INSIDE VOICES OF VICTIMS 8 ELECTORAL REFORM 9 E-HEALTH INITIATIVE 10 RIGHTS, WHAT RIGHTS? 13 ISSUE 6 NOVEMBER–DECEMBER 2009 LIBERTY VICTORIA VICTORIAN COUNCIL FOR CIVIL LIBERTIES INC FEATURE The truth of the refugee crisis NOT Jessie Taylor and WELCOME Larry Stillman on HERE the government’s asylum seeker policy — 4–7 ISSUE 6 NOVEMBER–DECEMBER 2009 CONTENTS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PRESIDENT’S REPORT Advancing Liberty 3 President Brian Walters SC HUMAN RIGHTS Myth and reality 4 Michael Pearce SC Hugh Crosthwaite Vice-Presidents Rachel Ball REFUGEES Playing politics with lives 5–6 Jamie Gardiner Jonathan Wilkinson Anne O’Rourke Judy Magassy REFUGEES The global refugee crisis 7 Georgia King-Siem Di Sisely GLOBAL JUSTICE Voices of victims 8 Spencer Zifcak Marian Steele Treasurer Evelyn Tadros ELECTORAL REFORM Expanding the franchise 9 Tim Warner Larry Stillman Secretary PRIVACY Is e-Health healthy? 10–11 Jessie Taylor OFFICE CRIME POLICY Law-and-order auctions 12 Assistant Secretary Alex Krummel Aggy Kapitaniak VICTORIAN CHARTER Rights, what rights? 13 Immediate Past President GPO Box 3161 Julian Burnside Melbourne VIC 3001 AO QC t 03 9670 6422
[email protected] PRESIDENT’S COLUMN Advancing Liberty 2010 promises to be another big year for Liberty Victoria, writes Michael Pearce SC. his is my fi rst President’s committee has power to appoint an the 2009 Alan Missen Oration, delivered who have assisted it through this year in column in my second term as additional two. by Rev. Tim Costello on the subject a strategic review of the organisation. President. I was re-elected This amendment was introduced of human rights and the churches.