Fairfield Man Says Hines with on Visit to Stables
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AVBBAOK DAILY OnODLATIOM nn wDATBon , fiev tiM Mostli « l ffaly. IM S Feraeaat of C. 8.' Weathas Hartford 6,039 Partly eloady tonight end Satur- ■bmr ad Iho A a ltt. day; aUglifly w am er. MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM VOL. LVIL, NO. 279 m Page U ) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY. AUGUST 26, 1938 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE GEMTfr’ '- ' .’.i' TOUQl GUARDS 20 KILLED, 74 HURT FAIRFIELD MAN SAYS DEATHS CAUSE, IN BOMB CORONER SAYS HINES WITH IN CROWDED MART mBEon»>8 nwAWT noH tionally As "Roister’’ For DetiNiatiol So Terrifc It IDEA PBOVEff BOOMBEANO ON VISIT TO STABLES -« • Hrtlywood-, Angr- M :— fA P )-^ ' DiscqiliiiiBg Unnily Pris* HUMIDITY lENHANOEff Cofdd Be Heard Cbarly Airplanes droning overhead ^ MOTIE BfUSIO QUAUrr BrothweD D e e r e s tanh sound like bumble bees to a film micmpbonc. oiers By Terroriste Mob. EXPECT LABOR Hollywood, Aug. 26— (AP)— For Ton MOes; Ugly Arab So Director Sam Wood had a N ow they’re alr-conditloning many Leader Accompan- 10-foot balloon, bearing a warn- movie mueiel Philadelphia, Aug. 26.— (A P ) — DEBATE CLIMAX ing, sign to fliers, sent Into- tbs Mob Faces Britiih Pofice. Paramount eound engineers sir .on a 100-foot rope. group of “tough” guarda, srtiose ied Gangster Few N e i t b ■aid today they have discovered Tho sign attracted planes like duties Coroner Charles H. Hersch that a 55-degree constant rela- By JAhlES A. BOIXS honey attracts bees. said includad punishing unruly con- NEH INGRESS tive humidity enhances toe qual- Before Dntch Was Shin; Wood hauled it down. Jaffa, Paleatino, Aug.-SS.— (A P )— victs, was blamed today for the ity of music recording. -*#1 deafening bomb explosion In a Philadelphia county prison’s deaths ± Wemberg, Mob’s Bosioets 'ded veifetable market today in the “iGondlke”— a stuffy steam- Disimssion In Donse And heated teoiatlon building. at least M Arabs and wound- - . H erach called , this'Class of guards Manager, Back Ob Staidv ed 74 othera, ten of them dangerous- CLOSER HES a mob of “terrorists" and said: Senate Wfll Center On HULL’S SHARP "We’ra going after members of ly, as dawn was breaking in this BibUcal city. the mob, and find out how they Changes To Clarify Wag- New York, Aug. 96—(A P )—A The explosion was so, terrific that operated." MADE DURING latoationally Used As *Ttoaater” NOTEWARNING Connecticut Yankee today deseribsd the detonaUon could he heard clear-* H e said deaths of four men Mon- ly within a radius o f ten miles. ner Law As Suggested. how “King Arthur (Dutch Schults)) day in the “Klondike”, a 15 by 50 eVawd Seeks Beveaga Flegenhelmer held equine court in * HORM VISITfoot building heated by a long Une PoUcs raced to the scene and TOraCANS tertainlng Tammany District Lead- of large radiators. Indicated that the faced an ugly Arab crowd seeking building had been used Intentionally Washington, Aug. 26 — (A P) — er Jamee J. Hines In a quiet county revenge. by some of the guards', aa a Debate over amending toe Wagner sUble. V It attacked Barclay's bank, the Premier Conferred With Ger "roaster” for disciplining prisoners. The witness, a bssr-hatoig ildlag Labor Relatione Act, developing Seizure Of AmericaihOwned Anglo-Palestine bank, sat fire to Ho said his investigation indicated master from Falrflold, Ooiuin While Coroner Charles H., Hersch said he would ask that Penn- ever since Its paasage In 1986, ap- many shops and stoned, waylaid and that a “higher up" also 'was re- Dudley Brothwell, teetifled in ITlnW* ^ man Economics Mimster, sylvania state troopers be placed In charge of the Philadelphia county parently will reach a climax In Con- shot Jewish pedestrians who were sponsible for the deaths. Farm Lands WHhont Prop- oonepiracy trial that the dread ‘ hurrying to the aU^ewUh city of prison at'Holmesburg, Investigators planned to enter the punishment gress next winter. It was this official, the coroner cells lA which four convicts were found dead and have ventilation 'esar” Schulta— head ot tha Tel Aviv for refuge. declared, who gave the order to Congress heretofore has btocked Fonning Basis For Later shut off while steam waa turned on. The corridor above Is flanked million dollar Harlem policy Ten Jews were taken .to hospitals “ turn on the beat” In punishment all attempts to revise the 'act or to er Compensation Miist on the left by the cells In which the men died; at right, are the radia- — visited his stablsa with Hhten hi cells where he said the prisoners Investigate lU operation. Now, after attacks. An automobile be- August, 1985, a few months were “literally baked alive” after tors which some investigators say “baked the men to death. hpwever, Mr. Rooiwvelt has sug- longing to the manager of Barclay's Detailed Negotiations. Schults was stein. taking part In an mranUed revolt gested that toe National Labor Sto|T, Demands Settlement bank waa turned over and art "You saw Mr, Hlnea then?” i against a "monotonous" diet Board, labor unions, and tmployers aUase. ed' Defenoe Counsel Lloyd . "W o have definite information aa get together to recommend clariflca- Police Forced So Fire Borlin, Aug. 26— ( A P ) —Ground- Stryker. • to the Identity of the higher up whO tlohe. Washington, Aug. 26.— (A P )— A The situation became so threaten- "Yep,” toe wttnan nodded. ”| woik for closer economic tisa than was responsible for the inesreera- ing the poUce were forced to Sre on UNITED STATES OBJECTS Dlscuselon In the Senate and sharp note from Secretary Hull did.” , over before between Germany and tion, punishment and death of these the angry orowa and finally restor- House, the'rafore, probably wlU cen- served notice on toe Mexican gov- men”, Hersch said. ed a semblance of order with the Hungary, informed sdurees said to- ter on toe extent of ebanges to be Although he declined to discuss ernment today that it must atop Amid Utters In too aid of troopa. day is being laid during the state made., . namsa, the coroner said he had war- seizing American-owned form lands BrotowtU descriped Schults A stzeog detachment of eoldiere TO A H A C K ON AIRLINER Officials of tfie United States visit Hungary's regent. Admiral entoualsatte boraoman— "ono of ranta for. the arrest of .“four..to six. without proper compensation. to. Jaffa_frpm qutlytae poktte .ami NlchoJig^prUiy._______________ .. Chamber of Commerce and the N a- best,” hs s a ld -a n d he told of guards and oSisiala’’ .. .and promised "armored «cen took poeitions oh the It was disclosed that Bela Imredl, tional Association of Manufacturers Tho Stats Depulniant head de- mob leader and his phlef Ueut he would "break the case wide main etreets. Machine gun poste the Hungarian premier, who is here tq>en'.” have offered long lists of proposed manded for a eecond tone that Mex- “Lulu” Rosenwrana, cantstoii; Grew Preseuts Note Ceusur’* ico make prompt settlement of $10,- were set up on the border line be- In Horthy’s suite, • conferred at Hersch said bis information con' amendments. Executives of the pMcstuny through toe cool Oam>, U.S. CONSULATE American Federation of Labor are 000,000 in claims for property al- tween Jaffa and Tel Aviv. length yesterday with Walther corning the "higher up" waa given aecilelit oountryside. ready expropriated. The most pathetic aspect of the Funk, German economics mlnleter, by four guarda during six hours of ing Japauese Jeopardiz- drafting their own suggeetlons at "The Dutchman,” at that Unie, Atlantic City this week. bombing, eimilar to the market and Rudolf Brlnkmann, secratsuy of questioning'last night Peralstenoe in a policy of “bald was a- fugltlva from JusUce, place explosion at Haifa last July state In the eoonomica ministry. Ho identified two of - the guarda as HIT BY BULLET Lewie Sold Oppoeed confiscation,” be said, “wUl serious- by Federal agento la 16, was that five young boys wars It waa imderstood their converaa- Francla Smith, 48, and AUrad W . ing American LiveS] And On the other hand, representa- ly Jeopardise toe Interests of all with his Income tax. kUlsd and ssven were gravely ttons would form ths basis for de- Brough, 89, held in $2,500 bail each tives of Jo)m L. Lewis have said peoplM toroughout toe worfd." After Brothwell had fin as material witnesses In the deaths. the CtJ.O. leader was opposed to any Hull’s note, made pubUo tegt Gaotzs-Welnberg, 36, former _ wounded. taUsd negotlatioaa by speciaUsts of Other Non-ComHalants. IN PLANE RAID to changee in toe act, which guaran- night, kikied Mexico to agree either Cnrtsw Ifl^eeed both eountriss leading to a closer Befora going, the prison, where ness manager of toe Schults pqli^S Immediately after the explosion economic arrangement the questloidng took place, too cor- tees to workers the right to bsigaln to Inter-American arbitration or to racket, was recallsd to the staiod. authorities imposed on indefinite Watch Bted Oonferenoe oner said Smlto had offered “to tell collectively with employers through make monthly payments. In escrow Surprise Wltaesa aU.” tevo representatives— one curfew. That the Hungarian visitors kept Washington, Aug. 26.— (A P ) -The Twelve Bombs Dropped lo spokesmen of their own selection. while He had .been Interrupted, by th( Meanwhile, Dr. Martin R. Crane, The" C.l.O. has urged its members When this correspondent attempt- an eye on the meeting of the Little Unted States expressed to Japan dramaUc introduction of BrotoweU (Continued on Page Tea.) ed to go to the scene from Jeru- Eintente powers nt B l ^ Yugoslavia, to demand that congress keep' os a surprise wltnes by the state.