Calendar of Events
March 26, 2017 The Fourth Sunday of Lent \ Stewardship is a Way of Life. A FRESH PERSPECTIVE ON THE SUNDAY READINGS Tithing is God’s Plan for Giving: HIS WORD TODAY by Rev. William J. Reilly Fourth Sunday of Lent Tithing Income for the week of March 19, 2017: March 26, 2017 “There was a time when you were in darkness but now you Regular: $ 5,774.00 are light in the Lord. Well, then, live as children of light. Light Loose: $ 359.25 produces every kind of goodness, and justice and truth…. Children’s offering: $ 0 Then he told him, ‘Go wash in the pool of Siloam.’ (This ONLINE GIVING: $ 1,280.00 name means ‘One who has been sent.’”) Tithing income TOTAL for With the coming of spring, days become longer and darkness March 19, 2017: $ 7,413.25 fades. St. Paul tells his readers that they are children of the light. Jesus told us we are the light of the world. We recognize our role Tithing Income March 20, 2016 $ 7,650.00 through our good works, our efforts to make a just society, and walking with Jesus who is the way, truth and life. How common it is for us to look for a place to charge our Mass Attendance: telephones, renew the power in our iPad, or charge our battery. For the weekend of March 19, 2017- 371 Sadly, people fight to plug their charger and renew their For the weekend of March 20, 2016- 424 telephone, computer or game. Lent is to produce the same effect.
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