White House Special Files Box 45 Folder 23
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Richard Nixon Presidential Library White House Special Files Collection Folder List Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 45 23 n.d. Other Document Itinerary of Vice President Richard Nixon - Sept. 25 - Oct. 1, 1960. 36 pages. Wednesday, May 23, 2007 Page 1 of 1 Third Campaign Week ITIl'\ER.. VICE PRESIDE},; ~~ _-i..ICHARD I\IXC:, September 25 thro .:gr. October 1, 19bO Sun<;lay, September 25 Convair Aircraft ,8:00 PM EDT Depart Washington National Airport enroute (600 mi. - 3 :20) to Chicago, illinois 10:20 PM CDT Arrive Chicago Midway Airport AM: Ned Sullivan Population of Chicago is 4, 000, 000 u. S. Senator for illinois is Everett M. Dirksen Candidate for Senate is Samuel W. Witwer Governor of illinois is William G. Stratton Congressmen for Chicago are: Edward J. Derwinski, (4th District) Harold R. Collier, (10th District) Marguerite Stitt Church, (13th District) Elmer J. Hoffman, (14th District) Candidates for Congress are: Genoa S. Washington, (1st District) Bernard E. Epton, (2nd District) Emmet F. Byrne, (3rd District) Edward J. Tomek, (5th District) Frank Estes, (6th District) Lawrence J. Blasi, (7th Dis t r i c -J Henry Kliner, Jr., (8th District) Chester Exnanuelson, (9th District) Timothy P. Sheehan, (lith Dis tri.ct - former Congressman) Theodore P. Fields, uzu, District) Timothy Sheehan is in charge of arrangem.ents Reception Cornrnittee: Governor William. G. Stratton Sam.uel W. Witwer, Candidate for U. S. Senate Senator Everett Dirksen Congressm.an Edward J. Derwinski, (4th District) Jam.es S. Kernper , National Cornm.itteem.an Sunday, September 25 (continued) Reception Committee (continued) Mrs. C. Wayland Brooks, National Comrrritteewornan Frank Connell, Chairman, Cook County William Fettridge, Chairman, Nixon- Lodge Volunteers Mrs. Ann Miller, Co-Chairman. Cook County Oeorge F. Car penete r , SQCi·QI.~ry Qf State and other party leaders 10:40 PM Depart airport enroute to hoteI 11:20 PM ARRIVE PICK-CONGRESS HOTEL AND REMAIN OVERNIGHT Press Room located on First Floor Monday, September 26 10:30 AM Depart hotel enroute to Hotel Morrison . (8 bIks. - :25) 10:55 AM ARRIVE GRAND BALLROOM (TERRACE CASINO) HOTEL MORRISON Escort Committee: Jack Stevenson, 1st Vice President Dick Livingston, Secretary-Treasurer Leon Green, Member of Executive Committee Raleigh Rajoppi., Member of Executive Committee Program: Vice President and Mrs. Nixon introduced by Maurice Hutcheson, President of Union 11:00 to 11:30 AM ADDRESS BY THE VICE PRESIDENT TO THE UNITED BROTHERHOOD OF CARPENTERS AND JOINERS OF AMERICA Newsreel coverage for television Greets platform guests following address 11:45 AM Depart Hotel Morrison enroute to Pick-Congress Hotel 12:00 Noon ARRIVE PICK- CONGRESS HOTEL IN HOTEL - STAFF WORK IN EXCESS OF 7 HOURS 7:1; PM Depart hotel for TV Studio 7:25 PM Arrive rear entrance to WBBM-TV, CBS-TV Studio, 630 North McClurg Street 7:30 PM Photography Session 7:45 PM Telecast preparation, etc. 8:30 to NATIONAL TELEVISION DEBATE ..------ 9:30 PM To be carried as a public service by CBS, NBC and ABC networks comprising approximately 500 television stations and 2, 000 radio stations. (Program Advance - Bruce Allen) 9:45 PM Depart TV studio enroute to hotel 10:00 PM ARRIVE PICK-CONGRESS HOTEL AND REMAIN OVERNIGHT Tuesday, September 27 (continued) 7:30 AM Baggage outside of doors 8:30 AM Depart hotel enroute to airport 9:00 AM Arrive Midway Airport 9:10 AM eDT Depart Chicago enroute to Memphtl, Tenn.,le. ("'1 mi.. If; a 140) Breakfast on plane 10:50 AM CST Arrive Memphis, Tennessee, (Shelby County) AM: John Whitaker Municipal Airport page 4 Tuesday, September 27 (continued) 9:10 AM CDT Depart Chicago enroute to Memphis, Tennessee (481 mi. - 2:40) Breakfast on plane 10:50 AM CST Arrive Mernphia, Tennessee, (Shelby County) Municipal Airport AM: John vv'hitaker Population of Memphis is 505,000 Milsaps Fitzhugh is in charge of arrangements Flowers for Mrs. Nixon presented by Mrs. Troy Gatlin Reception Committee: Memphis Mayor Henry Loeb (Democrat) Congressman Carroll B. Reece Milsaps Fitzhugh, Shelby County Chairman and Chairman for the Day Martin Condon III, State Coordinator, Nixon-Lodge Volunteers Lieutenant George vii. Lee, Negro Beale Street Leader Joseph R. Hyde, Jr., Finance Chairman, Shelby . County Todd Meacham, Campaign Manager for Tennessee The Reverend Ben Hooks, Shelby County Co-Chairman Mrs. d. K. Moody, Shelby County Co-Chairman Mrs. Troy Gatlin, Shelby County Chairman, Nixon-Lodge Volunteers Other Groups at airport: (Arkansas Group) Henry Britt, Candidate for Governor wallace Townsend, National Committeeman ~{inthrop Rockefeller Allen C. Thompson is Motorcade Chairman 11:10 AM Depart airport enroute to Riverfront via Beale Street (Negro District) (10 mi. - :45) Possible stop-by: Beale Street (Statue of ~{. C. Handy) (About 5 min.) 11:55 AM ARRIVE RIVER FRONT Page 5 Tuesday, September 27 (continued) Platform Committee: The Reverend A. E. Campbell, Negro Baptist Leader The Reverend S. A. Owen, Negro Baptist Leader Dr. Jeff Cunningham, Methodist Leader Mrs. Irene Baker, National Committeewoman Mrs. Leslie Fortune, Co-Chairman, Nixon-Lodge Volunteers, Shelby County and Members of Airport Reception Committee Band: Bluff City Concert Band (Louis -v1erne, Director) Program: Master of Ceremonies is Milsaps Fitzhugh Invocation by Rabbi Izadore Goodman Congressman Carroll Reece introduces Mrs. Nixon and the Vice President 12:00 PM to ADDRESS BY THE VICE PRESIDENT 12:30 PM Rally to be telecast as a public service by .{MCT , Memphis, Tennessee. Other stations carrying are vfDXI, Jackson, Tennessee; WT WV, Tupelo, Mississippi; plus approximately 7 radio stations. (Program Advance: Al Wallace) Greets platform guests 12:50 PM Depart Riverfront by auto for vi/est Memphis, Arkansas (14 mi. - :40) Lunch in car 1:30 ARRIVE yO/EST MEMPHIS, ARKANSAS, HOSPITAL BASEBALL FIELD Population of vlest Memphis is 20,000 Platform Committee: West Memphis Mayor H. B. Price (Democrat) Mrs. A. C. Remmel, National Committeewoman B. J. Dickey, Jr., Crittenden County Committeeman Jack Wo Rich, West Memphis Civic Leader Fratt Remmel, son of National Committeewcman and former Republican Mayor of Little Rock Fred Venner, Campaign Manager, Nixon-Lodge in Arkansas Bob Runner, President, Arkansas Young Republicans Band: vlest Memphis High School (Phil Vance, Director) Page 6 Tuesday, September 27 (continued) Program: Master of Ceremonies is Ralph Sloan, Crittenden County Chairman Invocation by the Reverend Fred W. Kneippe, Episcopalian National Anthem by vlest Memphis High School Band vVinthrop Rockefeller introduces Mrs. Nixon and the Vice President 1:40 to ADDRESS BY THE VICE PRESIDENT 2:10 PM Newsreel coverage for Little Rock. 2:20 PM Depart vlest Memphis, Arkansas, enroute to airport (18 mi. - :45) 3:05 PM Arrive airport Memphis, Tennessee 3:20 PM CST Depart Memphis enroute to Charleston, West Virginia (520 mi. - 2:40) Dinner on the plane 7:00 PM EST Arrive Charleston, West Virginia AM: Stan Lothridge Page 7 Tuesday, September 27 (continued) Platform Committee: Charles J. Whiston, Candidate for Congress (2nd District) James K. Knowles, Jr., Candidate for Congress (3rd District) Clyde B. Pinson, Candidate for Congreess (4th District) L. M. LaFollette, Candidate for Congress (5th District) George W. King, Candidate for Congress (6th District) Mrs. E. K. Stevens, Associate State Chairman Donald K. Beane, President, West Virginia Young Republican Clubs D. Boone Dawson, General Committee Chairman E. Franklin Pauley, Candidate for State Supreme Court Dayton Stemple, Candidate for State Supreme Court and Members of the Airport Reception Committee Program: Master of Ceremonies is Dan Louchery Invocation by Bishop W. C. Campbell (Episcopal) Vice President introduced by Governor Underwood 8:00 to ADDRESS BY THE VICE PRESIDENT 8:30 PM Statewide public service television originated by WSA Z. TV Other stations carrying WHTN-TV, Huntington; WOAY-TV, Oak Hill; WHIS- TV, Bluefield; WBOY- TV, Clarksburg; WTAP-TV, Parkersburg, West Virginia - Marietta, Ohio; WTRF-TV, Wheeling. (Program Advance: AI Wallace) Greets platform guests following address 8:40 PM Depart Civic Center enroute to airport 9:00 PM Arrive Airport 9:10 PM EST Depart Charleston enroute to New York City (480 mi. - 2:45) 12:55 AM EDT Arrive New York City ,La Gua.rdia Airport AM: Tom Pownall (Wednesday) Bob Krill Page 8 Tuesday, September 2.7 (Continued) 3:2.0 PM CST Depart Memphis enroute to Charleston, (52.0 mi. - 2. :40) West Virginia Dinner on plane STAFF WORK ABOARD PLANE 7:00 PM EST Arrive Charleston, West Virginia, AM: Stan Lothridge Kanawha County Airport Population of Charleston is 100,000 Candidate for U. S. Senate is incumbent Governor Cecil Underwood Candidate for Congress is George W. King Governor is Cecil Underwood Candidate for Governor is Harold E. Neely D. Boone Dawson is in charge of arrangements Flowers for Mrs. Nixon presented by Mrs. Cecil Underwood Bands at Airport: Charleston High School Band Reception Committee: Governor and Mrs. Cecil Underwood Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Neely, Candidate for Governor Walter S. Hallanan, National Committeeman Mrs. Perle To Harman, National Committeewoman Congressman Arch A. Moore, Jr,.; (lst District) Daniel L. Louchery, Chairman, Republican State Executive Committee W. Chapman Revercomb, former U. S. Senator John D. Hoblitzell, r-., former U. S. Senator Mayor and Mrs. John A. Shar.U:.li:l Mrs. Regis Heinzer, President, State Women's Federation and 3 other party workers Motorcade Chairman is Harry L. Paxton 7:2.0 PM Depart Airport enroute to Civic Center (6 mi. - :2.0) (auditorium) 7:40 PM ARRIVE CIVIC CENTER (AUDITORIUM) Virginia and Reynolds Streets Page 9 Wednesday, September 28 9:10 PM EST Depart Charleston enroute to New York (Tuesday) City (480 mi. -2:45) 12:55 AM EDT Arrive LaGuardia Airport, New York AM: Tom~ Pownall Deadhead aircraft to Grumman Field, Bob Krill Bethpage, Long Island for next use on September 29 Population of New York City is 8, 000, 000 U.