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CHINA SUNTIEN GREEN ENERGY CORPORATION LIMITED* 新天綠色能源股份有限公司 (a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of with limited liability) (Stock Code: 00956)


This announcement is made in accordance with the inside information provisions under Part XIVA of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) and Rules 13.09 and 13.10B of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.

Reference is made to the announcement dated 31 October 2019 of China Suntien Green Energy Corporation Limited (the “Company”), in relation to that Caofeidian Suntien Natural Gas Co., Ltd. (“Caofeidian Company”), a subsidiary of the Company, obtained the approval on the Suntien LNG terminal outbound pipelines project (Caofeidian-Baodi section) from the National Development and Reform Commission (the “NDRC”).

The board of directors of the Company is pleased to announce that, Caofeidian Company has recently further received the Approval on the Tangshan LNG Terminal Outbound Pipelines Project (Baodi – Yongqing section) of Hebei Suntien (Fa Gai Neng Yuan [2019] No. 1842) ((the “Approval Document”)) from the NDRC. According to the Approval Document, the NDRC has approved the construction of Hebei Suntien Tangshan LNG terminal outbound pipelines project (Baodi – Yongqing section) (the “Baoyong Section Outbound Pipelines Project”) with Caofeidian Company being the project owner. The Baoyong Section Outbound Pipelines Project starts from the distribution station of Baodi, Tianjin and ends at the terminus of Yongqing, , Hebei Province with a total length of 112 kilometers. The expected annual transmission volume is 11.2 billion cubic meters and the daily maximum transmission capacity is 151 million cubic meters. The total estimated investment amount is RMB2,954.44 million. The Company planned to finance the funds for the construction of the Baoyong Section Outbound Pipelines Project through several means including self-owned capital and loans from financial institutions. The Company will implement the development and construction of the Baoyong Section Outbound Pipelines Project as planned based on the actual operation conditions.

1 As the outbound supporting pipeline project for the Tangshan LNG Project, the Baoyong Section Outbound Pipelines Project is the key project for the construction of natural gas infrastructure in the Bohai Rim region, and the key project for the national natural gas infrastructure interconnection in 2019. After the completion of the Baoyong Section Outbound Pipelines Project, it will connect to the LNG terminal project in Tangshan, which can transport the overseas high-quality LNG gas introduced by the Tangshan LNG Project to the hinterland of Hebei Province, and realize interconnection through the gas pipelines, such as China-Russia East Line (中俄東線), Shaanxi- System (陝京系統) and Yongtangqin (永唐秦). It will optimize the increase in the supply and reserves of natural gas in Hebei Province and surrounding areas and the emergency peaking capability, secure regional gas supply safety and optimize the structure of energy consumption in order to improve the quality of the atmospheric environment as well as promote economic and social development. The completion of the construction of the Tangshan LNG Project, the Caobao Section Outbound Pipelines Project and the Baoyong Section Outbound Pipelines Project would enrich the business types of sources of gas of the Company and further diversify the sources of gas of the Company. With such benefits, the Company can therefore accelerate its expansion in gas business market, optimize the business structure of the Company and increase the proportion of the Company’s gas business.

Shareholders of the Company and potential investors are advised to exercise caution when dealing in the shares of the Company.

By order of the Board of China Suntien Green Energy Corporation Limited* Mei Chun Xiao Executive Director and President

Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, the PRC, 2 December 2019

As at the date of this announcement, the non-executive Directors of the Company are Dr. Cao Xin, Dr. Li Lian Ping, Mr. Qin Gang and Mr. Wu Hui Jiang; the executive Directors of the Company are Mr. Mei Chun Xiao and Mr. Wang Hong Jun; and the independent non-executive Directors of the Company are Mr. Xie Wei Xian, Mr. Wan Yim Keung, Daniel and Dr. Lin Tao.

* For identification purposes only