DEADLINE FOR ELECTION SIGN UPS IS TODAY AT 3; ALL VOTING NEXT WEEK Today is the last chance for At that time a meeting of all con- prospective AS, AWS, AMS and didates will be held in Bldg. 477, freshman class candidates to sub­ room 110, at which constitution mit their names for the forthcom­ tests and campaign instructions Vol. XXXIV SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1954 ing special election. Sign-up dead­ will be given. All candidates must line is 3 p.m. this afternoon at the be present. cashier’s window of the Graduate Submit Publicity From the President's Desfy... Manager’s office, Bldg. 477, warns Eligibility will be cleared on election committee chairman Pris­ Sept. 30, publicity will be cleared cilla Simms. on Oct. 4, and all publicity ma­ INTERCAMPUS RIVALRY Offices to be filled include AS terial must be submitted for ap­ Our first home game at La Playa Stadium will be with our vice president, AMS president, vice proval on the morning of Oct. 9. traditional rival, Cal Poly. The rivalry that is always built up over president and secretary, AWS sec­ Dates for the election gre this game as, in past years, been released in adolescent and malicious ond vice president and secretary Oct. 7 and 8, with polling destination to the campuses of the respective colleges. The results and all offices of the freshman booths to be established at the of this have been looked upon by the administrative officials of both class. Candidates will receive pe­ Student Union and Las Casitas schools with great misgiving. titions on. signing up, which must dining hall on the Goleta cam­ Therefore* it has been decided that be completed by 2 p.m. on Oet. 1. pus and in the office of the both campuses will be “ off limits” Mesa campus. Hours are from DSE AND SAE LEAD to students of the opposing school 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.' at Goleta and from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. starting the ADAMS DISCUSSES 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the SPRING SEMESTER Monday prior to the game and Mesa. Booths will be manned continuing until the Monday fol­ CHANGING EUROPE by members of Spurs and GRADE AVERAGES lowing the game. Anyone caught Squires. on either campus during these An assembly will be held on the Sorority and fraternity averages times will be taken as evidence of AT LECTURE TODAY evening of Oct. 5 at 7 :30 p.m. at for the spring semester, 1954, have intent to do damage and will re­ which candidates will be intro­ been released by the Offices of by Kelley Cartwright sult in disciplinary action. duced to the students. Dean of Men and Dean of Women. Dr. Henry M. Adams, associate The administration and the As­ The over-all sorority averages are professor of history, will open this Candidate Count sociated Students of Cal Poly have as follows: semester’s All-College Lecture Se­ As of last Friday five candidates stated emphatically that any stu­ had signed up for frosh president, Delta Sigma Epsilon 1 .7 0 9 * ries today at 4 p.m. with his lec­ dent doing such destruction to our ture on the subject “ Observations six for vice president and seven Chi Omega 1.686 campus would oe violating one of for secretary. One student each Delta Gamma 1 .6 3 6 on Changing Europe.” their basic regulations and there­ This series, which is free to stu­ had signed up for AWS second PLAINTIVE LOOK—Among his numerous duties as Residence Pi Beta Phi 1 .5 0 5 fore would automatically be sub­ president, treasurer, AMS Sigma Kappa 1 .4 8 4 * dents and the public, will be pre­ Hall Manager, SBC' graduate Herb Harbeson makes a daily ject to dismissal. The officials and president and AMS vice president. Kappa Alpha Theta 1 .4 2 3 sented in Bldg. 431, room 102. attempt to sort and distribute the piles of letters and packages Associated Students of our college AS vice president had three po­ A lpha Phi 1 .4 0 3 * Twelve lectures are scheduled for addressed to students living at Las Casitas.—-Jim Pitcher photo. feel that it would be only fair to tential candidates. A final list of Alpha Delta Pi 1 .2 9 8 the semester, two of which will be comply with the plans of punish­ candidates will be announced in Over-all sorority avg. 1 .5 2 3 * presented by visiting lecturers. ment outlined by Cal Poly. That Today’s lecture will be accom­ next week’s El Gaucho. *Not a final average, several any SBC student found in an Harbeson Stresses Importance panied by colored slides taken by Preferential Vote units incomplete. attempted or actual act of destruc­ Dr. Adams while on sabbatical The election will be conducted tion of any sort on the Cal Poly The over-all fraternity averages leave during the past year. This according to the Hare System, a campus will be dealt with by our Of Residence Halls for SBC are as follows: was his third visit to Europe; he method of polling which eliminates college officials with penalties not Sigma Alpha Epsilon 1.567 made his first in 1931 and the sec­ the necessity for run-offs. Voters by Theo Knaphurst are striving to make this new ex­ to exclude dismissal. Delta Sigma Phi 1.546 ond as an Army officer during not only cast their ballots for the perience a happy and enjoyable If damage to either campus con­ Las Casitas Residence Halls are Delta Tau Delta 1.544 World War II. Thus he is well candidate of their preference but one for the students, and it will tinues, athletic relations between singularly blessed with an efficient Lambda Chi Alpha 1.527 qualified to speak, both from the also indicate the order of their be the degree of pioneer spirit the two schools will undoubtedly yet understanding manager in the Sigma Tau Gamma 1.476 point of view of a tourist and of a choice for other candidates for the which they demonstrate in their be broken off. This would result person of Herb Harbeson. His po­ Sigma Phi Epsilon 1.384 scholar. The main purpose of his same office. In this way, if a run­ attitude towards this system which in great financial loss to the AS, sition is concerned with the physi­ Kappa Sigma 1.267 visit was to conduct research in off develope, the second choices will either make it or break it. as well as cutting off long-standing cal operation of the facilities for Sigma Pi 1.197 the libraries of Germany and Italy of studehts who voted for elim­ Self-Sustaining and keen rivalry between the two the 15 residence halls. But his job Over-all fraternity av. 1.447 but this aim did not preclude ex­ inated candidates are used to make colleges in all sports. is not entirely cut and dried, nor Any residence hall operation Men’s average 1.537 tensive sightseeing in Scandinavia, the final choice. We hope that you will think on does he accept it as such. must sustain itself entirely if it is Western Europe, Great Britain and This system was used for the this subject because it is not one In fact, his pronounced interest to continue to prosper, which North Africa. first time in the spring general to be taken lightly. We hope you in the smooth sailing of the resi- means that salaries, food and Progressive Modernization elections and is reported by the Band Needs Members; will see* it as it is intended and dence halls was spotlighted just maintenance must all come out of “ The most obvious contrast be­ election committee to have greatly try not to have it serve as a chal recently when the water pipes the students’ room-and-board fee. tween the Europe of today and the simplified the election procedure. broke in Oak Hall. Water, water One day, if the residence halls are Brendle Tells Plans lenge to beat the ruling. Any tstu Europe of 1931 is, broadly speak­ everywhere, and where was Mr. the success that they are expected The Gaucho Band hits the half­ dent who has real reason to be on ing, progressive modernization,” Harbeson? As you would expect, to be, SBC will have more living time turf in its official 1954 debut the opposing campus during the stated Dr. Adams. His lecture will he was there with pantslegs rolled accommodations on campus than at the Cal Poly Mustang game the week before the game should clear stress the social and cultural Active Speech Dept. up, diligently heading the “ mop- any of the other six schools in the night of Oct. 8. However, accord­ his plans with the College author! changes which have taken place up” operation and restoring calm. University of California chain. ing to Student Director Hal Bren­ ties. ' since his student days in Berlin. Plans Four Big Plays The planned activities for this SBC Alumnus The outstanding contribution of dle, the band is a little short of These changes, which are gradual If you want to be a star of first home game will be announced A native Californian, Mr. Har­ the system Harbeson sums up in personnel. in normal times, have been greatly stage, screen and radio, this is the in a later issue of El Gaucho, but beson graduated from SBC in 1948 these words: “ Residence halls are “Many of the students be­ accelerated by the most destruc­ year to do it.
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