
4 The Wiscon§k!^tate Journal Democrats Dangle Hook .Mamb»r of lea N«wipop«f Group Grin Enl«Tfd us second elms matter at the postotfice at Madison, Wla., under the «ct of March 3. 1878. for Floating Progressives Don And»rrtn • •.' Publiih.r Roy I. Motion Editor Willord t. Smllh ...... Aiioclatt Editor lowrtna H. Fltipotrltk .,. City Editor and William I. Deudno ....*... N»wi Editor Harold E. MeCUIIand . . Slat* Editor Edltor-Enwrltui Tehan in Washington Pow-Wow; PAC Heirarchy John Canny Circulation Manager A. M. Broyton Horn* delivered r»tci In Madison. 25 cent* » w«k, pnyabl* to the c«rrl»r weekly; $1.10 per month" ».1i°ar thn»« month. In advance: $6.50 for »lx months In advance, and »13 for « year In advanea. Bear It to Visit State; Nelson May Oppose O'Konski Mail .ubscrlption rat«« In Wisconsin $8 • year. «3.25 tor fix months. 7» eenti • month. payabU In •dvmnce Special rates to men In aervlce $9 a year. Other rates on request. By REX KARNEV Wednesday, August IS, 1945 By Lichty (State Journal Stuff Writer) Although a great deal of publicity has been given to the dilemma of Wis- consin Republicans who fear a swing of Progressives into the GOP, not much has been written about this state's Democrats, who also are vitally interested A Little Tribute "/ don't knoiD in any Progressive action eliminating that third party. This is in short but sincere tribute It was THE STATE JOURNAL alone why you think a It's needless to say that if the approximately 300,000 votei the Progressives to our own boys and girls, The State which went on.the streets with an extra wedding rehearsal is used (o muster are floating around loose, Badger Democrats are interested, very Journal staff and craftsmen who have edition last week announcing Russia's a lot of red tape? much interested, in acquiring them. " gone sleepless and almost eatless for declaration of war on Japan. v ( You always got 'a In 1944, several Democratic candi- five nerve-tearing days to bring the It was THE STATE JOURNAL alone briefing before you dates made quite a respectable show- Nation's Science people for whom they toil in ceaseless which brought the gladsome tidings of ulent on a dangerout ing in a state that went overwhelming- loyalty the biggest and most important Japan's first surrender offer to Madison mi t si on, didn't ly Republican. Franklin D. Roosevelt's Must Be Revived news of their lives. in another extra. you?" name at the top of their ticket helped It was THE STATE JOURNAL alone They were still working last night some, of course, but a great deal of the Rush Trained Men while the rest of the city celebrated. which served Madison with another credit must go to Wisconsin leaders who They couldn't take time to shout or extra edition Tuesday morning reveal- selected the rest of their candidates and to Back to School, Childs Warns the CIO's Political Action Committee. pray. They are still working today ing that the Japanese had surrendered By MARQUIS CHILDS while 99 per cent of the rest of the and accompanying it with an historical In the old days( politicians used to de- country takes the holiday to which it souvenir of Madison's part in this great- pend on "trends" to bring voters to their side. WASHINGTON —THE MOST URGENT est of wars. Lincoln Brigade Organized labor, which in the past few step—one that must be taken at one*—ii to certainly is richly entitled. . WlniL months has demonstrated its political virility restore the balance to our scientific research But nobody complains. And it was THE STATE JOURNAL It Was Red All Right, both in Britain and and education. That cannot wail if we are The pride of satisfaction in serving alone which set the thousands cheering ] this country, has to repair the damage done by shortsighted their readers, FIRST AND BEST, is on the Square and State st. and across Pegler Informs Patterson Slamming the Door proved that hard work | military policy which decreed the abrogation reward, as always. all the residential areas at dinner time BY WESTBROOK PEGLER in Our Own Faces -just plain "pushing of all scientific training. * * * Tuesday night with the FIRST REA£> door bells" — pays We have just seen what a close race And, as always, THE STATE JOUR- news of President Truman's proclama- NEW YORK — ROBERT PATTERSON, Editor, The State Journal: In days of war dividends at election it was to unlock the secret of atomic energy. NAL served in these tense closing days tion of ^victory and the appointment of the under-secretary of war, recently remark- prosperity it has been wasted effort to try time. The .support the If we had lost that race to the Germans, t ed apropos the question of Communists to got a word in print that even suggested PAC gave the Demo- the outcome of the war would have been of the war, FIRST AND BEST, the Gen. MacArthur to accept the foeman's holding commissions in the American army anything but "the greatest era-of," etc. What cratic party last year different. Make no mistake people of the Madison area. surrender. that all he knew about the so-called Abraham we get depends much on how we, the people, will be repeated in about that! * + * * * + Lincoln brigade in the was think and act. 1946. When our scientific It was THE STATE JOURNAL We at THE JOURNAL are proud that a number of brave men had died light- Business groups are clamouring to let That fact, plus the brains went into this and which gave, FIRST AND. BEST, this and grateful for the skill and devotion ing in its ranks. He did not know It was a prices rise. Richard Leonard, international fact that many Pro- other projects, such «« the area the news of the first atomic bomb. to duty which made all these possible, Communist organization. The war depart- representative of the United Auto Workers, gressive voter* will development of radar. there as appreciative as the people we all ment was stuck with a policy of pretending is quoted as saying that, in spite of reduced vote Democratic if were hardly enough trained serve must be to them, too. that Communists are not Communists by the hours, "labor is going to have to have a take- their own party- ticket technicians to go around. late Roosevelt administration which had home pay equal to the checks received in re- becomes extinct, may Repeatedly, Eh. Vann«var salted hundreds of them in the Washington cent months," m»ke Wisconsin Bush, head o'f the Office at Public civil bureaucracy. Thus Mr. Patterson and Agricultural leaders are well aware that Democrat! next year Scientific Research and De- Our Qualms Henry Stimson, the secretary, have to con- in the days of adjustment that lie ahead, • greater threat than velopment, had to battle tinue the pretense oil the army. they have been In the with selective service to GI Sot farm prices will go down. This will not mean REX KARNEY CHUM Mr. Patterson is a well-informed man who disaster for the farmers if the compensating pant. nave men vital for American Somewhere In the Pacific Do Us Credit once was a judge of the court changes occur elsewhere. Will they? What laboratories concentrated on war projects. of appeals, so we have to marvel that his happened iiftcr World War 1? Mn/./.oy's His- EVEN THOUGH TRAVEL RESTRIC- Bclovrd: Worries About Bomb, knowledge was so limited. tory of pur Country state;;: "Between 1U19 * * /> and 1927 farm prices fell nearly 4ft per cent. tions may be lifted soon and gasoline ra- WHAT IS MORE. WE BEGAN, THANKS Thanks. Emperor Are in High Tradition FOR HIS FURTHER INFORMATION I tion stamps may be museum items, no polit.- to Hitler, with a bonus. We had the knowl- At the same time the prices the farmer had cal party will hold state-wide conventions Yrs., By THOMAS L. STOKES refer to a report of the Dies committee. The to pay for his necessities rose about 30 per edge of scientists exiled from Germany by title is "Appendix* Part IX, Communist front in Wisconsin this year. But that doesn't mean the Nazis' crazy racial theories. Some of THE STATE JOURNAL. cent." This is just one example of how we WASHINGTON — THE AMERICAN organizations, first section," try to raise our own economic level. We dam Badger N.ew Dealers are idle. those who helped directly on the project had people have been carrying on a great debate The record says that boast- State Sen Robert Tehan, Mili*aukeean been driven to seek freedom here. up the flow of goods. Did we learn anything who probably will succeed Thomas King, with themselves about two matters that ed with considerable pride that more than during the 1930s? Dr. Bush has been acutely conscious of the were heaved out of the final catalysm of war. iBO per cemt of the , which Oconomowoc, as Democratic national com- huge deficit being piled up in scientific train- The Red Arrow This self-examination is significant and is a was absorbed into the Abraham Lincoln Water flows down hill. Being insensate, it mitteeman, returned recently from Wash- ing and research. The United States alone credit to the nation and to its best traditions brigade, were members of the Communist take.s the easy way to get from where it is to ington, where he conferred with Leo Crow- among the major nations of the world ha* of humanitarianism and freedom. where nature urges it to, go. The flow of ley and Postmaster General Hobert Hanne- Their daddies—the old boys in this party. goods from producer to consumer is like- suspended all but absolutely essential war town with the little red arrow on their One was the atomic bomb and the other "John Gates, political commissar and gan. Although Tf nan is rather non-committal, projects. The Soviets have boasted that their the issue as to what should be done about lieutenant colonel of the Abraham Lincoln wise subject to natural law. Mass produc- it is safe to report that "definite plans were research in pure science has continued un- lapels—will be holding out their hands the Japanese emperor. brigade, was previously secretary of the tion releases a torrent of goods seeking a made regarding this state. „• .;..!.. interrupted throughout the war. to their own sons indeed now. The atomic bomb came New York state Young Communist league way to the ocean of need. We call that supply Tchuh also conferred with PAC officials It has been repeatedly emphasized In this The kids of the men who were "Les as a terrific shock which and a member of the New York state com- ond demand. Water can be trapped in stag- in the capital, and Inter this month two of- column, our loss is .10 serious that it will Terribles," first to pierce the Hinden- left people literally dazed, mittee of the Communist party," the report nant pools. Goods can be sti\lled in ware- ficials high in the PAC heirarchy will visit be years before we have overcome it. Be- burg line in World War I, are the fight- They were stunned and per- says. houses. If they move, it must be at a level Wisconsin. cause of the policy laid down by selective plexed. In the first place, of wages and prices that permits exchange. They are Elmer Benson, former Minne- ing men of Wisconsin's famed-to-glory "Joe Dallet, commissar of the officers' ^ _ . .. „ ,.,Vin r,r»w service, we are already short 150,000 men 32nd division in this one, and they've the scientific principle in- training school for the brigade, was onetime Men organize to enforce their demands. sota Farmer-Laborite governor who now with bachelor of science degrees and 17.000 volved was beyond the un- Communist candidate for mayor of Youngs- The struggle over wages and prices is car- heads the National Citizens PAC, and with Ph. D. degrees. We shall be gravely written a record to match the old man's derstanding of most of us town, O., a Communist candidate for con- ried to the point of deliberate destruction, "Beanie" Baldwin, handicapped in reconversion for lack of last time. and so, in the second place, gress, and a Communist party section organ- voluntary idleness, self-imposed a'nd often- former department of technicians essential to industry. The Red Arrow insignia, worn on. were its potentialities for izer in that city. T. H. Wintringham,1 a times legalized barriers and restraints against agriculture economist the shoulder in the Pacific in this war the future. military expert for the, , Com- the creation and distribution of wealth. De- who last year was one ! Then, as the stories came munist - newspaper, was military instructor pression is the inevitably consequence of our of the directors of.the THE FIRST STEP IS OBVIOUS. BOTH as it was in Europe in the preceding, is CIO's political action a horizontal line shot through with an back about the actuality of for the International brigade (of which the own folly. the army and the navy must begin at once its awful destruction in hu- Lincoln battalion was a unit) and chief of American prefer a system of free markets. program. Benson and to comb out men who already have some arrow, signifying that the'division h£i STOKES man lives and property, operations. Saul Wellman, political commis- If we continue to prosper under such a system Baldwin undoubtedly scientific and technical trainini. Either in pierced every line it had faced. people began to ask them- sar of the Abraham Lincoln brigade, was a we must permit it, through flexible adjust- will confer with labor uniform or out, they must be sent back to There is no need to change it now. selves and their neighbors questions, quietly, member of the New York state committee ment, to develop into an economy of goods leaders from Wiscon- the school and laboratories immediately. Sure- The sons of the original wearers never seeking reassurance. This started a debate of the Young Communist league. Steve Nel- and services in reasoned obedience to na- sin's industrial cities ly, the justification for hoarding manpower, retreated, never lost a battle either. about ethics. It was a probing of the con- son, a colonel of the Abraham Lincoln brig- tural economic laws. We are dollar minded along the lakeshore, including scientific manpower, has now ended. science and a searching of the soul. It prob- ade, was a member of the national committee and dollar.mad. and their job obvious- Both the army and' the navy have thou« And they saw some tough ones. ly is to wave the They were the first American divi- ably went on within many people who never of the Communist party. It is high time for leaders of economic sands of young men now in special courses— admitted it or confessed to it. "The command of the International brig- thought in the various organizations of labor, Democratic flag. radar, for example—many of whom have sion to go up against the Japs in the * * * ades (there were several) was entirely in the agriculture, industry, trade, and government had special training previous to entering the southwest Pacific. They registered SHOULD WE HAVE.TURNED THIS hands of emigres brought in from Russia, to become more aware and more urgently IN ADDITION, armed services and all of whom have special more days of combat than any other terror loose upon the world? The fact that including Gen. Emil Kleber (real name vocal about economic tolerance, the natural members of the party's aptitudes. Most of the instruction they now American division in either Pacific or our nation had done it was the disturbing Stern), in charge of the IHh; Gen. Lukacz Inws that govern exchange, and tho real val- state central commit- are receiving will be useless, since both the European zones. Theirs were the first thought. (real name Mata Zalka), in charge of the ues Unit determine HviiiK standards. Then tee ond many county army and navy have far more specialists ot 12th; Gen. Kreiger, in charge of the 13th; there would be less need for peace-time gov- chairman probably every kind than they can possibly use in airborne' infantry to fly to a fighting The answers have come back, to wit, that ROBERT TEHAN called to Milwaukee front in American military history. i the Japs attacked us without warning at Gen. Cole Dumont, a French Communist, in ernment controls and less frantic fear of post- peacetime. In any event the training is per- Pearl Harbor; that the use of this bomb charge of the 14th, and Gen. Vladimir Copic war surpluses and unemployment. for a Democratic pow-wow some time befoie functory and its peacetime uses doubtful in The Japs were within 32 miles of i would shorten the war and save lives, that in charge of the 15th," which was the number We must clear away the mental and moral the snow Hies. Tehan and Assemblyman spite of the big posters that hold out hope Port Moresby that day when the Red our enemies were working on this bomb, of the Abraham Lincoln brigade. confusion which ceaseless strife has engend- Charles Greene (D-Milwaukee) have been of post-war careers. Arrow's 128th Rot the hurry up sum- and would have used it on us if they had got "Recruiting for the Abraham Lincoln ered about 'the primitive art of making a tour nfi the state during the past few weeks, These young men, and other with train- mons. The infantrymen lined up in the answer first; that if we hadn't used it, brigade in the United States was in the hands living and plant and constantly nurture in whipping up the party's county orgamzaUons ing and aptitudes everywhere should be'sent back to universities and technical schools thia their tan fatigues. Sprayguns doused sbmeone else would in the future; that we of the functionaries of the Communist party. the minds of all people a few simple truths, lnt d S them with green camouflage paint, and can be trusted as its guardians, and that it The records of the FBI contain considerable such as: °De motrats now'are beginning to recognize fall. There can be no possible excuse for then, sopping suits drying on their should shock the world into peace hereafter. flata regarding passport frauds in connection 1. The real wages of goods and services what Progressives and Republicans already delay. Ail good and sound reasons. But yet there with the recruiting." enjoyed are the true measure by which to know-th!t the success of a party.'s candi- backs, they flew to battle. is the still small voice of conscience. This is * * * evaluate living standards. dates for state and national office depend That was only the beginning. There a tribute to the American people and seems AS WELL AS COMMUNISTS, HUN- 2. Lasting peace and prosperity depend upon county tickets-sheriffs and district AS FOR THE LONG-TERM PROGRAM was the grinding nightmare of the 42- to hold assurance that the bomb, at least for dreds of young non - Communist American upon an unhampered flow of goods. "llorneys-who will draw local voters to the of scientific development, two senators are day march over the Owen Stanley the time being is in hands that will con- idealists were seduced into the brigade to be 3. Genuine and enlightened self-interest preparing to carry out the recent recom- mountains, the landing at bloody Sai- trol it as an instrument of war and develop butchered in a war between two terroristic cannot be selfishly narrow. ^Democrats in Wisconsin aren't sleeping, mendation of Dr. Bush for a National Re. its principles as an instrument of peace. It dictatorships. 4. Striving to get higher by keeping- other and both the PAC politician* and regular or- search foundation which would foster scien- dor. Morotai, Biak, Leyte—hand-to- tific investigation and insure the education of hand in rain and knee-deep mud—Lu- must be remembered that the same questions "Evidence before the committee indicates groups tower Is the pressure that closes the ganization workmen have their eye on those have been raised in England. that in many instances the lives of American economic door. Progressive ballots Jhat have been slipping young men with brains and scientific bent. zon. Manila, the Villa Verde trail, 119 * * » boys were ruthlessly sacrificed by Com- If we keep on as we are now going, we in such numbers from the third party. As the success of the atomic bomb has shown. days on end in the Cagayan mountains mass attack on a scientific problem can DEBATE OVER WHAT SHOULD BE munist commissars in charge of the brigade. will again slam the door in our own faces * * * ...and the last report: "...hunting John G. Honeycomb testified some never when what we want, is on the other side of achieve results beyond the reach of individ- done with the Japanese emperor also tells DEMOCRATS WOULD LIKE TO USE uals working alone. stragglers in northern Luzon. . ." something about our people to their credit. handled a rifle before they were sent to the the door.—Erwin M. Tiffany, Madison. front." Progressive support, for instance, m the 10th Sen. Magnusson of Washington and Sen. Brother, when you see that little This was a complicated issue. It seems congressional district where they may use Kilgore of West Virginia met with Pres. Tru- Red Arrow, take your hat off to the apparent that there is a considerable body There are a number of cases where Amer- ican boys were victims of the m.ost sadistic PhU Nelson, former Progressive state senator, man last week to discuss the measures call- man behind it. He was the guy who of public opinion that favored deposing the to oppose incumbent ing for scientific coordination which each haj emperor, getting rid of him, seizing this op- cruelty on the part of their Red commissars. was always in front. Maxwell M. Wallach, a reputable Detroit YESTERDAYS Rep Alvin E. O'Kon- introduced. As a result of that meeting, the portunity to remove a sacrosanct sort of ruler two have arranged to hold joint hearings next from the backs of other people. A consider- attorney, testified that his son, Albert, had ski '(R—Mercer). Nel- been executed because it was known that (25 Years Agro . . . Aug. 15, 1920) son, who recently went month and to combine the two bills. Truman able body of public opinion seemed to favor Suffrage leaders in Washington have once said he liked the strict control over patents Fun's Fun, But.:. trying him as a war criminal. He was put in efforts were being made to have him re- to Sweden for some leased. more "put it up" to Gov. Cox and Sen. Hard- federal agency on a provided in the Kilgore bill. the same class with Hitler and Mussolini. ing, the presidential nominees, to sec. Hint s With such backing, congress should not Fun is fun and the best of us need Some have insisted that this attitude was "Honeycomb testified that he wrote his pulpwood-buying a - assu.iciomrnt of the grouch once in a brigade commander requesting repatriation the Tennessee house ratifies the .suffrage siRiimcnt, is w e 11 - hesitate long to adopt a measure vital for due to ignorance of the place of the em- amendment this week. known throughout the while, but it is something more than peror, that he is, after all, a symbol embedded in accordance wilh the terms of his. enlist- our future as a nation. ment. His letter was turned over to Political The Italian press is vigorously denying ! district now held, ap- barely possible that Madison's taxicab in Japanese religion and, as such, has been the report that the Pope injured himself ] parenlly securely, by used as a stooge by the war lords who are Commissar John Gates. Vernon Selby, a man jockeys arc going to have less of both who had received training at West Point, had in a fall at the Vatican. O'Konski. senatorial candidate who can't pass muster —plus fewer friends—if they go on the real criminals. As such a symbolic in- Democrats and fluence, they argue, he could be useful to received a shrapnel wound and requested in Washington, national committee support strike against the public in an attempt permission to go to the base hospital. This (15 Years Afro . . . Aug. 15, 1930) CIO-PAC politicos for a Wisconsin state Democratic campaign our purposes in Japan. also are scouting to Ret rid of Officer Joe Hammersley. But it is doubtful that the anti-emperor was granted. We will let Honeycomb describe Darrell Maclntyre, partner in the law might be none too vigorous. Let there be no mistake: Cranky his experiences in his own words: firm of Hill, Beckwith, Maclntyre, and Har- around in the first attitude can be so simply laid down to either congressional distr i c t * * * Joe should be dispensed with. Within ignorance or vengeance, though there may be " 'I reported to headquarters in Barcelona rington, has resigned from the firm and will and was placed under arrest with Selby. We open an office of his own in Madison. for an opponent for TO GET BACK TO THE PROGRESSIVE law. reason, and good taste, most Joe- some of each. After all, there has been a great Incumbent Rep. Lawr- deal in the newspapers and magazines for a were kept under arrest Iflidays and returned W. C. Kirchoffer, state consulting engi- dilemma, the latest report this writer has trodden town and campus citizens to the front under guard. We were kept in a neer, today announced his resignation as ence.R. Smith (H—Ra- received is to the effect that a five-mem- would lend hearty support to any move- long time about the emperor's role in Japan. cine). They haven't ELMER BENSON * # * grove in the rain for two days and nights president and member of the board of di- ber committee soon will conduct a mail poll ment looking toward this excellent under Spanish guard, • improperly clothed, rectors of the Methodist Hospital assn. found one yet, but are of 8,000 Progressive party faithful. They will end. but strike talk and refusal of serv- PERHAPS INVOLVED, AND TO A CON- men ill and wounded, denied water, lire, "n""icTuVat they"in defeat Smith in the -be asked whether they want to retain the ice into the Hammersley jurisdiction siderable extent, is an instinctive understand- cover, or food and reduced to one ladle of (10 Years Alto . . . Auir. 15, 1935) 'district where Racine, Janosville, and Deloit party as a separate political vehicle, whether ing among the American people, rather than lentil soup, very watery with a little mule- With the death of 91-year-old Alfred labor votes are numerous. Progressives should invade Democratic or Re- are within the bounds of none of these. ignorance. Our people just don't like rulers After all, the taxicab companies meat flavor, and two pieces of bread. The H. Rogers, 3312 Milwaukee st., Madison's publican ranks. One committee member sitting above, in a cloud. They have always most sadistic pressure was brought to bear Civil war veterans were reduced to six. THERE IS ONE' 1946 CONTEST; THAT promises an "honest vote." . operate under a council-granted fran- sympathized—and gone further many times on those prisoners.' Development of the University of Wis- will prove to be a headache to Wisconsin It's just a hunch, but I would guess that chise which holds them responsible for j —with people who were trying to cast out "Honeycomb states that Selby was re- consin arboretum on Lake Wingra will be in Democrats. That is the United States senate the La Follettes, who own the Progressive public service in all sections of the city. men who thought they were gods. Here is ported executed in prison. Selby-'s mother charge hereafter of Madison's first CCC race, where Incumbent Bob La Follette will party lock, stock, and barrel, will delay a There probably are perils and pitfalls in another chance to help a people throw off testified that she never heard of her son camp. The first contingent of 30 CCC men seek relection, quite possibly as a Republi- final verdict until after May, 1946, when all areas, but the sensible don't try to the yoke and start, themselves, to become a thereafter." has already arrived. Republicans and Democrats hold their state get rid of them by refusing to give any- free people such as we. * * * ^"Bob has powerful friends in Washing- conventions. It would be impossible for Pro- It is part of our tradition that we make THIS IS JUST A SUMMARY. THE REC- THAT LITTLE GRASS SHACK ton, many of them among Democratic ranks gressives to win control of either a Demo- body a ride any place. our leaders very human. We like it when we. ord of the testimony is crammed with detail. The "little grass shack," which in the ,„ the senate, which has been properly de- cratic or Republican convention, and certainly There must be some other way to find out how like ourselves they are. That's Moreover, when David McK. White died in minds of some is synonymous with Hawaii, scribed as a "rich man's club" where mem- would refuse to be a party to a state-wide level the bunker on the Hill. What why we delight in stories of their own private New York a few days ago, his obituaries is actually such a rarity in the islands now bers aren't averse to doing favors for other meeting that endorsed other candidates. public accord there is with the cabbies' lives, why we are interested In their go- calmly reported that he had been a machine that the few remaining specimens are pre- members, regardless of party affiliation. After the other parties have selected their complaint may be irretrievably lost by ings and comings. What they like to eat, gunner iri the Abraham Lincoln brigade and served as showplaces. , There are many high Democrats, un- candidates, a Progressive slate will be picked. insistence on trying this method. what they wear, what hobbies they have. a member of the school commission of the doubtedly, who would rather see La Follette They might not wear the Progressive label. And, as this newspaper has warned Our presidents and their families sursly live national committee of the Communist party. •USELESS' LANDS return to Washington, regardless o£ parly bul the La Follettes are not yet ready to ad- in a glass house, and so do our officials below I recommend this record to Mr. Patterson Through the use of scientific farming tag, than to see a Democratic senatorial can- mit that their power in Wisconsin has been times innumerable, the cabs, both driv- the top level. as strongly indicated reading for a man who methods, Hawaii produces, on lands which didate split up the votes so that a Republican broken. They will promote a slate of candi- ers and companies, are going to need We bring them down to be one of us, knows about the Abraham Lincoln brigade once were considered virtually useless, one- would win. dates for office, and they will work with all all the public sympathy they can keep For we put them where they are/ only that a lot of brave mea died in it. seventh of Ihe sugar consumed in the U. S.— It is a siluation that requires delicate their long-practiced artistry to get for the different days ahead. So we say: To bell with the emperor. ' Yes, they died. And how. nearly 2 billion pounds. handling. If Democrats blunder in with a elected. •''