Chapter 3 Molecular Shape and Structure
2009년도 제2학기 화 학 2 담당교수: 신국조 Textbook: P. Atkins / L. Jones, Chemical Principles, 4th ed., Freeman (2008) Chapter 15 CHAPTER 15 THE ELEMENTS: THE LAST FOUR MAIN GROUPS GROUP 15/V : THE NITROGEN FAMILY Electronic configuration: ns23np Oxidation states: –3 ~ +5 Different reactivities Stable N2 Burning in air, P Semiconductor, As, Sb Metal, Bi Fig. 15.1 N2(l), Sb, red P, Bi, As 15.1 The Group 15/V Elements ◆ Nitrogen, N o o o m.p.: N2(–196 C) cf. O2(–183 C), Ar(–186 C) Stable triple bond: N≡ N, 944 kJ·mol–1 Bacterial fixation of N2 in nodules on the roots of beans, alfalfa,… Haber-Bosch process Electronegativity: 3.0 – Multiple oxidation states: NH3(–3), HNO3(+5), N3 (azide,–1/3) Fig. 15.2 The pea-plant bacteria. Small atomic radius: π -bond formation from 2p-orbitals, N2O3 ◆ Phosphorus (인,燐), P Large atomic radius Æ π -bond formation from 3p-orbitals Æ single bonds, P4O6 1 2009년도 제2학기 화 학 2 담당교수: 신국조 Textbook: P. Atkins / L. Jones, Chemical Principles, 4th ed., Freeman (2008) Chapter 15 Mineral, apatites, Ca3(PO4)2 ∆ 2 Ca34(PO )2(ss) ++6 SiO2( ) 10 C(s) ⎯⎯→+P4(g) 6 CaSiO3(l) +10 CO(g) White (or Yellow) phosphorus: soft, white, very reactive (burns in air, stored in water), tetrahedral P4 molecules, chemiluminescence (trioxide of phosphorus), 연막탄 Red phosphorus: less reactive, matches, amorphous network (chains of linked P4 tetrahedra) Obtained by heating (240oC) white phosphorus without air (iodine catalyst) Red phosphorus, powder ◆ Arsenic (비소,砒素), As Metalloid GaAs Æ used in lasers in CD players ◆ Antimony, Sb Metalloid Pb/Sb electrodes in lead storage batteries Semiconductors (diodes) ◆ Bismuth, Bi Fig.
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