Strengthening Protected Areas Financing and Management Systems Project, Egypt GEF 3209, PIMS 3668
MAY 19 -2020 Terminal Evaluation Strengthening Protected Areas Financing and Management Systems Project, Egypt GEF 3209, PIMS 3668 Stephanie Hodge March–April 2020 1 | P a g e i. Opening page: Project Title Strengthening Protected Area Financing and Management Systems Project, Egypt UNDP Project ID: 3668 Project financing at endorsement at TE (Million US$) (Million US$)* ATLAS Project ID: 00057529 GEF financing: 3,616,000 3,616,000 Country: Egypt IA/EA own: 250,000 250,000 Region: Arab States Government: 15,066,200 6,302,880 Focal Area: Biodiversity Other: 495,264** GEF Focal Area BD-1 Total cofinancing: 15,316,200 9,018,311 Strategic Program: Executing Agency: Egyptian Total Project Cost 17,666,000 6,552,880 Environmental in cash: Affairs Agency (EEAA) Other Partners ProDoc Signature (date project began): 01/06/2010 involved: Planned closing Revised closing date: date: 01/01/2016 June 2020 • Evaluation time frame and date of evaluation report The evaluation has been conducted March – April 2020. • Country and Sites included in the project The selected original priority sites are Ras Mohammed, Nabq, St. Katherine, Wadi El Gemal/Hemata, Red Sea Northern Islands, White Desert, Wadi Degla and Wadi El Rayan. The ESPASP project has managed to reach all of the areas as indicated in the project document. However, its level of involvement differed from one area to another depending on various external factors. The project has provided full-fledged strategies for Ras Mohammed, Saint Katherine, Nabq, Wadi Degla and Wadi El Gemal Protected Areas. As for the White Desert, Wadi El Rayan and the Northern Red Sea Islands, the scope of the activities aimed to advance the scientific knowledge in those areas by drafting management plans for each of them.
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