Issue 29 June/July 2008 Volume 3 No. 5 hat was like before the Romans? The site Editorial of , in north central Spain, is providing Editor: Dr Nadia Durrani surprising answers . From the 5th century BC Email: [email protected] W until the arrival of the Romans in the 1st century BC, Tel: 020 8819 5583 Pintia was occupied by the Vaccaei, an Iron Age people Publisher: Robert Selkirk Art editor: Mark Edwards with Celtic links. Alas, the Vaccaei left no written his­ Sub editor: Caitlin McCall tory and, with the passage of time, their memory fell Current World Archaeology into legend and obscurity. However, current excavations The Barley Mow Centre, 10, Barley Mow at pre-Roman Pintia are revealing a sophisticated city, Passage, London, W4 4PH Tel: 020 8819 5580 replete with gridded streets, an artisans' quarter, and an Fax: 020 8819 5589 unexpectedly rich cemetery. Web: www.archaeology.co.uk Thereafter, we cross the globe to Okinawa. The island lies just 300 Editor in chief: Andrew Selkirk, miles south of]apan and 400 miles from China. It is, therefore, in a 9 Nassington Road, London NW3 2TX. classic crossroads situation. How far did it show influence from Japan, Tel : 020 8819 5584. and how far was it swayed by China? A recent conference provided the Email : [email protected] opportunity to see the hidden treasures of Okinawa, and those of its Current World Archaeology is published 6 fellow sub-tropical Ryukyu islands. times a year by Current Publishing Ltd Moving further south, we reveal yet more concealed gems. While the Printed by St Ives, Tel + 44 (0) 1752 345 411 great rock art of Europe and Afr ica is justly famed, Southeast Asia has Advertising almost as much rock art as is known from Europe and Africa combined. Advertising manager: Libby Selkirk Here we take a look at the intriguing rock art from China, Malaysia, libby@archaeo logy.co.uk 020 8819 5582 Myanmar, Indonesia and Australia. Subscriptions Back in Europe, the next major exhibition at the British Museum will UK & Rest of World be devoted to the emperor Hadrian. His reign marked a turning-point in 1 year subscription is £20 (UK) or £25 (Rest of Roman history. Though brilliant and visionary, he died embittered by World) for 6 issues. Single issues £4 each (Rest of World £5) failure. Why? Here, as an adjunct to the new exhibition, Neil Faulkner Subscriptions should be sent to: tells of the life and times of Hadrian. Current World Archaeology finally, there are all the usuals: World News, Diary, Listings, a postcard The Barley Mow Centre, 10, Barley Mow Passage, from Richard Hodges, and a column from the inexhaustible Brian ragan London, W4 4PH Tel: 08456 447707 whose latest book, The Great Warrning: The Rise and Fall of Civilizations, Fax: 020 8819 5580 has been climbing the heights of the US bestselling book li st. The Subs queries: [email protected] magazine ends in paradise with a backpage visit to the balmy Pacific Web subs: www.archaeology.co.uk island of Palau. USA & Canada Current World Archaeology (ISSN 17455820) April/May 2008 is published bi-monthly by Current Publishing, Barley Mow Centre, 10 Barley Mow Passage, London W4 4PH, UK. Distributed in Good reading! the US by Evergreen Marketing, 300 East Main St., Suite B, Walhalla, SC 29691 -2024. Periodicals Postage paid in Walhalla, SC and additional Nadia Durrani mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to rnRRENT WORLD ARCHAEOLOGY, PO Box 457, Mt. Morris, IL 61054-0457. Send US and Canada subscription enquiries to [email protected] (+1) 888 321 6378


29 El Contents

Features II] Kingdom of the Coral Seas: new discoveries from Okinawa and the Ryukyu Archipelago JAPAN Latest finds from the Ryukyu islands, including a series of royal burials. mPintia: fortunes of a pre-Roman city in SPAIN Once a thriving Iron Age settlement, the city and its necropolis is now offering a wealth of evidence about the elusive Vaccaei people.

Em Hadrian: empire and conflict ROME Though a brilliant emperor, Hadrian died disillusioned, embittered and a recluse. Here Neil Faulkner presents a portrait of Hadrian from his new book Rome: empire ofthe eagles. Im Illustrating the past: the rock art of Southeast Asia SOUTHEAST ASIA The gamut of rock art from Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma) and China is explored as part of a new initiative to investigate this rich store of material. Regulars II World News Whaling in Arctic prehistory; Aztec skulls; oldest human DNA found in fossil faeces; America's oldest jewellery; Roc-aux-Sorciers Museum unveiled; Mayan blue - a sacrificial pigment; interpreting Aztec symbols; assessing the damage from looting in Iraq; academics deployed as peacemakers in Iraq; Trajan's column in technicolour. Letter from America Brian Fagan's latest column reporting on all things archaeological. Diary Nadia Durrani tours the Southeastern corner of Turkey and visits the site of Gobekli Tepe, an 11,000 year old site that is so incredible it is changing our view of human history. mPostcard Richard Hodges writes from Kerkyra, Corfu. cm Listings A round up of archaeological exhibitions and events from around the world. mReaders Write Nelson's dockyard; in the footsteps of Lawrence; ivory coast to coast; Saudi revisited; more magic to Mycenae. ma On site insights Scott M Fitzpatrick takes us to one of the oldest-known cemeteries from the Pacific, at Pa,Jau, Micronesia. __j


Fortunes of a pre-Roman city in Hispania

Pintia was a thriving Iron Age city in North Central Spain. At its dawn, around the 5th century BC, it was part of the Vaccean culture, an Iron Age people Below Necropolis of with Celtic links whom scholars believe crossed into Spain from Central Las Ruedas at Pintia. Europe. In the 3rd century BC, the area came under attack from , The field of tombstones is made up of unworked and within 200 years it had beeen absorbed into Roman Iberia. Pintia's vast limestone blocks hewn necropolis is proving a rich source of information about this relatively little from the nearby quarry. The stones are of various known Vaccean culture. Here, excavation directors Carlos Sanz Minguez sizes, and up to a and Fernando Romero Carnicero, reveal the site's latest finds. maximum height of rm. Spain ■

Left & below A photographic aerial view and geological survey map of the area showing the positions of the main sites.

Pintia is a vast and rich site. In addition to ,..,.. its large necropolis, it has a cremation area or ustrinum, a village, an artisan quarter, and a possible sanctuary, so far only identified by aerial photographs. Such is Pintia's glut of archaeology that the 125 hectare site was declared a National Cultural Asset in 1993. .,. Who lived in this massive site? The answer is ,,. the Vaccaei, a people whose existence is hardly remembered in history. Though they lacked a written language, they organised their walled cities in grids and had complex beliefs in the afterlife. Moreover, judging by the affluence of the funerary objects we have found in the ,..,.. necropolis at Pintia, the Vaccaei were no 'primi­ tive tribe'. Indeed, the Classical author Diodorus Siculus described the Vaccaei as the most cultured people among all their neighbours. But how cultured? What do Pintia's numerous modern name of Los Cenizales - a version of burials tell us about its erstwhile dwellers? the Spanish word for 'ashes'. From there, the cremated remains of the deceased were taken in Digging the dead at Pintia an urn to a grave in Las Ruedas necropolis, which Modern research at Pintia began in 1979 under was founded around the end of the 5th century the auspices of the University of . But BC and remained in use for the next 500 years. it was six years ago, after a pause of two decades, The name Las Ruedas (The Wheels') is thought that we resumed our excavations on the Vaccean to derive from the large circular stones which necropolis at Pintia. In our first season, we marked some of the graves in Roman times. uncovered 70 cremation tombs. Since then, We reckon between 20 and 30 generations of the excavation has continued uninterrupted, Vacceans and Romans were buried here, so with and by the end of the 2007 campaign we had an estimated population of between 5,000 and completed the excavation of grave N° 147. 7,000 inhabitants at the city's peak, we calculate The Vaccaei cremated their dead, but the there should be a total of between 60,000 and cremation was carried out in a different area to 100,000 burials awaiting us. the deposition of the ashes. The actual crema­ The Vaccaei's belief in the afterlife often tion was performed in an area known by the meant they took status symbols with them, 0

29 Above Grave N ° 135, a indicative of sex, age and social position, in years, the majority of graves belonged to male 1st century BC cremation addition to provisions for their journey to the warriors. But last year we found only three at Las Ruedas, with eight bearing weaponry that suggest military status crude containers, a bottle great beyond. Although highly symbolic in and three bowls in situ. nature, the artefacts offer enormous potential -such as grave N° 133 (dating to the 4th century for social reconstruction. The wide array of grave BC), which contained iron weaponry, including goods and offerings reflect the complexity of a a dagger and sheath, the clasp for fastening the Below Recreation of an hierarchical society ruled by a small military weapon onto the waist, and fragments of a caetra elite wanior at Pintia, based on elements elite - whose necropolis is the subject of our -a round, concave shield. Instead, the remaining recovered fwm 2nd current work. tombs belonged to women and children linked century BC graves. / In the summer of 2007, we to the warrior elite. The discovery tells us that hosted three 30-day fieldschool this area of the necropolis not only contained sessions, covering theory and soldiers but their families as well. practice, thanks to an agreement between US non-profit outfit ArchaeoSpain and the Federico Wattenberg Centre for Vaccean Studies at the University of Vall­ adolid. Our crew of Spanish archaeologists and students hailing from across the world, including the UK, Brussels, Canada and the US, uncov­ ered 25 cremation graves that yielded more than 300 pottery, metal, glass and bone artefacts in situ. Though we are still analysing last summer's remains and artefacts, we already know that the 2007 season was special. In previous


The Roman Empire ......

2nd Punic War Roman conquest of Gaul 3rd Punic War (58-Sl BC) (149-146 BC) Arrival of Scipio . in Spain ' Arrival of the (218 BC) visigoths to the Roman conquest End of the Constantine of Cantabrian Wars Edict of Milan (5th centuary AD) Construction of the Coliseum (133 BC) (19 BC) (AD313) • (AD70-80)

200 BC 100 BC AD 100 AD 200 AD 300 AD400 AD 500

- Time of the Vaccaei in Pintia Romanisation of Vaccean cities such as Pintia The visigoths settle in Hispania

One of the most interesting finds was a twin The adult woman was buried with 21 arte­ grave belonging to an adult woman and a young facts, including a complete pottery drinking girl. A study of the girl's teeth indicates that cup collection, probably for wine, comprising she died no later than her eighth birthday. two jugs, a carafe and a goblet. We also found Bone analysis confirmed our suspicion that other pieces of pottery painted with character­ they were female - an idea already suggested istic Vaccean geometric motifs. Other items of by the ceramic counterweight of a spind le and a interest included small, roundish pottery vessels bronze sewing needle found buried with them. used to store oil, rectangular boxes with four legs Traditionally, archaeologists have found links and a handle that were probably salt containers, between pre-Roman women of all ages and and a small, unrefined and poorly-fired darkish sewing needles. vessel filled with cremated bone that had served as a funerary urn. Some artefacts, such as a miniature grill and tongs made of iron, had no practical use but might have symbolised the funeral feast. Perhaps this explains the abun­ dant remains of rabbit and spring lamb, which Far left Excavation work were found in both graves. on Grave N" 128. This The child's tomb yielded even more, and we is a tomb of a woman extracted 67 artefacts. A third of the finds were with a la1ge cache of different kinds of containers: some for drinking pottery bearing Iberian artistic influences. and others for pouring oils, and holding dairy products and syrups. All were made of fine, Left Excavation ofGrave orange-coloured painted pottery. As in the N° r43b during the 2007 other tomb, we found unrefined, dark pieces campaign. This one held of pottery including a funerary urn as well as a varied collection of striking hand-made, oval-shaped, comb-deco­ pottery vases, including several bottles which rated dishes. We also found a range of items that could have contained were probably children's toys, including 23 clay oils. Artefacts in situ. and stone balls that may have been used for a game of marbles, and two baby rattles. We 0

29 also found two small ceramic horns, miniature musical instruments of the type that are well­ documented from the digs at the Celtiberian site ofNumantia in Soria to the east. These artefacts were local imitations of the Euro-Celtic Iron Age bronze trumpets known as earn ix . We surmised the child 's family was wealthy due to the number of precious metal artefacts. Her jewellery included a small bronze bracelet, left Artefacts from Grave N ° I 27: tile twin tomb from 2nd century a bronze necklace with six pendants, three BC containing tile bodies ofan adult wo111a11 and a young girl. faience beads, one amber bead, and six clasps. Top Artefacts taken fiwn Grave N ° 127a, belonging to the adult female. Of the latter, five were bronze, o ne iron and one Above Artefacts taken fi-0111 Grave N° 127b, belonging to the young girl. of these had a wolf's head with faience inserted into the eyes. This child was also buried with a made a fresh attack on the Vaccaei, assaulted tiny iron grill and tongs, symbolic of the funeral and took Hermandica [] at the first feast. In this aspect, we also found the remains onset, but Arbacala being a very large city with of meat offerings, and th e goose egg painted a numerous and brave population, he had to in wine-coloured tones might be considered Below Map of the lay siege to it and only took it by assault after a food offering although it may relate to the Vaccean Region. much pains.' idea of rebirth. Both sets of grave goods, and in particular the yo ung girl's, indica te inherited riches. Their chronology appears to take us to the end of the 2nd or 1st century BC. What surprised us, in comparison to other contemporary finds from neighbouring cultures, is how much wealthier o ur graves appear to be. In other graveyards, most tombs reveal only the bones of the deceased. Yet these so-called 'poor graves' appear to be rare in Pintia. Fleshing out the bones of the Vaccaei Pintia was one of approximately 30 Vaccean settlements mentioned by the Classical authors. The earliest historical reference to the tribe comes from Polybius, who recounts Hannibal's mighty campaigns in 220 BC against two Vaccean cities nea rby. He writes: 'Next summer he [Hannibal] m 29 1 and 2: three-pronged pitchforks 3 and 4: hoes 5: pick Spain ■ 6: ploughshare 7: clamp for ploughsare 8: spurring tool 9: shovel used to clean the ploughshare

Above & left Cache of fa rming tools \ \ in a Vaccean home, dated to rst century \ \ \ \ - the archaeologica l drawing shows \ \ placement and narneofeach find.

Arch aeology is dem onstrat ing that Pin tia and In his Geography, Ptolem y describes Pintia's its Vaccean presence may stretch as far back as settlement as a mansio or an o ffi cial stop on the the end of the 5th or early 4th centuries BC - and route linking Caesaraugusta (modern Za ragoza) recent research even suggests they were direct and Augusta Asturica (Astorga in Leon ) on the descendants o f a first Iron Age people who date Antonine Itinerary. to the 9th century BC. They occupied an area Our excavations at Las Quintanas show the of some 50,000km2 in the middle Duero valley, town enjoyed a long life, altho ugh the land also known as the Vaccean Region. was put to va ri ous uses over the centuries. For It seems that the large towns, such as Pintia, example, during its final period - fro m the 0 were veritable city-states, occupying the prime fertile valleys of the Duero Ri ver an d its tribu­ tari es, covering an area of up to 15 and 20 h ect­ ares and providing h om es for several thousa nd DEATH IN ROMAN TIMES AND AFTER people. The Vaccean eco no my relied mainly We do not know much about the funerary rituals following the Roman on wheat agri culture as well as ra ising cattle conquest of Pintia. In the necropolis of Las Ruedas we have uncovered and goats. Hunting deer, rabbit and hare was around six burials from the early Empire that maintained the cremation another activity - as confirmed in our excava­ ritual and included funerary objects such as terra sigil/ata and glass cups. tions at Pintia. (Rather interestingly, the autho r In one case, the ash urn, the burial objects and the offerings were placed Appian , w riting in 151 BC, even refers to the into a wooden box shut with nails. illnesses the Romans suffered, from eating local Yet we do not have any information related to death at Pintia as of game meat during their siege of t he Vaccean city the 2nd century AD. It is possible that the Romans continued the custom of Intercatia.) Th e Vaccaei were also artisans, of burials in Las Ruedas, although to date we have not found any dated later than the 1st century AD. It is also possible that the Romans built practising a skill which thrived with the arrival other cemeteries: we found part of a 4th century AD cemetery in part of the potter's wheel and the widespread use of of the Las Quintanas settlement. The new funerary ritual was burial. iron, giving rise to pottery production as well The bodies, heads pointing west and feet pointing east, were placed as weapo ns and silverwork. in a trench in the ground and surrounded by stones to form a type of The urban settlement The urban coffin. These stones were taken from the wall foundations of houses settlement of Las Quintanas that were torn down during the To lea rn more about these people, our second Roman era to make room for the area of foc us has been on Pintia's urban centre, cemetery. Funerary objects were which is today known as Las Quintanas. This scarce, amounting to a few belt buckles pa rt occupies about one third of the total site. or bronze rings which could indicate a It has an almost semicircular layout covering certain level of poverty. The buckles, around 25 hectares and was once enclosed by a however, were beautifully decorated. double-fenced adobe wa ll separated by a m oat .

29 m Far left Monte Bernorio type dagger, decorated with silver and copper damascene. Left Hoard of iewels and denarii unearthed at Pintia.

4th to 7th centuries AD - part of the area was and we have identified kitchens, food stores, turned into a cemetery by the late-Romans and living rooms, areas for weaving, dining rooms, Visigoths. There, we unearthed around 100 and so on. Below the floors, we also uncovered graves, occasionally marked by stones. the remains of rooms used to store farm tools, Digging beneath these levels, we found an seeds and wool. In these areas we also found early Imperial Roman layer with quadrangular child burials with animal offerings. Infants houses with stone foundations, adobe walls and younger than two years of age appear to have internal divisions. The houses were grouped into been excluded from Pintia's necropolis. blocks and, as aerial photography has revealed, In addition, aerial photography has revealed were ordered following a typical Roman primary what could be a sanctuary between the village and secondary road grid. This layout is fairly and the necropolis: a 360m2 area plus another consistent with the earlier Vaccean urban grid small quadrangular enclosure with an apse because the Roman invasion did not disturb on one side. The layout, and the fact that the indigenous life to a great degree. The only signif­ perimeter seems to be marked by a ditch and icant difference we have noticed was that the not by any structure, resembles sanctuaries in Romans used rock foundations for structures. other European Iron Age settlements. Under this level, we uncovered two earlier On the opposite side of the Duero River lies

0 5 cm. periods - the first dating from the second half the artisan area now called Carralaceii.a. This --===--~~- of the 1st century BC and the second from district was linked to the rest of the site by a the Sertorian period around 75 BC, a time of natural ford in the river. Our excavations of the intense warfare between the armies of Roman military upstart Sertorius and dictator Sulla, which ended after the former was assassinated Below Detail of the Sertorian dwellings, rst in 72 BC. Here we have found quadrangular century BC, at the village of Las Quintanas. Right Furnace N° 2 in the artisan houses ranging between 30m2 and 100m2 , with area ofCarralacena. between three and seven rooms apiece. These pre-Roman levels from the 1st century BC abound in archaeological information. It appears there were several violent episodes, as invaders or disaster forced inhabitants to abandon their belongings in homes that soon collapsed. Recent excavations have even uncov­ ered some homes with their contents intact. Almost frozen in time, these discoveries have provided archaeologists with a true snapshot into the daily lives of these people. Research in the larger houses has helped us to identify the various functions of the rooms m 29 Spain ■

potters' workshops have revealed areas where refuse from baking was deposited, and three furnaces, prominent among which is Furnace N' 2 (see photo below). This is a circular twin­ chamber vertical draft furnace, measuring 4.Sm in diameter, and a strikingpraefurnium or furnace room, which is where vessels and other pottery were baked between the 2nd century BC and the beginning of the 1st century AD. The riches of Pintia Almost three decades have passed since we began our work at Pintia, and each year the digs reward us with yet more new informa­ tion to plug into the Vaccaei's life story. Based on the latest results, it is clear that Pintia was Right Visigoth tomb of a rich society, where even young girls could two children, dated to the achieve a high status thanks to their parents' 7th century AD; artist's reaeation shown above wealth. This wealth makes it unsurprising that the locals erected a double city wall to protect their goodies. Yet, enemy raids forced families to abandon their homes, which explains why we find entire households frozen in time. Following Romanisation, it appears that not much really changed for the Vaccaei -although our information from this time period pales in comparison to the pre-Roman database. We know almost nothing of the city as of the 3rd century AD, and the only signs of its existence are Christian tombs in the necropolis from the 4th century AD. Yet, these burials yielded no evidence as to where and how these early Christians lived. It seems the city was all but abandoned sometime between the 4th and 7th centuries AD.

The future discovery of Roman and Visigoth burials will no doubt fill this gap. In any event, we hope that our excavations afford Pintia the place in history it deserves. As archaeologists, we must not forget that we are the caretakers of one of Spain's most cultured people. 11,1

Source: carlos Sanz, a professor of Archaeology at the University of Valladolid, has excavated at Pintia for more than 25 years and is the founder of the Federico Wattenberg Center for Vaccean Studies. Fernando Romero is a professor of Prehistory at the University of Valladolid, who foccuses on Iron Age cultures in Spain. The Editor would also like to thank Mike Elkin, the director of ArchaeoSpain, and Ana Isabel Garrido, one of the archaeologists at Pintia, for their kind input on this article.

29 m