Costumes looked great today! We really appreciate everyone's hard work and creativity! Please reference the notes below and make adjustments as needed. If your name is not listed, please continue wearing the same costume. EVERYONE - Arrive to camp in FULL costume (including white socks and black or white shoelaces) on Thursday for our dress rehearsal! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Brittny at
[email protected] First Last Team Color Specific Note: Sofia Vasquez BLUE Please bring Khaki bottoms Kennedy Wiehle BLUE Please tuck/tie up/etc your shirt Jada Andre GREEN Please bring Khaki bottoms and black shoes Emily Ogden GREEN Please switch your black belt for a brown one Emma Livingston AQUAMARINE Please bring shorts or white leggings for under skirt Charolette Bonell AQUAMARINE Please bring and wear your black shoes Jayden Castle AQUAMARINE Please remove bracelets Maureigh Cantu AQUAMARINE Please bring Khaki bottoms and lose cardigan ZHENGSHI(Jerry) XIE AQUAMARINE Please bring khaki bottoms Noah Wilson AQUAMARINE Please bring your khaki pants and black shoes Ana Sofia Jimenez Quiroga YELLOW Please bring black shoes and remove jacket Alonna Neyhart YELLOW Please bring black or white shoe laces Yaset Soto YELLOW Please use the white cardigan Liam Caulfield YELLOW Please bring black shoes Grace Salvaggio LILAC Please bring white socks. Sabella Carr LILAC Please bring khaki bottoms. Alexa Onorato LILAC Please bring black shoes that fit you well Rachel Stephens LILAC Please bring black laces. Josh Wilson LILAC Please do not wear blue beenie Asia Spurell ORANGE Please bring white socks and black or white laces Nicola Renegar ORANGE Please bring black shoes and remove your watch Maddox Martin ORANGE Please bring white socks Abigail Jones PURPLE Please bring black shoes w/ black or white laces Francesca Fontanesi PURPLE Please bring khaki pants and black shoes.