Curriculum Vitae Morris Chang Personal Data Revised: 12/01/2002 Work Address: Home Address: Dept. of Electrical & Computer Eng. 3219 Valley View Rd. 3216 Coover Hall Ames, AI. 50014 Ames, IA 50011-3060 phone: 515-294-7618 phone:515-292-2640
[email protected] Areas of Interest High-performance Java systems, computer architecture, performance analysis of object- oriented systems, hardware support for dynamic memory management, wireless networks, internet architecture, hardware description languages, VLSI system, reconfigurable computing, and network processors. Education Ph.D., Computer Engineering, North Carolina State University, December 1993 Minor: Computer Science Dissertation Title: A coprocessor architecture for memory management in object-oriented systems. Advisor: Prof. Edward F. Gehringer MSEE, North Carolina State University, May 1986 Major: Electrical Engineering. Minor: Mathematics. BSEE, Tatung Institute of Technology, Taiwan, June 1983 Professional Experience 8/01 — Associate Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, IA. 8/95-5/01 Assistant Professor, Computer Engineering Program and Dept. of Computer Science, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL. 9/93–8/95 Visiting Assistant Professor, Dept. Electrical Engineering, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY. 8/88–8/90 Member of Technical Staff, Department of Exploratory Microsystems, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Allentown, PA (with the Hobbit, AT&T’s low-power 32-bit RISC chip, design team). 5/86–2/88 Member of Technical Staff, Microelectronic Center of North Carolina, Research Triangle Park, NC 1 5/83–8/84 Analog IC Design Engineer, Texas Instruments, Dallas, Texas. Consulting 8/1997 - present Toko America, Inc., Mt. Prospect, IL. Supervised four engineers to develop Network Interface Card (NIC) for 100 Base T2 standard and Wireless Local Area Network products based on IEEE 802.11 standard.