ED'218 653 CS 207 076 AUTHOR Graves, Donald H. a Casestudy Observing the Development of Primary Children's Composing, Spelling
'DOCUMENT RESUME ED'218 653 CS 207 076 AUTHOR Graves, Donald H. TITLE' A CaseStudy Observing the Development of Primary Children's Composing, Spelling, and Motor Behaviors during the Writing Process. Final Report, September 1, 1978-August 31, 1981. INSTITUTION New Hampshire Univ.-, Durham. Dept. of Education. SPONS AGENCY National Inst. of Education '(ED), Washington, DC. tb PUB DATE [82] ,GRANT NiE-G-78-0174 NOTE 501p.; Articles ay be marginally legible-4 EDRS PRICE MF02/PC2rPlut Po tags. DESCRIPTORS Case Studies; Chi d Language; *Clastroom Observation Techniques; Cla room Research; Elementary Education; Elementary Scho 1 Students; Handwriting; Punctuation; Spelling; *Studt Behavior; *Teacher Behavior; I Teaching. Methods, Writing Instruction; *Writing Processes; *Writing Research ABSTRACT 1 \ Sixteen children in five different classrooms in the same, small, \ural-:suburbah schoolin New Hampshire were observed for 2 years to do umeat what primary children did when they wrote.Eight of the childr n were observed from age 6 through 7, andeight from 8 through 9. Thr e researchers were on-site-in.classrooms 4 days outof 5 for the 2-year project. Data were gathered through child and teacher interviews, direct observation of children throughspecific protocols,'and ideo recordings of children while composing, _ conversing with other children, and in conference, as well as through . all of the children's iritten products. Data from observationsof child behavior duiing the writing process together with data from ,observations of teacher practices
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