Sociology and Anthropology 2(3): 116-124, 2014 DOI: 10.13189/sa.2014.020307 Assessment of the Extent and Prevalence of Serial Murder through Criminological Theories Kwan Choi1, Ju-Lak Lee2,* 1Department of Police Administration, Hansei University, Gunpo, 604-5, Kyunggido, Korea 2Department of Security Management, Kyonggi University, Suwon, 443-760, Kyunggido, Korea *Corresponding Author:
[email protected] Copyright © 2014 Horizon Research Publishing All rights reserved. Abstract The purpose of this paper is to attempt an expand upon the fundamental classifications of murder. assessment of the extent and prevalence of serial murder The classification scheme adopted by the FBI in America through possible criminological theories. Each of the main when dealing with homicide categorises by type and style: theories is discussed to evaluate whether a successful “A single homicide is one victim, one homicidal event; explanation for serial killing can be provided. For the double homicide is two victims, one event, and in one purpose of this piece of work we have concentrated location; and a triple homicide has three victims in one primarily on America as it has the highest rate of serial location during one event. Anything beyond three victims is killings and hence they have produced most of the research classified as a mass murder - that is, a homicide involving into this subject area. Britain is following America's four or more victims in one location, and within one event example; investigative techniques and the development of a [1].” profiling system. There are four parts for better This paper sets out to examine whether it is possible to understanding and exploration in terms of an assessment of ascertain the true extent and prevalence of serial murder and the serial murder.