DEADLINE FOR ELECTION SIGN UPS IS TODAY AT 3; ALL VOTING NEXT WEEK Today is the last chance for At that time a meeting of all con- prospective AS, AWS, AMS and didates will be held in Bldg. 477, freshman class candidates to sub­ room 110, at which constitution mit their names for the forthcom­ tests and campaign instructions Vol. XXXIV SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1954 ing special election. Sign-up dead­ will be given. All candidates must line is 3 p.m. this afternoon at the be present. cashier’s window of the Graduate Submit Publicity From the President's Desfy... Manager’s office, Bldg. 477, warns Eligibility will be cleared on election committee chairman Pris­ Sept. 30, publicity will be cleared cilla Simms. on Oct. 4, and all publicity ma­ INTERCAMPUS RIVALRY Offices to be filled include AS terial must be submitted for ap­ Our first home game at La Playa Stadium will be with our vice president, AMS president, vice proval on the morning of Oct. 9. traditional rival, Cal Poly. The rivalry that is always built up over president and secretary, AWS sec­ Dates for the election gre this game as, in past years, been released in adolescent and malicious ond vice president and secretary Oct. 7 and 8, with polling destination to the campuses of the respective colleges. The results and all offices of the freshman booths to be established at the of this have been looked upon by the administrative officials of both class. Candidates will receive pe­ Student Union and Las Casitas schools with great misgiving. titions on. signing up, which must dining hall on the Goleta cam­ Therefore* it has been decided that be completed by 2 p.m. on Oet. 1. pus and in the office of the DSE AND SAE LEAD both campuses will be “ off limits” Mesa campus. Hours are from to students of the opposing school 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.' at Goleta and from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. starting the ADAMS DISCUSSES 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the SPRING SEMESTER Monday prior to the game and Mesa. Booths will be manned continuing until the Monday fol­ CHANGING EUROPE by members of Spurs and GRADE AVERAGES lowing the game. Anyone caught Squires. on either campus during these An assembly will be held on the Sorority and fraternity averages times will be taken as evidence of AT LECTURE TODAY evening of Oct. 5 at 7 :30 p.m. at for the spring semester, 1954, have intent to do damage and will re­ which candidates will be intro­ been released by the Offices of by Kelley Cartwright sult in disciplinary action. duced to the students. Dean of Men and Dean of Women. Dr. Henry M. Adams, associate The administration and the As­ The over-all sorority averages are professor of history, will open this Candidate Count sociated Students of Cal Poly have as follows: semester’s All-College Lecture Se­ As of last Friday five candidates stated emphatically that any stu­ had signed up for frosh president, Delta Sigma Epsilon 1 .7 0 9 * ries today at 4 p.m. with his lec­ dent doing such destruction to our ture on the subject “ Observations six for vice president and seven Chi Omega 1.686 campus would oe violating one of for secretary. One student each Delta Gamma 1 .6 3 6 on Changing Europe.” their basic regulations and there­ This series, which is free to stu­ had signed up for AWS second PLAINTIVE LOOK—Among his numerous duties as Residence Pi Beta Phi 1 .5 0 5 fore would automatically be sub­ president, treasurer, AMS Sigma Kappa 1 .4 8 4 * dents and the public, will be pre­ Hall Manager, SBC' graduate Herb Harbeson makes a daily ject to dismissal. The officials and president and AMS vice president. Kappa Alpha Theta 1 .4 2 3 sented in Bldg. 431, room 102. attempt to sort and distribute the piles of letters and packages Associated Students of our college AS vice president had three po­ A lpha Phi 1 .4 0 3 * Twelve lectures are scheduled for addressed to students living at Las Casitas.—-Jim Pitcher photo. feel that it would be only fair to tential candidates. A final list of Alpha Delta Pi 1 .2 9 8 the semester, two of which will be comply with the plans of punish­ candidates will be announced in Over-all sorority avg. 1 .5 2 3 * presented by visiting lecturers. ment outlined by Cal Poly. That Today’s lecture will be accom­ next week’s El Gaucho. *Not a final average, several any SBC student found in an Harbeson Stresses Importance panied by colored slides taken by Preferential Vote units incomplete. attempted or actual act of destruc­ Dr. Adams while on sabbatical The election will be conducted tion of any sort on the Cal Poly The over-all fraternity averages leave during the past year. This according to the Hare System, a campus will be dealt with by our Of Residence Halls for SBC are as follows: was his third visit to Europe; he method of polling which eliminates college officials with penalties not Sigma Alpha Epsilon 1.567 made his first in 1931 and the sec­ the necessity for run-offs. Voters by Theo Knaphurst are striving to make this new ex­ to exclude dismissal. Delta Sigma Phi 1.546 ond as an Army officer during not only cast their ballots for the perience a happy and enjoyable If damage to either campus con­ Las Casitas Residence Halls are Delta Tau Delta 1.544 World War II. Thus he is well candidate of their preference but one for the students, and it will tinues, athletic relations between singularly blessed with an efficient Lambda Chi Alpha 1.527 qualified to speak, both from the also indicate the order of their be the degree of pioneer spirit the two schools will undoubtedly yet understanding manager in the Sigma Tau Gamma 1.476 point of view of a tourist and of a choice for other candidates for the which they demonstrate in their be broken off. This would result person of Herb Harbeson. His po­ Sigma Phi Epsilon 1.384 scholar. The main purpose of his same office. In this way, if a run­ attitude towards this system which in great financial loss to the AS, sition is concerned with the physi­ Kappa Sigma 1.267 visit was to conduct research in off develope, the second choices will either make it or break it. as well as cutting off long-standing cal operation of the facilities for Sigma Pi 1.197 the libraries of and Italy of studehts who voted for elim­ Self-Sustaining and keen rivalry between the two the 15 residence halls. But his job Over-all fraternity av. 1.447 but this aim did not preclude ex­ inated candidates are used to make colleges in all sports. is not entirely cut and dried, nor Any residence hall operation Men’s average 1.537 tensive sightseeing in Scandinavia, the final choice. We hope that you will think on does he accept it as such. must sustain itself entirely if it is Western Europe, Great Britain and This system was used for the this subject because it is not one In fact, his pronounced interest to continue to prosper, which North Africa. first time in the spring general to be taken lightly. We hope you in the smooth sailing of the resi- means that salaries, food and Progressive Modernization elections and is reported by the Band Needs Members; will see* it as it is intended and dence halls was spotlighted just maintenance must all come out of “ The most obvious contrast be­ election committee to have greatly try not to have it serve as a chal recently when the water pipes the students’ room-and-board fee. tween the Europe of today and the simplified the election procedure. broke in Oak Hall. Water, water One day, if the residence halls are Brendle Tells Plans lenge to beat the ruling. Any tstu Europe of 1931 is, broadly speak­ everywhere, and where was Mr. the success that they are expected The Gaucho Band hits the half­ dent who has real reason to be on ing, progressive modernization,” Harbeson? As you would expect, to be, SBC will have more living time turf in its official 1954 debut the opposing campus during the stated Dr. Adams. His lecture will he was there with pantslegs rolled accommodations on campus than at the Cal Poly Mustang game the week before the game should clear stress the social and cultural Active Speech Dept. up, diligently heading the “ mop- any of the other six schools in the night of Oct. 8. However, accord­ his plans with the College author! changes which have taken place up” operation and restoring calm. University of California chain. ing to Student Director Hal Bren­ ties. ' since his student days in Berlin. Plans Four Big Plays The planned activities for this SBC Alumnus The outstanding contribution of dle, the band is a little short of These changes, which are gradual If you want to be a star of first home game will be announced A native Californian, Mr. Har­ the system Harbeson sums up in personnel. in normal times, have been greatly stage, screen and radio, this is the in a later issue of El Gaucho, but beson graduated from SBC in 1948 these words: “ Residence halls are “Many of the students be­ accelerated by the most destruc­ year to do it. At a meeting in the please hear in mind and heed this after he completed a tour of duty very important part of a stu lieve they have to be music tive war in Europe’s history, and Little Theater last Wednesday Dr. warning. It is to your advantage. with the Army Air Corps. He was dent’s formal education because he majors to be in the band,” many students will be interested in Theodore Hatleii, associate profes­ George AUen, employed by the Pepsi-Cola Bot­ learns to live with people.” stated Brendle, “and they an acute observer’s interpretation sor’ of speech, and Dr. Edwin AS President tling Company as office manager couldn’t be further from the of them. Schoell, instructor of speech, out­ before he accepted this new posi­ truth.” Next Wednesday’s lecture will lined the program for this year’s tion with the College. He and his Make Appointments The band stands today as 35 Motorcycles Must be presented by Mortimer Aridron, extra-curricular speech events. wife, the former Alice R. Olsen, associate professor of economics, Soon for ‘La Cumbre’ members. As more schedules are Heed Auto Controls Stage-wise, four major stage are enamored with the Santa Bar­ on the subject, “ What Chester productions are on schedule this adjusted, more students are ex­ bara area and, as Mr. Harbeson Zane Studio of Photography “ For the protection of pedes­ Makes Makes Chester.” year, beginning with “ Riders of stressed, its proximity to the ocean trians campus motorcyclists are will handle portrait photography pected to sign up. the Sea” and followed by “ The urged to use the same roads as makes his hobby of spear fishing again for La Cum bre, according Highlight of the 1954 sea­ Crucible,” “ Mr. Roberts,” which autos,” Police Capt. Floyd Bernard easy to pursue. to Lois Jaral, yearbook editor. son is the planned trip to the Frosh Queen Told at will have 22 male parts and one The residence hall system at Consistently working to produce stated last week. female role, and either a Shake­ SBC is a proving ground, with all Berkeley campus of the Uni­ Students have been misusing the Tomorrow’s Tribunal the best effects for the book, spearean play o r , T. S. Eliot s versity for the famed All-Cal library path and walks for cycle the other colleges in thè University Zane’s urges all students who are Traditional culmination of the Murder in the Cathedral,” which chain watching with interest to see celebration Oct. 30. This is a shortcuts. Although bicycles are to be pictured in campus organi­ freshman indoctrination program would be staged in a church. the extent of its success. If it permissible on campus walks, mo­ zations with individual photo­ three-day activity with ex­ is a Mud Brawl between members However, if you suffer from stage proves satisfactory, it is likely torcycles are not and fall in the graphs to make their appoint­ penses paid. of the frosh and sophomore classes fright but still believe that there that residence halls in great num­ same category as autos concerning ments early. Appointments may and a Tribunal, this year to be ‘no business like show busi­ bers will be instituted at other col­ The band is presently rehears­ driving and parking regulations. be made beginning Monday, Oct. held on campus starting at 4 p.m. ness,” your services can still be leges. Mr. Harbeson and his.staff ing every Tuesday and Thursday Capt. Bernard also requests that 4. It will help the photographers tomorrow, Sept. 30. used back stage as a technical students not park between build­ if students check with each or­ at 3 p.m. in the Auditorium. Stu­ During intermission of the Tri­ assistant. No experience is neces­ ganization in which their pictures dents interested in becoming ings, in front of the Auditorium bunal, the Freshman Queen will be COFFEE HOURS or on grass anywhere. sary. are to be used to make sure of the bandsmen can either contact Wil­ announced. Eleven coeds are vying New Instructor Yesterday the first Deans’ Cof­ In approximately two months a style of dress for the entire group. for the honor, and one will be Those of you who idolize the son or Brendle during this period, 500-car lot will be completed next fee Hour was held in the new Li­ Students wishing to make ap­ elected by penny ballots obtainable silver screen may find your Mecca or in the Music Department offices to the Science Building, according brary. New and returning students pointments at Zane’s may call today and tomorrow at booths in in the office of Dale Drum, acting any time. to engineers working on the area. and faculty were in attendance 2-3131 for a convenient time. Spe­ front of the Student Union. instructor of speech, who has just cial prices on any size and selec­ Tickets for the Tribunal, sched­ Coffee was served on the upper come to SBC from USC, where he tion of finished portraits will be uled for 7 p.m., and the dance fol­ received his degree in cinematog­ deck patio by Chimes, women’s lowing sell for 50 cents each and made available to SBC students. MUSIC DEPT. PLANS SINGING GROUPS raphy. can be purchased either at the service group. Vocal organizations for the se­ The Music Department hopes to Dr. Rollin Quimby, instructor of door of the Auditorium or at the The dates for the three subse REFLECTORS TAKEN mester are now being planned by build up the Symphonic Choir into speech, will have an extensive oral voting booths. quent Coffee Hours to be held in Two of the red landing reflec­ the Music Department. If you-car­ a large mass chorus capable of reading program this year. Any­ contributing significantly to the one interested is invited to stop the Library are Thursday, Sept, tors lining the east entrance of the ry.^ tune and like to sing, you are Missing: Ping Pong Balls Goleta campus are missing. The eligible for membership in the musical and recreational life of the by his office in Bldg. 418. 30, Tuesday, Oct. 5, and Thurs Ping pong balls have been dis­ danger to airplanes resulting from Symphonic Choir which meets at campus by offering it as an ac­ A forensic program directed by day, Oct. 7. appearing from the recreation this action is as great as the re­ noon in Bldg. 416 on Friday only. tivity scheduled only once a week Dr. Upton Palmer will need de­ Those attending may visit the room of the Student Union at the moval of the master bulb from a All students and faculty are wel­ and opening membership to all. baters, those interested in discus­ rate of nine a week, states Marty upstairs classroom in the Library lighthouse would be to a docking come as auditors. If one unit cred­ The group has a nucleus of all sion, or in any other field of foren- Hall, Recreation Control Board where slides will be shown- illus ship. it is desired, it is necessary also music majors and will specialize sics. in presenting one or more major chairman. trating ways to use our new Li­ TRe campus police force to join one of the other choral or­ ganizations, the Men’s Glee Club, oratorios or cantatas each year. In Since no appropriation has been brary. Staff members will he urges that these lights be turn­ QUEEN’S CONTEST the Women’s Treble Ensemble or made in the RCB budget for re­ ed over to its department im­ addition, they usually present the Homecoming Queen ap­ available throughout the building mediately. If any unauthorized the Modern Chorale. Tenors are plenishing the supply, ping pong special choral music for com­ players are requested by the board plications must be in by to answer the questions of faculty person is found in possession especially welcome in both the mencement and participate in the to purchase their own in the Col­ Oct. 8. Be thinking of your and students inspecting the sys- of the lights, he will be dealt Modern Chorale and the Men’s Christmas assembly.' lege Store. candidate! teh. with by CAA. Glee Club. Page 2 EL GAUCHO Wednesday, September 29, 1954 Oxy Letter invites The Swan’s Neck degeneracy unveiled itself before I anthology of circus life, including him, Biff plugged thirty dollars a catalogue of the various cock­ SBC to Game, Dance THE SCHOLAR GIPSEY ifito the frenzied machines. De­ roaches and termites that gnawed Received by the AS Office last by George Dekker crepit from long misuse, thé ma­ upon the main mast of the big top. week was the following letter from 111 chines often did not pay off. Biff, This Who’s Who in the insect Curt Plott, president of the fresh- “ Shoulder to shoulder, and however, seemed well satisfied. Old world grouped the destructive . man class at Occidental College: boulder to boulder . . . Oh, when Sam and I stood by, chuckling at pests according to species, one “ On behalf of the Associated stout-hearted men . . .” Old Sam, the wastç of money. We then dis­ specie to a page. Under the ap­ Students of Occidental College, the ancient and virtuous, Biff and I covered that we had been relieved propriate group of neatly regi­ University of California, Santa Barbara College student body of SBC is cordially are trooping back to the jungle. of our wallets, had had thirty dol­ mented bugs inscriptions iq San­ No more circus for us. Biff was lars extracted, thirty dollars which skrit announced their pedigree to Published every Wednesday during the school year except during vacations invited to a Post-Game Dance on Oct. 1, 1954, to be sponsored by reluctant to leave because of a were replaced by a pair of ele­ the world. Well-chosen mottoes, and examination periods by the Associated Students of the University of certain bearded lady, a monstrous California, Santa Barbara College, Santa Barbara, Calif. Opinions expressed the freshman class. It is to be held gantly inscribed cards. Not pleased such as “ Persians unite! Learning Herein are those of the staff unless otherwise indicated. in the Freeman Union Patio from female whose only contribution to by this transaction, Sam and I is bunk; let Athens be junk!” un­ Entered as second-class matter May 23, 1947, at the post office at Santa 10:30 p.m. until 12 p.m. men was a mustache cup suitable began to protest. We were then derscored each gallery. Barbara, Calif, undpr the Act of March 3, 1879. Mailing charge is $2.00 for a gift to mother. Biff had at­ per year, payable in advance. “ We would appreciate and en­ informed that we had been the Old Sam and I were not bug tempted to con this article from courage you to publicize this dance victims of a tariff whose sole pur­ fanciers. In fact, we hoped that fhe sweet creature, but she had as we would like all of your stu­ pose was to finance the training of someone would concoct a pest- re- rebuffed him, saying that it identi­ j$&™Zsmr= = :/ ' " ' dent body to attend so that we may aspirants to the inner ring. Our pellant that might rid the circus fied her with a select sisterhood become better acquainted,” con­ rising fury was salved by the gift of these parasites. This, of course, s g S j M f f i 8 ------S Y L V U KLASSON whose many distinctions were cluded Curt. of a book called Nostalgia in the was not to be, and we had no well recorded in the penny arcade. RE;PORTERS _ Theo Knaphurst, Judy Webb, Kelley Cartwright, Barbara Penny Arcade. Biff, too, was giv­ choice but to leave. Meanwhile, Ottoway, June Ronpaugh, Clara Morf, Jack Jones, Jerry Perry. Dick Biff, therefore, investigated the en a book as a sucker bonus. In drones were buzzing angrily be­ Hendrickson, Rosemary Marble, Mary Castillo. BUDGET OK’d penny arcade. Gibbering with de­ this book (a kind of decadent cause we had disturbed their rest. PHIL C. JACKS, JR., Advertising Manager This year’s Homecoming budget light as the panorama »of circus was approved by the AS Finance LIFE) we discovered a still-born (The End) Committee in a special meeting Full color postcards show­ called by Chairman Dick Hen­ ing the master plan of the WORLD-WIDE DATELINE drickson last Thursday. Addition­ new campus have been pub­ by Dick Hendrickson al funds were also transferred lished by the Office of Pub­ It‘s my pleasure again this week from the unappropriated reserve lic Information. Provost The PAINT & ART Store Jack Nakano isn’t back with El to hand over D ateline to Jack Na­ to the AS president’s account to Williams is encouraging all Gaucho in person yet, and if he kano, who has a few words to say cover the cost of the Ojai Council departments and individu­ keeps filing such good copy from about the weather. Retreat early this month and of als to use these cards in an­ I’m going to try and keep Typhoon June— Lucky 13 the purchase of new stationery. swering routine correspon­ with EVERYTHING him over there. We have another The regular weekly meeting of dence, or to enclose them in story from Jack this week; but by Jack Nakano the committee was set for Monday letters. The cards may be first a couple of comments from YOKOHAMA, Japan — Japan at 4 p.m. in the AS conference purchased in the College Complete Supplies for the ART Student this end, so I can justify my by­ has been host to many callers— room. Store. line to some extent. all of them lady callers. Most of PAINT and maintenance supplies for Sorority and I have been jumped on with both these visitors not only overstay Fraternity Houses feet by a couple of people who ac­ their welcome but are also very Welcome Gauchos cused me of painting the National­ rude and rough. Japan is now and a special discount to both ist government on Formosa as a buckling down in preparation for WE SPECIALIZE IN GOOD FOOD rosy, utopian democracy. Let me another visit by one of these Friendly service is yours at' . . . hasten to set the record straight; “ femmes fatales”— not meant in Large Reception Hall I didn t say that, and I actively the ordinary sense of the word. object to people reading that into “ June” is her name and she is For Organization Partys my statement. What I did say is also considered the worst typhoon that, by comparison with other to hit Japan in 20 years. Storms MISSION PAINT & ART CO. Far Eastern governments, and par­ all over the world have been de­ ticularly by comparison with their scribed by various names, such as MAGNOLIA CAFE 12 East Canon Perdido Phone 3147 own earlier efforts, the National­ gale, hurricane and tornado, but 5861 Hollister Ave. „ Goleta ists are conducting themselves re­ just about the worst name one markably well. The statement can call a storm is “ typhoon.” nlade by one of my critics that Holding out through one will con­ the Nationalists are really run­ vince you on that score. ning a police state might have an June is what the British Would STUDENTS! element of truth, if the U.S. is call “ absolutely smashing!” She used as a yardstick (although it has already smashed her way up does not check out with my own past the and into Kyu­ first-hand observations). But com­ shu, the most southern island of pared with other Oriental regimes, the four main islands that make up the Formosa administration makes Japan. The rest of Japan is pre­ a first-rate showing, and for this paring for the worst. Warnings Got a Lucky Droodle reason is attracting much clan­ have been issued to stay indoors destine support within Red for the next two days, to make today. provisions for a sudden termina­ LOCAL ITEM—I hear via the tion of utilities, and to nail shut grapevine that one of the sub­ all doors and windows facing versive groups named in the lQyal- south. All schools in the various ty pledge signed by ROTC stUv in your noodle? cities have been designated as dents was listed as the “ Christian evacuation points and the entire Democratic Party.” Surely this is Japanese police force has been not the organization of the same alerted. (or similar) name that ran Gen. June is the I3th lady to leave Douglas MacArthur and Jack B< an impression on Japan this year. Tenney on the California presi­ Typhoon No. 5, or Grace, added dential ballot two years a g o ? ? ? ? the destruction of the Motosu Wil­ THE OVERSEAS FILE—Hav­ SEND IT IN AND derness to her list. This camp, ing had the questionably delightful situated at Motosu Lake just be­ experience of riding out a couple low Mt. Fuji, consisted of Boy and of typhoons on shipboard, I can Girl Scouts of America from all substantiate Jack Nakano’s de­ over Japan. The children were scription of those indescribable evacuated with less than the Want to pick up $25? Make up a Lucky Far Eastern phenomena. Having clothes on their backs. seen solid water being shipped on Despite ample warning, the ty­ Droodle and send it in: It’s easy. the bridge of a destroyer some 50 phoons that hit Japan always catch ' If you want to find out just how easy it feet above the water line, I can a few people off guard. This can is, ask Roger Price, creator o f Droodles. attest that at this point the game be attributed to the numerous is getting entirely too rough. (This times a typhoon changes her mind. “ Very!” Price says. Better yet, do a Droodle was on the edge of a typhoon— I The Japanese also keep in mind yourself, like the ones shown here. hope I never see the middle of that old saying: “ Never under­ one.) estimate the power of a woman.” Droodle anything you like. And send in as many as you want. I f we select yours, we’ll pay $25 for the right to use it, together by Dede Krask San Jose State; ADPi Gerry Fol­ with your name, in our advertising. W e’re THE FATAL STEP . . . was som and Sig Tau Danny Esdalera; FIREPOLE FOR FALSE ALARMS going to print plenty—and lots that we taken this summer by many of our Chi 0 Ruthie (PIN-NOTES) Mey­ don’t print will earn $25 awards. SB Gauchos — DG Melida Horn ers and Sig Tau Joe Lewin; DSE married Norman Canfield of Dorothy Martin and Don Jackson; Draw your Droodles any size, on any piece UCLA; ADPi Marge Adams' and Theta Arlene Abell and Kappa Sig of paper, and send them with your descrip­ Harry Smith; Alpha Phi Margot Jim Carlson; Pi Phi Barbara Me- tive titles to Lucky Droodle, P. O. Box 67, Abbott and Lambda Chi Rick lancy and George Mattias; SAE Hartman; Chi 0 Terry Tye mar­ Max Jamiesson and Pi Phi Connie New York 46, N. Y. Be sure your name, ried her Rob; DSE Pat McGowan Pechstein; Sjg Tau Denny Magrew address, college and class are included. married Dick Ley; Theta Pat to Ruth Roeder; Sig Ep Chap While you’re droodling, light up a Lucky Dominis and Kappa Sig Dick Bortz to his Shirley from Nevada Woodward; Pi Phi Jan Denney to U; Pi Phi Susie Davis to SAE —the cigarette that tastes better because Kappa Sig Pat Huglin; Lambda Bill Lowance; Pi Phi Anita Wall- it’s made of fine tobacco . . . and “Ifs “ IT’S TOASTED” Chi John Bresnahan and Marlene schlaeger to George Minard; SAE Toasted” to taste better. Shapro; SAE John Granath mar­ George Vrtiak to Jan Brown; Sig ried a girl from down south; Sig Ep Ford Kaiser and Janise Pate; DROODLES, Copyright, 1954, by Roger Price to taste better! Ep Kirk Lamb and Pi Phi Bobby Dud Carlson and Shirley Smithers, Toal; Chi 0 Juliene Otis and Sig and many more. BY VERY UGLY FRIEND © A . T. Co. PRODUCT OF Tau Jo Ferguson; DG Barbara * • • AMERICA’ S LEADING MANUFACTURER OF CIGARETTES Rasmussen and Gordon Weber; OBLIVIOUS . . . If you see a ADPi Dottie Kee and Randy Post, girl wandering around campus in­ & Kappa Sig from Davis; Chi 0 tensely gazing at an engagement Sue Bullis and William Bell; The­ ring, she might be: DG Mary Lou LUCKIES LEAD AGAIN IN COLLEGES! ta Carole Caldwell and Bud Ash- Vander, who is engaged to SAE brook; Pi Phi Nancy Holcomb Don Sherwin; Alpha Phi Joannie Newest, biggest survey of smokers in colleges from coast to coast, based on and Kappa Sig John Dayison; Woods, who canie back from Ha­ Theta Birget Nyman and Sig Ep waii this summer wearing an en­ 34,440 actual student Interviews, shows that students prefer Luckies to all Tony Romasanta; Sig Tau Norm gagement ring; Chi 0 Lorie Stil­ other brands. Once again, the No. 1 reason: Luckies taste better. Stelle and Barbara Buck; DG FLASH! lings, engaged to Lambda Chi Bud Myra Jaccard and Dudly Smith of (Turn to Page 3) ‘MATURE APPROACH’ TO FOOTBALL Wednesday, September 29, 1954 EL GAUCHO Page 3 ¡X m )@ íf§ o o o Cline of SC; ADPi Joan Hemmer RUMOR has it that the ratio is RIVALRY STRESSED BY REYNOLDS and Dewey O’Dale; Lambda Chi about even this year, so the law George Allen, your student body Officials and the Associated TUTORIAL COLLOQUIUM IS UNIQUE Martin Brown is engaged to Mari­ of averages states there MUST be president, has outlined a joint Students of SBC have agreed to lyn Moore; Sigma Kappa Carleen some unattached, eligible member agreement between the Associated keep this pact with Cal Poly. FEATURE OF ACADEMIC CURRICULUM; Helman and Jack Slicton; ADPi of the student body left. Students and administration of Cal Hence, our students apprehended * * * Claire Burger and Sig Tau Ben Poly and their counterparts on our on the Cal Poly campus in acts, as Scaramuzza. NECESSARY EQUIPMENT ... campus designed to eliminate the INTERESTED STUDENTS MAY NOW ENTER * # * outlined above, will be subject to for the SBC at G Campus: Bathing vandalism-that occurred on both severe disciplinary action also. As by Dick Hendrickson catiori. Dean Elmer R. Noble of NEW GAUCHOS . . . Alpha suit, Boots, Bicycle— (Books?). campuses before the Cal Poly foot­ George Allen has indicated, any A handful of students and two the Division of Letters and Sci­ Phi Mrs. Jan Cameron had a baby # * * ball game of last year. The pre­ student with legitimate business on faculty members sat down around ence, under whose jurisdiction the boy. Lynn and Winnie Reitnouer IS IT TRUE? . . . That a cer­ game activities of last season re- the campus of the other school a table last Monday evening and course is offered, is quick to point have a baby boy named John tain art teacher arrived at a rush sülted in considerable property should clear his situation with the for two hours held a scholarly dis­ out that the class is not limited to Frederic. function in WHITE BUCKS?? damage, near accidents that could proper officials ahead of time. tutorial majors, and that, in fact, * * * cussion on evolution. A lively, What about it, Bill? have caused the death of several, It is the desire of alF concerned spirit of give and take character­ any student who can meet the and the arrest of some students that no unthinking person will ized the session; ideas were tossed qualifications is welcome to enroll, which proved embarrassing to jeopardize the athletic rivalry of back and forth like peanuts at a regardless of major field. them and their families. Continued the two colleges. Keen rivalry has baseball game, and some of the Room for More activity of this kind could result existed with Cal Poly in all sports most significant writings of West­ The instructors like to have a only in a break of athletic rela­ for many years. A termination of ern civilization were sited to sup­ fairly small enrollment, in order tions between the two schools. Few this relationship because of van­ port or disprove points. A casual fto preserve the intimate atmos­ students from either school want dalism would he a severe blow to observer might have concluded phere of the meetings, but there is this. our athletic program and would, that here was a friendly meeting still room for several interested Cal. Poly has agreed that any of not enhance the reputation of our of alert people tackling a mutually students. Dr. Girvetz and Dr. Wal­ their students apprehended on our college. A mature approach to this interesting subject for their own ters have issued a special invita­ campus will be suspended from problem will result in many sea­ edification and amusement. tion to students who have room on school immediately. They state their programs for an extra three sons of athletic competition that Unique Course that this is to include any acts of will be of benefit to all concerned. units, and who are interested in vandalism before or after the partaking of a unique and reward­ Lyle G. Reynolds And, as far as it goes, that’s a game. Also, as your student body ing educational experience, to in­ Dean of Men correct conclusion. But there’s president has indicated, each cam­ more to it than that; for, although vestigate the colloquium before the pus is to be out-of-bounds to stu­ students used to the normal run next meeting. The class is held in dents from the other school be­ Gaucho Waxworks of college courses might find it the Library, seminar room at 7 :30 each Monday evening. Informa­ tween the hours of 6 p.m. and 6 With the playing of “ It’s Any­ hard to believe, the truth is that tion can be obtained from the of­ a.m. from the Monday before the body’s Heart” by Dan Belloc and the faculty members were con­ fice of the Dean of Letters and game to Monday after the game. his -orchestra, the Gaucho Wax- ducting a class, and the students Science, or from the instructors. If any student is apprehended vio­ works will come over the airways were working for their grades in a lating this, it will be considered this Saturday, Oct. 2, at 7 :00 p.m. three-unit course that is unique, “ prima facie” evidence of intent to This half - hour radio show, not only at SBC but at most other CLUB NOTES commit acts of vandalism. Such colleges as well. which features the tops in record­ SPURS initiation is to be held students will be treated as though ed music and the latest in Gaucho The imposing title of the course the-crime had been committed. is given in the catalog as “ Collo­ this afternoon at 4 p.m. in Bldg. school news, will be heard over 494, room 164. Attendance is re­ Station KIST. quium 2— The Concept of Evolu­ tion— Scientific, Social and Philo­ quired of all members. New Spurs Bob Magruder and Jack Jones DISAPPEARED: sophical Implications,” and it is are required to wear white. An­ will be the musical hosts and have One stenographer’s pos­ part of the Tutorial Program, a nouncements of important coming a few surprises in store fo r ' their ture chair from the ACB Of* divisional major in Letters and events and activities will be made. listeners, including a prize or two * * * fice, Bldg. 477, room 116, Science which is one of the most to be awarded every week. last Friday evening during distinguished features of the SBC ELEMEDS’ BEACH PICNIC, the Gaucho Gambol. At the As Bob and Jack would say, curriculum. Oct. 7, 5 to 7:30 p.m., Goleta same time a wastebasket “ Make this Saturday and every The colloquia are designed to Beach. All Elementary Education also was removed These ar­ Saturday your Gaucho Waxworks Majors invited. bridge the gap between conven­ * * * ticles are University proper­ night. You pick the tunes and we’ll tional classes and the unique fea­ ty. Will the people respon­ play them: Remember, it’s your tures Of the tutorial program, and PANHELLENIC COUNCIL . . . sible please return them? show.” also to offer subject material the The regular meeting of the Pan- scope of which is too broad to be hellenic Council was held Thurs­ amenable to coverage in the usual day at 7 :30 p.m. at the Alpha Del­ classroom manner. ta Pi house. All the members of WELCOME GAUCHOS! This latter purpose explains the the council were present. It was presence of' two instructors, Dr. decided that open bid period Come in and Get Acquainted with ns. Harry Girvetz of the Philosophy would be from Oct. 3 through 17. Department and Dr. James L. Wal­ During this period girls eligible Special consideration to UCSBC Students & Faculty ters of the Biology Department; in for the fall rush season will be effect, the best offerings of two informally entertained and may be instructors for the “ price” of one. orally bid by any sorority. The Featuring Texaco Products Several of the students enrolled council also discussed the possi­ in the colloquium are tutorial ma­ bility of having open house for BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY 8Y GOLETA SERVICE jors, but a number are majors in the presenting of new fall pledges COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. OF SANTA BARBARA instead of the regular ' formal "C o k »" I» a registered trade mark. 1954, THE COCA-COLA COMPANY other • widely diverse fields who Across from the Bank Phone 8-9841 look upon the course as a valuable dance which will be held in the contribution to their general edu- spring. SPEECH MAJORS and anyone interested in drama, debate, radio or oral interpretation are'cordially invited to the annual speech de­ partment party Sunday, Oct. 3, .and how it started. 7:30 p.m., in the Little Theater. Refreshments will be served and TERESA WRIGHT sa ys: "Up to 16, my knowledge of acting entertainment provided. had been gleaned from seeing movies. When I saw my first professional play, that was it: I only wanted to act. I got into Scholarship Payments high school plays, wrestled props at Provincetown, understudied, Recipients of SBC schol­ sat for months in producers’ reception rooms. One rainy arships • will receive their night, sick with a cold, I read for a good role, and g ot it!" first quarterly payment on Oct. 15. by calling at the Cashier’s Office, Bldg. 427, room 1 0 2 .

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Several years ago, _ j j p - m I -found out Camels haue -the most delightful fla v o r and mildness o f MEET a tty cigarette .Try ""I Bobbe Campbell Dorsey J B g p P ' SUCCESS STORY: G améis and you'll be Candidate for Assembly w Camels—America’8 most popular I (Cal Graduate) as enthusiastic as 1 1 ciga rette ...b y far I at the YOUNG DEMOCRATS MEETING Thursday, September 30th 8:00 p.m. All Welcome—Refreshments 7 C fcfî& U /ot’ at Young Democrats Hdq. AGREE WITH MORE PEOPLE THAN ANY OTHER CIGARETTI 8 . 1. lUynold» Tobacco Company. Wlniton-Salam, N. 4 1207 State — Ph. 5-1027 Page 4 EL GAUCHO Wednesday, September 29, 1954 SEE SBC WITHDRAWAL FROM CCAA Voters Decide on Change at SPORTSCENE B by Jordan Romeo year. I think Mr. Nygaard will AS Elections; Opinions Varied It is rumoured that Santa Bar­ find the Big Blue line a lot tougher bara’s own Eddie Mathews is next time around . . . SPORTS EDITOR ...... JORDAN ROMEO In order to further define the rollment of all member schools; issue' of whether or not SBC (3) lower conference dues; (4) ashamed to show his face here at SPORTS WRITERS ARNALDO SOLIS, BOB WEITHORN Been keeping tabs on those Cal , should or should not withdraw tight restriction on subsidization home now that the 1954 baseball Poly scores and it would seem that from the California Collegiate Ath­ of athletics; (5) a wider range of season is all but over. It seems that the Mustangs have lost a little of letic Association and enter the sports for intercollegiate competi­ the Milwaukee Braves’ slugging the kick they packed last year.1 “CAHPER,” P. E. MAJOR’S ORGANIZATION, Southern California Intercollegiate tion. The disadvantages are: (1) third baseman has hit only forty After dropping their opener to the Athletic Conference, the Board of we could lose the freshman eligibi­ home runs this season after clout­ tough San Diego Marine Recruit;. Athletit Control, under the chair­ lity rule, and if we tried to field ing 47 last year as a sophomore. HEARS HARDE ON NEW GYM PROGRAM Depot team, the Mustangs were manship of Don Peterson, has ar­ frosh teams, there would be added Poor Eddie . . . SBC’s projected gymnasium and The recently elected state yice- hard pressed to take a come-from- ranged through the Election Com­ expensed (2) we would lose the physical education plant was des­ president for health education is behind 19-12 decision from The mittee for a straw vote to be taken J. C. transfer rule which permits With the World Series under cribed to members of the newly Dr. Joseph E. Lantagne of the way today I will go on record as Willamette University Bearcats of at the coming AS Elections. 3 years ,of eligibility after 2 years formed campus chapter of the Cal­ men’s • P. E. department, who is Salem, Oregon, a team which Cal It must be emphasized that the of J. C. competition; (3) entering tabbing the Indians in five games. ifornia Association for Health, also in charge of student organiza­ Poly clobbered 52-7 in ¿953. The vote is merely a sampling of stu­ athletes would be subject to more One for Antonelli . . Physical Education and Recreation tions for the California group, and Gauchos play their first home last Wednesday night by men’s has worked closely with the offi­ dents opinion and is in no way stringent eligibility standards (24 New Blue & Gold quarterback binding. game against Cal Poly on Oct. 8 P. E. Department chairman Dr. cers and advisers in forming the units of C completed as compared sensation is Pete Walski, a 6’, 190- There has been agitation in the at La Playa Stadium . . . Theodore Harder. campus chapter. to 24 units of passing work.). pound junior who throws a pass past for leaving the CCAA and The coaches whose teams com­ Dr. Harder informed the group All P. E. majors are being urged like he had a radar set. Even If the first week of play is any entering SCIAC because of what pete in the CCAA have stated the that the building program has a to join CAHPER during the cur­ Coach Williamson says, “ He’s a indication, 1954 football will be was believed to be fundamental following opinions on the matter. number two priority behind the rent membership drive. “ We want terrific ballplayer.” replete with upsets. Iowa’s licking differences between SBC and the It should be noted that their view construction of industrial arts fa­ to encourage all majors, both of Michigan State made a lot of us other conference members of the is based on the way the change cilities, and predicted that it would men and women, to join with us,” San Diego State’s sensational here on the coast feel somewhat ' CCAA. Such divergences were would affect their particular sport, fullback, Norm Nygaard, who is a become a reality in a very few Dr. Kaywood has declared. “ A cheerful. All of us UCLA rooters roughly defined as differences in and not in any other capacity. strong contender for Little-All y^ars. large and active organization of remembering the Rose Bowl .... control of SBC and the state col­ Stan Williamson, football coach, American honors this season, has The organization, abbreviated this type can be very beneficial to leges, entrance requirements, basic expressed favor for the change, been chosen as the fourth draft CAHPER for convenience, is com­ the college, since students active in philosophies, plus differences in while Dean Lyle Reynolds, tennis choice of the Los Angeles Rams. posed of both men and women physical education are looked up­ size. It should be mentioned that coach, is against the change. Doc Nygaard will be • remembered by LET US SOLVE phys. ed. majors dedicated to the on as leaders by the student body.” SCIAC is receptive toward Santa Kelliher, football coach, had no Santa Barbarans as the Covina advancement of physical education All of your as a profession. Thirty-eight mem­ w a n t e d Barbara’s becoming a member opinion at this time, and Ernie Comet who ran wild in the Aztec’s school. Michael, track, said it made no dif­ bers are now on the rolls, under Three football managers 72-0 burial of the Gauchos last Cleaning Problems The advantages of our becoming ference. Basketball coach Willie the leadership of president Sandy are wanted by coach Stan Snodgrass, with a membership a member of SCIAC were listed by Wilton reserved comment until ad­ The call is out for all •’ Expert 3-day Service' drive now in progress. Faculty ad­ Williamson immediately; Petterson, as follows: (1) the aca­ ditional information on a state col­ men desiring to try out for demic Requirements of SCIAC are • 4-Hour Service if desired visers are Miss Kaye Home and preferably one senior, one lege conference is announced; the Gaucho cross country more equal to SBC’s than the CC team. All candidates will Miss Elvera Skubic of the women’s junior, and one sophomore. while horsehide mentor Rene Ro­ no extra charge A A ; (2) the expected growth of meet in the men’s gym to­ P. E. Department and Dr. Richard Coach Williamson’s offiçe the • state colleges in CCAA is ex­ chelle went on record as opposing day at 4 p.m. Dr. Michael is Time now to get that overcoat Kaywood and Wilton M. Wilton of is at 420-202. Travel with the men’s P. E. Department. pected to outstrip that of SBC, and the change. the man to see. ready to wear to the football the varsity. Student officers of the group in­ already we have the smallest en- games. clude Robert Minier, vice-presi­ § F O R A dent for health; Midge Van Lente, G i f t p o r t r a i t vice-president for physical educa­ t h a t w i l l LAST A LIFETIME tion, and Lee Powers, vice-presi­ •efuu^L MARINE dent for recreation. Secretary is Make an Appointment now Peggy Davis, and Joan Murdock • BEVERAGES DRY CLEANERS serves as treasurer. • ICE CUBES Publicity Photographs 5877 Hollister Ave. — Goleta New majors in the two depart­ • TOBACCO S ments were introduced to older • Application Photographs “Just Off the Campus” Visit our Delicatessen Counter students and faculty members at Phone 8-4152 last week’s meeting, and plans for ICE CREAM CHEESE LUNCH MEATS FREE PICK-UP — DELIVERY the semester were laid. Faculty IMPORTED FOODS FRESH BREAD ^¿utedL adviser Kaywood points out that 3-day Service— S & H Green Stamps For that late evening snack! 7 La Arcada Court at 1114 State Street CAHPER is the only organization on campus which brings the men’s 5858 Hollister Avenue, Goleta Phone 8-2381 and women’s departments togeth­ er, as the two are separate academ­ ic units at SBC. “ This is some­ thing of a milestone, in that it TRINITY CHURCH brings the chairmen and members State and Micheltorena Streets The Rev. Richard F. Ayres, Rector of the two departments together Santa Barbara The Rev. James E. Hacke, Jr., Curate for the first time in the 33 year and Chaplain to College Students history of the college,” he stated. Sunday Schedule * 9 * In addition to formal meetings, it is planned to hold small, infor­ 7 :30 a.m.— Holy Communion ...for the new mal seminars on subjects of com­ 9:30 a.m.— Church School. College students are in­ mon interest to members. The or­ vited to the Adult Class, conducted by ganization is affiliated with the the Rector. carriage trade statewide group, which is, in turn, 11:00 a.m.— Morning Worship and Sermon a part of the national organization First and third Sundays of the month, Juggling a job and a home of the same name, and all branches Holy Communion; Second and fourth mmm have as their objective the further­ Sundays, Morning Prayer. and some play time, too? ing of the profession. 7 :30 p.m.-1—Evening Prayer and Sermon Then come see our versatile m Open House for College Students ìfWfSìiSÉ Season Tickets new Monochromatic Flannels... Sunday evening, October 3, there will be an open Now on Sale house and buffet supper for College students at the designed by White Stag, for Season tickets for the home home of the Rector, 124 East Pedregosa Street, Santa you! Subtle fashion touch . . , games of the Santa Barbara Col­ Barbara, between five and eight o’clock. Those who have not received tickets by mail may lege Gauchos are now on sale, ac­ the tone-on-fone top stitching. cording to word from Graduate obtain them without charge before noon Friday at the Church Office in the Parish House. , Manager Bob Lorden. “ We have Practical outlook... they’re w ill­ four home games this year,” he You will be welcome at Trinity Church! said, “ and we have made season ing to work . . . eager to tickets even more attractive by an additional lowering of price. With play... ready to relax*after the Federal tax cut that has gone hours! Better see them today! into effect, we were able to give the fans a break where it counts— in the pocketbook.” Come in and Get Clipped! P I N T U C K E D S H I R T — Tickets will be on sale at All- CAREER-WISE AND PRICE- American Sporting Goods, Ott’s WISE. A HIGH - STYLE Your Student Union Barber Shop is SHIRT OF EINE YARN and Roy E. Gammill. For informa­ COMBED BROADCLOTH WITH WOVEN SHARK­ tion or to order tickets by phone, SKIN-LIKE WEAVE. MUL­ Here to take care of your Hair. TIPLE PIN TUCKS ON call Lorden at 8-5711, extensions FRONT OF SHIRT ... AND 2257 and 2258. ON SMALL ROUNDED COL­ LAR. DOUBLE BACK YOKE ... FRONT BUTTON PLACK­ A R T PRESLEY ET .. . FRONT POCKET . . . LET’S GO, GAUCHOS! FRENCH CUFFS. GREY. FORMERLY OF PASADENA SIZES 10-20 *6.91 This week there is a rally O F F - S I D E - S K l R T — A planned, to be held be­ RESTRAINED BUT DEFT Guarantees interesting conversation on any subject TREATMENT OF HARMO­ fore the team leaves for Occi­ NIZED TOP-STITCHING LENDS A UNIQUE SPORTS­ dental. Co-chairmen of the WEAR MOTIF TO THIS You Gaucho Gals will find that Art SLIM STRAIGHT SKIRT. Rally Committee, Ruth Hal­ YARN DYED 100% WOOL FLANNEL. sey, reports that she hopes to can do o good job on your curly locks too! SIZES 10-18 $10.95 have a band for this event so that the songleaders can do ' M J . some routines along with the Come in and Get Acquainted yells given by the cheerlead­ TJT ers. Vets : Your Credit is good until that check arrives! Tentatively scheduled for the Cal Poly game is a big bonfire 727 State St. rally. ’S Phone 2-7671 Wednesday, September 29, 1954 EL GAUCHO Page 5 GAUCHOS MAUL WHITTIER POETS IN OPENER 27-18 SPORTS HIGHLIGHTS NEW MEN WALSKI, GAEBR by Bob Weithorn north of the 38th parallel. A bit Doffing our caps to the many of arm trouble sent Corky out to SBC graduates who have returned right fieldlater in the season. Last LEAD BLUE-GOLD ATTACK for further contact with the FIN­ year the Cleveland Browns named by Arnaldo Solis right-half Setini Puailoa plunged ER things in life, return with us his as their seventh draft choice, over left-tackle to score, but the now to those thrilling days of yes­ Due, however, to the slight disap­ The SBC Gridiron kicked open conversion attempt was too wide teryear. From out of the past . . . proval of a relative (an uncle, I the 1954 football season with a KOREA (9-54)— George Dut­ believe) Corky will do his football bright outlook as the Gauchos to the left. ton, class of ’52, spent 6 mos. with playing with Ft. Carson this fall. overcame a stubborn Whittier Col­ Sackman once more paced the Division Headquarters and was The army grapevine has it that lege Poet eleven with a final score Poets to the SB two' yardline from of 27-18, at Hadley Field on the sent to the 19th Infantry Regiment, Joel Williams, (’52: Econ.) and where QB Norm Haack bucked 24th Infantry Division. He has just Bod Dagestino are now serving as Whittier Campus, last Friday eve­ over his center to score. The con­ been rotated home. general’s aides, but don’t quote me. ning. Bill Woodill, (’52: Ed.), was Some of these fellas have gotten Though nervous at the begin­ version was deflected and the with the 21st Infantry Regiment, together overseas for some pretty ning, the Gaucho squad snapped Poets led 18-13 already in the last 24th Infantry; Division, and is potent male cow sessions. We into a secure and steady running and final quarter. attack, operating from the T-for- now serving with the 24th Truck should probably hear more from The Californians, however, Battalion. Bill will remain in the these and others soon. Jhst keep mation. While this ground opera­ service. looking. tion accounted for over two-thirds weren’t to be subdued; and after a two-yard gain from the SB 36, Allan Jacobs, (’52: Ed.)# for­ On Your Mark of the Gaucho gains, a perfectly mer Gaucho basketballer, is due . . . get set for the start of the timed T-passing attack with Pete once more Walski spotted Ash­ to be rotated home about now. A1 intramural athletic season tomor­ Walski at the helm amounted to brook, who spinned from the Poet í -í í S t M - v;-: S W :: ïîi'iM lover one fourth of the Gaucho is with-the 34th Inf. Reg.‘ 24th row. Thursday marks the official mm 45 into the end zone for six plus Div. Don’t be surprised if you see yardage in three 'completions. opening of both the coed and one from Young’s extra-point kick. him around in the very near fu­ men’s intramural bowling leagues. The Whittier Poets received the ■ r . ' r . m After the Kickoff Sackman ture. If you haven’t already signed up kickoff and plunged on eight plays Corky Johnson, (’52: PE ), is then GO to Dr. Kaywood’s office i- 1 ■ 1 i I ¡SE m ¡H down to the SB six-yard line where on a tour of duty with the 19th in the Men’s PE building or be at Gaucho left tackle Willy Stensland Inf. Reg., 24th Div. and has really the Barbara Bowl on lower State recovered a Poet fumble to stop been keeping busy. Corky played St. at 4 p.m. and/or 9 p.m. for the the threat. But as soon as the football and haseball for Santa coed or men’s leagues respectively. Poets took hold of the ball, they Barbara while here, and has been Some teams may not be complete, raced into the end zone for the keeping right up with it. He pitch­ and many teams will be in need h m first score of the game, with nine ed for the 19th this past season in of alternates. Don’t worry about HH KHHI minutes gone in the first quarter. the Yang-gu Talley, about 15 mi- Veteran, Ken Trout, who was a letterman end for SBC in 1953 The conversion was wide to the your average, as the league is it battling it out for first string duties at quarterback. handicapped. (Who isn’t these left. Near the end of the first days). Spectators are definitely period the Gauchos moved to the The Christian Science invited. Poet four-yard line but lost the Crash­ ball on downs. Organization Gridders Test Occidental ing onto the scene next Tuesday, The i Gauchos then evened and cordially invites you to attend the 5th, will be the opener of the led the score near the end of the Men’s Intramural Football League. In Second Game of Season first half. After three of the fa­ a reception Teams are still being accepted by, mous Whittier “ quick-kick” punts, Fresh from their thrilling 27-18 will probably remain in the cap­ the Gaucho machine displayed sev­ Sunday, October 3 Dr. Kay wood. Women living on or off campus are invited to partici­ opening tilt victory over the Whit­ able hands of Bobby Shoup, al­ en capitalizing plays which moved .from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. pate . . . from the sidelines. The tier Poets, Santa Barbara’s Gaucho though Pete Walski came through the SBC eleven from their, own games will be played on campus gridders are being readied for^Fri- sensationally in the Whittier, con­ twentyint o the Poet end zone. to be held at Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs­ day night’s clash with Occidental test. Also ready to mastermind the Left-half Dan Campbell penetrated on the “ Eagle Rock Alley Cals” 435 East Valerio Street day afternoons with the starting Gauchos are Bucky Baird, Ken the Poet center blockers for 17 time set for 4 p.m. home field in Los Angeles. Trout, and Jerry Humrighouse. yards, then Walski connected left- That’s thirty. ‘ Santa Barbara has been bolster­ With the Gauchos fielding a end Buddy Ashbrook with a center ed by the addition to the squad of hard-charging line that averages spot pass; Ashbrook eluded the two experienced veterans, Bob 205 pounds per man, Oxy runners opposition as far as the Whittier School, Typing and Art Supplies Morton, and Bob Hunter. The 5’ will find the'going pretty rough. 24-yard line. Three plays and two 11” , 195-pound Morton was voted Anchoring this forward wall are SB penalties later, fullback Roy HALLMARK CARDS the most valuable back on the Cliff Hooper, Russ Young, Marv Gaebel skipped from The one over 1953 Gaucho squad, but has been his right tackle where the Poets Coach Stan Williamson who led Meet your friends at . . . Ashby, Jack Becker, Don.. Smith, moved into the right guard spot and Mike Moropoulos. weren’t waiting and into the end his Gauchos to season opener win over Poets. by Coach Williamson because of In Occidental’s only previous zone. Russ Young converted suc­ cessfully. his blocking ability. outing the Tigers were held to a threw a pass but Gaucho center 6-6 deadlock with the low-rated The Gauchos’ 7-6 lead was lost Hunter stands 6’ 3” and weighs Mike Moropoulos straightened up in at 210 pounds and will be battl­ Los Angeles State Diablos. within 30 seconds of the end of RUTH s i ing for an end position. This big the first quarter, when the Poets’ to find a b'all in his arms and he senior lettered as a Gaucho wing- GeOrge Sackman flipped a pass to ran to the Whittier 20-yard line. gifts • stationery • photo' man in 1952 and has just Been re­ Listening Schedule, Jack Fox, who was waiting in the When coach Stan Williamson’s 5854 HOLLISTER AVE. ~PH. 8-2892 leased from the Army. . end zone. However, Gaucho Bob Wed., Sept. 29 — Mendelssohn, men reached the four but were The starting job at quarterback Jones blocked the conversion at­ Symphony No. 4 (recorded) tempt with his aching stomach. put on the 19 on a holding penal­ Thurs., Sept. 30 — 16th and 17th With QB Shoup at the controls, ty, QB Walski puHed a fake pass Century Organ Music (re­ the Gauchos’ Gaebel and halves and retreated with the ball hid­ corded) Gary Morris and Setini Puailoa den', then squeezed and turned to Fri., Oct. 1 — Grieg, Piano Con­ charged from their 37 to the goal the two front where Clyde Mattias DON’T FORGET! certo (recorded) line. After fifteen running plays went under his center for the final Your cleaning and laundry Free Pick-Up and Delivery score. Young made it three' out of HAVING HOUSING PROBLEMS? fopr for the night to make the Station is located in the Student Union. score 27-18. Look at these Housing Values ' During the remaining seven 2 Cabins— each suitable for two people— $10 per month minutes, the Gaucho center held up 2 Cottages— one with 2 Bedrooms and two baths— a concrete wall against the power­ • 4-DAY SERVICE $50 per month ful Poets. Marv Ashby, Jack Beck­ • CONVENIENCE — NO WORRYING ABOUT TAKING Only utility you pay is electricity! er, and Cliff Hooper were some of the first stringers who sacked £LOTHES DOWNTOWN Get information NOW! Sackman and hacked Haack till • PRICES COMPETITIVE — NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR CIRCLE BAR B GUEST RANCH the end. Route 1, Box_258 — Go let a » Phone Refugio 3 Willie Shea and Company led a YOUR ON-CAMPUS SERVICE few veteran Gaucho players, living in the City, and a FEW rooters who showed up; but the ASUCSBC OUR SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK IS support was lacking. FOR QUICK SERVICE! Oxy is next Friday at Occi­ SWEATERS dental. Hamburgers 20c-6 for $1.00 50c Cheeseburgers 25c-6 for $1.25 AIRPORT

| OPPOSITE SANTA BARBARA AIRPORT * Phtnes: 8-2051 • 8-2061 1 Cleaned and Blocked Hot Dogs 20c-6 for $1.00 Coffee Soft Drinks UCSBC STUDENTS 5 0 c ■ Ice Cream ADMISSION IF YOU#LIVE NEAR OUR PLANT, DROP YOUR CLOTHES OFF WEDNESDAY ONLY Shrimp Boats — Fish Boats OPENS .6 p.m. — STARTS 6:45 AND SAVE 15% 3 5 c Fries 10c M alts 2 0 c ¡ C o i n s * * * ' ' p o u n t n i n AMERICAN HAPPY BURGER STARRING Clifton Webb, Dorothy McGuire Dry Cleaners DE LA VINA PLUS 2nd HIT DRIVE-INN KEN’S “ MAN W ITH 3009 STATE STREET PHONE 6408 2912 De la Vina Phone 2-8512 A MILLION” Gregory Peck - Jane Griffiths ■/

Page 6 EL GAUCHO Wednesday, September 29, 1954 @ Û 4 M C . . . . Ç o o k h c ' K y ç & t Surf Bathing Regulations It is significant to note that the an interesting psychological ex­ ACB Says Forms, Chaperones day the regents came to our Goleta periment. By the end of the third Set by Athletic Department campus the bells stopped playing day of classes they were able to Maria Elena (in two keys) and put themselves into such a deep At the request of Provost Williams, and in accordance with general University policy, the following regulations for surf bathing Arranged Before Functions went berserk by playing every ten hypnotic ignorance of bells that minutes from 11 to 12 until a fran­ they went by watch time entirely on campus beaches have been formulated: Recognition forms for all col­ that both will be in attendance at 1. Bathing at beaches shall be limited to those areas so designated lege organizations will be due in the party. tic staff member managed to si­ because, as one individual ex­ and during, the prescribed hours. the Activities Control Board Of­ 3. One chaperone (a faculty lence the wheels with a roll of plained, you can’t go b y,bells all until 4:30 p.m.; Saturday and 2. Until approach facilities and fice, Bldg. 477, room 116, By member or one married couple) is paper. They have been silent ever your life — which of course ex­ Sunday, 11 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. 3 p.m. on Oct. 4. Fines will be required for parties when nojmore since except for a solemn boing plains a great deal of the signifi­ suitable parking are developed 4. Organizations wishing to use levied for late filing and chairmen than 40 guests will be present. at class time. cance about the general atmos­ bathing shall be limited to that the beach at hours other than those of AS boards and committees are Faculty members are urged to Actually the time had come, phere of the campus. designated stretch of beach which listed above must first obtain a reminded by ACB Chairman Pris­ bring wives or escorts whenever everyone agreed, to do Something. Lots of people felt that the is adj acent to the Marine Biology permit from the Provost’s Office cilla Simms that they will be held possible. I mean, having to come to a dead chimes themselves weren’t so bad,, laboratory. and agree to bear the expense of it was just the tunes played. No personally responsible for fines, 4. Two chaperones, either two stop during the rush for eight 3. Hours of bathing are spe­ lifeguards. one is actually sure who chose since their funds come from the faculty members or two married o’clock, classes to stand with up­ cifically limited to those during 5. Bathing on any section of the them. It is rumored that the broth­ AS budget. couples, are required when more lifted face toward fog just be­ which lifeguards are on duty: beach not designated for this pur­ cause the Star - Spangled Banner er of the man who sold the ma­ ACB rules and regulations are than 40 guests are to be present, Monday through Friday, 2 p.m. pose is strictly forbidden. chine wrote Maria Elena so he as follows: or when the party or dance is a was playing was enough to make struck the roll in for sentimental CALENDAR FORMS: costume event. anyone’s hair straight . . . except reasons and also because he lent 1. A calendar form must be 5. Invitations to chaperones of course it curled up again with him the money for the down pay­ filed for any party or meeting should be extended by. the social the following rendition of “This Is SILVER SADDLE MOTEL RESTAURANT ment on his new car. held by a University recognized chairman at least two weeks in My Country,” played atonally ala It is generally agreed that the STUDENTS! organization. This ruling applies advance of the event. Schoenberg. This was why a fac­ chimes have great potentialities— When in Santa Barbara make your headquarters at the whether the party is coed or stag; 6. The social chairman of the ulty clique, calling themselves the for instance, the music department Silver Saddle Restaurant whether it is held in the housing organization is responsible for Terrible Seven, was organized. has been dying to play student Overlooking the Swimming Pool accommodations for University or­ contacting the chaperones a day They planned to throw over the compositions every four hours; HAMBURGERS ganized living or social groups, on or so previous to the event for night watchman at the Library late fraternities have felt that pledges MlLK SHAKES campus, or in private homes or which they have^signed to be sure some evening and throw the whole would be attracted by their local COMPLETE LUNCHEONS AND DINNERS public places. there has been no change in their works into the ocean. Any penalty they might have to pay was noth­ drinking song, played with both MODERATE PRICES 2. It is permissible, without fil­ plans. The chairman is also re­ ing compared to what they would hands simultaneously; and Dr. ing a form, to gather in public sponsible for their final attend­ On Highway 101 . . . have to endure with ding-dong Frost was heard to remark enthu­ places or private 'homes if it is ance and for courtesies which at north entrance, one third mile inside city limits bell, pussy’s in the well! Only one siastically, “ By Gosh, just wait not an organizational party. In should be extended to them. member of the faculty felt the until Christmas!” this event students are under obli­ HOURS: % chimes at'all of use, and this was gation to remember that any group 1. When mixed social functions because he was sure they drove of which they are a member, as are held the night before a class the students to class. well as the University, will be SALES SERVICE day, they must close not later than For many students the bells were judged by their conduct. Any be­ 9:30 p.m. with exceptions to be We are the oldest and most RADIOS - TELEVISION RISING & HERZOG « havior, on or off campus, which approved by ACB. may bring discredit to the indi­ mechanical devices Used in gam­ RECORD PLAYERS completely equipped service 2. On nights not preceding a 5731 Hollister Avenue vidual or to the University may bling are prohibited. class day mixed social events must CLOCK RADIOS shop in Goleta. result in disciplinary action. 2. No alcoholic beverages may Goleta — WO 8-8871 close no later than 2:30 a.m. For­ be served at mixed social func­ TAPE RECORDERS We service all makes and 3. Calendar forms must be filed mal dances may be held until 1:30 tions which are held in University HI-FI EQUIPMENT - RADIO models. no later than six days prior to the a.m., with a 2:30 lockout. approved housing. No alcoholic time of the event. There are sev­ TELEVISION UNIVERSITY REGULATIONS beverages are allowed on Univer­ AUTO RADIOS All repairs guan. 90 days. eral reasons for this: chaperonage HI-FI GOVERNING BOTH INDIVID­ sity property, including the beach must be checked, and calendar and from the Goleta County Beach line UALS AND ORGANIZATIONS: Zenith — Emerson Stromberg Carlson — Motorola - Webcor — H. H. Scott space clearance must be obtained. on the east to the fenceline of the The six days is necessary so that 1. Gambling in any form and campus on the west. ACB can process the form and return it to you. Your organiza­ tional events are not. clear until All-Cal Weekend you have the approved form re­ All-Cal Weekend will be held turned to you. Congested calendar in Berkeley this year, from Oct. 28 COMO AND HOGAN times around Christmas always through Oct. 30. create many problems( when or­ SBC’s biggest problem will be Perry Como, top TV and recording star, and ganizations fail to plan ahead and transportation. It has been sug­ Ben Hogan—only active golfer to win 4 national come into conflict at the last mo­ gested that buses be scheduled to championships, enjoy ä Chesterfield during a ment with school events previously leave Friday and return Sunday. friendly round of golf. scheduled. Also there is a possibility of sched­ 4. For major events, such as all­ uling a special rooters’ train. school dances, it is advisable that Before plans can be made for forms be turned in' well ahead of either of these' suggestions, the the time wanted. It is to your ad­ committee in charge will need to vantage to acquire space as well know in advance the number of as chaperones well in advance. students who woidd use either the ACB operates on a policy of “ first rooters’ train or the buses. Please come, first served.” check the following questionnaire CHAPERONAGE: and place the completed form in 1. Any member of the faculty, boxes provided in the Gaucho whether single of married, may Room. This is for the benefit of act as a chaperone. /The names of the student body and your co­ any other persons must have been operation will be appreciated. submitted to and approved by the 1. I would participate in a Dean of Women or the Dean of schedule of buses: Men. - 2. If the chaperone is not a Y es— No— 41 faculty member, it is required that 2. I would participate in he or she be married and that both the rooters’ train: husband and wife be present. They will be counted as one chaperone. Yes— Ni When the signature is obtained op Other comments: the form, it should be signed as “ Mr. and Mrs.” so that it is known

COME TO THE CIRCLE BAR B GUEST RANCH • Horseback Riding • Swimming • Dancing • Barbecues Perfect For Private Parties The Circle Bar B is located about 15 miles north of the campus Rt. 1, Box 258, Goleta Phone Refugio 3 for information

For a Good Time. . . Gauchos Go To The W HAT A BUY - CHESTERFIELD King Size CHALET TYROL (at the N ew Low Price) and Regular at the Bird Refuge Like Ben and Perry you smoke for relaxation, comfort and Imported Refreshments — Specialty Sandwiches satisfaction. In the whole wide world no cigarette satisfies like a Chesterfield. You smoke with the greatest possible pleasure when your Dancing cigarette is Chesterfield—because only Chesterfield has the right combination of the world’s best tobaccos—highest in — NOW STARTING A STEIN CLUB — tOBACCO uGGtrr quality—low in nicotine. Come in and pick out a stein In short, Chesterfields are best to smoke and best for yoii. Open Daily 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. — Sat. and Sun. 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. LARGEST SELLING CIGARETTE IN AMERICA'S COLLEGES