Ken Skates MS e-newsletter 11/12/20

The future is in all our hands

An updated version of Wales’ Covid control plan will be published next week, First Minister announced today.

The plan will set out in detail how national measures will be introduced in a more uniform way depending on a range of indicators, including the level of the virus in Wales and the risk of infection.

It will provide greater certainty for people and businesses about the restrictions which are needed to protect people’s health.

The plan sets out four alert levels – from level one (low risk) to level four (very high risk). Wales is currently at alert level three. The national measures were strengthened on December 4 in response to rapidly accelerating levels of coronavirus across Wales.

The First Minister said: "If the strengthened measures, together with the efforts of each and every one of us, do not succeed in turning the tide of the virus then it is inevitable that we will have to move to alert level four.

"That move is not a foregone conclusion. The future is in all our hands."

Read more updates

The first COVID-19 vaccine has started being rolled out across Wales this week. Read more here

Parents and carers on low incomes with children who are self-isolating will be eligible for a £500 support payment. The Self-Isolation Support Scheme was launched last month and has been extended to help more people. Read more here

The length of time people have to self-isolate for coronavirus will be reduced from 14 days to 10 in Wales. The move is endorsed by the Chief Medical Officer for Wales and is based on the latest evidence around the likelihood of being infectious after 10 days. Read more here

Hospitality, leisure and tourism businesses impacted by latest coronavirus restrictions can now find out how much they can expect to receive from the latest round of Welsh Government support funding. Read more here - Businesses affected by coronavirus will be protected from eviction until the end of March 2021. Read more here

Secondary schools and colleges in Wales will move to online learning from Monday as part of a national effort to reduce transmission of coronavirus. Read more here

Updated guidance/FAQs about social distancing can be found here, and updated guidance/FAQs about leaving your home and seeing other people can be found here.

Guidance on Christmas bubbles is here and Christmas advice for people who were previously shielding is here. News round-up

The Welsh Government has hit its target of creating 100,000 all-age, Read my latest high quality apprenticeships during the current term - delivering .com on a 2016 election pledge. column here We have recently announced a number of major new employer incentives to help businesses recruit apprentices, including firms being able to claim up to £3,000 for each one they hire under the age of 25. The incentives are part of a £40m Welsh Government package to support firms recover from the economic impact of Covid-19 and respond to the the UK leaving the EU. Of the 100,000 new apprenticeships, 60% were female and 57% were aged 25 and over. Read more here

Councils throughout Wales are encouraging people who are eligible to vote to register for a postal vote. For many people, a postal vote is the most suitable alternative as it is an easy and convenient way of voting - especially if you don't want to visit a polling station or might struggle to get there on the day. You can apply to vote by post for a single election, a specific period of time or permanently. You can find out more here and you can also contact the electoral services team at your local council. If you live in Wrexham call 01978 292020 and for you can call 01824 706000. If you have symptoms of coronavirus

The symptoms of coronavirus are a high temperature, a new, continuous cough and a loss or change in smell or taste.

If you have symptoms, however mild, you must self-isolate at home for at least 10 days from when your symptoms started.

Do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital. You should arrange to have a test to see if you have coronavirus. You can book a test here

You should continue to isolate while waiting for a test result.

Questions about what to do if you’ve got coronavirus? Click here

Where to find the latest information

Public Health Wales provides a daily update about the number of cases of coronavirus in Wales. It is available here.

Information is also available on the Welsh Government’s website.

Business Wales offers information on support available for businesses in Wales:

If you can help the effort to produce PPE in Wales please visit equipment-and-personal-protection-equipment-ppe

The Welsh Government holds a regular media briefing about coronavirus. These are on-the-record, on-camera and supported by a BSL translator. They are held at 12.15pm and live-streamed on the Welsh Government Twitter channel as well as broadcast live on BBC One Wales.