Phytomelanin: Development and Role in Itybrid Resistance to Homoeosoma Ele Ctell{Iii Larvae (Lepidoptera\:Pyrallidae)
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PHYTOMELANIN: DEVELOPMENT AND ROLE IN ITYBRID RESISTANCE TO HOMOEOSOMA ELE CTELL{III LARVAE (LEPIDOPTERA\:PYRALLIDAE). C.E. ROGERST, R.E STAFFORDT, and G.L. KREITNER2 1 USDA Conservaton and Production Research Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, P.O. Drawer 10, Bushland, Texas, U.S.4.79012. 2 Deparhnent of Agronomy, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, U.S.A. 66506. ABSTRACT phytomelanin was studied by collectng achenes from Thcre was a highly signilicant negative correlation (r = aqjacent heads within a line segregating for the characteristic. - 0.93) between achene iqiury by lawae of Homoeosorna Three achenes were collected from the heads dailv from dav 0 electellam (Hulst) and the pnesence of phytomelanin in though 18 post-fertilization, and at 3-day intervâls thereafter pericarps during 4 years of field tests. Ph5rtomelanin through day 29 post-fertilization. As achenes were collected. becomes evident microscopically as early as 3 days after they were cut into quarters and placed in either 907o ethanol achene fertilization in genotypes expressing the charac- or glutaraldehyde, wtere they remained until further pro- teristic. The phytomelanin layer develops as a metabolic cessing. Fixed pericarps of each age grouping were precipitaæ from the catabolism of hypodermal cells, and subsequently processed, embedded in plaitic, secùoned, and has a syneqgistic effect on early lignilication and hardening examined microscopically for phytomelanin development and of sclerenchyma cell walls. Young larvae of H. elecællum other morphological differences. showed a signilicantly greater feeding prefetence for RHA The resistance of pericarps containing phytomelanin to 26,6 pericarps lacking phSomelanin than for RHA 265 penetraton was determined in the greenhouse-by a penetre pericarps having phytomelanin in both no-choice and free- meter. Immature achenes were collècted 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 choice whole-achene feeding trials in the laboratory. days afær fertilization, and the force required to penetrate the Young larvae feeding on ground pericarps of RHS 265 and pericarp in the crown and equator arèas was- determined. RHA 266 incorporated in a wheat-germ diet experienced a Penetrometer readings were obtained for frve achenes from significantly higher mortality when feeding on the RHA five different plan-ts êt e€ch age for about l(X) lines segregating 265 diet Among rcleased hybrid variet5r parental lines, tle for the characteristic. Data were subjected to an anâly-sis oT pericarp of 39Vo of the RHA's and 97Vo of the cmsHA's variance a$ s,igryficpurtly different means were separa-ted by have phytomelanin. Duncan's Multiple Ranee TesL . .Iaboratory liioassayi The effect of phytomelanin on injury to immature achenes- by larvae of H, electellun was INTRODUCTION studied by Yo bioassay techniques. In the first study, A phytomelanin (armored) layer develops between the immature achenes were collected from RHA 265 (a hypodermis and sclerenchyrna in the pericarp of some phytomelanin line) and RHA 266 (a line lackingphytomelaniù) genotypes of cultivated sunflower, Helianthus annuus L. at 2 to 3 day inærvals through 9 days posrtertiiization ané (E.D. PutÇ 1944). Although the layer has been described as stored in a freezer for subsequent feeding trials. Feeding trials carboniferons, resinous, and amorphous (Sarkany, 1947; wele^accomplished by placing whole achenes of desiréd age Kiewnick, 19641' and Putt, 1944), its chemical nature has not in 28 ml cups containing five newly hatched H. electellum been defined nor h4ve the physiological processes contributing larvae. In free-choice feeding trials, three achenes each of to its development been clarified. RHA 265 and RHA 266 were placed in each of five cups. In The phytomelanin layer is pliable and soft in the pericarp of 4qcholce feeding tials, only achenes of either RHA 2-65 or immature achenes, but becomes rigid, dense, and hard in the RHA 266 were placed in a respective cup. On each of five pericarp of mature achenes (Kiewnick, 1964). The usefulness consecutive days the achenes were removed from the cups of the phytomelanin layer in protecting sunflower achenes and e-valuatgd fo-r pericarp injury and larval growth (-or from injury by larvae of Homoeosoma nebulella (Hubner) in mortality). Three fresh achenes of each RHA line were put in Europe is well documented (Shapiro, 1975). However, the the cups each day as the old ones were removed. Each impact of phytomelanin in protecting achenes of hybrid combinaton of achene genotype versus age was replicated varieties from injury by larvae of Homoeosoma electellum five times. (Hulst) in North America is negligible, and its a role as _ The,second bioassay consisted offeeding newly hatchedl{ useful resistance mechanism is largely discounted (Kinman, e-le,c,tellum on different-aged pericarps of RIIA 265 and RHA 1964). Recent investigations have indicated that we need to 266 ground to a 6Gmeih powdei incorporated in a wheat re-examine the potential role of phytomelanin as a useful tool geryr dief Pericarp mash of a desired agè and concentration reducing economic losses caused larvae in by of 1{ in the wheat germ diet ',ras poured ca. 5 ml per each of 25 electellum in North America (Rogers, 1980). one-dram vials. Each vial was infested with two newlv hatched larvae, the weaker of which was removed thê following day. Detailed records were kept on larval MAf,ERIALS AND METHODS development and mortality, and on pupal weight and Field Trials - Several sunllower lines were planted in mo4aqty. Data from both bioassays were subjecæd to an ryplicated, randomized blocks at Bushland, Texas, each year analysis of variance test" and significantly diffêrent means from 1976 to 1980. Plantings were made in laæ April to were separated by the Duncan's Multiple Ranse Test assure-that flowering closely coincided with the seasonal peak Parental Lines Achenes of male and femâe parental of sunllower moth flight and ovi-positional activities. Fifûeen lines for-currently -used hybrid varieties were analfzed for plants from each of the 7.5 m rows were tagged and numbered phytomelanin. The occurrence of phytomelanin wàs deter- to facilitate subsequent collection and summation of data. mined by visual examination of' immature achenes, by Detailed records were kept on flowering date, anthocyanin scraping away the epidermis of mature achenes, and by pigmentation ofthe pericarp and inflorescence, frassiness ofthe soaking mature achenes in a solution of potassium dichromate- inflorescence, the presence of phytomelanin, and sclerenchyma sulfuric acid (Carlson et al., 1972). Five achenes from each and thickness. Data from each ofthe parameters were subjected line were tested by the various methods, and recorded as to regression analyses to determine their correlation with having no, partial, or complete phytomelanization of the achene injury by H. electellum. The correlation of larval pencarp. injury with the parameters was accomplished by pairing arhenes of plants within entries having coincident flowering dates across years. RESUTTS AND DISCUSSION Phytomelanin Development - The development of Field Trials - Parameters possibly affecting injury by larvae 138 H. electellum were assessed ftorn 274 paired samples of tion, resulting in cells that are impacted and disarranged. of -cells pericarps phytomelanin are à"t.n"t from heads with coincident flowering dates within Hvriodermal in lacking Achenes having lorv injury ratings were paired with reidtively larger, thin-walte{ fod neaty arranged in defined ènri.t. pericarps of àô having a highér injury ràting There^w^as a highly columns. ruiq-ttre sclerenchymal cell walls in much earlier,. and ( l6level) negative correlation (r : 0.9 3.)-between achenes having phytomelanh ligrrify significant pericarps lacking phyte oeircent iniired achénes and percent pericarps with phyto- become thickei tliari cell walls in ilelanin. fhe correlation of aôhene injury by H. electellum melanin. layers. of iarvae with other parameters studied was not statistically Microscopic examinations suggest that inner cell contents which at the 5% level. For example, percent frassiness of the hvpoderinis disintegrate and discharge cell iisniflt"-t hypo' ttie inflo.escence, anthocyanin pigmentation, and sclerer preci-pitaæ into the inter-cellular spaces between the cÈv-J tttictness-had r vâues ôf-0.55' -o.47, and 0.40, âermÎs and sclerenchyma in the pericarps of genotypes reipectivelv. Hence, it appears that genotypes having formins the phvomeÉnin laver. Sarkany (1947) proposed ohvtomelaiin in the perièarp suffered significantly less ttrat cdfootrydraiæs of hypoderinal cell walls become lVdraæg à"Éene iniurv bv H. èlectellum during the 4 years than bv increaseô cellular mètabolism ofthe "cell layer underneath Phytomelanin genotypes laikin! phytomelanin in ttre peqca!?' The presence tlie epidermis" to form the -ofphytomelanin layer. its layer 6f ptryiometaninln the pericarp had no.sigrificant effects on has no ohvsical structure its owru and assumes eitheioercent oil in the àchenes or on sclerenchyma thickness momhol'oiy as it fills intercellular spaces between the In many cases, achenes having phytomelanin hvooderni-s and sclerenchyma and hardens. in the'pericam. -îhe the the'pericaip had a higher per.cgnt oil-than achenes iuxtaposition of cômpacted hypodermal cells, in fagking walls result ohvtomelanin in the peiicarp. Also, sclerenchyma thickness ptrvtométaniri-sienificantlv layer, and denser sclerench5rma cell pericarps when phyto- àvéraeed 239.43tt fôr