Allegheny County Sportsmen’s League Legislative Committee Report July 2008 Issue 165 ALLEGHENY COUNTY SPORTSMEN LEAGUE ON THE INTERNET Contacts : Legislative Committee Chairman , Kim Stolfer (412.221.3346) -
[email protected] Legislative Committee Vice-Chairman, Mike Christeson -
[email protected] through years of deceit and political demagoguery— DC/Heller Ruling Leaves Nation the erosion of this important civil right." Scalia's majority opinion brought to an end decades of Polarized dispute over the meaning of the Second Amendment. by Dave Workman, Senior Editor In the beginning, it was the Supreme Court's 5-4 The high court ruled that the amendment "protects an ideological split that defined the Second Amendment individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with as protective of an individual right to keep and bear service in a militia, and to use that arm for arms regardless of affiliation with a militia. traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense But the historic ruling, written by Justice Antonin within the home." Scalia, quickly divided a nation, and in the aftermath The opinion, supported by Chief Justice John Roberts there did not seem to be much middle ground. The and Associate Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel evidence was clear, in the hysteria-steeped reaction by Alito and Anthony M. Kennedy, left the door open to anti-gunners including Washington, DC, Mayor regulation of the right, noting that "like most rights, Adrian Fenty, California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, and the Second Amendment right