’t very observ- postponed until today. The Anderson-Shea Foot Fife smd cenUy discussed the expiration of hazardous calling.” McGuire’s assertion was In an- newspapers have not on many occa- Viciously attacking the lean, la- Drum Corps, 1838 National Open Smith’s term with tbe President, Another section of the report swer to a statenoent by Colro he 713 Main St., Johnson Block heat was turned on again and the ant?" but said he had lodged no specific sions treated ua unfairly. They I windows closed. "No.” conic gangster’s charges that Hines Champions at Columbus, gave said:’’ "That tbe wage hour bill will couldn’t “quit” with a deficit In the criticize our industry for things I "What we want to know. In view Under repeated questioning, got $500 or more a week to protect an exhibition drill on their return objections against Smith. Instead, be a great stabilizer In the textile treasury.. W AS H the Schultz mob, that he received Green said, be had suggested to tbe which pass unnoticed in other In- of these facts. Is whether turning Brothwell acknowledged he had to Connecticut today at the United industry Is admitted by all tbe tex- The nominee for mayor resigned dustries, or are considered of no on the heat was a common practice. campaign contributions from racket President that members of the tUe executives with wtaon we came yesterday in response to Colro’s re- OLD homestead INN previously Idcntiflccl Hines lii pic- funds and that he "fixed" judges and States Naval Academy, Annapolis, NLRB generally should be “more .J* public Importance. But despite We want to know It Captain Mc- tures he iiail seen In the district al- Md., and at Washington, D. C., and In contact.” quest he step out because he had these minor differeiices the cordial SOMERS. CONN, Guire went to Superintendent Mills “broke” poUcenie.a at the g.ang's be- Judicial'minded.” joined the Socialist party. Previous- toi-ney’a office. hest. Stryker opened gaps in Wein- this afternoon at the XJnlted. States The combed yarn Industry makes relationship which exists between DRESSES and told him he found the heat He also said a New York detec- Military Academy, West Point, N. high quality yarns for the mer- ly, the two other incorporators of turned on: or whether this was such berg’s testimony yesterday. theaters^ and newspapers through Carroll Kiddie iShdpi Carroll Cut, Rate are a year-round choice tive had called nthis Fairfield home First, Weinberg was shown to have Y. cerizing trade. the party had resigned. out the country, warrants thla a'common occurrence that be did last July, showed him a picture of It operates a fourth of tbe six "I am left holding the bag,” said for the achool-gir) of 7 to not report It." testified before the grand jury that Tonight and Tomorrow mark of confidence by us. Hines and told him his name. Hines entered the policy racket in THOSE RED-HEADS million spindles in North-Carolina. (3olro ruefully, “ it’s not the first Some Examples 3-DAY ii ■:>! 16. State investigators, pursuing a Did Not Know Name' Night There are twenty million spindles in time I’ve been left with the bag and 15e similar course, announeed they March. 1932, but lo have told the In connection with the Intangible Sorry, Let Supreme Court Justice Ferdinand trial Jury the date was lato March Plymouth, 'England (AP)—An- the United States—both combed and I guess It won’t be the laet Ome.” effects of the movies upon the buy- Le Mar would attempt to re-enact events Of Pecora, taking over the wltnc.ss, or early April. ac::thetUt Dr. C J. M. Dawkins carded yam mills. New shipment just un- the night the prisoners were locUsd IjTcmght out that Brothwell did not . . . ing habits of the American people, WEEK-END SPECIAL But Carroll’s WAVE packed of dresses in In the cells to determine "whether- Stryker introduced telegrams ex- told the British Medical Associa- •BLOND CHEAT" Mr. Bernhard pointed out that It SET know Hines by name until the de- tion conference that rod-heads The Benificent Solve beautiful prints and solid the Isolation cell block was ^a de- tective told him. changed August 9 between Dewey SUNDAY AND MONDAY 1,S56 CONVICTION SET was difficult In every Instance to FRIDAY - It’s llborataly planned roaster.". • ... and a Hot Springs (Ark.), hotel Indi- give the most trouble. They could prove the effect of the motion pic- shades. ■^Seemingly nettled by Brothwell's cating Hlnea was on vacation in be made unconscious in 68 seconds, •iNoia - ' CI O. LEADERS DISAGREE Lobster Thermadore'or the . Charles I. Engard. state secretary refusal to pin down the date of the Bear. tures bh buying habits, but occa- Broiled Live Lobster with 3/C purcliasf- oi of health, said men from his de- March. he said, 18 seconds slower than ASIDE IN CEREMONY sionally extreme Instances come to Time alleged Hlnes-Schultz appearance at fair-haired people and • six seconds By Carlo Goidiiii . Melted Butter French Fried Potatoes School more of these items Create.st Values for Vour partment and two state policemen hla Falrlleld riding academy on a Second, Weinberg testified he saw ON PARLEY PROPOSALS life which shows how motion pic- Succotash Rolls and. Butter would enter the cells, ..close-the win- Mines and former District Attorney Slower. than dark-haired, ___ BOLTON LAKE PLUS - tures benefit merchants ana.manu- for Sunday in August, Stryker barked ALLAN Hampton; N. Hr,' Aug. 26.—(AP) Clothes dows and "turnthe heat" to see at the witness: William C. Hodge sitting by a win- PLAYHOUSE facturers. “One has. only to recall C O V G A T E 200 Sheets if they could endure conditions the dow In the reception room of Joseph EDUCATES BY RADIO LANE In —Eunice "Goody” Cole could rest In the millions of dollars of merchan- School! "You have the same type of Route 44, Past the Notch •CRIME Washington, Aug. 26.—(AP) — Cleansing coroner said "the like of which has August up In Connecticut that wp Shalleck'a office when ho (Wefii- peace today; she had been cleared dise sold through 'Snow White,’ ” he SATURDAY Problem | o i n t a V c r i a m West Vancouver (AP)—Educa- Tickets On Sale At Kemp’s RING" Leadejrs In tbe Committee for In- of a conviction in 1656 as a witch steak A La Minute . TISSUES not been seen in history." have here, haven’t yoii?” . berg) delivered $3,000 In campaign dustrial Organization were in disa- said, "to realize that the motion pic- •MNISOfi \3 3 < Chief Deputy V Coroner Vincent "We should have," BrothweU re- funds to Hines In 1933 when Dodge tion by way of the air waves will Hampton selectmen, celebrating the ture Is a tremendous sales factor. French Fried Onions greement today over the time and town's Tercentenary, yesterday Long Branch Potatoes All At Moranz, also Interested In this plied straight-faced. was a candidate. be brought to students of the West place for a projected G. I. O. con- In the export field It Is well known aspect of the investigation, delved Spectators In the courtroom Proves No Window In Room Vancouver High school when they burped copies of all papers pertain- to American exporters, that motion Rolls and Butter return to clasMS next fall. Loud- vention this fall. ing to her Imprisonment. A town P A l M O ll One .Price— Into the prison's records seeking to chuckled. "Don't you know that there Is no Some of the chief lieutenante of pictures made In Hollywood sell our Back To School S H A V I C R I A l learn who ploced the battery of Brothwell said he .was at the window in that room where you speakers In three class-rooms are Jobn L. Lewis, C, I. O. chairman, meeting ’’restored’.’ Goody’s citizen newest Inventions, automobiles, radiators In,the cell block corridor linked with a microphone In the of- ship last March. SUNDAY Uftererln/*Mu( 49 f f A' stables alone when Hines and the were?" Stryker demanded, offering it were advocating that this first gen- trucks'and gadgets of all kinds. In •lANr MZI O # ^ and why. mob leader appeared to Inspect pictures to prove his Mint. "I re- fice of the principal, through which- eral assembly be held in an indus- The exoneration ceremony was our country It . Is also obvious that Fried Clhicken A La Maryland “We Intend to find out”, he said, Schultz's pet saddle horse, "Su« call a window there,” Weinberg said he can address the students or pick V* trial city such aa Pittsburgh or De- attended by Mrs. Harry Houdlnl. the styles of clothes and hair worn Cream Saute Com Fritters and Bacon SPECIALS "If the men who designed the build- Tan." defensively. up regular radio programs. troit. One adviser proposed Atlan- widow of this magician, who declared t>y popular stars, is soon duplicated or Sirloin of Beef, Potatoes, and VegeUbles ing bad any specific orders to put in NEW FALL DRESSES. Sizes ! to 14. Guar- C O L G A T E "Oh. alone?” Stryker said. Third, Stryker brought out that i tic 'Chty, N. J.,' or another resort “blaeting of witchcraft la so Im- by all the beauty parlors of the na- Rolls and Butter TOOTH FOWDIR so many radiators." "Yes." tw tk i. .city. portant that I have, travelled SOfiO anteed fast color. All the A Q Engard declared that the state Weinberg failed to mention In his tion and no one disputes the fact ■ "Did an,yone tell you it w-ould bo trial teetlmony that Martin (Moe) S~ » > Wi ' PERFUUCO t Q U SERS O F i C E B O X ES O N L Y ' for the purpose bf electing delfe- and light blue sbirtii TOspttnued froBT Page One.) 'AHU Hi$ OTLt omvsar/ff was "so goeil to renew old acquaint- ' stniction of this tire is modi ui gates to the State Convention to be Records of Brothwell’s riding ------». Eighteenth Annual World'* grttleti iliril (ten ances." S O A P S " " (QeCtrio IMiiSTTBtbr Owners Not lndoded) order toe rongh roods and nite- held , at s Eastern Point. Groton, academy, produced In evidence, dis- Jerusal^mjn a coffin." ene..of them Meadey threeqli Tliurtdey Except for joining In the singing And note that heavy non-skid VISIT CARROLL’S KIDDIE BUDGET SHOP Conn., September 13th and 14th, closed a -bizarre picture of Dutch explalneialne^ P. M. Indulve of “Old Lang Syne” and "There’s] 3 Year Old Pure Schultz rhobsters—racketeers of tread of toagb Tempered R ubber. 1938. Also to elect delegates to the Like \Var-Be«leged Town St. Oronzo No- Place Like Home,” Mrs. Coo- WHITE ' RYE WHISKEY Tlio egtra long inileage will save GIRLS’ FALL DRESSES. Congressional, Senatorial and Coun- the prohibition era who usually I reached Jaffa, however, and lldge took no part In the exercises Sizes 1 to 6. 25e BEA UTIFUL A Pe. SET ty" Convention and to do any other traveled In bullet-proof limousines found the ancient city resembled a U. S. CAVALRY in the Ckmgregatlonal church but yon money. Be sure to see this Fast colors. Ail the new business proper to come before said —prancing around on thoroughbred war-bcsleged town. was forced to rise in acknowledg- HORSE SSc’"" grea t new U. S. Tire today. 1938 s ty le s ...... DJER KISS e • e • 4 • I caucus. steeds In the verdant solitudes of Late this afternoon,'- Jaffa still Celebration TROOP ment of long applause when 59c TALCUM Per order Cunnnectneut. was seething with excited racial — Featuring -— 100 (uperb Itorteinae b speaker noted her presence in a | BEER MIXING BOWLS DEMOCRA'nC TOWTI COM- The records showed that Schultz hatred, necessitating the closest ! daily axhibitiena front pew. SCOTCH HOYS’ WASH SUITS. Sizes I to for r * paid 32.50 on May 5, 1935, for a ride guard by combined army and police MAMMOTH ITALIAN ------‘“T ------^------Get Our Tire " 6. Fast colors ...... H a rs's a usefull p ra ctica l g if t th a t's yo urs A B S O L U T E BENJAMIN Aj STRACK, on a horse named "Midnight" while forces. , S * 2 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 L 3“”25c 59c hie henchman, "Lulu" ' Rosenkranz, Brother and Sister Sets At • ••eeeeee**# 5dC L Y F R E E ! N o thin g t o b u y . . . N o strin gs a t t ach e d Chairman. The rioting and blast raised the Fireworks 5ih Dated at Coventry, August 23rd, paid the same price for a canter on ^ LIVESTOI^K SHQW//( HARTFORD WHOLESALER, Prices Before You t o this offar. Just m ail th e co u p o n belo w f o r this’ "Bobble." Holy Land’s casualties to 1,100—in- 1938. cluding almost 300 dead—since tbe 175 acraa af varied eantaah, as> sp ecial g if t. Lim ite d q u a n tit y , , , So re p ly a t o n ce . Three days later, "Lulu” mounted Band Concert it hibih, danowtratiana and ipeelalw CALIFORNIA WINES the saddle on "Princess Pat." ambushing of a bus touched off the ihawi. Nnw Cannactioit and N. E P|HLANI1IR0P1ST D IK l Buy. You Can For The New BABY Re m e m b er this F R EE o n e r is f o r users o f ic e bo xes o nlyl SchultX and three of his mobsters current chapter of bloody terrorism 'Dancing Granqa luildinqb IriKaiit Hww 25c. , were slain by rival gunmen in a last July 5. This toll exceeds that of Shew. Olqantic biduttriar Arts Hartford, Aiig. 38.—(AP)—Shata 3'”'$1-00 GIN Save On U. S. iBATHINETTE and Dressing Prophylaetk DO YOU SAVE Newark, N. J„ tavern Oct. 25, any comparable period' In the long ALSO McIntyre Orch. Adm. 35c. Show. Hamntt Raaa*. four days; D. Tulin', 90. retired wholesale gro- Table. Easy sliding tray... H A IL T HIS C O UPO N 1935. Palestine strife. A ’rhriUliig Ante Racat. FrL and Sat. Orlei^ cer and philanthropist, died yester- , 90 Proof , ■ $4.49 TOOTH GREEN DISCOUNT Became .Ardk’Vs Gas • OU • Grease and FoUah, ■.aUMss Dutchman” were on good terms. With WELDON HEYBURN To tbe Mnsle of SpringfieM, Mess. came to (Connecticut At tbe age of GET THEM AT 1~2 nD sm os—? tures. Wooden A D D R ESS “INhat did you call blin?" Stryker Tbs Hal McIntyre Orebeatra 49 he moved to Hartford and be- flopr SOCONY asked. Away from British rule, remoU Episode No. 8. Every Wedneo(tey Smpk. 18-24 came the president of a firm ot $3.98 OTT “Arthur,” the witness said, refer- tribal country around Amu )j •Flash TrG To >Urs” wholesale g ro c e r TIP TOP SERVICE rlfig to Schultz* real name of Arthur Burma and Tibet Is atUl a csntsr 7daye 7 oltMe Hs was one of the eerUeet diree- of slavery, but steady progrsaa Is LAST n U B S TODATt Coming Soaday, Sept 4'' tore ot United Jewish tn Arthur’s Drug Store 329 Eaat Center Street it 1' PHONEDtzAaTv. RublBow Boildiiv WB DEUVER 785 Main ^treet. Comer Biireli 'And what did he call you?" being made by international ofllceis *rsHoir iisofc*. >Osasss Swhig* VINCENT LOPEZ this city and wae » laife contributor BANTLY155 CentiiY Street oil CO. ’Dud,” Uia witaesa mid, talMag towards Its oboUOoa. mm d^lephone 5293 CARROLL’S KANCRsarrER EVEinm besax3>. mait c h bst e b. oomi.. Friday, attsust n, less

? * l' ' ' ' " T MANCHESTER EVEKTINO HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 198S tej^up the grade Ifi a truck I c ^ d abaadonment>o< tha senioa w ow s ^Ipa o b po u k RAILROADS SLA^H GHJIS CELEBRATES RUNAWAY mUCK potatoes, turned- hla vehicle EAST HAMFT0F( W n i be the death kriell of the town BOARD OF SELE over a 15-foot embankment -and summer coramunltiee, a moJ4r le^ed to safety to avert a collision. source of Income for' many tuaoi birhA ay- in COURT ’The wracked runaway came to PROTEST BUSfLEA people. RATES ON GRAM KD^ THREE MEN reat In the middle of the highway, OlaiffS MAY_SEEjC RE-ELECnpN Ita load of building materlala on fire. Informed eources amid the d ty o f uryport, Most., Aug. 36.— Traffic was blocked several, hours. Middletown and other communltiML. ^ East Hampton, A u g .'26— (AP) on the route above that d ty ww o ' Ttttei (AP)—Aaoraw J. "Bossy" Olllla. >PatroImen Gene Klnchloe and -^:^atlea' E. Torkelsbu, chairman Ngws From Manchester’s fsrmsr mayor, eelsbratad hla 42nd Ted Bowles said Dawson reported prepared to enter protests at tha SMALL Agree To"Cnt Of 10 Cento birthday , today—by appearing . In Driver And Hel|ier Yirtoally the gears of the truck atripp^ aod of the Bciard of Education, said to- hearin|; on the petition. WCB1U-V.> Chanlien, S | ^ laiieii^LEADERS DISCUSS day the town of East ' Hampton RATMENTS court for the third time in three the brakee burned out. Per Hundred Pounds On weeks on charges ot violating the Unhurt As Vehicle Hits would be represented at a Public family have rsturnad from a Announce Candidacies; state law limiting the size of gas- Utilities Commission hearing in CATTLE SH(XmED through Vermont and Ckmada. oline price signs. Late, blight threatens New Bruns- Hartford Sept. 9 to protest a peti- TOLLAND Robert Meipiman and Alexander RICHARD STONE FALtCAMPAI^ tion of the New England Transpor- Willimantic Camp, Meeting Slngniento For Export Glllls appealed- two previous fines Mile-A-Minute Speed. wick potato fields, as a result of Portland, Ore.— Cowboys ELLINGTON SEEKS LARGER MRS. JOHN H. STEELE Haft have returned to thalr home R. C- Kteg. Optonetrlst Look For Others To Fol- of $50 each, ordered In Amesbury wet weather.'' iihless ' the , crop Is tation company to abandon Its bus ebouts have gone mecbantraL here, after vUlting at the home of 7M Mate 81. State nieater'.BMg. TM- 4730 sprayed thoroughly. (Continuation lines between New Haven and Wil- 8SS-4, Rockville coui$ on the same charges In the limantic. Tired of proddin’ cattle up ebutee .. Mr. and Mrs. LeaUr Haft In Brook* By REV, W. D. WOODWARD Apre^ldent,- and Mlos Allca Ayers la OPTtUtAN last three weeks, but today's case of rain may mean a considerable lyn, N. Y. ------'secfie^iT and treasurer. low; Monday Last Day. Chicago, Adg. 28— (A P)—East- Bakersfield. Calif., Aug. 26— (AP) reduction In the yield of tubers. „ One hundred and fifty East Hpmp- into railroad cars, they Invented an* Midwestern Repablicaii^ As- was continued to Sept. 24 for dis- electric pole powered by tiny bat- SUM FOR SCHOOL WORK The Democratic caucus was held Mr. and Mrs. John Matchulot Of Tthe annual ^ gathering of the Among Manchestar folk^ on the ern rallr^ B agreed today to-' cut —Thundering out of control at ton school children use the bus line at tha Tolland Town Hall Monday position when Judge Nathaniel N. mile-a-mlnute speed, a big trailer teries. • . Demlng street, bad oe their gueste Women's Foreign Missionary soeto- grounds ars Miss Flora Stanley and Jones sold there might be some- to travql to and from the Middle- ? night named the following dele- over the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Henrietta Devon at tho lat- semble At Pow-WoW Prior rates 10 cents per 100 pounds next truck killed three men and ov^r- town High school, Torkelson .said. Now th ^ alt at ease on corral, - , tf. - ftvtball team for U>la evenluf at ty the speaker was R ev.. H. P. Today there were no indications month . on grain reshIpped from thing to Glllls’ contention the law turned tn a mass of flaming wreck- gates: stats convention,. Alfred F. Lawrence Nelson and son Lawrence, ter's cottage on Haven avaous. was unconatltutlonal. It wan also understood that East fences while -the "hot" sticks do the Com inittfiS A lt e r o cJock sharp at Htary Park Ludwig, James D. Burke, Helen A. Jr., and Mrs. Albert Orltznsr of Leach, paator of tha Cotigregatton- Miss Emma Colver and Mtia Ma- that any of the pnsent members of Chicago to Atlantic ports for ex- age, state highway patrol officers Hampton rc.sldents feared that heavy work. VUUIliUUcC m il* ^ho desire to try out for the the Board of Selectmen would re- To Cornfield Conference. port. “There is a grave question about reported today. Jewett, Cbarlea H. Leonard; Con- Elisabeth, N. J. ai church in WiUlmahtic, a mission- bel Lanphear occupy cottages on the constitutionality of this law” , team may do. so at this time. greselonal: George D. Neff, Charles the tame- avenue. tire from the running fo, office this Eugene Morris, chairman of the ' Driver C. R. Dawson of Alameda LOUIS S. JAFFE ary from Soyth America. the judge remarked, "and-s^omeone 891 Main St. Phone 589‘J Mondi's Stsdy Believes Ralseh, John F. Lathnm,, Andrew Miss Helefi Dyoon presided. Scrip- Mite S. Annie Starkweather who foil, and three members of the Central. Freight Association, said and his helper.' Leroy Woofter rode ought to get an opinion frOnj the the truck the length of tho death- Buckley; Senatorial: Everett W. ture was read by Mies Frances Wil- has taught In both North and South Board have stated .that they will be Indianapolis, Aug. 26.— (API— the proposed tariff would be filed to- attorney general 'about It.” lard'Maclntlre, and prayer was of- Manchester scboole, la iR ths oamp. available as candidates. Selectman Republican Senatorial and Con- day with the Interstate (^mmerce dealing daah but escaped virtually . - Smith, Fr«K'JCo'l*uIlar open, "Bossy" conB, tVUHmanUo ' James Burke, L Ernest H all;: . SPRINGS T South America, especially tho and party leaders from eleven Mid- admission in cross examination of shark were crushed to death whefi Probats: George Henderson, John F. i JOHN 0. N B T I^ Grand Chaco, that disputed terrl- some months. will seek re-election as a Bepubll western states discussed the Repub- He explained that^he eastern City Marshal James E. Sullivan that W. E. Hibbard and dsughUr can party man tn which capacity roads are seeking to#ecapture some the runaway demolished their ma- “The Thimble Qub" bald the last Lathrop, Grover C. Maine, Samuel 473, Staffort to n between Paraguay and Bolivia. lican National committee’s plans for complaints of rival gasoline station chine. \ ‘Thursday brought good-sized au- Leors are at their cottage on Was* his term of public office has been the fall Congreasional campaign at of the grain transporting business operators led to his court appear- REg ITSTBKED OPl'ICIAN Rockville. Aug. 26.—The special meettog of the summer at the home Lewla. Clio’* served. Chambers has been an ex- . IVif^vRees Man Killed ,V( Delegates named to conventions diences to ths mqptlnga At Dr. ley Circle. a conference here today. National from the lake carriers and to center ance. PRESCRIPI'IONS PILLED eemmittee appointed a mopth ago of the leader, hfrs. Floyd Fogll, The annual outing and clambake William Backus is on the grounds Officlo member of the many com- As the runaway zig-zagged wild- The mem- at ths Republlcai. caucus Tuesday Coe's preaching aervles prayer was W IN ES ChalrmS^ John D. M. Hamilton waa this shipping a t‘ Atlantic porta in- ly downhill. It ran over and killed We have a sele«ttnn ot the new- at ^Bhgton to make a study of the | of the Stafford Republican club will for the week. mitteea of the Board, and has par- in chargo. stead of Canadian wharves. bers have completed their sewing evening were: Congressional: Hu- offered by Rev. Florua A. Street- ticularly been interested during his ROBBERY LOCATES HUSBAND W. A. Miller of Bfikersfleld before est style trainee. proposed consolidated school plan, be held Sunday afternoon at er of Portland. Mrs. Nina Pbrcahtr, widow of and The' meeting was preliminary to The proposed reduction would cut and when the schools h.old their per B. West, Clayton C. Reed, Frits Bradway's grove in Stairffordvllje. tenure of office in the town’s high- the horrified eyes of\hla wife. The doctor’s theme was "The Fire Rev, Edward P. Phreaner, visited a oiammoth "cornfield” rally tomor- rates bn export grain almost 50 per Chicago— (A P )--It t(X)k 19 years baa aaked the selectmen of the fairs this fell It will give the girls Welngartntr,'John Dusll; County; Mora ;than 200 are expected to at- way system. A Japanese, Norlo It^pnura, drtv- Complimentary Adjostmente a chance to exhibit their work. of the Holy Spirit." with Miss Emms Colver early In row on the 400-acre farm of Homer cent or approximately 6 cents a and a robbery before Mary Wron- town to call a'qveclal town meeting Harwood S. Skelly, A. Esten Qlotign, tend with gueata from other towns the week. PRICES EFPICnVI A ueun 3ITH to Selectnian Mathias Spiess, quea- K. CapeharL eastern manufacturer, Miss Beatrice Porter returned At tha Ladles Aid meeting the ^oned this morning regarding his bushel on wheat and 5,6 cents on kiewlcz, of Philadelphia, could lo- •0 that the question may be recon- John Welgold, Bert C. Hallock; In the county. Treniportatlon will Tomorrow will be Laymen'e Day near Washington, Ind., where corn. Buy On the Budget Pinn with her cousin Miss Bemlce Rebll- epeaker was Dr. Samuel F. Grafflln. ndldacy said, ."I understand that cate.her husband. ATJAFFE’S eldared. The selectmen have called .Ssnatoiial: Clayton C. Reed, Wil- he provided from- Hayma-rket Prayer was offered by Rev. Jesse at camp. Nathan D. Prince of iMn- chicken and baked clams will be llard to New Britain, Wednesday liam Bchober, Merle Slegal, Bessie .Square- to the Grove. The affair will jral of my friends will' endorse The period of the reduction would She read In a newspaper that the NO EXTRA CHARGE thia meeting tor next Tuesday night Martin of Nlantic. lelson Is to preside and the epener served to an expected 8,500 party and she will spend a few days there. Fish; Probate: Samuel Simpson, get underway at 1 o'clock. Follow- candidacy. If my services aie workers. embrace the remainder of the navi- butcher shop of Joseph Wronkiewlcz at the Ellington Town Hall at eight A.t 6:90 last evening Jhe youth's Is to be Carl D. Price of New York Glen Corrie ar^, and If the rest of the pres- gation season on the Great Lakes. had been robbed in Chicago, and WE DELIVER Mrs. Charles Fish visited her Lewie L Barton, Rev.- Valentine -H. ing the bake there will he sporta, Chty, who glvet. an addreae on Meth- Johimie Walkr States represented at today's con- ON YOUR VACATION b*dock. aunt, Mrs. William Frink In And- entertainment and speeches. The meeting was held In the field chape)' •nt l£>ard wishes to continue, I will Qhicago, Milwaukee. Duluth and asked police to learn If the dwner The committee appointed Included Alison, Emery M. Clough. fashioned behind the old St. Paul’s odist Hymnology. ference were Ohio, Michigan, lUl- SAVE ON CUT PRICE Protect Your Eyes With over. Wednesday evening. outing will be held ram or ehlne. S C O T C H Rod Label Scotch go on with them.” Spiess said that nols, Kentucky, Wiaconsin, Minne- Superior, Wls., are the principal lake was her husband, who took his eld l«on Dobkln, chairmen. Norms D. / Mrs- John H. Steele, Mrs. L. house at the comer of Haven an “ “ Cfe help of all members of the Board.” lowest since 19117, he added. The lateit styles in smart- aty>flve thousand dollars, to be era, George W. Thoropion of Brock where' they will spend two weeks 1 . 0 ^ committee In charge of women’s .and Jules Rebilllard spent the day Thatcher, of East Hampton, Is the nual service. ' ' . • Spiess revealed that some of his work. Senator John O. Townsend, CUSTOMER! ly tailorad skirts. Fine to the ($75,000) eeventy-flvo 'recently at Matunuck Beach. In toB, Mass., and Edward Thompson visiting with friends and relatives. housand dollara already voted by supporters wish to propose him . as (R., M a i, Rep. Joaeph Martin, (R., Don’t feel as if you're asking a \ "MY FAMILY UKES quality flannel in clear Rhode Island. of Southbury. She also leaves four TTie Great Chiefs of ths Reserva- a candidate for the General Assem- ftvor when you come to Personal J Urtm for the consolidation of Mass.), Hamilton and others will MOTHER OF PRINCETON new fall colors. Compare Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Young and grancichlldren. tion Will make an official visit to Univenrity of Maine. Mrs. Hutchin- bly, but as to the question of bis ac- spdak. Finance Co. for a personal loon. 91s. for value! 24-32. son Peter are visiting relatives In Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thomforde Onneco tribe. Improved Order of son motored with Mr. and Mrs. Par- ceptance, Spiess said he had not yet Capehart, vice-president of a Buf- You will find-yourself welcomed ICE CREAM FROM Randolph. Vt. Mrs. Young and son who were on a business trip to Bos- Red Men, No. 54 at the Red Men’s BOLTON ry Lathrop of Vernon. Atherton Virginia Hills deeded. falo, N. Y., musical Instrument com- PRESIDENT SUCCUMBS as an important customer. Per- sonal, the origin^ Personal Fi- have been spending the summer at ton. stopped over several d.sys at Hall on Main street, Thursday MRS. R. K. JONES Definitely in the contest for re. pany, says he believes business men M ARY’S SODA SHOP,” the home of her parents Mr. and night, September 1st. 'There will be Ry« Whlfkoy nomination is Selectman Clarence nance Co., is organized to make ito: 00% of this $25,000 to be their summer home "Stone- Croft' 8908, Manchester Bourbon Whlskoy who dislike the Roqsevelt "New Prospect, Pa., Aug. 26.— (A P)— loans to people who nitty not hav* Mrs. Asa W. Ellis. t(. visit Tolland relatives before re- a social hour after meeting, In J. Lupien, endorsed last election time Deal” should do more to fight It' He eed by the town of Ellington charge of the entertainment com- Mrs. Samuel Dodds, the wife of an th* kind o f security ordinarily Fine Zephyr Wool 10% ct this $^5,000 to be Ctiarles fl- Friedrich. Ihe njral mall turning home to Baltimore. Mary- BROWNBILT SHOE STORE by both Republicans and • Demo- will bear the cost of the "Cornfield' mittee. The Democratic electors of the crats. He is a local laberr leader, educator and the mother of three. required elsewhere. rjMneed by the P. W. A. grant carrier has returned from hts va- land. rally, which some Indiana, party Including Dr. Harold V. Dodds, Coat Barrel g cation...... -- Mr, and Mrs. Bernard Pelican and town of Bolton are , requested to being president of the Manchester Our mein leeuirement is lust Be It further reaolved: That the 1 , 6 5 %S9 leaders estimate will reach $25,000. EXHIBITING NEW STOCK president of Princeton Uiliverslty, your ability te ropey smell rsfu- meeting authorise and em- Miss Addis Ellis of Manchester Is eon and daughter-in-law of. Long meet In caucus In the basement of TWOC, and has been prominent in Thirty-eight tenta with a canvas I.sland have been the guests of Mr. the Congregatl-inal church on Mon- attempting to cut down "relief d|ea to ssse brother, Herbert Wilcox In Water- Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Snow Elsie Jones, who are singing "O Son a fine choice of leathers. Theie our deliclotu lee cream, ..tlon we. the members of the bulld- Mr. and-Mrs. C. B. Curtis and didacy for re-election ara Selectman "I’m sick and tired of hearing Her other two sons are Dr. John You’ll tike the trim At of bxiry., and two chlldr.cn have relumed id of Man, Thou Madest Known,” will shoes have been produced to meet PON ’LTlOc Richard Martin, Joseph Pero, Le- and with raaoon, too! 1ng_ oommlttee, feel It Improbable family of Waterbury have moved meet at the church Sunday morn- business men cuss the New Deal W. Dodds, former University of PiRSONAL FINANCE CO. this popular four button Miss Marjorie. Streeter of Man- their home In ilarlforcb4a4t Tues- price competltl'in In other lines but \vhhiiey land T. Wood and Harold Reed. Pittsburgh professor of English, jknd unvdse to attempt to build a day evening, after spendln^f their Into the McGregor house In Stafford ing at 10 o'clock daylight time. Fifth BRU-JOY AH:29t and do nothing about It.” 10th Year In Manchester All of our Ice cream is sweater 1 Wear ft with a cAool for $75,000 as our Investlga- chester has returned to her home actually according to the manufac- WW^ OODt S. i:^pOBals of candidates are due by now teaching at Stanford Universi- after spending a week with her vacation at the home at Mr. and Hollow. Mr. Curtis Is manager of Thirty-five attended the church 758 Main Street blouse and sirirt or under tlona throughout thv state have con- turers, these shoes are far superior next Monday. ty, and Dr. J. Leroy Dodds, secre- Room 3 State Theater Building made with the best In- cousin Mist Marion Keefe. Mrs. Harry W. Snow. the Western Auto Supply store on school picnic at C^ilumbla lake. In workmanship and leathers to your coat I Fall colors. vinced us that this amount would y , tary of the Presbyterian Board of TeL 8480 License No. 891 Mrs. Howard Martin and Mrs. Miss Lucy M. Griffin of East Main street. Games and .swimming were enjoy- many others. TRUMBULL’ S PILOT gredients. .» pot cover the locel needs or prove Miss .Judy Grifflfhs of Grant Foreign Misalons In New York. ‘patlsfactory to the people' of the Merton Hills, spent Wednesday in Granby was a recent guest at the ed. miDS FRADIN TELLS • home of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Col- avenue Ls at Camp Woodstock this Miss Lydia Young has returned In A\anchester Located aU town of EHlington. week. SLOW COMEBACK INJURED IN CRASH Boon atRepablloan two o'clock Convention at the Warren Mr. an(^ Mrs. Pavlek.of Bridgeport lins. from summer school at New York Memorial Hall la Stafford Springs. are visiting at the horns of Mr. and Cards have been received from Miss . Betty Johanan and Sue University. ABOUT FALL FASHIONS The Republican District conven- r.-!aacs have returned to their home I Bloomington, 111.—Mr. and Mre. Try Our Special! Attion that will time be held the ondelegates Saturday from after-, the Jlartford.Mrs. Paul Potocek-. -Mr. and Mrs. (Charles Hitchcock, Mr. and Mrs. Northam of West Greenville, Me., Aug. 26—(A P)— Mra. Patrick Cronin, Mrs. Annie In Ellzdbeth, New Jersey, after ' Dent Bell found their marriage 11- 844 Main Street Tel. 3822 thirteen towns of Toliand County to who motored to Columbus, Ohio, Hartford are spending a week ' at cense missing after a tornado hit Frederick J. Etaer, 44, of Hartford, the Republican State convention Daly and the Misses Margaret and where they are attending the V.F. .".pending the past month at the the home of Miss Adella Loomis. I Local Merchant Describes The pilot of a plane owned by former May Keefe of Middletown were re- home of .Mr. and .Mrs. Epbrlam I their f^rm home near Deer creek will organise and . also name the W. convention. Mrs. Bowker of .West Rutland. last march. It had been kept in a New Doll Hats Which Are Gov. John H. Trumbull of <3onnectH Chocolate Alm&nd Btate Central Committeeman. cent guests at the home of .Mr. and , Wapplng Grange No. 30, held Its Mlrza on Gold street. Vt., has returned to her home after cut, was In a critical condition at WELDON DRUG CO. Now Fall Cohn. j book .case,. ___ ..... Becoming Style Sensation Pranclr J; Prichard of Rockville Mrs. Arthur Keefe. • regular - meeting last- 'Fuesday -eve- . Miss loiS-Heck of Wales is the a visit of'several weeks with her Greenville hospital today with Inter- ..teh.._____ William,^ Warner and Sherwood ning with 45 present. There were guest of her- sister Mrs. Raymond The Beils were a little surprised he« been the onl.y candidate for the daughter- and family. Rev. Mr. and ! when the certificate was returned This year’s new Fall hats prove nal Injuries suffered when the plane Prescription Pharmaciats office of State Central Committee- Keefe accompanied b'y Mias Arlene nine members of West Hartford Klhl In Stafford Hollow. Mrs. Alfred Kline. Mrs. Kline has crashed as It was . about to land on pint Sale! Crepe man until this week when former Miner and Miss Kay Lynch of East Grange present. A fine pro.gram was The Misses Msdalein and Eliza- iby^Harold Vunge, who-said he came It's the little things that count, ac 903 Main Street We Deliver — Tel. 5321 25c returned with her mother. . jac^ss it while walking through, a A & P S t o r e s -1 .cording to Julius Fradln of. Fradin’s windswept Walden field here yes- - -Representative Frank- Partiek of- Hartford, spent^unday at Mountain enjoyed. The committee- in charge; beth Mohr and nlece.s Helen .. and terday. - ' Lillian of StalTordvllIe were recent The Bachelors club (rf the 'Center i field 37 rallea away. (Omen’s shop. Many of the new - ...... 7^ 20 Different'Flayors To Choose From; Chiffom WilllngtoD announced that he was a Park at Mt. Tom In Holyoke, .Mass. Miss E^thsr Wells, Miss Catherine church under -the leadership of Rev. Alaric Bailey, Trumbnll’s son-in- candidate for this appointment Demikat, Miss Dorothy Drayer and visitors of relatives in New York hats now on display at Fradin’s are City. A. S. Kllno, are planning a trip to Government of Bombay. U mov- small themselves and other bats of law and a passenger In the plane Usually Mrs. Albert Loeffler Miss Haiel Cotton. The first num- Mt. Washington. N. H. from Hartford to join Mrs. Bailey Mra. Mildred Loeffler, SS, of 68 ANCIE.NT GREEK CITY ber was a "treasure hunt". The Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Hillebrecht :lng to obtain trained Instructors In K regulation size depend so much on 79tPr. of Westfor'd avemie are parents of a Mrs. Keeney H'Jtchinson, lecturer ’ physical culture exercises In thick* small touches of colorful and orna- and the former governor, escaped 64* Grand avenue, wife of Albert Loef- FOrXD IN FRANCE company was divided into eight with a cut over one eye.' Week-End Suggestions MARY’S SODA SHOP fler, died at the Hartford hospital on groups and the group which found '.son. born at the .Johnson, Memorial of Bolton Orange, is at-the New I iv-populated centers of rural In- mental trimmings for their success. S pair, 1.25 Thursday, following an operation. hospital, Wednesday morning, England Grange conferepce at tho Idia. ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD-JT PAYS! Perhaps thif strangest of the new The plane crashed into a tree In a Opposite Army and Navy Club Avignon, France -'(AP.l—The dis- Its treasure first received a prize. brisk northeast wind. After cllp^ She was bom In Tolland, the covery of a 2700-year-old Greek .Th^ winning team was Ir.ad by fall hats to the uninitiated eye are 1 25c $1.00 ?5c Quart Brand new shadee at a daughter of Harold and Mable Robert Watson. Then followed ,a the new doll haWT Originally de- ping off tlie first tree, the ship saving of 15c a pairl All city. In Southbrn Prance, recently veered into'another, nosed Into the 1 ANACIN Dr. Lyon’s CUTEX FLIT (Fitch) Hotchkiss and had been- a startled French archeologists. musical program. There were four vised to go with the upswept hair pure silk, specially knit resident of RockvlUe for 14 years. .piano selections b.v 'Miss ^ t t y dress, they have become such an ground and was demolished. to make these hose shsef. This section of Prance Is dotted Bailey, given first aid at the Ziesides her husbahd she leaves with Roman ruins but this is the ^Burnham. Mrs. I-oIa F. Watson. overnight sensation that the girls er. .yet nnusnally durable. three brothera Walden V. Collins and Meggs New- are wearing them regardless of how scene, was taken to Trumbull’s The funeral will be held on Satur- first Intimation that the Greeks, Spencer Bay camp. 31c also, had settled there at lea.st two berry. th V do theic hair. ' They are perch- 67* 39c day afternoon at 2:80 p. m. at the A son was bom on Thursday to. -^ a rs ’ ed rather than worn, and are WUte Funeral home on Elm street. hundred .veara before Christ. Small WONT THEY BE SURPRISED ^ Excavations which are proceeding Mr. and Mrs. William. Chapman of miniature versions of the kinds of 1 50c Rockville. Rev. J. Arthur Edwards, Pleasant Valley. hats worn In 1900. They pop down WHEN THEY HIT FENCE? I 60c 50c 50c pastor of ths Rockville Methodist under the direction of Jules Formige , Rev. Elmer "T. Thienes end family Reconditioned In front over one side and are usu- 1 LYSOL RUBINE IPANA EX-LAX church will officiate. Burial will be of the French Ministry of Fine Arts are spending two weeks' vacation ally held in back by a bandeau, al Cheyenne, Wyo.— (A P )—Migrat- In Grove Hill cemetery. showed U.at life In tlie ancient city at Wfst Thornton, N. H. His par- and Down though some of them ara built down ing deer In Shell Creek can3*on Mon. Rogularly 69e The funeral home will be open this had been luxuriousrioii.s, prosperous andf^nts. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thlehes. In back. ’ near the Montana • Wyoming attractive. 46c evening, Friday, after seven o’clock, Many ^ Greek coins: of Hartfoid. observed their sixtieth Guaranteed Of (xjurse there, are many varia- boundary have a shock In store for 39c 39c for the convenience of friends. ^•hl-ch had been ™w-rdding minted at nearby anniversary on August 6. tions, such as tricornes, profile ver- them. 45® S a l e! D r e s s To Hold Swim Marseilles were also found. •' I Mr. and Mrs. John Stelraat and Paym ^ts Bkms, forward- boat shapes. Thimble When they start their migration . The awlm for the members of pillboxes, cuff brim toques,- rolled next spring to the west -slope-of 1 $1.50 $1.00 60c 50c S h irt s Troop 14, Boy Scouts of America, -rr" brims with high tapering pedestal the Big Horns they will get a shot 1 AGAROL KREML DRENE CALOX I which has been postponed on previ- cto-wns, discs and other Watteau ef- of electricity every time they touch ous occasions because of rain, will Free' fects. a certain wire fence that Is being c take place this evening. Weather EASY Felts come first with velvet, solell erected.. The fence is an experi- 'permitting.' Those planning to at- fid velour . well up as second ment to determine if a charged l$ i.0 9 tend are asked to meet at the old Service wire will keep deer from breaking (6 7 . 49c 39c High school building. MAGNELL’ S ICE CREAM pices. Trimmings consist mostly so - Into the alfalfa fields -of ranches ALL the new checkal All Visiting Nurse Resigns ^Irds, feathers, wings and ostrich Smoother, -More Delicious and Finer Flavored Policy although multiple colored bows in that vicinity. If it worlca, all the 1 75c 60c 50c $1.00 the new stripes! All the Miss Alice Peterpon, R. N., super' TERMS fencea will be charged. new all-over deslgnat All vIslDg nurse of the Rockville-Visit" and veils have their share of sup- 1 MOLLE ...... MUM...... PABLUM ^ NUJOL WEEK-END SPECIAL port. . »• have Wiltproof collars! tng Nurse Asspeiatiori has re.signed With BLONDE 1KOUBLE andwlll return, to Massachusetts . Fradin’s ara now showing all And all are strongly tail- grb.ereWer father,.15. 111. .Miss' P.eler-, CHOCOLATE FUDGE S m Iliese these new hats for Fall in colora as ored! Plenty of whitea. Every new as the Fall season itself. These 8t. Loqis^—(AP)-~PoUce -aiunver- '•On has been connected Wdth the ICECREAM...... ed a disturbance call to a fashion . Rockville association for about. a • Cars Include the new teal blue, which 53* 4f9« 43® 59® able Weat side reddence and found . half and (luring her stay:.i - • Orangrand' RaspbenT.^erbet- Car* - V Tomorrow . haa .mada aa..lnqtant .hit,_jy^9ewlnei Rockville made many friends. Her laural graen, spice rust and the two boy»; bofh'^ -'nndeir 13'^’^ years, 1 75(! ...... 50c etrutting cm the eidewalk. The signs '75c..' $i:bo • has not yet been .ap- Serve With Your Sunday Dinner usual black made vivid with plenty 1 D O A N ^ ,c f colorful trimming. .they bore read “Blonde Is unfair to RAYEX ' GLIDER BAYER’S amsrAunNG at once ua kids,” "she Is just Uke her moth- Sxaetly Like 9 $120 Suite* Machlne for Hospital An 11.50 Valuo. Compare The R^kville City Hospital has a 1936'GRAHAM SEDAN WOBfAN TELLS FEMINISTS er.” and "Thla house le unfair.’) new X -iw machine which was set 1936 FORD SEDAN THEYKE TOO AGGRESSIVE The youngitera’ football had OP on Weohesday. The machine la 1935 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN plunked Into a flowerbed and SO « 29c 59® 59c 2 PCS. F R IE ZE T T E Boys’Longie known as lOf^neral Electric Dlag- 26 ’London— (A P)—The first womOn 'Blonde’s” mother had refused to Boetle X-ray rqachlne and Is con- 1935 CHEVROLET COACH return it. te become e member of the Gen- ALWAYS ALWAY8 Bdcred the lateX type for radio- 1935 PONTIAC COACH eral Bar Oouneil lit Into the mem- Suits graphic and fluorpscoplc work. It 1935 DODGE SPORT COUPE QUALITY LOWEST 3 Piece Suite...... 94.88 ben of her sex. The Woman, Han- LIQUORS PRICE iaa a tilt top ta b l^ so that . the 193« FORD COACH nah Cross, eaye her fellow feminists I^rays can be taken \^rom various ora not popular because they ere DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS gngles and rep la ces^ machine 1934 NASH SEDAN Quart 3 Year Old Quart Bright 1934 REO .CONVERTIBLE COUPE too eggnealve. Identical in appearance and quality to a auite or which haa been In servlc^or many "This aggresslTeneas,” she de-' The Demoeratie electon ot the BALTIMORE RYE BURNETTS GIN paars. Sayings of 1933 CH EVROLET SEDAN Town of Manchester are requested that .waa $120 in 1937! r Look ki the quality New tor Tallt Sport- To Attend Field Day eUree, “le shown by the feminist 1933 PONTIAC SEDAN who finds slights where none are to meet In caucua In Hollister Street you get: Huge 84-inch davenport. SOLID back; tingle and double A large number of Rockvlll$\pnd Children School Hall OR Monday, August breasted. Newer fabriesi IbBand (bounty Odd Fellows, 1933 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN Intended, by the over-manly woman, 1 WALNUT baae and le^s. One-piece construc- “ .Ain’t I growing tall, Bertha?** 19.32 ROCKNE SEDAN end by those who'depend purely on 29th, 1988, at 8 o’clock, P. M., D. Smarter patternal Warda Bakahs and their.friend are S. T., Cor the purpoee of electlag $lu|9 fina tailering for longer "Peter Pitkin's Portersby, If yon era appeal $1.95 tion. Fine, hMvy Fnezette cover! - atog to attend the annual field (}ay 1931 FORD COACH * delegates to the Denmcratlc State • ba held at Hanover Park In really wish to rlv In my eatlmar “Wjomm’M talona have to learn weart.Siaea 8 to 18. ,flon, show up at that window 1931 CHEVROLET COUPE deUeaey of touch.” Convenolon to be held on Septem- Quart 90. Proof Fifth 90 Proof Meriden on Saturday. \ ber 18 and 14 at the Hotel Griswold, In the afternoon, program of '-with a quart of .Magnell’i Ice MONTAra ^GIN WALDORF GIN ^ r t a has been arranged, and the Groton, Conn., for the nomination COURTHOUSE BfAT BE AIR of candidates for state opd national iMture of the evening will be ex- OONDmo^D BY NATURE Mbitlon drills and a pageant with ofClcea; for the electlmi of delegates $pora than/SOO taking part. . to the congreaBiafial. county and USED CAR LOT— Main Streep Opposite The Armory Stockton, Mo., Aug. 3 6 ^ (A P )— senatorial district conventions; and AMoubcc Marriage Nature may air coadiUott the new for the a^ tn tm en t o f a Democrat- ^Announceroent la made of the •VSSSLLMTT Cedar county ooi^house. irrliga Miss Anna Gertrude ic Town CbnuBlttee. CALIFORNIA BRANDY PURE ALCOHOL BngUeers have^lbeen emplojred to By order of the Town Committee. f a t s of this dtv to August Leo ascertain If the 97-degree air In a Mon4i£oiner V Ward a tk a of Newport. R. I., the TH08. J. DANNAHER. Mkrtag plaoe at N a w p ^ cavern under the dty can be drawn a-ChslnnsiL fifth quart MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES, INC. into the building through a shaft Doted at Moacheater. OMm., Au-v $ Um tlw F. H. a . Pba far Equii^inc Your Hona. ^hoiw 5161 for Proaipt Mail Ordmr j MAGNl DRUG CO. A theater here la cooled that way. gust SOfth, 1338. 1.59 1095 Main Street - ( ^ n L t h e H if h S ^ o o l 20 EAST CEN TER STREET . . - - - • P ' - ..' ...... J .. . . ,T : / MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, BiANCHESTER, CONN, FRroAT, AUGUST 26, IWR Ife SUL ItANCH ^ TER EVENINO HERALD, JIANCHESTER. CONN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 26,198S pAGiiriHEvj

WM purposely precipitated tqr the And anyhow, when you f l a ^ at [: i U m r I f e f t r r wai^ouse (pmere. The ownera nay the flguTes ybu discover' that. In SERIA L ST O RY Not Hard to Keep Up ROOSEVELT ENDS be completely Juatlfled In forcing ■pHe of the newiq;wpw hesdllnee an- HOMO ECONOMICUS W ashin g to n corrniaNt, issa Sttrttittg HmtUk the b a ttle a* to that we make no nouncing Cooney's "eMy victory" H A Y W IRE H O USE NSA SBNVICB. INC. With the Jones Here FARLEY PARLEY over.Xostyn, the popular vote was D ayb oo k ;___ P08U8HBD BT THB pretense of knowing. But nothing By James J. O'Leary ^ ■ WPULD PRINTING COMPAJKT, INC. could be more certain than that the dtumed near a tie, there being a dif- ' B 9 Grmvtr^ BY ED W IN R U TT /' t« BIim II .Btraat challenge In this Instance, comes ference of hardly more than 200 In Washington — Rumors of war - "The name Is Jones.” Bhave toe same number of Ustlnga as Uaaebmtcr, Conn: ..That may be a common Intindue* Jones with 30. THOMAS TBRQUBON not from the employes hut from a Vote of more' than stx thousand. no-V #k A. F. OF X. pAifts d r aa induBtiy: Within the aad internal dfsordei% at-e "reputed -: CAST necticut and thotighta only for his down, and keep him from switching ening the labor movement In this highly skilled operatlons -lndustries ."Haven’t people • bean reading weatherwali like on the day that ly Pennington put her face to her- verbial mile, being mentioned 181 ures with the local estimate for .-sancad... ■ to a directly .(Opposite line In half a country. . the newspapers about Mexican she was to lose her home«Before she times. The Andersens and Smith* 1938 placed at 24,725, the sanqe as day afternoon at the summer White owtr profit.: and If - the party . mnm-' . a. which have succeeded (n re»nalntnK jMLnds,, , ...... i House: • F-orley remained ovomlght;'] aanrie* e]l*nt of N. B. A. Barv- second. As It la, iVallace ho'pa free of mass' prbduVtIbn And tech- tabor troubles, and -an - almost" rev* ‘ saw any weather, she was' aware of In the bom toe Great iherre WM "^"'Waged a'’ keep • bhttle for'runneriup last ■ yiar. IVedondhatln^' natlOnsil- bera In hla community believed that The history of the disagreement nology, olUtlon of a prominent raneher Mr. Klnka Parker: Mr. Parker waa honor* with the former emerging on tles were given last year aa Amer- and the conversatloiu continued this | Mr. Willard, In bla connection with bark and forth, betwem parsgrapha Tietween Leiria and Green dates and hla meifl^and seizure of oil and very tiot..He had started slowly, but top, 128 to 110. morning. Marabar ^marlean Nawapapar Pnb- sailing blithely down the driveway now toe dice were rolling his wxy. ican, British, Swedish and German Merritt Parkway land dealA acted of his numerous atatementa, so fast hack many yeara. but the de- As the/name Implies, an industrial farm lands 7 ^ with the'G reat'Pierre at bis side. Fourth place goes to.the Wilsons, while this year’s list baa changed It was reported reliably that Far-1 - Uabara Aaeodtatlon. cisive flare-up occurred In IBS.’i at "Sure," says she, "and they want Hto, pile of money grew. He mode ley urged the chief execuUv* to In a perfectly legal -and honorable It Is Impossible to keep track of union disregards the Individual And what waa more, they were sail- pass after pass. He doubled his mentioned 77 times; fifth to the Swedish to Scandinavian and added » • . ' - . f ' * Pabllahar* R*pte*aotatly*a: The which time the fprmer openly re crafts. By the way of contrast, It to go there nevertheless." Sullivans with 62, sixth to the Carl- Italian and Polish. make a personal plea in Maryland dalla* Mathawa Spaclltl.Agency—Ndw way,, then no fault, la to be found him. volted and led the powerful United Then we reminded her ■with re- ing In Sally Pennlngton’a dar. stokes recklessly. And still he won. Tork. Chicago.. Oatrolt kn^Boaton. embraces the entire Industry. EX' Solly gave a gasp of annoygnee. sons with 58, seventh to the Che- The first listing In the directory for the defeat of Senator Millard E. with their action In returning him And the line wo’d like to hold him Mine Workera Union, of which be c,elleitt examples of the • Industrial gard to Europe that August was a He won consistently. ' - , neys with 46, eighth to the Mc(!;anns Tydings, an administration oppo-| was president,,out of the A. P. of L. Today, of oil days, she had jtopect- "Geez, Frenchy," eald Bull Griffin is still the A A C Welding company Last 7 Days—Ends Saturday, Sept. 3rd MEMBER audit BUREAU o r to the .State Republican Commit- to, for more than three consecutive union are .the .United Auto Work- bad month for European wars but with 45, ninth to the Morlartys and nent whom Mr. Roosevelt already I eiRCULATIUNB. For many years Lewis had been a She sajd the tourists didn’t seem to ed the companahip and aympathy of moodily, fading 110, "dlz muat he (Joseph O. Hettinger) 200 Middle tee. moments, la the one where he talks ers, the United Steel Workers, the Klnka. She couldn't underatand bis the Wrights with 44 apiece, 11th to Turnpike West, and the last Is still has criticized.. strong advocate of the Industrial United Mine Workers, nnd the Tex- mind. Bookings for Europe were yer game. 1 never see such luck.” the Petersons with 43, 12th to the Th* Harald Printing Conpaby Ino, if, however, the IS.stie c-anfrontlng nhout the values of cropa rather union as opposed to the craft type later this year than last, but that going off anywhere. Why, he waa in Susan Zwlck of 74 Garden street. Enemy Of Tydings 0FFEE TABLES $22.50 Oval Top with lyre $14.06 Cape Cod Boudoir MIRRORS (1) $44.50 Twin sise Hand aaanma* ao flnanalal raaponalbllltr tile Workers Union. All of these, The Great Pierre’s hands, wftia /Robinsons with 41 and 13th to the A map of Manchester is Included at base; Grand Rapids-made; Chair with maple arma tar trpograpblesi arrori appearing In them was the rehabilitation of the than the value of a huahel. of union that la championed by of course, are under , the CIO ban- she explained was because . the this' Just aa much as she. Stood, to like swift birds. Impossible to Farley himself Is regarded as a I $14.95 Clolonlal Maple with Made Poster Bed; plain - adyartlaamant* In tb* Mannbaatar Green and the A. F. of L, Grad- coronation last year started them lose the same thing. But here . he elsons with 39. The Gustafsons the back of the book. political enemy i : Tydings, who Is mahogany veneered.$11.25 finished walnut; blue 517.50 Medium size Classic acorn tops; genuine ma- and Its change of returning to pow- Concerned with talk that agricul- ners. According to the theory of low them.' Every once In ^ large octagonal top; $39.50 Diredtorie Ijamp Ta- checked cover ...... $9.05 design In Ivory and gold Evablng Barald. ually their dlfferencea came to a the industrial union, with the ad- off earlier. was, motoring gaily with a FYench they would flash to his side^'* opposed for renomin’ation by Rep- stretcher base ...... $9.95 hogany ...... $20.75 er, then they and Mr. Willard }iave ture la now in the same plight an It bead, until finally, during the covrse People wanting to go to Europe magician and leaving her to do the ble of pickled mahogany; - $0.96 Bow-back Windsor with golden swan top dec- (2) $08.00 Twin size Hand vancement of maaa production and then Kinks, who knelt next to 1 resentative David Lewis, long-time 514.95 .Colonial Farmhouse FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 no reason to expect th* approval of was In 1932, because It la facing low of the Federation’s convention |n technologry, the craft union often now dob’t ask any questions about worrying. year In addition to its large output New Deal supporter. a Grand Rapids-made $19.75 Side Chair; 8 spindle mod- oration ...... $9.05 Made Chippendale paneled 1P3.3, Lewis and hla United Mine war possibilities. In 1014 an awful would reach aurrepUUoualy ov«r- of coke and the resultant coal tar piece with scroll base; $39.50 Pedestal Base with el In light maple finish $10.05, Chippendale with beds; pierced footboards; sincere Reimbllcnns Ihroiighoiit the prices, Mr. Wallace says In effect, becomes obsolete because In many She ate a quick breakfast and And Mr. C. K. Titua watching silent- FOR OUTING Sinpe Mr. Roosevelt’s attack, Tyd- J new light finish...... $9.95 "Tush and nonsenre! pook at what W.orkers broke away from the cases the substitution of machines lot Of Americans went to Europe resolutely set out for Wlnstock on from which silmost innumerable by- Ings hasv fought back vigorously. white leather top; all ma- ...... $4.98 carved frame; genuine genuine mahogany, each . THAT "HOT CAR" rest of the state. Green organisation. In spite of current war scares ly from the runntog-boord would products of gas and coke manufac- 512.50 Modern Maple with hogany;' Grand Rapids- $0.95 Frultwood Side (?hatr mahogany ...... $12.50 ...... $50.75 agriculture Is getting for Its crops for skilled handiwork has removed foot. Even If Kinks 'had turned out smile to himself. The Issue In Maryland, he has said, j i In our point of view the welfare The rest-y^of the atory Is quite the nece.salty for distinction on the which they forgot to ask a'bout, to be light-minded In a criala, she ture are made. _ ,. is whether voters "shall choose their I four book compart- made ...... $10.75 with wood se a t...... $4.08 $17.50 Fine Queen Anne mod- (1) $44.50 S’ 6" Hand Mad* ' .Because there Is every sign of. an this year In comparison with what, familiar. Despite several attemps Some of them had a pesky time All at once Klnka leapt to his AREAATMT.NEBO Construction of toe coke ovens ments ...... $6.25 el with jigged top; narrow, Poster Bed. (Slightly of the party la of a good deal more basis of,craft. Furthermore, in a would keep her head. It waa worth feet. > •own candidates without dictation | $27.60 Pedestal Base with $22.60 Dlrectolre Arm Chair approaching paralysis of 'freight Importance than the political credit it got In 10.32- »7..‘«10,000,0<)0, as to patch their differences, since 19.38 large part of modem Industry. It is getting back home. a chance to have a last shot at and their several adjacent buildings from the outside." 58.50 Large Maple Sawbuck round ^hlte leather top; of solid mahogany with but unusually long; ma- wider than ordiniiry twin handling and, consequently, of ship* Lewis ami Green have been unable argued, the relationship between "Well," he cried, ‘Tm eieoAed required more than a year’s time, ' style, also adaptable for Grand Rapids made; gen- slip seat In blue haircloth; hogany. veneered___$8.75 size.) Plain acorn tops; of Mr. Wlllnrd. And that the party ngninst $4,323,000,nj)0 - getting on Com Tempest pleading with Spencer Ames for an out. You guys go ahead." He dash- Ranking with the, Tydlnga-Lewls | t genuine mahogany $22.50 ; ping, in the San , Francisco Bay to see eye to eye on the Issue of workers and their jobs is no longer extension-of the payment. And tf p- I T...LI I 4JJ* I ^i**’*®k toe same lengthy Interval of race on the Rdosevelt-Farley con- • use as child’s table. .54.98 uine mahogany ....$13.75 Grand Rapids-made $11.26 510.75 Chippendale with fan hna been done no good at all by the toward twice as muvh!”' craft versus Industrial unions. Since of a personal nature. That is to While there is yet no war in ed suddenly from the bam. toere was likewise being bum 522.50 Drop-leaf Maple with carving; . genuine mahog- larea, and because It would probably his departure from the A. F. Of L. Europe (outside of Spain) there Wilton,' should be ; there—well, the How long ahe*(. been crying, Sal- fireplace, laoles, in Adm- versational agenda was the situa- $25.00 HeppIeWhlte Oval Top $14.06 Ladderback Arm New Haven man’s Inslstenee on per- But does Mr. Wallace stay there say, the worker has frequently been things' she’d say to Wilton would the long distance gas transmission tion In Idaho, where Senator James | stretcher base. With In decorated crackled Hur- (Chairs (2 styles) with any ...... 50.05 MISCELLANEOUS 'be difficult. In default of advance —on the plane of crop values— Lewis seised upon the recovery reduced ,to an easily replaceable cog a1mn.st was a war In the Depart- ly Pennington didn't know.-She felt [ lines‘to carry the gas supply to the leaves up, top is oval awood. Has small shelf sonal vindication at the cost of par- period 1935-1937 to form the CTO ment of Agriculture when officials curl the hair of an iron dog. herself lifted suddenly. P. Pope, an administration support- fiber rush seats; mahog- 50.50 Chippendale Jlg-oawed; —BEDROOM hnformatlon, for people in this part' when he begins to talk about the In a vast Industrial organization. She returned at 1 o’clock, her tionTo Improved Sports] several communities named above. er, recently waa defeated for re-1 shape ...... 514.95 ...... $12.50 any finished birch. Choice mahogany flnlalied < birch ty credit .and prestige seems to be and to organise mllllona of' work- Hence, there Is the necessity that mixed s lg n ^ on deciding what the "Where’s that »400T” Klnka At the time of the construction of $98.00 CSUppendole Dresser io< the ooimtry to understand what need of crop reduction next year to era on the basis of the Industrial com supply'was. to be. cheeks on fire. Wilton had not been nomintion by Representative 6. 512.50 Stretcher Bench type $14.95. Chinese Chippendale ...... $7.50 ...... 56.95 pretty well, beyond question. unionism conform to the trend In Parker waa shouting in her ear. these pipe lines, long distance trans- in .maple; smaU top 56.25 Base and mirror; genuine it was'all about, this Is a good time avoid another period of "ruinously union. In a very short, time the Industry and adopt an Indu.strtoT A lot depended on the amount there. But abe'had spent over two She looked a t him blankly, the Fields Are In Program. Worth Clark. Clark pledged on in-1 with grill-rimmed top and $27.60 Colonial Side Chair of $14.06 Colonial design with mahogany, Orond RapldS" Tf the Republican party owed dynamic new CIO iH-gan to outstrip hours with bis father. In turn, she mission of gas was distinctly new dependent vote on legislative Issues, | 514.95 Modern Drop-End pierced X-stretcher base; solid mahogany with rush shaped top; genuine ma- to get some sort of a line • on the low prices" 7 He does not. He nim- basis. of corn. If the estimated totaJ of tear* streaming down her cheeks. not only to Oinnectlcut but to the mode ...... 549 anything to Jlr. Willard- and It la Ita rival In union activity, and as Its this year’s crop plus the carryover had pleaded, cajoled, expostulated and that be would not take direction | style In natural "blonde” mahogany veneered $7.50 seat...... $13.76 hogany ...... 57.60 5120.00 Hepplewhlto type "hot car." •> - bly Imps to the opposite side and It la the position of CIO leaders ‘‘In m-ray handbag,” she said. entire country. Today, the trana- a serious question whether his very growth prweeded apace CIO meni- that there la a need for both craft from last year exceeded certain and wept. It waa no use. She might "A—a check. But you—y o u .... from the White House. ' maple ...... 57.50 $29.75 Oval Top with carved $49.76 Hcpplewhite Arm 510.98 Chinese Chippendale Vanity Dresaer Base (9 The Hot Car of Frisco Bay la a bers were enllstud In increasinglv limits, an election would have to Not only may present Improve-J mission of gas, particularly natural pedestal base; . mahogany real sendees In times post had not begins to gabble about the’’ crop and Industrial unions. Lewis and aa well have been talking to the don’t yqu touch me- I hat* you. ment plans being considered for Mt. So*, over distances of many hun- May Go Oonw line For Pope 59.96 Small adaptation of Chair; solid mahogany type In genuine mahogany drawera( with S-poit freight car loaded with school Sup- large numbers not only from the be held In the com belt to deter- sphinx of Egypt. Finally her temper Cobbler’s Bench; solid veneered ...... $14.95 arms and legs; rose da- ...... 57.60 Adam mirror; mahogany been well paid for—the party will control program which must be sub- hitherto unorganised fields of labor his followers recognize the fact that mine whether farmer* would be You---- ’’ ,1 Nebo field aid In the development of ‘**’*<1® ** more or less com- Mr. Roosevelt’s recent assertion I plies that for ten or twelve days has stituted for the Invalidated AAA, some to^atrlea sUU can be organ- broke from Its moorings. SpeQcer "Nuts,” cut in Klnka. "Come on.” that decent political' morality should maple. Grand. Raplds- $40.75 Tip-Top CJard Tables; mask seat and back $20.75 517.60 0^01 Victorian type In veneered; Grand Rapids- ., have -far more thai/ discharged ita but were even won qver from the compelled to lock, up part of their Ames, his tight mouth obstinately that tr^t a. an athleUc and .port,| -t! made 54.98 Duncan Phyfe deiilgn of mods ...... 562410 been traveling aroimd the shores of If we are to avoid "huge crops and strongholds of the A. F. of Lv This ized besfon the craft basis. It is crop to protect pricea on the mat. He seized her wrist and rotod her made possible prevent the members of one party $44.60 Sheraton Arm Chair blue and g o ld ...... 50.06 Indebtedness to him. by the tlmp the their contention, however, that a set, beard at length just what Miss center for the town, but steps are from parOclpaUng in the primary 530.00 Wrought Iron Base In genuine mahogany with of solid mahogany with 530.00 Colonial Dressing- - the bay, hauled by a switch engine, tow prices." development, of course, provided a 'The Department, with a smat- across the lawn. Sally’s cor atood by the development of high pressure 510.76 Architectural design Table and mirror; 1 draw- coming election Is over. Mr. Wil- henithy stimulus to the compars- large part of the existing industrial tering of rebellion on Its hands in Sally Pennington thought of him in the driveway. To Klnka’ amaze- being taken to Include In the plans distribution apparatus which bad election Of- another Indicated to I ton with inlaid Terrazzo pedestal base and leather lattice back; brown leather in genuine mahogany 50.95 from warehouse to wnrehouse. At lard by hie profound absorption In We have asked fifty times. If we order, notably that which has never And then Sally, defeated but mag- some that he might go down the top ...... 514.95 top ...... $10.75 upholstered,seat ...$29.75 er; solid mapla, Orofid livcly dormant Green organisation been unionized, roust be organized the com belt already, didn’t want ment, C. K. Titus sat In the bock. several proposals for'the ostablish- not been thought possible a little Raplds-mode...... $17.50 each stop It precipitates a strike hla own personal Intefesta, has have once, how much worse off la nnd the resulting competition to hold a referendum on whether nificent in defeat, had swept out of “I’m coming with you," Bold O, men of recreational facilities In the more than a decade ago. line for Pope tf the latter should | 526.00 Duni;m> Phyfe with $12.60 Hepplewhlto style $39.6(1 Hepplewhite style ^ d a lockout. At the present rate, on an industrial basis. Attempts hla office. make an independent race for re- with round top; genuine BEDROOM GROUPS 508.00 EIxtra large Chast-on- made himself a party Ilahlllty. the farmer who one year has to sell brought on much of the labor diffi- have been made to reach an agree- to Impose marketing quotas. Some K. Titua. broader sense of the words. Not While all of the pubUc utilities rimmed lop and matching Arm Chair In blue damask Cniaat with 5 deep draw- hiy the time It has traversed the bay culties occurred during 1035-1937. officials feared farmers would de- At the Reatatorium she foiuid election In N oy^ber. shelf;, genuine mahogeiny mahogany...... $6.26 4 cover ...... $19.75 thousand bushels of w.lient, .con- ment with the-A. F, .of L. which Mra. CUpstack to a stato. ‘There wasn’t time to find out only will sports teams be afforded concerned maintain, and operate 5220.75 Four Piece . Hand ..era; autbentlo reproduction iahores from Sao Francisco to Oak- Ro rapid was the growth of the would preserve both types df unions feat the proposal, and thus throw why. Kinks pushed Sally in. The cor "better attractions, but picnickers their own gas manufactories,. and Pope told re^rters after .a talk I 512.60 ■ 514.95 Duncan Phyfe, Grand $60.60 English Queen Anne Made Maple Group, CWp- In genuine maple; Grand stituting his crop, for a themsand CTO during the recovery period down the farm law to its first real T his la B crazy houae," Mrs. C3lp- with the President recently that he Rapids-made; 3-leg cluster hand, visiting each' of the 200 ware- CONSTABLE ROASTERS according to^the character of each roared out of Mra. Preaton’a and outing parties and the play- thereby supply much gas other 512.80 Chippendale with high Wing Chair; solid mahog- pendale Ogee Base De- Rapids-made ...... 5M.75 dollars, being a dollar a biishni, be- that latest estimates place the mem- Individual Inmistry. As yet. Green test. stock said darkly. T cook a nice, hot grounds. ground angles all will share in the than that which they purchase from waa defeated by Republicans who gallery on three sides of pedestal base ...... $9.93 any carved legs and sign; full size bed, dresser, 5119.00 Hand-mode Shera- ihousea along the railroad and Latest of the Important person- cause wheat Is plentiful, than he bership of Lewis’ organisation about ------■ alunch and four at ’em don't come to work that is to be done at Mt the Koppers' plant, gas made at the voted In the Democratic primary. Its black glass top; ma- 520.75 Queen Anne with frame; down-and-feather cheat, and dressing table; on an equality with that of the A. and Lewis have been unable to eat IL" At the bank In Wlnstock Mr. ton Dresaer Beee; 4 draw- ^wharf line, sH the wart-honse- ages expressing outraged Indigna- was the year before when he got the reack an understanding, as both The Department and the com Spencer Ames sat "with a amlle play- Nebo it was said today by Chair- New Haven plant becomes fuel for The same contention was advanced hogany veneered .. -56.26 carved cabriole legs; genu- seat cushion; antique b pay. making new demands upon emplov- cant advantage In favor of an in- "W/eU,’’ he eald. "they’ve got Juet ference with others interested in the heating furnaces In commuidties 40 hogany rimmed glass top $32.50 Duncan Phyfe Drum genuine mahogany; twin (Gene) Thmney, major oh the staff two dollars a bushel, hrrniise wheat dustrial union. As is readily apn j Elarly this year the Department Parker, that 'French''hocus pocua field’s use. miles or more distant from the acting as chairman of the Demo-, ...... 58.75 Table; genuine mahogany featber seat cushions; bur- bowed back-cbalr-back Bose Chest ot Drawers In When the much reviled Harry ers. During the' receaelon- Mr. *Mys: If the estimated corn sup- half an hour. They can't make It. of Governor Croas. rx-ptiglllst and wan scarce. Lewis - and hla CIO have received parent, labor strikes carried on man, and those two hoodlums in We've played our cords vary WeU. Several open air fireplaces; and plant. cratic National committee, already 54.50 Duncan Phyfe with ob- with inlaid top and base gundy dantask, In quilted beds, dresser, chest, vanl- maple and mahogany Bridges, rdtan described as a Com-' throughout an industry rather than ply (crop plue carryover) passes Bhirtaleevea.” picnie tables may be Installed at one has congratulated Clark on his 'vic- ...... 516.25 effect ...... $44.50 Ity, bench, bedside table...... ; 57450 Rhskespearlon authorltv.. Gene got We never have had an answer. a little unfavorable ^ publicity con- 2.778.000. 000 bushels, we must call WUton, and we'U "ihow a bondebtoe long' top;. mahogainy ve- Uunlst, gained control of the marl- cerning the preaence of Commimiatlc on the basis of Individual crafts are “Where are they?” said Sally. ' aide of the field, and sanitary facil- tory. An independent race by Pope neered ...... 52.25 $14.50 Oval Top: carved $80.00 tounge cnialr in red Grand Rapids-made 5308 $50.75 Hand-mods Queen himself pinched In Wooiry, wheise We never expect any answer from much mofe likely to be effective for a marketing quota referen- "I don’t know. I heard them profit. W e...." Duncan Phyfe pedestal Anne-Lowboy In ganulne Bme unions of the West Coast about elements In hl.s machine, hut It is There was a sudden commotion ities may be built there, it was said. thus would put the postmaster gen- 517.50 Dlrectolre design with mohair; balloon-t3q>e s e a t $440.00 Six Piece Chippen- seorea of motoring hurrj’-upa have Mr. Wallace., because he only talks In that a general strike is more able dum. shouting outside about an hour ago An effort will be made to popularize eral in a delicate political position. base; Grand Rapids-made, ...... $44.60 dale Group In genuine ma- meple; fan carving in cen- the time of the San Francisco gen- the writer’s opinion th-it with the to paralyze an indu.stry and thus to Well, the estimated crop and outside his office. The Voles of Bet- bone finished base; ma- been greatly and expensively de- about the values of crops when he resumption of prosperity the CTO But they didn’t come In." toe field with all persons who wla^ Besides Maryland and Idaho, Mr. hogany rimmed black glass mahogany veneered $7.26 $70.00 Sheraton style Lounge hogany; Grand Rapids ter draw er...... $30.50 eral strike several years ago, he or- exert prea.sure upon the employer. carryover passed that level and "Well, tf they haven't sense tinson, one of the clerks, rose in Quotations— 522.50 Sheraton style ma- ‘‘ 50.95 Dreoeing l^ble Bomb: la.ved by the artlvlly of the local la refuting rrltirlams of the rondl- will continue to overshadow the A. the Departmfent, backing away, expostulation. to enjoy the out-of-doors, and in Roosevelt and Farley reportedly dls-1 top ...... $8.75 Chair with down-and- made. Pull size paneled Through the medium of an Indus- enough to eat they can go- h'ungry promoting this plan, the needs and cussed political developments In hogany top; bone finished bed; dresaer, chest, vanity, dark maple sriih flbar-nim ganised the warehousemen Into a part-time cops, and was fined ten tlon of the farmers—the rest of the F. of I. trial union the operations of an en- then said: If tltt supply passes "But you can’t go in there," ex- |i2.50 Oval Glass Top Shera- feather cushion; brown seat ...... 54.98 a. • , tor all I care." said Sally. wishes of oU the citizens will be The greatest obstacle In the way New York, Georgia and South - base. Grand Rapids- striped damask cover; bench and bedside - table’ union affiliated with the long- bucks. He appealed, then later va- time It la always the price of a tire Industry. can be stopped, in- 2.825.000. 000 blHhels, we surely postulated Bettinaon. ’’Mr. Ames le ton In choice of mahogany made ...... $9.96 56.50 Modern Dressing 'Table A's mentioned above, the CIO and must_ call for a marketing quota. Sit down, dearie," said Mrs. (blip- considered, it waa Indicated. Such of votes for women In France is that lina. or' aspen veneers; Grand Grand Rapids-made $50.75 ...... $298 shoremen and later brought them cated the appeal and paid up. Now A. F. .of L. are fundamcntnllv in a stead of merely one small part of stock, noting Sally’s tired face. busy. You...." 535.00 Large Occasional Ta- Bench; ivory oak with up- bushel. Indu.stry. Even where a atrike of That " was In July. And the esti- popularization. ------. of - the tract----- it Is Frenchmen are so diabolically clever Rapids made ...... $6.25 ble with book compart- $110.75 Two-Piece Chaise $424.00 Five Piece Louis XV holstered to p ...... 58.M under the aegla of the C. I. O. The he Is out Inftan article In his ’’Nut- atate of disagreement ov-r the rel- mated supply did pass that figure. 'And let me give you a nice cup of thought will also Indirectly bring to in the way they treat women, .Lounge (Chqlr ,and otto- design In mahogany and ative merits of the craft lyi opposed a craft union succeeds In paralyzing tea." Mr. Bettlnson never finished It. ments; Chinese Chippen- 512.00 Kidney S hap^ Dress- warehousemen h.od never been or- megger” In which he rubs the glove a whole Industry. It Is a much more In August, the Department, by There was the unmistakable sound the field more Interest In the purely | —Mme. Louise Weiss, French ten- dale design. Grand Rap- man). Covered In blue prima-vera. Full . alzs ing Table Bench; solid ma- gMlsed_befor^. __ to the Industrial union. The A. F. law, couldn’t back off any farther. Sally shook her head, "I don’t athletic contests than has hereto- inist. PUBLIC RECORDS DESKS hammer satin; Grand Rap- bed, dresser, vanity, bench larlnga Into th^ oountenance of the of L. has always constructed Its difficult and uncertain task. of a jaw being socked. Something ids-made, genuine mahog- ple with Upholstered top. His international Longshoremen’s • ■...... J.. - . It sald:..lf the supply passes. 2.01.^ want aBythlng."______.tore been Shawn.. - any .... s .; •.. 517.60 ids-made 560.3a and night table. Grand . Grand Hapids-made 5555 - whole constabulary sj’atem. In New York unions ac’cdrdirtg to the craft pat- 000.000 bushels, we 'fcan't escape In truth, the reaction from her heavy ■ •"crashed; The " door of .LMr; (toambers has been conferring 569.76 Chlppendstle Flat Top ; Rapids-made ...... $108 and Warehousemen’s linlon nego- By George- Ross tern. There are any number of Eventually, it seems certain that Ames' office was flung violently The Communists are playing the 8 drawers including filing 532.^ Oval Top; double We don’t know Just why It .should asking marketing quotas. with Horace F. Murphey, chairman to Warrantee 5700.00 Six " Piece Hepple- examples of the craft type of union. the CIO and A. F. of L. leaders will outburst at the bank \yoB about to open. The next Instant Solly Pen- WPA the limit drawer. Beautifully pan- pMestal base. Grand tiated cbnlrarfs with nil the wnre- be. hut we nre strangely unimpress- There arose the hitch. One bu- set In. She could feel hot. blinding of the town’s recreation committee —Homer L. Cliallaax, Amerioonlsm According to a warrantee deed re- j . M I S C E L L A N E O U S white Group In genuine DINING ROUM iSUITES In the bullding'^tradc.s Industry we patch their differences and come to nington, Klnka Parker and an un- corded this morning at the office of eled; 24x48, mahogany Rapids-made, genuine ma- _hpuee jow-iBcra .on the. hay,, who In- ed'by the fact’ that Major Tunney FF.KlIi: i ;R«FE CO.MPp8E,S terms. Labor aoHdarity Is the goal reau of- the ' Department said ithe tears gathering -beneath her eyelids. . .zegording the present sports layout director of the Amerleoa Legion: r • vepeerad • .;. . . . ;$39.W ' hogany . . . .V.'. .516.28 —PORCH mahogany, banded, with $450.00 - Nine-Piece- Chippen* NKws o n s WITH .\in of have the ■“ carpertters’ unlbh. the assuming u'nkno'wn gentleman stood the Tovto Clerk, John Frank eatlnwood; Grand Rapids- clude numbers of chain store com- la thus ehoeked and outrage«r the w.Hrehoiise they nre required to obey the laws a quick gesture he flung down a ••••(•;...... 4k... 598.00 trough; mahogany ve- $2.75 White aasslc Metal cluded ...... 5360 Famous Composer.” will be written ' been extensively unionized by the fiebi by the Industrial union, 320.000. 000. That brought the total drawn to the order of the First wlU Mrva without charge. And such nomic, or political problem that ROBBERS -MISS BILLS, BUT neered ...... '...... 54.95 $405.00 Nine-Piece Chippen- JOwners organized themselves into Just, as though they weren't who estimated supply down to 2,888,- check for $400 and $200 In blUs. further manual labor aa may be 569.75 ChlppendiU«>F3at Top, Plant Stand with gallery ‘51054)0 Three Piece Sheraton dale groim. Grand Rapidx and the worM will he the rlrhe.r for A. F, .of L. a craft may heat be de- 000,()00 bushels and save the day. National Bank of Wlnstock, which cu n o t be solved tf the leaders on GET HEAVY PENNIES LO.VU | 23x44 wdth 8 drawers. In- 5ie.7S’>Loula XV 1-drawer top...... 08c design in mahogany ve- an association v1th 178 members. they were." scribed aa a skilled occupation that Tomorrow: The CIO and Com- Spencer Amea had refused to accept The meaning Is,” be said, that necessary to put the field in better both sides are men and women of type; mahogany veneered; made. (Srauine mahog- s flna-blt of Am'erirana. miinism. No quota referendum was needed. we keep the old homestead for cluding filing drawer. To- $6.60 White Classic Metal neers with marquetry In- any ...... 5250 They have waited their time for a TTiere is one excelient recipe hy Orofe w'as one of the first ar- 1* one of a ntimber of component as partial payment of the mortgage condition will not cost the taxpay- Integrity. Donalds, 8. C., Aug. 26.—(AP)— the-floor • mpdel. . Mahog- Grand Rapids-made $9.05 lays. Bed, dresser and Interest and. amortization. The another alx months, at least. And- ers extra moqey, for the job will be —Dr. Charles J. Turck, of the Pres- Robbers broke Into the Donalds $7.60 Sheraton design In Plant Stand with gallery 5350.00 Nine Piece 18tb Cen- boncerted rebellion aVslnst the rule which folks can avoid having inflat- rangers to become' Identified in you"—he whirled suddenly on WII;, any veneered ...... $39.50 top ...... $2.08 chest ...... 5125 tury Group svith Duneoa the puhlle mind with the band thought of It made Sally sick. To included as a WPA. project. byterian Board of Chrlstlsn Edu- bank, and burned their way into ] genuine mahogany .. $3.95 i 5113.50 Two Piece Modern of Bridges and hla imione. ed ego* punctured hy nirai con- which.have been on the air for more ton—"you dirty, little r a t Fd Uke Chambers, In commenting on the 549.75 (Thlppendale 8-drawer 55.50 Half Circle model with $10.05 Six-Pot Wall Ferner- Phyfe tables; Sheraton (I’aiil Whileman'si whose fame lose this bouse, the only home she cstion. * the vault with blow torches. Flat Top; 25x48; Oorgian Ensemble, full size bed chairs and cabinet piecee. Recently they appear to have con-’ stables. It la—whisper—just to he did BO much to enhance, for than -seven years. A recent. estl had, the place' she loved above all to plaster you all over the state of present layout today said, "An ex- They overlooker $700 In curren-1 reeded legs; mahogany ve- iess (2 only) of white en- and chest In walnut ve- eluded that the time was ripe for a mate placed the number of listeners Connecticut.” style with ogee bracket neered ...... $2.76 ameled wrought Iron, each Grand Raplds-mode $249- conform to' the speed signs, the ueually these laborers In the mus- LO.OKING FORWARD others. Oh, It waa too rotten. She pert con better .toll us what to do rm disgusted with night life. cy, but toted out 26 heavy bags of bases. Includes filing neers. Ideal for the boy’s 5P77.50 Eight Piece Group, test of strength, So to one of the ical vineyard are known only to to their weekly output at approxi- crossed the lawn swiftly, bolding Sally came to life. If anybody than someone Who has not been en- —Viola Mann, 24, of Chicago, short- cash. , 56.75 Half Circle tsrpe; Dun- •...... $0.08 room ...... $56.75 rules of ttie road and the dictates of mately half a billion.. waa going to raise the devil with drawer. Mahogany ve- can Phyfe pedestal base; same as above excepting warehouses was .sent this particular a few students of muBlCAl affairs. back the tears with a tremendous gaged in this kind of work regular- ly before a policeman dhiaiiaded Each ,bag contained $26—In pen- neered' ...... $39.50 $69.25 Two Piece Colonial without china cabinet 5198.... decency An.vone who does that, And now he Is rated one of our Tlie Hummerts work on a By Franklyn Waltman Wilton Ames, she thought th a t' It - ly. We want to lay out spaces and hw $rom a iolclde attempt. nies. mahogany veneered 52.95 Ensemble, full size poster car known to have been loaded else- sprawling estate near Green effort. And then, suddenly; 'she came should be she. . 579.00 6-Drawer Chippendale MISCELLANEOUS 5175.00 Nine Piece Early not now and then btit ail the time, best -. American composer* with to Ml abrupt ' halt. areas for many sports. I want to $22.50 Queen Anne stretcher bed and dresser base with' English Group In sralnut where by non-union workers. ’The I will never get hauled into a roun- several scml-classlca to hi* credit. ecript serials and Ideas to a bat-' . Secretary of Agriculture Wallace;^ 'Now is it worth while to plo.w And let me tell you this, WU- say though, that the present foot- Flat Top; 20x44; In genu- base design with carved —UVING ROOM mirror; mahogany ve- tery bf stenographers ami Junior up the hills of the South and the ine mahogany; Grand Rap- cabriole legs; genuine ma- veneera ...... $98 latter fact Is what makes-it "iiot” I: lrv jusflee. court nnd soaked. Not Gt'ofe never seems to compose long has been the .enigma of the- The voice of Kinks Parker, raised ton Ames,” she snapped. "If you ball field Is a taan^lsome thing', and $39.50 Console-Card Table neered ...... $34.50 5125.00 Eight Piece Early wTlters. They scan every line of Grent Plains of wheat, and the hills ever so much as—as look at me ids made. Has filing hogany ...... 511.25 1^3.50 Three Piece Shera- , The union warehiiiisemen refu.sed to ] in the conventional style. For dialogue turned out by their sub- New Deal. EVt'n his beat friends, In .a chanty singsong, was proceed- the baseball diamond, with a little drawer . : , ...... 569.75 (Flip Top). Duncan English Group in solid oak. jin Woodbury nnd not in nny Gou- instance, he wo* commissioned by of the Corn Belt for com—and al- again, I’ll slap your face so bard work, can be made as fine as could 512..50 Sheraton type with xon design in genuine ma- touch il.s contents j-".stn,!rk” the ! ordinates. Frank Hummert 1s a os the halitosis advertisements put low that soli to wash Into, the riv- ing from the barn. . 532.00-9-Drawer Chippendale Phyfe pedestal base de- (No china cabinet) $79 j iiectlnit .fdwn that wc ever heard I'he Kentucky Colonels to write a “C’mon, Adar,” Kinks was , im- that your head will ring tlU C3lrtst- ' be wished.” DAILY PATTERN Shelf;^enuine mahogany sign in genuine mahogany hogany with satinwood $156.20 Seven Piece New car. In 'fart. Promptly the owners former Texas ranger whose pro- It; on occasion have been unable to ers.and lose billions of ton* of top- mas." Flat Top; 21x42. Mahog- ...... $6.25 banding*. Grand Rapids- I nbout, atid not.even If his mniker.s Kentucky Derby suite. They took lific story telling and manner of soil Into the rivers, and send hun- ploring. ‘Adar from Decatur, treat ...... $10.75 England Group In eol(d locked out the w,arehou'emen, It for granted he would Journey explain his strange and conflicting Spencer Amea sat down gasping. BE SMART IN SCHOOL WITH any veneered, dark finish; made full size bed, dresser maple; drop-side sawbuck ! nr" of the principnllty of Mon.ieo. operation are somewhat similar dreds /ft millions of tons, qt phos- me .right. Eight's m 'point an’ has filing drawer ..$24.75 $22.50 Upholstered Ottoman; and chest of drawers $110 elosed the wnrehou’se. to Churchill Downs to get the color to those of Alexander Diima.s, the behavior. 'V ^ eight’s., ^m potion. Swing It, bonssr Wilton, however, glowered palely at. SIMPLE BAS42TTE FROCK , LOVE SEATS to»ihe-floor model, resting table, to-the-floor' buffett, jilcture of the Blue Grass classic For Instance, there m Mr. Wal- phorus, potassium and nitrogen into f Kinks. . • z.. 569.50 Goddard Block Front Then a swlteher w.sa hmikcd unto 1 first to run a story factory of the European markets with the .an’ let’s'go to town. Are you ready 7, KOPPERS’ PLANT on casters; rust frieze cov- arm afid 4 side chain sn w n.\T ’; iixed In his mind. But Grofe wrltera. His wife was once his lace's frequently express^ devo- " ^ ’You can’t break to here and 1 By CAROL DAT Desk in genuine mahog- $80.00 Lawson type only the cam nd )t was h.a.uted to another I doesn’t like horses or horse rac- United States getting nothing back Then, go! Hot dlg-gety." any ...... r ...... 549.75 er; feather-and-down at- BEDS ■ ' ' I - secretary. tion to the Reciprocal Trade Pro- Postponing her cry for a moment, to me like that,” he snarled. ‘1 .^ with knife-edge arms; tached cushion ..... $0.05 warehou.ne fpr unloading.^ Picke'sj Xpw Dealers who think they see, ing .so he arranged with Clem gram. .also there is the fact that for It merely for the sake of mak- 5175.00 Hand Made Goddard diagonal striped burgundy .(!> $35.00 ^\vin size miscellane6 us ing the railroads feel better, because Sally crept to -the bam and peered It waa all Kinks wanted. He If a girl looks smart, that’s half $14.95 Frultwood Corner appeared ,at the same time aS the i in the outcome of the Cooney-Moa- McCarthy to get a written de- c SI,lip Stem Itotna he nnd hi* policies more than any Just, socked one Jaw. And ,ke felt IDS LOTH YEAR Block Front Desk; authen- damask .$49.75 Hand-Made Poster bed DINING ROOM scription' of the race. From'. the they are hauling some stuff to the In at the door. the battle in keeping alert and self- . tic reproduction with Ogee $79.00 Love Seat In green What-nots; 4 shelf Chip- car. Tile union warehou^ernen re-1 pbntent for the slate senator- other factor constitute the greatest Kneeling in a circle were Kmks exactly like socking another. After pendale design. 2 only, with curly maple veneered $49.75 Solid Maple Buffet, 2 description he wrote the suite •Incidental Intelligence; The way obstacle'to the success of the-Re- seaboards, arid making certaih ex- confident. •* ; bracket bases a contlnua-. damask; spring seat.cush- headboard ...... $17.50 drawers, 2 cabinets; Grand fused to'cross the picket line—I riiip in the First (Hartford! dls- which won critical acclaim when to say "Here's How" In CThlnese is porters feel better?" Parker, the Great Pierre, Bull Grif- all, a man can't fly on one wing. tlon of front blocks. Gen- >ach ------$7.50 ciprocal Trade Program. . A sports writer would .have de- OF GAS SERYICE Deeigned with the-simplicity and ' ions ...... $39.75 (1) $44.50 Twin size Canopy Rapids-made ...... $20.75 whlch was another, way of saying ct^rt. Sn>-thlng of slgnlhcant bear- It was performed on the air not “Nee Hong. Din'."-. Now. we have another example of fin apd ' Mr. Tony Spaldlnl.. Each uine mahogany. . . . 5119.00 $149.00 Lawson In Musllh*' $0.05 li^ple Sewlng'Howl on Top Poster Bed; solid ma- ' $49.76 Solid Maple Extension Bandmaster Ozzl.e Nelson and WidkMw Said Monthful had money "before him, ’but the scribed that bajhnaker os storting good taste that children’s clothes » pegged legs with spool they w-ouldn’t handle the "hot car- | in’p, rm the 'light for the"Democratic long ago. the vacillations of Mr. Wallace. In In the' .^resa box. it came through 544.50 ' Maple Desk-on— Grand Rapids-made; down- ple ...... $19,73 Gateleg Table to match . Then 4here. was Gmfe’s. newspa- hi* wife, Harriet Hilliard, think, All of which constitutes a mouth Great Pierre bad more than the must tjave, this d i ^ . Pattern 8<)70,'t Frame;, Early-Colonial de- and-feather. seat cushions. rack-. Copied from old ,(1) $40.75 Full size Canopy ' gb'».:*:.'ii^ Wey-Tn'-'dri#'- j n6*fhTnnfrW''ft'r "I'^tfcd’ Rtat«s'-s,.,,.$1.50 And we’\-e Jtist run acroiyi a time these remarks are published It under a Federal subsidy, because, with certain commoditlee It might 1928 and during the past decade has fabric, this dress is practical because - carved le g s...... $69.50 $14.95 Maple Smoker's ^^abr (1) $98.00 Full size Hand- being vrooled among the members ^y'publicly supporting a holdup man. It was a graphic as he said, "nearly, every country ^‘These various piics-flxlng pro- been making half- or more of the 10 made Reeded Poster Bed BREAKFAST ROOM of the Dl-rirtbutors.-Aan'ciatlnn. The | latter’s opponent and then fall- picture taken from police files for piihltcatlon for children In 'Man- Mr. Wallace In all probability will grams are scarcity programs in the be used for a limited purpose for a it con be freahlned 'by a change of 519.75 Farmhouse Tavern Inet ...... $7.50 hattan that calls! Itself WHAT.SIT have announced his plan. in the world is trying to protect Its limited time" that 'T con ooa- bilUon cubic .feet of gas manufac- Table In solid maple; Chip- (5.6 posts); broken pedl-, GROUPS tinlona art supporting the locked out ! rt^nver support enough to the insurance company the farmers In as active a'way as we worst sense of the terra," asserted tured In Connecticut annually. white collar and cuffs. MISCELLANEOUS- $0.95 ChUd’s Roll Top Desk m'ent headboard; genuine $03.00 Five Piece Breakfast holdup, the crackle of pistol fire, . . . also a Dr. Gentle Julius Stem Wallace Denonnoed Plan Mr. Wallace. ’T wouldn't say aU of celve, for instance, that we- might pendale stretcher base; CHAIRS In Maple ...... $4.98 workers. ; plvp hi, protege the victory. And who practises dentistry over 00 are.” possibly use a certain amount of ex- From the coke ovens of the Kop- Olngham, coUeo, percsle and pique pegged. New light finish mahogany...... $59.75 Group in modern (3ilnesa the sirens of the police, the The amazing thing about this un- them, but the ones customarily per’s plant, os it Is generally known, $4.30 Child's Swivel Desk (1) $75.00'Full size Hand design made of frultwood. A .dangerous situation ts develop-1 Spellacy Is, Indeed, a Lonergan screams of pedestrians. the East Side. dertaking Is that on August 11—one “They have," he added, “methods' urged are. And they would be the port-dumping with wheat" are excellent fabrics for 8070. Later 512.50$32.50 Low-Back Corner Chair, Maple ...... $1.98 The .cah drivers In front of a that'they can use'which they won’t has coifia a goodly part of the gas 519.75 Solid Maple 2-shelf Made Poster Bed (5.6 Refectory tablq and , 4 -' tog. 73ie longshoremen^ the retail (aripporter. So the New Dealers Grofe got it all down on . paper week before the newspaper repprts worst kind of regimentation pro- You decide whether. oU of that on, in the fall, it will be charming in C?hair; authentic reproduc- '$8.50 Small Canterbury Typ« posts); acorn tops; foot- chairs with upholstsred except the scream of the sirens. Fifty-second Street swing ' den hesitate, to .use to keep obviously makes sense. — supply used In Hartford, Bristol, model with rimmed top tion with rush seat and Magazine Rack; mahog- elATks and the hotel workers, toclujl- j who are rooting f.or Representative play the new five suit bridge', In- cited above—Mr. Wallace denounced grams. You would have to have PlolnvUle, Meriden, Middletown, chains or thin wool—navy, dark rad ...... 59.95 ■ board as wen as .h^d- seats. Grand Ramds For the -life of him he couldn’t oe sharply os anyone could schemes subsidized stuff out bf the roarkei).' regimentoUon ot the farmer. All ot new light maple finish any, finished birch ..$4.25 board veneered in curly made ...... 547.50 tog both C, I. O. and A. F. of U Kopplemann or Mr. ^tcNell or Dr. remember the sounds So he pick- the taxi last In line while-waiting Mr. Wallace also denied that such Thompsonville, Rockville, New or a worm plaid. Try making it, 59.95 Stationary Card Table ...... 519.75 $12.50 Magazine Rack on to pick up a.fare. for subsidizing agricultural exports. them'would have to have their MICKEY ROONEY’S B 8 0 0 |m -Haven and their environs. Gas is in maple. Could be used m ap le...... $37.5a $69.50 Five Piece Modem uolons, are llkeljr to act la sympi- j as tl^e case may be, treasure {ed up the telephone, called the Speaking before a conference, of schemes "would avoid scarcity and quotas, just ths some ss now, every even tf you ha'ven’t done much sew- $22.50 Low-back Captain’s legs; Hepplewhite style; fl) $44.50 Twin size Hand Group- in chrome . with On the Astor Theater ' three avoid regimentation.” Actually, he OEPRivEO or SIBEir corriv " to the distributing ing. GuidM by ths detailed sew for brsakfast table also. Choir with woven leather mahogany finished birch the Speilacy-approyed j j^^.ey* I X r ^ S d “ e"pla?^^ names are billed to blazing elec* A.'A.A. State Committeemen, . he lost one of them. Then you would plant of tne-i^ew Haven Gas Light Square top...... $4.98 Made Poster Bed. with Chinese red table top u d I argued, such a' program "means have to regiment them with regard •~~~ « chart, you’il find It amazingly easy. thong seat: solid mapls \ ...... $6.28 carved acorn tops. Gen-' ’ seat upholstery ....539410 event of. a sttowdown. • I state Senate candidate as forecast ed his predicament. The police trie lights: Norma Shearer. Ty- characterized such proposals as Company and 1s transmitted to 514.95 Chip^ndale Lamp ...... $11.25 . 514.95-Console Table with rone Power and Marle^. Antoinette'. "prlce-flXlng" and "export dump- scarcity to the poorer half of oar to when they could seU and where. Omaha, Neb..— (AP) — Mickey Table; square rimmed top; ulne m ahogany___$29.73 550.75 Five Piece Hoeeler .. Optnlon as to respective merits | mg what Is likely to happen to Lon- sergeant backed a patrol c u up people because under It the price those of the Hartford Gas Company, Pattern S070 is dsslgnsd' for sizes 57.6O Maple Side Choir svith fluted legs; Gran<) Rapids- (1) $55.00 Twin size Hand Modem Group In white ' sad demerits of the owners’ cause cfggQ to the window, handed out the VVe "hisard a ' passerby ask if the 1 ^ " schemes. Then you would have to regiment Rooney, youthful screen actor, foil- the Connecticut UgM .md Power stretcher base; genuine chintz covered pads for made; mahogany veneered Antoinette girl werr now In Hol- "Is It sound policy," be demanded would be held up much.higher to all oU the group of middlemen. ,, ed to make a bit with Police Cbm- 4, 6, 8, 10 and 13 yeara Size. 6 re- mahogany ...... ___ 57.OO Made alelgh-t}rp6 bed: gen- with blue linoleum table and the union's cause will depend, telephone and bod one of hts mep the people ot the United States.” Company and the Cd&necticut Pow- aeot and b o ck ...... $3.75 $8.76 ' uine mahogany ... $20.76 top 5$060 That’s a pretty thfn elastic, too play the siren into, the mouth- lywood. to know, "to attempt greatly to” In- “I can’t underatand wkat gets In- mlssioner Jepsen. er CTompony through a large under- quires 1 5-8 yards of S9-ineh mate- of course, on the general viewpoint far stretched. piece. On the other end, was crease our production at export He -added that ‘it Is a terrible to somo of the middlemen pushing The commissioner ordered remov- rial, contrasting collar and cuffs' threqt to the bottom one-thltd In grdund pipe Une system of the Con- of’the individual.r'But those wl)o The Coonsy-Mosiyn contest was Grofe smiling beautifully as he TUBTUC JUST M IS ^D eropc, to IncreoM our exportation at this kind of thing, bseousi you ed the slrbn attached to a poUoe oar necticut Light and Power Company. take 3-8 yard. set down the appropriate notes. soil fertility abroad and gat noth- whom the Presldant is much inter- would bsvs to rsglnwnt that entire WS observing this affair now and as local aa an Item, about a straw- ested"—a bewildering statement to usod to transport Mickey ohout the The big plant, which is a familiar who will be able to appreciate the Wausau, Wls.—(AP) — The don-. ing In return?. jRl o^^theoe pro- grdup. Of eourse. it zosy be'rihat dty. HojUd he reestrsd a Sood of sight to those who travel along the Tor a Pattern of this ettimctlve OPEN SATURDAY ben^ festival. ^ It had about as Raager Tnms Writer gUng ground chain of a gasoline grams envision that fre use Ameri- come from the man who sponsored tor oertoto purposes it Is a good complaints that the cor hod model send ISe ia coin, your name. obvious Implications' tf the AJLA. V - Bostoa Post Rood 00 tha oast aide ,UNTIL 5 :30 P. M. much to do with the New Deal- Add to the successful husband truck toseed.. a two-foot tortle at can money, ao that wit eell larger thing to r^m ept tos ndddlsmea.’’ d^bts with strsn sersora- of New Haven, la raeeot yoon hoa etliirefie, style number end slae to brakible trsnspires, wlU a t least Anti-New Deal feud oa the feiUval and 'odfe literary teams: Frank and the cor driven by Gordon Patter-j quantlUae pf ourxtuff abroad with- And then Mr. WoUaea A Uttio further on' Mr. WaOncs. ”T1m job at tiM pollM fiBpgrt* beoa producing ^ipcoodmatoly 8.* W A TKIN S Anna 8. Hummert, whooBra rsopon- The Herald TViday’a Pattern Boraau, t R O T U C R S IN C W ATKINS that tbs p r t i ^ boa to do with the Olsnoplc OoBies. BOO, merchant, and just mlawdlnut gottlag anything in xetum for Bigaiflcant wonder omaag woodsM, oigsd Us UMBt l a t o p r o t e c t , .•00,000,<)ga cuMc feet of - gas per • R O T H S R S ' slble for SO radio progriBSB 1 _hif wIndshWd. , g tk s s .ln s a r tiMnUrioB I H a -wot is U SteiUfig Place, Brooklyii. H. T. R EVENING HERALD, M A N C H E Sim CONN,. FRIDAY, AUGUST 2«, 198S MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHE8TEB, OONN-, rRIDAT, AUGUST 2 6 ,198S - V ,

PAPER APPEALS from tee convention will be given hit safoly tedet at hat. The Weather by tee delegates and alternates to NORTH D D MERCHANTS Keeney made a boms nm TEACHERS PRAISED the encampment at a welcome home Bishop Joseph Lesniak party to be given by the poet at the men oa baa* and waa caagtA i COl CASE Wdahlngton, Au(. 36.— (A P )— plate after trying to atreteh a I Phils Cut Pbracast for Maine and Rhode Is- Green home this evening at 8 o'clock. BETTER AS BASEBALIERS To 4 1-2 Games bagger into a home run. land: Partly cloudy 'tonight and FOR CORPS'VICTORY Commander - Bedmto, Quarter- (OoaMatied from Pag« 0^> Saturday; not much change Invtem' To Visit Town Sunday master Bertie Moseley; John Glen- teimber mtehed for 4h» ; perature. ney and Albert Jacobs, the unit’s Reorganize Their.. Tfiam But Men and Jamea SpUtaaa for ' AUSSIES TO CLASH V co^ ra tlon guilty on all five counts. Maasachuaetta and Connecticut representatives at Columbus will Are Not Yet Good Enough Bridget’s. The next gam* to be CARROLL DEFENDS jH e fined It $300 on one count and return in time for the party In their ed by tea Bualnesa Men’s team ' EDDIE ELM TAKES BOUT SPO RTS Partly cloudy tonight and Saturday, Spent Seven Years ToJring To Defeat St, Bridgiet'a. Stf E D D t E B t U B T Z TAIL ENDERS CAPTURE ^^ 4 1 0 0 each- on tea other four. stlglitiy warmer In north portion tb- tod. tee. bond's honor. ba Thursday evening In addition, President Harry blght A grand welcome home cclebrS- and on. effort to being mads to I FOR FINALS BERTH TRiffSHOOT CROWN Chandler was convicted on two tion will be given by the St. Adel- the Tall (Jedart. New York. Aug. 26—(AP'l—MosL^ Give . Herb McQuillan, assistant New Hampshire and Vermont To Perfection Work 0 -The reorganized softball team ON SECOND disappointed .man in big league football coach at Texas A. ahd M. counts tod fined $100 on each and bert's Club In Thompsonviile tonight BOTH ENDS OF DOUBLE Partly cloudy tonight and Saturday, In honor of the second year’s win- representing the Business Men of The game wmt te* foil baseball Is Oscar VItt—The way hla credit for plenty of nerve . . . re^ lU M glng Edltor L. D. Hotchkiss^ the North Etad met St. Bridget’s nlngs last night, but in Injuns folded . . . Tony Galento also found guilty on two counts, waa not much change In temperature. Fife And Drum Unit. ning of the National cup and title cently he visited'Minnesota and the Atlantic coast Eaatport to Sandy for excellence in fifing and drilling. team at the Y.. M. C. A. grounda lost future gaines the limit wlH he :; Bromwich*Quist Oppose goes Into the Poconos Friday to re- sp'orts writers tagged him Grand American Handicap flnad $100 OB one and ISO on tee night and lost 9 to 7. Rev. William et seven innings, unltM there Local' Middleweight coup from pneumonia . . .the hit- ether. » Hook: Gentle variable winds, over Members of the Auxiliary are StopsjPATrY BERG NEARS Herb came right out In meeting and tee south portion and gentle moder-' especially Invited to the local wel- tyallace playing in tee outfield tor tie teat will make necessary i ting streak of George McQutnn of the allowed os bow the Big Ten la not GRANT WINS MEDAL Giants Outlast Cprdi/ Bees Five Editorlola Involved Credit for the euccees of the Hopman-Schwartz In'Na Browns, who had connected safely Honora At Stake Today In ate west winds over tee north o come home party. I .the Business Men fielded w*^ and inntnge. . as tough aa the aouthvest confer- Five editorials wars Involved In Andereon.Shea Post Fife and Drum Irish BiDy Taylor Oft WESTERN LAURELS In 34 straight games before he was ence . . . . (Herb la a Minnesotan, tion. Weather fair tonight and 8 stopped yesterday, boa the rest of Trim Reds^Tw ice, Cubs; tho decision—one dealing with the urday. Corps in winning the National title tional Tennis Tqnrney. too) . . . night baseball has proved Vandalia Meet. AT WETHERSFIELD Douglss^/Ureraft factory’s clt-down Bridgeport At Hartford;; — the league paying attention- . - . a life saver for several American The nortewaatera dlsturbenoe has in the open clasa for the eecond sue the tennis poo bahs can't,get over Association clubs . . . the Dodgers Wo From Dodgers; i strike; another with the" csiae of moved from Manitoba JO' eastern cesaive year at tee 39th annual Na La Moody's withdrawal from the "Queen Helen" Werner, former Los Ontario, with lowest pressure this Brookline, Moss., Aug. 26—(AP) have dispatched old ‘Jesse Haines on Uonal. Convention of the Veterans Mike Delaney Wins Third Minneapolis Miss Plays Sen Nationals . . and are they furious. a tour of the International league In Vandalia, 0 „ Aug. 26.—'(AP)— Angeles political power, later con- morning 36.84 Inches at Cochrane of ForegIn Wars at Columbus, Ohio. —After traveimg together halfway Tours Home Course In ideted In a bribe solicitation case; a near James Bay. There hkve been around the world, two seta of search of talent. Before the^aun sinks today on west- Yanks Drub . Indians, Red Wednesday afternoon w u given to Football rosters from SL Mary's third with a labor dispute and a so- light showers in the upper Lake re- the three Inetructora, Thomas Start At Thompsonviile. sational Golf W Gain Auatrallan doubles players, Adrian of California and Ohio State juat ern Ohio’s prairies, some shotgun called ”Ooon squad” and the other Quist and '.lack Bromwich and If they are not thrown off gear by gion, tod cloudiness has increased Obram, Manager Frank Novack and hlj^ this desk . . . both are nifties, the weatheri man, the Yankees will addict you probably never heard of To Pace Firs^^nnnal Sox Wallop White Sox. two with the contempt proceedings, in tee northeastero districts, but Drum Major Joseph SwtatowokI who Harry(- Hopmah and Leonard especially St. Mary's . . . Dick will ascend the highest throne in Cosgrove aaeerted. In announcing Senn-Fipal Rqnnd,. Schwartz, .today , fiuind. UMmaelvAa: equal the record for consecutive brnioBt of this country knd In te* dlUgenUy:..trained, and. guided the Irteh Bijly Taylor, itt.'fVbtmtf Crtfman,' Giant relief pitcher; ' ha» rtoilbl'a bllls'TNfx) When they reel off tee clay target sport ftjr'hls coriwia- ' ah appeil, that tee doort’s dectsldh western Canadfsn Jirorihc** tee band through'tee'post seven years paired for a aernl-flnala battle in the appeared In no fewer than 40 games tlon as the 36th annual Grand Erent; R^niR t i e i amateur from Bridgeport started off national tournament at I>ngwood. tomorrow's bargain day with the In- By SID FEDER "affects every, publisher In the wreatecr Has 'oontlnued, generally of competition. ser ve this year—a record for the aeason juns . . . when .Sammy Baugh fiew American handicap trapshoot king. Associated Press Sports Writer United Statee” and If it la sustained, fair. Temperaturaa are now near Obram Is the drill Instructor and aRd SE£^F GROCERIES impressively against Manchester's Chicago, Aug 26— (A P )—Patty The fallurea of six foreign teams who was It that said the The sport’s biggest ahow, with to survive In the upper half of the Into Wa.shlngtoD to report to the When all the returna are In from tYreedom of the press as It Is known normal in tea eastern states; they boa worked bard with tee young, 855 Main Street Rubinow Building Sddle Elm in one of the feature Berg. Minneapolis yotingster . who Pirates are doing a Corrigan and football Redskins, his plane arrived about 900 heirs-apparent to“ the Wateersfisld, Conn., Aug. 36. sad as It has been practiced by tee are still rather high in tee Middle took up golf at 14 to show up her ilraw resulted In Its second-last con- this year’s business; you’re going to stars, all under 30 years of age, for bouts at Capitol Park In Hartford running the wrong way? . . just before Doug "Oorrigan . . , royal purple now worn by F. ,(A^)—Bobby Grant, whose home la Journals of tee nation Is gone for- tod Southern Plains stgtss, whsrs tee post nine weeks, three or four “Where Thrifty Shoppers Shop” last night but he couldn't make It older brother. Is making a one-gal test being, an All-American clash Harold Pa'rrott writes In the Brook- Carroll, Brecksville, O., hardware find that your old pals, Jimmy Wil- between two former championship Sammy was mobbed by admiring filled with medals he nas won ' evei',” maximum readings of 100 or blghsr practice seseiona each week in csplte stick when the local middleweight show of 1938 tournaments for fem- lyn Eagle that Mrs. Wills Moody fans who thought he was the flyer store owner,' was over the 100-tar- son tod Casey Stengel, hive pulled inine' shooters. teams, Don Budge and Gene Mako, golf tournaments, had another one the biggest rabbits out of the hat Conteitot was alleged by the Los were recorded yesterday In numer- of the extrema beat. 8o keen woe began slinging leather and Elm never Intended to play In the Na- baseball managers tell you 'Angeles M r Association (Committee ous places; while In tee Northern the Interest in this year's competl Victorious In eight out of eleven the Davis Cup aces, and Wllmer tionals. preferring to quit (the to add to hie collection today--—tee again. came through with a knockout tri AJIlaon and Johnny van Rjm, the that bad legs are a much more seri- which assarted that editorial com- Kalns states they were about 30 tIon that Manager Frank Novack umph in the second round. tournaments this year. Miss Berg, amateurs) while she's on top .... ous blight td pennant hopes than qualifying medal in tee first annual Reading from left to right, you at the age of -20, today was within Austin, Tex., veterans. Wetbersfleld country- club Inv ment on a court base is not permis- oegrees lower, with maximum tem- bod a waiting Hat of 30 or 40 boys 'Taylor forced the Issue In the first Doug Locke, former St. Mary's of sore arms, the current ' epidemic have Jimmy and his side-kick, Oer- peratures In the 70's and 86’s. rsady to step into tee ranks should reach of the women's western La.st week at Newport, Budge and Texas back, now drilling with the tton tournament. ry Nugent, pulling their yearly rA sible until an aptlon is finally con- WEEK-END SPECIALS round and caught Elm tthtb a few n otw ith sta n d in g...... Lon championship, which she regards, ,'VIako' defeated the Texans In Bobby, a ranking New England cluded. z' toy member fall to make tee gtiule. wril'timed and well-directed lefts. New York Giants, l.s the smallest Wameke, the Arkansas ^ humming one on the open trading m arke^fllfi ^ Drum Major Joseph Swietowski at the moment, the. important straight sets and they were expect- player ever to attempt to win a amateur since 1930, probably val- In overruling a Times demurrer The second stanza was a different ed to repeat that triumph here. bird, Is humming again and seven Casey riding herd on a ly)5?l hoe won many prtaei, medals and triumph of her life. Still, there's berth In pro football . . , he scales ues this latest token highly, how- Bees who may yet land in th, i-ecantly. Judge Wilson contended matter, however, for Elm crowded Since Quiat and Bromwich appear- National League ball Clubs don't thki contempt is committed when cups for hie ability to direct this his Ekldgeport rival continuously the Women's national championship only 136 pounds. mean maybe. ever, since it was from bis home division, although they haven’t any to be decided here next month and ed Invincible In the other match, club. He was the only one in a field newspaper comment might have in- championship corps and drill team. and then sent him to the canvas the Minneapolis miss Is casting tomorrow's final promised to be a more kick than a bottle of saraa- | N . Y . Stocks Unasnal Psrfomianoe with a wicked uppercut from close of 114 players who was able to parilla. fluenced a Judge or caused tee judge longing eyes at that title, too. preview of the Davis Cup challenge crack par yesterday. a doubt in his own mind as to The band luccessfully executed Lamb Legs (Yearlio*) ® quarters. Taylor ^ t up three times The freckled-face red head, with a round doubles match, which la like- Grant; who Is rapidly reaching Wilson and Nugent have been tbs whether he had been unconsciously Adams E x p ...... 134 number hitherto thought impossible but the fourtt time he went down. sensational sub-par game behind ly to decide ownership of that his- the etatus where It will be news 11' two smartest buyers and- sellers of swayed by It. Air Reduc ...... 634 for a bond of this type, tee adaption Referee Billy Taylor stepped In and toric International trophy. Ivory for the past five years or so. to fife and drum of tee "Poet and her, engage's Shirley Ann Johnson, he doesn’t win the medal In a tour- Has Praised Decisions Alaska J u n ...... 10 4 halted the proceedings. Elm weigh- Chicago, In the 18 hole semi-finals Alice Marble and Mra. Sarah Pal- Weiss Builds Up String ney, poeted 34-86—70, one under tee Whatever they get rid of promptly, j Allegheny ...... 1 Paaaant” overture and the execu ed 1«2. today, with Mra. Burt Well, Clncln; frey , Fabyan, defending champions exacting par. Burt Resnlk of Race falls apart In new surroundings (re- Judge Wilson. 62, has been prom- Am Can ...... 994 tion of 73 separate movements in • Two other local amateurs were nati, opposing Edith Estabrooks, In the women's division, became Brook and Tom Sheehan of Chicago, member Chuck Klein?), and what- inent on tee Superior Court bench Am Home Prod ...... 48 tee drin while playing the famous also in action at ThompsonvIUe, one Dubuque, la., In the other finalists yesterday and today two eaptam-elect of the Notre Dame ever they buy up for next to noth- since hie appointment in 1927. At Am Rad St S ...... 16 piece. The overture was played Chuck Roasts X it- of them being 3roung Mike Delaney, The tenners meet in a. 36 hole foreign teams', Nancy Wynne and golf team; tied for second with 73. ing just aa promptly turns to gold. least twice within tee past year Am S m e lt...... «4 with freedom allowed for od libbing. who won his second' straight start champlonahip final tomorrow, play- Thelma Coyne of Auatralla, - and ions For Yanks Tony Kostnskl of Bridgeport, one In the latest example of theli* , The Times has editorially praised Am Tel tod T e l...... 148 It was executod perfectly at tee at Sandy Beach only last Tuesday. ing 18 holes both morning and af- Mme. Rene Mathleu of France and -3? of the state’s outstanding amateurs, hoss-tradlng, Wilson came up a tew ' his decisions. Am Tob B ...... 604 Columbus competition. CUTUP 'Delaney, igeighing 144, pounded out ternoon. Jadwiga Jedrezejowaka of Poland, failed to qualify—the.only real up- The ruling In March, 1637, . that a Am Wat W k s...... 10% The bond defeated the Patrick T. weeks ago with Max Butcher, a big Triggs Post Band of Thompsonviile. BONELESS POT a ctean-eut decision, over Alfred Ls' The bfspectacied Miss Ests- were slated Jo,conteat for the other set of the day. fellow out of Man (W. Va ) ; ' who sit-down strike waa illegal tceapaaa Anaconda 894 breeque, 1474, from Holyoke, kid brooks, former western Junior tltal title bracket. NEWSBOY A THREAT Former New Haven Semi' The pairings for today follow: and could be enjoined, was the first Armour lU ...... S% also the Broad Brook Corps which Miss Wynne and Qiilst, top-.seed- had been fiddling around with the defeated the unit at tee East Hart- FOWL GIgllo, also listed from Manchester, 1st, advanced by defeating Mra. Dan Grant va. Alpheue winter, Jr., Dodgers and getting nowhere for in California jurisprudence. The Atchison ...... '... 384 ed foreign entry In the-mixed dou- case Involved 10 pie-makers who oc- ford Fifers and Drummers Asaocta- suffered a technical kayo at the Chandler, Dallas, Texas, 3 and 4. Brooklawn; Frank T. Farrell, Warn- some three years. The Phils >sent Aviation (^rp ...... 4 4 hands of Jerry Celletti of Spring while Mrs Well, thrice winner of bles, were a bracket aljead of their Pro Manager Makes Huge Trank OaireO aanoag, vs. S h eteu ; Ted Seborer, cupied a Loa Angeles bakery. Baldwin, CT ...... 10’ tl(« meet a week a g o .' " « a c h the Ohio state i championship and field, In . the semi-final round. They FOR LINKS DIADEM chunky Lefty Lamaster tP Brpoklyn, Many Oompetitore field. Qiglio weighed 1S4. Celletti Wethersfield, ve. W. B. Keppte, for him. In recent months, he has granted Balt tod O h io...... 84 lb. 131. runner-up In the western a year were In danger of being called upon Tedeeco, Masa.; J. Stuart Whltham, sweeping Injunctions to groups In Bendlx ...... 24 National winners competing to battle other Australians In their Success As Overseer Of get route with scattergun artists Max reporte'd to Wilson that his agolnat tee Anderson-Sbea Band at ago, vanquished Ellamae Williams, firing from handicap yardages of Tamarack, vs. Dick Chapman, five induatries, against what they Beth Steel ...... 60 Chicago, 2 up. Mrs. Well has play- next match. Miss Coyne and Brom. previous managers had tried to Peth Steel 7, p f d ...... 994 Clolumbus were Hudaon, Moss. 16 to 723, depending on their aver- Greenwich; Holly Mandly, Wethers- claimed waa harassment by unions. BMwp OIBBtES BEAT DILLON’S ed superb golf since the tournament wlch were favored to gain Uni other Bart Taro, 16, Enters Semi- field, vs. Herman Wilke, same club; change bis pitching and tell him Borden ...... 164 Glendale, Fa., Horrieburgh, Pa, bracket in their half at the expense RupperPs Player Holdings ages on registered targets and their this tod that.until h- didn’t know Enjoined Newspaper Guild aarkeburg, W. Va., and hundreds opened Monday, climaxing her known ability.. W. H. Johnson, Wethersfield, vs. Can P a c ...... 6 4 Oibbles defeated Dillon's by a Showing with an uj?set victory over o ' .Mrs. Van Ryan and Allison. for sure which end was up. ’’Why. He^also enjoined the Newspaper Right Reverend Bishop Joseph E. of other corps from all parts of the For the last’ four years the dia- Resnlk; W. J. Sbappa, •vs. Dom Guild from picketing Hollywood <3ase (J . I . ) ...... 92 suteopoloua of tee Greek church, score of 13-8 in a slx-lnnlng game Marlon Mlley, Lexington, Ky., de- In the other mixed, quarter-finals. Finals Of Publinks Event In The Minor Leagues. Soccoli, both of 'Wethersfield and Max, if that’s the case, smu just go O rro De P a s ...... 494 Lesniak of Springfield, Mass., wUi coimtry. SM O KED SH O ULD ERS fending champion, In the sepond Miss Afarble and Budge were paired dem has gone to shooters making merchants who continued advertis- Hartford; also priests of the Polish The story of tee contest and news as Dowd featured at bat for the W. J. Martin, Farmington ve. ahead tod throw ’em the way you Ches and O h io ...... 314visit St. John’s church bn (Tolway winners with two doublea round. against Virginia Wolfenden of Lo# their first start in the sport’s world ing In the Hollywood Citizen-News Chrysler ...... 764 National church from' Bridgeport Prank Wllkos, Goodwin Park. want to,” Jimmy told him. during the recent strike of editorial and. other large criiters, Attorney OibMes Lunch Mis# Berg plaj'Bd with astonl.ih- Angeles and Frank Kovaca of. Oak^ At Cleveland...... series. A ll of them shot far over So Max did, and In lesa tliu two - Coca Cola ...... T'...,.,.1S84 street; Sunday, for tee first time New York, Aug. 26.— (AP) — their expected performances to reap employes. Flack of Springfield, T>oUah consular AB R HPO A E tng skill Id swamping Eleanor Dud- land, Calif., and Dorothy Workman weeka he's gone the route four Col Carbon ...... 92 since bis consecration in November What the owners of 14 cluba in the a golden harvest of cash and tro- Most contracts of child film ac- representative, and Mrs. Flack are Olbble, 3b ...... 3 2 1 0 3 0 ley. Chicago, Illinois state cham- of Angeles, and Sydney Wood of HAND BOOKS RAIDED \ times, whipped^ the Giants neatly Col Gas and E l ...... 74 at the Scranton headquarters of the Daigle, rf ...... 1 4 1 0 0 0 pion. 7 and 6. By way of Indicating New York, against Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland, Aug, 26—(A P )—The American and International Leagues phies. Carroll is an example of the tors are submitted'to him fo r' ap- Coml Inv T r ...... 994 Polish National church. Prior to also expected.at the banquet usual handicap winner, but, not an twice, lost a tough shutout to Bos- proval and he has Indicated, since Men of the parish have given Dowd, If...... 4 1 3 2 0 n her determination to win tomorrow, Harry Hopman of Australia. far west coast had a "triple threat” should do Is get together and form ton, and yesterday he stopped the Coml Solv ...... 1 1 4 this time he haa held assignments Sqhlebenpflug, ee 3 1 0 2 .1 0 she bagged seven blrdlea, three pars The top four teams in the veter- exception. IN CHICAGO Campaign the Jackie Coogan case, that he will Cons E dison ...... 28 4 in Connecticut and Massachusetta generously of their time In paint- Mahien's ami two boglea for the 12 holes ehe ans' doubles section gained the bid In today for the national public a defensive union and picket George Before last year’s shoot he had Pirates, 2-1, with seven hits in one Insist that these place half or more for 16 years and ia well known ing and renovating portions of the Johnson, c( , . . . . .0 0 0 0 ' 0 0 end of a doubleheader, both sides Cons O i l...... 94 Schubert,, cf .3 0 2 0 0 ol played. Par for the remaining six semi-finals without a break but links champlonahip. Welqs. the overseer of Col. Jacob never broken more than 62 targets of the minors’ earnings In trust for Cont C a n ...... 1... 424 among the clergy and laymen of the church building. Noren Brothers TOP SIRLOIN Server, c .4 1 1 4 0 0 holes would have given her a 7 ',. none of the four seeded father-son Three west coast players were In Ruppert's player plantations. > out of 100. . With the chips down, Six Placfis Smashed By Police of which the Phils took from -- the them. Corn P r o d ...... 70 New England diocese. 'have Juat completed the work of re- A store full of fresh, Mordavtky, lb . .2 0 1 4 0 ft four under women's par. rnrnhlnaflons reached the second the semi-finals test of 36 holes. They It is becoming commonly agreed and under the strain Of his first big To Bring Total To 15 In league-leaders. It the other half, Judge WUaon was bom in Gree- Del Lack tod W e st...... 7 4 Bishop Leanlak wUl be here all gilding the cross with gold leaf, tod n e w groceries. Quick BONELESS RIB P. Dubaldo, 2b . .3 a 0 0 ft 0 last round. were Bart Taro, 18-year-old new#-: that the 43-year-old Weiss, whose time start, he crac'Ked 100 in a row wild BUI Hallahan turned in with ley, Colo., and educated in Los An- Douglas A ircra ft...... 484 day, Sunday.' Members of St. John’s a number of other Improvements Drive Against Gambling.' his first win of the year, a flve-hit- geles. He was admitted to the bar turnover and daily arrivak | ROASTS Czorneckl, p, af .3 1 1 2 0 0 hoy from Seattle, and two entries official tltfe is vice president of the —the third time in history a perfect Du P o n t...... 184 parish committee will . escort him have been made In anticipation of WHIRLWINDS TO HOLD Newark club of the Internatl mal run had been registered in the class- ter, for another 2-1 decision, there-j in 1900. While the law has been the Eastman K odak...... 174 BUhop Lesnlak’s visit, and the large of new gopds enable us to A. Dubaldo, af, p .2 2 0 4 0 1 from Porttand. Ore., Eddie Beck and Chicago, Aug. 26.—(A P )—The from Springfield. About 9:30 a.m. Louis C. The fourth contes- League. Is the slicker In the wood- ic. Since then Carroll has drop- by slicing the Bucs’ first-place mar-1 center of his attention, he has serv- Elec Auto Lite ...... 30 attendance of out of town people. Cyr. handbook demolition squads had 18 thp rector. Rev. Joseph Zleba and a keep our stock in tip-top 28 12 10 18 4 1 ANOTHER SHAKE-UP tant still In the running was A1 pile, the bounder who is responslisie ped back to bis former form, his gin in the National League race to ed on city playground ahd bousing Gen Elec ...... 424 procession of the church people, led The Bishep and Father Zieba have SIRLOIN IHEETINC ON FOOTBALL highest count since taking the title notches'bn their axe handles to- 1-2 gam es.' commissions. His hobbies are gar- Gen Foods ...... 36 been close friends since the latter condition at all times. As omen V-8’a Leach, Cleveland VVPA timekeeper. pilmarNy for disrupting the base- day. ’ . by the Fife, Drum and Bugle corps ball status quo. ^ being 92 of 100 Getting along to Stengel, you re- dening end photography. ... (Ten Motors ...... 464 was an altar boy $nd Rev. Lesniak OR CUBE lb . AB R HPO A E Taro, who yesterday eliminated Specta^feUlgr raids by State's At- will meet the honored guest at Oak- for prices, we leave it to Olaen, lb , rf . . . . .8 2 Preachers, 72-year-old men, a 14- call that when he succeeded miracle Gillette ...... 9 4 still In the seminary. STEAKS 1 2 0 0 Se8.sion Slated At Charter Oak Lloyd Nordstrom of Davenport, la., The Yankees, who ultimately torney Thomas J. CJourtney’s axe Hecker P r o d ...... 74land street and North Main, and Johnaton, aa . . . . .8 2 2 1 .1 0 IN PIRATES’ TEAM and Dennis Lavender of Dallas, thrive on the player talent produced year-old boy, railroad conductors, man Will McKechnte at Boston this form a parade to (Tolway atreet and you. Our hundred.^ of Field At 7 O’CIock Tonight; millionaires, unemployed eleetri- wieldera on six handbooks yester- season everyone predicted he’d be .Hudson M otors...... ‘...... - 9 4 APPOINTED IJEUTENANT Ecabert, c ...... 1 1 0 2 3 1 Tex., was paired with Leach, whose by ‘‘farmer-ln-the-dell” Weiss, are day brought to 15 the number de- Int Hajrv ...... 6O4 the church. sati.sfied patron.s are tell- Werner, p, lb .. . .8 1 1 9 Expert Big Squad, third round and quarter finals vic- a dozen games in front of the clans, farmers, garage mechanics lucky to wind up somewhere be- Bishop Lesniak wlU celebrate high and- oil men are numbered among stroyed .In the campaign against, tween sixth place and Siam. But Iht N ic k ...... 904 HarUord, Aug. 26.— (AP) — The | ing a story of complete Juton, rf, p __ 3 0 2 0 ! 8-. tims w'ere Andrew Szwoilko of American League procession and gambling establishments. Int Tel tod T e l ...... 84 mass in the forenoon at 10 o’clock, SLI CED FEANKS 1 A turnout of more than twenty- the previous champs. Local Stocks Adjutant General's Office an- : Selomonaon, If .. 2 1 1 8 0 0 Traynor lynches Rizzo And Pittsburgh and Tommy Bolt of are headed for their third-straight Casey, whose clownish ways cover a Johns M tovllle...... 984 tod In the afternoon at 4 o^lock satisfaction! BUTTER Intensifying the drive, Courtney five candidates Is expected at the The event has never gone to a multitude of neat baseball tricks, nounced today the appointment of » ______Stratton. Sb .... S 1 2 n 0 2 Shreveport, La. world championship. sent: three .aquads instead of one; in- Keanecott ...... 42wiU confirm a class of boys and BACON Sergeant . Charles -A.- Simona- o f | BOLOGNA football meeting that wlH be herd wonnan, -but even-that -tradition JiBfkO; cf' . TTi'; 9 0 0 T 0 0 Portland„'Waa assured of sending The Newark Bears, the "finishing has those still stingless Bees with 'Fnmlslied by Miller'and Whitney Lehigh Vai Rd ...... girls,'' following which a' banquet'wiU at the Charter Oak atreet field at 7 Handley in Attempt To could end today. -Mrs. Lela Hall of to action. 'The raiders topped off 9 4 Troop B of West Hartford, lldth Green, af ...... 3 0 0 1 0 0 one of Its representative^’after the school In the Weiss system, are ap- their day’s work with to assault on 3 1-2 game hold on fifth place 48 Pearl Street., Ltgg and Myers B ...... 100 be held In hla honor. Cane Granulated Sugar, Mc(?onkey, 2b ... 2 0 1 2 0 0 o'clock tonight for the purpose of Straaburg, Mo., cfacked 98 of lOO a right this minute, and. from, the. Hartford, Conn. Cavalry, Connecticut National I title won by Bruce Mcfcormick of proximately the same distance large loop establishment at 32 Loews ...... J...... 49 (Clergymen invited Include Rev. Guard, to Second Lieutenant. He 10-pound A organizing the East Side Whirl- Los Angeles In 1937. Cyr, a rail year ago to land two targets off way they tore into ’s ruds William R. Martin Lorillard ., i.... i ...... 20 James Stuart NcU? • Pf. S t Ma,|y;s, .. . „ j j g g j.. Gain Batting Power. ahead In the .IntematlonaL Leagud- North State AM'eat. They Interrupt-, 4 was assigned to Tr o o p E, 122d | 15*"" '12^« 1 winds'. The'team will'be .spohsored ro'ad worker. W h o was the 64th' thlf pace-•with a score that would' R e ^ Ih bdth 'ehds of a twin bin yes- ' .Local Repreoentatlve' , ’ Mont Ward I.-...... 484 Episcopal church. Rev. Paul Vas- cloth bag . Blnghamton is expected to win In have won 31 -of the previous 37 ed the pastime of more than a thou- 1:00 p. m. Quotations Cavalry. , Gibbie.^'Lunch...... 320 403—,12 by "Pat” Kane, local shoe merchant, qualifier and won a match play the Eastern ueague, and Kansas sand bettors. Including 400 women. terday, 6-4 (in 12 Innings) and 3-3, Nash K e lv ...... quez of St. Paul's Italian church of Dillon V-8's ...... 260 000— 8 and Kane will b§ present to pre- grands. / Land O’Lakes o s> berth In a playoff: was paired with City Is up In the fight In the Ameri- Lieut. Thomas Kelly estimated it w«uld appear they have aeiious Nat B lac...... 264 Hartford, Rev. Walter Pawlowskl The Lima Bean ia of Two base hits, Dowd (2), Schu- side at the meeting. Pittsburgh, Aug 26--(A P )—Pie Insurance Stocks Na( Cash R e g ...... 28 Butter, lb...... OdwC Traynor took anotlier double’shuffle Beck, 25-year-old hardware. salc.s can Association. the axe squads did $15,000 damage deaignf on a money apot. of Hartford, Rev. Constantine Chry- American origin. 1 B OI L E D COTTAGE SALT 1 bert; Werner, Stratton (2 );', stolen Plans! for the Sea.ion will be dla-. The Reds' double defeat, coupled Bid Nat Dairy ...... '...... 134 In h1,4 Pirate lineup*'today, benching man. Weiss Is responsible—Wclsa and in smashing furnishings in the Loop bases, Dowd, Solomonson; double cussed, Including the appointment with the Cubs’ win over the Dodg- Aetna Casualty...... 92 Nat DlstiU'...... 35 Native Potatoes, lohnny KIzzo and Lee H.andley in n Taro played like a veteran and the bankroll supplied by his In- The^Standings handbook. Estimates o f.. damage Aetna Fire HAM CHEESE .POEK plays, Jan ton to Ecabert to Strat- of Conches and a manager. Ir.tere.st N Y Central...... 1 No. 1 Quality, desperate play for batting poorer, won easy victories yesterday. dulgent boss, O)lonel Ruppert. There YESTERDAY’S RESULTS since the campaign started ranged ers, 3-2 tod 5-4, boosted the Cubs ' Aetna Life ...... 24 ton: base on balls, off Janton (8);. In the team Is ninnfng high at the. Against Lavender he was six.up af- up to $75,000. Into a third-place tie with Clrt- NY NH and H ...... peck ...... ‘ Werner (1); Crameckl (4); A. Du- riie Uticraneers' bo.sa, atill the might be acme doubt whether National League Automobile ...... 31 North. Am ...... 2 \ 19c East Side and Indication.^ are that ter nine holes and coasted home to Manager Joe McCarthy of the Yan- Ckiurtney started the demolition cinnati. The second-place Giants Conn. General ...... 23 H 5* lb. baldo (1): struck out, bv Werner obliging gentleman to caller.s though Boston 6-3, Cincinnati 4-2. Packard ...... 10«n> 1 a large squad will be avall.'ible from a 3 and 2 decision. Cyr downed Native Potatoes, b.lggard from the orde'al -of losing kees is the greatest manager In the Philadelphia 2-2, Pittsburgh 1-1. campaign after ineffectual attempts outlasted the Cardinals for as 8-7' Hartford Fire ...... 744 35* (1), Crameckt (1 ), A. Dubaldo (2); which to develop a strong i-ombliia- Nell Whitney of Los Angeles in the to gain convictions against hand- Param P lc t ...... 1 b«>lh' enda of a doubleheader t(» the world, as Hla reco'rd would Indicate, Chicago 3-5, Brooklyn 2-4. edge in 11 frames, to pick up a Hartford Steam Boiler 52 Medium Si3«, time, 1 hr. 6 min.; umpire, E, Smith. tlon. morning and edged out Tab Eloyer book operators and employes. The Penn 2 laxt place Philaifelphla Phils yf.ster- but there la no question that Weiss ' New York 8, St. Louis 7 (11). game-and-a-half on te^ Pirates, get- National F ir e ___ 624. Phelps Dodge ...... ^...... 3 peck----- ...... ilay, said he would luse .lohri' Dick- of Portland, Ore., 3 ahd 2 In the af- is doing the beat job In the business axe squads have seized employes for ting the deciding run without a hit, Phoenix ...... io ternoon. Beck defeated Alton' Age American League questioning bub none of the patrons PhU Pete ...... 31 shot In leftfield and Bill Bnih.aker of supplying replacements. New York 5-15. Cleveland 2-3. on a walk, error and fly! , Travelers ...... ?.. 445 Pub Serv N J ...... j;r2l Sheffield Milk, a.t tliird 'base. of Louisville, K,y., and In the quar- As proof. It is necessary to look have been detained. Over in the American League, the PnbUc Utilities Radio ...... '....l...a.: 4 tall cans ...;. S WISS CHEESE Philadelphia 5-4, St. Louis 8-1. ''I’ve got to do soniethmg, " he ter finals defeated Ralph Evarts of no further than Joe Goidon, who From one-third to one-half'of -the Ttokeea rolled merrily along to a Conn. Lt. and Pow 52’ Reading ...... 1' Santa Monica, Calif., 3 and 1. Boston 1-9. ChlcsRo 0-5. patrons in ralfled handbooks were Conn. Pow...... 47 Mafichester's ExcliisiVe Dealers grumbled as In- dmcln.sed he' was stepped from Newark Into the sec- Washington 8, Detroit .2.' twin win over the Indians, making Rem Rand ...... l( I Pure Lard, 1 lb. Should Taro, Beck or C?yr emerge women. A -memento of yesterday’s 16 hita good for 20 nma to score at Hartford Elec. L t '. . . 604 RepubUc Steel ...... II beneiimg two of, the players chiefly ond base spot for the Yankees this Eastern Lrague raids was a bit pf embroidery left pkg. 2 pkgs. .. -7 re.spon.slhle for Pittsburgh being at with the title after Saturday’s 36- season and has played the pO.sition 5-2 tod 15-3. The Red Sox stayed Illuminating Sbs...... 554 Rey Tob B ...... 4! hole final; It would be a second Hazleton 5-8, Hartford 3.-3., behind by a female better who ap- New. Britain G a s ___ 22 u» MIRACLE WHIP the top of the league. 12 games back in second place by Safeway Stores ...... li Native Fresh Eggs, TU N A FISH, Ige. can* better than had Tony Lazzeri' for Binghamton .4, Williamsport 3, parently had been working on [it So. New Ehig. Tel. Co. 148 • .' Rizzo hasn't got a hit In our last straight^ar In which both the pub, whipping the White Sox twice. Jack Sebenley Dls ...... 1 ( jlc links Individual and team titles four or five previous campaigns. (night). , ' while waiting fdr the race' results. Western Ma.Tior bemoaned the weak .547 opener, 8-5. and Buck Ross’ five Fafnlr Bearings ___ 87 1 CRAB M EAT CORN FLAKES BEEF the bespectacled Seattle high prestot Newark llne-up could finish Cincinnati ...... 64 .53 Tex.-Corp...... 4 44 Kellogg's Rice.....- 1 ^ hitting which has - cost .• the'*• 2 9 « (ioz. 5 i b t . 2 5 e However It was such a radical ball plant In organized baseball. Trenton ,.'...... 56 67 .455 Runa — Ott, New York, 94; Good- Chibs—Lee burled four-bitter for (3uoran^ T ru st...... 236 1982 FORD 5-PASSENGER COUPE. Nutley. N, J.—Light Heavyweight 3-2 wdrt over Dodgers. In opener; De^ Motor Oil, rm shakeup last M|ay that started the enclosing 14 H acres Champion John Henry I^wis. Wilkea-BArre ...... 45 81 .3^7 man, CiBCinnatl, 88. trrlnff 'Trust ...... 10 Excellent Condition! ITrates on their climb from fifth to maree hit double and single, driving Maaufaet Trust 374 $125 2-gaI. can ...... # 3 C 184,1-2, Phoenix. Arlz., knocked Runs bstted in—Ott, New York. in two runs, in 9-4 nightcap. CHEF'S first place. At that time ’X n y u o r out -Dominick CeccareUl, 179, Italy, TODA\”S GAMES 91; Msdwick. 8 t Louis, 90. Manhattan ...... 15 4 / FRESH PEAS SWEET PLUMS WATERMELONS HOME PBOORA3 Jackie Wilson and Doc Chamer, 19SS CHEVROLET I S r WHEELBASE TRUCK. New subbed Djekshot for the elder (3) (non--tltle). National League Hits — McQonnick, Cincinnati, Naw York Trust .... 824 Ivory Flakes, \Vaner and put Brubaker on first Atlantic City, N. J.—Young Gene Boston at Chnclnnatt. Red Sox—Wilson pitched five-hitter Publie N ational...... 37 Paint. Good TiresA large pkg. • • < ' Bloomington, Ind. Indiana L’ni- 166; Medwrlck, St. Louis, l46. a. and won owh game w^th nm-mak- Restaurant J doz. 2 5 c '. base for Gus Suhr. - Buffalo, 15L Philadelphia; outpoint- Brooklyn at CnUcagm Doubles—McCormick, (^clnnatl, ntle^Ouarutes ...... 5 1982 DODGE 5-PASSENGER COUPE. Traynor hopes the jar* will work versity football. foU( zers are Ihg single for 1-0 opener victory 25® ed Andre Jessunm, 130, New York Philadelphia at Pittsburgh 30: Medwlck. S t Louis. 83. U. S.^ ’Trust ...... 1B38 1! 19S NORTH MAIN STREET^ Lux Flakes, again- moahing the fact tei the Hoosters over White Sox; Cramer’s triple 1935 FORD DeLUXE SEDAN. New Paint. Good Rab- play only two game: at home this aty, (15)-. ^ . New Ti’crk at St. Louis. • ' Forntrly Isrffs pkg...... West New York, N. J.—Lou Lom- •Ameiicaa League ® '^ ’J ^ th bases loaded paceq winniiig BLAn PL£DOra> TO REILLY ber. fidl—Kansas State Oct.. 22, and Pittsburgh, and Gutteridge, S t-i...i,„rally In nightcap. a OLD POST O m C E Iowa, Nov. 12. bardi, “ 137, Jersey Oty’, outpointed Cleveland at New York (2). Louis, 11 '1932 NASH SEDAN. Like New! - - • Lifebuoy Soap, Our Delicious Layer Cakes , . each29c l Joe iGhnouly, 137, St. Louis, (8). S t Loola at Philadelphia (3). 'Vince DIMaggio and Carl Mag- Stamford, Aug. 36. —(AP) — Homs runs—Goodman, Cincinnati, jrert. Bees—DlMaggio’a homer, two FREE COFFEE bar ...... Garfield. N. J.—Johnny Rdhrig, Chicago at Boston (2). 38: O tt New York. 27. Fornwi' High Sheriff Tbomoe RelUy 1985 PLYMOUTH COUPE. A-1 Condition. RACE FOl 183, Clifton, N. J.. outpointed Irish Detroit at Washington. * doubles and a alngla drove in four yt Stamford Is todajr an official eon- With Etctt Order ASSORTED, ' WHITE SLICED ALL KINDS Stolen bases—Lavagstto and Ko$', runs In 6-4 opener victory o\’er Lux'Toilet Soap, Billy Beauhold, 133, Jersey City, Eastern League Brooklyn, Vaughan, Pittsburgh, and lldate for nomiwkn<«n u county On Openii^ D ty ROLLS Quincy, ni.—A Reda; Maggert sent two runs across . bar BREAD ' CUPCAKES Can .Derby (ID). Hazleton at Hartford (3). Q uttsrid^ S t 13 each. iheriff oa tee Democratlo ticket. over a 40-nUle ro: te, for autos man- New Yorkr—Eddie Mader, 182, with pinch-single In winning rally The Democratle primary here lost ALSO FAVORS Elmira at Albany (1). Pitching (10 or more decUidns)—. in nightcap. MESSIER-NASH, Inc. Large Ivory C,each ufactured bel 1900 and 1926, New York, outpointed Jarl Johnson. Williamsport at Knghamtca. light elected a state of 3 4 delegates 3 J c loaf '. i m ^ dq^ J: will be held here »pt 4. Lohrman. Nsw York, 8-3; Blanton, Pete Appleton, Senators—Beat O. Moriconi, Prop. 10 Hendeiwon Road ^ Telephone 7258 Soap, 2 bars . . . 190, Norway, (8). Wilkes-Barre,at Trenton. Pittatxiigii, 10-i. to Rellixy ^ Tigeia, S-3. with merm blt» * ' ;V' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 2«, 1988 y^GB TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 28,1988 . . ______■ ■ * ______^______PAori his own Radlcal-SoclalLsU,, are of 10,000 Japanese was reported at gent* repeatedly hav* been unable westem hemisphere could have any Kwanttng, 27 miles from Liuan. to take in direct attack. assurance from one day to the next broadcast from Berlin. WABC- major unit* of the People’s Front, CBS— 11 a. m., Columbia Concert 1,700 Chinese Ulled ■ In southwestern Spain on the E*- that he and hla family wduld not be BLL SUPPORT Parliament is In recess, buHrnany U.SGONSDUTE EXPECT LABOR DU’S SHARP RELIEF ROSTERS hall; 4;16, Leon Goldman concert or- A Japanese army officer’ said 1,- tremadura front the main offensive evicted from their home and bereft lAILYJIADIO PROGRAM deputies are in Paris. again was being conducted by Gov- of all means of livelihood?" chestra; 4:30, America Dances, BBC 700 Chinese were killed when Japa- RRIOAV, AUGUST 26 (Central and SAatarn Standard Tina#) music exchange; 5:30, Will Mc- leee shock troops land'erf. at Tung- ernment troops, whose counter-at- Believed Seeking Support OALAOePLAN DEBATE CLIMAX NOTE WARNING in Standard Tim*— Davllffht Tima ana hour lattr} REACH NEW PEAK Cune's orchestra. WJZ-NBC— 8 HIT BY BULL! tacks to drive Insurgents away Hull, by bringing the other na- ktif^g, south of Slngtze, to reln- Notai .Ur provrama to key and baslo chain’* or *roups thereof unlta* SMcl. а. m.. Breakfast club; 11:80, Farm- Share In These Money Saving Prices! aoM nES^ forceHlje drive toward Nanchang from the Alttiaden mercury mliiro tions of the western’-'hemiaphere In- flad: ooast to eoaat (« to a) d**l*(iatlona.tntj inUix Hopkins Reports 3,0% 90G i$l G r o i p Jhlgh but w e r y h ^ announced,' VASre — Eaati weaf wnae wtte wjir WOO whlb agio kdah. w#oa wmfg Some week-end waves: For Sat- MADE M G (Oontlnoed from Page OiM.) bank of the Zujar river were cap- (Continued from Page One.) ' investments throughout Latin wcah kyw wfbr wre Mgy wbeo (Oomnned from Page Om .) i 'H was reporteoNa Jai)^ese col- wtam wwj cbm wdel; Mldwttt: MOUNT.—kvor kit kob kal kgvO kfbb urday—DJD, Berlin, 5 p. m., Kom- umn was panning tiTht^^k Liuan. tured in an advance which reached America. kM wmaq who wow wdaf wiro katp: COAST—knoa koln kol kfpy kvl kato en’s labor service; HAT4, Budapest, Voles To Back Premier In eluded settling or averting more I from each government—determine Persons EnroUed On tense, dghtlhg raged on> the west A Japanese naval ^ttmnunique a depth of nine miles. The secretary contended that If Mountainr icoa Rdyi: ioutht wmbe wsb koy karm khbe kgmb kroy klro kgar б, play In Hungarian; G.SC. GSP, than '1,600 strikes. the value of the 'confiscated land wmc wsmb w ^ kpre wbre: Pacific: HORTHY VISIT shore of'.Poyang lake today with said .fapancse planes bomb>d,both The Insurgents countered, hoW' the nations of the world adopted the kfw komo khq kpo krtt CanL Cast. GSO, GSD, London, 6:20, Jiallad Everybody Saves at Cirtailmg 40-Honr Week. hot: railroad.stations at Changsha, C&pl Changes In the law generally ever, with reports that all govern- Alternative May Be Accepted - Mexican theory of . property it OPTIONAL STATIONS

of Charter Oak street will take •Ea-st Middle Turnpike. Mr. Burns placd Thursday, September 1, waa will make extensive repairs on the property In the near future. The the guest of honor at a large shower, gi-ven last night at Sloose Hall, transfer was made through the Stu- art J. Wa.sley Real Estate Agency, Bralnard Place, by Mrs. Carl par- Prints and solid colors. Not all sizes. Dresses •ona of 47 Cljftner Oak street, as- GARDEN GOODNESS Mr and Mrs. I-esIle Kittle and I sisted by the mother of the bride- suitable for early Fall wear. Regular $7.95 value. daughter Carolyn of Lllley etreet elect. Gueiits were present from are spending their vacation at Old | COSTS NO MORE Hartford. Vernon and this town. Orchard Beach, Maine. Bingo and other games were enjoy-

ed and a buffet lunch served by the hostesses. The gifts which filled a

large basket were presented to .Mias F l'U - t,INE OF THRE.AnS Ecabert. and among them were many from her associates at Che for Embroidery and Crochet RED and WHITE STAND SPORTW ney Brothers. .MANCHESTER’S FRUIT AND VEGETABLE MARKET MR<(. ELLIOTTS SHOP. 997 Main Sireei West Center Street At MeKcc Street Open Sundays! For Women And Children

FOOD SALE PRICESJN EFFECT FRIDAY EVENING—SATURDAY— AND SUNDAY .Saturday, August 27. 9 A. M. Women’s Children's HALE’S STORE POOPIMC Large, F,u.sci6u.s Bartlett Des Moines 1 Finance Com., Burklngham Coilgregatlonal C’hiirrh. EverjBrreen Corn Pears, Squash, 2 for .... 1 Overalls— Culottes I\ C .SID IM C PLAY SUITS First picking. Large, • Estimatea Freely Olven Egg Plant, 1 C full ear8. Reg. $1.98 Values • ITnrknianshlp Ouaranteed NOW Crop Beets find Q ' Slacks and 2 Piece

25c Carrots, 2 bunches.. a / C Now ,.T.— ...... $ • lllghiwt Quality .Materials 1.00 Onions, IQ.— GET YOUR CHILDRENS Play Suits — lim e ihi.vmrnis Arranged 10-lb. b d g ...... iOC HAIR CUT AT Karly McIntosh Native U. S. No, 1 Reg. $1.19 Values Apple.s, 5 lbs...... Imported Italian ZIMMIE’S BARBER J5I10P Ae Ae DION, Inc. Values to $1.19 Mealy Potatoes Sweet Onions, " " Now ...... ; 22 Birch St. Near Main St, Native Melons, rONTRACTOR 2 lbs...... jC 31 Wells Ht. Tel. 48fl0

2'"’19c 20c"”'"' ' Children’s 89c

Pritchard ^ 15c """20c TOINlATOES SHORTS Freshly Picked, Spotless CYCLOTTES 69. Large, .luiev Siinkist Crab Apples, ' Q O ^ stake grown. Red- Children’s 49c BIN GO! BIN GO! ripe...... 28c 8-ql. basket . . O a / C O ran g e H a ll, Sa t. N ig h t, A ug. 27 l-(|uart Regular $1.98 SHORTS 3 9 c llanniiiis (Isl Fresh S(|ua.sh. 1 _ ba.sket d l U C - $ 1.00

8 :3 0 O X Io c k for...... lUC ({uiility). t 11).*:. . '' Regular 59c 2 0 Ga m es 2 5c. Sp ecial Ga m es 5c. All Wool ~ LVKUYTHING IN FARM PRODUCTS fi Special (lames — Pri'/.cs §5.00 In Cash!

SLACKS 39. .1 Sweepstake! 2 Free (lames! , Door Prize .§5.00!

The finest .selection of prize.s will be on display and NO PARKING TROUBLES - QUICK SERVICE Bathing Suits Children’s every winner gets a prize. Como and bring your friend.s.

Reg. $4.95 Values

Sum m er Dresses Now ...... $ 3.00

U Reg. $1.19 Values

Reg. $5.95 Values Now ...,,..., FILL ME UP W IT H

Now ...... i. .- 69c $3-79

G O O DRICH GAS Reg. $1.98 Values

Reg. $6.95 Values -Now ' 4rf«? « r *T*t »T*. ' $ 1.00 IT'S SW ELL! Now ...... $4.07

of Cotton Jersey

Satin Lastex

Sport Shirts


Reg. $1.19 Values

Now . • •T0' Reg. $3.95 Now ,.t . $2-59 69c

iWe Don^t Handle Any Third

Reg. 59c Value Grade Gas And We Don't Not AH Sizes and Colors In Any of the Now ...... Starting Monday, Aug. 29th and ^^very - .\bove Merchandise. Believe In It. All Our Cas


Contains Lead

8 gallons for §1.00 “bargain" ga.a has been eliminated in New York and New Haven. .And it won’t he long be- fore it will disappear here, •


REG. GAS 70 Octane. ,.

No Thirri tirade tlas Sold .41 Van's! a ^ ANNOUNCING THE

K. of :C.JGrraund&--Main- and Delmont Streeta TYPEWRITERS

SALE OF: ^ ALL MAKES >entng iiat., A ug. 27th



^^ ARMSTRONG HARRY KEISH'S New Rides New Thrills


Formerly Brennan’s Package Store


If you want to see Bingo as It will be played in the future—

Two Tires'for the price of One and a half. 19 MAPLE SX play Bingo at the K. of C. Carnival.

, CHOICE BRANDS OF LIQUORS ON HAND ^ W e also haddle Retread Tire* at lowest SmalL^eekly or Mohthly Drop Ip and' Get Acquainted! • Paymems Will Purchaise

prices in town. 4-i j™ Any Machine.

ADMISSION FREEH NOTICE SERVICE ^ Full line of Auto-Lite Batteries As I have nothing to do with the Brennan Estat.e, all bills TYPEWRITER CO. payable to that estate will be collected hereafter by the “ Hold Evd^ything” For The 195 Tra m tig n S t B a itf o rd , C o u . l

' Local .4g eata: Administrator. William Brennan, at his home, 158 Henry street. Mat* SERVICE KEMFS Biggest and Best Carnival

StATION VAN'S I . Ever Staged In Manchester 426 HARTFORD ROAD i TELEPHONE 3866 f