6190 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE April 25, 2001 Davis (FL) Kildee Pelosi A NEW CHINA POLICY only after many months we returned Davis (IL) Kilpatrick Peterson (MN) the plane to Russia, in crates. DeFazio Kind (WI) Phelps The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a DeGette Kleczka Pomeroy previous order of the House, the gen- Although there is no doubt that we Delahunt Kucinich Price (NC) tleman from (Mr. PAUL) is recog- technically have legal grounds for DeLauro LaFalce Rahall making these flights, the question real- Deutsch Lampson nized for 5 minutes. Rangel ly is whether or not it is wise to do so Dicks Langevin Reyes Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, President Dingell Lantos Rivers Bush deserves much credit for the han- or necessary for our national security. Doggett Larsen (WA) Rodriguez dling of the spy plane crisis. However, Actually, a strong case can be made Dooley Larson (CT) Ross Doyle Lee he has received significant criticism that our national security is more Rothman from some of his own political sup- threatened by our patrolling the Chi- Dreier Levin Rush Edwards Lewis (GA) Sabo porters for saying he was very sorry for nese coast than if we avoided such Engel Lipinski Sanders the incident. This seems a very small flights altogether. Eshoo Lofgren Sawyer Evans Lowey price to pay for the safe return of 24 After a half century, it is time to re- Schakowsky Farr Luther American military personnel. assess the need for such flights. Sat- Schiff Fattah Maloney (NY) Scott Trade with China, though, should be ellite technology today gives us the Filner Markey Serrano credited with helping to resolve this Ford Mascara ability to watch and to listen to almost Frank Matheson Shaw crisis. President Bush in the diplo- everyone on Earth. If there is a precise Frost Matsui Slaughter matic handling of this event avoided need for this type of surveillance for Gephardt McCarthy (MO) Smith (WA) overly strong language and military Snyder the benefit of Taiwan, then the Tai- Gillmor McCollum threats which would have done nothing Gonzalez McDermott Solis wanese ought to be involved in this ac- Hastings (FL) McGovern Spratt to save the lives of these 24 Americans. tivity, not American military per- Hill McKinney Stark This confrontation, however, pro- sonnel. Hilliard McNulty Stenholm vides an excellent opportunity for us to Strickland Hinchey Meehan reevaluate our policy toward China and b 1330 Hinojosa Meek (FL) Stupak Hoeffel Meeks (NY) Tanner other nations. Although trade with We should not feel so insecure that Holden Menendez Tauscher China for economic reasons encourages we need to threaten and intimidate Holt Millender- Thomas both America and China to work for a Thompson (CA) other countries in order to achieve Honda McDonald resolution of the spy plane crisis, our Hooley Miller, George Thompson (MS) some vague psychological reassurance Hostettler Mink Thurman trading status with China should be re- that we are still the top military power Houghton Mollohan Tierney considered. in the world. This is unnecessary and Hoyer Moore Towns Mr. Speaker, what today is called may well represent a weakness rather Hyde Morella Turner ‘‘free trade’’ is not exactly that. Al- Inslee Murtha Udall (CO) than a strength. Israel Nadler Udall (NM) though we engage in trade with China, The Taiwanese Relations Act essen- Jackson (IL) Napolitano Vela´ zquez it is subsidized to the tune of many bil- tially promises that we will defend Tai- Jackson-Lee Neal Visclosky lions of dollars through the Export-Im- (TX) Oberstar Waters wan at all costs and should be reevalu- Jefferson Obey Watt (NC) port Bank, the most of any country in ated. Morally and constitutionally a Johnson (CT) Olver Waxman the world. treaty cannot be used to commit us to Johnson, E. B. Ortiz Weiner We also have been careless over the war at some future date. One genera- Jones (OH) Owens Wexler last several years in allowing our mili- tion cannot declare war for another. Kanjorski Pascrell Woolsey tary secrets to find their way into the Kaptur Pastor Wu Making an open-ended commitment to Kennedy (RI) Payne Wynn hands of the Chinese government. At go to war, promising troops, money the same time we subsidize trade with NOT VOTING—11 and weapons is not permitted by the China, including sensitive military Constitution. Capps McHugh Smith (TX) technology, we also build up the Tai- Cooksey Moakley Vitter It is clear that war can be declared Gutierrez Moran (VA) Watts (OK) wanese military, while continuing to only by a Congress currently in office. Hall (OH) Roybal-Allard patrol the Chinese border with our spy Declaring war cannot be circumvented planes. It is a risky, inconsistent pol- b 1322 by a treaty or agreement committing icy. us towards some future date. If a pre- Messrs. FORD of , The question we must ask ourselves CUMMINGS, TURNER, ACKERMAN, is how would we react if we had Chi- vious treaty can commit future genera- and THOMAS changed their vote from nese airplanes flying up and down our tions to war, the House of Representa- ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ coast and occupying the air space of tives, the body closest to the people, Messrs. PORTMAN, BARTLETT of the Gulf of Mexico? We must realize would never have a say in the most im- Maryland, and MCKEON changed their that China is a long way from the U.S. portant issue of declaring war. vote from ‘‘nay’’ to yea.’’ and is not capable nor is showing any We must continue to believe and be So, two-thirds not having voted in confident that trading with China is favor thereof, the joint resolution was signs of launching an attack on any sovereign territory of the United beneficial to America. Trade between not passed. Taiwan and China already exists and The result of the vote was announced States. Throughout all of China’s his- tory, she has never pursued military should be encouraged. It is a fact that as above recorded. trade did help to resolve this current A motion to reconsider was laid on adventurism far from her own borders. conflict without a military confronta- the table. That is something that we cannot say tion. Mr. WATTS of Oklahoma. Mr. Speaker, I about our own policy. China tradition- Concern about our negative trade was unavoidably detained and missed the ally has only fought for secure borders, balance with the Chinese is irrelevant. vote on final passage of H.J. Res. 41, the Tax predominantly with India, Russia, Limitation Constitutional Amendment (recorded Japan, and in Korea against the United Balance of payments are always in bal- vote No. 87). If I had not been detained, I States, and that was only when our ance. For every dollar we spend in would have voted ‘‘aye’’ on this important bill. troops approached the Yalu River. China, those dollars must come back to America. Maybe not buying American f It should not go unnoticed that there was no vocal support from any of our goods as some would like, but they do SPECIAL ORDERS allies for our spy missions along the come back as they serve to finance our The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Chinese coast. None of our allies both- current account deficit. SHAYS). Under the Speaker’s an- ered to condemn the action of the Chi- Free trade, it should be argued, is nounced policy of January 3, 2001, and nese military aircraft, although it beneficial even when done unilaterally, under a previous order of the House, technically was cause of the accident. providing a benefit to our consumers. the following Members will be recog- Do not forget that when a Russian But we should take this opportunity to nized for 5 minutes each. aircraft landed in Japan in 1976, it was point out clearly and forcefully the

VerDate jul 14 2003 10:21 Feb 21, 2005 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR01\H25AP1.000 H25AP1 April 25, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 6191 foolishness of providing subsidies to moval of those missiles. It could be argued policy ought to be spelled out and submitted the Chinese through such vehicles as that the fact that our missiles were in Turkey to the American people for approval. the Export-Import Bank. We should be and pointed at the Soviets was more of a First, some people irately took issue with my calling the airplane a ‘‘spy plane.’’ It is adamantly opposed to sending military threat to our national security because that not, they stoutly contend, because it is technology to such a nation or to any motivated the Soviets to put their missiles in overtly intercepting electronic signals. nation, for that matter. Cuba. It would do no harm to our national se- Let’s suppose a clearly marked police van It is interesting to note that recent curity for us to quietly, in time, stop the poten- parked on the public street in front of your reports reveal that missiles coming tially dangerous and unnecessary spy mis- house. Let’s suppose the officers began to from Israel and financed by American sions that we have pursued for over 50 years intercept your telephone calls, whatever in- foreign aid were seen on the fighter along the Chinese border. formation appeared on your computer screen plane that caused the collision. It James Bamford recently wrote in The New and even your verbal conversations. Now, York Times of an episode that occurred in would you feel spied upon or would you say, should be equally clear that arming the ‘‘Hey, that’s only electronic intercepts, and enemies of our trading partners does 1956 when Eisenhower was president. On a they are operating openly on a public not make a whole lot of sense either. similar spy mission off the Chinese coast the street.’’ For American taxpayers to continue to Chinese Air Force shot down one of our Then there is the more logical argument finance the weaponry of Taiwan and to planes, killing 16 American crewmen. In com- that we need to spy on the Chinese in case maintain an open commitment to send menting on the incident President Eisenhower we have to fight them. My point exactly. troops if the border dispute between said, ‘‘We seem to be conducting something Why do we have to fight them? We certainly should not fight them over Taiwan and China erupts into violence that we cannot control very well. If planes were flying 20 to 50 miles from our shores we Taiwan. Our own beloved uni- is foolhardy and risky. laterally abrogated the mutual-defense trea- Don’t forget that President Eisenhower once would be very likely to shoot them down if ty. Our own tough anti-Communist Richard warned that there always seems to be a need they came in closer, whether through error or Nixon publicly agreed that Taiwan is part of for a ‘‘monster to slay’’ in order to keep the not.’’ China and, therefore, falls under the cat- military industries busy and profitable. To con- We have been pursuing these missions egory of China’s internal affairs. What’s to tinue the weapons buildup, something we are near China for over 50 years. It’s time to re- fight about? always engaged in around the world, requires consider the wisdom and the necessity of If Taiwan declares its independence, I such missions, especially since we are now would expect Chinese leaders would emulate excuses for such expenditures—some of and use force to prevent it. these are planned, some contrived, and some engaged in trade with this nation. Bellicose and jingoistic demands for retalia- For all my little old Southern life, I’ve heard accidental. Yankees say Lincoln was right. What’s good When we follow only a military approach tion and retribution are dangerous, and indeed for Honest Abe is good for Honest Jiang, without trading in our dealings with foreign na- are a greater threat to our national security right? tions, and in particular with China, we end up than relying on satellite technology for gath- Then there is the argument that we must at war, such as we did in the Korean War. ering the information that we might need. A not lose our position as a ‘‘Pacific power.’’ Today, we are following a policy where we policy of peaceful, non-subsidized trade with Geographically, since we granted independ- China would go a long way to promoting ence to the Philippines, we are not a Pacific have less military confrontation with the Chi- power. nese and more trade, so relations are much friendly and secure relations with the Chinese people. By not building up the military arsenal I see no reason why we should wish to be a better. A crisis like we have just gone through Pacific power in a military sense. What’s to of the Taiwanese, Taiwan will be forced to is more likely to be peacefully resolved to the be gained? pursue their trade policies and investments benefit of both sides. But what we need is The two natural Pacific powers are Japan with China, leading to the day where the con- even less military involvement, with no military and China. flict between these two powers can be re- The funniest response has been alarm technology going to China and no military solved peacefully. about China’s ‘‘military buildup.’’ I would weapons going to Taiwan. We have a precise Today, it looks like there’s a much better say that if China did not engage in a mili- interest in increasing true free trade; that is, chance of North and South Korea getting to- tary buildup after watching the United trade that is not subsidized nor managed by gether and solving their dispute than was the States go bomb and missile crazy during the past 20 years that it would be derelict in its some world government organization like the case in the 1950s, when we sent hundreds of WTO. Maintaining peace would then be much duty. But let’s keep this in perspective. The thousands of troops and millions of bombs to Chinese have about 20 ICBMs; we have hun- easier. resolve the conflict—which was unsuccessful. We cannot deny that China still has many dreds. Their defense expenditures are some- We should have more confidence that where around $50 billion; ours, in excess of internal moral, economic and political prob- peaceful trade is a much stronger weapon $268 billion. lems that should be resolved. But so do we. than all the military force that we can provide. Furthermore, Chinese strategy, as dis- Their internal problems are their own. We can- That same argument can be made for our cussed in their own military journals, is to not impose our views on them in dealing with dealings with Vietnam today. We did not win develop the ability to defeat us in their im- these issues, but we should be confident with weapons of war in the 1960s, yet we are mediate vicinity. That means clearly that if we keep our nose out of their affairs, no mili- enough that engaging in free trade with them now much more engaged in a peaceful trade and setting a good example are the best ways tary clashes are likely to occur. with the people of Vietnam. Our willingness Civilians, too, need to be reminded that for us to influence them in coming to grips over the past hundred years to resort to weap- military forces are about making war. We with their problems. We have enough of our ons to impose our will on others has generally should never have changed from the honest own imperfections in this country in dealing caused a resentment of America rather than name, War Department, to the Newspeak with civil liberties, and we ought not to pretend respect. name, Defense Department. Armed forces are that we are saintly enough to impose our will It is now time to reassess our entire foreign either fighting wars, training to fight wars on others in dealing with their problems. policy of military worldwide intervention. Stay- or planning to fight wars. That’s what they Needless to say we don’t have the legal au- ing neutral in world conflicts while showing a do. thority to do so either. It’s also what the military forces of every willingness to trade with all nations anxious to other country do. Just because a country’s During the Cuban missile crisis a resolution trade with us will do more to serve the cause military makes contingency plans to fight was achieved under very dangerous cir- of world peace than all the unnecessary and some other country doesn’t mean that they cumstances. Quietly, President Kennedy had provocative spy missions we pursue around intend to initiate a war. agreed to remove the missiles from Turkey the globe. Unfortunately America is full of jingoists, that we pointed at the Soviets, making the I recommend the following article by Or- usually pot-bellied gray-hairs or 4–F journal- point that American missiles on the Soviet bor- lando Sentinel columnist Charley Reese for its ists and policy wonks. They are always eager ders was not unlike the Soviets missiles on sober analysis of the recent events of China. for the teens and twentysomethings to go somewhere and get killed or maimed. In the American borders. A few months later, [From the Orlando Sentinel, April 22, 2001] most cases, within five years of their youth- quietly, the United States removed these mis- SO YOU WANT TO GO TO WAR WITH CHINA? ful deaths, nobody can remember why they siles, and no one suffered. The Cold War was (By Charley Reese) had to get killed. eventually won by the United States, but our I’ve been intrigued by the responses to a Korea ended up divided exactly the same national security was not threatened by the re- column I wrote suggesting that our China way after the war as before the war. Vietnam

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became communist, which it could have be- I did a town hall meeting this past tleman from Mississippi (Mr. SHOWS) is come without 57,000 Americans dying in it. week in Hot Springs, Arkansas, one of recognized for 5 minutes. We went to war presumably to preserve the the more affluent counties and cities in Mr. SHOWS. Mr. Speaker, I rise oil contracts with Kuwait Inc., and now my district. We had more than 100 sen- today to remind my colleagues that Americans are driving around with gasoline refined from Iraqi oil. iors at that meeting that I conducted the month of April is Child Abuse Pre- As for you ‘‘love-it-or-leave-it’’ block- in conjunction with the National Com- vention Month. I have been heartened heads, you leave it and go fight instead of mittee to Preserve Social Security and to see so many of my colleagues in sending someone else if you are such grand Medicare. At that meeting, we said, Congress and members of my commu- warriors. What I love are the people and the raise your hand if you have medicine nity in Mississippi wear the blue rib- land, not the government. coverage. Less than 10 hands went up bons. This simple act has solidified The lives of a nation’s youth are its most in that room. support and raised attention across the precious treasure, and I’m damned if I will This is America, and I believe we can United States to our national concern stay silent while armchair generals propose do better than that by our seniors, and to risk that treasure in some stupid, igno- of child abuse. I am proud to join this rant, corrupt or unnecessary war. that is why I will continue to fight to effort. truly modernize Medicare to include f Today I would like to commend the medicine, just like we include doctors’ Southwest Mississippi Children’s Advo- HEALTH CARE REFORM visits and hospital visits. It should be cacy Center located in McComb, Mis- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a voluntary, but guaranteed, and it sissippi for its fine efforts towards as- previous order of the House, the gen- should be a part of Medicare. sisting children and families victimized tleman from Arkansas (Mr. ROSS) is That is why the first bill I introduced by abuse. This private, nonprofit cen- recognized for 5 minutes. as a Member of the United States Con- ter was just opened this past January Mr. ROSS. Mr. Speaker, there is a lot gress was a bill that basically tells the under the excellent leadership of Direc- of partisan bickering that goes on in politicians in Washington to keep their tor Ben Hess, offers a comprehensive Washington these days. Unfortunately, hands off the Social Security and Medi- program of services, working in con- our constituents are often caught in care Trust Funds. It is the Social Secu- junction with law enforcement, the between us, between the Democrats rity and Medicare Off-Budget Lockbox court system, schools, hospitals and and the Republicans. They are literally Act of 2001, H.R. 560. parents. This center is a model for the Also, during the district work period, caught in the ropes, strangled by our coordination of available community I visited a Christian charitable medical inability, especially on health care. services. clinic in my district, again in Hot An issue as important as quality, af- One of the cruelest realities of child Springs, one of the more affluent cities fordable and accessible health care is abuse is that children often feel vic- and counties in my district. At that fa- not and should not be a political game timized again in their experience with cility, they literally spend millions of played by the Democrats or the Repub- the criminal justice system. The dollars with over 500 volunteers equal- licans. It ought to be about what is Southwest Mississippi Children’s Advo- ing millions of dollars in providing best for the American people, the peo- cacy Center assists in minimizing the care for those who fall through the ple who have placed their trust and cracks. They only see those who live chaos of this experience by centralizing confidence in us. below poverty. That is all they see, many necessary services at their cen- Over these past 19 days, I have par- ter. Children may now have their ini- ticipated in more than 60 events in my people who live below poverty and yet do not qualify for Medicaid or any of tial interview, court school prepara- district, as many of my colleagues did the other programs. By and large, we tion, referral for medical services and during the district work period. All are talking about the working unin- therapy services all in the confines of across Arkansas’ Fourth District, my sured, people that are trying to do the this cheerfully decorated, child-friend- constituents told me about the health right thing, people that are trying to ly center. care crisis they face each and every stay off welfare, but they are working The Southwest Mississippi Children’s day in their lives. the jobs that have no benefits. Advocacy Center is also proactive in A health care issue about which I Mr. Speaker, I relish the opportunity implementing preventive programming care deeply is providing a voluntary, to fight against the unfair inequities in the 14 counties they serve. Its staff but guaranteed prescription drug ben- that have created an enormous unin- regularly visits elementary schools to efit as a part of Medicare. I believe it is sured population and fight against the teach children how to be better advo- time to modernize Medicare to include big drug companies who continue to cates for themselves through classes medicine. Medicare is the only health price Americans out of the market. It teaching communication skills, body insurance plan in America that I know is wrong for the big drug manufactur- safety, positive assertiveness and self- of that does not include medicine, yet ers to invent drugs in America, often- esteem. In addition, its positive par- it is the plan that nearly every single times with government-subsidized re- enting classes give parents the oppor- senior citizen in America relies on day search. They are invented in America, tunity to learn effective ways to con- in and day out to stay healthy and to they are made in America, and then trol anger and handle conflict. get well. they send them to Canada and Mexico The anger and sadness we all feel to- Mr. Speaker, I own a pharmacy in a and sell them for 10 cents on the dollar. wards the insidious epidemic of child small town in south Arkansas, and liv- That is wrong. That is why I am proud abuse has motivated the Southwest ing in a small town and working with to be cosponsoring legislation that Mississippi Children’s Advocacy Center seniors there, I know firsthand how tells the big drug manufacturers that into action. I am extremely proud to seniors end up in the hospital running whatever the average price that they have such a fine center in our district, up a $10,000 Medicare bill, or how dia- sell to other countries is, they have to and I call on all of my colleagues to betics eventually lose a leg or require provide that price to our seniors back rise with me in recognition of its out- perhaps as much as a half a million in America, one of many first small standing advocacy for children. dollars in Medicare payments for kid- steps that we must take to finally have f ney dialysis. All of these instances are a voluntary guaranteed Medicare pre- A TRIBUTE TO RICHARD AUSTIN real-life examples that I have seen in scription drug package for every single my hometown in the small pharmacy senior citizen in America. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a that I own back there that I used to previous order of the House, the gen- f work at. Every one of these could have tleman from Michigan (Mr. KILDEE) is been avoided if people had simply been APRIL IS CHILD ABUSE recognized for 5 minutes. able to afford their medicine or if they PREVENTION MONTH Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to had been able to afford to take it prop- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a pay tribute to a pioneer in Michigan politics, erly. previous order of the House, the gen- Richard Austin.

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