THrough a gla What DO the students think? lyM . William Lutholti (6 people did not respond to group to support some form concensus in the entire equal representation in What do the students of the question) of autonomy survey policy making The IU PU I think” On January 27, The second question asked remainder fell into ^n almost Of the remainder of the the Sagamore posed that the people to indicate how FORK ION LANGUAGE Bell-curve with 121 favoring people replying to the question to its readers in the majority control. 134 favoru* important the issue of in The third question asked if question. 56 were uncertain. form of a page-one less than 50 per cent control. dependence was to them *the person supported or 41 indicated they were not Questionnaire What were 14 in support of total control, Two-hunred and twenty-eight opposed the foreign language affected by it, and 2 people their opinions on in­ and 14 for no control at all people described the issue as requirement for degree did not reply dependence for IU P U I” How "im portant,” and 332 con completion important do they copsidw sjdered it ‘ ‘very important ” STUDENT CONTROL that issue” Do they support or Fifty-five people indicated While 137 people supported FROtLiM ARIAS oppose the foreign language that they felt the issue was the foreign language The fourth question asked The fifth question asked requirements” How much unimportant and 31 were requirement. an over people how much control they control should students have uncertain whelming majority of 420 felt students should have in people Jo indicate which aspects of university life had in formulating university Of those who felt that the registered opposition The tqrmulating university given them the greatest policies” Which areas of issue was either important or opposition to the foreign policy dissatisfaction university life give them the very important, there was language requirement was. The m aturity at these The Parking situation won greatest dissatisfaction” g n s r a l tendency among this by far. the greatest area of responding <369) advocated The Questionnaires were hands-down with J4i votes available throughout the oyer half of the people week with boxes at each rack responding to the question location for the people to IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH naire Counseling took second * place with 226 people in­ register their replies Six* AlllllllillliilllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllilll hundred and fifty-six people C w dicating it Registration was noted by 166 people and roopondod A few remarks on the questionnaire: These are the results of that Curriculum ranked fourth First of all, we should point out that this survey is not, nor questionnaire with 173 should it be, considered the iron-clad Voice-Of-Truth Our r One Hundred and twenty sampling technique was the non-aelective method of ballot box INOEPKNOINCI FOR one marked the lack of reportir^ There were no scientific controls over the sample to IUP UI comm unity 'wcgund the guard against multiple entries or tampering Judging from university Administrative The first question dealt returns and their correspondence with the various schools, very policies were indicated by 106 with the issue of in­ little, if any, tampering took place Still, we do not submit this people Student facilities dependence and allowed for survey or its results as “scientific proof were noted by §7 Furthermore, our purpose in conducting the survey was eight different responses Bnnging up the last third of never to conduct a classically "pure” study in opinion taking ranging from i.U . needs the list the Faculty with 10 We wanted to find out what the students, faculty, and staff of more control over IUPUI” to complaints, the Sagamore this university think, we used the most far reaching and broad ‘ ‘ IU P U I noeds total in with 56. and Student based medium we have in order to ask them dependence’’ with middle Organisations with 52 The response to the survey was 666 returned questionnaires areas supporting the status Some people will point to this as a terribly small sample to auo or supporting various WHO RESPONDED? represent a student body of 19,000 And perhaps it it — but the degrees of autonomy There Qgllup and Harris polls use selective samples of around 1,500 to were also two categories for Of the 656 people who an those who were uncertain and represent the entire nation And we could go on pointing out weaknesses in the survey — swered the questionnaire. 416 those who didn’t care one way quality of the questions, handling of the results, methodology of were students. 6 were ad or the other tabulation But that isn’t the point mimstrators and 33 were faculty members A m aiority of those who The point is that so many people for so many reasons stand up Response according to responded support some form so many times to "speak for the students” We don’t question school went as follows Allied of autonomy 1(3 thought their intentions We simply ask that people who are going to Health (21), Business <7g>. IUPUI needs more self- speak for the students ASK TH E STUDENTS W HAT TH E Y D entistry ,< 10), Education control over its academic THINK 157), Engineering (101), affairs, 3S advocated more Our survey isn’t perfect We haven't the time or the money to Herron Art (15). Law (7). financial self-control, S3 conduct a “perfect” survey The Student Association doesn’t Liberal Arts <100) Medicine supported greater self- have the money for a "p e rfe c t" survey either We ask that the (II). Normal (16), Nursing control of administrative people who de have tht time and who de have the money — and. <10). Science <I4>. Social affairs, and 104 supported moreover, the responsibility - ask the students what they S ervice <•>, U n iversity total independence think We ask that the Indiana University Board of Trustees take the Ume and the effort to ask the members of the umver Division <•>, SPEA (I) No On the other side, 100 si t y they were chosen to represent exactly what they think Response or Uncertain <45». people thought the IU-IU PU I Some people will point to the large number of “Uncertain” The schools of the situation is ‘ ‘O K the way it responses on our survey and remark that maybe the students of University Division and the is,” while 125 thought that IU IU P U I don’t have opinions worth asking for We would point out School of Public and En needed more control over that perhaps it comes simply from the novelty of having never vironmental Affairs were inadvertantly excluded from IUPUI been asked for their opinions And, ultimately, it must be realised that the surveys must not the survey but members of Thirty two people indicated become an end in themselves A thousand "perfect” surveys these schools indicated their that it ‘doesn't m atter” to will never build a university Action must follow the surveys affiliations and were counted them And 36 were uncertain And action depends on human beings — not paper ballots as such in the tabulations 2 February 17. 1975 Over 5,000 sign editorials InPIRG finishes petitions Apply for Editor - by KbrtnM. Zilite individuals decided to act more involved student body.” “ Would you care to sign the immediately on an InPIRG InPIRG petition?” is a ques­ project: The Hazardous Toy A constantly arising tion which has been asked of Survey. Students surveyed question from students is thousands of IU P U I students the toy sections of 17 stores Dare to be Great “ What will I get from the during the past several looking for toys which could $2.25 fee increase?” The best weeks In classrooms, some be declared unsafe by CPSC, So you don't like the editorial content of the Sagamore? You answer might be “ Whatever students have witnessed FDA, or InPIRG standards. think a fifth-grade art class could do a better job with the you w an t!" To explain that: academic comrades pre­ Media exposure contributed layout*’ Buffalo Chip should be cprraled and Barbie Q should be If InPIRG establishes an senting dynamic speeches on to waking up the people of stewed in her own juice, right? Anybody that doesn't like Grand IU P U I chapter, students will the harvest of consumer Indy to the tunes of “public Funk shouldn’t be allowed near a typewriter and those who do be a major source of input for benefits to be reaped by or­ interest - student activism - not love John Denver are somewhat less than-enlightened deciding activities. These ganizing this consumer in­ InPIRG.” The toy survey, as Well, Bunky. this is YOUR chance! activities are primarily terest-protection group at with all InPIRG projects, research — research of any­ Once a year the editorshipof the Saga more is opened up to the IUPUI. But now, such published state-wide results thing the students want, school Anyone who wishes to apply for the position of Editor-in- presentations and public and made them available to provided their gripes or sug­ lobbying is about to come to a the public. Chief can do so by submitting their resume to Dr. Dan B Wolf, gestions are valid. Anything victorious close. The efforts However, with the faculty advisor to the newspaper The resumes are placed is a big word. But to fill you before the Student Publications Board, a nine-member panel of InPIRG organizing com­ beginning of the Spring *75 in, InPIR G has researched mittee members are mani­ semester, the Organizing composed of three students, three faculty members, and three areas of citizen concern such fested by 5,000 signatures, Committee realised the representatives of the local media The Board then interviews as environmental protection, each of the applicants, questions them concerning their ex­ showing massive interest in importance of approaching fair housing practices, forming an InPIRG chapter the IUPUI administration perience.
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