THrough a gla What DO the students think?

lyM . William Lutholti (6 people did not respond to group to support some form concensus in the entire equal representation in What do the students of the question) of autonomy survey policy making The IU PU I think” On January 27, The second question asked remainder fell into ^n almost Of the remainder of the the Sagamore posed that the people to indicate how FORK ION LANGUAGE Bell-curve with 121 favoring people replying to the question to its readers in the majority control. 134 favoru* important the issue of in The third question asked if question. 56 were uncertain. form of a page-one less than 50 per cent control. dependence was to them *the person supported or 41 indicated they were not Questionnaire What were 14 in support of total control, Two-hunred and twenty-eight opposed the foreign language affected by it, and 2 people their opinions on in­ and 14 for no control at all people described the issue as requirement for degree did not reply dependence for IU P U I” How "im portant,” and 332 con completion important do they copsidw sjdered it ‘ ‘very important ” STUDENT CONTROL that issue” Do they support or Fifty-five people indicated While 137 people supported FROtLiM ARIAS oppose the foreign language that they felt the issue was the foreign language The fourth question asked The fifth question asked requirements” How much unimportant and 31 were requirement. an over people how much control they control should students have uncertain whelming majority of 420 felt students should have in people Jo indicate which aspects of university life had in formulating university Of those who felt that the registered opposition The tqrmulating university given them the greatest policies” Which areas of issue was either important or opposition to the foreign policy dissatisfaction university life give them the very important, there was language requirement was. The m aturity at these The Parking situation won greatest dissatisfaction” g n s r a l tendency among this by far. the greatest area of responding <369) advocated The Questionnaires were hands-down with J4i votes available throughout the oyer half of the people week with boxes at each rack responding to the question location for the people to IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH naire Counseling took second * place with 226 people in­ register their replies Six* AlllllllillliilllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllilll hundred and fifty-six people C w dicating it Registration was noted by 166 people and roopondod A few remarks on the questionnaire: These are the results of that Curriculum ranked fourth First of all, we should point out that this survey is not, nor questionnaire with 173 should it be, considered the iron-clad Voice-Of-Truth Our r One Hundred and twenty sampling technique was the non-aelective method of ballot box INOEPKNOINCI FOR one marked the lack of reportir^ There were no scientific controls over the sample to IUPUI comm unity 'wcgund the guard against multiple entries or tampering Judging from university Administrative The first question dealt returns and their correspondence with the various schools, very policies were indicated by 106 with the issue of in­ little, if any, tampering took place Still, we do not submit this people Student facilities dependence and allowed for survey or its results as “scientific proof were noted by §7 Furthermore, our purpose in conducting the survey was eight different responses Bnnging up the last third of never to conduct a classically "pure” study in opinion taking ranging from i.U . needs the list the Faculty with 10 We wanted to find out what the students, faculty, and staff of more control over IUPUI” to complaints, the Sagamore this university think, we used the most far reaching and broad ‘ ‘ IU P U I noeds total in with 56. and Student based medium we have in order to ask them dependence’’ with middle Organisations with 52 The response to the survey was 666 returned questionnaires areas supporting the status Some people will point to this as a terribly small sample to auo or supporting various WHO RESPONDED? represent a student body of 19,000 And perhaps it it — but the degrees of autonomy There Qgllup and Harris polls use selective samples of around 1,500 to were also two categories for Of the 656 people who an those who were uncertain and represent the entire nation And we could go on pointing out weaknesses in the survey — swered the questionnaire. 416 those who didn’t care one way quality of the questions, handling of the results, methodology of were students. 6 were ad or the other tabulation But that isn’t the point mimstrators and 33 were faculty members A m aiority of those who The point is that so many people for so many reasons stand up Response according to responded support some form so many times to "speak for the students” We don’t question school went as follows Allied of autonomy 1(3 thought their intentions We simply ask that people who are going to Health (21), Business <7g>. IUPUI needs more self- speak for the students ASK TH E STUDENTS W HAT TH E Y D entistry ,< 10), Education control over its academic THINK 157), Engineering (101), affairs, 3S advocated more Our survey isn’t perfect We haven't the time or the money to Herron Art (15). Law (7). financial self-control, S3 conduct a “perfect” survey The Student Association doesn’t Liberal Arts <100) Medicine supported greater self- have the money for a "p e rfe c t" survey either We ask that the (II). Normal (16), Nursing control of administrative people who de have tht time and who de have the money — and. <10). Science . Social affairs, and 104 supported moreover, the responsibility - ask the students what they S ervice <•>, U n iversity total independence think We ask that the Indiana University Board of Trustees take the Ume and the effort to ask the members of the umver Division <•>, SPEA (I) No On the other side, 100 si t y they were chosen to represent exactly what they think Response or Uncertain <45». people thought the IU-IU PU I Some people will point to the large number of “Uncertain” The schools of the situation is ‘ ‘O K the way it responses on our survey and remark that maybe the students of University Division and the is,” while 125 thought that IU IU P U I don’t have opinions worth asking for We would point out School of Public and En needed more control over that perhaps it comes simply from the novelty of having never vironmental Affairs were inadvertantly excluded from IUPUI been asked for their opinions And, ultimately, it must be realised that the surveys must not the survey but members of Thirty two people indicated become an end in themselves A thousand "perfect” surveys these schools indicated their that it ‘doesn't m atter” to will never build a university Action must follow the surveys affiliations and were counted them And 36 were uncertain And action depends on human beings — not paper ballots as such in the tabulations 2 February 17. 1975 Over 5,000 sign editorials InPIRG finishes petitions Apply for Editor - by KbrtnM. Zilite individuals decided to act more involved student body.” “ Would you care to sign the immediately on an InPIRG InPIRG petition?” is a ques­ project: The Hazardous Toy A constantly arising tion which has been asked of Survey. Students surveyed question from students is thousands of IU P U I students the toy sections of 17 stores Dare to be Great “ What will I get from the during the past several looking for toys which could $2.25 fee increase?” The best weeks In classrooms, some be declared unsafe by CPSC, So you don't like the editorial content of the Sagamore? You answer might be “ Whatever students have witnessed FDA, or InPIRG standards. think a fifth-grade art class could do a better job with the you w an t!" To explain that: academic comrades pre­ Media exposure contributed layout*’ Buffalo Chip should be cprraled and Barbie Q should be If InPIRG establishes an senting dynamic speeches on to waking up the people of stewed in her own juice, right? Anybody that doesn't like Grand IU P U I chapter, students will the harvest of consumer Indy to the tunes of “public Funk shouldn’t be allowed near a typewriter and those who do be a major source of input for benefits to be reaped by or­ interest - student activism - not love John Denver are somewhat less than-enlightened deciding activities. These ganizing this consumer in­ InPIRG.” The toy survey, as Well, Bunky. this is YOUR chance! activities are primarily terest-protection group at with all InPIRG projects, research — research of any­ Once a year the editorshipof the Saga more is opened up to the IUPUI. But now, such published state-wide results thing the students want, school Anyone who wishes to apply for the position of Editor-in- presentations and public and made them available to provided their gripes or sug­ lobbying is about to come to a the public. Chief can do so by submitting their resume to Dr. Dan B Wolf, gestions are valid. Anything victorious close. The efforts However, with the faculty advisor to the newspaper The resumes are placed is a big word. But to fill you before the Student Publications Board, a nine-member panel of InPIRG organizing com­ beginning of the Spring *75 in, InPIR G has researched mittee members are mani­ semester, the Organizing composed of three students, three faculty members, and three areas of citizen concern such fested by 5,000 signatures, Committee realised the representatives of the local media The Board then interviews as environmental protection, each of the applicants, questions them concerning their ex­ showing massive interest in importance of approaching fair housing practices, forming an InPIRG chapter the IUPUI administration perience. their plans, and their abilities Out of this meeting governmental and corporate at this university. The 5,000 with evidence supporting an comes the new editor responsibility, health protec­ signatures represent the InPIRG chapter at the tion, and sex, age, or race Should you be the victor, A L L OF THIS CAN ONE DAY BE largest student voice ever university. Thus, the massive discrimination. The $2.25 will YOURS!!! A salary of $50 a week (before taxes), a key to the assimilated at IUPUI. And petitioning drive. go directly to the chapters Sagamore office, a mailbox on the fourth floor, and the quieting considering all aspects of the Now that is all over, Bill funding for establishing a knowledge that, on the day that you screw up, somewhere in the transient university it is, that Stuckey, chairperson of continuing opportunity for voice is quite a scream InPIRG's Organizing Com­ vicinity of 12.000 people will know it. But you can relax—only students to become involved The story behind the people mittee stated, ‘‘We are very about SO or 60 people will bother to tell you about it in work-study jobs, indepen­ carrying clipboards who stop pleased with the IUPUI dent study credit, intern­ As editor, you will be held personally responsible for getting passing students to ask them student body’s response to ships, and clinical education. the Sagamora out every week This entails getting copy from for their John Hancock on a our petitioning effort We your writers whom you cannot pay (under present conditions) petition goes back to October chose to petition rather than no matter how hard they work or how well they write. It also 29, 1*74 - the first InPIRG to leave the decision (of When asked about the involves determining editorial policy based on what you know, organizational meeting at opening an IU P U I chapter) to student in volvem en t in what you think, and what you hop* you think you know And IU P U I Students attending a referendum vote since InPIRG so far at IUPUI, make sure your advertising staff has sold enough ad space to let were introduced to the maximum exposure to Lucy Korty, a nursing you print another issue various activities of the students can be attained student and member of the Indiana Public Interest through such a drive. While Organizing Committee You also get to drive your newspaper copy to one of Indiana’s Research Group ( InPIRG) — petitioning, we can tell replied, “liis (InPIRG) is many scenic journalistic resorts—last year we made daily treks what other universities had students personally what the best thing that’s down to Franklin, In., and this year we made our outtings up to done, and what IU P U I had to InPIRG is all about and happened to this campus. The Nobiesville Either pay. plan on having a car capable of at least do to organize its very own answer questions im­ more students are educated sixty miles a week in addition to whatever driving you do to get chapter a procedure which mediately — thus bettering about the purposes and U> campus every week could take anywhere from a chances for student interest functions of InPIR G , the few weeks to a year. So as not and participation. Petitioning more we are sure they will Perhaps I'm making it sound worse than it actually is I use to to dwaddle over bureaucratic may take longer, but in the find that it is a step in the think that my predecessors, Rex Davenport and Dick Young red-tape dilemas. the group long run we come out with a direction of effective made it sound worse than it really was Now I realize they were of approximately a dozen more informed and possibly change.’ ’ geniuses of understatement ... . And perhaps 1 should clarify a few things the requirements for editor are simply that you are an under-graduate student attending this university The requirements say nothing about driving a car sixty miles a week or any of that, that is simply the difference between the requirements and reality

Of course I've said nothing about the personal rewards of seeing your name in pnnt and the ego-building effect of knowing that you wield real power at a university I will continue to say nothing about it ; I don't want to spoil the surprise

In all events. the deadline for resumes is Thursday, March 21 The resumes should be turned in to the DEAN OF LIB E R A L ARTS OFFICE. Cavanaugh Building. Room 441 The date for the Publications Board Meeting to pick the editor will be an­ nounced later in this same column Good luck

/ o g o m o r e

m i sACAMoai » pi bush»:d si *ti imnt* or Indiana i niveamty PI MM C 1 NIVEasm •• INDIANAPOMS \IE*Y 1 X PRESSED AM THOSE O f THP EIHTDRIA1 ST AIT OS Of THE INIMtllH At> N%MEft APPEAR IN ■VI INKS THESE VIEWS DO NOT NE< ESftARII \ REFLECT THOSE Of THE %J\ DENT W M » ADMINISTRATION OR FAIT I T\ O F II P I 1 TH E SAG A M O R E IS A WEEKLY NEWSMAGAZINE Pt BUSHED AT I A IIS «S WEST MIC HIGAN STREET INDIANAPCH IS INDIANA M » PHONE M4 WM Editor M. William Luthoiti MM«|«ng Editor Al "Chase Chastain Suuntts M«no«or Kay Van Arsdei Advertising Sales Al Kltin, Tom Sullivan Circulation Manager Marry Goodyear Editorial Cartoonist Lou Northorn STAFF: John F. Schmitt Jett Buttrum Chip Purcell Suzanne E. Scoff ms Ken Conway Mike Hudnut Gary Webb » i Re* Oavenpon Rod Perdue Karon Zilrto 3 From around tho world, across tho nation, N e w s / v i m s and down your strawt...

HOW TO MAKE MONEY N Y . CONSIDERS A N D INFLUENCE MARIJUANA REFORM COUNTRY JOB'S MOM IS The Indianapolis Rotary [PEOPLE The department of ALBANY N Y-'Earth NOMINATED: strata qualities of leadership History is now accepting N ew s)— A bill will soon be BERKELEY - (Earth Club is seeking qualified initiative, enthusiasm adBit students to participate in a papers for consolidation for introduced in the New York News) - The mother of ability maturity, and also the Thelander Award The legislature to legalize the singer Country Joe McDonald Foreign Stiidy Program for have a good knowledge of the 1976-77 Academic paper judged to be the best cultivation distribution aigl (former leader of The Fish) United States history, The purpose of the program writing upon a topic of hu sale of marijuana to persons has been nominated to run for geography and current is to promote international tor teal interest written and over 16 year-old the office of city auditor here affairs In addition the understanding and award submitted in 1974 and will The bill, sponsored by two Florence McDonald, a long­ applicant must be proficient recipients will be expected to receive a prise of $100 Democratic legislators, time Berkeley activist, won at the time of application in act in the dual capa< 11 Person s interested should would establish a marijuana nomination by acclamation the language of the study student and unofficial deliver them to the office of control authority in the state from the Radical Berkeley country ambassador of good will.” John Stevens before March I, government to regulate Citizen Action Coalition The application deadline is 1075 Undergraduate and production, manufacture and March 15. 1975 Further ••••••••••••••••••••••••A* graduate students in any field ••••••••••••••••••••••••• distribution of the drug The information and application RAVI SHANKAR of study will be eligible for state would be responsible for materials may be obtained by The Student Financial Aids DISAPPOINTED WITH this award The Rotary overseeing cultivation of the contacting Barbara Sallee Office would like to announce HARRISON TOUR: covers all coats including drug. and would regulate Financial Aids Office. CA J06 that the 1975 76 Basic Grant (Earth News) — Ravi fund-trip transportation sales through state liquor *4 2171 or Mr J J Noel Application is now available Shankar feels that the recent educational fees and living stores, where a tax would be Indianapolis Rotary Club. in the Financial Aid Office. George Harrison tour, of arrangements imposed on the substance 247-6671 CAMS If you are. or plan to which he was a part was Candidates should demon similar to the tax on alcohol be. a full tim e student and did "sad Explains Shankar. In theJace of the proposed not attend a post secondary "The problem was that legislation. New York institution prior to April. 1973. George didn t just want to be Governor Hugh Carey you may be eligible for a a Beetle, playing all his old announced that he is Basic Grant The Basic Grant hits 1 felt I was out of place considering legislation to Kafeft h«N( is a new federal financial aid with that audience, and — "decriminalize' marijuana program With awards rang although George introduced — similar to the law in ing from $50 to $«oo per me with all the apologies I Oregon The Governors academic year Eligibility for didn t feel very happy about Student A&aeciuiuM proposal would fall short of the program is based on a the way we were received fuU legalization, but would formula which measures the That was ndcjny audience remove criminal penalties ability of you and your family Ravi adds that. "On the other for possession, replacing to meet your educational hand, we had so much variety The IU P U I Student A s­ Activity officer a valid them with fines or mandatory expenses with my fifteen musicians sociation allows students to candidacy petition which sessions at a health clinic and the mixed group have some direct input into includes Among other Hey there Roller Derby (Harrison. Billy Preston, and , policy formation and things a current mailing implimentation It gives one fans, dig out those old skates The priority deadline for Tomnikott s LA Express* address at which you the opportunity to voice and head for the Beech Grove 1975* 1976 Sum m er and th a^ R H fc k it went over the may be notified of official opinions, to develop various Roller Dome, 5911 Elmwood Academic Year applications heads of much of the business on a 72 hour programs and to attempt to The Student Education for financial aids has been audience It was sad because notice be active through self Assocation is sponsoring an extended to March 3, 1975 I expected them to appreciate D Petitions must bear government Several open skating party on Friday. The previous deadline was all these new attempts, but it the signature of twenty programs have not only beefr (20) student* currently February 21 7 30-11 90 February 15, 1975. but has seems they missed those proposed, but also developed The party is open to anyone been changed due to a points That was the thing enrolled at IUPUI and enacted by the S A. T tese interested in having fun The m isprin t in the 1974-1975 that made me unhappy about E No member of the include the Child Day c if r ~ cast is $1 50 plus $.50 skate IUPUI catalogue the tour ” senate may hold two (2) Center. The Travel Coop, The rental To get to the dome cations will be accepted Several of the tour dates or more concurrent Book Coop and The Food Lake 1-465 to the Beech Grove March 3, 1975. and were recorded, and Ravi says offices in the IUPUI S A Coop The SA has been quite All candidates must file a exit Turn north and go to the r placed on a waiting lista tour should be ready active in representing the candidates petition and first road on the right and Students whose applications for release by late summer student body on various statement These are follow ElfVhvood to the Roller are on the waiting list will not faculty -student committees Dome The group plans on be considered for funds until available in the Studen^^ (Earth News) — The th is can be exem plified by Activities Offices (Union ‘Rg for some pizza and those students meeting the Friends of the Earth < F O E . > S A participation on the Bldg M108 KB 00 and CA nks afterwards priority date have received conservation organization Parking committee, the 322). and the Student CSEA will also hold a their awards For further has called upon the United Advisory Committee, and the Association Offices KB 60 m eetin g on Tu esday, information contact the Nations Environment Financial Aids Committee and Blake St Library B 36) February I I at 6:30 in MT Office of Scholarships and Program to organize an What can you do for the The candidates statements Bldg Ideas will be disclosed Financial Aids. CA 306. 264 international whaling S.A and your fellow may be filled out by no one for future SEA meetings and 2171. convention and to implement students? Run for office other than the candidate All workshops Anyone a moratorium on all deepsea interested is invited to attend From March 24th through the petitions and statements whaling 27th. elections will be held must be turned in at a Student •••••••••••••••••••••••a** ABORTION SURVEY: The FOE proposal ThE Presidency. Vice Activities O ffice no later than Z E It O P K It CENT (Earth Newt) — The first charges that the Presidency and thirty 5 00 March 13th BRACKET FOR nationwide survey to International Whaling senatorial seats are up for Volunteer workers are CORPORATIONS: measure the impact of the Commission has consistently election If you are a needed to run the polls WASHINGTON - (Earth landmgsk. Supreme Court done more to protect responsible and resppnsive j handout information and News) — As if income tax decision on abortion two comm ercial whalrng student you are desperately * transport the ballot boxes time isn’t bad enough, the years ago has revealed that interests than to protect needed to be representative Ballot boxes will be available congressional Joint m ore than 745,000 leg a l whales The Commission of the student body at large at the CA Building. 3ith street Committee on Internal abortions were performed in should be abolished and and serve as a member of the campus education building Revenue Taxation has issued the United States in 1973 This replaced by a United Nations IU P U IS A Normal college Herron, and a report on the ten largest represents an increase of S? moratorium on all whaling. Those of you who would like the School of Nursing All American corporations that per cent over the 1972 total s a y s F O E ,as well as a U N to be can d idates in the IU P U I students with ID cards paid no income taxes last Estimates for 1974 are that ban on all international trade coming election must meet will be eligible to vote If you year for 1973 income They legal abortions increased to in whale products the following requirements are interested in volunteering include Texas Gulf, Con 900,000, a 53 per cent increase The United Nation’s A Be currently enrolled your services or if you'have Edison, United Airlines, from 1972 The survey Environment Program for credit in IU PU I questions concerning the TWA. and Bankers Trust All predicted that two-thirds of comm ittee is scheduled to B Not be on eith er elections p it.* contact a of the corporations reported these abortions would have meet in April, when it is academic or disciplinary Student Activities Office or incomes ranging between 51 been carried out illegally had expected to respond to the probation Student Assocation Office and 209 million dollars the law not been changed proposal C. File with a Student

' / February 17. i*7» 17, iv n £ New Book ENTERTfUNfUENT Short Shorts. Kfew© ZAPPA MUSIC POR “ROCK MIKE BLOOMFIELD'S DREAMS": TROUBLESOME TITLE: (Earth News) — Frank (Earth News) - Mike Zappa has been asked to Bloomfield's upcoming Sky - compose the music for a album may cause the same planned animated film baaed kind of problems for on Guv Peelhaert's popular Columbia Records that Abbie Sailing book of interpretive rock-star Hoffman's "Steal This Book" C ^ e c o c d portraits.Is, “ Rock Dream s.” did for its publishers People are going to want to rip it off RICK WAKIMAN TO The album's called "Try It SCORE PRANZ LISZT Before You Buy It.” Get away nowl FILM: The new Dylan •••• (Earth News) — by V K ttr do Key sorting before too long ." Keyboardist Rick Wakeman, BEACH BOYS ALBUM One of humanity » moat Whether the reader wishes It waa m arly tan years ago I suppose that we left Ten yean by Rab Perdue by k form erly of Yes, has been COMPLETE: haunting and pervasive to fly at SO fart or 5000 feet ago. before Mr Denver got there, before it had become the Exactly one year ago today signed to score Ken Russell’s (Earth News) — Rhythm haven far true and simple youth, hat alter, a year after I had dreams soaring dmng Fly coven every aapect of I saw in Bkomiag- Dylan has never been known upcoming film on the life of guitarist A1 Jar dine reports Daina Walsh costma coordinator, makes an adiustment for traveled the total distance from sea to shining aaa, not having floating effortlessly through aafe. successful aky sailing ton On that Tour of the for a technically good voice, composer Franz Liszt. That ‘that “the ~ Beach “Boys ys have Gary Curto, who plays John in “ Tha Lion in Winter. This will ba Clear complete guideline* once touched a foot to the gas pedal of a large and powerful veer'' Dylan succeeded in the air — will come true for the feeling and effort that film will star The Who's completed work on their next presented by the IUPUI theatre dept. the reader* of a bright abun explain bask techniques of engine sitting in front of a field trip, and me In that field trip giving boththe young and the he's produced in this album is Roger Dal trey who worked studio album and that he is dandy illustrated new book launching, soaring, and from coast to coast aa a group packed into a bus arrived and old Dylan fans an experience among the best he’s ever with Russell on the soon-to-be currently working on two new Fly — T N Cm yltta boo* af landuig. as well as how to pulled up next to a long row of similar cam era from places of they'll never forget Many of done released film version of the musical projects. One of spiritual enlightment—all refrying la them aam who had In­ $ay Sailing by Rick Carrier maintain a kite, how to join a the older fans from the folk While all the songs are rock opera “Tommy." them is a banjo work called deed cleaned every toilet aeat from Washington D C to San McGrawHill |7«> club, and where to look up days were disappointed that good “ If You See Her. Say Wakeman will begin work on ‘ ‘Foggy Mountain Francisco before they would, could relieve themselves just aa Aa the author ahowa the art manufacturers and other Dylan had changed the songs Hello and “ You’re Gonna the music for the Liszt film Breakdown" and the other is KtCOVBY RMM their fathers, each of their fathers had instructed—and it was m and technique of sky aaiiing with the times While others after wrapping up his next some kind of tribute to 14th. A Lafayette Rd. i minutes from campus one of these restrooms in Denver, before the trip waa over, like me dxfa’t relish the pre- or hand gliding have fairly Thu practical volume also You Go' stand out as the album. "King Arthur A Northern California FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE exploded in the public provides basic data on aU when the bmses were parked juet aa I described that I found Dylaniam and most tender moments Not Company" for AAM Records * OPEN 3 P.M. TIL 3 A M. imagination and intereat standard types of aky sails, myself jumped 1 was beaten and robbed by some locals More i the told Dylan atnee the firat Hogallo kite including the PogaBo aky children like myself out lor a day of fun and racrantMn sound as a good memory but all the above superlatives but IT HAD TO H APPEN DEPT. •EATLIS: PROM Tuesday N.ght 10 S 40 % Nile Denver is big on recreation It was a year after that and tan found the new versions rele- also a song I will deem the waa flown in 1*70 Borne aloft sail, rigid wing Icarus flying — NUOE ROCK: LIVIRPOOL TO Kick & Roll with the “ Spider" years since that firat tnp. that I made my second by a free flying aoanng kite, wing, Quicksilver mono best he's ever written (E arth News) — It had to HOLLYWOOD: 9P M till ” adnft on air current! the plane and the V J S Swingline We. my family, were packed into a new car. and thanks to The new album Bleed On Tangled Up In Blue1' has the happen A rock bandLOS that ANGELES - (Earth \ flyer ta (roe to boot turn, and monoplane none other than myself for many hours of talking about how The Tracks should satisfy the impact and sincerity of “Like records in the nude The News) — Those Liverpool LADIES HITE EVERYNITE dive at will - the sail becoan Covering everything from swell it all waa out there in Denver, we were making the trip old falkies but still give the A Rolling T “ group is Fox, an all-woman lads The Beatles may not be mg an catena ion of tumeetf ground preparation to ad­ again that is to say i was making the tnp again newer fans something to bond whose new single “ Only planning to "come together" and responding to hia every vanced maneuvers and high This time I did not clean that Aral restroom I was a year believe in C om b w u * the Dylan, he approaches it with You Con” has just been as a recording group again, 7 ^ 5 altitude flying, the book inte older and somewhat the wiser Cleaning those amts— it waa sound of , the the honesty and insight s e if it released in the United States but they all are planning to "It's the firat tune I've read grates text and pictures •a id - will keep you from evil It hadn't worfcsd though. I knew funk of Refers The Pleed and had happened to him yea ter by GTO Records live near one another here. a book about a new aport and conveying the poetry of flight thill .nit » host that 1 could surmise, the cleaning of all those the honesty of Planet Waves, The record was cut at George Harrison reportedly felt immediate dcaire to try and all the necessary seats had upsetft somes Dirt God, The Dirt God of Tne American Dylan should at last end the n though some will con­ H o ve r studios in Los Angeles just purchased the West Los Join the it. wrote Normea Mailer to practical information Restroom He wi m who sent those Denver brats ia to undue criticism which he has tinue to listen to the bland last summer during a closed Angeles home of comedian the author Some taaty Filmmaker flyer, editor, received the last few years ossa of John Denver or thk session at which only a Dan Rowan John Lennon third biggest amalgam of picture* draw and author. Rick Carrier has Now we crossed Kansas Kansas la a nice state as far aa The poetry contained in thu crass ness of Black Sabbath, 1 handful of technicians were already has a home in the mga and agreeable text la alao written a beat selling stales go That is to say 1 have no real rdhson why they should album is beautiful and al­ hope that some will get their present The five-woman Hollywood Hills, and both part of it f expert half the book an Mun diving and a have rejected Kansas in its bid for statehood but you would though said many times hoods together and get this band cut the song in the raw. Ringo Starr and Paul familyinfhe people who like to aail and-or book on filmmaking for think that I would have thought to remember to tell my before Dylan ia still the album Or in the words of the according to number Mays McCartney are house-hunting aki are going to be akyaailmg parents as 1 didn t—that Kansas was not a paradise for those spokesman far our genera­ tambenne man himself, Pierce, because “ it helped us in the Los Angeles ares Paul world. passing through it ui the middle of July The first time m a tion While Planet Waves was “ only tune will tell who has release any inhibitions we reportedly is particularly church bus with holy songs offered up to God In hopes that he devoted to love songs about foil and who's been left might have while recording " interested in Beverley Hills would hear hu people s song and make it rain on Kansas I had loved ones, the new album is Imagine an order ot suffered I had suffered through the heat and I had suffered 22.000 priests and brothers in 73 countries around the world. (That a a pretty big family.) The song was and is unforgettable I remember “ Talentl But that s what the .ecauee our group had made up the wards aad the Salesians of St. John Bosco who had to make the tnp with us had thought that the song was and atonal pop Singers, musicians, are all about — a large family The*^ sacnUgious or Uwt something was sinful! about it He felt mat it IS e a rc h of community-minded men dancers, technicians, was because we had sung the song that we

program is a big addition in the Metros have. by RICK SMITH the eyes of Jeff Vesseiy. the At this time, Vesseiy is For all the ex-high school Assistant Director of preparing the schedule which Big-time golf golfers. IPI has some good Intramurals here he says “ won’t be any news—a golf learn will be Vesseiy. who will be the slouch." Three meets have formed and play a full team's coach, points out a already been scheduled and schedule this spring NCAA-sanctioned golf team the Metros golfers will be comes to IUPUI The addition of the golf will help bring more entered in at least two team to the IPI sports recognition to the school as tourneys Negotiations are also underway with several other schools. Unlike in basketball where George Dickison recruits his players, Vesseiy will have to count on golfers who already are enrolled He knows of several “ I feel the student body will contain good g o lfe rs,'' Vesseiy explained. “Tony Krieg of North Central, who was the Marion County medalist last year, is just one of several good golfers already here ” The golf team will be sanctioned by the NCAA and given independent status Since the team is sanctioned, N C A A rules must be followed That means students carrying a full load of 12 hours or more and who have not used up four years of college eligibility can compete Vesseiy announced the call­ out for the team will be Tuesday night, Feb 25 Persons wishing to play should go to the Normal College. 1010 West 64th Street, at 7:30 p.m. Tryouts will begin immediately after spring vacation Persons interested should contact Vesseiy (264 37661 before the call-out meeting so he can check academic records and eligibility Already scheduled are dual meets against Marian College and Xavier of Ohio and a triangular meet with Franklin and Butler The Metros will journey to Cincinnati University for a six team tournament In that will be Dayton. Louisville, Northern Kentucky State, Wright State. IU1 and Cincinnati A 30-team tourney is also set at HJPU-Ft Wayne Vesseiy added he is trying to schedule dual meets with Wabash and Taylor The Metros have no home course yet, but Vesseiy said negotiations are underway with several privately-owned courses. He does not want the team to arrange anything with the Indianapolis Parks Department “Obviously we would prefer to have a home course which would give us an advantage," he said. "If we arrange something with the city, we could practice at one course one night and play on another the next, we would be at the mercy of the city ." Vesseiy also said having a home course would help “give the team an identity." The matches will be 18 holes and Vesseiy stressed, “ this will be college and not high school competition.” “There won’t be any slouch in the schedule." he adds, “it will be a very competitive A weekly listing of important calendar items and notices of interest to the university community. Please submit items to the IUPUI Information Services Office. 12* Administration Bldg., by S p.m. each Monday. Phone 2*4-110). The space is paid for by IUPUI.

CAREERS IN INTERNATIONAL EMPHASIS W ill BEGIN GOVERNMENT DAY MARCH 3; CAMPUS JOINS COMMUNITY It will be called an In­ Plastic Surgery Meeting. 7:30 a m.. Union Leading planning for IUPUI ternational Fortnight this year as events are Dr David McKinley of PLANNED Dialysis Transplant Meeting, 11:30 a m . Union the old IU PU I International the office of the Dean of Renal Division, 11:30 a.m., Union Week expands to include the Medicine, and Dr Michael Another special day for Affirmative Action, 11:00 a.m., Union community and grows to two Gemignani, chairman of the students seeking jobs in a parti­ Student Council-Medicine. 12 noon. Union weeks in length Department of Mathematics cular employment field has been Juvenile Services Council Meeting, 12 noon, AD Auditorium planned by the Office of Career Many of the community events Overall campus planning is being International Programs, 12 noon. Union are to be held on the IUPUI coordinated by Dr. Richard Counseling and Placement This Herron Board Meeting, 7 :30 p.m., Union time it will be Government campus, giving IUPUI an ex­ Curtis of the Speech Department Red Cross, 7:00 p.m., Union panded role as a center for in­ Among community events to be Careers Day to be held Feb. 19 in Jesus Student Fellowship. 8:00 p.m.. Union the Lecture Hall ternational emphasis in the at IUPUI are the four-day Model This is an annual program de­ metropolitan area United Nations which is spon­ sisted to offer students a chance A complete calendar of events sored by the YMCA The banquet to talk to government agencies is to be published for the com­ will be in the Union, the "General about careers — both technical munity showing times, dates, and Assembly" will be in the Lecture and non-technical, said Paul aces for all events Most are Hall Among IUPUI events are an Elliott of the Placement Office State Universities Telecommtmications Coordination Council Meetings. See, and again this year a wide Afro-American conference Mtaiicipal. state and Federal 10 00 a m . Union range of countries and activities are being spotlighted sponsored by the Student agencies will be present to an­ School of Engineering A Technology Chairmen Meeting. 10:00 a.m., KB Assocation; a karate and folk swer questions abotA entrance 149 dance demonstration, a German requirements, academic DIR Luncheon Group, 11:30 a.m.. Union ORAL HISTORY wine night, an Indian cooking preparation, projected openings, Radiologic Technology. 11:30 a.m., Union demonstration, a speech by a and various occupations within Infectious Disease Group, 12 noon. Union SCHOLAR TO former president of Peru; a the agencies Indianapolis General Dentistry Study Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Union speech by a scholar who just Elliott suggested that students returned from mainland China, may bring their resumes to SPEAK TUESDAY and a play by a famed French present to prospective govern author, performed in English. ment employers Employment Dr Eugenia Meyer, director of interviews will not be conducted the program of oral history of the — it will be a shoppers fair Indiana Society for Respiratory Therapy, 10:00 a.m., Union National Institute of An­ METROS CLOSE arrangement Business Managers, 10:00 a.m., Union thropology and History at the Affirmative Action. 9:00 a.m.. Union National Autonomous University SEASON W ITH 2 Allied Health. 11:30 a.m . Union of Mexico, will speak at 8 p m FACULTY TOLD Dermatology for theG.P , Meeting and Luncheon. 12 noon, Union Tuesday, Feb 18. at IUPUI WEEKEND TILTS Student Employee Health Staff. 12 noon, Union The talk, open to the public, is Two games at Chatard High ABOUT STUDENT Science School-Seminar "SOS 74", 12 noon, KB Faculty Lounge in Room 318, Blake Street School Gym on Friday and Safety Committee, 2.00 p.m., Union Library She will discuss the oral Saturday night will end the history program which seeks to PRIVACY ACT Nursing Alumni Board, 6:00 p.m , Union season for the IUPUI Metros document the Mexican basketball team Revolution through recorded IUPUI faculty have been The Metros, who need student interviews with participants support, are hoping for a large advised that the Family Educa­ The appearance is sponsored tional Rights and Privacy Act of crowd both nights to bid them by the Ford International farewell The learn has amassed 1974 permits students requesting Visitors Exchange program and letters of reference for their a near .500 season record at this Adolescent Service Meeting, 8:30 a.m., Union the Lectures and Convocations report placement files to sign waivers Radiation Therapy k Isotope Meeting. 9 30 a m , Union Committee Dr Meyer will be in relinquishing their right of Student tickets are available at Academic Graduate Council, 11:30 a m . Union Bloomington on Monday the door for $1 each access to confidential letters. Radiology Staff Luncheon. 12 noon. Union Faculty evaluation forms and March of Dimes Luncheon. 12 noon, Union reference forms which have been New Life Temple, 7:00 p.m.. Union IUPUI RECRUITMENT CALENDAR distributed by the IUPUI Place Red Cross, 7:00 p.m , Union ment Office since Jan. 1 have ON-CAMPUS INTERVIEWS contained a waiver statement ne schedule of employers interviewing students for career oppor which students may elect to sign tu ties appears each week in this section of the Sagamore. Interviews According to R. Ray Hawkins, ai held in the Placement Center, Room *0. Krannert Building, 28th director of the Placement Office, St iet Campus. Sign-up sheets are available after 1:30 a.m. on the if a student does not sign the V iday two weeks preceding the date of the interview. Students shoulc rrference form, he will have Computer Network Operations Meeting. 10:00 a.m , Union contact the Placement Center in person or by phone (923-1321, Ext. J*4> access to the file Questions about Continuing Education Advisory Panel, 10:00 a.m., Union tor interview procedures. the procedure, from both faculty March of Dimes Luncheon. 12 noon, Union and students, should be directed Fortune Fry Research Labs, 12 noon. Union to Janet King. Office of Career SPEA Meeting, l 30 p.m , Union Counseling, 923-1331, ext 386 Commission on Women, 1:00 p.m.. Union Public Health Continuing Education Meeting, 1:00 p.m , Union Local No. 1477, 3:00 p.m . Union Metros vs Purdue North Central, 8:00p.m..ChaUrdH S Gym CHANGED FOR AA Listeners Theater Production. 8:00 p.m , Marott Bldg NURSING ENTRY

Notice has gone out about changes in the atknisaiooa policy for the Associate of Arts in Nirsing Degree program It Executive Board ICCAUP, 10:30 a.m.. Union affects all persons seeking a Phi Kappa Psi, 3:30 p.m.. Union transfer into the program Psi Kappa Psi Dinner. 6:30 p.m.. Union Full Gospel Businessmens Fellowship pinner, 6:30 p.m , Union The change has been brought Metros vs Indiana University-East, 8:00p.m., ChatardH.S. Gym about due to heavy demand for admissions and limited facilities Listeners Theater, 8:00 p m , Marott Bldg to allow acceptance of students Four rules which oitline the changes were carried on this page two weeks ago Questions from students who were contemplating requesting New Life Temple, 10:00 a m . Union admission may be directed to the National Council of Negro Women, 4:00 p.m . Union University Division or to the AA Newman Club of IUPUI Mass. 7:30 p.m . Union Nirsing Office. 364-4839 Listeners Theater, 2:30, Marott Bldg February 17, 1*75 W»N t a*s Tf i MAM « O f l (ASM M V v 4 race 14 weexs im lueonf Af*>CA ASIA «W>«» A H MM Can u

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