Kym Whitley and On-Time Virtual Con- Known from Her Fre- Cert, Sponsored by Hyun- Quent Appearances on Larry Dai

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Kym Whitley and On-Time Virtual Con- Known from Her Fre- Cert, Sponsored by Hyun- Quent Appearances on Larry Dai VOL. LXXXVI NO. 41, $1.00 +CA. Sales Tax “For Over Eighty Years, The Voice of Our Community Speaking for Itself.” THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2020 VOL. LXXVV, NO. 49 • $1.00 + CA. Sales Tax “For Over Eighty Years The Voice of Our Community Speaking for Itself THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013 BY BRIAN W. CARTER man Rucker, Loni Love, Contributing Writer Wendy Raquel Robinson and more! DJ Mal-ski will On Saturday, October 17, host the final part of the from 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. PST, show: the Virtual Taste of Bakewell Media and the Los Soul House Party from 8pm- Angeles Sentinel will pres- 9pm P.S.T. ent the Taste of Soul Online Kym Whitley and On-time Virtual Con- Known from her fre- cert, sponsored by Hyun- quent appearances on Larry dai. The virtual event will David’s groundbreaking feature a wide array of tal- HBO series “Curb Your ent. Participants can access Enthusiasm” or “The Tom the Taste of Soul event via Joyner Morning Show,” a livestream at www.tasteof- nationally syndicated radio program, Kym Whitley is a The anticipated virtual multi-talented comedienne, show will be 6pm-8pm PST actress, activist, author and and will feature musical per- —mother. Originally from formances by artists such Cleveland, Ohio, Kym has as: After 7, Anthony Ham- been based in Los Angeles ilton, Deborah Joy Winans, for years. She was a school- Doug E. Fresh, En Vogue, teacher in Compton, but Fred Hammond, Kool Moe always loved performing Dee, MAJOR. and more! and, especially, comedy. A The show will be hosted by chance encounter with the comedian and actress, Kym legendary Redd Foxx (who Whitley. Local politicians told her she had “the come- and community leaders will dic goods”) led her to pursue COURTESY PHOTO be featured to discuss infor- acting more seriously. Her mation about health, voting first performance was in the “Married with Children,” tie Suga in the 2000 film, of other films. She also her son, Joshua in 2011 and current events. There Shelley Garrett play, “Beau- “Moesha,” and “The Way- “Next Friday.” Since then, voiced the character, Mel- when he was just three- will be celebrity appearanc- ty Shop,” which started in ans Brothers” among oth- she has appeared in “The onee in 2011’s “Rango.” days-old. Oprah Winfrey es by Darrin Dewitt Henson, L.A. and wound up doing a ers. She is also no stranger Nutty Professor,” “Along As of late, some of Kym’s tapped Kym for the real- Dr. Bobby Jones, Faithe C. national tour. In the mid-to- to the big screen. Her first Came Polly,” “College projects have become more Herman, Kim Fields, Lam- late 90s, Kym appeared in big film role was as Aun- Road Trip” and dozens personal. She adopted {See TOS A-7} BY STACY M. BROWN BETTI HALSELL it meant and worked to NNPA Newswire Senior Staff Writer achieve that goal; she de- National Correspondent voted 12 years, eventually Where there is water, shattering the glass ceiling On Jan. 21, 2011, former there is life. Since human and being the first African Chicago Police Commander civilization began, it has American woman to sit on Jon Burge was sentenced been within our instinct to the board in the district’s to four and a half years in build major capitals and 90-year existence. Gray federal prison for perjury cities around great bodies explains her love for col- and obstruction of justice of water. That is why there laboration, the importance because he lied under oath is immense power in sit- of her role for the collec- about his use of torture to ting as Chairwoman of the tive community, and the extract confessions from Board of the Metropolitan effects of her decisions on numerous criminal suspects, Water District of Southern future generations to come. overwhelmingly Black men. COURTESY PHOTO California; it holds the key Gray has always been Burge was fired in 1993 to the growth of the popu- drawn to collaboration; and was prosecuted only ecuted Michael Morton lation for over 19 million much like an irrigation for lying in a civil case. He for murdering his wife, people. system, she believes in a served more than four years Christine. These seats of author- collective of moving parts in prison and died in 2018. To do so, according to (COURTESY PHOTO FROM CHAIRWOMAN GLORIA GRAY OFFICE) ity are critical, the need for to work in harmony. The In 1987, when Ken An- a report from the Nation- Gloria D. Gray, chairwoman of the Metropolitan Wa- equitable representation is coalition of sharing a com- derson was District Attor- al Registry of Exonera- ter District Board of Directors speaks at the Boronkay Cer- a necessary commodity. ney of Williamson County, emony. Gloria Gray knew what {See GRAY A-10} Texas, he successfully pros- {See REPORT A-10} BY CITY NEWS SERVICE/ SENTINEL NEWS SERVICE A request for bail was denied last Friday for Democratic Party fund- raiser Ed Buck, who is ac- cused of giving drugs to a Ed Buck man who died at his West Hollywood apartment after allegedly being lured across {See BUCK A-8} {See FULL STORY B-1} A-2 LASENTINEL.NET NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2020 Harris Statement on Supreme Court Nomination SENTINEL NEWS SERVICE country are already casting Affordable Care Act’s pro- Ginsburg, who devoted her votes, and we will soon tections for 130 million life to fighting for Equal U.S. Senator Kamala D. know the president and sen- Americans with preexisting Justice Under Law and a Harris (D-CA), a member ators who will be sworn in health conditions. The dev- more fair and just world. of the Senate Judiciary next January. We must astating coronavirus pan- Her passing is devastating, Committee, on Saturday respect Americans’ voices demic has already killed and it would be a travesty to released the following and allow the winners of the more than 202,000 Ameri- replace her with a justice statement following Presi- election to nominate and cans, and sickened millions who is being selected to dent Trump’s nomination confirm the next Supreme more, yet President Trump undo her legacy and erase of U.S. Circuit Judge Amy Court Justice. is fighting in the Supreme everything she did for our Coney Barrett to the “From day one, Presi- Court right now to strike country. Supreme Court of the Unit- dent Trump made clear that down the only law guaran- “I have been proud to ed States: he had a litmus test for teeing Americans can represent the people “The Supreme Court Supreme Court Justices – access the health care they throughout my entire career. has a profound impact on destroy the Affordable Care need. Republicans are des- With the next Supreme the rights of all Americans. Act’s protections for people perate to get Judge Barrett Court Justice set to deter- As a U.S. Senator and mem- with preexisting conditions confirmed before the mine the fate of protections ber of the Judiciary Com- and overturn our right to Supreme Court takes up this for those with preexisting mittee, I have a duty to make our own health care case in November and mil- health conditions, and ensure that a Supreme Court decisions. lions of Americans will suf- reproductive health options, nominee will uphold the AP PHOTO/GERRY BROOME “President Trump, fer for their power play. I will continue to fight on law and has a demonstrated Democratic vice-presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Har- Mitch McConnell and Sen- “Just yesterday, I paid behalf of the people and commitment to equal jus- ris, D-Calif., speaks at Shaw University during a campaign ate Republicans will stop at my respects to the leg- strongly oppose the presi- tice. Americans across the visit in Raleigh, N.C., Monday, Sept. 28, 2020. nothing to destroy the endary Justice Ruth Bader dent’s nomination.” Black Lives Matter Leader Endorses Wesson SENTINEL NEWS SERVICE ty has been more coura- deeply valued partner in geous in the fight for a this work. Black Lives Matter Los transformed system of pub- Rarely do I offer politi- Angeles leader Dr. Melina lic safety – one that values cal endorsements. Howev- Abdullah endorses Herb Black life and by exten- er, it is imperative in this Wesson and speaks out sion, all humanity – than movement-moment that we against the smear campaign Herb Wesson. elect leaders who will not he is facing in the race for Herb has fought arm- simply say “Black Lives LA County Supervisor. in-arm with organizers on Matter,” but MAKE Black This week, LA City the ground to build towards Lives Matter central to Council President Emeritus policies that actually keep their policy work and lead- Herb Wesson received the us safe by investing in ership. I offer my whole- official support of Dr. resources for our people hearted, enthusiastic Melina Abdullah, co- rather than over-policing. endorsement of Herb Wes- Founder of Black Lives It is not often that we son as Supervisor of Los Matter Los Angeles. Dr. FILE PHOTO have an opportunity to Angeles County’s second Melina Abdullah is a pro- Dr. Melina Abdullah, Co- elect someone who places district.” AP PHOTO/GERRY BROOME Founder of Black Lives Mat- LA City Council President Emeritus Herb Wesson fessor of Pan-African Stud- his duty as a Black man, a Throughout his career, ter Los Angeles. ies at California State Uni- father, a grandfather, a Herb has worked tirelessly torically disenfranchised stance abuse and mental versity, Los Angeles and an “I’m deeply disappoint- community member, and a to dismantle the systems communities.
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