The London Gazette, 20 December, 1929. 8281
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THE LONDON GAZETTE, 20 DECEMBER, 1929. 8281 qualification or of any limitation or security., Edward Montagu Parken being the present in any case where this Order or any Rule or Incumbent of the said Benefice of Wylye and Regulation contains a reference to British the Reverend Arthur Goodman being- the currency, the rate of exchange of ten dollars present Incumbent of the said Benefice of to the pound sterling shall apply." Stockton, and the said Benefice of Fisherton 2. The present Order shall be cited as the Delamere is at present vacant: China (Amendment) Order in Council, 1929, " And whereas the said Edward Montagu and shall take effect on the 1st of January, Parken has consented to become, the first In- 1930. cumbent of the United Benefice of Wylye with 3. Copies of the present Order shall be Fisherton Delamere if and when the union exhibited as soon as possible in the office of which is hereinafter recommended and pro- £he Supreme Court for China and at each Pro- posed shall take effect: vincial Consulate, but failure to comply with " Ndw, therefore, we, the said Ecclesiastical the provisions of the present article shall in no Commissioners for England, with the consent •way affect the operation of tke other provisions of the said St. Clair George Alfred, Bishop of of this Order. Salisbury (in testimony whereof he has signed And the Right Honourable Arthur Hender- this Scheme), do humbly recommend and pro- son, one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries pose to Your Majesty as follows, that is to of State, is to give the necessary directions say:— herein. " 1. That the said Benefice of Fisherton M. P. A. Hankey. Delamere and the said Benefice of Wylye shall be permanently united together and form cne Benefice with Cure of Souls under the style of ' The United Benefice of Wylye with Fishertou Delamere ' but the Parishes of the said Bene- fices shall continue distinct in all respects. At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the " 2. That upon the day when any Order of 17th day of December, 1929. Your Majesty in Council ratifying this Scheme PRESENT, shall be published in the London Gazette the union shall forthwith take effect and the said The KING'o Most Excellent Majesty in Council. Edward Montagu Parken if he is then In- "^TSTHEREAS the Ecclesiastical Commis- cumbent of the said Benefice of Wylye shall be ™ ™ sioners for England have, in pursuance the first Incumbent of the United Benefice. of the Union of Benefices Measure, 1923, duly " 3. That upon the said union taking effect prepared, and laid before His Majesty in the Parsonage House at present belonging to Council, a Scheme bearing date the llth day the said Benefice of Wylye shall become and of July, 1929, in the words and figures follow- be the house of residence for the Incumbent of ing, that is to say:— the United Benefice and so soon as con- " We, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for veniently may be the Parsonage House at England, acting in pursuance of the Union present belonging to the said Benefice of 'of Benefices Measure, 1923, have prepared, and Fisherton Delamere and the site and appur- now humbly lay before Your Majesty in tenances thereof and the" grounds heretofore Council, the following Scheme for effecting usually occupied and enjoyed therewith shall (1) the union of the Benefice (being a Vicarage) be sold and disposed of by us the said of Fisherton Delamere and the Benefice (being Ecclesiastical Commissioners at such time or a Rectory) of Wylye and (2) an alteration of times and in such manner in all respects as the boundaries of the Parish of the said Bene- to us shall seem expedient and that so much fice of Fisherton Delamere and of the Parish of the net proceeds of such sale as we shall of the Benefice of Stockton, all of which'Bene- deem sufficient to produce an income of £57 fices are situate in the 'County of Wilts and per annum shall be appropriated and held and in the Diocese of Salisbury: invested by us for the benefit of the United " Whereas Commissioners appointed at Benefice and any residue of such net proceeds our request by the Right Reverend St. Clair shall be held and invested by us as to one George Alfred, Bishop of Salisbury, pur- moiety of nuch residue for the benefit of the suant to the provisions of the said Union of United Benefice and as to the other moiety Benefices Measure, 1923, to inquire into and thereof for the benefit pf the said Benefice of report upon the rearrangement ofv the said Stockton. three Benefices of Fisherton Delamere, Wylye " 4. That after the said union has taken and Stockton, duly made their Report to the effect the course and succession in which the said Bishop of Salisbury and therein recom- respective Patrons shall present or nominate mended the union of the said two Benefices to the United Benefice from time to time as of Fisherton Delamere and Wylye and the the same shall become vacant shall be as transfer of a portion of the said Parish of follows, that is to say, that in every series of Fisherton Delamere to the said Parish of three successive turns of presentation or nomi- Stockton' and thex terms for effecting such nation to be made to the United Benefice after union and alteration of boundaries, and the the union the Patron of the said Benefice of said Bishop of Salisbury signified in writing, Wylye shall have the first and the third turns his approval of the said Report: and the Patron of the said Benefice of Fisher- " And whereas we, the said Ecclesiastical ton Bfllamere shall have the second turn. Commissioners for England, have prepared " 5. That with the consent of the said Arthur this Scheme for the said union and alteration Goodman ' (testified by his • signing this of boundaries which said Scheme is based upon Scheme), upon the union taking effect all that the terms recommended in the said Report: portion of the said Parish of Fisherton Dela- "And whereas the-said Benefices of Wylye mere which lies to the south of the middle of and Stockton are now full the Reverend the River Wylye shall be transferred and.